
Chapter 1

I am walking going back to my house. It was a long evening I can still hear the loud music coming through my ex- girlfriend’s birthday party, Amy even I’m already in the second road. I look up and I don’t know everything seems so dark like the sky. I wanted to be better but something is stopping me, right now this life is full of bad shit. Why? First my bull shit parents left me in my grandparents and of course I don’t know why? Still I’m one hell lucky because grandma and grandpa were so good to me. Second school, I hate it even I’m the hottest, bad boy in school and all the girls are lining up just to see me every morning it still a fuck. What’s the use of that anyway? What I wanted is to have a private life with my friends is that hard? Last in my list what I hated the most is college, Yes it is! I don’t care in my future anyway. What’s the difference going to college or not if my life is already a shit one. I drank my beer in my hand to forget all this things.

“Whoa!!!”  I shouted. I’m 18 I’m strong, healthy and importantly good. It doesn’t matter what happen to me all I know as long as I’m living and happy I’ll live for the rest of my life.

This will be my last week of vacation. Next week I will be going back to my hell life yes to that school. What’s the name? I forgot already anyway, it just 10 months right.

I reach my house safely and run through my bedroom. Finally! Lying in bed is the best thing I done in my bed. I look at the clock and it’s already 3:30 am. “Good morning Marcus!”  I greeted myself, inch by inch heavy fogs coming through my eyes until I couldn’t see anything.

Chapter 2

Vacation was over not long enough to enjoy my time unlike wasting minutes in school. I park my car and run through my friends. Near in the entrance Billy, Ned, Zack together with his girlfriend Janine and Amy my ex. Billy and I done our usual handshake, he’s the closest friend I have ever since grade 5.

“So, what’s new bro?” Billy asked

“Nah…” I said. All of us began to laugh, Zack making funny expressions adds on the fun.

“Really?” Ned asked

“Bro, look I think you’re just waiting for another girl to be fuck up.” Zack added. Amy scowled at Zack that made me laugh very hard.

I look at my watch and it’s already time for my class. “Guys I have to go now and Amy stop glaring Zack were over, right.” I said. Amy’s was surprised what I had just said and I leaved.

While I walk to the corridors something caught my attention. She was wearing an old cream sweater with long nanny dress like my grandma’s, black shoes with white socks and tied brunette hair. She’s new I guess. I look at her face and whoa! It so beautiful, that's unpredictable I walk towards her to meet her.

“Hi! Are you lost? I can help you.” I asked

“Am, no it’s alright I’m good thanks.” She said.

Those green eyes were so mesmerizing, when I stared at it I can feel hope? No, this girl everything is new? I can see her lips moving but I couldn’t understand was it saying something, those lips look so soft. Then before I know it, she was leaving already. I need to get her name but when I tried to follow her she was already gone. Who is she? I glance at my watch and I’m already late. ”Shit!” I run as hard as I can but I was smiling and remembering the new girl’s face.


It was lunch time already, I went to the same spot and as I expected my friends were already there. Zack and Janine were kissing as the usual, Ned and Billy were laughing then Amy chit chatting to a girl next to our table. I walk towards them and give a wave, Amy’s face brightens up then it becomes red. What’s the matter on this girl? I don’t know.

“So how’s first period?” Amy asked me.

“Good, still the same old boring science, math and history and whatever.” I said

“Do you hear the news, there’s a new girl in here. They said she was the daughter of the new teacher in here Mr. Jackson.” Ned said

“Oh, yeah… I heard that she’s beautiful they said but she’s like a nun not a student.” Billy added and began to laugh.

Then I remembered, yes that one who caught my eye. Right now I’m thinking her and as I can see, she is standing in front of the door with her book.

“Is that her?” Ned asked

“Yeah…” I said

She walks towards to the center table or the rejected area as we called it. She sat there bringing out her lunch then continued to read. I stared at her until Janine noticed what was I dong.

