
Chapter 1: The stalke

    I take a drink from my water, as I sit with my friends for lunch. Partly listening to myfriend, Kayla, about how she loves her new boyfriend.  

 "And I love the way how he is so gentle with me, unlike Todd." Saying her exboyfriend'sname in disgust.    The other girls just nod showing that they understand. I just turn away, rolling myeyes. About two months ago she said she loved how rough Todd was and here she isagain bragging about another boy. Though Todd was an asswipe, it annoyed me howshe was always nagging about someone.  

 I lean my weight on the rale and stare at the butterfly-swarmed flowers. The invasionof butterflies somehow makes me feel peaceful for a short amount of time until the bellrings. I snap out of my daze, collect my things and head silently to my next class withLisa.  

 Lisa's a good friend of mine but we're so different. She has a perfect white pale skintone and blonde hair with bright blue eyes. Also a cute, girly, yet simple style. For example, today, she'swearing a summer floral pattern dress that fits her perfect, slim body while I wear black jeans, converses and a darkpurple v-neck shirt. I have an averge body and slightly tan skin that go with light brown hair and light dull blue eyes.    

I sit at my assigned table with Lisa and John. John is one of the few guys I trust,though he has green eyes. Green eyes, if you ever care to ubserve, are hard to trust. I think we have a good friendship. I mess with him and he messes with me back. He's a converse, jeans, and T-shirts kind-of-guy. He's simple andthat's what I like about him.    

As the time passes by fast through half of my last class from laughing loudly andmessing around, Lisa says quietly for only the table can hear, "Carisa, Derek's staring at you."    

I look back and sure enough, I see dark blue eyes looking at me intensely. I mouth 'what,'knowing he knows I see him.    'Nothing,' he mouths back frustrated or annoyed, and turns away.    

I turn back to my group. "That was weird."  

 Lisa laughs. " God, Car, you're so naïve when it comes to that."    

"Comes to what?"    

"He does that constantly."    

"Does what?"  

 "Stares at you. I just thought it was time to bring it to your attention. You were losteither laughing or drawing."    "Really? Probably 'cause I was laughing too loud."  

 "Idiot, he likes you."  


"You're so idiotically naïve," she says, shaking her head. I look at her questionably, but she's goes back to writing notes. I pause to think for a moment then I go back todrawing to escape the cloud of confusion.    

After class, I hug Lisa and John then head to the bus. Once I find a place to sit andsettle for the ride, I can't help to notice that I feel like I'm being watched. I look back anddiagonally, a few seats away, I see Derek looking at me . I quickly look back out thewindow.    

I finally get off the bus and start walking to my house. While walking, I hear footstepsbehind me. I decide to ignore them. I walk a few more blocks and I still hear them. Ifinally look back and I see Derek again. He is about six feet away from me. I walk fasterfor a couple more blocks. He is still behind me but only ten feet away from me. I decideto do something about this.  

 I turn the next corner that I need to take and take my switchblade out of my bag. I waituntil he turns then I push him against the brick wall. I put my forearm on his chest andthe knife against his neck.    

"Look,dude, I'm not fond of stalkers, so stop following me, okay?" He was about fiveinches taller than me but I still caught him by surprise.    

He pushes me away, takes the knife out of my hand and round kicks me to theground.    "Look, babe, I wasn't stalking you. We live on the same block, have been for a monthnow." He backs away to give me some space. "Are you okay?"  

 I nod. He offers his hand to help me up, I ignore it and stand up. He smirks and handsme my knife. Embarrassed, I take it, grabs my bag, mumble an apology and leave.I get home and I'm embarrassed, pissed and annoyed. And the best thing is I can't findmy cellphone.

Chapter 2: The deal

I looked everywhere and I couldn't find it. I checked my bag, my house and from thebus stop to my house. I know I had the phone after I got off the bus and I could onlythink of a few things that happened to me phone; it got stolen, it's hiding from me, orthat ass, Derek, has my phone. The best thing is that today's a Saturday and my parents don'tknow I lost my phone yet.    

I go down stairs and see my mom. "Hey, mom."  

 "Hi, honey."    

"Mom, do you know the neighbors who moved in like a month ago live?"    

"Yeah, remember I gave them cookies before I dropped you off at Lisa's."    

"Oh. Which house are they again?"    

"There the third house to the right."    

"Really, that close to us?"  

 "Yep, why do you ask?"  

 "Oh...well... the son is in a few of my classes and I noticed that he lives close to hereand...I forgot to write down the homework for this weekend. So I thought I might ask himif he did." I lied semi-smoothly.    

