
Chapter 1

Skye Boudreaux watched his cousin dance with his wife of nearly seven years. They looked like they had the first time they'd danced as man and wife. Liam, his cousin, had married Megara in Vegas and then again that summer in a 'royal ceremony' like they were supposed to from the beginning. Megara had bitched and moaned the whole time but finally had given up. Now seven years later she was still the most beautiful woman in the room even seven months pregnant with their second kid. Their first kid, Mac short for Mackenzie, was running around the room going from circle of adults mingling to another group going back and forth talking to everyone, her little crown slipping slightly on her head as she came to a stumbling halt in front of him, "Uncle Skye." She exclaimed and launched herself into his arms.

"Hey Mac." He said as he settled her on his hip and walked towards the terrace so they could see all the beautiful flowers Megara had had planted over the years. Looking over the grounds he was glad to be back home.

"Uncle Skye, you should see the library mama and daddy are putting in." Mac said with a huge smile on her small pixie face.

Skye chuckled, "I will." He said before she started squirming in his arms. Setting her on her feet she ran off back into the party.

"Look what the wolves dragged in." Megara said with a wicked smile on her lips as she sauntered over to him.

Skye looked over at her and smiled, "Megara, when are you going to leave that loser cousin of mine?"

"Only back for ten minutes and you're already hitting on my wife." Liam said walking over and pulling his cousin into a hug before Megara pushed him out of the way and planted a kiss on his lips.

"We missed you." She said softly nuzzling his neck with her nose, a form of comfort for wolves.

"I'm sorry I was gone so long." Skye said feeling bad at hurting Megara.

"You needed it," She whispered before pulling back, "But since you're here I need you to run into town tomorrow. Apparently there's a new book store and you must've heard from Mac about the new library," She waited until he nodded before continuing, "Can you bring back the owner, I want to talk to her."

Skye looked at Megara through narrowed eyes, "Sure." He said, what could be the harm in going into town to pick up an old lady and bring her back? He didn't notice the knowing smile on Megara and Liam's face as he turned around to look at the flowers.

The next morning Skye got up, went to the bathroom and went through his regular routine before going downstairs into the kitchen for breakfast where Megara was standing in front of the stove cooking breakfast for Mac and Liam, "Skye breakfast is almost ready. When you're done you can go into town. The owner of the store is named Dawn Hamilton...I think." Megara said tapping a fingernail to her chin as Mac giggled at nothing in particular. Skye nodded not really paying much attention.

When breakfast was finished Skye stood, grabbed the keys that Megara held out to him before walking out into the morning. Getting in the car he drove the half hour into town and started looking for the book store when he spotted the hottest woman he had ever seen, besides Megara, walking down the sidewalk. He watched her until she unlocked a door and that's when he read the sign The Harlequin. Nice name for a bookstore, he thought before parking and walking over to the store.


Dawn Hamilton had woken that morning in a complete haze. For some reason she couldn't help the feeling that she had forgotten something, somewhere. Ten minutes after waking up she had figured out what that was. Her cell. Probably still underneath the counter at the store. Shrugging it off she decided to walk down there and grab it before heading to the beach for the day. Two seconds after she had walked in to the store the little bell over the door went off signaling that someone had walked in, "I'm sorry but we're closed." She said still rummaging underneath the counter.

"Oh, sorry. I'm here on a request from my cousins wife." A mans voice said and it was so sexy it made her look up and into the bluest eyes she had ever seen anyone posses besides Skye, her high school crush. He had golden brown hair and even in the early morning light she could see that he was sinfully gorgeous.

"Well what's the request?" She asked looking away from him and continued searching for her phone as she mentally chastised herself. 'Get a grip Dawn, like he would really look at you as anything more than the ugly chick that runs the bookstore.'

"She's having a library built in and she would like to speak with you." Skye said staring at the top of her head. She had only looked at him for a few seconds but it had been long enough for him to be taken aback by her beauty. She had the greenest eyes he had ever seen, her dark hair cascaded around her and she seemed to hide behind it. Her face was flawless, she had the pointed cheekbones and naturally arched eyebrows and her lips. God what he would like to do to those lips.

