
A Normal Day in My Normal Life

OK everyone I want your honest opinions on this. plz write or comment so I get an idea of how you like it. Anything helps bcuz this is my first book I'm publishing on here. I have the next chapters ready, but I want to know if you think I should continue or if I should post one of my others. This is only the first chapters so there's not a lot.
Thank you very much.

Akira’s P.O.V.
I woke up this morning just like any other morning, a little groggy and really wanted to sleep in, but I really didn't have a choice it was the first day of second semester of school. I had to get up early after a four day weekend, and it really sucked. So as little bit of encouragement my brother came into my room and jumped on my bed shaking me out of my attempt to get more sleep.
"Get up Akira (a-keer-a)!" He yelled right next to my ear. I rolled over and punched without even opening my eyes. "Hey you try to sleep in every morning you are 16 years old and I still have to wake you up like your five. You have an alarm clock and as soon as it goes off you hit snooze about four times then turn it off and go back to sleep." Yep that's Xavier my 18 almost 19 year old, older brother.
"OK I'm up now get out so I can take a shower and get ready." I said sleepily. I hated getting up early on school mornings. I could get up early any other day, but when it was a school day, I was so tired I felt like death itself. Yeah I over-exaggerate everything; it's just part of my personality. I waited like ten minutes, and then dragged myself out of bed and to the shower in the hallway. I turned on the shower and stood in the shower letting the hot water run over me to wake up my senses. I finally turned off the water and grabbed a towel, wrapped up and walked into my room. I closed the door and went to my dresser, I pulled out some clothes and I slid them on. Then I went into the bathroom to do my hair. I used the blow dryer to dry it then, straightened it with my straightener. I put on my knee high Minnetonka moccasins and grabbed my tote bag.
I am an average girl to most people; I am 16 years old, 5 foot 4 and have a deep tan colored skin. I have dark chocolate brown curly hair that I like to put bright colored streaks in, they are green presently. I have bright blue eyes that look icy white-silver when I'm mad and almost navy blue when I am happy. My dad calls me his Ice princess. My brother calls me an Icy Terror, cuz he's the object of most of my rage, because of his pranks, though it goes both ways with us. My mom and older sister think I'm bipolar, but I don't believe in that crap. I think that the way you feel is up to you.
Anyway, my brother is about 6 foot tall with dark brown straight hair that he leaves long and shaggy so it's always in his face. He's really picky about his looks and works out so he's "built"; he always wears designer clothes and actually is very clean. Contrary to most families he's the clean one and I really don't care how my room looks, as long as my clothes are nice.
I also have a sister; she's 20 her name is Kimira (Kim-ear-a), she's already out of the house and is planning her wedding with her fiancé James. She's 5 foot 5 and has the same curly hair as me and green eyes like my brother, she's is super fun, but can be totally serious when she's pissed off. I think I get my temperamental issues from her, because my mom and dad hardly ever lose their temper that I've seen.
The only other person who lives with us is my friend Jamie her parents were killed a year ago and no one knows why. Her uncle, the only other living relative was in prison so my parents said she could stay with us for the time being or as long as she liked. My parents are awesome like that; I bet not many kids can or will admit that.
So I grabbed my things and headed downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a blueberry bagel, and leaned over to give my mom a hug.
"Bye mom" I said to her, "tell dad I love him when he comes home for lunch" My dad worked at some banking company with a weird name, funny I haven't seen it anywhere as a regular business. I grabbed the keys to my silver Pontiac and headed out the door. I drove to school it was only about 15 minutes. My best friend, Jamie had spent the night at her boyfriend's house and she now ran up to me and gave me hug.
"Morning girl, how are ya doin? I had so much fun last night we watched scary movies and stayed up late so I'm really tired. How was your night? Wow that was a dumb question I wasn't there so it must've sucked. You know you really need to get a boyfriend cuz then we can all hang out together. Man I guess I shouldn't be sayin that you just broke up with your last one two months ago." She paused for a breath, yeah she talks a lot, she's cocky, wild, and egotistical, but she's my best friend.
"Yeah my night was pretty boring, went to bed early. Didn't have anyone to screw off with and giggle till two in the morning. And your right I do need to get another boyfriend, it’s a lot more comfortable to hang out with you and your boyfriend if I have one too."
