

Thy Blood of Darkness VOL1

1) Awaking Sympathy Hymn

Thou ode of darkness as thy shallow reign in the
Wind loneliness of years has thou come
As thy hymn

Blows in the wind of sorrow the ashes fades
Away in thy shallows as rose
Of thy blood ash and

Thou are ode scrums in thy mist of blood
Thou voices of sorrow among thy
Darkness doors of eternal open
Nor should thy ear turn away from thy
Arise of new soul thy dusk have proclaiming just of longing
[Conceiving waves of]

Blood a graven tone of touch awakes thou of slumbers
Standing alone the reeves heard unknown as
Room to crust to roam to shadows
[Every existence falls to gust]
Wings of joy comes a bound but though none is known

They make sods scorns to unrisen
Has falling to dust to be reign
Against the demonic of might
That has past alone thy shades glory to the heavenly blood
That is stronger than man
[Atonement of flesh rises and turns away]

Wisdom guide you fourth as thou
Time crosses again
When the sparrow glides through
Unknown to thy reality of faith
[As thy dove passes away in sunlight]

As the dove casts away into the skies an ode of flying joy leaps
Across the skies as thy sun glides down
On the lands of the calm of the waves raging stream
Dooming through the night as forever known
Restored by the storm to the sun
Lights cast all that’s not away thrones of judgment proclaims in dismay
2) Thy Sages Cry
As thy dove passes away
All cries during of might cast all no one Treves
Into sinful silence

As the light shines of three when I see burning halos

Lexton forms in gulls thy crown of light shines
When thy sparrow flows
Only is left standing when all has cast ashore
Destroy by the evil waves of
As thy cries reign thy suffering grows on the darkness
While thy souls are reach out to the light justice
Flows in reigns

Of sorrow swelling dolts for ten thousand long years
Has never

Had peace save thy weeping that has be forsaken
Thy end of this is

3) Thy Eternal Light
Oh praise to light thou end of sorrow for thy holy
Elder has forever heard thy voice
Of weeping and plea of

Life has thou not see nor answers to what’s inside
To thou of thy breed roam
As help cries
Nor no answers to thy kneeling with great to thy

Answers unknown of thou cries
As time fades away
[Thou Time shall end in season]

4) Comhremariahnokiyashasku

5) Thy Calling Cry

6) Phynomichi Cynder
Ode thy gale to the gate and give us strength
To the ones that need thy strength the
Holy crown of life resembles

To whom that makes it into thy land of everlasting
That is left behind shall reap thy cost
Of their works and suffer
Thy wicked sorrow
Death agony sins as thy suffering rages
Thy ode among darkness arises to over looker of agonizing cries

When the flowers wither
Thy voices fades away unto the
Thrashing themes flows across the
Bloody paths

Souls weep as they die out places in which thou must go
Drawn of grief costal, relieves all that’s hurting to reap was
The cost of grout to the deep seas of blood restores
The last that has forever gone

7) Shrouding Riots
When the crock crows as the light arise
Many ages are born
Lots to see in the mourning
As thy clock turn when the sun raises to

More shall be awaken
As the light shines the shades are ever so
Large underneath thy shading

Of darkling blooms
Ya though in shadows I know you will stay
With me comfort me
When every time the light shines the more

Thy darken shades grows
In the darken sheaves
Let go of thy selfendulgance
Let go of thy meaningless choice
Stop and know this how

I have taught you well
[Now I rein thy light as thou it never in places]
That it should be told

8) Vital Cycle
Feasting your eyes on the poor less path
Never so disappointed shall I be
In time you’re sowing

As well as your reaping
As I look at you
Touching on what is never yours
To treasure

Turning up as the moon and sun strives upon you
The hands of your falling foolishness
Shall become your imprisonment
Never shall you return
[Into his eyes I see your lies as of a back of fools]

As agony brings you to your knees pleating
For mercy life strikes you with many stripes
With every falling of your guiltless blood
Ye shall face thy revolution of your
Sinful plots

The time has come as a graceful
Hands of salvation
At the dawn of walls as they close
Thy dying words
What’s left is though as nothing never
Was said

9) Purity Blood

10) Casting Vows

As thy blacken tides collapse as through the force
Of a making of a new darken source
To wither once more as thy wrath begins
To tare thy walls of victory
Lingered within every heart

That has never paid thy dept to another sacrifice
As I saw the angels glide around as something in began
Falls as gusty ash among thy heart of thou ode to the resting
Vessels through the tree of the skies

Never make thee wait
For my soul is pleating for forgiveness
Being knocked away into the shadow pit
Of prison

[Pressure of darkness tares thy soul apart]


Thou Ode of Realistance VOL 2

1. Dawn of guidance

2. Gates of life

Silence of life once again
Have I not told you?
When you said it with a doubt

As you sway away like
Coward in your strife
Tell me thy life as it lays in your
Hands full of grief and pride

Never reveals thy self
As thy gliding light of the nightly
Moon shines upon the flowing meadows
As I lay thinking as though my words into

And when thy day’s falls like
A feather of a sparrow
Deaf in the ears has never been told as you see
When you lay in the depts. Of salvation
As I lay under thy wings of
Light as I plea unto you
Forever in you I stand

In this rowing chambers slowing in
Death I freeze turning my plea for hope
Yet turning into despair
Drinking ever so desperate
For life

Living my last breath withering light
Scorching to pain of silence
As the dorm closes me
Into the dark of shame

3. Dwell in greed

Turning your guilt into righteousness
Can never occur when you are already told
Everyday my life fades
As though a flower with
Falling pedals

Making the dwelling of my life as it goes away into
The eternal place while my vessel moves on with
My life behind as I died inside
Thought my words are not
Anywhere to be heard yea though
My spirit is true

As it shall be true to thy souls
Sleep in the living life
Of their days as it slips
Away for the sake of the one
Forever sees

As thy grace of the elder comes unto me thought my chest was
Pounding deeply from the light of thy elder
As he draws himself closer
Shall I will fall

Ever so deep to my knees
Wao unto thee that cast thy blasphemy on others
For they shall be put to death
Of punishment

4. A death of an inner soul

5. Graven souls

Do you remember…? Our time together
Do you remember…? The bond that we once

Thy glowing light crash’s down
In the sound of darkling pastors
When sinking creatures
Scurries away through the dark
In their sight

Not your own shall I be in existence
Control of thy voice of thou who speaks
Raise thy hearts conceal thy saying of the wise
Let not go of thy promise

As the tone mocks a sound never shall I be contempt
As the moon turns to blood the ashes scurries
In dismay my voice has never been known
For the more I try

Cure my will as I get trapped in a bird’s fowler
The water of the field reforces thou
When the time comes I shall remember you
As my own and taking hold under my wings

As I shelter the jewel life
My soul forever rejoices
I never forget thy memory of you
For ye shall always be under my wings

And never will ye be forsaken
Come my child under my wings
As I died in the ashes of peace in memory
May you always be in my vessel?

6. Skeleton Hell flames

In reality you know your cost
In your heart as it
Reveals your troubles yet you reframe
Your sorrow as the pain of silence hurts you more
Inside you is more anger

For to put another in pain of your troubles
Thou as control in thy spiritual flesh
To proceed thy pity life
Hurting souls that have never cost you
War as I watched you

In heart plots more silence even more evil as the scooping
Moon light shines into thy human
When it becomes worse than you can possibly

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
As more than you will ever reap in your punishing
Life with repentance
Selfless strive among ones vessel to his soul as I stand in the darkness
Feeling faded and pain
Thy choices to thy mind have I ever treat you
Such torment?

What have I done to make you feel like a withering?
As I saw your thoughts drowning in mercy
Of your own doing

What pressure as sins awakes in the door of your soul?
Such greed and arrogance
Let it be as you move on, to another life
Thou much more folds to your

Desires will come, may ye never be
Hungary again nor in sorrow
Thy sun of the elder shall deliver thy pains away
My inner being shall be shouting for joy
As thy vessel falls to ashes

7. Hymn of terror

My soul shall forever be known
All who deceives shall be put to stone
Among thy folly ways
For years my soul has wondered for protection

As I awake unto to thee
Graven everlasting light
Oh how great thou voice ever so holy
As many waters hears unto their
Needs as the voices weep for
Life of yours to be

Oh thou grateful sorrow has come unto thy
Tone of the voice of glory
Yet ye shall sacrifice for another to be
Whole again
To claim a new is to lose the old to
Lose a new and reclaim the new

Treasure in your will
Never will it go as the days tumbles down like the leaves
When you will your time will be to rest
As thy blue skies brighten

When the strove tides bounds thy heavy
Life at the foot of thy soul
Cost more than his wealth
As thy weary vessel walks

When all has passed ye shall carry thy burdens to the
Place of strength
As all of the graven soul arise from thy song of glory
So the last voice they awaken

Arise out the weeping ashes of slumber when the light of the elders
Strike behold thy soul becomes new
And restored to purity
When the ghost of death shadows the light away from thy souls
To the lies

Shall it be true?
Or never will?