"Oh, okay. That's fine. Just hurry back."    

"Okay, I will." I went out the door to his house and hesentently rung the doorbell.    

A women that looked like to be in her mid-thirties answered the door."Can I help you?"    

"Uh.Yes. Does Derek live here? I'm a classmate of his and I was wondering if he gota certain assignment down."    

"Yeah. One second." She closed the door and went inside.  

 Derek came outside with a surprise look on his face. He was only dressed in jeans and his black hair was wet. He had a flat stomach and looked like strong arms. Hecleared his throat making me look up at his now amused face. "Like the view?"   

I arched my eyebrow and crossed my arms."As if there's something to see."  

 He still had a smirk on his face, but it lessend a little."Why are you here? Who accusedwho of being a stalker?" 

   I sighed. "Look, I was wrong for accusing you as a stalker and assaulting you. So as anapology I made this to blow off steam." I give him the piece of paper that I drew adragon on. He opened it and looked amazed.    

"You drew this?" I nodded.    

"This is cool. But you don't seem like the girl that apologizes for nothing."    

"Fine, I lost my phone after our little argument yesterday and I was wondering if youhappened to pick it up."    "So it was your's."    

"You have it?"    


"Well... Can I have it back?"  

 "Not so fast, princess. You owe me."  


 "You heard me."  

 I crossed my arms."What do you want?"    

"Walk with me to and from the bus."    

"That's all?"    

"And you have to answer any question I ask,but yeah that's it."  

 "Ugh, okay, fine. Now can I have my phone?"    

"Sure thing, babe."  

 "Don't call me babe."  

 He laughed while he went in the door again, then came back and handed me thephone.    

"Thank you," I said. I turned and walked away.  

 "No problem, babe. I'll walk you to the bus stop Monday."    "Don't call me, babe." I didn't look back, I accepted the deal with the devil.

Chapter 3

I step outside monday morning and there he is,sadly as promised.    

"Damn, babe, we're gonna be late."    

"Don't call me babe."I said as I walked passed by him. He was dressed in blue straight jeans and a black shirt. He walked beside.    

"Aww, does someone not like their nickname?"    

"Car or Chris are my nicknames. Babe is is a name for a guy to calls an easy girl for a one night stand or a name for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Since I am neither, don't call me babe."    

"Why are you so mad?"    

"I'm not mad. I'm annoyed."    

" Is it because I kicked you?" I glared at him.    

"So it is. Look, I'm sorry for that it was a natural reaction. I take martial arts."    


"Plus you are very unskilled with a knife. Why did you the knife anyways? You live in a pretty good neighborhood."    

"I collect them. I bought the knife that morning before I went to school. I usually don't use them, but I thought someone was following me so I used it."    

"So do you always attack your stalkers?" Teasing me, he put finger quotations over the word stalkers.    

I smiled at that. "Well I wanted to get rid of you quickly and that was the only idea I had. Obviously it didn't."    He smirked. We got to the bus stop and shortly the bus arrived, then took us to school. I met my friends in the quod and gave them all the usual hugs.    

"Hey, did get your phone back from Derek?" Lisa asked. All the girls looked at me wondering the same question.    "Yeah. How did you know he had my phone?"    

"He sent me a text when I texted you on Friday night saying you left it." She pulled out her phone and showed me the text stating:    'Hello this is Derrek. Carisa left her phone and I have it. She'll get it back Monday.' He answered my text. The fact that I barely know him is one thing and that he looked at a stranger's text is enough for me to be pissed.    

"How did he get your phone anyway?" Kayla asked    

"I kinda attacked him and accused him of being a stalker, when i thought he was following me."    "Carisa!"Lisa yelled.    

"What? He was following me and I didn't know he moved in a month ago."    

"So he lives near you?" Kayla asked.    

"Three houses away from mine."    

"You need to be more observant." Lisa stated.    

"Derek is hot. I would not mind him being my stalker," Lacey said. We all laughed at that. Lacey is always the one who gives comic relief in the group. I would agree that he is attractive but he's still an ass.    

"Well, at least you got it back," Lisa stated. I nodded. The bell rang, we said our goodbyes, and went to class.    I saw them again at our usual spot during lunch. This time we talked about crushes. I never have a crush, so I just listened in. Our school has a few cute guys, so it's normal for us to have this conversation.    

"So, Chris, when can I come over,"Lacey asked.  

 "Come over for what?"    

