
Midnight love

it was a cool summer night the breeze gently hitting the back of my bare neck just then he slid his hand down my back and whisped in his cool,bad boy tone'Angel,I''ve Missed You', a big grin slid across my face and i slowly turned around and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and touched his lips softly againest mine moving them slowly to the beat of my heart when i pulled away and looked down when he touched my chin sending shivers down my spine and Said'Angel dont worry i'll always come back for you',just then he deep, midnight black wings appered from behind him telling me it time for him to go so i pulled his cotten grey t-shirt which showed he toned body off and i whisper so softly in his ear 'please come back i cant stand it here alone anymore without you he..' but before i could finshed my sentence i was falling and he called 'LAUREN!!' out loud i was falling and he jumped in lighting movement to catch me but his hand slipped and i was falling into the depths of the darkness....
i woke up gasping ive been having this dream since a year ago when i had the accident but lately the dream has been getting more and more real like once when i woke from the aganising dream i had black long silk to the touch feathers in my hand but soon as i blinked they were gone i just thought my mind was playing tricks i never thought that this dream was more then a dream it was my futuere.

Chapter 1

i breathed sighing at the back of the room i was 15 year old girl trapped at the back of the classroom just then i heard 'Lauren Your Here!!' without looking i knew it was my best friend lucas we've been close since i stated this school 2 years ago, he had tight,wavy,short blond hair which always made me smile his deep blue eyes and his smooth lined lips, he was a very tall lad he was 6ft.2 he always over towed me as im only 5ft.1 but he would always laugh and call me his little lollypop which always made me blush, he walked over in his chilled out walk he always had this effect on people he could make anyone smile just by smileing himself he walked over and sat right next to me and Said in his soft, velet like voice'So how my little lollypop today?, stil on for the beach at the weekend?' i smiled and closed my eyes and Said softly to him'Aye im fine just had that dream again and of course im still on for the beach been looking forward to it all week!' you see it was my 16th birthday at the weekend and lucas wanted to make a big day out of it; most people would acually ask if he was my boyfriend he would smile and blush and say'were just very close',you see he did ask me out but i told him of this trouble i've had with my last boyfriend i would prefer to be best friends and since that day we have been stuck to each other he would stay at my mine in the spare bedroom sometimes and we would stay up all night long talking,just then he Said'great!! im looking forward to making this the best birthday ever for my little lollypop' with a big grin on his face, but just as he was about to say something a tall boy with brown almost golden hair walked in, he was tall slim built and had golden eyes as soon as i looked at him he caught my gaze and smile then turned around the walk to the teacher.
mr walker was a great teacher he was how would you say creative, he walked over to me and lucas with the new boy behind him and Said 'lauren this is daniel he is new here i was wondering if it okay if he can sit next to you' that when i heard lucas sigh and kissed my forehead and Said'gonna miss ya lollypop' i smiled and Said 'meet me outside later' that when daniel sat down next to me and all the girls in the room sighed seeing the new bad boy heart throb sit next to me, little lauren the special one.
He smiled and Said in this deep voice that made me melt just talking to him 'so he is your boyfriend then?' i Said looking shocked 'no me and lucas are just best friends, anyway that abit nosey we have only just met and your asking such things that are personal', he grined and Said 'well i want to know everything about you and strocked my cheek just then a vision shoot through my mind,the feeling of his skin agaiest mine ive felt that before but where have i felt it before then i heard daniel saying'lauren,laureennnnn' but before i could say anything he Said something that would shock me'Angel are you okay'.
i sat there looking at him then i forced out this little sound saying'did you just call me angel' he bit his lip and Said' well it just you look like a angel' as soon as he Said that i was blushing and smiling and he Said' so lets get to know each other,angel' smiling i Said'well my name is lauren watts im from hull im 15 nearly 16'but just as i was about to say what i liked he Said'You love indie/emo bands you love the colour purple you prefer penguins out of the animals in the world' makeing him laugh to himself alittle bit ' i Said stuttering' h...howw did you know that' smileing he tocuhed my hand and Said' i can tell just by looking into your eyes' just then the bell went and i Said 'wait! didnt get anything about you and he smiled and grabbed my hand and wrote his number on my hand and Said' call me tonight, promise?' i Said okay i promise to call you and he hugged me and ran out the room, i walked out to lucas who swung his arms around me and picked me off the ground and Said 'lollypop, ive missed you..' but then daniel shouted 'angel' and waved at me and i blushed and waved back lucas sed' so what with the whole angel thing?' i sed calming'dunno, he just came out with it apparently i look like an angel' and lucas did his smile that made me weak in the knees and sed 'well your more like a godess'.