Thy lairs will keep thy souls holy for the cometh of struggle
As they will when terror strikes upon thee
Ye shall never give in to the
Neither weak nor thy wicked
Fowlers of nature

8. Tomb watcher

9. A fatal grail

Now you will see the years I suffered
Your hearts wonder as I will reveal to you
As you should never hear like deaf
Too stubborn to be

I keep asking myself
To you does it seem as though u fade so quickly?
As the whirlwind tumbles your grace shall be
Also in thee beyond
Seeking for blood that has no possession

In thy eyes
Warming crimson life flows to the ground
As the green pastors draws in purity
From blood

In a shelter feeling cold and all of the shivers
From my sins
As the wind blows may my sense be known

In plea for me own doing
As the leaves sweeps away like gust
Do my wrong in silence your
Heart pleas for purity

While sitting in the darkness feeling unholy
Punished by the darken voices around me
As something with me screams
For peace shaking like the trees in the wind

In your eyes I see your folly
As it remains yet nor the righteousness
Have I deserve this much though
Much to bear as my soul can take
My soul away to and fourth my
Own darken torment ways

When suffering comes as it comes and comes
Again will I be free from this darken curse?
Shall I die in wickedness or with honor?
Alone with my elder god in heaven
As peace be still with such light

Never seen in days time
Waken up with the light of my elder
As his Forgiven light flourishes over me
Never the same shall I be again

10. Silent Voices

Come to me my child
Let me make you whole again
With the gift I have for you
Never shall I be contempt into darkness with a fatal
Sound though a last song before my
Death as it has been spoken

My soul frozen trapped in ice as the voices keeps
Coming fourth with destruction
Crying out for mercy purity
Such dying words stumble as it stays away
Tones into darkling waves as the moon yet it glides like the light
More and more shadows comes with more
To say

While I wonder in the woods more to come
As I search for my light of hope
Though can never be found
Oh my son never be driven through thy weakness of your own ways
Defeat your flesh as you walk your way to your light
As he no more hears yet troubles in his heart
In dismay he becomes

In the darken shadows a tear never was found
Nor to be seen
Oh father remake me in too many
That I may not fall again for I have failed with my own darkness
Show me thy destination though I
Shall go

In this turn of tragedy shall I find my light?
For it has my hope
When all has gone never will I be hungry again

Shadows Define VOL 3

1) Fallen Faith
[Proclaiming such a loss of faith]

As you see thy prosing fate never seem to faded
Away as thy crust of fragile like a dust
Crumbling away dawn of cast with stove a
Grasp of swarm to see thy
Loss of faith move forth for nothing to existence
Thy power to wield as Rask tumbles down

How can it be love how?
Thou not reveal thee?
As forever receives a
Tone for the fooliness to
Remain moon light

Reveals the wind like a crust of
Darkness darkened to a
Blurry of misty to a sky flourish

Blooms of light thou seek a faith of to be found once more
Foolishness can never remain as any hope for thou
One they will fall lost in thou conceit of dawn

To cliff to the risk of define as thy forsaken faith forgotten
Belong thy darken world take hold my son
And go fourth with every last power and faith
Conquer thy last as brim dusk falls makes thee as a wicked

Folly remains turning all away thou glory that has falling
Together form of two as one shall never break
Thy bond as threads but stronger than
Anything excitable voices of many waters

Speaking of joy committing
Sore of power to lie down of one’s many burdens
Restores and as thou new rebirth forms once more

[Thou form of two of one flesh shall once more]

2) Reverent scroll

3) Unloving strive
When the time pass by to the lifespan of a soul
Grief comes in deliverance
As another soul reclaims his life
Taking all that he has
And tosses it into the skies of lost
Remembrance of nothing as thou

He pretends to forget
loss of something you never had
Can kill you though nothing has been forgotten

You still suffer
As time passes away every little moment
Brings your closer to my name
Bow to your knees

And say thy name as the skies of sorrow glides
Like a gloomy night in control of the waves
That moves alone though the streams of light
Come into my world and receive this gift

That I have in that awakes for you
Let me restore you for thy art of
Loving hands to rejoice your heart to the freedom
Of your choice

When thy soul comes fourth to his calling, shall he be able to
Receive has blessing among the stars and the
Crimson moon that glides thou light to more to share
Hurry my son before thy moon fades ye must empty

Thou light and bring forth a new
Life of light to the stars in the
Darkling sky
Leave me

To what is left in my path
For I shall be left to die
As my words has been never spoken
For my mouth has been sealed to myself
As I fade away

Thou walls as they closer closing upon on
Me may I die in life as thy gliding moon
To the stars in the skies
Let me open my eyes to paradise filled
With glorious love and everlasting
Shall I see my heavenly elder as?

He waits for thy soul across the
Tumbling streams of death
As forever I shall be in peace with
Thy heavenly elder
As he holds my under his wings of
Love and warmth

4) Pure as snow
Gleaming Crown
How dare you define my works?
For you shall die of you

Foolishness you have been persuaded
Be your own flesh of darkness
Every soul is an enemy of his on face as he stares
At his sins deception with full of lies
Shall never be accepted in my glorious kingdom

For thou shall first repent
Or wao unto those that
Is stubborn

Inside you awake wickedness
So prepare yourself for a rule of
Punishment with many strikes on thy back
As I lay down my hand for deliverance

May ye never sin again?
Crumbles as he becomes for his sinful works
As he thinks he as god
Curse thou that becomes high
With power may shall he
Be knocked down from his
Priding stand

As a question of why is terror is striking down on me
For he committed sin as I arise in the mist
To be blamed for his foolishness
As trouble accurse yet I have never
Deserve this wicked punishment
For I was pure
Storms of voices baring thy
accruement of the sins of this man
I shall and do not deserve yet I suffer
To save us all
Lots of false belief so
many tormented strikes

Behind my soul
For all to see the force of sorrow
And pressure blamed for a wrong that never was
For a soul that should be in such as like
A bird that gets trapped in a net
As I awake in the darkness of
Blasphemy forever

5) Fading heart
When a light in a tunnel opens
I see a new beginning another grateful

Thanks to my elder
He sees of my guidance as he reaches a new door
Though fading as I thought I would be
He helped me through terror times

Though it gets harder
Behold of thy holy protection against the shadows
For thy shall never be forsaken
Like withering flowers in winter
Turning like ashes of ice
Curse thy foolish man

And his ways
Whenever the blocks of terror
Comes yet I shall be saved
As I stand before the crypt
Looking to the skies

Oh heavens with oh ye power
Cast your hope upon me
As I fade into the windy snow
Yet I still hope for thee
Yet I remain to dusk

6) Over flowing cup
As I lay within the green pastors
Arose cometh thy crushing
Mind every day I keep
Asking myself

Of how this could be
Flowing winds passes upon me
Like a deathly scrod
Casting in the meadows
Raise thy rod of hope before

The shallow closes in
When the resting souls raise their voices
Bless it be thy name
Who is willing when the time comes?

There should be no more
For the voices is the last to share
When I saw the moment it carry’s
Across my soul like the clouds in the heavens
Carrying me to as the wind

Close your eyes and receive
My crown of life
Come unto me with your

Hopeless heart
Fret not my child
For I shall never forsake

Open thy heart to your elder
Receive his strength
For he will guide you as you
Tumble thy words collapse into
The light to the wicked

Lifeless torture shall be begin to the
Wicked as they speak blasphemy
Unto their souls costing
Total damnation within

7) Brace of joy
A belief of what you hear can be
An ear of deceit

Once more and
Many to sell out
Comes back
for vengeance

As crowding mist closes in
The shadows of your mind
Comes to an end of you deception
Curse it be of what you
See and not by your own

Way for thy choice
Shall be your down fall
As though a cast in the fire
When all has lost in the pits of
Darkness ye not let be thy soul
Of those to forever more
To fall

Every time a repeated
Voice with shivering cold of
The many waters speaks to me
Causing my flesh to my
Heart as those processed

In me
Don’t let me fade away
Never let me go
Save me from thy inner self
For in you shall I rest?
Never shall I break your laws
As the seasons keeps its vows

Love and joy shall keep
Through the darkling terrors
And curses ye that roams
As you see Let be stronger
Help me to be more than ever
Wash me ode for my soul is
Dirty, pick me up into your own
Way hold me, away from this

Dusky life
Raise me up to stand on waters as though the mountains
Form my soul is in need of thy

Purity to be wash yet
In dust cover like for a pig snout
In a crusty puddle
Waiting to be clean
As I wait in the dark
For thy hands to wash me hold as I stand
Pure forever

Torrent Great VOL 4

1) Tricrown Escypse
Dine many to the other
Rage of sorrow blisters to
A scrod of the war to the
End as they wait for the
Moment striking comes
To take hold of thy
Souls living such as

An ungraceful being
In the day of spoken of your
Life thy calling has fallen
To dusk many of your
Souls are destroyed to the
Mourning of the sounds

Like failure has
Never be to thy never
It will be stopped
Crying to the sin of thy own