"So I can stalk your stalker." We laughed.    

"Well he always stares at her during science so maybe he stares at her at home too,"Lisa stated.    

"Really?" Kayla asked    

"Yeah, it's kinda weird sitting next to her. You can feel him looking but of course she doesn't,"Lisa answered. I rolled my eyes at her.    

"Ooh, someone has a crush on Chris, someone has a crush on Chris," Lacey sung.    

"Shut up. I sure he doesn't," I say.  

 "Oh, yes he does," Lisa disagreed. Then the bell rang.    

"Yeah right. Come on we have to get to class," I said as we packed our stuff up and head to class.    

"Yeah, so he can stare at you some more."    

"Shut up," I nudged her as we walked to our last class.  

 John was absent today so he probably got a bad cold. I sat a his seat so Lisa and I could put our feet up if we sit diagonally. I was drawing when Lisa handed me a paper that says 'he's staring again I can feel it.'    

'Shut up. Maybe he things my face is weird looking.' I wrote back.    

'Stop being stupid, he likes you.'    

'I bet he doesn't.'    

'And if he does. Would you date him?'  

 'Idk. He's attractive. I guess I would but I barely know him.'    

'But you would?'    


When I handed it back she looked surprised, but nodded. I looked at Derek and I caught him looking at me. I raised my eyebrows and he just smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him but he only laughed.    

After class and the bus ride, I started walking home. I hear my name but I ignore it knowing who it is. Derek runs to my side. "Didn't we have a deal," he asks    

"That was before I found out you read my text that Lisa sent me," I state.    

"I was just making sure they knew, okay? I didn't want you to get in any drama with your friends. I know how girls are, you don't answer a text and somehow they think you hate them. I'm sorry," he said.    

I was surprised that he somewhat knew how girl's think, I mean they don't go that far, but they can cause drama. "Huh, so 'you know girls', does that mean your a player," I asked.    

He laughed before he said"No, if I was my sisters would kill me."    

"You have sisters?"    

"Um, no they're more like...really close family-friends, but we call each other siblings," he states.    

"Oh, I get it."    

"Yeah,but I have a older brother. What about you do you have any siblings?"    

"No, I'm an only child." By that time we reached my house. "Bye."    

"See ya' tomorrow."    

I went upstairs, did my homework, texted John to see if he was okay, took a shower andwent to bed. But I didn't expect to have a dream.

Chapter 4: The dream and the question

 I'm at the park a block away from my house with someone, a guy. It's night, so I couldn't see who. I sit on the swing as he leans on the rales of the swing set. I swing slightly with my feet still on the ground. He walks to me, I look at him. He leans down and kisses my lips. It's a short ,sweet and slightly pationate kiss. After the kiss, we separate only an inch apart. I know who it is, those beautiful dark blue eyes. Derek.    

I wake from the hazy dream by the annoying sound of a alarm clock. Slightly thankful that I'm awake then again, not. That dream was something else. Am I getting feelings for Derek Smith?I rub my eyes and get ready for another day of school. I walk out the door and see Derek. He's smiling like a fool.    

"Good morning, Carisa," he says happily. "You look nice today."    

"Thank you. Someone seems happy."    

"I had a good dream."  

 "Oh really?"    

"Yep" he said emphasizing the 'p'.  

 I shook my head and we walked to the bus stop in silence. When I glanced at him from time to time, he still had thebig grin on his face.    

We go on the bus and there's only one seat left, so Derek and I sat together. I still feel a little tired so I decide to take a nap. Close my eyes and fall asleep.    

"Carisa," a gentle whisper. "Carisa." I open my eyes and turn my head. I was leaning my head on Derek's shoulder.    

"Oh, sorry," I apologize, slightly embarrassed.    

"It's okay,"he says with a soft smile on his lips.  

 I sit up and quickly realize that people are getting off the bus. I stand up and shuffle off the bus with the other students.    I check my phone for the time and there's a text from Lisa that says: 'Sorry, can't come to school. I'm really sick and feel awful. More than likely from John'scoughing on Friday. Text me later.'   Ugh, today's gonna be a long day without John or Lisa. I drag myself to class when the bell rings.  

 The day goes as slow as I expected, by last class I'm ready to sleep again. It's halfway through clas when someone sits down beside me brushing my arm. I look up and it's Derek.    

"Um, hi?"I say  

 "Didn't you hear the teacher."    

"She said something?"  

 He shakes his head. "We're doing a project. Since John and Lisa aren't here, they have to do it together late, we have to the project together,"he said.    

