

"What do you think your doing Sebastion?"
I looked at him through narrowed eyes. "What do you think I'm doing? Watching my girl."
Micheal regarded me through silver eyes. "Don't you mean 'assignment'?"
I kept my poker face on, knowing that if I showed any emotion, he would go and tattle on Gabriel who would tell God. Nothing good would come out of it. So I hid all expressions from my face as I have learned to do since the beginning of time.
"Leave me Micheal. She is but a child. Let me do my job." I said all but kindly.
He smiled. "Fine Sebastion. But do not forget that once she turns sixteen they will start coming after her."
I nodded, annoyed. "Yes I know. I have been made for a reason you know."
Michael spread his silver wings and got ready to leave. "She is the last of her kind. Do not fail or it will be your existence." With that said, he shot to the sky until he disappeared all together.
I looked down at my girl. I called her that since I have grown fond with her. Nothing Michael said ever affected me. He doesn't dish out my punishment. God does. He is

in charge for a reason. She is my assignment, my girl. She is my Vivian.

Chapter One: Vivian

I sat in the schoolyard drawing a blue bird. It was beautiful, pecking at the bird feed I gave it. Smiling, I gazed lovingly down at my work. Perfect.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw my best friend Emily. Her blond curly hair was pulled back today, her makeup bringing out her brilliant blue eyes. Unlike mine.

I thought bitterly as I pushed the thought away. I have blood red hair and emerald eyes. Not including being a little pudgy around my stomach while my best friend was model skinny. Lucky for her she could eat so much or else she'd be fat.
"Viv, time to get to class. Lunch is over." Emily smiled as she helped me up.
I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. Looking around, I found myself alone with just my friend. So I hurried into World History class. I didn't have it with Emily which was fine with me as long as no one bothered me. They never did, choosing to ignore me instead. Mr.Goodine greeted me at the door then totally forgot I was even in his classroom. Pulling out a notebook and pencil, I got to work on our warm-up; Why did Alexander the Great let his men go back and not attack elsewhere to expand his empire?
Because he cares for his soldiers. Their loyal and have fought every battle he wants them too. They don't want to journey further away from their home and family than they have to. Alexander understands that and respects it.

I wrote.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Curious, I turned around and looked at a kid standing beside me. A new kid. "Yes?" I asked calmly.
"I don't know the warm-up. Can you please help me?" She asked.
I looked at her. Freckles, strawberry blonde hair and misty blue eyes, she looked pale and thin and a total nobody. I smiled. Maybe she would fit in with me and Em. So I nodded and looked down at my paper before me. I just realized that this girl had no where to sit. You'd think Mr.Goodine would give her a desk to sit at instead of making her stand in embarrassment.

