
Chapter 1

Lily Masters walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where her aunt Lydia was cooking breakfast. Lily set her bag down and sat at the table, "So about school," She began only to be cut off.

"Lily you're going whether you like it or not." She said looking at her niece. It still stunned her how much she looked like her mother. Her silver eyes, long dark hair and comely face were exact matches to her dead sister.

Lily hung her head in defeat. Her aunt had put her foot down, "Fine. I still don't know why you're making me go there." She said on a sigh as Lydia placed a plate of food on the table in front of her, "Thanks." She whispered and began to eat.

"Because it would look bad if you're not in school." She replied patting the top of her head.

Lily shrugged, she could care less, "Well, let's get this over with." She said as she pushed her plate away before standing up and grabbing her bag.

Lydia smiled and handed her a piece of paper with an address on it, "Just program it into the GPS." She said and handed her the keys to her Porsche which she had confiscated after her last speeding ticket, "No speeding." she said as she headed out the door.

Lily scowled at that. How did she expect her not to speed. That was like giving someone a plane and telling them they couldn't travel. With a shrug she headed out the door in time to see her aunt back out of the driveway. Turning she looked at her Porsche, her aunt had taken it to the car wash. At least she'd been thoughtful enough to do that after keeping the garage door locked for almost three weeks.

Sighing she unlocked the doors and got in. Throwing her bag in the back seat, she turned on the car and punched in the address to her new school. This would be awkward especially since her mother had home schooled her. She didn't know anybody and what made it ten times worse was that the first day of school was over a month ago. Taking a deep breath she put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

Twenty minutes later she was pulling into the parking lot of her new school. It was packed with students. Looking around she spotted a parking spot, she pulled into it and shut off the car. Grabbing her bag from the back seat she put her keys inside of it, opened the door and hit the lock switch. As soon as her leg swung out of the car it seemed like everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at her tanned leg, on her feet she had white pumps on.

Lily got out of the car and closed the door, her white dress swirled around her as she took her first step onto the sidewalk that led to the main entrance. Everyone stared at her as she opened the door and made her way to the office, "Hi. My name is Lily Masters. They said I could pick up my schedule here." Lily said when the secretary looked up.

"Oh my goodness," She whispered making Lily frown, "Yes of course," She said louder and turned away to look through a stack of papers.

A couple of minutes later Lily was in the hallway. It was crowded but as she walked by the people in her way moved to the side so she could pass as they stared at her. Looking down at her schedule she saw she had to go to homeroom 10, frowning she looked at the map the secretary had handed her. Cocking her head to the side she stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at the room doors looking at the numbers, Room 10 was on her left. Shrugging she walked towards the door and walked in.

As soon as she walked in everyone stared at her. Lily scowled at them, "I thought it was rude to stare." She said and now more than ever she noticed how different her voice sounded, her Irish accent making them stare even more. Shaking her head she made her way to the only seat that was empty. Just her luck it was right in the back. Barely noticing who she sat down next too she looked at her schedule.

At least her classes where all in the same hallway as her homeroom. Sighing she glanced around and everyone was still staring at her, looking away from them she looked next to her and saw she was sitting down next to a guy who was reclined back in his seat with his eyes closed. Chuckling, she leaned forward and stared out the window. The leaves were already changing color, preparing for fall.

Looking back at the guy sitting next to her she noticed he had black hair, his face was that of a fairy prince and she couldn't help but stare. He was definitely taller than her, her feet barely touched the ground and she was already 17. When he opened his eyes she leaned forward to study them, a beautiful golden color with silver flecks in them.

He looked over at her and smiled, Lily couldn't help the shudder that went through her. The way he stared at her made her feel all tingly and nervous, "Hey, my name's Lucas." He said his voice making her turn her head to the side and smile.

"I'm Lily," She said as they continued to assess each other. He was staring at her a bit possessively making her frown at him, she had only ever been looked at like that by one other person. A Werewolf. Lily leaned towards him and sniffed, oh yeah, definitely a wolf. A voice in her head told her to be careful, "So you're a wolf." She said low enough that he could hear her but no one else could.

Lucas pulled back away from her, "No." He said denying it but confirming it because she knew how to speak low enough that only wolves could hear.

"Liar," She said with a smile as the bell rang and she got to her feet, walking out of the class and heading to first period. When she walked in the teacher directed her to her seat. Just like in homeroom, it was in the back making Lily sigh in relief.