"Oh, okay."    

"You look tired."    

"I am. Bored too."  

 He smiled.He brushes a piece of my hair. "There was a misplaced hair."    

"Oh, thanks."    

"Welcome. So wanna come over my house tomorrow to work on the project, since your so tired. I don't want you snoring on me again."    

I pushed him."I don't snore."  

 He rolled his eyes. "Sure, you don't." He said, then smiled at me teasingly.    

The bell rang and we got on the the bus. He sat in the same seat with me. I didn't protest. I got out my iPod and gave him on of the earbuds. We listened to music until we got off the bus.    

"You looked kinda bummed that you had to work with me."    

"It's not that. I'm just use to working with Lisa. I get all the information for the project and she does most of the work 'cause she's a control freak."    

"Oh, okay."

    I laugh. "She thinks you like me, you know."  



 "And what if I do?"    


He turns to me with a serious face."I like you Carisa. Go out with me...please."    


"Derek!" Someone interrupted me.  

 Boys around our age came running towards us and tackled Derek. I laughed as they rolled around. After they were done messing around they got up.    

"Hey" one of the guys said and winked at me.    

"Hi," I responded back.    

"Guys, this is Carisa. Chris meet my brothers, Shane, Shawn, and Bryan,"

Derek introduced. Shane and Shawn were twins who have dark green eyes and light brown hair. Bryan, the one how winked at me, had dark brown hair with bold green eyes. All very attractive guys.    

"Hi," I said.  

 "Hey," the twins greeted. Bryan nodded as he looked me up and down. I mentally rolled my eyes.     

"Careful," Shane said. "He's a flirt."     

"I can tell," I responded. As Bryan punched Shane in the arm. I looked at Derek but he looked kinda mad. Probably from them interrupting our conversation.    

"Derek," a teenage girl calls as she walks up and hugs him. "Oh, hi. I'm Lilly,"she says as she sees me.    

"I'm Carisa."    

"Are you Derek's girlfriend?"    

"Lilly," Derek shouts.    

"What?" She turns to him, then looks back to me.    

"Yeah, I am."    

"Cool." Derek looks at me with disbelief then smiles.    

"Oh Derek, Al– your father wants to see you," Lilly says.    

"Okay," he responded. Then turns to me and says," I gotta go."    

I nod, " Bye. Nice meeting you guys, " I say to his family.    

They nod and wave as they walk away. I start walking up the drive way to my house.     

"Carisa," Derek calls. I turn back. He runs up to me, wraps his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him and kisses my cheek. "See you tomorrow, babe."    

Surprised and blushing, I protest,"Don't call–,"    

"Yes, I can. I'm your boyfriend now," he says as he lets go of me and walks away. Still shocked I stand there for a few seconds more then go in my house.    

"Who was that," my mother asks coming from the kitchen. I forgot she likes to keep the curtains open.    

"Uh, a friend."    

"Sure," she says taking a bit from her apple." I want to meet him later."    

I smile." Fine but it won't be too soon," I agree. I go upstairs and finish my homework. After I decide to go to Lisa's house and check on her. I go down stairs and tell my mom.    

"Mom, I'm going to Lisa's house."    

"Okay, but be careful. Tonight's a full moon, you know what they say," she asks.    

I laugh. "Yeah, I know. The lunatics come out." I grab my phone and text Lisa that I'm coming over. She replies with an 'okay'.    

When I get to her house , the door was already unlocked or me. I walk though the door,close it, then lock it. I ran up to her room.    

"Hey," I said.    

"Hey,"she welcomed.    

"You look terrible." She truly did. She looked paler than usual with a red nose and puffy eyes. She was in her Scooby-Doo pajamas.    

"Thanks," she glared at me. "I feel terrible too."    


"So how was school," she asks.    

"More boring than usual. Are you coming to school tomorrow," I whined.    

"No, I don't think so."    

"Was Derek staring at you again in math?"    

"No. But you were right about him."    

"What," she asks with a confused look on her face.    

"He does like me."    

"Ha. I told you so."    

"Yeah, yeah. He asked me out today."    

Her eyes widened. "What did you say," Lisa shouts.    

"I said yes."    

"Wow. Miss, always single, has no crush. Carissa, finally as a boyfriend."    

"Shut up. When are you planning to ask John out, anyway?"    

"Soon," she says as a red blush creeps on her face.    