As he bows to his knees
Crying for his life for ones
Deliverance Inside of
Him lies with deceit
Powerless against a fool
Turning to mist of dust

Not one with never ending
As the time flows by death
To the scorching meadows
As death and agony take
Hold of thy gasp from

Where the sacrificer swarms
Through the terrorist night
Glooming days of tragedy

Closes on the living
I am the one who foreskins
This life of dreading
Through the tones of the
A wind flows alone with

Words, the rise of the storm reigns with pride
How can u exist in this world of sin why
Trust your life when terror strikes you

Many cries of falling souls
Forgotten in dismay weeping
Endless voices traps all that
Consumes as the darken

Rise roaming through thy
Souls torturing depts
As you u stay among the wicked grace
2) Crown of goddess
To a last taste of power has never had a chosen
Ruler as thou clouds glide across the scenes of light
Reach holiness across the hopeless want you join
Thy ruler make thy

Holds becomes one over all.
As the crown of light shines for its righteous
not one remained people of the world arise thou
Voices for a becoming kingdom ruler taking thy dreams
And sorrows of dismay to the light of justice
As darkness flees more to come unto all
Remains to joy among the flashing light
Joy peace of all eternal last above thy wicked

Darken shadows of sin
Flees away as the fowling
Terracing pain when all has restored
Things shall no longer be that never was

To a hold a new is comer
As thy wielder glides his
Power across the clouds
As all has hoped to the
Gathering people of salvation
Darkness is no more
The sorrow of many shall no more be at the power
Shows strength shall abide to his land
Glory to he that rules the land
Sudden darkness arouses with

Rage to crush thy helpless
As atonement clashes among thy living the world
Of the living has fallen left on hope for thy goddess of light
3) Fatal trust
At the sound of thy voice the wicked mist is yet untold
When the moment has struck
The silence becomes immortal as struggles began to fade to dusk
As though thy moment true fatal shall be fallen
Graceful of freely doe

Runs to life to beyond the gates of joy
Curse ye are the one
Who forever trapped me in blasphemy?
Every closer it gets

To more of the guilty soul
During inside me lays revenge to thy wicked guilt
For thou soul
This time I shall never forsake thou punishment
For thou shall never be left unpunished

No matter where u goes thy guilty shall follow
Though the ages of souls lies a loss of faith
As thy soul fades the clouds consume thee
When the dusk falls shadow of guilt becomes
Revealing through the ashes of darken
As u reap your sins ye though they seer lies
Among you.
4) Cradle of innocent blood
Thy calling voice arises.
While u sleeps in ashes of blood
Ever so risen

How many vows have been told?
As it becomes bitter
More icy withering flowers
Fading into the windy gust

As I walk through
Valley of winter
Closure as it gets a signed
To never make a sound

As I step through eternal shades
Cast thee unto your gust cries for Revengance

5) Starlight moon

6) The resting stream

Once more in struggle
Through the blacken

Everything shall rest, for the coming of
Who shall be the one to rages up into the

They will be reclaimed
To what was
Hopeless and now remains
As the dawn
Comes ye shall rest
For tomorrow
As I plea for mourning to come
Fourth my shrouding heart
Turns to flesh of
My soul rest for thy weaken soul has
Fallen, many has faded as I still remain.
Now as tomorrow comes ye shall awaken
For the coming of new day

For joy and true
When the flower blooms
As the valley of light shines
To the darkness

Now ode thy soul shall come from the light
As a carriage to take thy soul into
The eternal home of life
As the fresh waves of the moon
Rejoice forever more
7) Day of awakening

8) Forgiveness
Dear heavenly father forgive me of my wicked sins
Wash me with your everlasting love
So that I can be clean in your sight search within my soul
And renew from me away from the things that are
Unclean and wicked in your sight and remove it from
Renew my mind oh father make
Me into what you want me to be
For my soul belongs to you forever oh Lord

I do not want to miss the rapture
I am asking you for forgiveness
Put me in focus of your holy word…
As thy souls bow for the king of kings
Woe unto those in wickedness
Like a pressuring flesh for a human gets stronger
Resist thou attempting
..Oh father forgives me…
Blaspheme the evil resist thou unholy sight
Never let the ones control you
When all has fallen only one is left
…To stand…

As thy soul walked to the green valleys
Ever so holy beyond of all
As they hope reaches to you never forsake thy offer
For thy offer will forsake you
Oh Father of love comes upon
Me with your loving grace

And wash me use me for your purpose save me
Form these wicked shrouding pitching shallows
And bless are those that weeps before you
For the souls fallen in shadows
Oh God help me to remain strong in your name
Let my name glide alone the heavenly skies

Alone with your name
Oh Lord please hear my weeping please hear my soul
Cry out to you for your love restores my soul away form
Wicked darken sins

As thy punishment, from you as I shall reap
I shall judge myself for my sins
I will do whatever it takes o be in eternity
With you forever
Never again shall I sin
Forever more

….Wash me
….renew me
9) Light and dark
Clashing to one with two other the one
Your choice shall lead you
For deceiving a vessel can be
Is it worth to give in to something, unrighteous?

Should a man be left unpunished?
When the striking moment occurs
The choices reveal it to blame the one who chosen
It, and turning to the wise choice, he never know

Until it strikes back
As your victory fails on you thee
For the poor choice of path
Life or death is your decision
Fading of your choice the weaker of you faith

When many times come to strike
When thou soul becomes driven to gust of leaves
Look at what you have done with your soul
Curse of thee that chosen yet wither like

When I return shall I must take the hearts of purity
Spreading such light flash across the earth
Destroying wicked vessels

For righteous remains as by a folly man of
Wicked powers stand tall for battle
Defeated he falls in thy endless pit forever
As thy souls passes away to the path of their choice
He’s coming back to save us all forever

The Gates of Weeping VOL 5

1. Endurance

as we go together to
Eternity astray where
Nothing was leading
In falling light above

Darkness many that cries
Among the skies as
Hope falls within

Suffering as though a
Last call is for death
Decaying in dismay

Conqueror’s that consumes
Thou open squeals of
Terror when the dawn

Comes fragile nights ashore
Through the dawn of
Might thrives corpse
Comes to life without a soul to hold

as thou endurance comes astray
Thou people neglect
Thou living hope

to with tone their only
Deaths sovereign in depts.
Of wickedness as thou
Sins come up on thee

the lost will never for come
The wicked as though
Darkness falls so shall

Thy weeping as risen spirit
Of life comes restores
Thy cries with holiness
Thou souls will be departed away
Burdens of cries death lies beyond weeping

the darken souls she be
Punished to conceive dusk
Of their own pits
Of evilness as it pulls
A stronghold within
Every soul of light

2. Guiltless Blood

Like a feather leaping across the skies sorrows
Of the bloody skies falling
Of rain as thou sun falls
Through the shadows
Of the evil night light of one
Glides through the mist
Of the cloudy darken skies

Awaked of many souls for
Salvation torn in dismay
Rather shine for vengeance
Than eternal life in every
Path hearts dwells in

Swarm to every ear comes to
Silence in the entire world
Suffers through its on terror
In thy eye of a fool who
Never tells the lies these
Stumbles or greatest horrors in numbers
Of death crowds to dusky vengeance

as the darkness over rules the light
Ashore from the mystical ashes
Taking hold of the pieces as
It scatters within every
Fall troubles another day for a
Singing hymn to gasp thy soul

Thy forgotten blood cries
For thee on the ground for
Mercy soul adjusted to the
Last crushing to the blood
Flowing with sorrow
Never have I seen in denial

Thou forsake a terror cry
Of sadness at the wicked
Tones of ashes comes more
Sorrows in time or risen

They love for hate never is supreme
Can never be as one forever

3. Darken shadow

from the grass lurks in the
Darken scales forming
More sacred waste in meadow while u travels
Among your path containing your life.

As the shadow runs more to spare
No awakes for where it leaps
down in the depths of thy beating
Harrows unjust regains again

4. A fatal heart

like a crushing stone that washes away with thou
Own torn shreds with none consumes to fowling
Rusted toss of ord when the settle flows ahead more
Duskish to share as the darkness devoured the nature of sin.

Of the dead become to life
Shall fall before the righteous

like a picture of what never
Was regent image to seize

the order thou art ruler
As walked cometh to

as thou image turns to tears awakes
Thou weeping gates of eternal doom
Conversions tears away from thee

Scorns or flows from the skies return to
The unloving sorrow illusion never recasts
as in the Zion of wars as though run
Into terror yet have not noticed

Single steps stop a path to everlasting falls.
A woman full of light and just as she walks through
The darken path, of many sorrows, among thy
False hearts contains

Lots of shares with thrones
Of righteous come away from sin more
Sulfur uncomments terror raising concisions.

