
chapter 1 and 2: The summer night we will never forget and THE Party

"Diamond thank you for slap the shit out of that slut for me."

"Everything for you sister."

Let me start from the beginning, By the way my name is Crystal Heart. Diamond and I are twin sisters.

Okay back to the story about my sister slap a slut. Diamond and I is on are way to the hottest club in Japan called the underground.

Its a couple of days until Diamond and I birthday we is so happy are parents is on business in New York but they said they have a surprise for us when the come back.

So Diamond and I seek away from are bodyguards and to the underground it not call a club its a new thing in Japan.

Diamond and I walk in the underground and this club was popping.

"This is are time to shine Crystal."

"I know now lets show these fools how to dance."

Diamond and I was in Japan for dance camp. After are birthday Diamond and I is going to Hawaii to this boarding school call Degassed I know a school in Canada. But some idea burn that school down and the rich parents put they money together to build it in Hawaii. Its my Junior year.

"Crystal stop thinking and let dance."

The song by Beyonce Dance for me came on and Diamond and I flow the beat. We was the hottest things on the dance floor. Then a slow song came on and I feel some strong hands on my wrist. I turned around to a hot ass guy. He look older than me but who's cares. 

"So what your name stanger." 

"Kandell sweetheart." 

"Kandell hm nice name." 

"Where are my manners and your name is."


"Crystal is a pretty name." 


"Hey cutie you want to dance." 

"No thanks." 

"You the only good looking guy in here." 

"Sorry I am dance with a girl right now." 

"She don't look like much."


"Are you talking to me." 

"Yes bitch I am talking to you."

"Now wait a min I don't call you names." 

"whatever so cutie are you going to dance with me are what." 

"No get lost I don't dance with up tie girls." 


Danm I don't want be in the middle of this sence here. But this bitch asking for it. THe DJ cut the music off and everybody in the club is stare at us fight and shout. 


"Earth to bitch." 

"Now hold up bitch." 


"You heard me if the man don't want to dance with you go find somebody eles okay." 

"No I like what I see and I want him." 

"Bitch this is life you can get what you see all the time." 

"You know all I heard was bh bh bh bh." 


"Crystal is everything okay over here." 

"Ya It okay." 

"So you call yo sister over here I can get back up to." 

"Now Girl there no need for fighting." 

"Yes it is she call me out my name." 

"You did it frist and bring it on." 

"No fighting." 


I don't what came over me. This girl was calling me out and this find guy was like no fighting. 


(A/N: My bad about this chapter it delete it self but i am fix it now okay)

chapter 3: Junior Year has Start

After Diamond and I party was so much fun. Three days after are partied. Mommy and Daddy send us to Hawaii for school. We had a nice apartment there. Before class started Diamond, and I went down to the beach and meet. These guys one name Chris and some girls one was Taylor. We are good friends fast.

The next morning I wake up at 5:30am to get ready for class. I take a shower and put some designer clothes on and went to Diamond's room, and she was up already. We just made bacon and eggs.

Diamond and I have 1-6 period together but are seven periods was different it was wired cause, we always have all are class together. My first day was great until seven periods. I have lunch with my sister and Taylor and her friends and Chris. Dec had are lunch period to.

=Crystal POV=
I walk in AP History, and I had this strange feeling that my mate was close. I sit down in the back,of the class and Chris walk in and Shawn did too. Then my worst nightmare walked in. Kendall I can't believe he is my teacher. I think he, my mate also. Can this get any worst?

=Kendall POV=
I walk into my class room, and I can feel this strange feeling it was like the feeling I had when I was with Crystal. I look around my class, and I can't believe my eyes Crystal sitting in my class. She tired to hide from me. I saw this guy looking at her. My wolf started to come out, but I hold it in. Finely, she back in my life and I am letting her go again.

=Diamond POV=
I walk in AP chemistry. I feel kind of sad that my sister is not here with me. As I sit down in the back, Romeo and Dec walk in. Then the teacher walks in. He was wearing glasses. I realize it was Kyle. I tired my hardest not to draw attend to me. Can this get any worst ? O yes it can cause Kyle is my mate.