I laugh. "Aw. John and Lisa kissing in a tree. K-I-S—" my song was interrupted by a pillow hitting my face. I grabbed another pillow and hit Lisa back. This grew as a pillow fight. Then died when Lisa was laughing too hard and the laughing became coughing.    

"Dude, you sound like you're dying."    

"I know," she says sadly.    

I look at my cell phone and see that it's nine. "Lis, I have to go or Mom's gonna kill me."    

"Okay, bye."    

"Text me later,okay?"    

"Okay," she walks me to her door and hugs me.    

When I get home I take a shower and go to bed.

Chapter 5: The kiss

Waking out my door, Derek is leaning against the front fence with a tall can in his hands. His takes a sip from it.    "What are drinking," I ask.   

He turns the can to let me see the label. A Monster energy drink.   

I gasp. "Can I some?" He just hands me the can as we walk. I take it. Take a drink from it. My lips curl a smile as I drink it.   

"You know, some people call that an indirect kiss," he whispered in my ear teasingly. I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Shut up." Glad he was behind me so he didn't see me blush. He only chuckled.    He was being strangely quiet. I hand him back the can. "What's wrong," I ask.   

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I went out with my family last night to a party. Didn't come home 'til one o'clock last night," he yawned.   

"Oh," I replied understanding.   

After getting off the bus, Derek followed me to my friends.   

"Do you want the rest of this," he asks motioning to the Monster.   

"Yes." He hands me the can and it's half empty. So happy I hug him.   

"Thank you."   

"You've doomed us all,"Lacey said.   

He laughed. "I have to go." He kisses my cheek. "See you in geometry."   

"Okay, bye." I turn back to the girls.   

"Awwwwww" they screeched once he's gone and out of hearing range.   

"Yes, we're dating," I sighed, preparing myself of the questions.   

"Since when," Kayla asks.   

"Since yesterday."   

"Who asked who," Jenna asked, which was strange she usually really quiet.   

"He asked me."   

"How did he ask you," Kayla asks.   

"He asked me while he was walking to my house."   

"Awwwwww," they all said again but softer than before.   

"Does this mean I can't stalk your stalker," Lacey asks.   

We laughed as the bell rang for the first class of the day. That's when most of us groaned, not wanting to go to class.   

The day dragged on as slow as yesterday. I hated it. but John was back so that slightly brightened my day. It was good to have my friend back. I had three classes with him and we sit close to each other in all of the class. If we couldn't talk, we passed notes to keep ourself's entertained. When I went to lunch, the girls asked more questions about my new relationship status. That means I barely ate, answering all the girly questions. I hated the center of attention. I was tired of it already and wanting to get away from these inquiring girls. The bell rang after a very stretched out thirty minutes.   

I got to Geomartry, seeing Derek and John sitting at my table. "Hey," I say to both of them. Ruffling John's hair just to annoy him and sat down next Derek.   

"Hi," John says, his voice flat, while shaking his dirty blond hair to fix what I've done. I smirk. Derek grins at me.   

"How were your days off," I ask him.   

"Horrible. Whatever I had, I never want to get again. What did I miss in here?"   

"We're doing a week and a half long project. You'll be doing the project with Lisa since you two were absent," Derek answered. His head was on the desk. His eyes were droopy from the lack of sleep.   

"Oh, cool. Where is Liz anyway?"   

"She caught what you had on Friday," I responded.   

"Oh," He said feeling bad. "Well, can I get her number from you?" Pulling out his phone.   

"Why? Finally going to ask her out?"   

He narrowed his eyes at me. "No. I need her number to do the project with her."

I take out my phone and give him the number. "When are you going to get to that anyway?"   

"To what?"   

"Asking her out."   

"It's not that easy, Chris."   

"Really? Is it that hard," Turning to Derek, finding he was asleep. I chuckled, looking at his childish figure. His hair in his face, I have a urge to push it back, but resisted the urge.   

Looking back at John. "Still, you should ask her. She likes you. And you've liked her for about a year now. I've been waiting for so long. I might just shove you two in a closet, and not let you out until one of you confess."   

He rolled his eyes. "This coming from a girl who never has a boyfriend."   

"Whatever. My point is, ask her out. She'll say yes." Raising my voice out of frustration.   

"I will...soon."   

I roll my eyes, seeing a raising Derek from his nap. "Hi," he mumbles, giving me a lazy smile.   

"Hi," I say, smiling back.  He leans over and kisses my cheek.   

"You guys are going out," John asks.   

I nod as Derek says "Yeah."   

"That's surprising."   

"Yeah. See, a lot of girls say yes if you ask them out."   