chapter 2

i got home and sat down in the big empty house, my mam and step dad where away on work and werent back until 2 weeks and my little bro and sis where in hull with my step nanna, so i sat in the house when i got up and walked into my room and tied my hair back showing the black long hair beneath my red hair and then i slip into my pjs just when i caught a glimsp at my hand and saw the number so i sat on the side in the kitchen and dialled the number hoping he wunt answear but he did his soft voice sed'Hello, who is it' i sed nothing but then he sed'Angel is that you' so i sed'yeah it me, just wondering if i can get some stuff about you for that paper thing at school' but before i could ask anything he sed 'have youu had anything to eat' and i sed softly ' no, but im just about to have something' but then he sed 'can i come over i'll cook you something, if that is okay' so i smiled and sed'okay' so i gave him my details but it sounded like he already knew them and just before he put the phone down he sed' i wont be long my angel'.
so i layed down in the darkness of my bedroom with my ipod full blast when a loud knocking noise was at my door so i got up slowly and walked down the stairs and opend the door to a tall boy, his hair shining like gold in the moonlight and a smile grin on his face and he sed' angel you dint say you was gonna get dressed up'and laughed and sed' cmon in and smiled' and he sed' cute pjs' and he gave me a tight hug; he was dressed in a dark grey fittimg top that showed all his body and his dark levis on and slowly he ran his finger on my neck making me melt but i pulled away and walked into the kitchen and sat on the side watching him cook when turned around and sed' it nearly done ' and he smiled he wunt tell me what he was making just that i would love it and that when he showed me what he had made it was lasanga and scoulpes, the one thing my grandad would always make me until the day he passed away i smiled and sat down next to him and we started to eat then when i finshed i sed' so before we clean up, can you tell me something about you?', and he sed' well im daniel im from ireland i like indie/emo music' but out of no where i sed 'what do you like in a girl?', he sed looking shocked ' well...hmmm i like them to have a big mind, think outside the box someone who dosent like going with trend and has there own little thing especially girls with red and black hair sends me crazy' i blushed i was sat on the side helping him clean up he was washing and i was drying just as we finshed he walked up to me and stood between my legs and look right into my eyes when i sed' daniel..have we met before cause i feel i know you' then a smile apperd on his face and slid his hands next to me pulling his body closer to mine when he sed'perhaps we have perhaps we met in a previous life', that when i felt something drawing me to kiss him and he pull my face close to mine and placed his lips onto of mine and moved them slowly and picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and slipped my hands down his back when i pulled away and sed'ive only just meet you and were kissing' he sed so calmly'yeah but i feel this connection something telling me to not let you go that your different your special.
i sat back down on the side of the counter and looked at him he tucked my hair behind my ear and sed' angel i have to go now but this fun' and he looked at the wall notcing a small note and he sed' it your 16th in 2 days i looked at him and sed 'yeah why'and he smiled and sed nothing then came over to me and had this worried look in his eyes and looked staright in to mine and pulled me in for this long passionate kiss and pulled away and sed'im gonna miss ya angel' and before i could say gopdbye to him he was gone, like a spy of the night, daniel had become a part of the dark.

