
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“Run away!” is the last thing I remember hearing from my mother. That is just before she screamed as she was being murdered by something. I remember hearing everything up to where I am now.
I awoke to hearing her scream as she jumped out of her room into the hallway. I jumped from my bed and was in the hallway before she even got to leave her room. I watched her fall into the wall as she ran out. She looked at me and I remember seeing fear and disbelief in her eyes. She told me to run as she pushed me to turn around. I was never even able to ask what was going on or what happened. I started running with her I turned to look back. “Do not look back! Just keep running!” she yelled. We get to the living room just before we get to the door. I see something moving fast and I was able to see just a glimpse of what it is. I think of it now and I realize it was the mouth. It was smiling. It had an almost ecstatic smile as it came after us. It smashed into her and she went flying. I felt the wind as it went by. I felt cold, alone, and almost dead inside as it brushed past me. My mother is lying on the floor, she looks at it and her eyes grow in shock and without looking at me she tells me to run in an almost calming voice. I get to the door and as soon as I get it open I swing it as hard as I can opening it and stumble out. I am standing, waiting, not knowing how to act, feel, or even know what I should do. I am standing on the sidewalk off of our porch just looking at the house trying to find where this thing broke in. I hear my mother scream again only this time not in fright but in agony. I look at the door frame and see a dark shadow moving toward it fast . I freeze not knowing what to do. My mother appears, running as fast as she can as she stumbles, tripping over her feet. Her shirt sleeve is ripped all the way down her left arm. I now know why she was screaming in such pain. Blood is running down her arm almost like it was thrown onto it. She isn’t moving it or holding it. I can’t stop looking at it then I hear her yell to me. “Run, please run!” I look up at her and see her face with spats of blood on it and tears running down her cheeks. I start to shake and she yells to me again. “God dammit run!” so I do, I turn around as fast as I can and run not looking back. She screams one last time before I hear her die in our front lawn. “Run away!” is what she says and as soon as she says that I feel the cold night air brushing by my face almost drowning out the sound of her dying but not loud enough. She drowns in her own blood. I can tell by the gurgling noise she makes.
I wake up in a panic and after a few minutes I get a hold of myself and realize I’m not outside anymore. I ended up going to a Mental Hospital to see if I can get help to forget everything that happened. I didn’t need to see what was going on, I could just imagine from hearing everything. I could imagine her fighting trying to get away, maybe on the ground on her back trying to push whatever it was off. Maybe she was standing, fighting it and it just happened to grab her by the throat, smile wickedly as it dragged its thumb nail across and into her neck. Then threw her down and watched… I grab and shake my head as I hold back tears from thinking too much about what could have happened. I get up from the bed and go to my only window I have. They put me in a room by myself because I sometimes will scream in my sleep. They say it’s because I didn’t scream or anything when I watched. I had even put some cracks into the walls during my sleep. I wouldn’t ever wake up with cuts or bruises so I can’t be too sure about that those are things the doctors and nurses have said to each other as they walk by me.
While I stare out the window a rock is thrown up to it. I watch it drop and as it does I see two kids standing out there. I don’t know them and if I am right they don’t know me. They are laughing and smiling as they continue to throw rocks at other windows. A nurse from the Hospital goes out the door and yells at them to stop. They look at her as she points her finger at them telling them to leave us alone. She comes back in and the kids look up at my window again and just turn around and walk away. I walk to my door and open it slowly. The halls are not too crowded this morning so I decide to go for a quick walk around the square that they give us. I am just looking around into the rooms to see who is in there room and who might be in the recreation room.
“Hey Alex, how are you doing this morning?” I am asked by one of the nurses. She checks on me more than the other nurses do. Her name is Adalia; she looks almost as beautiful as her name. Her hair was always up in a ponytail. It was a light brown with highlights of a darker brown. Her ponytail always seemed to swing and sort of bounce as she walked and at the end it seemed to almost curl up and away from her neck. Her eyes were a light brown almost a golden color. Her smile, which she always had, was a small but cheery one. She was only probably about one hundred and fifteen pounds about five feet three to four inches tall. Yes you could say I enjoyed being there just to be around her. She always seemed to brighten my day when she showed up.
When she asked me that I couldn’t hide how my morning was. She could tell I had a dream of it all again. It doesn’t help that I am jumper and will turn my head slightly or all the way when I hear a noise then I am not ready for. She looked at me kindly.
“Would you like to go sit and talk about it for a while? I’m on a little brake since I have most of my work down already.” I look at her and force a slight smile.
“I’m okay for now but, if I get worse I wouldn’t mind being around someone if you can do that?” She nods her head and smiles then hurries off to where ever she was going. As she went by I happened to catch a scent of her perfume, it was sweet and calming and just that made me turn my head slightly and look back to watch her walk off saying hi to the other nurses and doctors. After standing still for a few seconds I continue to walk down the hall to the windows to see out to the city. The one good thing about these windows is there is a city but there is also a lake in the distance.