"If she's not busy, I can speak to her now." Dawn said as she finally found her cell phone. She didn't dare look up though and rummaged through the drawer before putting a pen and paper on the counter, "You can write down her address, you're probably busy." She said and inwardly winced. That had come out so wrong.

"Actually, she asked if I could personally bring you." Skye said and smiled at her when she finally looked up at him again, "Is that okay with you?" He asked her and watched in surprise as her eyes frosted a bit before she nodded.

"That's fine." Dawn said a bit more coldly than she meant to say and waited until he started walking back out the door. She was only a couple of steps behind him. He waited until she locked the door again before heading towards his car across the street.

"It's not far." He said and opened the passenger door for her.

She looked warily at him before getting in. Skye was surprised she hadn't tried to brush up against him or make a move at all. Most women couldn't help themselves. It made him frown for a second. Closing the door behind her he rounded the hood and got in the car.

When they turned into the large driveway Dawn frowned, she had driven by the gates many times. She had no idea that there was so much behind the large stone wall but there was. A huge stone castle with parapets and towers rose out of the mist. Skye stopped the car in the oval drive in front of the door and Megara opened the door.

"Thank god." Megara said when Dawn stepped out of the car, "I need help." She said and grabbed Dawns hand before pulling her inside.

"Goodness Megara. You could have just called. I didn't know you lived here." Dawn said as she embraced her best friend since their third year in high school, "You've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

Skye stared at Dawn and Megara. They knew each other? How and why the fuck did Megara act like they hadn't known each other? Megara looked over Dawn's shoulder and saw Skye's confused face and stuck her tongue out at him. She had gotten him back for hurting her and being gone so long. Dawn looked over at him but her eyes weren't really looking at him they were somewhere over his shoulder making him frown. Why wouldn't she look at him?

"Skye thanks for bringing Dawn." Megara said with a smile before hooking her arm through Dawn's and leading her up the stairs to the doors that led to the large ballroom were the thrones were kept. With a frown Skye followed them and when Megara opened the doors he saw that it was no longer a ballroom but a large library. The stairs were still there. Walking down them he saw that there was walkways next to the double doors leading almost all the way around. The wall of glass wall still there with the large terrace doors that led to the balcony, but there were shelves all around and the thrones were no longer there.

"Megara what is it exactly that you want?" Dawn asked as she stood at the top of the stairs with a look of wonder in her eyes as she looked around. On the ceiling there were little flowers and vines drawn and etched into it. In the middle of the ceiling was a large crystal chandelier that glittered in the daylight.

"I want you to fill my library." Megara said with a smile before pulling Dawn deeper into the room until she stood next to Skye before she let go and turned in a half circle, "I want these shelves here to have just romance novels. Every single type." She added before Dawn could ask.

"Oh okay." She whispered, standing next to Skye it was hard to breath. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Megara had known about her crush in high school but of course he'd never paid any attention to Megara's little 'friend.' What nobody in high school knew was that Dawn had met Megara when she had been thinking about jumping off of a cliff and ending it all.

Megara smiled before saying, "The rest you can fill it with whatever you want and if you need any help I'm sure Skye will be more than helpful." She looked at Skye before bumping into him by accident making him bump into Dawn for a brief second but long enough to have Dawn stiffening.

Dawn took a step away from him not looking at him at all before turning and walking out onto the balcony, "What's wrong with her?" He asked Megara who had a sad sort of smile on her face.

"They broke her." She whispered on a sob before turning and running out of the library with tears running down her face.

Dawn had never felt like that when somebody touched her, even for such a brief second, "Who are you kidding Dawn, you probably made Megara cry." She said to herself not knowing that Skye had walked out and was standing behind her.

"Yes you did." He said and she jerked around with a surprised gasp, "You should apologize." Skye said before walking over to the railing and looking out to the cliffs.

"I will." Dawn said with a sigh without turning to look at him.

"Why won't you look at me?" He asked her suddenly making her close her eyes.