chapter 3

there was a full moon in the sky a figure was stading in front of me but then another one appered then one sed' you cant fall in love with her again what if she not different this time what if she even more weaker then the time before' then the second person turned around showing me his face, it was daniel and he sed in a rushed tone' she different i felt it in the kiss tonight i know i cant fall in love with her but i cant help it she the one ive always wanted to be with'then with a sigh the other person sed' well if she is different this time means she gonna get her powers and what if she kills herself with these powers what if she isnt strong anough yet and with a shudden rush of wind daniel turned to the figure and sed' were in trouble, they know where she is'.
just then i woke up clutching my pillow it was i didnt know what to do this dream has scared me so i grabbed my phone and dialled the number and then i heard his voice'Lollypop what up it what happend' i sed ' nothing well ive had a dream and something happend to tonight im scared luc im scared in case if this time it real'sounding worried lucas sed' right im coming over now ' and withing 10 minutes of waiting a knock was at the door lucas was stood there and he swung his arms around me that when i relised he was just in his boxers and i sed' you've got no clothes on luc, you could have put a t-shirt on your freezing; so i pulled him in and hugged him and he came upstairs with me and held me in his arms rocking me back to sleep we have always been this close but then i woke up lucas was asleep with his arms around me when i figure came next to me and strocked my cheek and sed' awh how cute you've finally different but your not gonna live im going to make sure you die before you turn 16' then the figure faded and i buried my face into lucas chest waking him up he could feel the tears running down my cheeks and he kissed my head making me feel much more safe like he was an angel, like he had been sent to keep me safe.
2 days later, i woke up to a call it was lucas he was singing happy birthday down the phone to me and told me to be ready he be round mine soon to pick me up, since that night the figure of that person hasnt reapperd but it has me wondering who would want me dead; just as i was thinking there was a knock at the door i opend it to find daniel leaning agaiest the door frame' he sed happy birthday angel' and went to kiss me but i leaned away i sed' im sorry i just have this thing that happend to my last boyfriend i dont want to hurt you ' just as i finshed he pulled me in for a hug and had his lips on the top of my head when he pulled away and sed' dont worry just please let me be more then friends with you angel' i looked up into his gloden shaded eyes and kissed him softly he placed a necklace around my neck it was deep read colour stone he sed 'it a rare stone i saw it and remebed you cause your heart your love is as rare as this stone to me' i looked up and smiled' and sed wow cheesy line' but i smiled and kissed him and sed' but i loved it' he smiled and wrapped his arms around me and sed' so what is my angel doing today' i sed ' ive gotta go come see me later' just then lucas apperd outside.
i was at the beach with lucas holding the stone necklace daniel had given me i was smiling but then i blacked out there was this figure not one but two both standing before me one was daniel with his heart warming looks and his body to die for but there next to him was lucas smiling makeing my knees go weak they where both pleading for my love just then a third figure apperd and daniels eyes shot open and sed' no!! you lost her heart before to me your not haveing her just then a knife dug throw my heart isntanly lucas broke down and killed himself but daniel walked over to me and sed' dont worry you cant die your differnt your my love just as i red mist was going over my eyes lucas scared lauren and i woke up he sed' lauren you fell in the water but i couldnt save you but he did' and lucas was pointing next to me holding my hand was daniel i sed how did you get here' he kissed my cheek and sed you needed tto see something and i know you did but i cant explain right now what that vision meant my angel so can you wait til the time is right' i knodded and smiled but then daniel got up and stood face to face with lucas they knew each other you could tell by there body language i sed what are you to doing; they looked at me then they throw each other down on the floor daniel screamed' she is mine ive kissed her so many more times then you have then lucas shouted' well i had her heart before but yoy ruined it there was blood on there faces it wasnt until they saw me crying did they stop and lucas ran wilst daniel craddled me.
i was asleep and i woke up in the back of a car it was moving i rubbed my eyes and sat up daniel smiled and sed' hello sleepy head how are you feeling' i sed slowly 'erm sick i think im hungry' just at that moment we drove into my street and daniel parked outside my house and carried me in i stood in the kitchen and grabbed a glass of ice cold water and slipped my top of i had the bikini on with my shorts when daniel walked in and stood behind me and kissed my back i ran my fingers down his neck and he sed' that necklace shows of your pale skin it makes you look more and more of an angel ' i smiled and turned around and kissed him softly but the kiss got more passionate and he picked me up and sat me on the side and started rippping his top of when i sed 'do you want to do this' he kissed me and bit his lip and sed' ive been wanting this for so long now' and he slipped off my shorts and i pulled his jeans off when he carried me upstairs and pushed me agaiest the wall and then layed me on the bed, this was the start of the love,painfilled,heartbreaking,realtionship cause i knew deep down that i was gonna hurt me like i hurt my last boyfriend, how he died because he loved how i didnt know i was linked to daniel i wasnt normal and i was about to find that out, his fingers ran over my skin it was all a blur all the passion his kiissed on my bare skin when i woke up the next day with my head on his chest and his fingers running down my spine i relised there was no going back i was falling in love with daniel and i was about to find out how much trouble i was in not with my family but with the people in the shadows as they had been watching him and saw into daniels heart that he had fallen in love with me and they was coming to get me.