=Kyle POV=
Soon I walk in my class. I feel this strange energy the same energy I felt when I was with Diamond. I take off my glasses and look around my class there she was in my class in my life. That why she left the way she did cause of are ages different. However, I don't care I will tired my hardest to be with her. I had to talk to her but not now.

=Crystal POV=
After Kendall tell us to take are lab tops out i message my sister right away. Kendall don't looked the same as he do that night in Japan. He was a normal teacher he wear a suite and had black hair and he look boarding. However, I know it. I wish it don't have to happen this way. Be here he is again and I don't think I can stay away from him. I just message Diamond.

Me: Guess who here

Diamond: Kendall

Me: How you Know

Diamond: cause Kyle is my chemistry teacher

Me: For real

end of message cause Kendall come behind me.

"Miss what is your name."
Then he act like he don't know my name. This was bad.

"Crystal Heart."

"will do you think my class is boarding cause i see you message your friend do you want me to band you for use your lab top and go back to pen and paper."

"No sir i am sorry."

"Thank for you apologize but i have to give you a detention."

"What can you just give me a warning it is the first day please i never got a detention in my life please don't put it on my files"

"will you broke a rule so NO."

I really hate Kendall now.

=Diamond POV=
Crystal's stop message me. I need her cause Kyle kept looking at me every chance he got. Kyle ever made the whole-class stand up and tell a little about then self.

"Is there a problem Miss?"

I look up and he was standing right next to me and i feel my heart heat up like fire. Then his eyes look at me brown eyes had me melting like crazy. Kyle repeat his self

"what is your name Miss by the way."

Wow did I just stand up in front of the whole class and said my name and he forgot that fast.

"Diamond Heart and No sir every thing is find."

"Will i can see you was to busy message somebody and no pay attend to my class do you want to use pen and paper."

"No sir i am so sorry i was have a emergency and i had to message my sister i am again sorry."

"will you can talk to her after you get out of my detention."

"What no please i never got a detention in my life can you just give me a warning i am sorry."

"Sorry Miss Heart but i can't do that see you in class 104 for my detention."

I official hate Kyle for doing this to me.

(A/N: To the people who read the old heart sister I can't think what should come next and with way it going to be good. Hope you like it thank for understand my changes thank you

chapter 4: Detention not Today

=Crystal POV=

Class was going slow as hell. It was really hard to be in class when Kendall keeps giving me looks. His eyes say why his body says , come to me Crystal.

I had to get out of here and fast.

"Ms. Heart what the answer to my question."

"Mr. Kendall I don't feel so good can I go to the nurse."

Ever know he could tell I was lying cause mates and tell when the other one is hurting.

"I don't think you're sick Ms. Heart."

I had to take it to a whole different level to get out of this class.

"Will I am on my monthly, and my stomach hurt really bad."

Kendall gives me are you for real look.

So he don't have no choose but to write me a pass. Cause he thought that I was serious cause I just embarrass myself in front of the whole class by saying that.

I got my pass from Kendall I tired to walk out. But I heard Kendall saying something to me.

"Ms. Heart can I have your computer."


"Cause you broken one of my rules, and I can take your computer."

"How I am going to do my homework without my computer."

"If you're coming to Detention you can have it back."

"But what if my stomach hurt, and I have to go home."

"Then you can get it tomorrow."

"Will I will not do your homework you assign on the first day will I am sick so here you go take it."

Walking out the class room to the nurse office.
I finely reach the nurse office and I knock on the door and a fine man answer the door.

"Hi is the nurse here."

"Yes the nurse is here said the man."

"Okay where is the nurse."

"You look at the nurse said the man."

"O really you are nurse what."

"call me Justin said the man."

"Okay nurse Justin."

"No just Justin."


"So what your name and why are you here."

"My name is Crystal Heart and my stomach hurt really bad."

"So what kind of stomach pains you have."

"Its a women thing."

"O okay you need what."

"To go home for the rest of the day and can you tell my sister Diamond Heart to help me and tell my teacher Mr. Kendall I can't make to detention cause I am so sick."

"Okay I will do that."

"Thank you Justin."

"Until then lay down until your sister gets here."

=Diamond POV=

It is so hard to be in a class with Kyle. Kyle was looking at me with his green eyes that just speak to me. My heart pounds every time are eyes meet.

