
Dec 29, 2012

It was a okay day i got to sleep and talk to my friends. My bf write me the cuties rap that i am finna put on here

Feel love now feel pain it hurts right, true now feel king I'm in the rain with only a flame where dreams come true there never the same show me a thrown I'll show u a king give me a crowd I'll give u fame picture this im out of the frame I'm simbalizing lion king I finally grow my full mane pay me attention I repay u the change gun on my face that has no range bang bang bang king right here that was born to rein I press eject and change the game that first injection changed the king changed his flow and changed his name I told insane to use his pain searched for love discovered pain saw the sun felt the rain that Cupid. It forgot the aim but humanily were not the same I e.t. When I feel yo pain ouch I burn rubber I save others in sumdin like an ambulance physically I'm. Commonly but mentally I'm more advanced no more rubbers no more covers it's time for me to interfere foxy will u grab my hand and see our love

Love can't be count

From my Boyfriend

That was my day this made it my rap l0l

So like it are hate it don't matter to me cause he wrote it for me his queen be. The one that make sparks fly. That make him laugh the one you all know as nerdgirl16 a city girl coming into the county life. But still miss the fast like.

That was my day LOVE


P.S: life changer

Dream I had

I want to keep it like it use to be for he will never say how it was.

My dream i fell for you and i wish you away. Now i am begging the God to bring you back to me cause i was sailfish. When you told me sorry and i said fuck you go away. The next min you gone i am crying at your grave telling you i don't mean them nasty words. I was just mad at you. But that will not bring you back to me and your son. So i went to the north light when heaven and earth touch and asks for a chance to see you and hug and kiss you. They told me i had a hour to bring the thing that you give me that means LOVE. I ran as fast as i can grab are son and the first thing you ever give me in life a necklace that said Love. I ran back to the sport where they told me to bring the stuff. They told me i was to later i hold are son and cried. He don't understand why we here why you had to go so early. Then I say over and over to you i am sorry. Then a men walk up to me saying he was you. I was like you look so different. You said the angels and gods told you to came back for are family. I hop on you while holding are son and you kissed you. And you is telling are son you love him. Then you give me a passion Kiss. I look you in the eye and told you i sorry but before i could finish you cut me off. Saying you was wrong i was right and you want on saying we starting over. That it take him dying to know how real of a women i was. I smile and grab your hand while you hold are son and we walk to are new life.

Dec 31, 2012-2013

My Dream

I call it a party that went wrong

"Vinny this party is off the hook" "i know girl". Vinny is my best friend in the whole wide world i love his ass to die. The way he call me girl is my fav. "Ayala get yo ass over here" said my overprotect bf Ricky. By the way Vinny and Ricky hate each but Vinny deal with him for me. Ayala what the hell i tell you about being all on that nigga. "Ricky don't start no shit he's my best friend." "whatever Ayala." Ricky walk away from me like i am shit to him i know he love me but i just don't know. I am a stripper because of him and Vinny don't know about it if he did he would of been kill Ricky. Seen Vinny is a gang member and Ricky is to but they in different gangs. "Why you let him teat you like that". "Vinny i don't need your bull lets just party now can i have a beer".


watch my best friend be with him it kills me. I should me the one she with. I see him over there yelling at her about me and i know Ayala needs better then him. "Vinny where Ricky go". "Ayala i don't know". "Yes you do ask one of your boys where he at for me". "No girl lets just have fun and don't worry about that nigga". You always say that but fine dance with me Vinny".

"Yo girl your boy just went in a room with Miss thing". "WHAT ?" "Come on Girl leave him be". "No Vinny you always say that". "He cheats on you a lot and what you do girl come crying to me and then take him back cause he gives you flower". "You right let him have fun Vinny come to the room with me". "Kiss me Vinny". "No girl you drunk you going to regret this later no i am not i love you Vinny".

I always kiss Ayala but this is different i don't know if that beer was talking are she meant every word. "Ayala stop pulling me". "Not until you kiss me". "No you drunk ass hell and i am to". "I am not drunk i want you Vinny". Ayala put me on top of her and i kiss her. "Vinny can i tell you something". "Yes Girl". "I never had sex with Ricky i know that's why he cheat on me". I was was kind of happy about that. "You sure you want me to be your first". Yes Ricky go ahead.

The next day i wake up with a head aid i look over and Ayala was in my bed naked. Damn what the fuck did i just do. I put my clothes on and walk around my house. Everybody was pass out. I wake my boys up and they help clear up and I carry that bitch Ricky was sleeping with and put her in the hall way i don't know who invented that bitch she nasty as hell. I carry Ayala in there with Ricky i can't never let her know that we slept together are this will mess are friendship up. I hate myself for doing that.


I wake up next to Ricky he looked so good. I still can't believe i had my first time with him and i don't remember how it went. I got up and put my clothes on and help Ricky with his clothes and we left Vinny's house and went home. "what the fuck happen last night said Ricky in a bad ass mood". "what the fuck you think me fucked last night". "O okay you going to work tonight." "I don't feel so good i go tomorrow." "No you going tonight." "No Ricky i tired." "An i need money so you going are else."