Chapter 4

the sun was beaming down on her bare backthe waves crashing agaiest the tips of her toes, the cold soft feeling then a hot blaze on her neck what was happning there was fire in front of her eyes her heart was empty she felt ripped apart what was happing to her was this a sign not to fall for daniel was this the dream she had been dreading the one were it says leave daniel dont fall in love with him dont hold him anymore push him away go to that school but before the voices could get deep inside her head she woke up with the sound of her window opening someone was coming into her bedroom but who was it then a strong scent of a warm honey and milk warmed the insides of my nose, a soft smile spread across my face then his strong hands slid up my arms then his soft almost silk touch wrapped around my wrists then his lips touch the side of my neck and i slowly opened my eyes without looking i knew who it was just by his touch his scent i softly moaned in his ear'Daniel What are you doing her?' i heard his breathing slow down and a smile appear across his face and he softly sed'i missed this, i cant stay away i need to be here with you not with them; daniel had almost been away for 3 days he had to go to a special family meeting he wouldn't tell me what he was doing just he wouldnt be able to see me for a week for my own safety, i grinned and knew this meant he wouldnt be here long so i softly sed'so how long do you have before they see you are gone'and i rested my head on his shoulder and watched his face and he sed'well they wont know i slipped away i dont want to go back,can i stay here for the night please'i looked up to his face he big golden eyes made me melt even more into his arms his rosey lip, that most girls would dream of kissing where shaped into a soft smiled across his ice pale skin by looking at his skin you would think as soon as you touch his skin it would be ice cold,but it wasnt it was as warm as the golden sands in the summer time as warm as the fire in the wintery night his smile grew more across his face when he saw my expression of his warmth of his skin;i sed'of course you can...i need you without you near me i feel this emprtyness light a dark endless tunnel'and i looked up to his face and gazed right into his eyes and i sed softly but strong anough to make my point'dont leave me please dont leave me' he smiled and placed his hands on each side of my face and looked into my eyes making me sink into his body and sed so softly'there no power in this world to make me go away not even'then this blank epression appeared across his face i took his face between my hands and sed 'daniel what is it tell me what is making you think that could take me away'so he slowly looked up at my face and kissed my lips lingering in the space between us and he slowly sighed and sed'lauren what im about to say can you just promise you will listen you wont judge and most of all you wont leave me'i sed sloly keeping all contact with him looking deep into his eyes'i promise,nothing will make me stop loving you'he sighed and sed'im scared this will not normal, i dont mean normal like unqie bit special i mean not normal lauren im not human im a angel but before you judge and say stuff im not just a normal angel im a fallen angel and our love is forbidden lauren there coming to get you they dont want you to be mine cause they know my love for you is so strong please dont leave me'i kept my sight on his face and looked deep into his eyes i saw a glimer of a light i gasped and sed' daniel i knew you werent..normal ive had dreams you had wings you had black wings.....and i know there coming to get me there caalled the arch angels arent they daniel there gonna make me burn into flames and disapper;my gaze fell to the floor i heard him gasped and he ran his finger slowly throw my hair and grabbed my hand and sed'lauren your not normal either your different...your like me well not a angel your immortal lauren they cant kill you....ive been in love with you seen a 100 years ago the first time i layed my eyes on you i..' before he could finsh a figure was stood next to me a hand on my shoulder i relised who it was but why was he here what was he doing here he sed'ha daniel you finally told her now she can choose who she really loves this time she different from the other times' and just then a light apperd showing the figures face it was lucas he was a angel a fallen angel the same as daniel and they were both fighting for my heart but before i could say anything a darkness appperd over my eyes and daniels and lucas crys where fading shouting'lauren wake up' then i was stood there with the third person who was fighting for my heart but i didnt know that then just then i thought he was a lad my age with red and black spikey hair and green big eyes and his warm smile his name patch i knew him from some where, but where did i know him from just then it clicked he was the person who saved me from the fire....

chapter 5