"Well at least we can hang here at school" She replied. She's about 5 foot 7 with pale skin and chocolate brown eyes. She has hip-length straight-as-an-arrow red hair and a nice hourglass figure, me and her are both in volleyball, basketball, and softball. We also do girls football and gymnastics in the summer, our school rocks they have every sport available. We headed inside, we also had all the same classes this semester and try to every time, but of course that doesn't always happen. As we headed to our lockers I felt someone brush past me and felt a weird shocking jolt. Kind of like when someone shocks you, but stronger. I looked around, but there were so many kids it could've been any of them. So I turned my attention back to Jamie she was saying something about going shopping after school so I figured I hadn't missed too much.
When the first bell rang I grabbed the books out of my locker and headed to the dreaded U.S. History, no I am actually good at history I have a great memory and breeze through it. When we got to class there was only a few people there and so we sat down in the back. We began talking about what we were going to wear to the dance the following Friday, when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and saw this new guy looking at me intently, I nudged Jamie and she looked up at him, and then smiled. He was still staring at me so I stared back evenly. He finally looked away when the teacher walked in.
"I think you found you next boyfriend" Jamie laughed "whether you like it or not. He seems to be fascinated with you or sumthin"
"Yeah I agreed in a weird sort of way" She just laughed the final bell rang and everyone sat down the teacher cleared her throat and said;
"Good Morning class. In case you haven't noticed we have a new student, his name is Brandon. He's just transferred here from Hawaii, but I'll let you hear it form him" Then she motioned for him to go to the front of the class. Brandon stood up and walked to the front of the class. He was probably about 5 foot 11 and had light brown shaggy hair. He was kind of pale (probably losing his tan now that he's in Minnesota) and had gray-blue eyes that practically looked into my soul.....creepy. He looked right at me when he was talking and he smiled like he knew something I didn't.
"Hey, my names Brandon, I moved here most recently from Hawaii, I have two older brothers and one younger. Two of them are also going to this school the other is already out of the house. I am almost 17 and I'm a sophomore...obviously. I love to have fun and I'm somewhat athletic I guess you could say. Uh, well I don't know what else to say so I guess you'll get to know me soon enough" Then he winked at me and sat back down. Wow major creeper, but I can't say that I hate it; he's not like the other guys that hit on me.
Then while we listened to the teacher drone on about this, that and the other thing, I found myself watching Brandon almost as if he sensed me; he turned around slightly and grinned at me. Does this really know something that I don't or is he just a creepy kid with another crush on me.
After class I grabbed my bags and me and Jamie headed to the door, I was about to walk out when I felt my arm being grabbed. I turned around and Brandon was standing there he dropped my arm and smiled at me.
"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" He looked from me to Jamie. I realized he wanted her to go, I looked at him he didn't look like a serial killer and we were in school so I figured I'd be OK.
"Jamie, you can go on ahead I'll catch up in a sec." She nodded and then grinned at me as she walked out of the room. I turned to Brandon waiting to see what he was gonna say.
"Yeah?" I asked him a little annoyed because he was just staring at me "What is it you wanted to talk about?"
"So I just want to know if you'll go out with me on Friday." He flashed me a smile, I noticed that he had reallllly white teeth.
"Really? That's it? Wow you seemed so serious asking me if we could talk that I was getting a little worried there for a second. If you want to ask me out just ask ya don't need to be all weird about it" I smiled at him. He gave me a confused look.
"What are you talking about? I did just ask you out. Any way what's your answer?" He looked at me as though he was pleading for me to say yes, it was adorable.
"Yeah I don't see why not. So what time and where do plan to meet up?"
"How about you give me your number and we'll talk later?" He grinned
"Well aren't you smooth? Yeah OK" So I gave him my number and he gave me his then I said goodbye and went to find Jamie. She was waiting by our lockers and ran up to me smiling when she saw me.
“So how did it go? What did he want to talk to about?” I looked at her as she practically bounced up and down with excitement.
“Well he wanted to know if I’d go out with him on Friday, then we exchanged numbers so we could talk about the time and everything. I really don’t think it’ll be that bad, but I think there’s something wrong with him. I don’t know what it is he just doesn’t seem normal.”