“Hey! You might melt her.” She teased

“Ah… sorry Amy, looks like Marcus found a new girl you’re totally thrown up.” Zack added

“Shut up Zack! Janine stop it, Marcus will not like that girl.” Amy scowled

The couple began to laugh anyway, I don’t care anyway. I stand up in my sit and walk near her staring at her angelic face. She didn’t bother to look up or stop reading at that damn book of hers. Everything was so quiet I look at her waiting for her to notice me.

“Aren’t you going to sit? You can be tired on what you doing” she said while reading.

I sat beside her, “Thanks.”  I look back to see my friends reaction and as I can see they were giving me all thumbs up while as the Amy glaring at me or otherwise questioning me. “What are you reading?” I asked so that it won’t be boring here and hoping we could start a conversation.

“Tuck’s Everlasting, by Natalie Babbit. Why?” She said. she take a sip of her soya milk then goes back to her book.

“Nothing… I’m just wondering.” I said. I was surprised when she smiled, it was so breath-taking. “Can I know you’re name?” I asked.

She stops reading and looked at me. Her expression was blank or should I say unreadable. Did I say something offending? Silence occurred between us, she looked at her watch before she speak.

“Umm… I have to go I’m late in my class, sorry.” she said. She stood up in her sit and packing her things. I was staring at her then I observed she’s so pale like no color. When she was finish she left while I was left hanging. Weird, but at least I saw her smile then before I know it I was making small chuckles already.

Chapter 3

 I replay all the things that happened yesterday in my mind, I can’t stop worrying about it. Ned told me that everything will be okay but I don’t know. When I look at her there is something different at her she’s not like other girls particularly in her dressing style but what I mean is something bright is in her.

I can’t stop thinking her until I bumped someone who’s this stupid person “Damn it!” I shouted. I look at it and it was her, all the things she was carrying I think was in the floor. She stared at me blankly and I don’t know what’s in her mind.

“Sorry…”She said, she pick up her things while I staring at her. She was wearing a green jumping suit same style hair do and in ballet shoes. I help her because I’m so embarrass, this is the first time I’m feel like this in front of a girl. While my mind was floating I heard a soft chuckle coming from her? What’s this? Is she laughing at me? I gave a questioning look and asking for an answer.

“Sorry. I just couldn’t stop.” She said still laughing, I found myself joining her. It feels good when I’m talking to her it so refreshing. We finished gathering her things in the floor. “Thank you.” She said afterwards then she smiled at me.

“You’re welcome.” I said absently my mind still floating in the air because of her smile. She waved her hand while I returning the gesture. Shit! I forgot to get her name for the third time. “Damn it!” I look down kicking the floor because of frustration.

I heard someone was shouting a female voice, I look up and it was her. “It’s Emily, Emilia Jackson!” while smiling at me. “Marcus, Marcus Lanther!” I returned back then she was gone. So it’s Emily, an innocent name perfect for her. Now, I’m relieved this will be a good day. I shrugged my shoulders then left the gym.


“So bro, did you finally get her name?” Ned asked me while we were in the party. It was Zack’s birthday the man was already 19 old is it?

“Yeah!” I raised my glass containing beer. Then I smiled at myself replaying all what happened that afternoon. Everything was so colorful loud music, noisy people and etc. I glanced and saw Zack and Janine kissing in the bar stool. “Get a room!” I shouted at them. They stop kissing then both of them laugh, “Asshole!” Zack returned. I gave a wave then return my attention back to Ned.

“You’re the men! So, what now?” he yelled

“I don’t know!” I shouted, “She’s different bro, not like other girls.” I added

“That’s new!”  He teased,

I shrug my shoulders then we both laugh, “Happy birthday Zack!” Ned shouted “And to you my good friend I hope you will know what you’re going to do. Cheers!” he added.

“Cheers!” I joined him, we drank our beer until the last drop.

I went home not that drunk, I can still clearly see the roads somehow. While driving my car I saw Emily walking through the small forest of our city. I stop the car, go down and follow her. This is new even we were in the forest it’s not really that dark maybe because of the light given by the moon and the stars. I follow her until we reach a bared place.

The place was so bright because of the light surrounded by the trees. I can hear the movements of the river until she stops moving, I hide under the bushes like a child playing hide and seek.