i was back in this world of pain,ruby red fire surrounding me twisting with the wind getting higher and higher asif it was building a wall around me blocking all other life from me accpet him, patch he was one of them not a fallen angel he had explained he was different he was one of the goods ones he wanted to be my guardian angel, he wanted me to plege to the arch angels that i needed patch to watch over me since he sed that i walked away slowly thinking in my head; why had they all come for her first lucas he was very special to me he was the one there for me when all the pain and fighting was happning he would push all the nightmares away asif he had a 10ft wall around him and no pain could enter so he was protecting me making sure i was safe, but then there was daniel he was the one he won her over with his charms he was different had a warmth to him then patch he was new but sed i knew him in my previous life but he wouldnt explain why i died and why did i come back everytime as me, then the fire cooled down and patch was walking to me he had this light to him asif he was he own sun the heat coming off him made you want to sit closer to him like he had a special power.
now he was walking more relaxed towards me and sed'lauren the shadows you've seen them before and now they want you again please can you say you want me to be your guardian angel it means i can be there for you...'sigh'i know you dont know me but please i need to keep you safe i cant stand you getting hurt again'and then he eyes caught mine and flash back apperd he was stood there and i walking towards him i felt my heart beat getting faster his hands around my waist his trail of kisses along my neck just then i saw a mark on my back it was a long scar and his fingers ran down it slowly makeing my body tense up i just then relised then this was my past but why was he holding me where was daniel then i he whisperd into my ear'im glad you see the good side now they where going to hurt you they wouldnt of meant it but they arent meant to be with you, angel' i gasped it was patch my heart belonged to not daniel they was fighting over me asif i was a prize but why me why cant they go after someone else im not that special i came back out of the flashback and patch was looking at me his eyes moving over my body as if he was taking in all the details of me asif i was going to disapper then he sighed and i touched his lips this shiver ran through my body i felt his lips before then he leaned in closer to me and parted his lips and softly touched mine and ran his hands over my body like he was hungry and i would feed his hungar then he pulled away and smiled and nuzzeld my neck and kissed my forehead he then softly sed'im coming to see you tonight dont lock your window and please try and be on your own' and then i leaned forward and i was in daniels arms his hands craddling me making me melt softly like butter in your mouth and his soft voice'lauren your awake my baby your fine i know you was with him'i looked shocked and sat up making him lay me back down and i sed slowly'what do you mean with him, you know that i know that patch was my first love dont you and you cant stand knowing him being close to me'his eyes fell to the floor and he sed to me in such a weak voice the trembleing'he hurt you a long time ago and you found me i was there when he wasnt when he ran off cause he couldnt touch you he knows if he does you will be gone'i looked at him and stared at the ground i felt his eyes on my face i sighed and sed'what if i sed he kissed me what does that mean' and i looked at him with my hungry eyes to say im sorry im confussed with all this pain happning i dont know what was happning and his eyes filled with tears but before they could fall from the golden eyes with were burning i kissed him pulling his body into mine lineing his body up agaiest mine then i pulled away and sed'i love you'i looked up into his eyes and he smiled there where no tears he sed nothing so i pulled away and looking out into the distant we was on the beach still there was no one was else there the sun in the distant setting into the fire like sky asif the sea was putting the fire out and making the sun into the moon i felt him move next to me and he pulled me around and between his legs he looked at me with his eyes so hungry taking all what i looked like them like he was making them into a memory and he leaned in and whisperd'i love you to' i was blushed and his cool skin was cooling me down then he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and looked into his eyes then he sed'im coming to yours tonight if that okay' his eyes setting on my skin making me feel his warmth i had to lie i cant let him come tonight so i sed'erm not tonight im sorry just gotta do something how bout you come around tmorrow morning then stay tmorrow night' he sighed then smiled and give me such a tight hug i knew this was him saying goodbye i knew what was coming the hungar my body would crave for his warmth agaiest mine and his soft kiss agaiest my lips leaving me speechless,his lips touched mine then i heard his wings part his black midnight wings almost 3 times bigger then him which then curled around us and my feet where no longer on the floor we was off the ground in the hurt then we flew throw the clouds and the stars surrounding us and he whisperd' i want you to remeber me wilst im gone i just dont like being away from you, your my sun if your not here there no point of having a life you are my life'then he lowerd me down but he wasnt on the beach no more we was in front of my old farmhouse it had been done up a little bit was more modern now and then he placed me down softly and kissed my forehead and then he was gone and as i watch him disapper it apperd to me it was different he had something pulling her towards him and she loved this feeling then he was gone and became one of the stars my angel of the night.

