
The Vampire Girlfriend 2
Chapter 1
I woke up to a searing pain in my head, mouth and throat. I looked at my surroundings and didn’t know where I was. I tried to remember the events of the night before that led me here. Nothing came to mind. I suddenly felt some movement to my right; I looked down to see Ashanti peacefully sleeping next to me. Images from last night slowly came to mind. But one thing that was clearer and may explain the killer pains that I’m having: the bite. I gave Ashanti my blood because she needed it and I would most defiantly do anything for her. I looked over at the clock that is on Ashanti’s bedside table, it was 1 A.M. Since it was Monday, we had to get up at 6 o’clock for school. I didn’t want to disturb Ash, so I just put my arm around her and tried to go back to sleep. I was successful for about one hour; the pain had only gotten worse. I gently took my arm from around Ashanti’s waist and got up to look in the mirror to see what was wrong with my mouth. When I opened my mouth, I saw two razor sharp fangs sliding out of my gums. Yes I could physically see them sliding from my gums, that is some creepy shit. I didn’t freak out exactly, Ashanti had warned me that I’d be turned from her biting me, but the pain was too much. From everything she has told me about being a vampire like: enhanced vision, super speed and strength, better hearing (this makes it very hard for people to sneak up on us haha…well unless we’re not very focused). And other things that not all vampires have like: having the ability to control emotions, see the future, and being telekinetic (being able to move things with your mind). All I could think was: This may not be so bad. And even better, I can be with the girl I love. Suddenly I saw that my eyes were blood red, meaning I need blood. Dammit. I thought. I went over to Ashanti and softly nudged her arm. She groaned and turned over. I sighed and went to the other side of the bed and did it again. She opened her eyes and I think she was startled by my eyes because then I felt her fist connect to my face. Just because she has tiny girl hands doesn’t mean she cant pack a punch. “Ugh…” I said clutching my nose; thankfully it wasn’t bloody or broken, but it hurt like hell. She hopped up and turned the light on. “Shit Derrick, why the fuck would you—damn.” She said when she finally looked at me. She turned and walked to her dresser and picked up something that I couldn’t see. When she started walking towards me I saw that it was a blade. “Ash? What are you gonna do wit--” I stopped mid-sentence because that’s when the smell hit me. It was her blood.

Chapter 2
I was so angry at Derrick for scaring me like that. Ok, ok I know it wasn’t his intention but you try dreaming about your sexy ass boyfriend taking you on a romantic date, then waking up to said bf that has blood shot eyes and gleaming fangs. Hey just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I cant get scared, stupid stereotypical stories. Ugh, antyway, after I cut my wrist, it was kind of like Derrick froze in that one spot. He just kept staring at it. Before I could even offer it to him, his lips were on my skin. I was a so taken aback by the motion that I took a quick intake of breath that was hastily replaced by a moan. Suddenly I felt something soft and plush pushing against my back and realized it was my bed. Derrick was on top of me and still had a strong hold on my wrist. He finally let go and we both thought he was good until later but I saw that his eyes were still blood red after 10 minutes had passed. Usually after having enough blood, our eyes go back to normal after 2 minutes. I asked him if he could hold off for a few hours, he told me that his throat was still burning. I got up off the bed because this was not so comfortable. I was leaning against the wall and Derrick came to stand in front of me. I looked him in his eyes and said: “bite me.” before turning my head and offering my neck. Before I could turn away from him, he kissed me. Then he bit into the jugular vein in my neck. At first he was gentle as not to hurt me but then he became ravenous. I screamed from the pain and tried to push him off of me but he wouldn’t budge. “Derrick, you’re hurting me!!” I yelled. He seemed to have gotten the message because he jumped away from me. I pushed myself from the wass, holding my hand to my neck, and went to the mirror. I slowly moved my hand away from my neck, I saw that the bleeding had stopped but I still had two puncture wounds. Suddenly I felt Derrick’s arms go around my waist pulling me against him. I leaned back on him and rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed where he bit me and rubbed his index finger against the wound and it healed instantly. “I’m so sorry Ash, I don’t know what happened. I know I said that I would never hurt you and I just did. I’m sorry.” He said the last part in a whisper and let go of me. He went to sit on the bed. I looked at him through the mirror then turned to face him. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Derrick kept repeating in a whisper. I walked over to him and stood in front of him. I felt bad for him because he really believed that he let me down and that he hurt me. But what I heard from his thoughts kind of scared me: I can’t believe I just did that to someone that I love so much. She probably hates me, maybe I should jus leave--. I interrupted Derrick’s thoughts by yelling, “NO!” He looked up at me and noticed that there were tears in my eyes. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me in a loving embrace. I cried into his chest and said, “You can’t leave me here alone. I don’t have anyone else. Please don’t leave.” All the worry and sadness Derrick heard in her voice made him cry too. He stroked my hair in an attempt to calm me. “Baby, don’t cry. It’s okay, I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you. I love you too much. I just can’t stand that I hurt you.” I looked up at him; my pale green eyes meeting his bright brown ones. “Derrick, you know that I love you and you didn’t hurt me. Honestly, I don’t know if I can handle it if you left me too. My mother was murdered and you’re the only person that truly cares about me. Just please don’t leave me.” I said the last sentence in a whisper and looked away from him. Derrick was about to say something but I cut him off and said, “Look, it’s 3 o’clock, we have to go to school and I’m really tired. Can we just go back to bed?”

