
It’s all started…

It was midnight, very dark and silent night, at the corner in the city, buildings blocking the view of the sky, shadows covering the city. Near the dumpster was Stan or as he was called ‘the lone boy’. Standing with his gangsters he makes the move. He ran towards a grocery store broke the window shield, and then get in the store. The store was very small, but it contains all what could you desire from hotdogs, to candies, from gum, to ice-cream. In front of him the cash register and on his left was the food and on the right was the fire extinguisher. He continued towards the cash register, took some money and got back with okay amount of cash. “Fifty dollars, not bad for an amateur” said the leader of the gangster, “Tony, Harry, Walter and you Stan will have to share this money, but first I’ll take twenty dollars then solve it yourself.” George the leader gave the left money to Stan. Stan wanted to divide the money fair and square, so he gave each one seven dollars and fifty cents.

After the members of the gangster got their money, they disappeared through the shadows letting Stan alone. Complete silence had come upon the city, so Stan went to his friend’s house for a sleep. Stan knocked the door three times and there was no answer. He tried again and knocked four times and stills no answer. “Andrew, open the door,” said Stan, “It’s midnight and I need a sleep it is not a time for joking, so please open that damn door.” He waited for like half an hour but he didn’t open the door. His eyes were closing and closing and closing until he fell asleep near the door. The next morning he woke up, finding himself on the ground. “I’m going to kill you Andrew!” then the gang came, and George was smiling mockingly to Stan, “so Stan, I heard last night that your little friend Andrew had been caught by the cops and jailed for like six years.” Stan was astonished, so he left the gang and went to the police station. Being a criminal gangster, he couldn’t enter the police station or he will get caught, so as a pro criminal he sneaks into the police station, passing the guards and getting the key to the jail cells.

The Jail was huge with five hundred jail cells and in every jail cell lives maximum of three criminals. He started to search for his friend Andrew and then he found him. “Andrew! What the heck have you done to get in jail?” said Stan. Andrew was looking ashamed and disappointed, “Well, I was seen by cops when I stole some properties from a rich family who were having a burglar alarm. Then the police found my house and returned every item into its owner, more over they took my cigarettes man! But luckily the cops didn’t know about my second house and I have the key, and I know you’re an orphan so I don’t want you to sleep on the street. Here, take this key and live in this house until I get out, ok?” “Ok, and don’t worry I’ll find a way to let you out but now it’s hard to do it wide in the morning, so see you soon my good friend”. Stan left the police station, holding the key in his hands, wishing that Andrew never get out of jail. The big problem that he was facing that his gangster would know about the house.

As he was walking home, his phone rang, “hello” “Hi, are you Stan Duncan?” “Yes, but why are you asking this question?” “I’m asking this because we found your real biological parents.” “Don’t lie to me, I’m have lots of stuff to deal with” then Stan hang up the phone. He wouldn’t believe the crap the unknown man talking about. He knows that his parents died long time ago when he was four years old. It’s been ten years without his parents, he don’t even know how do they look like. After a day full of crime, he got back home and relaxed. As his eye’s was getting to close the phone rang. Stan got furious so much, “what the part of hanging the phone on your face you don’t understand?” “Well, I’m telling you it is very important information, also I know their exact location” “Damn you and your information, stop saying these craps!”

Who’s Stan?

Days passed, and Stan is still thinking why the strange guy knows about his real parents, but all his thoughts has scattered when the gangster broke into his house. George was feeling angry, “Get out of here! This is Andrew’s house not yours, and then as a member of the gang and me leader of gang, I saw we should share this house or we’ll shall knock you out.” “No, this is my own property now, leave me alone.” George didn’t care for his talk and he commanded the gang to beat him. Stan tried to defend himself against himself but they were too many for the poor fourteen years old boy. Beaten by baseball bats and dragged into the dumpster, the young boy woke up injured. Now the gang left him, took the house, and knows he’s just homeless and broken boy.