chapter 6

i was layed on my bed starring at the ceiling searching for that handprint the one that brought back all the pain before he was gone before i hurt him i was scared it could happen again so i stood up and ran my fingers through my hairs i caught a glismp of my open window then i walked into my private bathroom and sat in front of the mirror for awhile and caught my breath then i brushed my theeth and grabbed my ipod and put on the one song that made me smile the most and put both the ear phones in my ears and i slowly stepped out the bathroom with my eyes on the floor that when i walked into him,it was patch,his hands instantly wrapped around my hips i looked up and gasped what if he was the first for me to love what if he was the one who was going to hurt me i didnt know what to do anymore this pain of boys but lucas wasnt even talking to me like ive turned evil then patch was lifting me up and running his fingertips along my back kissing my coller bone making me gasp then i looked up and sed silently'i cant hurt him patch he made me love him i cant hurt anybody im not like that'his gaze fell upon my face he looked into my eyes maaking me feel his warmth and sed'lauren,we was the first to love i was your first kiss well when you was first born to us...'i looked confussed at him then his grip on my waist got tighter and he lifted me up and i wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and my legs were around his waist again he was smiling then he kissed me with such passion and i pulled away and sed'but this is going to hurt daniel i cant hurt him'my gaze feel from his face he sed'forget about him tonight'and asif it was a wave flew over my head and all i could think about was patch how soft his skin was the pinkness of his lips the bronze in his bluey grey eyes then he pushed me agaiest the wall then his eyes darted to the bed and he layed me softly down and slipped his top of to revele his curve of his whole body his warmth of his skin agaiest the iceness of mine then his fingertips running over me sending a groan through my whole body then he tugged at my top and pulled it off and we was laying there with our heart beats getting faster half naked with our skins touching sending vibes through my body was i really going to do this,then he sighed with happiness'dont worry he cant see us he somewhere plus he thinks your with your mum so he wont bother you tonight' but i wished he flew throught the window and grabbed patch off me at the start but then my vision became a blur and he was layed down next to me and was running his lips all over my body and sed'wow,it was better then last time you have changed and im glad we're close again'then i sat up and looked at him and sed'im with daniel i dunno if this can go on then anymore then this patch, daniel got my heart in his hand'then patch hugged me and sed'i understand but i'll always be here waiting for you then i woke up and he was gone but he left a note saying'i love you angel im always gonna be here for you and remeber our convo can the next time you see me will you pledge me to be your guardian angel i want to be able to save you when you need me:) p.s i love you xx;then there was knock on the door and threw on my long vest top and shorts and with my bed head and walked down wiping my eyes and there he was smiling and glowing,daniel and soon as i opend the door his arms wrapped around me and kissed me and he relised i was wearing the red stone he gave me he was smiling and then he picked me off the ground and sed'i missed you,lollypop i missed you alot' i was blushing then i kissed his lips and started to walk towards the kitchen to get breakfast when he slipped his finger in the top of my shorts and pulled me back closer to him and wrapped his arms around me and sed'go back to bed il bring you some breakfast' so i smiled and walked up to my bedroom and sat down that when i saw it,it was a blue velvet box and i read the tag it was from patch i opened it and inside was a gold locket and on the back was a spanish verse saying,Te quiero más que las estrellas por la noche, tu mi sol mi luna eres mi único y verdadero amor de mi ángel,this verse meant in english'i love you more than the stars at night, your my sun my moon your my one true love my angel.
and i hid the neckalace under my pillow before daniel saw the neckalace it would break his heart and i loved him way to much to do that so i hid it and the note then he came up with a big grin across his face and a tray.
as soon as i ate all my breakfast he kissed my cheek and pressed a box into my hand i looked into his eyes and sed'what is this'his smile grew even more bigger ' it something to say i love you that your my world' i slowly opened the box and there was a key i looked confuused and looked into his eyes and sed'what is this for'and he smiled and sed'it the key to the one place i allow no one to go in, only.....only the one person i would love'his eyes raised up to my face it the key to my house at that moment i knew this was him asking me to move in with him and i threw my arms around his neck and kissed him softly and sed'so is this you asking me to live with you'and he looked at me and sed'well if you want to live with me',then something flew through my window his wings where golden and had the smell of a sweet lemon smell it was lucas his eyes had angar in them his first words where'why take her away from me she mine'but before daniel could leap up i lift my hand and my eyes started to go black and my arms when a paleer white and sparkled and they both gasped and daniel sed'but,that means she the one she has the powers'his gaze went up to lucas he sed'no,she looking into my future or even my past she will know ive been looking at something to stop her;and soon as daniel laid his hand on my arm he saw the darkness in my i snaped out and looked at daniel he was looking amazed at me but then lucas wrapped his fingers around my wrist and i felt this coldness go throw me and daniel screaming'no, she wont hurt you she safe'then patch voice came into the haze and they both gasped and daniels arms were around me and patch saying'she has to make a choice betweens all and it looks like lucas wont be getting in this choice anymore'then i felt my lungs stop and i gasped for air and all three of the lads screamed for me to wake up but it was to late i was in the haze again this fire in my dream but as i gasped i saw something and i cant beileved my eyes i saw me with it was figure but i couldnt work it out who it was just i was deeeply in love with him,but who was it?,then i woke up to all three of them around me then they saw it in my eyes i've seen something that caused them all to grab for me but i didnt see anything just a world of fire and pain and me in the middle with someone loving me was it one of them or was i meant to be in love with someone else,
then a shadow went down my arm i heard them speak to me whispering patch saw the shadow the fear in his eyes grew then i whisperd to the shadow so that no one could hear me'i want patch to be my guardian angel'then a gold scar apperd on my arm around my wrist it was a mark, that patch was my guardian and daniel fear was still in his eyes but now lucas was stood at the door and asked the question on my mind'does this mean she the one?'what does he mean the one though they all say it but they wont tell her why what was going to happen then a strong scent of smoke hoverd in the air and my vision went again.