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." John getting out his Ipod to ignore me. I kick his leg. "Ow." I smirk and stick my tongue out.   

Thinking that was a good idea, I took my Ipod out and give an earpiece to Derek. He accepted it and puts it in ear. He pulls my chair closer. Thinking it was for the music, I didn't say any thing about it. Turn on the Ipod and turned it to a song I haven't heard in a while, "Bottle and a Gun" by Hollywood Undead. Derek started laughing.    "What," I asked confused.   

"Nothing," shaking his head, his laughter dying down. Still confused, I get a paper and pencil from my bag. I started drawing. Derek's head was on the table again, but he wasn't asleep. He was watching me draw.   

The bell rings, I jump too into my music and almost done with my drawing. I look over at Derek and he's asleep again. I smile, looking at his adorable sleeping face. I put my things away.   

"Derek, wake up," I say softly. "Derek." He opens eyes drowsily. "Come on, sleepy head. We have to get to the bus."   

Derek sits up and rubs his eyes. "Okay." He gets up and grabs his bag.   

"You're a morning person, aren't you?"   

"No, not really. I just had a great up call," he said giving a lazy smirk.   

I roll my eyes, "Whatever." Getting off the bus, it was a silent bus ride for us because Derek fell asleep again. I just listened to my music.   

"So John and Lisa, huh," he asks, walking.   

"I thought you were sleeping."   

"I heard that before I went to sleep."   

"Oh. Yeah, Lisa and John have a thing for each other but both are wuss' to ask each other out. Been trying to get them together for a year."   

"A year. Really?"   

"Yep. Is it really that hard to ask someone out?"   


"On what?"   

"On who you are and who the other person is."   

"But you asked me out pretty easily."   

"Well that's because you brought it up. You have to think about timing and where you are."   

I sigh, understanding. "So does that mean you wouldn't have asked me, if I didn't bring it up," I ask.   

"No, I was planning to that day. You were in a good mood, so I was gonna take that advantage," He smirks at me.   

"Well, good thing I brought it up, huh?" Returning the smirk.   

"Sure is." He gives me a warm smile, that fits so nicely on his handsome face. That smile could melt a girl. He slips his hand in mine. Surprised that I almost jumped. His hand was comforting and warm, it was kinda strange to me. I dismiss the thoughts in my head as we arrive at the front of my house.   

"I have to drop my bag off and tell my mom I'm going to your house."   

"Okay, I'll wait here." I nod and go into my house. I ran upstairs to my room and set my bag on the floor. I run back down to see my mom.   

"So who's the hottie outside," my mom asks.   

I smile. "That's Derek, my boyfriend. Can I go over to his house? We're doing a Geometry project together."   

"Sure. Do I get to meet him later?"   

"Are you going to embarrass me," I ask cautiously.   

"What do you mean? I would never do that." Having a fake hurt face.   

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right. You yelled 'use protection' when John and I went to my room to play on my Xbox."    "True, true. Alright, I won't embarass you, if I get to meet him. Deal?"   

I nod. "Deal. I'll see you later."   

"'Kay." I walk out the front door and to Derek."Welcome to my house." Letting me walk thourgh.I look around while he locks the door. The living room was painted a dark blue to match the navy furniture. A flat scean television hanging on the wall between two tall shelves of movies.   

"Come on," He says as he turns left to go up the stairs. I followed him into a room, I guessed was his.The bedroom was large, but not too big. I looked around the room with the white, pale walls. One one side of the room was his bed and two nightstands beside it. On the other side of the room was a big television on a stand with clear doors to show a few game systems and mulitple games that go with them.   

"Someone's spoiled." I state looking at the game systems. Derek shugged as having his famous smirk formed on his face.

"I get what I want."I laugh.

"I'm sure you do."   

"Remember I got you," he said, looking at me, making eye contact.   

"Uh, so I think we should make a powerpoint with the project," I say, changing the subject.   

"Really," he asks. "I was thinking we should do a quick video, but I suppose powerpoint would be  easier." He walked to the other side of the room, grabbing his laptop.   

"Can I get so paper," I ask before sitting on a bean bag on the floor. He handed me some paper and a pen then sat down next to me on the floor.   


"Sure thing." After putting a rough draft on one of the papers, I got bored and decided to draw.   

"What are you drawing," he asks, looking over.   

"Don't look. I'm not finished with it yet," I say, hiding the paper.   

"Let me see." He tries to move my hand.   

"No, it's not finished," moving the paper away for he can't see it.   