“Nah, girl you just haven’t been with a good looking guy in so long that it probably feels a little weird or sumthing. I don’t know I’m just excited that you won’t be moping around anymore. You’ll have a boyfriend and then you wont’ feel so awkward when my guy is around. You should be happy”
“I am happy, but it takes a lot for me to trust people you know that. I don’t feel one hundred percent comfortable around anyone right a way.”
“Yeah I know” she replied “but if he tries anything you’ll kick his ass in a heartbeat” Yeah that much was true I was brought up in a family were athletics were a big part of our lives. Even though my parents weren’t always around, we all participated in school sports of some sort. At home we went outside a lot to play whatever. I have done martial arts, dancing, volleyball, basketball, golf, softball, even football. I am well trained with weapons including guns, cross bows, swords, and other random objects. I’m not super cocky just confident of my achievements. So if anything did go wrong I could handle myself.
“Well whatever happens, happens. There’s nothing you can do about it. If he’s a jerk then beat his ass, and move on.” Jamie said non-chalantly. We then headed to our next class; we had Chemistry, oh so fun. When we got there I noticed that Brandon was also in this class, I didn’t know whether to be happy, freaked out, nervous. So I said ah what the hell and walked up to where he was talking to Devin who was a guy friend of mine. Devin was about 6 feet tall and had pitch black hair that was always shaggy over his eyes; which were bright blue. He was white as all get out and had a birthmark on his neck that really stood out against the tone of his skin.
“Hey Devin, I see you’ve met Brandon, my new boyfriend” He looked from me to Brandon and back.
“Hey at least we won’t have to listen to Jamie, bitch about you not hanging around her guy anymore.” Then turned to Brandon and said “You should know that Akira has quite a temper, she can get uncontrollably mad if you say or do the wrong thing. It’s like she has supernatural powers sometimes. However she can be an angel at other times, just take care of her and you OK?” Then he started laughing when he saw Brandon’s look, he kind of looked worried yet intrigued. Of course Devin had no clue how true his words would become, only a few short hours after.
“Oh don’t be worried I won’t hurt you……yet.” I looked to see his reaction and cracked up. “Dude, you look scared out of your mind, do you get scared easily?”
“Nah, nothing scares me, but I would call it worried about the fact you could probably kill me if you got it into your head.” Then he looked at Devin and said “Yeah you’d be the one to hold while she hits, eh?” We all cracked up this time I guess it was just because it was so true.
“Yeah, you probably got that nailed just about right.” Devin replied once we settled down. “Well I’m gonna go sit with Shraya (Sh-ray-uh) I’ll talk to you later B. You don’t mind if I call you that right?” Brandon shook his head, “OK then bye” said Devin as he walked to go meet up Shraya his girlfriend.
“So you mind if I sit by you?” He asked me and flashed me a cocky smile.
“Only if you don’t plan on paying too much attention I’m well known for passing notes in class as well as other mischief” I grinned evilly at him, “So I guess it’s your call then, huh?”
“Well I see we have a trouble-maker on our hands then, I think I can handle that. I’m sitting’ here and that’s that.” He sat down and I took the seat next to him, he leaned over and grabbed my pen and began writing something down.
“Hey! What do you think you are doing? That’s mine you have your own use it. Or jeez maybe ask me for it ah, now there’s a concept” He just smiled as I reached for the pen.
“You’re my girl now; I shouldn’t have to ask you for anything as simple as a pen. Anyway class is starting so hush now, be a good girl and maybe you’ll get a reward” He smirked.
“Oh no I know you did not just baby-talk me. I will not accept that especially from you of all people.”
“Well babe I did that’s just me, you’ll have to learn to accept it if you want to be with me”
“Well smartass, news-flash you asked me out remember.” Pronouncing each syllable slowly “I never said I had to be with you, and I am about this close to dropping you ass before our first date. I’m known as a heartbreaker around here, guys don’t break up with me; I break up with them. I don’t take well to cocky asses who think they own me. So if that’s what you think get out we’re done, K?” I said barely audible so I wouldn’t get in more trouble with the teacher. I was well known down at the Principal’s office, so often was I there that it was like a second home to me.
“Ok, Ok, God I get it, you’re used to people listening to you. Jeez I didn’t mean to piss you off. I will try a little harder on my cocky asshole problem.” Then he smiled a genuine smile and grabbed my hand under the table.