Another nurse, one of the older ones, shows up. “Good morning Alex, did you get your breakfast and medicine this morning?”
“No ma’am sorry I haven’t been that far yet.” I say calmly. She smiles and starts to walk so I walk with her and she just asks the usual while we walk. How have you been, how have you been sleeping, and are you feeling better. I just answer her questions seeing she is a nurse and deserves to know. We first stop at the counter to get my water and pills they are giving me. They are supposed to help with my sleep but they don’t do much from what I can say. We then head to the cafeteria and before we get there she wishes me a good day and goes on her way.
It was pancakes and sausage this morning for breakfast. I just had the pancakes, or at least what I could eat of them. I didn’t really talk to anyone, some were afraid of me and others made me feel uncomfortable. The rest of the day I sat in the recreation room either reading or looking out the window dreaming of being out of this place.
Night came around about a half hour before we had to be in our rooms and I was already in mine trying to get myself ready for the night.
Adalia comes in “You okay Alex?” she asks sweetly.
I look at her then set my head down sort of looking at where the floor and the wall come together. She sits down next to me and looks at me.
“I am not leaving until you talk to me.” I look at her, looking into her eyes.
I start to shake a little and lightly say “I am so afraid of sleeping now. They seem to feel more and more real each night I have them. They have been coming more and the medicine isn’t helping or at least it doesn’t seem like it is.” I start shaking more and quietly cry. She moves closer and sort of in a way holds me to try and calm me down. I hold her back and start crying more.
“I will be honest Alex, I don’t really know what to say or do for you. You are already on the strongest you can be. I really wish I could do more I'm sorry.” That is all she can say before she hugs me tightly and lets go slowly and walks to the door. She turns around and looks at me and smiles and I smile back and I become calm as she smiles. When she leaves I decide I should go to bed since she put me in the good mood I am in.
Half way through the night I wake up to alarms. One of the nights I’m getting a good night sleep something goes wrong. People are not really making any noise some might still be a sleep but I have been on edge ever since that all happened thinking it would come after me. I get out of my bed and go over to my bed. The lights are going off and the nurses are looking around for who left or came in. The older nurse that I walked with is still here. I think she takes double shifts on her days she doesn’t want to go home. She sees that I am out of my bed and at the door. She smiles at me and continues walking on. I hear screaming from the direction she went in. I jump and look down the hall in that direction and with the lights flashing I was only able to see a little of what was going on. It was a fast moving person almost like they were speed walking or running. The ladies body went flying down the hall past my door. It was like time slowed down as she went by and I was able to see everything. Her chest and stomach were ripped open, her shirt, face, hands, and some of her legs were covered in blood. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open and it was full of blood. I jumped and ran back from the door. I sat in the corner holding my knees into my chest shaking just looking at the floor in front of me. The older lady being thrown down the hall ran threw my head over and over. The next thing I know my window brakes and something jumps in threw it. They grab me and pick me up as soon as they do my door brakes open. I look at what is in the door way. I can’t get a clear view of it. The eyes are Red and there is no white to them. It had the same crooked smile that the thing at my house had when I saw it I quickly looked away and pushed away from what was holding me and fell out of their arms. I hit the floor and what was in the door way lunges at me and the thing that had grabbed me stopped it and as it did I heard a “Run” and I didn’t think twice I did what I was told just like my mother said. I get to the door and into the hall and I slip. I slid in blood that was on the floor, I stand up as fast as I can try to ignore all the blood I had slipped in and ran for the stairs to get outside. Running from the third floor to the first wasn’t so easy. I did fall down half a set of stairs. When I made it to the door to the first floor of the hospital it was locked. I started to panic not knowing where I should go or what I should do. I slammed my shoulder into the door a few times before it got threw my head that it wasn’t going to budge. I continued to the basement only instead of running down the stairs I jumped down them and caught myself on the wall before I knocked myself out. I get to the basement door and it’s unlocked. I open it and a second after I do I hear another door open. I don’t stop I just keep moving but as I ran through the door I heard footsteps come down the stairs, they were running as well. I didn’t look back I just kept running. I didn’t care who it was or what they wanted. I felt I needed to get away. I came up to another door after running through the basement of the hospital. I look above it and seeing the bright red letters spelling out EXIT never made me any happier. I slam into the door pushing it open falling and rolling out from running into it so hard. I look around to see if anyone is nearby. I don’t see anyone so I get back up and run, I don’t really know where I am running to but I just run. I get to the road and check for cars as I run across the street. I keep going straight and as I get farther away from the hospital I slow down almost to a walk but fast enough to be able to run if I need to again. I recognize where I am now that I look at my surroundings. I’m on the corner of the street my house is on. I stop and look down towards my house.