When the class filled up she noticed only one person sitting next to her, on her left was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who was trying without success not to stare at Lily. The seat to her right was empty, shrugging she took out her notebook and began writing down the notes on the board when the door opened and there was Lucas.

The teacher sighed and walked to her desk making sure that he was marked present as he took his seat, right next to Lily, "Are you stalking me?" He asked her looking at her with a wicked smile on his face.

Lily laughed, "You wish," She said and dug through her bag pulling out her schedule and handed it to him, "Check it out."

His eyes skimmed her classes before he shrugged, "So you're in all of my classes." He said handing her her schedule.

"So why were you late, I mean the class is only two classrooms away." She said no longer paying attention to the teacher as she began to speak about the Egyptian pharaohs.

"I had a couple of things to see too." He said looking at her up and down, "My brothers would love to meet you."

"How many brothers do you have?" She asked curiously as she rested her cheek in the palm of her hand and leaned towards him.

"Nicholas and Silas, but don't ever tell Nick I told you his whole name, he hates it." He said while leaning towards Lily. She was fascinating with her silver eyes. When he'd first seen her he had been dumbstruck. At first he had thought she was blind but then she would have had a seeing eye dog or something. Then he'd noticed how her eyes glowed just a bit at the edges when she'd seen him but had quickly been hidden. She was the first Fae he had ever seen and he couldn't help but be fascinated. He hadn't lied when he'd said he had a couple of things to see to. They were mainly about her. His brother's did want to meet the girl he had been non stop talking about for the last ten minutes, not even letting them say anything about class or even paying much attention to the girls that came up to them to try and flirt with the resident bad boys of the school.

Lily laughed again making the teacher look over at them, "Lucas, Lily since you're so fascinated with each other why don't you both make your way to room 4 for the rest of the class."

Lily stared at the teacher in disbelief while Lucas shrugged, stood, and grabbed her books from her desk, "Screw it, it's a boring class anyway." He said as he offered her his hand.

Lily looked at his hand for a full ten seconds before she took it. Lucas led her out of the room while everyone stared at them. Once they were in the hallway, he began walking to the main entrance, "Wait didn't she say room 4?" She asked him as she pulled on his hand.

"Yeah but what she really meant was leave, my brothers and I tend to make everyone a bit nervous." He said with another shrug as he opened the doors and strode out into the sunlight. Pulling her along with him.

Lily looked around and saw two other guys standing near the main entrance. One had blonde hair while the other had brown hair. They were both the same height and build and when they saw Lucas they grinned, "Kinda figured you'd be getting kicked out by now." One of them said as Lucas walked over to them.

"Lily, these are my brothers Nick," He said nodding towards the blonde on, "And Silas." He said nodding towards the one with brown hair.

Lily looked at them and noticed they all had the same golden eyes with silver flecks, smiling she said, "Hey it's nice to meet you guys."

They looked at her and smiled, "So this is Lily." Silas said with a grin as he looked her over the same way Lucas had earlier, "I can't believe you got her kicked out on her first day of class."

Lily looked away as Lucas growled low in his throat, "Back off Silas."

"Sorry." He said raising his hands in front of him in defense, "But you have to admit, she's the first fairy I've seen that hasn't run screaming the moment she spotted you."

" did you know I was Fae?" She asked them suddenly looking over at them with a frown on her face. Most species of the supernatural didn't even believe in the Fae just like humans.

"Your beautiful eyes," Lucas said and seeming to catch what he'd just said turned away to look towards the sun.

Lily flushed a rosy pink and looked over at Lucas, "Do you really think my eyes are beautiful?" She asked him as she touched a hand to his shoulder to get him to look at her which was not a really easy feat him being at least a foot taller than her.

Lucas glanced at her, "Maybe." He answered making his brothers laugh which made him glare at them, "Yes I think your eyes are beautiful." He admitted as he looked down at her.

"Oh come on Lucas," Nick said exasperated, "You talked about her non stop for ten minutes, you didn't even let me get a word in edge wise." He said pushing Lucas.

Lily stared up at him and couldn't help the smile that light up her face, "Did you really talk about me for ten minutes non stop?" She asked him and only got a shrug making Lily roll her eyes, "Whatever, seeing as I got kicked out on my first day of school I'm going to go for a run. See you." She said and walked off towards her car and got in.

Lucas stared after her before taking off behind her, "Mind if I join you?" He asked her when he stood next to her car.

Lily looked up at him before smiling and opening the passenger door, "Sure." She said as she started the car. Once he was settled in the car and her stuff was in the back seat, which she had totally forgotten to grab from him, she pulled out of the parking spot and headed out of the school parking lot.