Sitting sadly on the ground, he saw a hobo near him. He was curious to ask him why he is approaching him, then so he did, “Hey, who are you?” the hobo looked down, thought a little remembering his miserable life, and feeling the continuous pain, “I’m just a poor hobo, my family was a very poor, and then when I was eighteen they left the world, and from then I was broken, unaware of the difficulties of life as being responsible for myself. Now I’m eighty years old and nothing much had changed since my parent’s death. Sorry young man, introduce yourself to me, so how did you ended up here?” “Well, my name is Stan by the way. I was living as regular kid until at age of four my parents were murdered, so the (Orphans’ house) took care of me until I then got ten. In this time I escaped the house and ran on the streets. I wanted money and to live freely so I started to steal some stuff and food until I got twelve, where I joined the gang with a big dream of becoming a pro criminal.” “But why you escaped to be a criminal?” “To tell the truth, in that house I saw other orphans, played with them, have good time with them, but the one thing I wasn’t getting is love. I wanted parents to love and take care of me, but when I didn’t found any replacement, I was letting out my anger by crime.” “Oh my little boy, you’ll find the love that you were always dreaming of, you just need faith.” “To also tell you, there is a strange man on the phone called me twice to tell me that my real parents are alive and he knows where they are” “So what are you waiting for? Call him back to lead you to your parents, if you have hope, you can add this to your hopes.” “Maybe you’re right! I shall call him, thanks you hobo, you are very helpful, and I will never forget you.”

The Life Changing Event

So Stan called the man, and told him that he wants to know where is his biological parents are. He went to the location the strange man said to found that there is no one is there and it’s all been a trick. As he was leaving the house, a knife was near his neck. “You foul! I can’t believe that you believed this” said the strange man. Luckily Stan knows some Street fight, so he fought the man and knocked him down. Feeling afraid he ran towards a math club. “Welcome to the free math club! Would you like to join?” said a nice madam. Stan accepted her offer to hide from the man. After spending time learning math, he actually liked it. Every day he started to go to the math club, learning much and feeling better. Two weeks later, his club mates and the teacher started to see his great ability in math. One day, the teacher took Stan near and said, “Stan, you have an amazing ability in mathematics, so why don’t you join the math championship?” Stan accepted her offer, and started to practice math until he finally won the cup. Stan felt that he finally worth something, and that he is a better person. The prize was very valuable to Stan. The prize is one thousand dollars and more he could get in the accounting institute and get a degree.

All had changed since he made the right decision. He learned in the institute for four years (he’s 18 now) and got an excellent level degree and more he stopped from the criminal world, and all his crimes were forgotten. He needed to work to earn his living and to rent a house. He got bored from sleeping on the street all that time. He held the degree in his hand and went to every company need an accountant, but no one would accept him. They accept him at first but when they get more info about him and know that he was a pro criminal they reject him. After lots of tries, he went to a huge company building with fifty floor and two hundred rooms; hopefully they need lots of accountants. Stan asked the secretor to meet the boss. She phoned the boss and for Stan’s luck he was free to talk. Stan got inside and waiting to the boss to come. The boss came and welcomed him. “Look sir, I really need a job as an accountant, so if you have any job suitable for my abilities please tell me” Said Stan nervously. The boss looked at Stan and thought for a while but then he spoke, “I know you, you once cracked into a grocery store and stole some money from the cash register. I was going to call the cops but I was very busy in my works. Well how you expect me to give you a job?” “Sir, I promise you I have changed. I went to a math club and then I went to an institute and got a degree. The criminal acts have stopped from long time ago, I swear” “I’ll give you only one chance to prove yourself” “thanks you Mr.….” “Call me Sir Jeffrey”. Stan’s heart was filled with glee, and now he has a job he can afford to rent a house, and get some cash to buy food and anything he wants.

A Step Closer

After two weeks, Jeffrey knew that Stan is serious about the job and he is a hard worker, and as he know that Stan was homeless, he decide to make a big surprise for him. “Come son,” said Jeffrey, “I saw your hard work in this company but I don’t want you to be here. I want you to be my lead accountant and I want you to live in my villa. Your room is ready and I will give you a bigger salary, moreover you have your own office. So what do you think?” Stan accepted Jeffrey’s offer. He got himself ready and went to the villa. He was astonished about how the house was big. The air was fresh, the hall was big. In the middle a large ladder leads to the main rooms. All around him sculptures, artwork and anything creative would look, also bookshelves with thousands of books to read of. He also felt like he was in public street; Maids and chefs and butlers moves from room to room, doing their jobs like working bees. Then he went to his office to do some work. He kept doing his great job and lived happily, but there is something he was worried about. It been four years since the prison of Andrew, and there is only two years and he got out of jail. Stan knows he told Andrew he would get him out of jail soon, but he didn’t so Stan think that Andrew is going to find him then kill him because he is the master of the killing art.