"What are you talking about I have looked at you." She said softly letting the wind carry her words away.

"Once maybe twice and both times you looked away." He said with a frown on his face as he turned to look over at her and saw that she had her back to him, "Even now you won't even look at me." He said sounding exasperated even to his ears.

Dawn took a deep breath before she turned and looked at him, "Happy now." She said her face and voice completely devoid of emotion.

"No but it'll do for now." Skye replied with a satisfied look on his face.

Dawn rolled her eyes at him, "Whatever." Dawn looked away from him and out of the corner of her eye she saw his smile fade and get replaced by an annoyed look.

"Yeah whatever." Skye said and turned away from her.

Dawn let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding slowly before walking back inside and looking for Megara, she found her sitting in the kitchen, "Eggie, I'm really sorry. I didn't think me walking out of the library would upset you." She said using her nick-name for Megara.

Megara sighed and looked over at Dawn, "Hammie, they broke you." She said with a sad smile, "If I had known you going back to live with them would do this to you I would've told you to stay here. With me." She finished just as her face crumpled and tears started flowing down her cheeks again.

Dawn closed her eyes blocking out her best friends crying face before opening them again and pulling her into her arms for a hug, "It's okay, Eggie, I might be broken but I'm not beyond repair." She whispered in her ear.

Chapter 2

The next day Skye walked into the library and noticed the wall on which Megara wanted her romance novels was being filled by none other than Dawn, she was on a ladder with a book in her hand. There were boxes upon boxes stacked everywhere, "Need any help?" He asked her and smiled when she dropped the book she was about to place on the shelf.

Dawn didn't want to look at him. Last night she had made a promise to herself that she wasn't going to let him get the best of her, "Sure." She said as she came down the ladder and picked up the book she had dropped. Skye frowned at her before reaching inside a random box only to have her say, "No those are the R's, I'm still on the A's." She said and he looked down to see that the box had a big red R on it's lid.

"Oh, sorry." He said and saw her look at him for a quick second before she winced and looked away, "What is there something on my face?" Skye asked her as he reached up and wiped at his face.

"Um no." She said as she mentally chastised herself for breaking her promise to herself she looked over at him her eyes though stayed on his chest and didn't reach his eyes.

"How long have you been here?" Skye asked her as she started to stack books again while he helped her by handing them to her.

"What time is it?" She asked him absently barely paying any attention to him.

"It's three in the afternoon." Skye said and she looked at him over her shoulder.

"I've been here since nine this morning." She said as she placed another book in the shelf before walking down, "I didn't even have breakfast." She said more to herself than Skye.

Skye frowned at her, "You haven't eaten all day?" He asked her annoyed that she wouldn't even think to take care of herself.

Dawn looked over at him with a surprised look on her face, "No." She said slowly before she picked up her purse from the table and started for the doors, "I'll be back." She said only to have Skye grab hold of her hand.

"Where are you going?" He asked her not wanting to let go of her hand but did when fear leaped into her eyes, "Sorry.' He said looking away. He hadn't meant to make her afraid of him.

Dawn shook her head, "It's all right." She said and took a deep breath before grabbing his hand making him look down at her, "I'm going to go eat something. I'll be back." She said with a hesitant smile before letting go of his hand just as a little girl ran into the room.

"Hi Auntie Dawn," She said and hugged Dawn, "My mommy drew a picture of you for me." She looked up at Dawn and smiled, "You're really pretty." She said before running over to Skye as Dawn smiled before walking out.

Mackenzie had grown so much since the last time she saw her, taking a quick peek back at her, Dawn kept walking until she nearly bumped into Megara, "Hey where are you going?" Megara asked her as she patted her big belly.

"Going to go eat something." Dawn said absently and was about to keep walking when Megara hooked her arm through hers and led her towards the kitchens.

"Good, I'm hungry." She said and walked into the kitchen where Grant was standing at the counter making sandwiches, "Grant you remember Dawn right?" She said as Dawn and her sat in the chairs in front of him.