"Do you know a good place to go for a run?" He asked her and smiled when she shook her head, "There's the national forest, it's pretty close by." He said and punched in the directions in her GPS.

Lily followed the directions and twenty minutes later, her pockets were ten bucks lighter as she parked the car and got out, "It's mainly trails," Lucas said as he stood next to her watching her look over the trees.

"That's fine," She said as she slipped her shoes off and threw them into the car through the open window, "Let's go." She said and took off through the trail with Lucas a couple of steps behind her.

Lucas followed after her, keeping an eye out for any wild animals or worse. Lily, one of the last Fae in the western hemisphere would be protected at all costs. Many would want her dead unfortunately they'd have to go through Lucas. She skidded to a halt and looked over her shoulder at him throwing him a sexy smile over her shoulder, "Were we even supposed to leave?" She asked him as she turned to fully face him.

"No, my brothers and I usually end up getting kicked out during one class or another." He said with a shrug as she walked back over to him.

"So you guys are like the resident bad boys." She said with a wicked smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck, flipping her hair out of the way she leaned in and chuckled when she felt him take a deep breath and hold it, "I'm not going to kiss you." She said and backed away from him.

Lucas hadn't been able to think when she'd gotten so close to him, "Well," He cleared his throat, "We should head back."

Lily chuckled and grabbed hold of his hand as they headed back towards the car, "I bet that the girls in that school drool all over your brothers and you." She said as the car came into view. Letting go of Lucas' hand she walked over, grabbed her shoes and popped the trunk throwing them in she grabbed a pair of wipes and cleaned her feet before grabbing her red flip flops and putting them on.

Lucas watched her with a frown. How could she be so carefree after what had happened to her mother? Everyone in the supernatural knew that her mother had been killed. Killing a Fae was like killing a unicorn, something so innocent should never spill blood on the ground. His eyes raked her body, he could understand the glory people sought when they killed them, but who could harm them once they looked into those eyes. So pure, so innocent, they seemed to stare right into your soul, "I wouldn't know about the whole drooling part." He replied with a shrugged, "The girls in school may be a bit disappointed when they hear that you left school with me on your first day."

Lily looked back at him, "Oh well," She shrugged and got in the car, "Well are you coming?" She said as she started the car and put the top down, "You can drive." She said as she climbed over to the passengers side.

Lucas smiled and got in, "So where to?" He asked her as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot.

"Up to you. I don't know anyone except for your brothers and you, so I wouldn't know where to go." She said as she settled back in the seat as he pulled out of the parking lot, her hair whipping around them.

Chapter 2

Lily looked at Lucas from the corner of her eyes as he drove through the small town that they called home heading towards the outer edges of it where houses were miles apart and some covered by trees from view. His eyes met hers and smiled before looking back at the road, "You live out here?" She asked him curiously as the tress became thicker. Sighing she looked up at the sky. Blue sky and a few white clouds that blocked the sun every once in a while.

"Yeah, my brothers like to throw parties on the weekends and since the neighbors are far away we don't get the cops called on us." Lucas said with a cheeky grin as he pulled into the driveway of a large cedar house and turned the car off before looking over at Lily.

"Oh." She said looking over at him with a smile.

"Yeah, actually we're having one this Friday, you should come by. Better yet I'll pick you up." Lucas said before she could say no to him.

Lily smiled, "Is the big bad wolf nervous that I'll say no?" She asked him and watched him blush.

"Umm." He said and looked away from her still blushing.

Lily couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up, "It's alright Lucas, I'll definitely be there." She answered him and nearly laughed again at his relieved look.

"You want to come in, my brothers should be home by now." Lucas said as he opened the door and got out.

"What about your parents?" She asked him as she followed him up the short flight of stairs that led to the front door.

"They're...traveling." Lucas said as he opened the front door and was punched in the face by Nick, "Damn it Nick what the hell was that for?"

"It's your turn to cook and you took forever coming back." He said and stomped away into the living room where Silas was laughing hysterically.

Lucas wiped the blood from his nose as he looked over at Lily who stood frozen in the doorway with s terrified look on her face, "Are you ok?" She whispered as she took a step forward, cupped his face in her hands and tilted it this way and that making sure he had stopped bleeding.

Lucas smiled, "I'm fine." He whispered back as he took her hands in his own and led her into the kitchen, "Anything in particular that you want to eat?" He asked her as he searched through the cabinets and refrigerator.