“Good you just passed your first test, Big Boy. You’re a fast learner that’s a good thing; maybe you’ll survive me after all”
The rest of the day went by in blur; Brandon was in every class, but Computer Sciences last block. Since we only have four blocks a day, it wasn’t too bad, but I was kind of starting to like his annoying quirks and so 75 minutes seemed like a long time to not hear him run his mouth.
When I got home my mom was in the kitchen as well as my brother, they glanced at me as I walked in. He got home before as normal, because I usually did some sort of after school things with Jamie when there were no sports practices.
“Hi sweetie” My mom said “How was your day?” she seemed worried about something.
“Good, but where’s dad he’s always watching T.V. when I get home I have something to ask him, it’s about this guy I met today named Brandon…” I stopped short when I looked at the grim looks on both of there faces “Ok what the heck is going on, you both look worried out of your mind and your freaking me out” I said getting kind of worried because they are never like this, they were so quiet.
“Ok honey” My mom said touching my arm “I’m going to have to tell you something. You are probably going to think I’m pulling your leg, but I need you to trust me. OK? Do you think you can do that?” I nodded and sat down. My mom took a big breath.
“Your father is at the Angel Mystic’s society.” She said slowly as if I was going to pass out if she said it too fast.
“Okaaaaay, what is that?”
“She means dad’s at a council meeting with the angel society” my brother said like that would help me. Apparently he saw the questions on my face because he then said; “He meeting with angels in order to deal with a problem we are having with dragons. As to answer anymore questions, well I’m gonna let you and mom talk”


Still Akira’s P.O.V.
My mom took me to the living room and sat me down while my brother went outside. I was beginning to wonder if they really were pulling my leg; though I’d never know my mom to play pranks Xavier could have talked her into it.
“Ok,” my mom took a deep breath and let it go “I really wasn’t planning on telling you this until your 18th birthday like I did your brother, but you may need to know this and have it come in handy very soon. You see your father and I never worked at that banking business that we said we did. That’s not how we met, and as a matter of fact, it’s not even an actual business.”
“Wow. Ok so what else have you and dad not told me?” I said questioning what the hell she was getting at.
“Well there’s a lot more and I’m afraid you’ll be very mad.” She said not looking at me.
‘Why would I be mad, it’s only lies” I said sarcastically “Even if I am mad, we both know that we can work through it” I said not sarcastically
“Well, I doubt you’ll be happy anyway. Well here we go.” She took a deep breath “Ok, so you probably figured out my now that I’m not really your mother and dad’s not really your father, right” I nodded my head, well that much I had guessed at, but was afraid to see if it was true.
“So, the reason you aren’t is because you’re very powerful and your real parents knew this. They were afraid and didn’t know how to take care of you they were only human. So we adopted you in the sense that you’d learn to use your powers correctly. That’s why your father put you through all that training.” I sat there dumbfounded at the fact that my mother had just told me I’m not human like it was normal. What did she expect me to say; I thought this kind of crap was fairy tale-ish stuff. Not real, vampires, werewolves, fairies, nymphs, c’mon what the hell.
“So now here comes the news that’ll probably shock you the most. You are an angel, from a family of mystics now, that’s what we’re called. However you aren’t only an angel, you have other powers, too. However since we thought your parents were human, we don’t know what other undefined powers they include. Your father and I just, assumed that even the parents we thought we your parents aren’t, either. You will have to discover your real power, that’s why we are sending you to a mystic’s school. There they will help you find what and/or who you really are.” She waited for my response. I got up turned around and walked out of the room, she’d have to come get the answers later when I was finished thinking. I stopped at the top of the stairs and yelled back to her.
“You’re going to have to let this sink in for a while for me, unless you want me to lash out on everyone and thing I see. I’m just a little upset right now.” Then I continued on to my room so I could think this all over.

Mom’s P.O.V.
“Well she took that better than expected” I said to Xavier
“What’d she say? Did she like flip out on you? Was she mad or what? Maybe I should go talk to her” He asked
“No! She said she wants some time to think about it. However I’m going to let you go up first in a little while to see how she’s taking it. She probably won’t want to talk to me for a while. Besides you always know how to cheer her up.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I’m going to go outside for a little while and rest. I’ll be back in, in about half an hour, to check on her.” He walked outside and sat down on the porch.
