
Chapter 15: With Marcus forever

I had been out of the hospital for a mouth now. I think it has been a mouth. Marcus and I have too much fun to count the days.

Marcus and I go's back to school March 13. Marcus doesn't want to go, he said we should get home schooling. However, I tell him what about his football, and basketball careened. Marcus don't say anything about that.

"Marcus are you ready for school."

"No I am not."

"Get ready it coming up."

(A/N: To the fans of this book I know you can't wait until Aerul fine out about the bet. And she will I just don't know what should come next. So you going to have to give me a minute. To think of something Okay Renee.)

Chapter 16: What should I do

"Areul where are you."

"In the kitchen."

"Hey baby how are been today."

"Sick of medication."

"They help you."

"Okay whatever so where you're going."

"My mom just called she said to go to check on Marvin."

"O wow can I come with you? I would love to see my ex-best friend."

"Sorry baby you can't come."

"Why not?"

"Cause you will need your rest for school tomorrow."

"Fine bring me some burger king back baby."

"Okay Love you Areul."

"Love you to Marcus."

I watch as Marcus left. I was in my house by myself. I hope Marcus be back soon. My dad said I should not move back to Marcus's house cause the school year almost over.

I don't know why my dad cares, everything is so fucked up with him and my mom. My parents want to ever, talk to each no more. It's really sad. My mom is putting everything on my dad for me being in the hospital.

However, I don't want to live with her, and her new boyfriend are husbanded. That I just find out my parents were no ever marry no more. My Nanny who I call Nana went back to Mexico find out isn't from here so they deport her back.

Now I only have Marcus the love of my life.

=Marcus POV=

I really don't want to leave Areul there alone. But I had to take care of business.
I pull up to my house.

Pull out my keys and open the door to a mess of a house. What the fuck Marvin on cause this was no joke. I ran up to Marvin room and open the door to him and that bitch who change him sleeping.

"Marvin get the fuck up."

"Marcus that you."

"Yes it me what the fuck happen here."

"Just a little changes."

"Why are you acting like this Marvin."

"Acting like what Marcus."

"Like you on something."

"O hey Marcus where that bitch at I still have to kick her ass". said Cara pissing me off

"Don't worry about that come on Marvin i am take you to the hospital."

"No how many times I have to tell you I am find."

"Until the doctors say it."

"Will I am not going to no fuck hospital."

"Okay whatever just know you will get a rude waking I said walk out of Marvin room to my room."

Good I lock my door. I unlock my door and walk in my room everything was the same as I left it.

"What up Marcus." said JD

"O hey."

"How is your grandma."


Yes,I know I lied to them of my where about for a mouth. However, I want every body to know about Areul and I when we walk thru the halls tomorrow morning.

"Marcus we need to talk."

"about what."

"About the bet."

"I call that off I don't want to talk about it."

"Will we have to."

"No we don't I have to go nice see you again can you get out my room."

I walk down stairs to Logan in my house.

"What the fuck you doing here."

"To tell you."

"About what."

(A/N: Is Logan really there to warn Marcus are he has a plan to break Areul and him apart.
Should Marcus hear him out are leave him stand there.

What about Marvin what the fuck is he on ???? You will know that next update. If you have ideas message me then thank you

=Areul POV=

When Marcus came back from seeing Marvin, he had a bad look on his face. Tell you the truth I really don't want to go back to that school. However, Marcus mean the world to me.

"Marcus is everything okay."

"Yes everything is fine."

"Is Marvin okay"

"He is the same as we left his ass."

Laying on my bed and I laid my head on his chest.

"Marcus can I tell you something."

"Yes, Baby what is it? You know you can tell me everything."

"Marcus I really don't want to go back to that school."

"Then why ask to go back."

"Cause I care about your football, and basketball careened, and if I take you away your dream wanted to come true."

"You doing this all for me."

"Yes I am I love you silly and you said we in this together."

"Yes, we are in this Together."

"You want to go out to eat are order a pizza are you want me to cook."

"I will cook you just take a nap."

"Okay." Falling to sleep next to Marcus

(A/N: I know you want to find out what Logan said and you will Just give me a min to think of what he said to Marcus it bad to
Marcus is broken down now for what Logan and his best friend just told him thank you for read and if you have a idea tell me please:-)

=Marcus POV=

I watch as the love of my life goes to sleep. Areul a sexy smile on her face when she sleeps.

I just push her hair out of her face for I can look at her face.

Logan got me fuck up I though to myself. He was talking about a lot of shit. Say he knows that Areul and I are together. I just hop in my car and Left.

Is this right for us to be together now in high school? What should I do?

I was so into my thought. I don't ever see that I had a text. It was T-Bone.

T-Bone: Check your email

I open my email and looked at all my emails. Until I came to this email with a video with it. What I seen is going to mess up Areul and I relationship.