"No thanks," Lily said waving off the offer of food. She didn't really have to eat, she only did it for her aunts sake. The lady would probably have a fit if she didn't touch her food. Her aunt became insulted pretty easily when it came to her food. Fae only ate when mated.

"Kay." Lucas said and grabbed a bag of Lays for himself as he sat down at one of the bar stools in front of the island and motioned for her to join him.

She smiled before she sat down and glanced around the kitchen, "So about your parents.." Lily said trailing away as her gaze landed on a picture of a man and woman wrapped around each other in a kiss, bathed in moonlight the woman wore a beautiful white dress and the man wore a black tuxedo. It was a wedding photo, "I didn't know wolves married their mates." She said as she held out her hand towards the picture, it disappeared and then reappeared in her hand.

"Most don't, if they don't love each other. My parents on the other hand had loved each since they were kids so it was pretty easy for them when they found out they were each others mates." Lucas said with a shrug, "My brother's and I are hoping for the same thing." He said looking at her with a soft smile.

Lily blushed, "So how do you know someones your mate?" She asked him curiously as she stood and put the picture back where it was and began to wander the kitchen.

"Well you kiss," He said and looked away from her, "Sometimes, you just know." He looked back at her and his golden eyes where now silver as he stared at her.

"Oh," She whispered, "Do you think I'm your mate?" she asked him softly as she walked over to him and grabbed the bag of chips out of his hands and set them on the island before grabbing his hands in her own.

Lucas nodded hesitantly. He didn't want to scare her away, but he couldn't help how he felt. He had sensed her when she'd walked into the school. No he was lying to himself, he had sensed her the moment she had reached the town. Lily smiled at him before she leaned down and kissed him. He growled and pulled her close instantly. She was his mate. An electric charge flowed through him and he knew the same had happened to her because she pulled away on a soft cry and electricity lanced out of her fingertips making a loud crackling noise.

Slowly Lucas pulled back and stared down at her, "Are you okay?" He whispered softly as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips which were a bit red.

"Yeah," She said as she closed her eyes and shuddered, "That felt weird. All that electricity." She shuddered again and looked down at their joined hands before hissing and dropping his hand blew cool air over her fingertips as intricate swirls of lavender and turquoise appeared there, matching the ones Lucas had on his own fingertips, "What does this mean?" She said holding her hand out to him so he could see what had appeared.

"You're my mate." He replied taking hold of her hand and holding it in his own larger one.

Lily shook her head, "I have to go." She said and was about to pull her hand out of his just as the back door slammed open and there stood her aunt her long blonde hair swirling around her.

"Lily!" She exclaimed, "I've been looking for you," She looked over at Lucas and smiled, "You will have to protect her." She said and was about to walk back out to a man that stood a couple of feet behind her. My uncle Lucian.

"Aunt Lydia," Lily said and she hesitated in the doorway, "Where are you going?"

"Deep into the forest, your uncle Lucian and I will be in touch." She said as she turned and gave Lily a hug, "Your mate will keep you safe." She whispered in her ear and left.

Lily looked back at Lucas, who shrugged, "You can stay here." He said, "We have extra bedrooms and my parents shouldn't be back for a couple of months."

Lily shook her head, "No, I'll be fine at my aunts." She said and looked out the windows.

"Then I'm going with you." He said and headed upstairs to pack before she could say anything. Minutes later he was downstairs with a suitcase, "Let's go." He said and grabbed her hand and started for the front door.

"Lucas, where are you going?" Silas and Nick asked at the same time as they saw him heading for the door.

"You were supposed to cook." Nick whined holding his stomach like he was in pain.

"I'm staying at Lilys' I'll see you guys in school." He said and was about to keep going when they exclaimed.

"Hell no, we're going with you." They said in unison and rushed up the stairs to pack. Ten minutes later, Lucas and Lily drove back to town with Silas and Nick following behind them.

Lily looked over at Lucas with a frown. What was her aunt thinking leaving her behind, especially with him. Most wolves would rather seek out another mate than protect one that would put the rest of their pack in danger, "You don't have to stay." She whispered looking back out the window and at the passing trees.

"I don't have too, but I want too." He said looking over at her with a frown on his face. What made her think he would even think about letting her die?

"You'll get hurt." She whispered as she thought back to her own mother and father. He had tried saving her and look at where that had gotten him. A one way ticket six feet under along with her. Shaking her head she looked at him, "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Nothing's going to happen." He said just as the car rocked like something had slammed into it. Looking in the rear view mirror he saw what had made the car rock. Well some of it. A scaly tail slithered over the top onto the roof before something reached in the passenger window and grabbed Lily by the hair. Yanking her out of the window before he could react.