chapter 7

there was a haze of smoke, my vison adjusted to the area and there he was, it was patch, and his skin was pale as ice but when the sun shined down on his skin it turned into a sun kissed skin asif he was human his lips parted and grew into a long smile his fingers running throw his hair, drips of water dripping down his skin he was stood on the side of a beach shore and there another figure appered at first my smile disapperd and my heart sank;knewing he was loving someone else then a hand appered out the smoke she was wearing the same stone around my neck but it was bracelet then the sun shined on her face it was me but not the me now it was a me years and years ago was this the first time he had fallen in love with me was he showing me this to show how happy i was and at that i was special to him the only one to walk in his heart but i found that hard to believe what if this was all a lie a trick what if this wasnt the truth and he tried making me go along with the lie, to hurt me; then the vision faded and i was back in the room with daniel my love, patch my guardian angel and also my previous love who i was falling for but i stopped myself from this hurt and pain again and lucas the first angel i knew the first one to make me smile after the accident after all the heartbreak i caused him and he was still there for me then patch leaped forwared and linked his hand into mine but i pulled away then daniel heat was on my back, his lips on my neck making me groan then i looked into patch eyes and sed i dont know if i can love you look and he noticed and smiled and squeezed my hand then left a note in my hand then he walked out the door taking one more glance back at me before the hate came before i was really his, before the war had begun then lucas sat in the corner of the shadows waiting for daniel to go but daniel wasnt going he was staying then daniel walked towards him and pushed him out the house and told him he can see me tmorrow but now i was daniels he was mine, we was the one, the moon in my dark sky the light in the darkness for now he was my pain relief i loved him and it showed as i linked my arms around his neck and look deep into the eyes now maroon black eyes and gazed into them losing myself in them and he brought me back into the world by pressing his soft lips agaiest mine, the hungar for my kissing the passion in our lips and then i was in his arms once again and my face buried deep into his chest listeing to heart and the time went by listening to his voice and i fell asleep in his arms my wall that protected me from all the hate outside and then he hand was went under the pillow and at that moment i stopped breathing he had the bracelet in his hand and his eyes darted to me and asked why i had the bracelet he knew which one it was it was the first present i was ever given when my life begun by the person who loved me first,patch, i sighed and sed' he was in here last night he climbed through my window and he gave me that saying he was the first to ever love me and that your evil your going to kill me and hurt me and; my eyes went to the floor he knew i was confussed and he understud and he lifted my chin up and kissed my forehead and sed in his soft,accent'im yours,and he lying i cant hurt you cause your my world my life my heartbeat the reason im still here but he was right i tried to kill you once and i thristed for your blood on my hands i didnt like you being in love with him' and then i felt this ergue to push him away my eyes widen and i stood up and pushed my whole body away from his i ran my eyes on the floor and then looked out into the darkness'you want me dead then why dont you kill me now stop all this fighting,it just im now scared of you daniel you want me dead' before i finshed he moved in lighting movement to my side knowing his skin agaiest mine would wipe away all this pain and rested his head on my shoulder and mummbled'i dont want you dead,lauren i love you more then the stars at the night your mine and i dont want you to disapper'just then a lighting bolt apperd and a hand dragged me into the darkness just then my trust in daniel disapped he didnt help me he was letting them take me away and all he did was stand there breathless why didnt he help me why let them take me away they was pulling me down a tunnel when patch apperd and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the light and i was crying agaiest his chest and i sed'you was right he didnt want me alive he admitted he wanted me dead and didnt even stop them taking me away'then a heat was on my back it was patch lips moving slowly and then i relised we was on a cloud and i gasped thinking we was going to fall but we didnt the silk of the cloud agaiest my skin as i layed down and patch laid down and wrapped his arms around me and my scar started to get brighter he sed'this shows im close lauren i know you love daniel and he dosnt want you dead,he didnt stop them cause he had no power they had frozen him by now he will be tracing you but he cant find you here' and his eyes fell to my hands and linked them with his fingers then i looked at his face and sed'well you want me why tell me the truth you could of lied and sed he wants me dead but you didnt'then my lips twitched into a smile and he was speaking to my mind''i cant lie to you now that im your guardian you will get hurt bad stuff will happen i can also speak to your mind now and im gonna be by your side the most i can but for now daniel wants me far away from you but he knows im your guardian and that he cant stop me being here for you''i looked at his face then i was being lowed down and he left me on the cliff to think he left me with a sweet innoceent kiss making me run my fingertips over my lips remebering what had just happednd then daniel appered he wrapped his arms around me and once again i was in the place i dreamed about he was my home he was my heaven then i knew at that moment bad stuff was going to happen as the shadows grow in the sky hovering over me.
the war was starting, the war for my blood and the war for my life and most of all the war for my love.
chapter 8