Days passed and one day the maid was feeling tired and she’s was going to throw up, so she asked Stan to put these clothes in Jeffrey’s Closet. When Stan got inside the room and put the clothes into their place, he saw on the dresser table a photo of Jeffrey, his wife, and a baby. He was mediating it for two minutes and then Jeffrey came. Jeffery said, “Like this family photo?” Stan then replied, “Who’s the baby in the picture?” “That? He is our lost son from fourteen years ago.” “What happened to him?” “We were at home and then a bunch of buglers came and hit me and my wife on our heads so we fainted. After some time we woke up in the hospital, and then I started to ask where is our baby, but the ugly truth that he was kidnapped or like sort of that” Stan was more astonished now, he was standing like a sculpture, frozen and cold. His tongue was tied and he was unable to speak or express himself, until he finally asked, “Sir is your last name is Duncan?” “Oh my…. How did you know that?” astonished Jeffery. “Well I’m then your son. My name is Stan Duncan and I’m an orphan who lost his parents from fourteen years ago.” Jeffrey hugged Stan so warm and tight, but maybe there are chances that Stan isn’t his son, he maybe another orphan with the same last name.

Hope for Hopeless

They both decide to make a DNA test to find if Jeffrey is the biological father of Stan. After a week, the result has come and it was positive. Jeffrey is the real father of Stan. Happiness and glee filled the air, and then Jeffrey decides to make a party for the return of his lost son. Stan felt that something is missing, he got some of the love but he still need another love; the true friendship love. Stan asked his father if he can asks a hobo he knows to get in the party and maybe he could also find him a job and shelter, because without the hobo’s advice to find his parents, he wouldn’t see the math club which led him to here. He went to the dumpster waiting for the hobo. He got desperate but then he found the hobo. “Hi! Long time not seeing you my friend” said Stan to the hobo. The hobo smiled and felt happy, “Me too, so what happened with you and your real parents?” “I found them, and I’m very grateful for your advice, without you I couldn’t found them. So for that I invite you to the party of my return and I got you a job and a room in our villa to sleep in.” “Stan, I’m eighty four years old and you don’t know at what time I could die, so don’t bother yourself to help me and then I don’t have any degree to get a nice job as you said. I’m only good at fixing furniture and make ones.” “No problem! My dad is rich and he have large companies for varies works. Please go with me.” “Ok, but shouldn’t I take a bath and dress well then?” Stan gave the hobo a makeover and teeth whitening and bought him lot of fancy clothes.

It was party time and thus the hobo got nervous. He had never had a social life and he never communicated to people only to beg. He dressed well, brushed his teeth, and practiced speech in front the mirror. “John! The guest are waiting, please get out so we can start the party” said Stan. John, the ex-hobo, got ready and went down; he met different people at that party and met Stan’s parents. John was expecting a tragedy but for his luck everything went smooth, and everyone liked him. There are still six hours to the party to finish, which made John very nervous since he’s not that charismatic and this was the first time he went to a real party. The only party he had was trash bin party, were for him the trash bin is Treasure and the leftovers in it is gold priceless jewelry.

The Big Crash

All went okay for the past four hours. There are still exhausting but fun two hours. As everything was being smooth and delightful, Andrew came, holding his masterpiece; two fast killing guns. Stan was surprised, “Andrew! How did you….?” “Get out of jail earlier?” said Andrew interrupting Stan “There are still two years to get out of jail but with my skills of making people puzzled, the judge finally believed that I’m innocent and thought that your ex-gang done that. Because of being exposed when the cops and the judge find the gang and know the truth, the first day I got out of jail, I sneaked to my second house which obviously they took it, and I killed everyone of them, five shots each. Now, I’m coming for revenge. To revenge from you Stan! I got a machine gun with me, loaded with two thousand bullets and I’m not afraid to use it” “What do you want Andrew to stop your madness?” “Well, let’s make a deal. Tell your father to make me the owner of his companies and fortunes, then I, in return, will not going to kill you, your parents, or anyone in this party.” Stan is furious from Andrew’s devilish deal, and he was thoughtless about what to do next. “Sorry son, I’m not keeping my fortune to see you die after I recently found you” Said Jeffrey. “No! Don’t you ever do that” replied Stan, “You know why? That’s because John had already called the cops when all of that have happened” “What? I don’t understand” “I’ll tell you when they catch Andrew and the party is over.” So did the cops and took Andrew where he belongs; the jail.