Kyle went over the rules and how his class was going to work for this year. However, I was not ever paying too much attend to what he was saying. .

Until his sweet lip called my name to his desk.

"Yes, Mr. Kyle I said.

"Pull up a chair for I can help you with you lab today, Sorry you have to work with me, Its just an odd number of students said Kyle."

I really don't want to, but I had to be all close to him. I pull up a chair and sit down at the side of the desk. Kyle smell so good I was getting turned me on really bad.
Then Kyle start to write me a note.

Kyle: How you been

Me: Good I guess

Kyle: I have miss you

I was going to write back but the class room phone start to ring.

Kyle got up and answer the phone. I just sat there and the paper we was writing on I put it in my bag.

"Ms. Heart they need you at the nurse office for you can take your sister home she is sick said Kyle."

"Okay." I said to walk out when Kyle stop me.

"Yes Mr. Kyle."

"I will need to take your laptop away."


"Cause you broke a rule."

"But I am not coming to detention if my sister is sick."

"Will tomorrow you have detention."

"Fine take it and I will not do your homework tonight so bye."

Walk out the class to the nurse office. Soon I got there a fine ass man answer the door.

"You must be Diamond Crystal sister said the man."

"Yes I am and you are."

"Call me Justin and not nurse Justin."


I walk in and Crystal was sleep so good.

"Wake up Crystal."

"Hey Diamond take me home."


"Thank you Justin for your help."

"Every time Crystal."

Crystal and I walk out and when stand home.

=Crystal POV=

Ha ha ha I got over great on Kendall No girl in detention for me

"So why you lied about being sick."

"Cause Kendall gave me detention, and I don't want to be alone with him."

"True Kyle gives me detention to."

"So be happy I got you out of class."

"Thank you Crystal."

"So how we going to do are homework."

"I don't know I thought you would have a plan."

"No we can fine the public library."

"Okay Let go before every body get out of 7 period."

"okay get your phone give me the way to the library."

"Fine let's go before somebody know you was fake sick."

Diamond and I walk to are car. Got in and when to the library.

Before Diamond came and get me. Kendall wrote me two pass. I told Justin can I go wash my hand. I walk in the bathroom and read the note.

Dear Crystal,

I know you fake being sick and on your monthly. I going to let you have this one.
Remember I know your scent and there no where you can hid and ran to. I know this is scary for you. But I love you,You are my mate my life and we will get thru this together.

Your Love:Kendall


I just looked at the note for a second. Then put it in my bag and when back and laid down in Justin office. Fall asleep until Diamond came and take me home.

(A/N: I will update The Heart sister tomorrow are later just let me think what should come next. Thank you for liking my book I am so thankful and If you have any ideas of what should come next plz tell me and I promise to thank you.

chapter 5: Library

"Diamond you are sure they're not other libraries here."

"No, this is the only one on this island, and the other one is on the next island, and we can't go there now."

"But this library looks so creepy."

"Do you want a F on the first day of school."

"No I guess I don't."

Diamond and I walk into the library. I walk straight up to the lady and ask her can we get on the computers.

"Hi." I said in a quiet voice.

"Hi sweetheart how may I help you."

"Will My sister and I will love to use the computer."

"You and her may use the computer but be careful it's an old library its a lot of surprise here."

"Okay we will."

Diamond and I hop on a computer and went to the school website Degrassi HS is our school name. We enter are logged in numbers and got to are homework.

I know Degrassi is the name of the school in Canada However, some dumb ass burned down that school, and my dad and other parents paid for a new one in Hawaii.

Some kids are from that school, and some student was chosen to come here.

Diamond and I finish our homework early.

Walked around the library looking for things to read. Diamond walked a different way, and I walked another way.

Until I came to a glass case with an old book in it. This book had strong power to it, and it was drawing me to it. I put my hand on the case, and I had seen the future, and I could feel the book's power.

I fell on the floor after the book threw me backwards.

Then I heard a scream.

"Diamond I yelled."

"Crystal where are you? I heard Diamond yelled."

"I am right here."

Then I had seen it came for me. It was a Mythical Creature that my dad use to read Diamond and I in books.

Then a hairy thing hop in front of me, It tuned and looked at me, and I know it said fine Diamond and get out of leave.