Akira’s P.O.V.
I stormed up to my room, I was so pissed. I mean how could they? All this time I had a feeling that I was adopted, OK, no big deal. But to find out that I was adopted because my parents were human and they didn’t want me because I wasn’t! You can’t tell me that, that wouldn’t piss you off too. Ugh I’m so pissed off right now. I threw myself onto the bed, just fuming with rage. They could’ve at least told me when I was little that I had inhuman powers and shit. Give me some time to get used to it. Now I have friends at this school and they’re just ship me away to some magic school or some garbage. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Jamie’s number; she’s probably with he boyfriend, after a few rings she picked up.
“Hey girl, where’d you go after school? I thought we were going to go shopping?”
“Oh, yeah sorry about that. Listen I have to talk to you about something so I’m going to need you to come home ASAP. If you are with your boyfriend right now then I can wait, but brace yourself for quite a shock. I refuse to talk to my mom about it right now. Dad’s not home though I probably wouldn’t talk to him either. And I’m not sure where Xavier is. You’re the only one I can talk to.” I rushed out
“OK girl, I’m heading back right now, hope you don’t mind if I bring Jonathan with me, he can hang with X” That’s what she calls Xavier.
“No prob see you soon bye” then I hung up and laid back to do some thinking.

I Knew the Whole Time

Jamie’s P.O.V.
I became really worried when I got that phone call from Akira. She doesn’t hardly ever talk to me like that, when she’s cold and short with her answers you know something is bad.
“Who was that?” Jonathan asked me.
“That was Kira, she’s really pissed about something so we need to head over there now.” I said quietly then answering his next question “Yes, X is there too, I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you. He’s always complaining that I stole you from him ‘cause you’re never over there anymore, always hanging out with me.”
“Well he’ll just need to man up and get himself a girl now won’t he? I love that guy like a bro, but he ain’t nothing compared to my girl.” I smiled at him.
“Awww you’re so sweet. I love you baby, now let’s go inside.” I told him realizing we were already there, giving him a quick kiss I then ran inside without knocking and right up to Akira’s room on the second floor.

Akira’s P.O.V.
Jamie came running into my room plopped down on the bed and put her arm around me. I leaned into her and sighed.
“Than God you’re finally here.” I told her even though it had only been about twenty minutes it felt like an eternity.
“Sorry it took soooo long, traffic was bad.” She grinned immediately making me smile; she always knows how to cheer me up. “So you going to tell me what happened?”
“Yeah so anyway, you’re totally not gonna believe this. I came home from school to see what dad would say about Brandon and turns out he’s not here. You know just as well as I that he has not, not been home when we got here since what the 6th grade?” she nodded and I continued “So I went into the kitchen and asked mom where he was, both her and Xavier were in there talking and looked really serious and shit. Then when I asked mom looked worried and I asked what happened right? And Xavier tells me that he’s off at some “Mystical Meeting” or something. Then he leaves and mom takes me into the living room and tells me; One, I’m adopted shocker right? Two I’m not human, but an angel and may have other powers. And three that they are transferring me to a high school for kids like me.” I took a deep breath and waited for her reaction. I then realized that she wasn’t speaking and realized that for the first time in her life, Jamie Lynn Connors was speechless. She just kept staring at me.
“OK you’re freaking me out, you never don’t talk. Are you gonna tell me what you think or maybe what to do. How do I find out if this is true?” Then she said the most shocking thing I had ever heard in my entirety of 16 years.
“I can’t believe she told you, she said I could tell you on you 18th birthday and here she didn’t even tell me she was telling you so I could be there at least. I was the one who found out that information, without me she wouldn’t even know” She whispered so quietly I could barely hear her. Oh but I heard her alright, my mouth dropped open.