"Come on. Just let me see," he says, trying to go behind me to get the paper.   

"No," I refuse. He tickles me as I fall off the bean bag, laughing uncontrollably. He continues totickle me, climbing on top of me while I kicked my legs.   

"Okay, okay. Stop. Uncle," I plea, though my laughs. He stops and grabs the paper from my hands. Looking at his face, I could tell that he noticed it was a drawing of him.   

He looks at me again, locking his blue eyes with mine. His eyes were absolutely gorgeous and some I've have never seen before. Derek leaned towards me and kissed my lips gently. Not realising what I was doing before I did it, I kissed him back. 

His lips were soft and controlling, it strangely warmed my body. He nipped my bottom lip gently, I opened my mouth, letting him touch his tongue with mine. He pulled away.    "I'm sorry. I know we might be going a little fast, but you don't know how long I've wanted this. To kiss you; to hold you. I really like you, Carissa, and have for a while. Just tell me if you want me to stop or if I'm pressuring you, because I don't mean to. I just want to give you happiness," he whispered.

I nodded, showing that I understood. And I did, for some weird reason that kiss felt like we were suppose to. I've kissed a few guys before and it never felt like that. I didn't know how to respond. He kissed my lips gently and I gladly kissed back.   

"Hey D. We thought we could beat you at some basketball." We looked at the doorway and it was Bryan and the twins.   

"Well, well, well, guys what do we have here" one of the twins said. All of them looking at us in the position we were in, their friend straddling my body as I layed down on the floor. I pushed Derek's chest gently and he rolled off of me then sat up. All three of the guys smirking as I sat up.   

"Shut up," I said.   

"We didn't say anything," the twins say as Bryan just put his hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes. "How did you guys get in here anyway?"   

"The back door is usually unlocked if not there's a spare key," Derek answered.Derek got up then helped me up.

"Are you hungry," he asks. I nod in response. He takes hand and leads me to the kitchen.   

"I am too," the twins say.   

"Me too,"Bryan says.   

"Go make yourself a sandwich. You know where everything is," Derek replied. I sat down on a stool that was against the island in the middle of the big kitchen.   

"Your mom use to make us food all the time." Bryan whined.   

"Oh, yeah. Like chocolate chip cookies and cake." Shawn says.   

"Well she isn't here, is she." Derek says irritated.   

"Is she at work," I ask.The guys freeze. What did I say?   

"No, she's in South Dakota," Bryan answers.   

"But what about the woman who opened the door the first time I came here?"   

"She's my dad's girlfriend." Derek was getting some things out of the fridge.   

"Oh." Still a little confused. Shane puts his hand on my shoulder, telling me to let it go, so I did. Derek was mad, but when he saw Shane's hand on my shoulder he got more angry. I thought I heard a sound come from him, but he didn't move his lips. Shane noticed too and let his hand fall. I got off of the stool and walked next to Derek. He had things for the sandwich and was about to put manase on the bread.   

"I got it," I told him, putting my hand on his arm. He relaxed. I tried to take the butter knife from him.   

"No, I can make it for you. It's fine," he responded.   

"Yeah, you might want to let him make it, 'cause I think that's the only thing he can cook," Bryan said.

I smiled, "That's probably true."   

"No," Derek argued. "I can cook."   

"Oh, really," I asked, in a teasing tone.   

"Yes, really," he mocked. "Fine, I'll show you. Come over Friday night and I'll cook you dinner."   

"Okay, it's a date."   

"Awww," the three guys imitated screeching girls. Their hands on either their face or chest.   

"Shut up," I said, glaring at them.Derek handed me the sandwhich on the plate. "Thanks," I say before taking a bite from it.   

"Welcome," he replies.I finish my sandwhich as the guys fight over why Derek won't make them a sandwhich. I look at the time and see that its close to six.   

"Oh crap. I gotta go. I still need to go to Lisa's tonight," I say to Derek.   

"Okay," he says. Then remembering my mother's deal, "You have to come to my house," pointing to Derek.   

"What," he asks, confused.   

"I made a deal with my mother that you would meet her tonight, for she wouldn't embarrass me."   

"It can't be that bad. How bad can she embarass you," Shawn asks.   

"One time, she shouted 'use protection' when me and my friend, John, went to go play on my Xbox," I said to him. I turned to Derek," You know John and I are only friends and so does my mother."   

"Wait," Shane said, "Do you mean John Whinse?"   

"Yeah. You know him?" The guys started laughing.   