I ran as fast as I can to find Diamond her scent was there, but it seems like it was everywhere and only everything.

"Diamond I yelled repeatedly."

However, there was no answer it felt like I was run in a maze. I saw a light at the end of the hall. I ran down to it cause something are someone was coming. I can feel it.

When I came to light it was that book again. This time the book was glowing with a blue color.

The case broken and glass went everywhere I flow back and hit my head on the wall.
I open my eyes just a little to see the book rise off the stand. I saw a creature with blue skin.

The thing had Diamond in its hand; that's who what I was scenting early. I tired to get up and walk over to it. However, it saw me coming and hist a me. I don't care I had to save Diamond no matter what.

"Diamond wake up you need to fight it."

"She can hear you said the creature."

I don't pay to attend to it. I just keep calling Diamond name to come to me. The creature pushed me back with so many forces.

Diamond wake up and bit the creature. It threw Diamond right into me and we both hit the wall. Wonder how many fuck times am I going to hit the wall.


"Crystal Kyle"

I had seen Kyle and the hairy things, and I realize it was Kendall in his wolf form. I called his name out. He howled to me that everything be okay. They start fighting with all they might. I close my eyes, and I was gone out.

=Diamond POV=

After Crystal and I went different ways. I went to check out some teen books. Then I saw a board with job listing and helping a hand work with kids and pets. I had notices that the sun was going down. So I went looking for Crystal, so we can get out of this creepy ass library. Then I saw me, and Crystal favor books Tru Kamani. They were some new ones too. I start to read the back of the book.

It was water coming from the top of my head; I looked up to a thing a snake-like creature was looking down at me . I start to scream I tried to run, but it was right behind me. I heard Crystal called my name.

"Crystal where are you ? I yelled."

"I am here I heard Crystal's call."

Something hit me, and I was in and out. I could hear a men voice calling my name it sounded like Kyle.

"Kyle I am here."

I can hear Kyle.

"Get away from her."

The thing put me down, and Kyle hit it with such speed. It took a lot of power to get up and crawl away. However, I had to find Crystal and get out of here.

I fell somebody pick me and up, and it was the thing. I was face to face with it. It was opening it's mouthed, and it breathed on me, and I was out.

All I can think of where is Kyle and is Crystal okay. If I am going to get out off here alive,

I saw a bight light. It was talking to me. I realize it was Crystal. Saying you can fight it Crystal said. Then I could hear the creature saying she can hear you. I could not believe it can speak English.

I get up and bit the thing.

It threw me with such force right into Crystal, who hit the wall.

Then I had seen Kyle and a dog like creature and I realize it was Kendall in his wolf form. Crystal call his name out and he howled.


I whisper. I could hear his thoughts and he told me everything be okay. I was out again.

(A/N: I will write more tomorrow night leave your comment are sent me a message. But if you talking about my book about the spelling are the grammar don't send are leave a comment about that cause I don't want to hear you being a heater. You understand then kind of thing hurt my feelings. so pleases don't thank you thank you for love my books

What happen to Crystal and Diamond ??

Did Kyle and Kendall fight off the creature and get they mates out of there ???

What about this book ???

All them question will be answer in next update thank you for reading :-)

=Kendall POV=

After Crystal played a dirty tick on me. I do know what to do I was piss that she doesn't want to be nerdy by me. I dismiss my class, and I went straight to Kyle's class room. By the way, who was going back and forth in his class room.

"Kyle clammed down."

"No how could you left her leave like that."

"Cause she embarrassed herself in front of my whole class to get out of here."

"Why caused you tell her the nurse wasn't in."

"Kyle in not that simple."

"Yes it is say no and then cuss her out in her mind and tell her to sit her ass down and shut up."

"Okay whatever Kyle its not that simple."

"It is."

"Come on lets go paid a visit to are mates."

"Wait you know where they live."

"Yes Kyle i do her scent is near by here."

Kyle and I came to Crystal and Diamond apartment. I can tell my brother don't really like my mate right now but he has to deal with it cause the my soul. I knock on the door and no answer.

"How long does it take to answer a door."

"I don't know."

I turn the door nob the door opened. Kyle and I walked it the apartment that had are mates scent all over it.