That fuck nigga get on my nervous but i have to go. I love Ricky he all i have now since Vinny is a pump and a gangsta. I only see him sometimes.


I am going back and front in my apartment about last night. Shit happen and big shit happen. Ayala don't remember about us sleeping together and Ricky got off the hook again that son of bitch. Why didn't i tell her why i cover for his ass. But it was for Ayala.
I heard a knock on the door. "What sup big men how was it sleeping with Ayala last night."
"How the fuck y'all know about that." "Men you pull that girl to bed she was scream and saying Vinny all night." "Y'all fuck better not tell her are a soul about that she was drunk and i was to and she don't ever remember we slept together she think it was Ricky."
"Why the fuck you do that for." "Do it for Ayala." "So men that nigga need to be taking out and you know it." "Ya but i will tell her but i don't think it will change nothing." "Whatever men we will keep you secret." "Good." "So you want to get hit the strip clubs to get your mine off of things." "Hell ya lets go."


Ricky dumb ass drop me at work. I hate dance but the money is good as hell. I am will respect cause these bitch know who i fuck with and i can have they ass every time. I went to the dressing room and got ready for my dance on stage. My stripper name is Alazay which is my middle name. "Alazay come on time for your number." "Okay i am coming." I take a shot to the head before i walk out there. I started doing my dance to Cara sexy magic. Nigga was make it rain on me. Until i seen Vinny walk in his face was red ass hell he walk on stage and grab me off stage. "Vinny stop let me get my money." "Leave that shit." Vinny walk me back in the dressing room. An he yelled at all the bitch to get the fuck out.
"So explain to me why are you up there half naked dance for dollars." I could not ever tell Vinny why. "Let me guess that nigga right." I just shake my head. "I am fucking going to kill that nigga." "No Vinny plz don't." "Why should i kill his ass you smart you can go to Yale." "How and i can't pay for it." "Girl if you need money i would of give it to you no questions ask and you do have to do nothing for it and you know this shit." "Okay Vinny." "Come on get yo shit you quite this job." "Vinny you can't do that." "Yes i can."
Vinny put his jacket over me and grab my stuff. An he put me over his shoulder and carry me out.


I walk in the hottest strip club and what i see my girl half naked dancing on the stage. I ran up on stage and grab her and take her to the dressing room i yell at all the bitch to get out. I had to talk to my girl i pretty much did all the talking. Then i told her to get her shit she quite this job. Then i put my jacket over her and carry her out. I seen that nigga in the parking a lot talking to his boys. "Ayala get in my car." "No Vinny lets just go." "No he want learn i am kick his ass." "Ayala i am not fighting with you get in the car and don't get out here the keys i will be okay."

I watch Ayala get in my car. I walk over to that nigga. "Who the fuck you think you is having her strip like that." "Who you think you is coming at me like that she my girl i can tell her to do every thing i want." "that stop today i am taking her home with me." "Who cares i don't need her." "You hear me Ayala its over." "Good i don't need to see yo ass around her again." "Ya whatever man."

Ayala pull the car next to his car and get out cussing him out. I seen him want to grab him gun i look at him and i grab Ayala and put her in the car. We drive in silent to my apartment. She would ever look my way. when we got home she don't say nothing all she did was got straight to my room and laid in my bed. I sat in the living think. Until i feel asleep on the couch. I wake up to Ayala laying on me. "Vinny you love me right." "Of course i do." "Then why i can be love i want somebody here for me." "What am I." "Vinny you always busy with girls and your life you not ready for what i am ready for." "You wrong i am let me show you i am." "Okay Vin vin i giving you a chance." "Good." I led up and kiss Ayala. We went back to sleep.

2 mouths later


I been sick on and off Vinny been taking care of me naw stop. Ricky has been calling and texting be fuck him he gone Vinny is my boo. I should of been with him in the first place.
"Ayala i am taking you to the doctor." "Okay Vinny."

At the Doctor


I take Ayala to the doctor because she been sick off and on. Finely the doctor came to call us back it been a hour we been sitting here.
"So Ayala what's the problem said the doctor."
"I been sick naw stop."
"Have you be sexual involve."
"Can you pee in this cup."
"Pregnant test."
"You think i am pregnant i can't be."
"We want know until you pee."
I watch as Ayala get up and went to the bathroom. 2 minutes she come out the bathroom and handle the cup to the doctor. The doctor take the cut and Ayala sat there for like 10 to 20 minutes. "Vinny you think i am pregnant." "Ayala we use protract every time." "Okay."
I thought back to the party and i don't use protract men she going to think this baby's is Ricky's. An the baby is mine shit. I hope she not that far a long if she is pregnant. Finely the doctor came back.
"Ayala i am so happy to say you is pregnant."
I look over at Ayala who is shock she could not asks how far is she.
"So how far is she."
"About 2 months."
"So take these if will help the baby grown."
"Okay and when should i come back."
"In 2 weeks."
"The nurse will tell you your date."
"Okay thank you."