(A/N: what Marcus seen was really bad it was fine his past and there is something else to its coming up in the next update:-)

It's a video of me make the bet in the locker room back in Sept. I can't believe they had a video. I Look so stupid making that bet, and now I look at myself, and I like how Areul changed me. A couple of mouths ago I was a bad person.

I look over at Areul, who was sleep on the bed. If she finds out that I made this bet, Areul probably will think that I never love her, and I was just using her. However, that's not true I love this girl with all my heart.

I just close my email and Text T-Bone back.

Me: What the fuck is this?

T-Bone: I swear man I don't know they had a video of that I just got in

Me: How many people seen this video

T-Bone: I don't Know

Me: Can you check

T-Bone: I will see what I can do and I will get back to you on it

Me: Okay thank you man later

I sat there think for a minute. With my head in my knees, I think I might just cry cause this can't be happening.

Then I fall a head lay on my shoulder.

"What the matter Marcus?"

"Nothing baby, How about you get your clothes on and we can go out to dinner."

"We can stay in I see that something is on your mine."

"No baby I want to take you out."

"Okay if that's what you want."

"Yes that what I want."

I watch as my Areul skips joyful cause of are relationship. I smile at that cause she was so happy and a loving person. People should not judge her and get to know Areul. I promise you will love her as much as I do. Probably not as much as I love her.

I have to come up with a plan to protract Areul and fast.

Chapter 17: Dinner & Move will it go will

"Marcus I am ready."

"Okay came on lets go have fun."

"You feel better now."

"Yes I do babe."

"Good I was starting to worry."

"Don't worry everything is good."

Areul locked the door, and I open the door to my car for her. We drive off. I watch as my Angel, looked out the window at the rain drops. I wish I knew what Areul was thinking about. That puzzles me sometimes when I look at her I always want to know what is her thoughts.

So I reach over and start touch on Areul leg. For she can tune her head and look my way and smile that fame smile. Wow I wish I can pull over and take Areul around the world I know we have not talk about sex yet. I wonder why could are parents is always away and we always alone.

"Marcus what you're doing."

"Looking at your beauty."

"No in your pants"

"Change subject"

"Really when are we going to talk about it."

"Will not now."

"Fine but when can we talk about this."

"Tell you what when we get home."


I just start to think about tomorrow. The video and are relationship. Thing was going so good with Areul and I. I don't want to less it.


"Yes Honey."

"We have been driven for hours. Where are we going?"

"O I am sorry baby I was just thinking about some things."

"O okay I am getting hungry Marcus."

"Sorry about that can we rent a movie and get Chinese food."

"Sound Fine to me Marcus"

"Okay then."

I pull up to the Chinese places. Get out the car and went over to Areul side to open the door for her.

"Thank you Marcus."

"You welcome."

Areul and I walk in the Chinese places. I order the food, and we sit down wait on are food.

"Marcus you think we are doing the right thing by going back to that school."

"I don't know Areul."

"Marcus if you say you don't want to go back we want."

"Areul this is up to you. I will not be mad if you go live with you mom."

"Marcus I don't want to lose you your more than my boyfriend you my best friend my only friend."

"Please don't make me choose."

I grab Areul hand and look deep into her and was about to tell her about everything.

My Ex team mates walk in the restaurant.

"Will will look who we have here Marcus Carter." said Jake

"So you can't say hi to us."

"What up there are y'all happy now."

"O yes Marcus you light are hearts up."

"Whatever what are y'all doing here."

"O so you're trying to hide now."

"actually No I am not."

"Will just drive around and thought we had seen your car, I guessed we were right."

"Okay so what do y'all want."

"I want to know why you with her the slut of the school?"

I looked over at Areul, who was getting mad and was Finn to cry by they comment. I know if I don't stand up this time, I will lose her.No third chances on this one.

"Take that back right now."

"By the tone in your voice Marcus I think you like her."

"Yes, I do she my girlfriend now leave her alone."

"O so she your, girlfriend now."

I grab Areul close to me cause Jake looked like he want to try something. I don't think he cared. I look over to JD Tommy and T-Bone the niggers I left stay at my house. The friends who put my girl in the hospital. I should be beating they ass, but I can't go to Jail tonight.


"Marcus did you tell Areul yet." 

"Marcus what he talking about tell me what?" 


I looked in Areul's pretty brown eyes all the work and all the trust was finna go away just like that if Jake tell her. I could not let that happan. 

I grab Areul and put her in the car. An drive off I can't let him just tell her like that. 


"Marcus what was all that about." 

"Nothing Areul he was just talking."

"O okay." 

"Areul I am not going to school tomorrow and I don't think you should go either." 

"I know that Marcus but what about-" 

"Areul fuck my sports career it wasn't going to last no way" 

"Okay Marcus if that what you went." 