"The famous Hammie has returned." He said with a chuckle making Dawn blush, "You guys hungry?" He asked and had Megara frowning at him, "Grant that was a dumb question." He said to himself and made them sandwiches before walking out of the room.

"How's the library coming along?" Megara asked as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"It's coming." Dawn said before taking a bite of her own sandwich.

"Megara you're supposed to be laying down." Liam said as he walked into the room. Dawn looked over at him and smiled hesitantly. Liam, Grant, Gabriel and Skye had never really paid her any attention so she had never really thought to make friends with them, "Hey Dawn." He said with a wave.

"Hey." She said before setting down her half eaten sandwich, "I should get back to the library." She said getting up and walking out of the room.

Liam frowned after her before looking back at Megara, "She's scared of me." He said shaking his head, "I've never had anyone really look at me the way she did, except for you." He said his eyes getting the sad glow that had been on Megara's eyes when he'd walked in.

Megara gave him a sad smile, "She might be broken but she's not beyond repair. Can you believe she said that to me?" She said becoming angry at whoever had told her that.

"I can." Liam said wrapping his arms around Megara, "I love you." He whispered in her ear before running a hand down her belly.

"I love you too." Megara sighed, "I hope Dawn is able to let go of the fear and let him in."

"Let who in?" Liam asked curiously resting his chin on the top of Megara's head.

"Skye." Megara said so only Liam could hear her.

Dawn made her way back into the library and saw Skye putting books into the shelves, "You've been busy." She said as she noticed he was halfway down the shelf already stacking the C's.

Skye looked over at her and back to the wall in front of him, "Yeah, it's actually kinda fun putting all these books away." He said as he stacked another book before coming down the ladder and standing in front of her.

She jerked back a step and watched him frown, "Sorry." She said softly and took a hesitant step towards him.

Skye stepped back this time, "You have no reason to be sorry," He said turning on his heel and walking over a half empty box.

Dawn frowned at him. Usually if she took a step away he would raise his hand and slap her. When she had stepped forward she had been expecting Skye to do the same instead he had looked down at her before moving away, "I don't?" She asked hesitantly.

Skye looked at her over his shoulder and smiled, "Not at all. You remind me of Megara." He said with a smile, "She would jerk away whenever one of us came near her. It was a couple of weeks before she actually let any of us touch her besides Liam."

Dawn frowned, "Oh." She said before walking over to the box he was currently digging in and grabbed a couple of books before stacking them.

Skye nodded, "I have a feeling Megara gave you this job because she wants you here." Skye said and had her looking at him with a sad smile.

"This time I won't say no." She said softly.

"What do you mean?"

Dawn hesitated before saying, "I was in Vegas the day after Liam and Megara got married. Actually, you let me into the room." She said and watched him frown as if thinking back to that day, "You probably don't remember, but in those couple of minutes Megara and I spoke she had asked me to stay. Of course I said no and that I would be fine." Dawn shook her head at her own stupidity.

Skye had been staring at Dawn while she told him this. He had been inches away from her that day, "Wait a second're Hammie?" He asked her with an incredulous look on his face.

Dawn eyes widened nobody called her that except for Megara, " do you know that name?"

"Megara talked about her best friend Hammie so much when we were in school but I didn't know it was you." He said with a grin, "Finally I have met the famous Hammie."

Dawn blushed, "I still don't know what possessed her to call me that." Dawn said with a shake of her head.

"Just like I have no idea what made you call me Eggie." Megara said walking into the room with a smile on her face.

"Wait a second. Hammie and Eggie?" Skye said before he burst into laughter, "You guys got to be joking." He said in gasps as he tried to breathe.

Megara smiled faintly, "Unfortunately no." She said and looked over at Dawn who was slowly backing away from Skye, "Come here." She said and grabbed Dawn by her upper arm in a vise grip and led her outside before walking down the balcony steps and onto the yard, "There's something I need to tell you." Megara said to Dawn as she pulled her down to sit on the grass.

"Okay..." Dawn said slowly and looked at Megara waiting for her to continue.