Ayala and I walk to get are appointment. An we walk out. "So what we going to do." "Will we keeping it right cause i don't believe in the other thing." "Yes we keep the baby and don't call the baby it." "Okay sorry i am just shock." "You think you the father." " I am the father." "But i wasn't with you 2 months ago." "I don't care that baby inside you is mine and he not the fuck father." "Okay Vinny we having a baby." "I know."


The doctor said i was 2 months pregnant. I know deep down Ricky is the father but Vinny wants a baby he said we is getting marry in 3 weeks. I said i don't want to be big and fat in a dress. Vinny brought me the biggest ring after the doctor said i was pregnant and got on one knee in the store and pop the question. I said yes and i cried. Soon we got home it was on but Vinny don't do me like i wanted. He was like i don't want to hurt the baby. I told him it was okay to have sex while pregnant. I just sleep next to him while he rub my stomach.

3 weeks later

Its my wedding day. Vinny give me money to but the prettiest dress. I was so happy looking at dress i wish i had a friend to help me are a mother ever. But i don't have family. Will i have a family in a min my baby is health and Vinny is my finna be husband. I forgot the fact Ricky is the father cause Vinny give the life up and been working and taking care of me. We when back to school and i becoming a nurse just until the baby is older then i go back to be a doctor. Vinny is so smart he already got his business degree. An it been only 3 weeks.

I am in the mirror looking at my dress ready to walk down the ale. One of Vinny friends is walking me down the ale. I heard a knock on the door. "You really Ayala said Drew." "I am coming Drew." I walked out and i was really to see my Vinny looking all fine my love my baby father. I was at the end i grab Vinny hand and we stand in front of the pastor and Vinny crew members. I don't pay no attend to the men i was just month words to Vinny telling him how much i love him. He was saying you beautiful.


I watch as my boy walk down my wife and she was so beautiful in that dress damn i am the lucky men alive right now. I hold her hand and the men said a pray and i not paying the attend i am just tell my girl my love the mother of my child she is beautiful.

The men said if these people should not be marry speak now are forever hold there paces.

Then somebody speak out i was piss and look to see......

An it was Ricky there with all this crew members.

"Ayala you can't marry him with my baby inside." "Yes i can watch me, Can keep going."
"No Ayala hear me out first." "You had your chance now leave me alone." "Ricky on some real shit leave now for shit pop off." "Not until i have my girl on my arm." "Drew take Ayala home." "No Vinny i am leaving until i am marry to you." "Ayala you have to leave i don't want you and the baby to get hurt." "Fine Vinny you better come home tonight." "I will."

I kiss Ayala before Drew take her home. I tuned to my crew and we walk out and head to are cars we have to finish this. I see Ricky and his crew following us.

"Vinny finely you going to finish this." "This was always going to happen."


I can't believe Ricky started this on my wedding day. Fuck him and his life i don't care he's my baby father. For some reason i feel this baby is Vinny's.
"Ayala are you okay." "No i am not i want Vinny." "He will be okay i know that for a fact."
I shake my at Drew. Then i feel this pain in my stomach. "Ayala what's the matter." "My stomach hurts so bad." "You need to go to the hospital." "No i don't think so it happen sometime." "Will Vinny not gong to have my ass so you going to the hospital." "Fine."

We arrived at the Hospital in like 5 minutes. Drew was scared as hell. The nurse roll me in the back. I feel asleep after that.


"What Drew." "Ayala is in the hospital." "What how this happen." "I don't know she just had pain in her stomach." "What the doctors say." "that she is feel asleep,They checking on the baby now." "Okay i am on my way there." "Okay."

"Shit." "What everything okay." "No Ayala in the hospital." "Then fuck this i will make sure everything go us plan." "Okay."

I dope the crew off and head to the hospital going 60 miles per hour. Shit why this happen. I came to the Hospital and i see Drew with his head in his hands. I just walk over to nurse station and asks the nurse about Ayala.

"Hey is my wife Ayala okay."
"Yes, she in room 210."

"Drew you did good and she is fine." "Okay."

I walk in and Ayala was fast asleep. I pull up a chair next to her and beginning rubbing her stomach. I could feel the baby move that made me smile. This so hard on her why i just i don't know i could never leave her alone. I should tell her the truth before more shit pop off.

"Vinny." "Yes Ayala i am here." "Is the baby okay." "Yes the baby is fine." "Good can we go home now." "You should stay here for a while." "okay can you hold me." "okay."

6 months later


The baby has been perfectly health. Ricky has not come back i still want to know what Vinny did to him. But i don't want to ask cause i don't care. "Vinny stop re


Texte: Renee
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2012

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To my Family. And to my best friend Jay and Kelsey. My mommy who believe in me. And to Love

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