Crying out, Lily swung her closed fist into the creatures scaly face only to pull her hand back as her knuckles connected with his teeth cutting her, "Let me go." She screamed.

"Gladly." It hissed and flung her off the speeding car and into the forest.

With a hard crack she hit a tree. Groaning and wrapping an arm around her stomach she struggled to her feet. Lucas came to a skidding halt and jumped out of the car rushing the scaly creature that loomed over her ready to slash at her throat. Lily rolled out of the way as a massive wolf slashed at the creatures back. Hissing it turned and slapped him away as if he were an insignificant fly.

Lily stared at where the large black wolf lay, slowly it shifted back into Lucas. Taking a deep breath she looked back at the large scaly creature that walked towards her calmly. Lily glanced up at the sky for quick second watching the dark clouds. She needed to be underneath one. Slowly she started backing away from the creature so she could be under the largest cloud that was beginning to roll by, "What do you want?" She asked it as it made its way towards her with a sinister grin.

"What I want is your head." It exclaimed and slashed at her with its claws extended.

Lily pivoted out of its way before her neck was slashed, "To bad." She said with a smirk, "I'm not going to be as easy to kill as other Fae." She said with a grin before lifting her hand, palm up towards him as a bolt of lightning shot out of her hand. Blasting him back into a tree, he was pinned there. The bolt sizzled as it made its way through his chest and into its heart. Convulsing it burst into flames.

Breathing hard Lily walked towards Lucas unconscious form before kneeling next to him and collapsing on top of him.

Silas and Nick rushed over to them, "They're unconscious." Nick said as he lifted Lily into his arms and Silas lifted Lucas onto his shoulder.

"They won't be safe at Lily's aunts." Silas said as they ran back to the car. Looking over at Lily's Porsche he sighed, "Lily's going to be mad." As smoke poured out of the hood of her car they drove off. A couple of miles down the road an explosion rocked the car, "Yeah Lily's going to be pissed." He snickered as he looked in the rear view mirror to see Lily's car engulfed in flames.

"So where are we going to go?" Nick asked as he drifted around a corner.

"Into the woods, the pack house." Silas said looking into the back seat staring at Lucas with a worried look on his face, "They're not waking up."

"They'll be okay. She probably used their combined powers to kill that thing. She drained their energies to save him." Nick said as he drifted around another corner and went barreling into the woods, "Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride." He said and chuckled as the car went over a rock making Silas hit his head on the roof.

"Damn it Nick," He said as he rubbed his head with one hand and reached for the seat belt with the other, "How long till we get there?"

"We should be there by night fall." He said and sped up.


Lily groaned as her eyes slowly opened and she was staring into Lucas' eyes, "Hey." She whispered and he smiled.

"What happened?" He asked her as he sat up and glanced around, "What are we doing here?"

"Finally, it's about damn time you woke up." Silas said as he walked into the room.

"What happened?" Lucas asked again continuing to look around his old bedroom, "Why are we here?"

"Well your lovely mate here saved your ass." Nick said with a laugh as he walked in and sat at the end of the bed, "Lily here used one of the powers you get when mated. That lightning bolt must've drained both of you."

"I've always had that power." Lily said with a shrug when Silas and Nick stared at her, "I teleported the bolt from one of the passing clouds. It just takes a lot of energy for something that pure to pass through me."

"So what exactly is your power?" They asked in unison as Lucas reclined back on the pillows.

"I'm a teleporter. I think of it and it appears, the only problem I can't move myself." She said as she slowly got off the bed.

"That's pretty cool." Lucas said with a grin as she looked over at him.

"Well, thanks." She said with a grin of her own. Sighing she thought about a chocolate bar, that would so help right now. With a smile she lifted her hand and there was a Hershey bar in her hand, "Yummy." She said as she bit into it.

"What other powers do you have? You have to have more than one." Silas asked her curiously.

"I can astral project." She said before closing her eyes and another Lily appeared. The 'real' Lily opened her eyes and looked at her astral self, "I'm pretty hot aren't I?" She said as she slowly walked around herself.

"Yeah, you definitely are." Lucas said as he looked at the real Lily up and down.

Lily blushed and her astral self disappeared, "What about you?" She asked Lucas with curious look on her face as she wandered the large room.

"Brute strength, awesome hearing, great sense of smell, and well when you mate you can use your mates powers." He said with a grin as he astral projected to her side making her gasp in surprise.