when daniel saw the fear in my eyes he knew ive been told of the war but not what it was about and it troubled me i kept asking him but he used to just turn his head and look at the shadows our shadows asif they wasnt real like they was evil that they was going to take me away after daniel left on angel duties i feel asleep, it was grey and white i knew i was dreaming i was swimming in a lake i was floating along the top of the silky surface i was free then two hands touched my back and then he came up and he rested his head on my stomuch it shocked me it was his icey blonde hair then made ice look more beautiful,lucas,what was this did this mean i fell in love with him two then my lips was parting with his and his hands held my body i never felt like this before he was making me happy i was msiling and laughing and he made me feel loved the way he strokeed my cheeks like he was making sure i was real i was wishing this was real, then i woke up gasping and there on the pillow a black rose, i touched the petals slowly scared incase they would disapper was this a dream it cant be everything realer then the dreams i have then he stepped out the shadows lucas was holding a red rose and smiling at me i wanted him to hold me in his arms like he did in my dream i wanted his silky rose bud lips agaiest mine i was craving for his love, since seeing him in love with me i felt in love with him then he sat on the side of the bed and turned slowly and looked at me, he had the sweet smell of roses he made me close my eyes and breath him in i could see a picture of a field of roses he was laid in the middle picking roses till he found the perfect one then his black wings apperd behind him they made me gasp and open my eyes by now he was inches away from my face but he wasnt kissing me insted he ran he fingertips of over my lips making me tremble in his hands then i pulled my head back and stood up and opened the window i was blushing i needed to cool down i heard him laugh then he stood up and held my hand and pulled me into his body then he held my hand and whisperd so softly it was only possible for a angel to talk this way'lauren,im different and you know that and i know you love daniel and patch wants you back i just want to be in your life and you know that im here for you and il always be here for you'i turned around and buried my face into his softy icey blonde hair, he had recently changed his hair colour i say it down to the angel blood but you never know then he held me close making me get breathless then i stood up and sed'stay tonight,i need you by my side im having the dreams again'then i slowly walked into the on-suite and brushed my hair and tied it up into a pony tail then walked back out to lucas laid in my bed smiling waiting for me i was layed in his arms that night i dreamt of flying but it was me flying no one else then i shaking woke me up i opened my eyes, lucas was gone i was scared once again who was shaking me then i sat up and looked patch was sat on my end of the bed he was smling'hey angel' he was talking to my mind again it still freaked me out but he soon realised that i didnt like it so he moved his lips and looked away and sed'i cant stay away i need you i miss the smile of your honey silk hair and the look of your icy eyes that make me feel at home' i was smiling and blushing then he swooped me off my feet and climbed out the window and he started flying and kept looking down at my face making sure i was okay we was getting higher in the sky his skin getting hotter and we was smiling and looking at the stars i wished i could be as beautiful as a sky filled of stars, he lifted my chin up so i could see his eyes he sed'you are remeber that'wait! he could read my mind that meant he read it the other day he knew i wanted to kiss him this changed alot of things he was making me fall for him even more i loved how he made me feel lighter then air and his voice made my knees go weak but then i felt his breathing slow down he was taking me back i thought we wasnt high in the sky i was wrong i let go i slipped and i was falling it was like my dream, i screamed for him but his grip slipped he didnt catch me i closed my eyes i knew this was the end ive had the dream i fall into the darkness and that was the end of it all this was the end but just then arms were around me patch had caught me he lowed me on the ground and sed'angel are you fine please say your okay you closed your eyes you stopped breathing i thought you died i was scared angel dont do that again'i looked at him and sed in my mind knowing he could read it'i wont ever again patch...'but then he kissed me and my scar glowed what did this mean then he pulled away and i asked about the war he sed i will be taken somewhere for my safety no one can be near me well other then patch because he sed he was even gonna hide me from daniel what did this mean was he a threat was he gonna hurt me then patch layed me down in my bed and kissed my forehead and wished me sweet dreams and he left this smell so sweet it lingured in my nose till i feel into a deep sleep.
i was in a field with a long white dress,it was summer time the flowers all types of colours around me the sun high in the sky then his voice behind me patch he was dressed in shorts and a ripped top and he looked me up and down and sed'hey, who getting married' i giggled i sed'well if that what you want patch and i pulled him close and locked lips with him he smiled and wrapped his warm arms around me making me feel safe and home then he mubbled'well if that what you want my angel',i was different in this world i had hair down to my waist all wavy but it was still red it must of been more modern times cause im naturally red and my eyes where still icy blue then my smile it was so perfect the shapes and i had lightly rosey cheeks that girls would die to have then i sed'is that you asking me to marry patch'thinking it was a joke but he held me tighter and we was flying again and he then sat me down on a cloud and gave me box and his eyes got wider,so i openeed the box and there was the stone the red stone he always gave me on a ring shaped into a heart but under the ring was a long black neaklace it was a locket in the shape of angel wings and inside was me and him kissing it made tears fall from my eyes and i looked up at him and he sed softly'angel,my lauren, marry me and live forever in my heart' i throw my arms around his neck and shouted yes this was the moment i was going to marry patch did this mean i married him before or did i die before i could did the shadows take me away again i wanted to know more but the sun was shinging through my window and woke me up for the morning to come and there it was around my neck the neckalace but inside this time was just me with long red hair and my green head band and my skin glowed asif i was a angel like them but i wasnt was i?, then i got up and my scar was silver it made me smile remebering the night before and as i streched i looked at the photo on the neckalace did this mean he still loved me like he used to did he want to marrry me like he wanted to do before or was it all a dream but the neckalace then i remeberd he was watching he sed he was always going watch and there he was smiling looking up at me holding the neckalace smiling like he knew i had the dream that i remeberd it all and stoood in my garden looking up at me and i heard his voice'lauren i still love you like i did then but you got took away from me before we could marry'then a big black car drove up to my house,daniel was here what was he doing here wwhat was happning but when i looked back at patch he was gone leaving me and daniel to talk,he walked smoothly up the path seeing me in the window and i opened it slowly and smiled and shouted'what do you want mr daniel'he smiled and climbed up to my window and into my bedroom where he gave me a long kiss and saw my neckalace i thought he would know where it was from but he asked who gave me it with a smile like he didnt know would give me it and i sed someone special along time ago, she passsed away some time before i met you and i dropped my eyes and he hugged me close like he knew i was upset i was thinking of her my best friend lucy and him joe she was so close to me she knew everything about me how to make me laugh and how to make me smile and what i loved to eat but she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and joe was my first love of this life and he kissed me and there was fire around us he died and so did lucy she was hiding trying to watch me and joe but it ended her life and that when she remeber the person who pulled her out of the fire it was patch he was there what did this mean he was watching or was he already my guardian angel but wanted me to say i want him was this all a trick to kill me i was confussed again i needed to talk to patch and i heard his voice in my head saying angel i helped you cause your right ive alwaysed been your guardian angel but i asked you to pledge it to know you wanted me and asif daniel could hear patch to he pulled me out the window and into the cloudy sky where we hoverd looking down wilst i dremt about the past years i spent with daniel kissing him softly then th shadows came back this time they spoke they told me to watch my back the war is starting soon and it was going to end my life and i couldnt stop it unless i was different, different what did that mean;was i different did they mean i was like patch daniel and lucas was i angel or was i some kind of demon i didnt know what i was but i was soon about to find out the truth of my past life and my new life....


Texte: This book is just a draft if people like it il write some more on to it.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2011

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