Chapter 3


“Look, it’s 3 o’clock, we have to go to school and I’m really tired. Can we just go back to bed?” Ashanti said. I just kept looking between her eyes and her lips. “De-.” I cut her words short by me firmly pressing my lips to hers. She stiffened because she was caught off guard by my action. She relaxed into me and kissed me back. We stayed like that for a good 10 minutes when she pulled away. “Whoa there big boy. I said we were gonna go to sleep, nothin’ else.” She said while grabbing my hand and leading me to her bed. When she crawled into the bed, I was behind her and her butt ended up in my face. I thought it would be funny so I poked her in the butt. She squealed and looked at me. “Did you just poke my ass?” I looked at her and smiled. “Well it was in my face. What did you expect me to do?” She just glared at me and lay down. I lay beside her and put my arm around her waist to pull her close. “I love u baby.” I told her. “I love you too Derrick.” She said and kissed me on the lips. I tried to deepen the kiss but she pulled away and said, “Derrick, sleep.” “Oh, fine.” I said. We went to sleep and before we knew it her alarm clock went off. It was already 5: 50. I groaned and turned it off. I turned back to Ashanti and softly kissed her neck. “Baby, get up we gotta get ready for school.”

Chapter 4
I woke up to feeling Derrick’s lips on me, and I had to admit it felt really good. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down to me. I kissed him long and hard but when he tried to put his hand under my shirt I pulled away. “Hey, hey now. None of that, we gotta get ready for school. So you run home and get ready. Then come back and get me and we can walk to school together.” “Okay, I’ll be back.” He said and kissed me again. He got up and ran out the door. After he was gone I got my clothes out and showered. Since it was gonna be hot today I decided to wear a white skirt, a pink V-neck top and my silver sandals. When I was showered and dressed, I put my long hair into a pony tail. Then I heard something fall downstairs. I left my room and slowly crept down the stairs to see this girl, who oddly looked a lot like Drake, practically trashing my house. She was taller than me but only by like two inches, she had short dark purple hair; which I had to admit was really cute, tanned skin and blue-grey eyes. I cleared my throat to get her attention…it worked. “Who the hell are you?” She began walking towards me. “Oh, I think you know damn well who I am.” By the time she finished, we were standing face to face. “Okay lets see. If I knew who you were, I wouldn’t be asking you dumb ass.” I said in the best smart ass voice I could manage even though I was a little bit freaked out. Just something about this chick sent chills through me. Then it hit me: the hair, the skin, the eyes. “Drake.” I whispered. Suddenly she had both my arms pulled behind my back hard enough to make me yell. She leaned down to whisper in my ear. “That’s right. You killed my brother bitch. How would you like it if I took someone you love away from you, huh? Maybe that sexy boyfriend of yours, what’s his name? Derrick? Oh yea, this just might be fun.” I was getting really angry now. I felt my fangs retract and knew that my eyes were red. I noticed that she was slowly losing her grip on my arms: maybe she didn’t notice but I took the advantage. I got out of her grip catching her around the neck and slammed her back against the wall. “Now you listen here.” I told her in my most menacing voice. “I swear if you so much as look at Derrick I will kill you just like your stupid ass brother.” Then I realized I didn’t even know the bitch’s name. “And you never answered my question. Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?” I said each word separately so her dumb ass would understand. Yea, I know I’m being kind of mean but she was pissing me off and she brought Derrick into this. I sure as hell wasn’t having that. Before she could answer I heard Derrick bust through the door calling my name. He was in the living room looking between me and the bitch. Before anyone could react I heard little miss bitch say. “The name’s Ivy.” With that, she slipped from my grip and ran to the front door. Right before she left she turned back to me and said, “Oh and thanks for the hair compliment.” Then she left.