Standing there I remember everything. I feel like it is going to happen again as I stand there. Everything that happened the last time I was here runs through my head like little clips or snap shots, randomly popping up skipping the sections where nothing really too bad happened. I start to move down the side walk when I hear someone running. I look back where I was running from and I notice it’s what ever came in through my window. There cloths are all torn up. Pieces of the sleeves are hanging off flapping in the wind as they run. Claw like marks in their pants with cuts on their legs and arms. I start running not toward my house but the opposite direction. I remember there being woods in this direction when I still lived here. I look back and see it is standing at the corner just watching me; I slow down and come to a stop. I turn around slowly as I look at them. I can tell they are breathing heavily from the way the shoulders are moving. As I stand there looking at them I can tell blood is dripping from their hand where they have the cuts. I can almost hear it from how quiet it is outside. Their eyes are not normal either, I can’t really tell what it is but something is different about them.
They turn and walk away and head towards the direction of the house. For some reason I don’t know why I started slowly walking in the same direction. Before I knew it I was in front of my house and I saw a figure of a body in the door way just standing there I walked up towards them and they entered the house and I followed. I walked into the house and everything was the same as when it all happened, the counter and floor a mess the couch was moved probably from mom getting up and running to the door. I start shaking and crying and next thing I know everything goes black.

Chapter 2

Chapter two…

“Wh-where am I?” I ask as i look around. I can’t really see anything so I strain to look around.
“You are where you are…that’s all you need to know.” I hear a male say back. I don’t see where he is or if they are even in the same room as me. “How old are you Alex?” he asked kindly.
“I’m um….why?”
“I need to know how old you are, so please just tell me.”
“Are you like some investigator questioning me?” I ask my voice shaky being that I am fearful of not knowing what could happen to me.
“No, I’m just a person like you are” they say calmly. “Do you know who your father is?”
I sit quietly for a few seconds “I did but, I don’t remember…. Why?”
“You will find out soon enough. Do you know why you are here?”
“I don’t even know where I am so how can I know why I’m here?” I say cautiously.
“You can’t tell where you are still can you…” He sighs. “No worries you will figure it out soon enough. Here drink this” he hands me a glass “It’s just water you can trust me.”
I slowly bring it up to my face and smell it just to make sure. When I don’t smell anything but the glass I take a sip. “You really don’t trust me do you?” he asks. “I’m sorry but I don’t. I don’t know who you are or why I’m even here. Will you explain anything to me?”
“What do I need to explain when all of your questions will be answered soon?” He said as he stood up. I couldn’t see him stand but I could hear him. It sounded like we were in a basement from the way his shoe or boot scraped the floor. I felt around to see what I could feel and it was cold and cement like. I placed my glass down where I felt the ground.
“Where are you going?” I ask as he starts to walk away. He stopped then kept going.
“You will be safe here, your sight will come back when it wakes up.” His voice fades away as he walks farther away.
“What do you mean by that?!” I yell hearing his last footstep. I look around struggling still to see anything. I feel around some more and feel something soft next to me. I get on my hands and knees and crawl over to it carefully. The closer I get the more I realize it’s a bed with sheets. I guess this is where I’m sleeping tonight, I say to myself. I crawl into the bed and lay there not knowing what is around me. There is no noise at all, no wind, no type of movement except mine when I get uncomfortable, just nothing at all. Laying there in the bed I keep saying that I’ll be okay, I’m all alone so nothing can happen. I start shaking from being nervous. A fifteen year old kid should not be left alone in a room he can’t even see in. I decide to close my eyes and just ignore everything and go into my own world to help me so I can sleep.
I wouldn’t say I woke up but I wasn’t in the bed anymore and I knew where I was. I didn’t want to be here I never wanted to come back. I mean a part of me did but not this soon. If I ever did come back I didn’t want to be in this room. This is….was my mother’s room. Why would I be in here of all the places. I tried to turn around and move but again it wouldn’t let me. Instead my body moved towards the bed and I started to look around it. I’m not really sure why but it seemed like I was looking for something even though it wasn’t really me. My hand goes down and grabs the bottom of the bed and squeezes the bar supporting the box spring. Next thing I know the entire bed flies up off the floor and smacks the wall on the other side of the room. I shouldn’t be able to do something like that being how small I am. My head sort of tilts and looks at the floor where the bed was and I see symbols I don’t know what they are or what they mean but my body starts to shake. I can’t control any of me at all still. I fight to at least move a finger and after a while I do and my head quickly looks down at my pointer finger. Soon after my head comes back up everything starts to go black and all at once it’s like someone had flicked a switch and I was back down in the darkness on the mattress. I sit up and I see a tiny light shining through a crack in what might be a door. It is up higher than me so I am now sure I’m in the basement to my old house. I get up from the make shift bed and slowly walk over to the stairs and feel my way up them. I get to the door and slowly push it open and as I’m pushing it open I see someone sitting at the dining room table. As I open it up more to step out it creeks and I stop dead in my tracks.