I had made my decision.
"Yes, I can help you. The soldiers didn't want to go so far from home and Alexander the great understood that and respected it. Instead of attacking other lands further out and expanding the empire that way, he stayed closer to home. I mean...Ever heard of "All roads lead to Rome"?" I asked.
She nodded, a smile of relief curling her thin lips. "Thank you so much! I had no idea, I haven't studied Greece yet."
I set my pencil down. "Your welcome. My name is Vivian but you can call me Viv." I introduced myself. Then, "No one sits in this desk beside me. Want it?"
She quickly sat, looking less out of place. "My name is Rebecca and if I had any friends, they would call me Becca."
I never made friends easily yet this was coming out nicely. Smiling, I nodded. "Nice to meet you. If your up for it, you can sit with me at lunch tomorrow."
Becca grinned at me before scribbling words into her notebook. Turning back around, I tried to pay attention to Mr.Goodine but it was really boring, I had to force myself to stay awake. Once class was done, I said goodbye to Becca and walked home by myself since Emily had cheer practice after school. Today was Tuesday and I hate Tuesdays. They are always a drag, seeming on how Fridays are more fun. My step-mother greeted me as I walked in. My real mom died when I was only a month old and my dad remarried when I was two. Her name is Anne and has a son, my older brother Joey, who became my step-brother. Since I never knew my real mom, Anne seemed like one to me. She never picked favorites and when she and my dad had Zac, Joey and I were never forgotten with the new baby. Well, Zac is now four and the most adorable, mischievous child I have ever known.
My dad sat at the kitchen table, reading the daily news while Joey filled out some college applications. They said hi and asked me how my day went. I told them I made a new friend and really just wanted to sleep. My dad usually has me go to bed early if I'm tired but I had a headache, steadily growing with each minute and just wanted to sleep it off. So my mom gave me an aspirin and I took to the stairs. At the top was Zac in all his glory: Underwear and a sheet as a cape. He loved Captain Underpants and tried to be like him.
"Zac? What are you doing?" I asked, stifling my laughter.
"I'm going to kill you, you evil sea blob!" Zac growled playfully.
I halted and cocked my head. "Zac, you aren't going to do what I think your going to-" He cut in.
"Attack!!!" And with a battle cry he jumped off the stairs and headed straight for me.
I let out a scream and tried to catch him. If I didn't he could break something and I didn't want that. His body hit me full force, sending us flying back. I fell onto my back, my head making contact with the wood floor. I groaned as pain erupted like fireworks into my skull. Zac climbed off me and put one foot on my stomach. My eyes fluttered open, my whole body suddenly very, very tired.
"Alas! The sea blob is dead!" He shouted triumphantly.
"Zac! Get off your sister!" My mom said sternly. "Viv? Are you alright?" She asked, helping me up.
"Awwww! Mommy you ruined my fun! I just wanted to play with her!" Zac complained.
My mom only glared at him. Shrugging, he scampered off happily to go and torture someone else. I headed up the stairs with my mom's help, dragging my backpack. She assured me Zac would be punished but I knew he was only playing and could take any punishment with a smile, always begging for more. I lied on my bed, backpack and shoes thrown in random places, too tired to even care. She left me so I could rest but my head only kept pounding and my whole body seemed to pulse. I rolled over and left all thoughts, surrendering to the darkness...

* * *

Mist surrounded me, encasing me within its depths. I gazed around, finding myself in a clearing, trees all around. I felt trapped and yet I didn't do anything. I felt numb and distant, as if I wasn't really in my own body and somehow I still was. I could move but I felt groggy and my body weighed like lead. I hoped it did if it meant I could just sink to the ground and sleep. I didn't know where I was nor was I afraid. Every now and then I heard a howl, then a piercing scream, radiating into the cold night.

I should be cold, shivering and hugging my body for warmth. I thought. But I didn't shiver and had no goosebumps along my arms. I wore a simple black lacy dress that appeared to be from the sixteenth century. It wasn't ugly but not something I could wear. I have little curves and couldn't pull off many clothing. A sound close by startled me out of my thoughts. I gasped and looked through the trees but didn't see a thing.

Something is wrong here. I don't like this. There was a sound, like a sword being unsheathed. I froze, my heart beating like a fluttering bird.

"Hello?" I called out.

No answer.

I grew worried, knowing something was out there and the sensation that something or some

one was watching me. Then there was laughter. Evil, unnatural laughter that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I shivered from the feeling and peered out into the darkness. Still there was nothing there. The laughter continued, never ending. I decided to speak, hoping to know what was going on and who was there.

"Hello? Who are you?" I yelled, my voice cracking.