"He's one of my family friends," Derek explained.   

"He must've turned so red," Bryan doubled up with laughter.   

"That's why you need to meet her," I said looking at Derek. "For she doesn't try to embarrass me as much as she does with others."

Derek nods. "Okay." He grabbed my hand and we walked out of his house with the his three friends behind us.    I raised my eyebrow at them, when we got to the front of my house.

"We want to meet your mother," Shane said, smiling. I shook my head and lead the four guys in my house. My mom was in the living room watching television.   

"Wow, Hon'. I thought you said boyfriend, not boyfriends," she says, looking at the trail of guys behind. Someone hugged me from behind.

"Well, ma'am, you're daughters just too beautiful just to have one,"Bryan said, squeezing my shoulders. I elbowed him and glared at him as he let go. I noticed that Derek was glaring at him too.   

"Hey. You wanna spare one for me," my mother asks, moving her eyebrows up and down.   

"I wouldn't mind that," Bryan responded before I could answer. I rolled my eyes at them.   

"Mom," I said taking Derek's hand and forcing him to step up with me, "This is my boyfriend, Derek. Derek meet my mother, Scarlet Harris. Those are his friends, Shane, Shawn, and the idiot, Bryan."   

"Hey, that's mister idiot to you, Missy," Bryan pointed at me. My mom laughed.

"Nice to meet you guys" she responded. The boys said the same back to her.   

"So, Derek, you wanna tell anything before I search through the police records," she asks, standing up and walking over to him.   

"No, I don't think there's anything on me at the police station." He smiled.   

"Eh, I wouldn't say that, D," Shane said. "Remember when you started that fight in that one bar?"   

"Oh, yeah," Bryan said. "And that one time you got caught in the back of the truck with that chick." I gaped at them and then him. He was doing the same to his friends.   

"Shawn, tell my mother it's not true." He was probably the most honest out of the four, if not three.   

"It isn't," he smiled. "They're just messin' around."

My  mom eyed them then started laughing. Derek sighed then glared at the guys.   

"Sorry 'bout that, but I couldn't hold it. Your nickname's... interesting." She smiled, looking like she was about to laugh again. The guys had confused looks on their faces.   

"You mean big D," Shawn asks. That's when my mother laughed again and I joined her this time. She was worse than a middle-schooler when it came to this stuff. The guys still looked confused.Once we sobered up, the guys had smirks on their faces. I guessed they finally caught on. I looked at the time.   

"Mom, I'm gonna go to Lisa's and give her some homework."   

"'Kay. See you guys later." We walked out of my house.

"Your mom's cool," Derek said.    

"Yeah. And worse than a high-schooler sometimes."   

"Dude, can I marry your mom," Bryan asks.   

"Ha, ha. No."   

"Aww," he pouted. 

I shook my head.I pecked Derek's lips when we reached his door way. "I'll see you tomorrow."He nods then gives me a sweet kiss. "Bye, babe," he whispers in my ear.   

"Bye." I start walking to Lisa's house. When I got there, I checked the front door to see if it was unlocked. Surprisingly it was. I guess one of her parent forgot to, be that doesn't seem like they would do something like that. I go up stairs to her room. And I see John kissing Lisa.   

"Yes," I shout,"Finally!" They jumped and separated from each other, seeing me, they blush. "It's about time," I say with a smirk.Lisa smiled shyly at me and John glared.

He turned back to Lisa, "I'll see you tomorrow."   

"No, no. Go on kissing. I've waited for this for a year," I say.   

"I'll see you tomorrow," he repeated to Lisa. He kissed her on the cheek. Waling out ther door, giving me a stern glare. I stuck my tongue out at him and he shook his head.I jumped on Lisa's bed once, he was gone.

"So how was it?"   

"How was what?"   

"Don't you play dumb with me, Lisa Ann. You know exactly what I mean. That kiss." She blushed but she kept her mouth shut. "If you tell me about your's, I'll tell you 'bout mine," I taunted.   

"Okay," she smiled. "It was amazing. His kiss was just incredible. So soft and passionate."I laughed.

"Same with mine. Kissing him, somehow felt right."   

"Exactly. Wait, how'd your's happen?"   

"I was at his house and we were workin' on the math project."   

"Aww," she said. Lisa was a hopeless romantic. She loved girly things like this. I smiled. "

I gotta go. I was here to tell you the homework. I guess John had that covered."

She giggled. "Yeah. Okay, see you tomorrow."   

"'Kay," I said walking out of her room, heading home.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.03.2013

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