To death raises a new comer as
Rebirth recalls thy sleeping sorrows

The Prodigal Soul

1) Reign path

2) Selfish vessel
As thy soul walks to no direction seeking for what is
No more

Such a soul choosing his own life for the
Sake of sin passes through his

As I gaze into the dark of my own eyes
Astray as I go to a path
Dismay screaming the ashes for comfort

When the time comes you will know where you should be
As you travel through your own thoughts of
Wickedness may you remember your

As I awake unto thy light of forgiveness
Away I go to the right place
Reveal to me my righteous destiny

For there is hope to many that seek
When the time strikes as it will make you hold

3) Silent meadows
For so long, I have been in abundance
For so long
Gazing unto my sins
That I have never done
Many thousands fall by my hands
As I have spared no one
My eyes open to the grey
Of my cause
When all blood is shed
And lost in
Thy name

Come to me my child
Don’t let it be known to
Led astray of your

For I provide you the guide path
When you are lost in shadows
Let it be my will
To lead you to freedom

Troubling it shall be never promised
Of a straight road
But it will be worth
Your patients

Gather yourself and walk with me
To my guidance
And never look back

Take hold of my hand
Let me lead you to

Allow me to lead you to thy
Path of light
Do not be afraid

Let me hold you from the dark
As I watch you walking
In the guiding path

Take hold of my hand
Let me lead you to

My pleating heart
As for my spirit comes to
Reach you
Do not reject me

For I too have sinned
Allow me to strengthen you
As you go along your

Be strong my son
For my spirit falls unto

Accept my spirit and use it against the darkness
Let me fight by your side
Please do not be afraid of my

Embrace me for I will fade into a
Dying of wind
Into the shadows

As I watched you beg for mercy
I came unto you
Yet you ignored me
Everything I try to give you
And all that I have done
Yet your trust
In me

4) Loss of fate

5) Cloudy sorrows
Screaming for your release
Struggling into your site
While you crumble into your
Might in your eyes

My soul hungers for freedom
Still trapped into the shell
Of silence

Being tortured in the elegy
Ignored from my words
As they fade into the wind

Everything I had I never get
To keep for all hope
Is at fate

Blaspheme be the taker
Of my dearly
Dreams that I souly

Standing once more empty
Toning in the joys
Of wicked charming

In your evil tones
Into the grey you come
To steal my

My spirit is draining apart
Feeling hopeless
Praying as I bleed
And crying
For deliverance

For somehow
I always knew you
That you are strong
Yet still
You feel the one to blame

Punished by your own
Hands among your
Own vessel

Craving greatness of sorrow
For the blood running
Through my fragile

To help you know what’s
True in you fate

I can’t just let myself fall by another

You have forgiving all
And yet you’re empty

Though thy lonely clouds
In the skies shows my
Icy tears of pain
Running though my

All I ever to know is
Why have you
Forgotten our life

Life is fragile as I
Seen what I know
To be my reason

You are too blind to see
My grateful pain
In my life

My body is turning to dust
Into the winds
Blowing forever

Trapped into the darkness of
Weeping of my heart
Is calling

For somehow
I always knew you
That you are strong
Yet still
You feel the one to blame

From the blackness I cried for you
Still you ignored me
In my shame

To help you know what’s
True in you fate

Still through my blackness
I called you
And you have forsaken

All I wanted is to be
Your helper
Forever more

Within in the sadness of my heart
You never told me
Before I become prisoned
I reached for you
But you never came

Trust me again and all lost
Will rebuild again

6) The farlen queen
For so long I have finally lost
Within fate my pride has
Crumbled as wicked
My ways

I found myself in
The wrong of my choice
And I have forgotten
For what has

To all things in my life
The more greed I

To more in your desire
The more your heart
Be wicked into
The deception of your

Forgotten what really has meaning
Never looking forward
Helping the faithful
Souls with your heart

As I watched you as
You grew to take the throne
The more your

Sinful ways has grown
So much grief
And anger

Now you see and know
Your place
To be heard as you begin to change into
The light

And you that the fallen of your
Crown has lead you to

In all my life I always wanted
To go to the right path
Though my heart was blind

Keep me away from sin
For my bleeding cries has
Started to come

Never forsake me my
Queen as long as you have
Given unto your sins

Come unto me and I will
Provide you to thy

Never have I wanted to see
You lost your throne
To a foolish doing
In your soul

Never have you had to go back
To the darkness again
For I have
Delivered you

Oh creator within my life
I give you my

For I have be blind for so long
Never have I seen when
I was right

But now I know
Throughout my days
You comfort me

For I am your elder
That has delivered you
Away from your

May you never be
The same again
For once again
Your heart is pure

7) A Fatal Death

Oh my elder of light
Save me from this cold
Darken world

Restore me in your
Hands of joy
Before me

Take away myself
To you out of my
Grief of despair
Touch me

For my heart is

Come unto me with thy thirst
Of life removing
Myself from this pain
In death I go apart

Come near me oh
Fate as I lay my
Soul in the darken ashes
Of blackness

As the clouds roar into the
Stormy winds
Withdrawing my hearts last

As my silence around me
Turns to ash of
Brighten stones
Of dust

Oh take me away from myself
From this cold world
As I lay unto you

The torture the grief
My inner being
Finds love
To thee that
Knows my heart

By day I weep you for
To come for me
Awaken in new life
In your guide
Of light forever

Forsaken vessel
By day I plea by night

All of the things I have done for
You yet you take
What is good away from

As my body sinks in my on darken shell
With a heartfelt elegy
Soughting my harden

When you cry may I never
Be their though my will
Me be

When you stumble
May my spirit
Come to you
With deliverance

The Fallen Halo

1) For bitten Cogence

2) War of fate

Broken hymn
My sons have you known
Yet stumbled?
How could you be so foolish?

Fallen away into the darken bowls of
Your wicked heart
As the stikes of shatter light strikes you
With nine strikes

Revengance of you actions
Shall be put to justice

So bitter like the darkling flames of
Torture as I fall away into my own
Dust of my folly ways

In vain your fathomless being fades away
As together it never was
I was once your guiding light

I have given you what your heart
Desires and yet you fall into
Droven away from the spears of light
Into the dark

My light crown has faded
As I hope to be saved
I have lost my guidance
In a dark falling place

Turning for hope as it dies
as my soul weep in sorrow
For my sinning ways
Help me oh elders

Let thy soul be revived
As I am imprisoned in
Darkness tormented into
Ash of my
Wickedness as I reach your holy

3) The broken crown

As you fight for victory
Among the forefathers I have
Shattered myself to you

Like a broken halo into a snare
Of death many of those that falls
Many dose of evil
They shall never be awaken

Taking hold of the vessel heart
And follows you through
The path

How costly shall I give?
What brokenness I felt in

OH father in the spears of light take
Hold of your servant into the everlasting
Faith strengthen me as like the
Sun and the clouds
Though your strength is eternally

Many of the crowns have been slaughtered
One by one each has turned to ash
Like a withering flower in the snow

Gleaming in precious death
From a painless joy
Take ode my dove
As you lead me to thy elder

Yet I am broken in dismay
With burden heart to my

In my deep hearted struggles as I into everlasting
Fighting for the touch of the elder
Before my faith falls into the wind

Oh my elder please restore me into your own
Way for I have fallen into
A tragic failure

4) Untold Words

Today is the day, for the harvest
New beginning
As I lay fourth to my face
Thy blood in me cries out for mercy

Such a brutal punishment as much
To enough strikes
As the wind of sorrow roar
Like the trees in despair

To the elders I cry
As rich blood crawls through my flesh
A little close with fewer days to live
In this tomb hearted
Prison gleaming together
In my eyes

In my heart deception reigns as a
Fake present to my fooling eyes
Finding a way to live as though dying
More inside

And now unsaid words wonder through
The dead fading to a fatal death
As thy vessel speaks his words becomes

Dying slowly inside I cry for help
Yet not a presence show
Curse are those that
Are stubborn to a weeping

For their life will crumble like falling leaves
In the fall
Why thy ear turn away from a voice that cries
Yet selfish into their own greed

Times has faded away thy help has failed
As my own tomb awakes in the darkness
My tears of mercy crumbles like
The icy words

My Revengance will be repaid in thy dept
As you suffer a cause twice as I suffered
For vengeance will be mine

For thy sake of it shall
Be mines

I will get back for what’s mine
That has been lost
Of me

5) The weary angel

6) Tears of Mercy

Oh mercy may thy elders
Hear you
Oh mercy will I forever know your

Give me a sign as I shall walk were ye
Lead me
On a treacherous path
Through the misty
Clouds of foggy

Go to sleep my child on the elder’s hands
Of comfort let your
Rest be fully and blessed

No wondering unsecure
For they will guide you
When your eyes close

Sleep through the endless mist
And when you awake
Ye shall be guided
To your destiny as promised

Taking hold of the light through the tragic
Thick fog
Walking into the promise
Way out of the hunted

As it is time for you and step into the
Open door to light

Reality its self tries to pull you back
Never give to the darken sins of this path
For your light is stronger than many

7) Everlasting wings of joy

8) Swarm to fragile heart

When the storm is raging convinced
You might unto me
As your troubles
Straggles in your cries
Shouting into the wind

The trees crumble as the roaring winds
Conceives a roar on the earth
Fishes one holding a burden
Scuffing in reeves