Only the laughter greeted me. When I could no longer stand it, I started to scream for it to stop. But it only laughed.
I woke hearing someone knocking on my door. "Viv? Honey, are you feeling well to go to school today?"
Groaning, I rolled over and glanced at my digital clock. It was quarter to seven. It was time for school and I needed to kick it in high gear if I didn't want to miss the bus. I replied, telling her I was fine, but truth was...My headache didn't go away. It was still there, pain and all. I couldn't miss a single day of school sick or not. School is too important to miss and I couldn't get a B on a test because I missed one day. Nope, instead I got up and dressed in jeans and a shirt, zipping my hoodie up and tying my shoes. I headed down stairs with my backpack slung over one shoulder when I heard someone running down the hallway. I stopped in my tracks, halfway down the stairs and looked up.
"Kowabunga!" Zac shouted as he jumped off the top of the stairs and pounced on me, hooking his arms around my neck.
I lost my footing and almost fell down the stairs when I felt as if someone's hands had gripped my waist and steadied me. I shook it off and made Zac release me. I caught him at the bottom of the stairs before he could run off and glared at him. "Zacharia Ambrose White!What the hell were you thinking, jumping on me again?!" I gave him a light shake and bent down so we were eye-to-eye.
Zac shrugged, not caring that I used his full name. "Hey sissy. Just wanted to surf some waves is all." With a grin of pure joy he ran into the kitchen, leaving me crouching at the foot of the stairs.
Mentally shaking myself from disbelief, I entered the kitchen where my family awaited me. Dad looked at me through worried green eyes. My

eyes. I sat down after I poured myself a bowl of cereal. Joey was typing on his laptop but glanced at me when I sat down.
"Hey, are you okay Fawn?" My dad asked, calling me by my pet name.
I nodded and offered him a small smile. "Yes dad. I'll live."
He grunted but left it at that. While I ate, Zac kept sneaking evil glances my way. Slightly annoyed, I turned on him. "Alright, what is you want boy?" I asked.
"Oh nothing I

want. Just planning a little, um, surprise for you when you get home is all." Zac smiled innocently at me.
But I knew better. "Evil little brownie." I muttered. That was his pet name I gave him since he acted a lot like a brownie does, always getting into trouble. "You'd just better watch it." I told him.
He gave me a wicked smirk. "No sissy. You'd

better watch it. I know were you sleep at night."
"So do I." I said, finishing my breakfast.
"Ah, but you know what could happen if you walk into my room." Zac said in his little kid's voice.
"Zacharia..." I warned.
"Hey, the room needs some booby traps in case someone wants to pull a prank on me. Just because Captain Underpants isn't that smart to do something a brilliant as that doesn't mean we all have to be pathetic."
Such a big vocab for a four year old.

I heard a snap

and my mom's shriek. Then she screamed out Zac's name. He tried not to laugh. I gave him the stink eye and said goodbye though no one heard me since they all raced after Zac who ran from the table. He was in for it. Sighing I got onto the bus and popped a squat beside Em who smiled at me. My gaze swept across the bus full of kids waiting impatiently to get to school.
"So, how was your day?" She asked,
I groaned. "First Zac tackles me down the stairs where I hit my head, then I went to sleep. I had a nightmare, woke up with a splitting headache and Zac tackled me again down the stairs and booby trapped his room which my mom went into." I gasped, having said it all in one breath.
Em arched a blond brow. "Fun night I take it. Okay, so at lunch today can we..."
I zoned out, too tired to even pay attention. She nudged me and asked if we could ditch for lunch but I told her no, I invite a new girl named Becca to sit with us. Em pouted but didn't protest. I daydreamed until we got to school and parted ways with Em when I bumped into Marcie Davidson. She glared at me through emerald eyes. Marcie is the most popular, slutty girl in the school. She enjoys peoples pain and often seeks out defenseless kids to be her next victim. She was also my cousin, being my dad's sister's child.
Today she wore a short mini skirt and a pink blouse with black high heels. "Vivian White, what the hell are you doing hitting into me." She hissed.
I shrugged, really not into the mood. "Sorry Marcie." I mumbled.
"Yeah, you'd better be."
I turned to go.
"Can't believe my uncle would ever marry a gold digger. Too bad, so sad." She muttered mockingly.
I halted.
"What...Was that?" I demanded, slowly turning around.
Her eyes widened in fake surprise. "What? You don't know how much of a gold digger your mother was before she met my

uncle? Who would've thought? But hey, you know what they say, like mother like daughter."
My face was beat red, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. How dare she!!!