"Crystal is you here."

"Diamond Kyle called out loud."

I started to walk toward the bathrooms. One had Crystal scent i stand there for a min and take in her scent i was in heaven.

=Kyle POV=

Fuck my brother for letting are mates walk out the door. He kills me with that shit. So we paid a visit to are mates apartment. Kendall knock on the door no answer. Kendall open the door to a empty apartment. We called are mates name no answer. I make my way where Diamond scent was at the most. I started looking throw Diamond things to get a better understand of her. Then i start to feel pain in my chest. It hurt to the point i trashed Diamonds room. I laid on the carpet try to finger where Diamond was.

=Kendall POV=

My heart hurt to the point i could not breath. I got up and went to my brother who was in pain also.

"where is this pain coming from said Kyle."

"Come on we have to save them."

I help Kyle to the car and drive where Crystal scent was at the most i find it at the library. Why did i fores her to stay this library is bad news. Before i had a chance to parket the car. Kyle hope out the car with so much speed. I shift into my wolf form. I find Crystal laying on the floor blood everywhere. There it was a thing here a snake like creature. I look into the creature eyes. It told me what it want the book and my mate to. I charge at it with so much speed at that comment. I looked over to Crystal who was knock out cold. Then there was to creatures. Kyle and I killed the first one but the second one put up a fight. I looked over at Crystal who was looking at me I howled at her to let her know it was me and told to get Diamond and get out of here.

Chapter 6: Awake and Forever Together

I wake up to see Kendall and Kyle fighting that think still. Kendall turn to me and told me to get Diamond and leave. I got up and got Diamond up with me and carry her with me.

"Diamond wake up."

"I am up Crystal."

"Then walk for we can get the hell out of here."


Diamond and I grab are bag and seek out the back door. I am happy Kendall and Kyle had that thing attend enough for Diamond and I to leave. I put Diamond in the car and drive to are apartment it was so hard to see on the road my head is bleeding but it also healing at the same time.

I finely made it to are apartment. I help Diamond up the steps while she carry are bags.

"Damn Crystal your bag is heavy."

"What you mean, it wasn't heavy early."

I finely open the door to are apartment trashed. I sit Diamond on the couch and looked around are apartment nothing wasn't missing. Which is weird cause Diamond and I real Diamond neck lets was still here. I wounder what they was looking for.

"Crystal". Diamond shout for me


"I need you."

"I am here."

"Give me some Blood."

"What where the fuck i get blood from."

"I don't know find some."


Shit is Diamond serious where do i get blood from. I call the person that can tell me the answer my grandpa. The phone ring 3 times before he pick up.

"Hey grandpa."

"What's up crystal."

"Will Diamond is crave blood how to i get that."

"Will the mate help with that."

"Her mate is kind of busy."

"Crystal you how to hunt a deer are whatever animal."

"You got to be playing right."

"Just go Crystal its not that hard."

"Okay but grandma i never shift before."

"All you have to think clear thoughts and you will shift."

"Okay bye grandpa talk to you later love."

"Love you to Crystal and be careful."

I hang the phone up. I open a window and start think of clear thoughts. Before i know it bones start to crack. I should of take my clothes off cause i just rip them. I jump out the window with such speed and i ran towards the woods and i smell around. Finely i find a the scent of a deer. I ran straight for it. Its kind of fun being in wolf form. My coat was all while. I got the blood for my sister and i ran straight back home ever know i want to play in my wolf form.

Soon as i got there Kendall and Kyle was there. I wounder what they wanted. I can give them a thank you for save Diamond and I. But i hate the look on they face but i was not going to let my pride get in the way. I just put the blood on the table and walk back to my room. I shift back and take a shower to wash all the blood off of me. I charge clothes and went back in the living room with them.

"Halo so thank you for saving Diamond and I we so great full."

"You almost got my mate killed said Kyle."

I can't be this nigga said that to me. I went throw way more then Diamond i fuck got thrown around that stupid place. But fine i am not finna fight with this nigga.

"Okay i am sorry."

"No no your not stop trying to get out of thing and face up."

He was asking for it, he wanted me to cuss him out i want to.

"You know what get the fuck out of here with that shit nobody want to hear your bull."