"I know how you feel." Megara started and Dawn frowned, "I know exactly because the way you react is how I used to react a long time ago. When I was younger my family, and I use that word lightly because what they did isn't something family does, they gave me to one of their friends and he used me, Dawn in ways that I'm sure you know." Megara said and watched as Dawns eyes widened and filled with tears.

"He was supposed to help me." Dawn said as she broke and wrapped her arms around Megara, "He used me and I let him. I don't know why. It's like I had no control over my actions. If I even managed the courage to question him he would hit me. I still lay awake at night with a deep fear that if I fall asleep that in the morning I'll wake up and be right back with him."

Megara nodded in understanding, "I used to wake up and think Liam's arms were his. Sometimes he used to wake me up by saying, 'It's okay Megara it's just me." She said with a sad smile on her face before her eyes lit up with happiness, "And then it stopped, not over night of course, but it faded. Those memories were replaced by better ones."

Dawn took a deep breath before whispering, "I escaped, I noticed that during the night he left the door unlocked. I actually think he did that on purpose as if teasing me. You know the whole you can try to escape but you know you won't get far. Well one night he made the mistake of leaving a knife close by." Dawn closed her eyes at the memory, "I killed him Eggie."

Megara merely smiled, "Did you think telling me that would make me feel any different towards you Hammie? You're my best friend, practically my sister." She said holding Dawns hands in a tight grip, "Come on, you're staying here. I already had Liam hire someone to run your bookstore." She said with a smile then sheepishly said, "You have to help me up."

Dawn laughed before getting to her feet and helping Megara onto hers. She looked over towards the terrace doors and saw Skye standing in the open doorway, "The last time I said no I regretted it, this time I'll take you up on that offer."

Megara looked over and saw Skye, "You should give him a chance Hammie." She whispered and out of the corner of her eye she saw Dawn look at her with wide eyes, "I'm serious." Megara said with a laugh before they made their way back to the terrace doors.

Skye stared at them as they made their way back inside the library. He couldn't help but feel stupid. How could he not realize that this beautiful woman was Dawn the girl that he would stare at constantly whenever he went to the restaurant in town with his dates. His dates used to notice him staring at the waitress and leave but he hadn't cared. What still got to him is how could he have not noticed her in school. Her green eyes had entranced him from the moment he had seen them sparkle in the dim light of the restaurant.

He watched Megara look up at him before she gave him a nudge that sent him into Dawn, who didn't cringe or move away, "Sorry." He whispered looking down at her.

She shrugged, "It's alright." She whispered right back before skirting around him and walking into the library and looking at the wall of books before her. She was not going act like a little girl with a crush because honestly the thoughts that were running through her mind right were not something a little girl would think.

"Dawn if you want I could have dinner brought to you when it's finished." Megara said as she started for the doors.

"That's fine." Dawn said absently as she noticed Skye walk towards another box of books and open it. She didn't notice when Megara left and closed the door all she could think was 'Megara said to give him a chance,' looking away from him as her mind drifted to unpleasant thoughts and had him briefly turning his head to look over at her.

He had been watching her the whole time and had noticed when she was looking right back at him. Of course she thought she was being discreet but then her eyes misted with unshed tears before she looked away. He looked at her now completely and watched her as she turned and walked over to a random box stacked in front of shelves and opened it, took a couple of books out, climbed the ladder that was attached to that particular shelf and began placing the books in what appeared to be the right spot.

Skye cleared his throat, "So I guess Megara talked you into staying." He said to her his voice soft as if he knew that she didn't really want to talk.

She finally looked at him her eyes clear of the tears that were there moments ago, "Yeah she did."

Chapter 3

Dawn stretched on her plush king sized four poster bed that was located in one of the four towers. turning on her side and opening her eyes she looked out the large window and saw the cliffs and the ocean below. The very cliffs she had contemplated death on and where she had been saved. Turning onto her back she looked up into the wispy fabric that was draped around the bed and fluttered lightly in the summer wind. She closed her eyes for a second before getting up and walking into the bathroom.