I marched up to her and yelled into her ear, "Yeah? Tell me what it's like being a slut!" and ran to the nearest bathroom.


Sebastion watched as Vivian hurried to the bathroom. He wished he could hit that girl who held her ear. Sighing he followed her to make sure she was okay. Marcie was laughing even though her ear hurt but he felt no sympathy for her. She got what she deserved. In the bathroom Vivian sat in a stall crying. No one else was there to hear her cry but Sebastion. He could barely repress his rage. No one made his Vivian cry, no one. Marcie would pay someday whether it was from him or someone else.

I don't hit girls unless they hit me. Somehow I need to teach her how to hit. She's got enough willpower, I think she could throw a punch. For now though he had to wait and watch helplessly while his girl cried.

Chapter Two: Stranger Danger

I went home feeling numb. I didn't go through the rest of school, too tired and hurt to finish. I barely ate anything and just lied in bed the whole time. The day went by in a blur. I lay curled up in a tight ball under the covers when Zac came in. I shut my eyes, praying he wasn't here for games. I heard his feet slap against the floor as he scurried up to my bed.
"Viv?" He whispered.
I opened one eye.
"Hey, mommy made cookies. Come on." He tugged me up.
Trying not to snap at him I let him tow me out of bed and down the stairs. I didn't want cookies but maybe if I walk around for a little while I'll feel better. The smell of cookies hit me full blast as I breathed in their heavenly aroma. Mom opened the oven, pulling out more cookies. She was on a roll. She smiled when she saw me.
"Hey, feeling better honey?" She asked, wiping her hands on her apron.
I nodded and yawned. "I never was sick mom, just...Marcie..." I trailed off.
She nodded in understanding. "Hey, your birthday is in a week and I thought if you wanted to do something together later we can."
Grinning, I sat down. "Yes."
Mom thrust a plate full of fresh cookies into my arms. Then she assessed me from head to toe. "Well, not the best but good enough. I'd say go take a shower and change but you look fine. Go ahead."
Confused, I stared at her. "What?"
She sighed with fake impatience. "There is a new kid across the street Viv. Go and give him the cookies."
"Your not doing this because..."
Her eyes held a knowing glint. "He's really cute and around your age."
I stood and set the cookies down. "You know this how?"
"His father came over and talked to us." She waved me off.
I really wasn't in the mood. Then it hit me. "Wait. This is why Zac came and got me? To take cookies next door?!" I glared at Zac who shrugged.
"Hey, I never said they were for you."
"Your so dead." I seethed.
"Don't worry Vivian. You two may have some when you get back but you need to have some real food too and not just junk food."
"Fine, whatever." I mumbled but obeyed. I quickly put on my shoes and carried the plate full of cookies around the house and knocked on the door.
A guy opened the door and blinked at me in surprise. Clearly he wasn't expecting me. Gee, thanks mom.

My eyes swept up to his face. High cheek bones, dark blue eyes hidden behind light brown hair. He wasn't gorgeous but his sharp features and broad shoulders made up for that. That and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Holy cheese its! He has fine abs! Way better than

any other guy in the school!

I felt myself tremble ever so slightly but tried not to faint.
"Um, my mom sent me here to give you guys cookies." I stammered.
A smile cracked through his beautiful lips as recognition crossed his eyes. "Ah yes. My father was talking to them a while ago. Thank you."
His voice was deep and masculine, making my blood boil. I handed the cookies over, careful not to touch him. "Your welcome." I turned to go, anxious to leave.
"My name is Dimitri!" He called.
I stopped, forced myself to turn around and smiled. I've never been good at dealing with guys but for some reason I wanted to smile. Really