“I know you’re there. Come out or moths will bite you.” She said.

I didn’t make any move until silence fills the air. “Got you!” she shouted on my back. “Damn it!” I yelled. She laugh, “I told you to go out in there. Anyway, why are you here?” she asked.

“I think I should ask you the same question. You’re supposed to be in your house not in here.” I exclaimed

She’s just smile at me, “Since you’re here care to join me. I was hoping I could see the sunrise.” She stated.

“Sure.” I answered then smiled at her. I help her to build a tent afterwards we sat there waiting for the sunrise.  She played her violin, the music was a combination of happiness and solitude. “Why are you doing this?” I asked her out of the blue. She finishes her music before answers.

“It’s in my list.” She said.

“You have a list, why?” I asked

“I can tell you but after that you will never talk to me.” She stated

“Never mind” I replied quickly. No, that will be the last thing I wanted to do, I don’t want to stop talking to her.

Emily whispered in my ear, “Sleep”. She plays again her violin while I listening into the music, it sounds like a lullaby. My eyes were beginning to be heavy I fight with it but I can’t take it anymore. I fell into a deep sleep together with Emily playing a music “For you.” I heard her telling those 2 words.

Chapter 4

It’s already afternoon when I woke up, I’m hungry. I went down to kitchen and saw my grandma, she was reading something. I kiss her cheeks, after that I grab something to eat, it was tuna sandwich. Yum!

“Where’s grandpa?” I asked, I was enjoying my sandwich playing the mayonnaise in my finger.

“He’s outside.” She replied, a small silence fills the air until she asked me without looking, “So, who’s the girl that brought you?”

Then I remember last night, no this earlier morning I was with Emily in the small forest. She brought me here how come? And then I remembered I was so drank that time she never awaken me. I’m grateful that she brought me here either leaving in that peaceful land. I spent morning with her, without noticing I was smiling to myself. My grandma make a cough to get my attention, “Are you with me?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m here. She’s, umm… new in school. I caught her earlier this morning going to the small forest and we just stay there waiting for the sunrise.” I said

“And?” she questioned.

“Don’t worry grandma we didn’t do anything we just sat there.” I said quickly

“Really? That’s the first time.” She said.

“She’s different and she makes me different when I’m with her.” I said, yes she did that every time were together. Yes, there’s affection but I don’t know. Silence again fills the air, that’s the first time my grandma was so quiet maybe what I said was so unbelievable.

I finished my food and went off in the kitchen, “Bye grandma.” I said then run off.

I was walking outside but I don’t know where will I go. Then, I decide to go in the park stay there for a while perhaps. As I went nearer, I can feel already the green air, it was so refreshing at the same time it’s so peaceful. When I arrived, I was alone in here the feeling was same as I was in the small forest, I close my eyes until I heard someone was calling me, it was a familiar voice.

“Lanther.” She said, I opened my eyes and it was Emily. Her green eyes were shining; she was wearing her cream sweater and sun dress I guessed and she was smiling at me that made me also smile.

“Hey, Emily.” I said

“May I join in?” she asked

“Yeah, sure.” I replied

She sat beside me still smiling, this girl can be a commercial model at the same time she was blooming. I noticed she was carrying something, it seems her violin or something. Then I remember I should thank her for earlier this morning.

“Umm… thanks for bringing me home” I said

“It’s alright, but next time don’t drink too much if you can’t.” she teased, and then she laughed then I was joining her. This girl can make me laugh a lot, it feels good when I’m hanging around with her.

“Hey, umm… are you free this weekend?” I asked, for the first time I felt very nervous it’s really different with her. Silence occurred between us before she answers.

“Sorry, I can’t I have to do something.” She said

“Oh, no it’s alright…” I said disappointedly

“Sorry it’s just…” she paused then, “complicated”

I look at her curiously waiting for an answer, she’s hiding something but I don’t know, I think it’s really difficult for her to tell. Even I’m disappointed I tried to understand her it’s the least I can do. Right? She stood up and as I could see she looks like disappointed as well.