“What in the freaking hell are you taking about Jamie you better tell me right the hell now” I yelled
“Pease don’t kill me, I wanted to tell you for so long, but your mom said she’d kick me out if I told you. I’m so sorry I never wanted to keep a secret from you, especially not something like this. I was the one who told your mother I knew I brought it up. She got really mad when I told her I knew and was gonna kick me out then, but then she made me promise, Kira I’m so sorry.” She burst into tears part way through and I could barely make out what she was saying, she just kept repeating “I’m so sorry please don’t hate me” But it sounded like “m so sry pea don ate m”
“Jamie settle down, I’m not going to hate you, you just need to tell me what’s going on.” I managed to calm her down and she took a deep breath.
OK, I knew about this since we were 13.” She sure has a way of getting to the point when she wants to. “When we were over at Michelle’s house for that sleepover, you told me about your dream. I am a mystic as well I am a Nymph meaning I can control certain people and all animals. I can also interpret dreams in most cases. When you told me about it, I immediately knew what you were. Well most of it I think, there’s a lot to you that I can’t even see. I’m so sorry I never told you about me or you for that matter. I didn’t want to be kicked out because I told you I was so confused and didn’t know what to do.” She took a deep breath, but I remained silent “I guess you probably want to know a little more about yourself. I know your mom didn’t tell you all of it because I didn’t ell her all of it, if that makes sense. You are part angel which means you have wings, weird right? This also means that you have part control over people and some animals kind of like me. That’s the only part I told your mom except I said that you had other talents I couldn’t make out. However, you are also part werewolf/shape shifter and since your both you can only change into some animals, but the least painful the first time you shift will be your wolf. This meaning you also have a mate.”
“Wait so you mean I’m like betrothed?” I asked her totally pissed and wondering if there is something I can do about this.
“I’ve told you all this and that’s the first question you ask? Let alone the first thing you want to say?” she looked at me like I was crazy, you know like that look you parents give you when you tell them that you’d rather sit at home then go hang out with friends, because you’re totally sick of the drama for one day, but they don’t understand? No? You don’t get that look, huh maybe it’s just me. I nodded my head and she continued, “Well yeah it sorta means that, but it more of a way of life kind of thing. Like some wolves never find their mate from what I hear. The catch to it is supposed to be that only your mate can make you truly happy and settle you down when you’re pissed. Make you laugh in the middle of your worst day, like nothing ever happened, be there for you no matter what, and all that, I’ll detail this all later.”
“Well then maybe you’re my mate,” I said trying to make light of the situation “You know you’re the only person I’ve met that can do all that for me so far.” I smiled and she laughed.
“Yeah girl it don’t work like that, you are going to be mated to a guy, on the bright side I ain’t seen an ugly werewolf yet. In human form they are all hot, ya know.” Then she laughed “for all we know Brandon could be your mate.” I just looked at her thoughtfully, thinking to myself I don’t know if he’d be the one, but I guess we’ll find out.
“Well it’s always a possibility, but I really don’t know if he’s the one that could do all those things you say. I’m mean he’s a little too cocky for my taste. Anyway when you finish telling me everything that I am, maybe you can tell me how the hell I’m supposed to learn to use all these different things. Aside from going to the school that I have to go to.” I waited for a response.
“Well as for the school, I’m going there too.” She squealed as I sighed in relief then grabbed her and pulled her into a big hug. Thank you God. “Anyway you are also part witch, but not like evil witch on a princess movie, just means you have powers.” She added quickly seeing the look on my face then she said witch. “I can’t really tell what else though like I said there’s a lot too you, I can’t even read it all. I can help you with the wings though. There was a spell of sorts that my mother told me when I was little, she hadn’t told me what it was for, but said that if was ever in need of urgent escape that I should use it. She also taught me the reverse in case you’re wondering. So I can teach it to you and then you can learn to use your wings, I suggest not showing them off.” She laughed then for the next half hour she taught me how to pronounce the words and sooner than later she said we should go somewhere that had a lot of space because she didn’t know how large the wings would be. Hers she said were thirteen feet across. So we went to the woods near Frosty Lake and went to an open area that she and I used to play at when we were little. Then the real magic happened, she showed me hers first, and I almost fainted. Not really haha, I was a little shocked though I can’t lie.
She went into the clearing said the words, then out of no where her wings were out with a swish, they were huge! They were beige with pure white streaks in it and it was amazing, she laughed at me because I was staring.
“Let’s see yours now” She said them stepped to the side. I went out into the clearing and cleared my throat.


Texte: Cheyenne Marsh
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2012

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