"Luckyy." Nick and Silas whined in unison as they looked over at Lily's fingertips and whined even more, "Come on, seriously."

Lily blushed making Lucas laugh out loud as the door burst open. Lily froze as she stared at the large man in the doorway, as his eyes swept the room, he took a step into the room, her eyes opened wide before she took off at a run towards Lucas.

A man towered in the doorway, he looked a lot like Lucas. His eyes took in the scene before him. His eldest son lounged in the bed with a huge grin on his face with his youngest sons and a Fae, a beautiful Fae. He took a step into the room making her scramble towards the bed and pulling Lucas close hiding behind his larger frame, "Sons." He said in greeting.

"Dad." Silas and Nick said. Lucas was to preoccupied in calming his mates racing heart.

"Lucas." Leo said with a nod at his son.

Lucas looked over at his dad and growled, "You scared my mate dad." He said glowering over at his father who had come closer making Lily bury her face in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for that, but young lady you're in serious danger." Leo said looking over at Lily.

Lily mumbled in Lucas' shoulder, "No shit, Sherlock."

Lucas laughed at that making his dad frown, "She already knows that, Dad" He said to him with a grin on his face.

"This is no laughing matter Lucas, the serpents are after her." Leo growled trying to make his son understand the danger his mate was in, "She's the only Fae in the western hemisphere during the fall equinox. It's their tradition to kill a rare creature during this time. That's why all the wolves are in hiding." He stressed as the young girl looked up at him with her silver eyes filled with tears.

"I told you I didn't want you to get hurt." She said looking down at Lucas as a tear plopped onto his bare chest where bruises were beginning to form. With a jerk she got off the bed and started to pace, "I could probably find the fairy fields." she muttered to herself as she looked out the windows before turning around and looking at the men gathered there, "I have to go outside." She said and opened the window and stepped onto the ledge.

"Lily. Get back in here." Lucas exclaimed getting off the bed and rushing over to her as she closed her eyes and took a step into thin air. She didn't plummet to earth like Lucas had expected instead she floated in the air as she shimmered in the early morning sun.

Lily sighed as she took in the rays of the sun for energy. She would need as much as her body could possibly hold. The fairy fields were invisible and only with the morning sun's energy could you ever hope to find them. Turning in mid air she stepped onto the ledge and Lucas' hand was there to help her in, "I can go on my own from here." She said and started for the door only to be pulled up short as Lucas grabbed hold of her hand.

"No, you're my mate. Where you go I go." He said and looked at his brothers and dad who nodded in approval.

"I don't want you to get hurt." Lily said through clenched teeth, "Besides only Fae can step into the Fields." Lying through her teeth she said looking up at him.

"Liar. I'm going with you." Lucas said his eyes flashing silver.

"I'm not lying and you're not going anywhere." She said pulling her hand out of his grasp as her stomach growled.

"You're hungry, let's go eat something and then we can get some things together so we can go look for the Fields ok?" Lucas said and pulled her out of the room with everyone staring at them they headed down the stairs and into a large kitchen filled with dozens of people who stopped what they were doing when they saw Lucas and Lily.

"Who is that?" A womans voice said from Lilys' left making her glance over.

"Don't worry about them." Lucas said and pulled her deeper into the kitchen, "My dads pack has no sensibilities."

Lily looked over at Lucas and saw the hard set of his jaw, "We can go out to eat." She suggested pulling on his hand.

Lucas looked over at her and smiled, "My dad would take offense to that."

"I don't care. I have to get to the Fields. The sooner we leave the more power I still have to see the path." She reasoned with him staring up at him encouragingly.

Lucas thought it over and took a deep breath, "Alright, the garage is this way." He said and pulled her through a door to their right.

Nick and Silas were already packing a range rover with coolers, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, and tents, "So how long do you think it'll take to get there?" Nick asked Lily as he closed the trunk.

"I don't know." Lily said with a shrug, "That's probably where my aunt went." She thought aloud before shrugging again, "It really shouldn't take long."

"Alright if you're sure." Silas said with a smile as he got into the back seat with Nick.

"You drive Lily since you're the only one that can see the path." Lucas said as he climbed into the passengers seat.

Lily got in and started the car, "How do you open the garage door?" Just as Lucas flipped a switch and it rolled upwards, "Thanks." She said with a smile as she put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. As soon as they were on the bumpy forest road she could see the faint trail of fairy dust at the edges of the road leading the way towards the Fairy Fields.