“I take it your awake?”
It’s the guy from before “…Yeah” I say to him calmly. He doesn’t turn around but from him sitting there the way he is, he looks as if he could be about six foot to seven foot tall. I step out of the door way and stand waiting to see if he would say anything else. After a while I take a step forward.
“You ‘woke up in a different room last night didn’t you?” he asked. I just look at him. “Does that mean that you did?”
“Yes…I wa…”
“I don’t need to know where you were when it happened I just needed to know that it happened. It was supposed to happen a few months ago but something is different about yours.”
I look at him, “What do you mean something is different about mine? What exactly are you talking about, if you don’t mind me asking?” I ask as I walk closer to the table. He stands up, turns around and looks at me. He is as big as I thought maybe even bigger. He towers over me. His eyes are a dark brown and his hair is almost a black like mine. He almost has a beard grown in but it seems he keeps it trimmed so it doesn’t grow out to much.
“Did anyone ever tell you about your family?”
“No, I only know of my mom I was told everyone else had already died from either accidents or old age or other things.”
“They were hoping you wouldn’t be a part of the families dark side.” He looks me over, “How long have you been that short?”
“I was told I will get another growth spurt soon but that was about a month or two ago.”
“The next few nights will probably be hell for you. That is a warning, you are shorter than I expected and from the sounds of it you’re the next big one in the family.”
I look at him trying to figure out what he is talking about. “Are you going to explain to me what you are talking about or is it another one of those ‘You will find out when you find out’ type of deal?” I ask him sternly.
“Did you ever notice that you were never like the other kids when you were growing up?”
I chuckle “You are nuts, whoever you are. I don’t know what you’re trying to do or what kick you get out of keeping boys in a basement of a house they used to live in.”
He stops me in the middle of my rant. “I am your father’s cousin. We are family, a lot more than you think. There is a lot you don’t know which means I have to keep you around and teach you what you need to know. It might take a week it might take months, either way you need to know everything!” he yells at me.
“…..What’s your name?” I ask him quietly.
“Rick, I’m really starting to not like this side of the family all over again. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here right now, just saying”
“Are you saying all of what is going on is my fault?”
“No, I am saying that if you were what your mother wanted you to be I wouldn’t be here.”
I just look at him trying to figure out what he is saying without him saying it. He just stares at me back, waiting for another question. Instead I sit down and wait for him to continue telling me what he wants. I’ve noticed it is best if I let him talk instead of ask questions since he gets agitated.
“You and I are alike more than you can comprehend right now.” He says as he sits down joining me at the table. “You are human but not human at the same time. Dean, you are going to want to know what you are but I can’t tell you, you have to figure it out. As you progress and grow stronger, you will become more understanding of what can happen and will happen with your body. No you are not a werewolf or a vampire.”
Staring at Rick with an eyebrow rose I ask “Why would I want to be something like that? Last I knew things like that don’t even exist and are all made up.”
“In a way they are not made up but then again yes they are, but from true stories that have been passed down from generation, but anyway that is not what we are here to talk about. We are here to talk about you and our family. Our family, ever since our blood line crossed the way it did, has been growing and becoming more “potent”.
“Will you just tell me what you are talking about instead of beating around the bush? I mean I’ve seen things I never wanted to see I’ve heard things I never thought I would here so I don’t think this will be any different so please just say it.”
Rick looks at me quietly and I look at him back waiting for him to say something. “You are I guess you could say part human and part…well to put it bluntly, demon. We are not the evil ones and we don’t use them to be evil like everyone thinks they are. We are actually good we help and protect people.”
I just look at him trying to think of something to say. The only thing that comes to mind is “why you would say something so stupid to someone that has gone through what I went through?” but I don’t say anything I just sit back and look at him.
“Can I ask you something?” I ask.
“Yea, go ahead, ask me anything”
“…What is wrong with you and our family? Do we end up losing our minds as we get older or something?” I ask him slightly laughing. He looks at me and I can tell he isn’t happy with me. “You were being serious?”
“Yes I was, I know it doesn’t sound like something you can believe but its the truth. Every thing I am telling you is the truth, you have had enough people lie to you and I'm not going to let it happen anymore." He stands up from the table and heads out of dining room.
"Where are you going and is it okay if I join you?" I ask him slowly standing up. He turns and looks at me and nods his head.
"I figured you would have just followed me anyway seeing as you don't want to be in the house, am I right?"
I nod my head yes and follow him out the door.
"Where are we going now?" I ask as we continue to walk down the street. I glance back at the house every now and again and remember everything before it all happened. The way life is going now is completely different compared to what is going on in life now.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2011

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