Oh heavens let your turn for its time
For thirst to be filled

The harvest has started its time for
The feast, feasting on your power
Of offering
To sacrifice another
During the desert in

Weeping as you walk into a deadly path
Searching for hope
For thy heart is heavy
With a heavy voice
As your cry

Take my heart and make it lighter
Take away my burdens for its time
To be restored

Sotemelty of you suffers lies in
Take my crown and lead to your

9) A song of sorrow

10) Fading soul

Now ode my sorrow, elegy
In many voices
My throne begins to crumble
As my icy words shutters
Into tears looking
Back making thy heart hardens
Like a stone

As I plea no one listens
When fall to be held with love
They just walk away

With a touch of the unheard
Stenches into more pain
Dividing into a crushing

As the voice of silence pounds me with thy words
Of grieve echoes of agony
Reflections around me

Breathing in sorrow my soul is forever
Yet to suffer more
Into my pain comes to me
Tossing and beating into
My spirit
As my vessel falls
Into the dust of sorrow

Fading slowly like ash of stone
Will I ever be restored again?
Sleeping into eternal

Lost in my death thy darken days are numbered
As my life spend strike me
More sovereign pain
The dust of the world of sleep

11) The Hymn of joy


A Tragic World

1) Forsaken to the living

2) Caged in death

Thou will be costs of falling
Pushing away into thy darken
Hole of prison

Coming to you with pleasure
Yet I let betrayal of poison
My dreams fall as leaves
In numbers

Casts unto thy treat of shorten
Lives in eternal grasp
Such a wicked conqueror
In darken spears

Lift your head as I see
Be falling to my ashes

Inside of thee has a voice of many
Yet has fallen unto
The battle to many lives
How can a vessel pursue his
Dreams of victory

For such a shiny
Heart of the just makes
Delegate hands of his might

To me as I belay in the tragic world
Among many battles weaken as I have became
Yet my vengeance remains

For such power for war
Is greater in one’s heart to
Make light roam again
Across his will

3) Unpleasant heart

As my heart gazes to a
Dream….. As yet my heart
Fades away to the dying
World of chaos

Every ungrateful heart comes unto
Me for decaying punished
Strikes of weeping
Souls, as I remain paralyzed
To my unforgiving

Fought to the weaken of might
Whispers in the dark of voices
Mystery’s that has not
To found be known

Pleating life as my soul remains
Bounded in my elegy
Inside of me cries out for

As my shadows consumes me
In a isolated crisis
Hoping as it was never
Here to be

Treading the days to come
As my hope dies alone
In ashes of dust as I
Go away

Down my path awakes my
Trail of fate, fighting for
A treasure that I yet have to
Seek in my days of

Tearing my soul to dust of my
Pain forever trapped in
Chains behind my
Way to
Forgive myself

Like a boy crying for a dream
Dies stretch in the black
Bounded by the
Wicked voices
In the deadly ashes

4) Triunts

Can you hear me...?
For my heart is lost
Can feel my icy touch…?
As thy wintery hands touches upon

Will you revive me with your spirit?
Be the acknowledged
Thoughts from your

Have I not loved you among like no
For never my compassion never

To my daughter in the lost
Sympathy hymn
As I take hold of you faces you with
Signs yet you noticed
As she goes again
My spirited soul is among you
My little one
Inside of you
Your spirit feels my parents

Let your heart answers when I call
As my hoping is to my gift
Yet you have received
Pushing you unto
The grasp strenchness

5) The gazelle bloom

To my lover as she glides away
To the wind
Thy souls calls out to the light
That provides comfort
Every time my eyes
Look my eyes
Is blinded by my foolish

Oh ye the gate of life
As a dove ascends into this
World in bitterness

Shiny ever so with beauty
Of the everlasting

Feel me calling for hope
As forsaken you can be
As I gazed my eyes on her
As she is filled with light

Crowning with spears of light
Through the skies
Of mercy

For the founded sake of
Her own within a doubt
She lurks like a floating
Grail on a garment table of beauty
With many shekels

As you remain as you once were
The more I fall for your

Heart of love and joy
Push through my darken paths
With your love ever so pure
Like the crown of winter

Hour after hour I searched for you
In the lost valley and yet have not
Found you
Through my being is thriving
For you as I
Look search high and low

Bless it be the day I seek my
My heart with wealth
Among many who

6) Penty cost

7) Eternal Wrath

Let it be the day when
For these words of fate has been casted
Away into the burning

Cost of blood lust insanity
When all has been faded
Aside and yet nothing
Left to spare

Spare the one who cries out
A with sorrow and dies
Out into the
Strenching blackness

From an empty soul
Taking hold of me as I withdraw my
Breath of words

For eternity I have been I in agony
As wrath inside me breaks
Into ashes of sand

Reaching my hands unto thee
And hath not turned away
Into my heart I see
A hope that betrays

The striving, the suffering, the heart
The pleating
Has becoming meaningless
For the hopeless

And yet fading voices remains

8) Dying vessel

Even though I have fallen into
Myself is repeating over
Many times to be strong

In reality to my bones are as dry as
Crust slowly turning into dust
As my spirit whispers

Beyond thy limits I see, as you
Sought out my being
Through I walked to seek
Your power forced me away
Gradually my soul gasps for

Looking to the clouds resisting
My rebirthing tones
My on torment whips
Like a thousand

As loud my heart cries the silence
Forsaken my weeping to
Sorrows of a thousand fold
As I reach for healing the farther it
Moves away from me

Fallen to the ground suffering
Thy elders why forsaken me
As my cries to you let
Your ears of my cries be known
From me

Curses are the one to turn away from
The need for many strikes
Goes on the backs of

Today is the day, I fade in death
During that moment my last wish
Is for blessing to all
And curses be the wicked

As this mighty souls goes away
Remember your truly faith
In which he has done

I am dying away allow my sight
To see one last moment before
I die into ashes

9) Harrowing day
Violets are red
Shadows are violent
For I shall kill you
With my silence

Attempting of fate of reality
Cometh forth tears of joy
Beyond a vessel shall I find
My one and only

Oh thy elders sitting unto your throne
As the branches cheer
My only being cries out for you
Taking all that I have

As I stand in the mist of voices
Forever blameless
Taking of what I have
To remain in this
Dreadful world

Into the blackness with an empty
As I fell to my knees starting
Into my soul
Of emptiness being trapped in walls
Of my shackled voice

Nor you can hear me, nor can you
Feel me
Living in a life of shadows
Being resist from you own
And forsaken
Among many of all

Trapped into a heartless shell tearing into
Existence to be known
In the eyes of humans
Though I plea my will to
Be known bleeds away
Like leaves

As the shadows drains my heart into
Its shell
Refusing to remain though I try
To resists my freedom has
Passed like dusk
Leaving to eat away my vessel

10) Transgressions

11) An Empty vessel

Taking hold of my fragile piece
In my shady heart
Making the blackness flow to an
Cup thy one with a empty

Crossing the wilderness of the
As I gasps for hope through
My path is hear bare to

He sees before his darken shell
Let it be for my own sake of
Prisoned within my soul
Destroy those
Who attempt my body into
The darkness of their

Striving for my will to light
Torture forever I will be, trapped
Into my own heart of shadows
Fighting for my blacken shell

As the more my eyes are blinded
By my darkness I
Hope my will be done
For helpless I need
To be seen

Every single night, every single day
Throughout my days
I plea for my freedom
As we know of the voice heard
Elegies traps in my own shell

Oh my creator, has my soul tortured
Take my blackness away
For thy vessel withers

Let thy holy take me away from my
Punished darkness
My worth
Is your use forever more

Set me free oh creator

12) Crainen ashes

Stay strong my son, as thy elder
Comes for you let it
Be his will of your plea
As your purpose cries through your
Heart with a voice of a shadow
Though your soul is no

My soul is no more destroyed by
A foolish temptation
Curses be thy name of
A guiltless cost
To my death let it be thy last breath
To you to tell you
My will

Let my will be done unto all things in
Darkness through are free
For eternity

Silent Dreams

1) Zynosis Onx

Once again, my desires shall be revealed
As I become crowned until
Thy throne of
Thy angel’s desires

Let the world Resonate
Allow thy wrath of
Hate lavish and be awaken

Let thy fowls come from every
Corner’s of the earth
Let my will be done
Upon my will

Forever more I am free
From thy broken spell
Of shadows

2) A plague of words

Free from the many years I have been
Thou now I seen my freedom
Once again

I ascended unto you in you as
My will is bringing you

When I come to you
With a lust to make you
Power through
The night

As my force thrives in the dreams of
Shadows standing in lust of

In this empty heart never
Fulfill its thirst
As thy cup flows through
Thy last drop

Through the and skies
Let it be my will to
Receive your thirst
At will

My soul is forever obedient
To thy voice of you
And now
I shall be your guardian

Quiche my soul with your
Everlasting thirst
My you be with me
As I come to
To fulfill my wish to thee