smile. "My name is Vivian White but you can call me Viv."
His dark eyes glinted. "It's very nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll see more of each other." It wasn't a question.
I swallowed. He made me a little nervous and self-conscious. "Uh, yeah. Sure."
That night I took a long hot bubble bath. I don't really take them anymore but tonight I felt like I had to. Afterwords I dressed into a nightgown and climbed into bed. It took me a while to fall asleep, my thoughts all on Dimitri and why I couldn't shake off a weird feeling I had about him. Just like when I first met Em, I felt like she could never be trusted and only wanted to use me. But she never has, only being my true friend. So maybe this was exactly the same thing with him? I hoped so. He was beautiful and would fit in perfectly at school. Then I thought of Marcie and silently cursed. Once she found I had interest in him she go after him like a shark spotting prey. I closed my eyes and finally felt myself drift off to sleep.

The night air smelled like the sweet scent of flowers as a light breeze blew gently at my long hair. I knitted my brows in confusion. If this was a dream then I'd kick myself and laugh. Never in my life has a dream ever felt so real except twice now. Once when I was three and a few nights ago. I shivered even though it was warm out. When I was three I had a nightmare that these beings with wings had killed my mom and was trying to take me away. But someone else was there and protected me. He took me away from them and hid my dad and I. Only now I don't remember who or what he looked like. Only I know that I've never felt so safe in my life like that horrible dream.

I stood in a meadow with fireflies dancing all around me. The moon shone bright and deer ate the grass, watching me with content. This was the best dream ever, even if it didn't feel like one. I looked down at what I was wearing. My nightgown I had thrown on from before I went to sleep. Shrugging I twirled and laughed, for once being carefree. Rabbits bounced around my feet while the birds sang a little tune for me. And when the butterflies danced with the fireflies, their wings glowed, making them look beautiful and full of mystery.

Sebastion smiled as he watched her dance. He made this happen for her. Though he wouldn't show himself to her he could still smile. She was beautiful, dancing and laughing without any worries and it made him feel...Happy. Something he hadn't felt in a long time.

I woke the next morning with a smile on my face. Mom and dad were gone and Joey was off to college. My dream last night was one I would never forget and nothing that morning could spoil my mood. That is until Zac came up to me and started saying something in another language to me.
"Noni, Noni, Noni, Noni, Noni, Noni..." He kept repeating.
"Zac." I groaned. "Stop it."
"Noni, Noni, Noni, Noni, Noni, Noni." He grinned up at me, his hands behind his back.
All day he followed me around the house, saying this one Japanese word and it didn't make any sense! Finally I got tired of it. "Would you just stop it!" I shouted.
Zac's grin grew wider. "Nada, Nada, Nada, Nada, Nada, Nada, Nada."
I grabbed him by the shoulders. "WHAT?!"
"Hey! You finally got it!" Zac patted my cheek and happily skipped downstairs.
I stood there, open-mouthed stunned. What just happened?

Mentally shaking myself, I headed down the stairs. Before I reached the bottom I heard a crash. Frantic, I ran into the kitchen. Zac had broken the cookie jar. I inwardly groaned. "Zac..."
He shrugged, grinned, and scooted past me. I was radiating with fury but tried to calm down. It's okay Vivian. It's okay. Let's just clean this mess up and deal with Zac later.