Chapter 3

Lucas fiddled with the radio looking for a decent song finding none he turned it off and Silas began talking in the back seat.

"What do the Fairy Fields look like?" He asked Lily leaning forward in his seat.

"I've never been there, but I was born there, all Fae are born in one Fairy Field or another." She said looking at him for a brief second before looking back at the road.

"Oh." Silas said and leaned back in the seat, "Do you think there'll be anyone there?" He whispered.

"I don't know." Lily replied with a sad look on her face, "Most don't make it past the safety barrier."

"Why not?" Nick asked curiously.

"They have to fight their way through. There'll be demons and other creatures waiting, unless they find the secret entrance. And unluckily for us I've never been there, but we do have this beautiful Range Rover we can sacrifice." She said as she patted the dashboard, "Where's my Porsche by the way?" She asked looking in the rear view mirror.

"Umm about your car, well there was an accident." Silas said with a sheepish grin on his face.

"What do you mean an accident." Lily exclaimed jerking the car to a stop and turning in her seat.

"It kinda blew up." Nick said looking out the window avoiding the daggers Lilys' eyes were throwing at him and Silas.

"You're so buying me a new one." She said and started down the road again.

"How long will you be able to see the path?" Lucas asked her as he reached over for her hand and held it in his own.

"I have no idea. All I know is if it fades before we get there we have to stop until sunrise." Lily said softly as he squeezed her hand encouragingly, "But I don't think we're that far. The path is becoming brighter." She said as the fairy dust covered the road making it glint gold, red, and silver.

Lucas smiled, "At least we wont be sleeping in tents." He said with a grin. Silas and Nick laughed just as Lily slammed on the brakes, pulled over and shoved the car in park turning it off she handed the keys to Lucas.

"We walk from here." She said as she popped the trunk, "There's a secret passageway." She said as she hopped out and walked over to a large pine tree. Knocking on its trunk like it was a door she waited until it opened to show a hole with stairs leading down. She looked back at them as they started unloading the trunk, "Hurry." she said as she started glancing around nervously.

Lucas, Silas and Nick grabbed as many things as they could before shutting the trunk, locking the doors and walking over to the tree, "You first Lily." Lucas said and waited until she had disappeared into the darkness.

"Come on." She yelled back up as a light filtered up through the hole, "There's lamps down here." She shrieked when Lucas came up behind her, "The lights will lead us into the Fields." She said as Silas and Nick appeared right behind Lucas.

"Will anyone be able to follow us?" Silas asked nervously as he glanced back up the hole.

Lily shook her head slightly as she started down the large tunnel, "I don't think so." She whispered as the tunnel twisted and turned.

Lucas glanced at the dirty walls and cobwebs that lined the ceiling. This tunnel hasn't been used in what smelt like decades. The air was stale mixed in with Lily's cherry blossom scent. He followed behind Lily, keeping an eye out just in case something had made it into the tunnels. When they reached a wall of dirt he was disappointed before Lily started searching the dirt covered walls muttering to herself.

"Here we go." Lily said as she grabbed hold of what looked like a vine and yanked on it. the dirt wall that had seconds before been blocking their way crumbled to the ground to reveal a large field with a huge stone castle in the center.

"Lily." Lydia exclaimed as she ran out of the castle and met Lily half way pulling her into a hug, "I knew you would find your way."

Lily couldn't help the sigh of relief that left her lips as she hugged her aunt close, "Where's Lucian?" She asked just as he stepped out of the castle with a smile on his face.

"My darling little calla Lily." He said as he swept her up in his arms and hugged her close, "Your mom would've been proud of you." He whispered in her ear as he set her on her feet.

"Here, this belonged to your mother, she wanted you to have it the moment you stepped foot onto the Fields." Lydia said as she pulled out the crown of the Fae of the West and placed it in Lilys hair, "Beautiful isn't she?" She asked no one in particular.

Lucas stared at Lily then at the crown on her head. He was mated to the Princess of the Fae. She turned to look at him with a hesitant smile on her face. She was nervous he would see her differently but he didn't. He couldn't. She was his mate and there was nothing he would change about her. Absolutely nothing.

"Aunt Lydia," Lily said hesitantly, "Where is everyone?" She asked glancing around at the empty Fields.

"They're inside in the ballroom." She said and grabbed Lily's hand to lead her inside only to be taken aback when she slipped her hand out of hers and grabbed hold of Lucas'.

"I don't trust the Fae from the East. They can be a bit vindictive. Especially when they notice that the new King of the West is a wolf. So please stay close to Lily." Lucian said as he led the way inside the large stone castle with Lydia.