Take me away in your arms as I
Have unto you
Yet though I can’t live this life
Anymore so take me

Under your wings
Protect me
With your life
As I cried oh to the
Elders of the heavens
And yet they turn my words into
Plagues of dust

3) Cast in Loss

Cast in your loss and ye shall
Among many as in my eyes
You are in my sight

For so many years my heart has been empty
In prison
For so long I have drifted into
My darken eyes of shadows

The covenant of a folly
Waits to swallow the soul in

Among the skies of
Sorrows my you not be
Blinded by our desires

As time goes by
My being becomes a husk
Oh my shame

What have you done to forsake
Me for I have been there for you
To make a fatal
Vessel become one again
Though behind my eyes belies
My sorrows, and
Torture undone

As my soul left to the skies
My inner being dies in weakness
Thy soul must remain

I was too blind yet I never knew
Somehow I knew have forsaken you
Leaving to alone

Turning my disgrace into myself
Tears of shame appears in my heart
Many times I cried out for

Revengance is always in
My struggle

4) Darken Void

Oh savior, come into my new world
Oh, my light in the heavens
Grow your blessings
Down on my soul

Will you come with me to my
Throne of desire
Taking you place as my bride

Through the many nights I weep
To this day to take hold of

I have guilt in depts. To pay
My silent voices
Is hunting in ye

Taking sides of thy pastors in the fields
For I will provide you needs
Though you have been
Troubled by your emotions

Will you protect me under your wings
For as thou to together the moon and sun
Eclipsed my dark

Crashing down on through the wind
In many oceans over and over
The sound of a
Crying voice

Help me into my
Own seals yet are not opened
As I lay beside
You feeling warmth wings
Over me.

Through my shame from memories
Of my works I feel
Punished inside me
So great

5) Forgiveness

I tried to listen thou
I was foolish
Throughout the earth
Of my love for you
To see

There is nothing in the
Face of you and I
Take hold of my
Cry and make
It yours to share
To the man in shame

Take my hand my love
And let go through
As we shine never feeling
Pain again

Allow my voice to cleanse your
Heart as my soul draws you unto
Me in the offering

Love and joy cleanse my heart
Let it be thy will
In me taking hold
As your heart comes upon me

For such a presence so great
To my eyes as my whole
Being belay’s before

Never hold back from me
My love
Let me renew you
From all that has hurt you
Do not wither
Please stay with me

At night I mourn
During by day I sleep
On my silent throne
Behind my hands
Sheds icy tears
Of pain

I never want to be along
Again for what wrong
Have I caused?

Be calm my beloved
Soul as I am with you
Never again your pain
Torments you no longer
For I will comfort
You in your times
Of need

Oh shiny light of grace save me
From this nightmare
In hell take me in your hands
To the highest skies
Of endless

Never again shall leave your side

6) Restless Heart

Striking your vengeance on me
Though I never hurt you
What have you done to make
Me suffer so much sorrow?

Such a pain so great even more then
The cries of hell
Choking in my heart
As I mourn for
Mercy unto
The skies of hope

Oh hear me, I cannot live here anymore
So leave me to
Thy ash to where I once came
Take hold of my spirit

Your guidance is more than nothing
Like spear of peace

As I die in peace within the clouds
Joy may blessings of
All remain in thee as
My glory wraps them with me presents
Through spears of light
To the tears from
To the icy winds as they rage

In the eyes of my storm and
Wrath upon the wicked

For their rivers has frozen away
And not seen again

Heavenly winds of icy rainy clouds
Coming fourth unto me
With a voice with
Tender as the

Cursed be the one to
Plot against your dreams
For my wings will protect you

May my heart of dreams
Stay in your memories
As you guard my treasures
In the afterlife we shall live

Through your eyes I come to you
Will you not forget me?
A stone like dusks calls my name
Will you be with forever?

Any place you go I will always be
Mine yet you shall be no matter

Even though the oceans roars
To the skies

I will always be there to answer
My love

Even then my will shall rise to
For my eyes looks down on you
With everlasting love

MY will is always inside you as it is inside me
For my love will never mourn away
As the time turns
I will always remain in you

Rest in peace my beloved
For I shall watch over you
Like a god of beginning and the

7) Divine Prophecy

8) A guiltless image

Who is he…..Who is he, the one
To be so weak

Who is thy vessel in the suffering?

I am in need of your touch
Remake me again to a finale
Touch of fate

During this state we’re
In crumbles of pieces
Falls out of me
As I wait to be rebuild again

Take over my pride taking
What means dearly to me
Taking this pressure
In my eyes

Sadness of bloody tears
Runs down on my fragile
Face of sorrow

Come unto me and make me hold again
For I have falling many times
And yet still has fallen

Please save me oh elder
From this guiltless shame
Allow my cup to over fill
My needs
as you mold me

Back into myself divining
My spirit within you
Shine your freedom down
In my heart
And not the light of enslavement
Like thousands of
Wicked voice in the darken
Silence of agony

Oh my lies has cause you to stumble
And oh my sins has cause you
To crumble into your fate
As I pick you up
To restore thy dearly

I wait for the hands of restore to
Take hold of my
Precious vessel of

For I will not give in anymore
Strong in you I will stand
Freely willing to release me
Sorrows to you

As I tell you a secret of
My image though it continues
To crumbles away

Behold the skies are faithful
As though nothing was
Only my soul and life upon you
Have the power to set back
Our bond

Rest upon me for I will
Restore you for the elders
Has heard your cries
The sorrows will be no more
After the end goes away

Help me for I am empty inside
Hungry for you love

9) Tormenting Spirit

By day I weep for you
By night my soul falls to Ash

Oh help me stand fourth oh LORD
For I am hurting inside
During my days and nights
I have cried for you
For your hands of

And the shadows around sickens
My eyes in pain so
Great that never to be known

Take me up from this abundance
Of prison with your love of freedom
Reclaiming you righteous

Once again come inside me and remove my
Pain and those who hurt me
Forgive me for thy sins

In you I am willing to release my
Dearly heart to you
You be my guidance as you walk within me

These shadows of darkness as I mourn
In the corners of the pit of

MY world has crumbled away
As I stand in faith
Hoping for you to save me

Through the nights my thoughts
Watches you
As the owl crows at night
My wonders are secure

I will take you into my arms
For my heart for you is more than the
Moon and the sun

Oh this weaken heart be strong and never
Give in your almost their again
To see your light

With this baring sleepless spirit
Haunting me over and over again
Blacked as my eyes become
Ever so blind mocked by
The blackness of my soul

I cry out for you never I see your
Coming presents and yet
The worse yet to come
Upon me

As I lay in the darkness
As the wicked shadows torments me
In the middle I stand for help
Nor has a soul come for me

Though my inner fate has been
Concealed with fear
As I look through the
Gloomy mourns of cries upon me
Through my unseen

10) Whisper’s of death

By night and by day. For it has begun
In many centuries to come
The hearts of dreamers
Falling through the hand of the sinners
Like and darken elegies of
Voices closing in

The world in shadows has resonated
Into the image that is never was
As I call with my heart no one comes
Though as I mourn with tears of
Guiltless blood yet though
Not a soul to be heard.

And now as I spit on my silent though beyond the
Balanced cup and spill the
Blood of many upon the throne
Thane angel’s desires
As I for wickedness I serve fourth
No more.

11) A mother of peace

12) The end of living

Into the night of fate
My being is being turned into
The fowl of the shadows
Clothing into my own
Eyes of doom

Down to my last drop
My life is yet at end
As number of the leaves
That blurs
Like icy
Tears from the heavens

No ears have heard
Never a soul has told
What has not


Chronicles of Sin
VOL 10

1) Fallen World

Oh my descendants my will has been crashed.
During my days are passing through
I cry out unto you, above all
Deception, I shall dispute.

My cradle has faded, thou my throne has
Been struck down with balance blade
Light of enslavement. My wish shall
Come to pass.

2) The Cradle of Loss

Follow me, to the deep waters
Let thy soul, be released
As you go upon your silent might

Come to me, for cleansing as an purity from the
Rusty ground, trapped into the of your pride
Oh how their might be one who sees
My you be my shield from sin of pleasure
My thoughts has deceived

So let thy plea upon you, be known to my atonement
Through prison

A my path comes first, through all
Eternity I will dispute this wicked

For so long so much pressure has come
Unto you my life is yours to be used
As thy heart desires

By another tear is another cry inside
I have failed to you unto my elders in heaven
Through my eyes in blood
I shall feed

The salvation has been defeated no life is standing
In this fatal world disciples help me
Get across to the waters
My dear help my with your life
Through the waters of death

We have been weaken by our fate
To restore our throne

I have lacked the power to victory
So I turned to the blackness
In me I am have been locked
In prison of shallows

While the battle is over I continue to fight
Though I have lost everything
With thy treasure we once
Shared has faded

Save me, for this suffering
Feel my pain to escape my trials
Out of darkness

Through your heart I see in
Death carries me, to the light
Of the elders

As I carry you under my wings
Forever my wounds are fatal
So weary and in shame
As in all ways awaken to
The sign of sin

It’s never too late, to move on
Through the waters my hands
Though yet we protect each other
Always never apart

My life is over, my sis have grown
Into my heart I plea of ended silence
For my ways are to blame
I know I can make here anymore
So take me into the blackness
For eternity rest.