Deciding I liked that idea very much, I began to pick up the cookies. It wasn't fun but it had to be done and I was the only one eligible to do it since Zac would purposely prick his finger just to see the blood and then make me bandage it up.
When I was almost finished, I heard voices in the living room. Finishing up, I walked out and stopped short. Dimitri was standing there with a big smile on his face. Zac was talking to him. "So, what are your intentions with my sister?"
Dimitri looked amused and tapped his jaw, pretending to be in thought. "Well, I was thinking about proposing and then maybe for our honeymoon..."
Zac cheered. "Finally! Some one can take on my job!"
I gave them both glares though I felt a blush work it's way up to my cheeks. "Dimitri. Can I help you?" I asked.
He nodded. "My father and I appreciate the cookies and I thought I could take you and your little brother out for some ice cream."
I opened my mouth to politely decline when Zac beat me to it. "Let me get my jacket!" And raced up the stairs.
I eyed Dimitri. "Aren't the shops closed in November?"
He shrugged. "Hey, we can get some at the store."
From the top of the stairs, Zac shouted, "How about we watch a movie and eat it?"
Knowing I had no escape I sighed. "Okay, okay. Have it your way."
Dimitri looked pleased. I got my jacket and zipped it up as Zac bounded by my side. "Do you really want to marry my sister?"
Dimitri grinned. "Yup."
"I wouldn't. I mean, besides her being my sister, she's just boring. Have you seen what she does? Straight-A student and obsessed over wampirelves." I shot a look at Zac. He was embarrassing me and I just met the guy last night!
"What's a wampirelve?" Dimitri asked as we headed outside.
I followed them down the steps. "It's a cross breed between werewolves and vampires. I love reading about mythical creatures and such so Joey, my older brother, made the word up. Zac loves it and likes to follow me around."
Zac swung his arms as he went. "Yup, tackled her down the stairs a few days ago and almost made her fall down them again yesterday morning." He sounded thrilled.
"Your mean to your sister aren't you." He said it as a fact. When Zac nodded eagerly, Dimitri gave him a sly smile. "Well, if your nice to her today I'll let you pick out the ice cream and get some chocolate syrup. Alright?"
Zac gave a hoot. "Yes!"
I glowered, trying to hide my surprise. Zac never stopped being a little devil to me, not even when he's bribed. Dimitri nodded and headed for the store. Zac picked out Moose Tracks and got his chocolate syrup. When we got back to my house, Zac ran to pick out a movie while Dimitri helped me dish out the ice cream.
"Thank you." I murmured.
He smiled his lopsided smile. "No problem. I'm glad to help. Besides, your mom can make really good cookies!"
I giggled. "Yeah, she can get carried away sometimes. One time she even made two hundred and couldn't stop. We ended up having a bake sale because of it."
We laughed and began to talk, exchanging stories of our childhood. Then came the subject of my mother. "I...She's not my real mom, even if I feel like she is."
Dimitri didn't say anything, instead he remained quiet, listening to every word I said. It made me feel special that a guy was actually listening to me so intently. "You see, my real mom died a few years after I was born."
Dimitri looked at me, his voice grave, "How did she...?"
I forced tears back. This was a sensitive subject to me. Not even Emily knew. "She..."
"You don't have to tell me." He murmured quietly. "I understand, I mean, you just met me so..."
"No,no." I shook my head and gave a fake laugh. "It's fine. Really. You've been really kind to me. I appreciate it." Taking a long breath, I told him. "Dad had left for work and mom stayed at home. It was just me a her. I remember her playing a game with me. She...She told me to...Gah, I can't remember. Something about hide-go-seek and I was excited. I really wanted to play and she didn't mind. But when we played...She placed me in a secret room under our cellar. It was dark and scary but there was blankets and pillows, even my favorite stuffed tiger. It smelled like her too, so it wasn't too bad. I begged to her stay with me. I didn't want to be alone in the dark. But she..." I frowned, not quite remembering. I was so little. "I think she was running up the stairs and out of the dinky room to the cellar. Then she ran up those stairs. She'd told me to be quiet or else they'd find me. I heard peoples voices and my mother's. She shouted and then there was a thump. My dad came home later to find her dead. Her throat had been slashed and so were her wrists. She was drained entirely of blood. My dad found me and we left. So far that I know of, we've never been back to that house."
Dimitri was silent.
"Someone murdered my mother." I whispered.
"Do you ever think about going back to that house?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I'm too scared, what if the memories come back to me?"
Zac ran in. "Let's watch the sound of music!"
Damn it.