This nigga give me the look. I finna beat the shit out of this cocky ass vampire. i just breath and walk in my room before he say something to piss me off. I slam my door and hop on my bed i swear since i been my wolf form. I can see and hear more clear. Fuck Kendall i thought that was my mate. But he stand there and let his brother talk shit to me like i was shit. You know what fuck him. I don't need a mate.


"What Diamond."

"Come back in here."

"Is they gone."

"No but i need you."

"Your mate there you don't need me no more."

Diamond don't say nothing back cause she know she really don't need me. I strip my clothes off and shift into my wolf form and ran back to the woods. I feel so alive.

=Diamond POV=

After Crystal brought us home i start to crave blood. I told Crystal and she just left me there. Then I hear a knock on the door more like a bang. I got up and answer the door and it was Kyle and Kendall standing there.

"What do y'all want."

"Don't take that tone with me."

I looked at him like who the fuck you think you are.

"So is you and your sister okay."

"We fine you can go now."

"Sorry we here to stay honey."

I seen suitcase in they hand like they was moving in. Crystal want like this one.

"So where is your sister."

"I don't know."

After i said that i white wolf came from the baloney. The wolf sat blood on the table and left towards Crystal room. I don't ever know she could shift and her fur was white us snow. It take Crystal 30 mins to come back out in her human form. Kyle started to go off on her after she tired to say thank you to them.

"What the fuck Kyle."

"You can't talk to my sister like that."

"After she almost got you killed."

"She don't almost kill us."

"It was both are idea who the dumb ass who take my laptop."

Kyle just looked at me. I grab the blood Crystal give me and Kyle grab it out my hand with such speed. Like he don't truth my sister.

"What was that for."

"Your not drinking this."

"Why not."

"Cause I am your mate it my job."

"Stop sitting here and go get me some then."

I swear that nigga get on my nervous. I need to stop calling him a nigga cause he is a white boy. I just got up and went to Crystal room and knocked on the door.

"Come on Crystal you can't leave me with them face the music."

I open Crystal room and she was gone. The window was open where could she be. Should i tell Kendall to go fine her. Are should i cover for her. This is so hard, Before i could go out of Crystal room Kendall was standing at the door.

"So where's Crystal."

"You should know that's your mate."

Kendall don't say nothing back he just push me out the room. I know he was finna go fine Crystal i hear bone creaking and i know he was gone.

"So your sister disappear."

"No she just take a walk she do that went she mad."


"So what."

Kyle had a wired grim on his face i hate how it look. I just walk pass him and went into my room. Of course he followed me and laid on my bed.

"Your not sleeping with me its call the couch."

"Come here i want to hold you."

"No thank you i am cool."

Kyle grab me and i want to slap him but i don't have the heart to. I feel so safe in his arms. Finely we fall asleep like this.


=Kendall POV=

I can't believe Crystal leave without me i am her mate. I know she mad i don't stop my brother for saying all them words to her. But he was right all she had to do is go to dentition and nothing of that stiff would have never happen. I ran throw the woods looking for Crystal these woods is other packs land. I wish she stop being her and listen to me. I hear howls they know its two new wolf in there tiff. I finely reach Crystal she in her human form she looked so beautiful sitting on that rock the moon shining just right on her. I hurry and ran up to Crystal and beg her to get on my back. For once in her life she listen to me. I ran as fast as a could i can't fight right now. I finely came back to the apartment and shift back. Crystal looked at me with so much lust.

"What the hell was you think."

"I was think i had to get away from YOU."

"Why you make no since."

"Human laws is stronger then are laws your fucking 22 i am 16 how they going to look at us we can't be together right now."

"Okay i get that i here to protract you."

"How you going to protract me in jail."

"That will not happen."

"Yes it will if you do stop and leave."

"I am not leaving i will be right next to you until the day we die."

=Crystal POV=

I just looked in Kendall eyes and he meant every word he was saying. Why this had to happen now. But i love Kendall with all my heart and ever if we could stay apart i will die without him. He's the one i dream about my life. My pushing him away is not working so i should just stop and kiss my wolf. Kendall known what i was thinking about he sat on my bed and Kiss me. It was just like i remember. I couldn't not stop i want him to mark me and i be his.