Chapter 5


I was home getting ready for school when I heard Ash’s thoughts. She sounded really panicky. I rushed over to her house and it was strangely quiet. I tried calling her name but there was no answer, so naturally I thought the worst. I went into the living room and saw Ashanti chocking some purple haired chick. She turned toward me and I saw that her fangs were out and her eyes were red. Not blood red which means she needed blood, but just plane red. Then the girl said her name was Ivy and left. I closed the door and turned back to Ash. I saw that she was about to collapse so I rushed over and caught her. I picked her up and carried her to her room and laid her on the bed. I was about to leave when I felt her hand touch my arm, then heard her say. “Stay.” I looked down at her and noticed that she was really pale and weak. I decided to let her sleep and give her my blood when she woke up. I climbed into bed with her and she snuggled up against me. I put my arm around her to keep her close to me. About an hour after we fell asleep I felt her tossing and turning next to me and her breathing was very heavy and shallow. She started mumbling, “No, no, no.” Five minutes later she stopped and I thought she was fine but when she shot up screaming I started worrying. I sat up and tried and calm her down but when I touched her she flinched away from me and ran to the darkest corner of her room. I went over to her to see what was wrong but the next thing she said made me understand. “Get the hell away from me Drake.” I lightly touched her arm, this time she didn’t jump, and said. “Baby, it’s me, Derrick.” She looked me in my eyes and relaxed. I pulled her to me and she hugged me tight. I looked at my watch and it was already 11:00. I think she realized the same thing because she said, “Do we have to go?” I looked at her and saw how tired she looked, but her eyes weren’t blood red so she didn’t need blood. “Well…I guess missing one day of school won’t hurt.” She smiled and I took her in my arms bridal style and carried her to her bed. I was about to stand up but she had a vice like grip on my neck. I looked at her confused. I’m not sure why but what she said next shocked me. “Kiss me Derrick.” She whispered. Yeah, that shouldn’t have had an affect on me because we’ve had some hot and heavy make out sessions in the past but it still caught me off guard. She saw that I hesitated and again whispered ‘kiss me.’ With her arms still around my neck as extra encouragement, I bent over and softly kissed her. I planned on just giving her a peck on the lips but she wasn’t having that, oh no, she pulled me back down for a full on kiss. Like I said things can get hot and heavy between us. God I love this girl.