Chapter Three: Rebecca

Becca smiled. Sunday's were beautiful and to spend it outside was a blessing. After church she'd go outside and just read by the old oak tree. It was fun, no matter how cold it got. She could care less. She loved the snow and couldn't wait for it. Today she was reading Burned: A house of Night Series

. A light breeze picked up, blowing her hair into her pale face. Frowning, she got up, closing her book as she did so. Walking inside, Becca set her book down on the table and headed into the kitchen.
Her mom stood at the counter, making homemade bread. Ooh! Yummy.

Her mouth watered as she took a seat. "Mmm! Smells nice mom." She grinned.
Her mom, Nora, smiled as she hummed along in tune with the radio. "Thank you baby. You had a friend call you earlier." Her mother beamed.
Becca looked confused. "Are you sure they were asking for me?"
Nora nodded with a smile. "Of course. There was a phone number. I wrote it down for you so you can call her back. It's by the phone."
Becca's heart beat with excitement. Was it Vivian who called her? Did she want them to hang out? Oh, how she longed to have a friend and just be a regular teenager for once! "Did they give you a name?"
Nora shook her head. "No dear. Nothing, but they insisted on seeing you though. I'm so happy for you baby! Finally, your fitting in."
Becca nodded with a smile, a little dazed. She got up and went over to the phone. Just like her mom had said, there was a piece of paper with a phone number. Grinning like an idiot, she dialed the number and put it to her ear. They picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" Becca called.
No answer.
"I'm watching you." A voice whispered.
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up on ends. "Who is this?"
The voice cackled. "Waiting in the dark...Time is running short-"
She slammed the phone down into the receiver. Frustrated, she went back into the kitchen. Becca couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I don't know what kind of sicko is stalking me but I will call the police next time. I can't put mom in danger, nor myself.

Nora smiled. "Who was honey? One of your friends?"
"Sure." Becca nodded and shrugged, pretending it was really one of her friends.
Nora went back to her cooking, silently dismissing Becca. Getting up, Becca left her mom to her thoughts. Heading up the stairs to her room. She jumped onto her bed and fell asleep, the soft wind lulling her to sleep.

Chapter Four: Vivian

I sat on the couch in horror as we watched The Sound Of Music. I always hated this movie. Too much music for my tasted. Dimitri watched in silence, never saying anything. Sighing, I waited til Zac fell asleep before turning to Dimitri. He arched a brow but remained silent. Not able to take it anymore, I tried to make small talk.
"Okay, so...Where are you from?" I asked, hugging my knees to my chest.
He regarded me through silver-gray eyes. "Somewhere."
I frowned. "Yeah, but where would that be?"
"From a place you might go someday."
Okay, now this was just weird. "Fine, don't tell me." I fiddled with my hair, watching as the children danced in the field. Wow...They really have no lives.

When I looked back at him, he was studying me. I felt a blush work its way up to my cheeks. "Like what you see?" I smiled shyly, embarrassed. I don't do well with guys staring at me.
Dimitri shrugged. "Maybe. I've seen the movie so many times, it's not funny."
"Oh, then..."I bit my bottom lip, not knowing what to do. "Well..."
"This isn't awkward." Dimitri grinned. "Zac's asleep, let's change the movie."
I nodded and got up to change it. Zac snored and rolled from where he slept on the floor. "Don't you dare..." He yawned and sucked his thumb.
Hands up, I froze. When I was sure he was sleeping, I reached for the camera. Then I shot a picture of him sucking his thumb. Now I had something to black-mail him. Now, he couldn't make fun of me. I threw my fist in the air and gave out a silent whoop. Sitting back down, I still grinned as I turned back o Dimitri.


Texte: All rights reserve. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form of by any means electronics, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system with out the permission of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2011

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For my best friend who sees past all my blonde moments even thought she can be an ass about it. Thank you Ericka Haag!

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