Lucas nodded, no one would get near. He motioned for Nick and Silas to follow them as Lily's aunt led them up a large white marble staircase, she stopped at a door and opened it.

"This is your room," She said motioning Lily and Lucas inside, "Change, I will be back in twenty minutes to take you to the ballroom."

Lily walked into the spacious bedroom she would share with Lucas. Reluctantly she let go of his hand and opened the closest door to her. Peering inside she saw a large bathroom done in white and black marble, "Hey Lucas check the other door." She said as she walked further into the bathroom. A large claw foot tub sat in the center of the room to her left was one of the largest showers she'd ever seen enclosed in glass.

"Lily, here." Lucas said walking in and handing her a blood red ball gown, "You can get dressed in here if you want." He said and walked back out of the bathroom.

Lily held out the beautiful dress in front of her before putting it on the hook behind the door. Stripping out of her jeans, t-shirt and flip flops. Turning taps on the tub she washed her feet of the dirt. Drying her feet she walked over to the dress took it off the hanger and began slipping it on. Lily nearly moaned at how good the silk sliding over her skin felt. Smiling she reached for the zipper in the back and frowned. No way. Just her luck she couldn't even feel it let alone reach it. Resigned she walked out of the room and tapped Lucas on the arm as he tried to do his tie, "I need help." She said when he glanced up at her.

Lucas' eyes widened as he stared at her. She was beautiful, "Turn around." He whispered and she willingly turned and gave her his back. He stared at her back before grabbing hold of the zipper and slowly lifted it before he grabbed her shoulders turned her back and lowered his lips to hers.

Lily pulled back and smiled before grabbing hold of his tie and helped him out by tying it for him, "There." She whispered as she tucked it into his black dinner jacket before slipping on her shoes and grabbing his hand to lead him to the stairs where Lydia was waiting at the bottom with Silas and Nick.

"We didn't think you guys would be joining us." Nick said with a wink making Lily blush while Lucas shoved him.

Lydia smiled before leading them to a set of double doors at the end of the hall. When she opened them Lily hesitated before taking a deep breath and holding on tighter to Lucas' hand, "Whatever happens. Don't. Leave. My. Side." She said as they walked in and saw the large room filled with people.

They all looked over as Lucian walked made his way to Lucas and set a crown on his head, "Knock 'em dead." He said and walked off to join Lydia who was standing off to the side.

Lily led Lucas to where the thrones were placed. Everyone stared at her and Lucas making her a lot more nervous than the kids at school. These people could actually do some damage if they got a hold of her. When they reached the thrones she looked at Lucas who gave her a smile and helped her onto the large throne. He chuckled as he noticed her feet dangled if she sat all the way in the throne.

Lily giggled as he took his seat in the throne beside hers and reached for her hand. She immediately put her hand in his before looking out over the crowd, "Welcome to the Fairy Fields of the West." She said her voice echoing around the room. The crowd continued to stare at her and Lucas making her shift uncomfortably in her seat.

Lucas looked over the crowds taking in all of the sparkling jewels and lavish gowns. What caught his eyes though was the hatred and malice that was directed towards him. He glanced at Lily and smiled at her as she looked at him, "Please continue as you were." He said to the crowds and watched as they reluctantly listened to him.

Lucian, Lydia, Nick and Silas walked over to them and smiled when Lucas looked over at them with an astonished look on his face, "How do you like being King?" Lucian asked him with a grin as he and Lily stood and walked over to them.

"It's weird." He said and had them all laughing.

Lily stared into Lucas's eyes and smiled when they turned silver, "You'll get used to it. Besides we still have school so you won't be called King Lucas all the time." She said to him as she clung to his hand.

Lucas shrugged, "It's still a bit weird." He said looking down at her. Her silvery eyes twinkled up at him and before Lily knew what he was doing he stood and picked her up bridal style off the throne and walked out of the room with everyone staring after them.

"That was kinda rude." She whispered as she nuzzled his neck before pressing a kiss to it.

"So, I am king and you're my queen." Lucas said as he walked up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Lily laughed as he threw her onto the bed and climbed up her body like the wolf that he was, "You're stuck with me." She whispered in his ear as he started to nuzzle her neck.

"Just like you're stuck with me." Lucas growled against her skin making goose bumps appear on her arms.

"Always and forever." Lily said with a soft smile before he leaned close and pressed a kiss to her lips.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2012

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To My Mother Who Never Gave up On Me And My Impossible Dreams.

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