Almost an hour later she made her way to the kitchens and grabbed an apple. She noticed the dirty dishes in the sink and with a shrug started to clean them, "Good morning." Said a husky voice from behind her making her jerk around.

She stared at Skye for a full minute without blinking. He was bare chested and only wearing a pair of pajamas pants while he leaned against the door frame, "Good morning to you too." She said as she finished the dishes dried her hands and picked up the rest of her apple, "I'll see you in the library." She said and walked away down the hall that led to the library.

Skye looked after her and smirked. He had made her nervous and not in a bad way. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bunch of grapes before walking back upstairs to dress. When he walked into the library he saw Dawn was already done stacking the books Megara wanted and was beginning on another row of books, "We should ask Megara for some help in here." He said as he handed her books so she wouldn't have to come down the ladder.

Dawn looked down at him before looking down at the book in her hands, "I guess." She said and put the book in the shelf before reaching down for another instead all she felt was Skye's hand in hers and before she could do anything he pulled her down off the ladder and into his arms.

Skye felt Dawn stiffen for a second before she relaxed and looked into his eyes, "There's something about you." He whispered as he leaned closer.

Dawn could feel his breath wafting across her lips before he pressed his lips against hers. All she felt was an electric shock go through her. She jerked back and softly rubbed a fingertip over her bottom lip and watched as Skye did the same, "What was that?" She asked him with a frown before she felt a slight burn on her fingertips.

Skye looked down at his fingertips and smiled as red swirls appeared. He looked over at Dawns hands and grinned. Her fingertips matched his. 'Mine' his wolf growled startling Skye. He had never heard his wolf speak to him.

Megara chose that very moment to walk into the room, she stared at them as they continued to stare at their hands. Skye had a dopey smile on his face. Dawn on the other hand looked confused but she actually looked at Skye with something other than fear. Megara cocked her head to the side and frowned, she had seen that look before. Megara's eyes widened as she realized why it was familiar. It was the same look she had given him in Vegas seven years ago.

Dawn took a deep breath and looked at Skye for some reason she had to look at his fingertips and there was the same red swirls that were on her own. She looked up into his eyes and took a step backwards and it wasn't in fear. Something was telling her that it was a sort of game. Turning on her heel she started towards the door only to see Megara standing there. Megara stared at her for a second before moving out of the way. Dawn took the opening and took off running towards her bedroom knowing that Skye was only a few feet behind her.

She had no idea why she had urge to run and let him chase after her. Something made her and almost like a flip of a light switch being turned on she heard someone talking, in her mind, like her own thoughts but different, 'Dawn.' the voice whispered making her stumble on the steps that led up the tower to her room, 'Who are you?" Dawn asked and the voice immediately answered, 'Your wolf.' She said as if stretching and talking at the same time. Dawn didn't think about anything else because that's when Skye decided to speed up and grab her around the waist before opening the door to her room, kicking it closed and striding over to the bed.

Skye stared down at her as he slowly slipped her shirt off. Her eyes didn't reflect fear and the smile she gave him wasn't hesitant. If anything it was more seductive than any smile she had given him in the last couple of days. He stared down at her for a second before leaning down and capturing her lips in a searing kiss that had him burning from the inside out. He heard her soft moan when his hands caressed up her sides and cupped her breasts in his hands.

She couldn't catch her breath. Moans slipped out of her mouth as she dragged her nails up his back before he reached behind her back and unsnapped her black lace bra. She let it slide off of her as he leaned down and nuzzled her neck before sucking on a particular spot of her neck making her groan and clutch him to her. She felt his mouth before she felt his teeth sink into her and when he let go he licked the blood that had trickled down her neck before she felt him unbutton her jeans and begin to pull them down.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered looking down at her before shifting a bit above her to take the rest of her clothes off and his own. When he settled over her she looked up at him before she pulled him close and laid her lips on his.

Pulling back from the kiss he groaned as he trailed his lips down her neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. She couldn't help the urge to nuzzle his neck before she felt incisors grow in her mouth.

Skye looked down at her noticing her glowing eyes and incisors. He closed his eyes as he felt his own incisors he leaned close and nearly bit her when she looked up at him and growled, "Mine." Before she bit him.

