
On Hold Until Further Notice

Crushes, Cookies, and a whole lot of Bad Boys





                                    Chapter 1









Fat. Ugly. Retard.  Stupid. Geek. Unwanted. Unpopular.



            These words swirl in and out of my, things that haunt me to no end. Walking down the hallway of Rosemary High school in none other than Rosemary, California.. You can’t help but notice the harsh words being thrown the way of the seemingly only overweight girl in all of the small dinky straight-out-of-a-movie town of Rosemary. Complete with the star football team and totally beautiful cheerleaders. “Watch it fatso!!” Kyle the captain of the football team says pushing me out of their way and then preceding to wolf around with his bone head friends. I mean really, why can teenagers be less barbaric?? It’s like they just stepped out of the Ice age.



                                     3 months later…..



My cab pulls up to a small baby blue cottage type house. The outer part of the house was quite beautiful really. Vines laced the old metal gate surrounding the house. In the yard were different flowers, blues, yellows, purples, pinks, and reds decorating the yard? The sun light kissed the old house gently, as if it would burst into flames if any harder. “Ya gonna get out or what? Unless ya wanna pay more, get the fuck outta my cab!!” The jersey accented man says ruining my perfect moment. It felt like the world was saying, Welcome back to the hellhole Riley!!


Texte: MEH
Bildmaterialien: MEH
Lektorat: MEH
Übersetzung: MEH
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2013

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