“I need to go now…” she said

“Okay. It’s alright maybe next time we can hang-up right?” I said and gave her a smile

Her gloomy face begins to brighten up then she smiles and nod. When she left she goes back while I look at her curiously. “Did you left something?” I asked

She gave me a nod and then suddenly in my surprised she kissed me in the cheeks then I started to flush. “It takes to much courage to do that.” She said and left. I just stared at her while she walks away, I don’t know something is wrong with me this feeling is new and weird but it felt too much joy to me. Even it is new, I wanted to feel like this always, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever had which means I wanted to be with her always. “Emily.” I said her name and then I was smiling already, it takes me a second to look at the sky which is now different it was bright before I know it.

Chapter 5

It’s another day, well its end of the week or should I say its Friday, my favorite day. I went to my locker and saw my friends Billy, Ned, Zack, Janine and Amy. I give them a wave to acknowledge my presence as I go nearer Billy and I do our usual handshake. Janine nod at me while Amy in her biggest flashy smile just for me, was waiting I just smile to tell her that I notice her but it irritates me when every time I see her. Anyway, as I scan the whole corridor I can’t find her I mean it's early but something is not right she is usually early in her class.

“You’re looking for something?” Amy asked still smiling

“Correction? Someone not something…” Billy teased

“He’s right.” Ned joined him Amy glared at them while all of us were laughing. We heard the bell rang it’s time to go to our stupid classes. But maybe I can see her at lunch, I look at my watch and again I’m late in my first period classes.

“Amy stopped that okay, Ned, Billy stopped that and yes both of you are right not something but someone. So, Amy back up we are finished okay. See you guys later.” I said and then left.

Its lunch time already she’s not present. She’s not sitting in the rejected table as we called it. Why is she absent? Is she sick? Does she need to attend in a very important matter? Many thoughts came in my mind and I’m really worried. I cannot concentrate in my food so I stood up and left the cafeteria, I went to her teachers and ask them. All of them told me she was absent and the same time they don’t know why. All I do all day was to think of her I cannot focus in the stupid lessons, in my friends and anything.

After school I went straight home even I wanted to see I can’t because I don’t know where she lives even were in the same place. Funny right? This day is different I mean when it’s Friday I was always happy now I feel gloomy or rather lonely. As I went inside my house my grandpa was there reading something. He looked at me and I give him a nod which isn’t the usual because when we see each other I will hug him.

“Are you alright Marcus?” he asked worriedly

“Yeah… it’s been a long day.” I answered. I sat opposite him and look at him, he was reading a book about ancient history. What’s with people reading books is boring? I get a magazine near my chair and instead of reading it I stare each picture.

“It’s the first time I saw you like that is it about a girl?” he asked again

I stop looking at the pictures and stare at him. I nod at him I was speechless and yes he was right.

“What happened? Did you embarrass her or do something wrong?” he asked again

“No, pa it’s just I’m worried I did not see her today what I mean is, it’s very unusual for her to be absent.” I said, my grandma came in together with a hot tea and biscuits which she baked earlier this morning. She distributed it to each one of us, my grandpa nod and smiled same as me.

“Don’t worry Marcus, she will be fine. Maybe next week you can see her and she was smiling at you things like that or what should I meant is be positive okay.” He said then ate his one piece of biscuit.

“You grandpa is right Marcus.” My grandma added maybe I was just too hysterical it’s just only one day right. I nod at them and smile to the both of them. They were the best persons I’ve known.

After that, as the day pass I dream Emily her green eyes were staring at me while her lips were curving into a bright smile. She was wearing a floral sun dress and both of us were in the beach enjoying ourselves with the view. As we watch the sunset she said something but it was somehow blurred but as I can see in her face she was sad or gloomy after that scenario I saw her lying in the sands lifeless. I woke up cold sweats were rushing me, weird am I having nightmares if I am I hate it I remembered I experience it when my parents had left me to my grandparents. “I don’t want to lose her.” I said to myself then I laid myself calmly as the things gets darker and darker.