Chapter 6


Ok so I had this really freaky dream. It had to do with Drake and Derrick. So in my dream me and Derrick were on a date and we were happy and having fun together. Then everything changed. I was alone in the woods and I was running; from what I don’t know. Then Drake appeared in front of me and tried to rape me. That’s why I woke up screaming. Then when Derrick tried to comfort me I only jumped away because I kept seeing Drake. Even though I knew he wasn’t there I still freaked out. But when he spoke that really convinced me that he was my guy, my love, my Derrick. Ok back to what’s happening right now. And what’s happening now is that Derrick and I are having one of our famous make out sessions. And let me tell you, it. Was. Hot. I felt Derrick lower himself on top of me. He had one hand on my side and the other holding himself up so he wouldn’t crush me. I swear this dude had like eighty pounds over me. We kept kissing for about 5 more minutes until he decided to go to my neck causing me to moan. Using my vampire speed, I flipped us over so that I was on top. He looked up at me in surprise but I just gave him a sly smile. My hands were resting on his chest but I slowly moved them down and under his shirt. I felt him shiver with my touch and looked up at his face. His eyes were closed. I ran my hands up to his chest, pulling his shirt up in the process until it was completely off and on the floor. He saw that I was no longer looking at him and took the chance to flip us back over. “I like being on top.” He whispered seductively in my ear. “Mmhmm, I bet you do.” I replied back then giggled. He bent down and kissed me, putting his hand under my top. His hands were warm to the touch. You know how in all those books about vampires that say we can’t go out in sunlight or our skin is supper cold? Well that is nowhere near the truth: we can go out in sunlight, we can even sunbathe like normal people, and not get hurt. Our skin is fairly warm for us being undead and all. Ok back to the session. Derrick was making slow circles on my tummy with his thumb, and then before I knew it my top was off and he was kissing me again. While I was kissing him I was thinking about the tattoo that I got and Derrick still didn’t know about. Maybe it’s time for me to tell him. I thought. The tattoo I got was of Derrick’s name with black swirls around it. I got it on my right shoulder. Yea, he should probably know. I had honestly forgotten that Derrick could read my thoughts and surprised me by saying: “Yea I wanna see it.” I playfully pushed him off of me and said “Well I can’t show you if you’re on me now can I?” he just smiled at me. I sat on the edge of the bed with my back to him. I moved my hair over my left shoulder and moved my bra strap so that Derrick could see the tattoo. It was silent for a long time before I felt him behind me. I was sitting between his legs and his arms were wrapped around my waist. He still didn’t say anything and I was starting to worry. Then I felt his lips on my shoulder, where his name was, making me shiver. He whispered in my ear: “When did you get this?” I stayed facing the way I was because I couldn’t look him in his eyes. “The whole month you were ignoring me. After the first few weeks, I really missed you so I decided to get it.” When I was done talking, I finally looked up at Derrick. He just sat there smiling and staring at me…He was dumbfounded. I got up and put my shirt on, then smiled at him and said; “Catch me if you can.” Using my vampire speed I ran out of the house and into the woods. I was hiding behind a tree when I heard footsteps. When I was waiting for him to find me I realized how weak I was. I sat on the ground leaning my head on the tree. I started breathing heavy because of my lack of blood and all of that running. I closed my eyes to try and calm myself when I felt someone in front of me. I kept my eyes closed because I knew that if I opened my eyes they would be red and Derrick would jus worry. “Damn girl you’re fast.” He said sitting beside me. I kept my eyes closed afraid to open them.

Chapter 7


One minute me and Ashanti are in her room making out then the next she just runs out of the room saying: ‘catch me if you can.’ So me being me I run after her. I saw her run into the woods so I run faster to try and catch up with her. Once I’m in the woods I don’t see her anymore, I stop running and just look around. Suddenly I hear her breathing and run to her. She was sitting down with her head leaning on the tree with her eyes closed. I didn’t think anything was wrong, I just thought she was tired from all that running. As I’m sitting down beside her I say “Damn girl you’re fast.” She doesn’t open her eyes; just nods. I pull her onto my lap and she immediately leans against me but her eyes are still closed. Her breathing was still heavy. “Baby, are you okay?” she shook her head ‘no’ and squeezed her eyes shut. “Ashanti, look at me.” (Ashanti’s thought: okay when he uses my real name I know he’s serious. He almost never does that; he either calls me ‘baby’ or ’Ash’. I don’t want to make him mad but I just can’t look at him cause I know that once he sees my eyes he’s gonna offer me his blood and I cant handle drinking it now knowing how it affects me.)

Chapter 8


This may be a little stalkerish -if that’s even a word, but who cares? I sure as hell don’t- but I need to know what the skank is up to. I saw them running into the woods so I followed them. I heard crying and saw Ashanti in my man’s arms. Okay now I was pissed. But before I could do anything I hear the little slut say. “Just take me home Derrick.” When I saw Derrick move to pick her up I hide behind a tree so they won’t see me. I heard footsteps coming towards the tree that I was hiding behind. I took this as my chance. “Surprise. Did ya miss me?” I asked innocently while coming out of the shadows. Ashanti immediately jumped out of Derrick’s arms and tried to punch me but she was too weak. I grabbed her by the hair and kicked her feet from under her. Derrick looked at me and sneered “B!tch.” When I saw him raise his fist, I grabbed it and twisted it behind his back. I ended up behind him and whispered, “You know, its very rude to call girls a b!tch.” With that said, I closed my eyes and felt the air around me swirl, a few seconds later we were no longer in the woods but in my house. The last thing I heard before we completely disappeared was Ashanti yelling like a little baby: “Derrick!”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.06.2011

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