"All i want is you Areul." 



Areul went quite, I looked over at her looking out the window I wouder what that Angel thinking now. 


Areul POV

Marcus and his friends was acting wired. I wouder why they was. This date was not going so will, Are dinner is cold and Marcus don't ever get a new movie yet. We just been driving for hours. That's how I know something is up with Marcus. I am so hungry now. I know Marcus hate when I eat in the car but I am hungry.  I opened the food and it had shirmp in it. 


"Aww Man." 

"What ? what's wrong Areul." 

"Its shirmp in the food and i can't have that." 

"Damn I am so sorry Areul." 

"Its Fine." 

"Its not if you hungry tell me now and I got to any place you want." 

"Will yes I am hungry." 

"Okay what you want." 

"Plzza plz." 



Wow I am so hungry that my head hurt really bad. What to do? something is really the matter with my Marcus he mean the world the would to me. 


Marcus POV


I looked over to Areul sleeping I feel so back about the food. What I am going to do. I went to get Areul pizza and i drove home. I hate when i am mad that i drive around for no reason.  I pull up to the house and i carry Areul in the house. 


"Marcus I can walk." 

"Its fine Areul I carry you okay." 

"Okay Marcus." 

"Areul get up and eat your pizza." 

"Marcus I am to sleep to to eat can you just lay with me." 

"Okay ." 

"Aishiteru." ( I love you in Japanese) 

"Marcus Ai to you to." 

Chapter 18: The Call




I was thinking what should I do about this is so bad. Areul is my life. I fuck up big time I just have to tell her are I will loose my love. 

(Phone Ring) 



"Marcus get to the house now." 

"Why hello hello." 


What the fuck just happen. What should I do go there are stay.  My phone start ringing again damn what happening over there. 


"What Marvin?"

"Marcus I need you here now." 

"For what?"

"I am in trouble shit is a mess."

"What kind of trouble?"

"I want to tell you face to face." 

"Okay but can we wait until the morning." 

"NO I need my brother now." 

"Okay i am on my way." 


Shit I don't why this nigga can wait until morning I can't leave Areul home alone at night. Her Dad trust me to stay with her until he came back from rehabit. I don't tell Areul but her dad need to go. I beg him to leave Areul in my care I could let her go just like that. 


Marvin POV 


"Okay he's on his way."

"Good boy here what we promise you." 

"A dime beg right." 

"Ya sure." 


I sold out my own brother for drugs. This what it turn to. But I can espces this world by being high and on cloud 9 at the same time that's better then being here. But I care about Marcus he my brother ever know we don't see eye to eye Areul is with him she always was there and my best friend. 

I can't believe what I turn into. I need help. 



Areul POV 


I can't believe Marcus wake me up just to see about Marvin he's a big boy I think him and his hoe can take care of there self. 


"Marcus are you okay." 

"Yes Areul I am fine." 



Marcus is acting wired why ? 



"Yes Marcus." 

"Stay in the car keep the doors lock okay I will be right back." 

"Okay Marcus I love you." 

"Okay Areul." 


Marcus give me a nice long kiss with so much passion. Why did that kiss feel like are last kiss That Marcus would ever give me. 


I stayed sitting in a car for a hour. I was finna go to sleep with my phone started going off. 


"Yes Marcus." 

"Areul can you can into the hour."




Okay danm what his problem hung up on me like that. 


I walk out the car and to. An I hear shouting and Fighting I ran as fast as I can. Until Kouga jump out. 


 "Kouga what you doing here." 

 "Came with me now." 

 "No Marcus told me to go into the house." 

 "Trust me you don't need to go in there." 

"But what about Marcus." 

"He will be fine."

"kouga I can't go with you." 

"Came on now." 



I tried to walk pass Kouga. But he would not let me go in he pick me up and carry me with him. I started kick and scream next min everybody came out the house. Kouga ran with so much speed. 


 "Get back here." is the last thing I heared someone say. Before I black out. 


*Marcus POV* 


When I walk in the house. Therewas fake ass niggas waiting for me. I tried to fight back. But they had me hold down beating my ass. 


"You punk ass nigga is fake ass hell could not ever fight me one on one." 

"You the one who turned you back on us for so girl."

"Plz Friends come and go but you only have one ture love." 

"Do you know who that girl is."

"Yes I do."

"I was in love with her its not fair you take her."

"Shut up you-." 

"Think before you finish that one, Now you call her in here." 

"If you don't I swear I will kill you cold blood." 


Damn if that happen for sure he will make Areul be with him.  I need to think quick and fast. 


"Okay she coming in now."


Aerul will be in safe hands. I called Kouga before I came he should take her and run. I can rest in pace. 









Texte: Renee don't copy my shit lol enjoy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.07.2012

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