Chapter 6

Another week passed quickly and I’m getting worried each day for her. My friends told she will be alright same as my guardians but I can’t stop thinking it’ been a week. While I was travelling, all my thoughts were in my dream last Friday what does it mean? I tried to focus in the roads until finally I saw Emily with someone. A man was trying to help her as I watch them, the man was holding her affectionately while Emily was very stiff is she scared? As I observed more she was really pale not the ordinary one but it’s different.

I watch them one more time and man peck her cheeks which she becomes stiffer. I go down in my car and walk towards them. When Emily saw me, at first she was surprised then her lips curve into a smile. She holds my arms which I don’t know why? I look at her and her green eyes turns to life.

“Nathan you can leave now. Thank you for your help.” She said quickly without looking at his eyes. So that’s the name of the guy. I look him and his face turns into a range.

“Emy, who is this?” he asked furiously

“It’s none of your business.” She said, I can feel her hands trembling and I know she was really scared but why?

“Emy, look I know I become a jerk to you but don’t do this please. We can still work things, we can be the same again.” He said

“No we can’t and you know why. At the first place I don’t want us to end like this but you persuade things and look at us you’re the reason why we have scars right now.” She said, her face was emotionless, she shake my hands and look at me as I understood she was asking me that we leave this place, I nod at her and we started to walk. As my last glance to Nathan his hazel eyes were already teary and I also tried to glance at Emily she was emotionless she did not say a word.

We enter to my car still silence occur in the air. Then I thought she needs air and space to think so, we went in the forest were we spend our night together. When we arrived, she look at me and I just smiled at her we walk in the woods until we reach our spot. The sun was bright, the river was clear and everything seems peaceful, perfect for the situation.

We sat there as we feel the dance of the wind around us. I look at her, both her green eyes were closed like me she was enjoying the time. When I’m here it feels timeless everything seems perfect, free from worries, problems and etc. and I’m grateful to Emily for letting me to see this beautiful place.

“Thank you for saving me.” She said suddenly

“No problem.” I replied quickly

Again, silence occurred between us. The sounds of the chirp of birds, the running water and even the trees were so perfect.

“Can I tell you a secret?” she asked out of the blue, is she opening up. I stared at her for a while then I nod. I put all my attention to listen to her, for now she needs a listener not something else as the same time the one who can understand her.

“Nathan, the guy you met earlier was my fiancée…” Shit! She’s getting married already… it can’t be, “I know what’s in your mind okay. Before you think of something else listen first okay.” She reassures, I nod then she continues, “As what I’m saying, the reason why we were engage because of a certain matter but I can’t tell you okay. I don’t want to marry him because I don’t love or even like him it’s just I see him just a person nothing else. At first I told to myself maybe I need him to give a chance but as our relationship progress he dumped me in the middle of it that’s why I hated him for doing that. Then after 2 months his coming back to my life to resume our relationship, he told me he loves me but as you can see my face earlier you know the answer. So, any questions?”

Is this the Emily I know, I mean she is amazing she is so strong or should I say brave, she amazes me every time were together but wait if they are in a relationship that means… “Umm… did the two of you do that or something else?” I asked.

At first she looked at me at surprised then she laughs very hard before she answers, ”No we didn’t, even kissing we didn’t do it that’s why he ditched me.”

Really she never had her first kiss that a revelation and thank God she is still a virgin. “Why?” I asked with my curiosity.

“Because I don’t want it, no he doesn’t deserve it. That’s why you’re lucky you are the first man I kiss in cheeks except my parents.” She said, yeah I’m lucky, she smiled at me and I returned back. Then a thought came in she has another secret but what is it? Anyway, I hold her hand and kiss her head. She put her head in my left shoulders and then we gaze the sun as it gives shine to us. It was beautiful same as the girl beside me then I realize my life begins to have sense and one of that is to make happy Emily and protect her. I wanted to be better for her but particularly for myself, I make a small laugh and she just smiled.


Texte: erindiane@2013
Bildmaterialien: bookrix
Lektorat: none
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.10.2013

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This is another book that i made I hope you will like it.

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