My cradle has ended forgive me for my
Wicked soul my sorrows and cares
Are no more

The loss of my salvation has been lost
Forever my throne is in shame
By day and by night as I
Sovereign into remaining in

Yet never forsake my life for you
Through the shadows I am with you
Be calm my child
And let give you peace

3) A grey of ash

With my body up on the blade of death, the time slowly
Stops. As my inner vessel mutters in silence
Shall I always take up the heavens?
For all has been lost

So my throne has been turned to dust, will you always be with
Me forever?

As my will for you I shall
Be with you always

Even though all hope is lost
Will hear my voice?

In your heart their you will
Seek me

For all memories of betrayal in sin
Will you still remind your faith with me?

Never will I turn away for my love

Dawn of my blade, mutter as a voice knocks on me
Trust of me has failed I lied
Into the victory stricken into
The Gods of loyalty
Never will you hear my words of deception
That once was turned on me

Reach your hand to me and I shall
Guide you to the light

Nevermore I have seen though
It was nothing else
Corruption dies into the gray
Like last drop to the darkness crying out for
Deliverance the troubles in my heart is getting greater
As I stumble into evil

But when the sparrow flows I will
Be like a glow to the eyes dimming at your soul
Reaching for mercy
My heart pleas for you to forgive me
Of this hatred I have sown for years

As I say unto you, my heart is going to never turn
Against you, nevermore then light of my voice
Heals your sorrows
And even though the clouds fall I will
Always be with you

Through pain and through death
Beyond my everlasting my heart
Is always by your side
As so my love for you always

If I have stayed this tragic cost will never
Come to pass

Do not fret my love as the leaves falls for its

My soul feels as it’s never enough
To please my sins, though I may not
Know what will bring fourth upon me
Through day and the course of the night
I search for the hope that has
Faded from me

So I travel to the shores of wonders, to find my hope again
Though nothing I seek is any longer in my sight
For what I may not live here no longer
Slowly my sin of the unknown is slowly eating away in me inside.

Let me be to the stars of the heavens, though your soul
Only then shall the cost be paid
For my hope is lost

Will you follow me to the otherworld?

I will always follow you

May you always be by my side through lost of

Never will I leave you alone

3) The spears of life

4) Eternal slumber

My shame has put my to slumber
Though I muttered into my silence
Never shall I be reused in pain
All the suffering in my days
Has fallen in like leaves

How I don’t know how
Far my days are left as I am falling in time
The light of enslavement lofe into me
Then we shall be knowing how I
Am worthy to flow in the skies
Of forgiveness

My revenge is cure thy one to blame
For this folly I have been cost for
In my blackness

My holy throne has crumbled for a foolish
Man illusions of darken voices
Devours my pride of

I will never be deceived again
In dying shall it cost me oh Elders
Of the clouds

Though my accused blade of punish befalls
On me may thy cup be removed?
For my sake I have no sin within

Still clam my love, you will never die
Even when our hope is lost

My joy is taking me out of what my last
Hope to see you fall

Allow my heart to grant you all your desires
For I am here for you evermore

My eyes has blinded me for wickedness
Sins in another’s fallen cost
Never take me into this shame
No more

Let my saint be replaced against the ones of
To blame for their foolish cause
For so many times in life I have tried to reject
This sorrow within me

The more I refuse the worse my soul
Becomes close of dying
Away to astray

When I have paid my atones for your sins, I am the throne will raise again
For more time I will dispute. The praise of Voices in my way, and allow
To risen again for revenge like an ocean of
Terror. Thy blade of punishment awakes for the deceiver, y joy and desire slowly becomes of me.

5) Oppressors of silent cost

Since all of these years you trust me. All throughout my days
I have never heard your confession

Since my voice to you crumbles to the air
Falling by night once again in thy dreams I shall give

Never again will you suffer my pain in the hours of
Punishment, through my anger and pride has let you
Neither fall as leaves nor by time it will be all yours
For eternity

Through thy eyes I cry out to the weeping hours
Hold on to me so I can set you across the heavens
Hatred to those who sins up thee
As thy voices cry upon me taking me though
The blackness of sorrows
Behind the clouds may my heart stay in you

Through my eyes never seen ever so much pain
As you turn away from me with terror
Stays with me help me

Stays with me help me for I have fallen
Into darkness
Never, leave me alone in the clouds of sin
Reach thy hands make me hold
For I am strong in you

Take my hand hold me tight around your neck
Though I have hated your ways
May I shall save you

The end is near to a death for thy will be like faded crust
In the wind tossed into your eyes

Terror never comes unto you for many have suffered never
Have I yet to befall again taken me into your arms?
Have I not protected you as unlike any other? Forgive me for my
My sins that has cost you within your being
Of wills

Let your grace take over me strengthen me
In your own heart nevermore will I be so weak
Unto many never by day and nor by nights
Will I be in shame through the gates of my
Throne in death form my blade snares across my

I will….Be stronger than the flows of the falling
May you be with me to cover my path to the light?
I will….Never be like the faded leaves from its branches
Take me through your wings

Let me fight with you alone your side for I will
Keep you safe with my blade of pride
Cursing the silence of dulls in your heart
Let you light shine again

Once again I see you through the path as I
Conquering thy winter blaze muttering
In the skies breathing into my eyes
That strikes into my own

Shall I not be worried by any soul?
For you will be with me
In all the way to the next world

6) Hymn of the dying

Even now I watched you walk through the night. My being
Of the wind flows through the meadows. Crying through
The wind of the night, every hour day and night
Your voice calls from on the surface.

Through all, I see you as a shadow.
Even though in the darken sight
I can feel you in a lost place
Come to me my dear

Let me forever shield you
Through your terrors
Like a ghost in a eye on a foggy

Stretch your hands of grace
Out to me oh my dear do fade for I am here
For you always

Do you know about my cost, in all thy days?
Shall not I have told you? In my heart
It’s time to go and reveal thy

Never shall you suffer in dept
For as one we will be
Together always

Save me from my death let us
Walk a shore together by day and night
We will claim our pride

For it is done by the wicked hands of my own accusers doing
Three days…. I shall be seeing the skies again

Three days…. I will be victorious in your eyes
Never beyond I will be free taken my own battles
As frozen fades be the suns of faith
(Background vocals)

My, the souls are you’re to gather on your own
Yesterdays are like faded ashes
Tomorrow is a pleasure to seek
The past is never to be remember
Death is the afterlife your fate

7) Crystals of Joy

To thy might, my eyes belays your
Violets towards the world as she rises
Against thy will to the justice of light
Conquer all that is death

To all whom witness the destruction shall torture
To the wilderness in the world
Devore the lore into me hands
To the light slaving the blacken rage towards me

And now as the dawn to all that has
Died into the resting heavens
Those flowers sing into the heartless
Peace of Lore
In the spears of light and all that is
Worth living

To the shadows may you see him across the
Shores the waters of the heart
I plea that you not fall into thy darken voice
Oh to thy elders shall see you fourth
To my eyes

Beneath you is a cloth which holds you in my
Hearts wrap me around your neck
You receive honor in thy name
In peace

All has be done unto the elders
Wicked has infected the hearts of the weak
In desperation will seek nothing
As the cradle falls
By you number in the light of terror
Will no longer be

As you fight though you have nothing to protect
In the terror of your own
Crown will be snuffed into
The wind

Lives has been in grace for years
Let not be instead longer
To live longer to see your might strike
More enough to endure you

Give your all unto what has done, destroy the unjust
Blood lust in all things
Tares into your sight across the dark
Every hour your land shall you recreate
Can you hear me?

8) Renonsiali Rose

9) Nomium rohinia

Curse it be, thy wrath of the world
Curse it be, the anger of the blackness
The reality is falling astray touching the surface
To thy land

Suffer not; never let only the time we won’t go
Abandon the sights of the corps
Silence your tongue to the sleepers
Follow the foolish man

Drink of his offer excepting your own disgrace
Deflection to the blindness in your eyes
Of a last drop
Requesting to thy throne of fate
Beyond the frozen winds of might
That has casting in your name across the skies to the ocean
Craving to survive the thrust
Of force

Receive this gift in flesh for not yet will it be
The last for it has just begin
To destroy in castures of the shadows
When the moon is full
I shall reappear

I shall reappear in the flesh of your eyes
Make lost until your pride returns as we are strengthen
Ever again

Will you this war through terror
Through the agony
During the day and through
The night

Never will you proceed against my will
For the long in life I shall fight
In trust of you.