"Crystal we have to stop."

"no I need you now."

"I can't do this now."

"Why not."

"Cause i want to get to know my mate."

"Okay how we going to do that."

"Don't worry i have a plan."


"Crystal i love you."

"I love you too Kendall."

Before i know it i went to dream about my life my love my everything. Everything was prefect.

Chapter 7: Bond and Blood lust

=Kendall POV=

Crystal finely give up on push me away and let me love her. I fell asleep with her in my arms. When I wake up I know I had to get to class and plan the day fuck no. I really wanted to stay in Crystal bed and sleep all day. I softly got up and take a shower and put my clothes. I watch Crystal sleep she was a Angel. I kiss her on her soft lip and left her room.

I knock on Diamond door to get Kyle up. He already know what was up when he walk out Diamond room he looked sick as fuck like it killed him to leave her.

"You okay Kyle."

"Ya I am okay."

I walk in my class and sat behind my desk and start plan this shit is boarding as hell. I remember that I had Crystal laptop. Take it out and turned it on. I know this is wrong but still I wanted to know what she do and like.

Damn she had a password on her laptop. I wounder what it. I close her laptop and put it back in my desk and locked it. I was finish plan. So I texted Kyle and asks him to get breakfast with me. He text back and said okay. I walk out and Kyle was waiting for me by my car. We had until 7:00 am to get back to class. It was 6:30 am.

=Kyle POV=

Diamond is prefect ain't no second guessing. But her sister Crystal get's on my nervous. That why she is so right for Kendall. But last night was the best night of my life laying with Diamond. I don't ever want to get up for I can plan for the day.

But I did and I know I looked at mess you would to and you know you can't hold your mate in yo hands all day. I finish planing and then Kendall text me to go to breakfast with him. I walk out and meet Kendall at the car.

=Crystal POV=

I awake and Kendall was gone. He most of went to work. I went to the bathroom an got in the shower and can still smell Kendall all over my body and bathroom and my bedroom. It was driving me crazy I wanted him to clan me last night and make me his forever.

I got out the shower and dress in some shorts and a cute hello kitty shirt. Then I went to Diamond room and out the door. This girl was still in bed at 6:30 am and that ain't her. I went and pull the covers off of her.

"Damn Crystal that sun is to bright."

"O shit you not."

"Yes i am going throw the charge."

"Have you went throw the charge."

"I mean I can shift but other powers have come yet and I can't shift for long."

"So you sick you can't go to school."

"Crystal close my window and go get me some coffee now."

"Okay you don't have to yell at me I know its a mate thing you miss him."


"Okay I am leaving now call me if you need any thing else."

I walk on the balcony and shit it was cold in the mornings. I went to my and got my long long socks. Then I left out the door.

I out the door to my car and at the corner of my eye I seen a black van. What in the fuck is this van during looking at my apartment. I call Diamond and told her to be careful she said okay.

I make my way to star bucks. I got there at 6:50 am and guess who I seen there Kendall and Kyle. Kyle looked at me with anger. I just wanted to go over there and fuck him on that table.

I just stand in line waiting on this fat ass nigga to finish ordering. I mean he wasn't big but that nigga said I was ugly and laugh at me on the first day of school.


I looked around like a dumb ass to see who he was talking to.

"Really Crystal."

"How you know my name."

"Just do and i am sorry for laugh at you."

"Its cool, can you excuse me I have to order my food."

"I mean Crystal you cute."

I just rise a eye brow at him like dat fuck.


"So Crystal you cute i am the star of the football team will you be my girlfriend."

"I have a boyfriend."

"O who?"

"I Don't have to explain my self to you."

"Excuse me can I order now."

"Are you fucking with me."

I don't say shit back to him. I call Diamond and see if she was okay.

"Girl i am talking to you."

Diamond phone ring 5 times and when to voice mail. I call her again and a men pick the phone up I look over to the table where Kendall and Kyle was standing they was still there talking. Was Kyle serious he can't feel his mate is in trouble. I tried to run out of star buck when that guy grab me.

"Dat fuck get yo hands off of me."

"No agree to be my girlfriend."

"Son left her go." said Kendall finely acting like he care

I ran out the door and hop in my car


Texte: Renee
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2012

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