That's when Skye sank into her. She released him with a moan and arched into him as he leaned over her and looked into her eyes, "Mine." He growled back.

Dawn closed her eyes in ecstasy. Not wanting this moment to end but knowing that when it did he would still be there.


The sun streamed into the room making Skye roll over and into Dawn. He looked down at her and smiled. She had a hand tucked underneath her cheek and the other flung around his waist. He sighed and pulled her closer. She let out a small moan as she opened her eyes and looked at him for a brief second before closing them again.

"Really Skye?" She whispered apparently reading his mind when she shifted closer to him and wrapped a leg around his waist.

Skye merely smiled and was about to pull her close for a morning kiss when the door opened. He looked over with a frown which lightened into a smile as a woman walked in. Dawn looked her over and merely smiled, 'No competition.' Her wolf said smugly. Skye looked back at Dawn and smiled, 'Nope none at all.' She said on a sigh.

"Nicola." Skye said with a smile looking back at the woman.

"Why didn't Megara tell us you were back?" She asked referring to Grant, Gabriel and herself.

Skye shrugged, "She probably hasn't even told my parents." He replied before really looking at her, "Can you leave?" He said with an exasperated sigh. Nicola merely rolled her eyes before walking out. Dawn smiled after her before wrapping the blanket around herself and getting up off the bed only to have Skye wrap an arm around her and pulled her back down, "Where do you think you're going?"

Dawn giggled looking over her shoulder to look into his piercing blue eyes, "To get dressed."

Skye looked at her with a smile before letting her hand go and watched as she walked into the closet and then into the bathroom. He would be taking them off soon so he didn't care. He heard the shower come on and turn off twenty minutes later, then he stared as she walked out the room but not before throwing a wink at him and saying, "I'll see you downstairs."

Skye rolled his eyes before getting up and walking into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror over the sink and stared at himself. He had a smile on his face a half mile wide and his eyes had dots of amber in them. Shaking his head he brushed his teeth and then jumped in the shower. Once he was dressed he walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

Dawn was sitting at the island with Megara sitting on her right and Mac was on her left in a high chair while Liam and Grant stood at the large stove cooking breakfast. He watched her as she tucked a piece of Mac's hair behind her ear before she looked over at him with a smile, "Hey." She whispered and Megara stopped looking at Liam's ass long enough to glance over at Skye and arch an eyebrow.

"Hey." Skye said as he walked over to her tilted her head upwards and pressed a kiss to her lips.

With a sigh Dawn lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck and pulled him closer, "Hey." She whispered against his lips, "I stopped in the library before coming in here I guess Nicola, Grant and Gabriel decided to help out." She said as Liam placed a plate of food on the island in front of Megara and her.

Skye smiled and scooped some eggs into Mac's plate in front of her before handing her a spoon. Megara turned back to look at Liam's ass while Dawn served Skye, Megara and herself some eggs and bacon, "Skye your mom and dad are here." Liam said before sitting down next to Megara and plowing into his food making Megara laugh.

"When did they get here?" He asked as he tucked a piece of Dawns hair behind her ear.

"Just a couple of hours ago. You were still sleeping when we got here." His mother Laurell said from the doorway as she looked over at the woman who was her sons mate and complete approved of her.

"Oh." Skye said with a mouthful of eggs making Dawn roll her eyes.

Laurell repeated the gesture because that seemed to be a disgusting habit all the men in the family seemed determined to have, "Don't talk with your mouth full." She simply said as she walked over to him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Skye smiled sheepishly and swallowed his eggs before saying, "Hi Mom. I've missed you."

Laurell merely smiled and the looked at Dawn, "It seems I raised a rude child. Hello my name is Laurell this dunder heads mother." She said and watched as Dawn without hesitation smiled.

"Hi I'm Dawn and he might be a dunder head but he's our dunder head." She replied making Laurell burst into laughter along with everyone else in the kitchen.


Texte: Radiant Light
Lektorat: Radiant Light
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.05.2012

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