10) Fate of heart

For so long so much has happened, as I lay my eyes
Upon you. Tomorrow speaks, to my throne was rebuilt again
As tides of lore will always be the same
Thousands have fallen to my fate of pride
Mystic of it all turns to ashes
And as for you, shall I always
Carry you under my shield


Eclipse Collsion
VOL 11
[Limited Edition]

1) The Black Veil

2) Crescent mist

Throughout thy days, that I have lived
The same curse comes again. Yea though
I battle for what is no more
Until what I do have is no longer
In my presents

Thy dawn of silence; settles in as the living scurries and
Growls in the darken night. Nevermore will I be hurt again,
For I have lost all that holds dear. All that has ever been known,
Falls beyond the clouds in seven and now as I crawl
Unto the desperate; my will remains unnoticed
Oh my love forgives me oh faithful, and sees as my heart
In astray with torturing meadows through your eyes
As I cry for you.

Dying through the skies, before arise in my eyes

Offering through my shame, even when me vessel dies
I will never depart what’s been casted unto
This world of sorrow

As these chains want set me free, as I have been forsaken
Through the death of spirits of silence torture
Crying nights, the dying blood of forgiveness

Through the wilderness my voice weeps
In the day and through the night my will
Was in vain

I have left you for not of you but for a moment
In time for your death

Distortions in waters as the world comes to an end
Of a flesh that revenges the wicked and punished the unjust
For vowing to thy words I will
As it shall be done

My hope has been lost, as I stand in the night of death
This cruel world is all I see
Nothing keeps me from dying like a scurried animal
Trapped in the traps of death

All has to be peace, why so do I live; when those are rising
in tragedy cursing souls in to sleep.

3) Dawn in shallows

4. A silent voice
One night as my soul falls make thy one who dies. Bring him to his throne of godliness. And making him suffer in shame as he is paralyzed by his Blood

Do to the lives that ye has becomes of will be
The death of your own sins the closer
You hands strike the more your heart
Brings wickedness to your

Through my light I see you, coming through the gales
Of darken paths, oh please come to me
For my soul longs for your loving

Taking over my heart, as it belies broken in tears
Striving to agony pastors
As my heart pounds to my chest making sounds of a
Wicked ghost in a blaze

Through this suffering, I freely look for the hope that has been
Wasted in thy time of need yet and still my eyes
Has blinded me in the swallowing mist

Shall you find me?

My I shall never rest from seeking you

Please save me; from my pain of loss
As I cry in the cold with nothing that holds dear to
My name

Through the sorrow skies I have never seen
My pressures in such dept
No matter where I go I am in the dark
No matter how many causes I have it all fails
The same as now and in my past

Please carry me away from this hurting pressure
Deliver me away from my depression
This pain and these tragic fights
During the voices of silence
Around me

Like a ghost comes to gives you hopeless nights, abundance
Of your broken image are greater than pain

As a walk through the path of pain
My heart remains in agony
Such a feeling from a lost
Possession that holds dear
May you find me or I will fade together with the mist
Striving for the light

As my voice calls for guidance the ears have turned against me
When I have seek a way to be known
Yet no one saw as through the joy
That was forever broken with love
Has never rebuild its self again

Through my blackness in pain my chains has bounded me
The fogs took away my freedom to speak
For I am dying slowly in my hurting will
Once more

5. Crimson shed
Through this bitter scenery
As I gazed upon my mistakes when I looked back
When I asked myself
What have I done? During the dawn of noon
As I walked as a last drop
Flows in my holy cup

I love you

Tearing my sights in this cool downing
World living with nothing except dust in my eyes
Craving to stay in you yet as you cry I failed
To realize that I was deceived by others

For such a man living as a lonely vessel remains
In his on shadows within his heart
Break this seal of darkness and pain
Break me from this reality
That is crushing in me

Be hopeful to your life and nothing less
The time will come for my tears to shed
Up on you

Come to me and protect me with you wings of joy
Embrace your power of love and peace
In my eyes for my heart needs you
To stay in me

Throughout the night I weep
For hope staying inside of a
Broken place with nothing to gain
My dreams and I too has faded

Starring at the skies of death
Whispering to me through the fog of sorrow
As the sparrows glides across the skies
What happened to me?
Why should I feel this way it’s too much on me
For fill me with peace

6. Enomonium

In the pastors of life my revenge
Proclaims innocent blood
Taking hold what’s torn apart
As you can with stand my torture
You can feel what I feel inside

7) Lore gynosis

Please believe me I have never
Left you my word is like ring that
Holds as a promise

Be careful with you words as you speak
You words has been like a stray child
In a river

Waiting to be found by a woman with
Many offers but no real flesh unto your

As all has died you still stay around thee
Telling me many times when your words
Are fragile in my spirit

In my eyes I see you have hid from me
In times of hopeless days that has never rested
Your sins shall be punished

The only key is to make you noticed me
For a real of a fragile person
As I have secretly given unto you
In the world of battles

You come to me with words of deceitful lies
Where you have been throughing me aside casting
Your cares on other than our love
As unforgivable as my heart brings
Though I sit on my isolated throne

The sting of betrayal has bended me in numbers
As life cries in the gray of years
Foretold me to Lore our grace
As you see we are nothing but a
Helpless soul like the fragile leaves in the wind

Curse it be thy cometh deception drowning in the cries of
Words of lies your flesh is in the last drop
Of bitterness
For when we have been born has never ended
In our own worlds we crashed in the graving
Sickness of broken vows

Let me be with you forever
As I carry you in my arms
Do not tell a lie that has never been
Told from my words

Then tell my why?

For our hearts we had no other way
We have been tricked
Like a careless flower in the depts.
Like a dream that was never
In existence

Then why have I suffered this pain?

For the lost of souls you are the
Strongest yet still so weak
And wounded.

Oh why have this pain always pressure prating
Me my wounds are deep that relies in no one to
Believe in for this cost so badly
It is eating me away inside

8. Ecoshu light

9. Fading moon

As my times goes you are always in me
The time is moving fast
This must end

For all eternity I have been deceived
While my battle throughout the highest heaven for all eternity
All shall I dispute
Time is no more soon there will be nothing to
Become soon

Another day will fade by another cry the moon fades
In time the existence befalls its reality
Taking form of it own
For the gods themselves
The true faces appears through the fogs
Of terror

The life its self is such crimson
Shedding blood on the skies of crying sorrows
Ever so great the pain has been feared inside
Take me to where you shall go for we will overcome
This shading life of prosperity

Touching our ways to the end of hope
Never again will I suffer in shame
For more than once
Shall I tell you again?

This life will never set me free
On the outside world you shall escape
This forgotten path

Oh screams forever so great feeling of destruction
Has renewed to hell
As it burns in the ashes of the
Sins to deathly cries

Taking my life back to the way it was
Before for life its self has no
Foundry in salvation

Forgive me for our life’s being in a terror
Being of pressures for my love will always
Be beside you all the way through

Thrown away life has wasted away by my time to sleep
Forever in wondrous peace by the time
Close myself the father gives us all pleasures to
Sleep through eternity

10. Among the gloomy skies

The night skies beauty is forever
More as the beast sleeps through the night
May we travel to a new life?

The gift in my hands brought icy tears
To my face feelings of thrust
As I travel through the wilderness
Into Eden

As I walked to my destiny
Thy thrones in the heaven roar unto me in the skies of the
Gods taking a speech a justice against man
With great suffering

I announce thy fatal flesh on the hands
Of the evil one
As for thy name will be Satan
See thy guilt of careless burns into
The place of endless cries

His evil doing has cause my soul to tremble
Beyond the skies of Elshidi hears of me no more
In promised of my heart as it crumbles
From the inside of me

Life has its turns as it is no time of me to acts
Upon its ways thy wills in vain
Are the livings that are in sake?
For The name as he is the one and unforgiving
God as he claims as Lucifer the wicked
Among all goddess tortures

Oh Father forgive me for have fallen
To know you name Lord give my power to carry on my wearing vessel across
The terrors in the waters of evil
To my end may no other fall in my false?
Doings are not for thy living to take
This world is worthless
Feeding on the living water thy own
I give to you more than I can offer

Take me across the waters
To the other side
For I have walked a long
Journey away

Through my storms and hopes
I shall conquer this
Infection in this

11. D’codio R’ somi

12. The Turnover

13. Sleepless nights

My days of seeking has ended the love of my life
Has existed no more my heart longs for her
Captive love

During the nights I cry
As the clouds glides across
The darken skies
During every moment of silence
I dream of her and never lose my
Picture of her presence
As for so much pain through so many
Sorrows I look beyond the distance
And saw hope at last to be with her

14. Darken clouds


Thanks everyone for taking the time and for your support. I have been a good writer since I was 5 years old. However this was just a hobby my main life’s work manga art; I suppose you wanna know I became a good writer, well I never knew how to writer lyrics. But thanks to all of the bands that I have listened to gave me the courage and influence to write lyrics. Anyways I am going to be starting on my artwork now
So my new upcoming movie is what I am working on at the moment; the name of my manga is STORMSHADOW X. however on the contrary this new album is my last album. Until next time. So to all thank you for your support, and consideration

Nicaushio E’spenvoll


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2010

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

My limited adition alnum VOL 11 this is my last album i hope you enjoy it.

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