The party had ended, filled with joy, fear, and a little bit of drama and action. Jeffrey was still curious about how all of that happened, so he sat down with his son to tell him the whole story. Stan giggled, remembering his smart plan, “It all started before the party. I know that Andrew doesn’t like to kill only one, he likes group kill, so the party looks perfect to threaten me and kill everyone around me so I get weak and give up. So I gave John a phone and asked him to put it in his pocket. I then, had already called the cop and asked them hide around the villa and they all just needed is one phone call to get in the house. John was at the camera room, waiting for Andrew or any one look suspicious to him. Andrew is not a fool, he knows that we have cameras so he broke them, but I was smarter than him and I bought tiny camera in the door knob, which show’s who’s in the front door. When John saw that someone broke the main camera, he ASAP called the cops, which eventually caught Andrew, leaving us safe and sound in the house without getting anyone in the villa hurt.”

Jeffrey was proud of his son, because he is a thinking mind, not a slacker or a coach potato. That’s showed Jeffrey that his son is a true man, who protects his family members and anyone who’s in need for his help. Then Jeffrey got tired so is John, so everyone went to his room to take a deep relaxing sleep.

Goodbye to Stan’s hope

Days went normally and the 18 years old teenagers became 25 years old adult. He’s working and managing the companies of his dad. John is working in Jeffrey’s company in fixing and making furniture and mattresses. One day, Stan decided to take a look for John’s work in the company. He saw John and he looked so tired and dizzy. John was not looking okay so he decided to take him to the hospital. The doctor checked on John and then headed towards Stan to say, “Mr. Duncan, John is very sick and he needs to be in the hospital. Sorry Stan, but he is in a very dangerous condition and he could die at any day from now.” Stan’s heart broke into pieces that his only true friend is going to die, and leave Stan alone. He keeps faith, but John is ninety years old and he is very old and he may not survive from the disease.

Everyday Stan visits John to check up on him, and he brings him flowers. The next three weeks, he went to the doctor to ask about John’s condition. The doctor said, “Mr. Duncan, John need a very difficult heart surgery, and there are 20% chances it will work. Do you want to risk and do it for John?” Stan needed to think about it before he make any move, “and what if he can’t do this surgery?” “Then John would live for extra three months or if he did it and didn’t work he would live as I said three months or extraordinary conditions die in few days.” Stan was depressed and furious, his emotions was messed up. That day he went to his father to ask him for advice about the surgery. The father was wise man and told his son, “Its then depends on you. You are his friend and no one can save him or have the right decision expect you. I know it’s hard to do, but everyone is going to die someday. It is destiny, but that don’t mean you must give up on him, and remember that whatever what happens to him he will love you and he will never forget you.” Stan hugged his father tight and took a deep long breathe.

The next day, after deep thinking all night long, he made his decision. Stan decided to make the surgery for John, because he can’t stand living alone without his best friend. Stan waited outside the surgery room waiting for the doctor comes out with the results. The surgery took six hours but then the doctor finally got out. “Congrats! The surgery was successful and now John can get out of the hospital after three days.” Said the doctor, and Stan got lunatic. Stan felt good, then better, happy, amazing, wonderful, then at last incredible!

Unexpected but expected

Since the surgery, Stan spends all the time hanging out with John. He eats with john, he talk with John, and he plays with john, everything he does, John is involved in it. One day, it was a wonderful day indeed, so Stan decided to go to the park with John and have a nice picnic together. There they rode a bicycle and ate sandwiches and laughed on each other’s jokes. John got tired so he told Stan to sit on the bench to have a talk. “I have spent a wonderful time since I saw you,” said John. “Oh you really do?” said Stan with glee. “Yes, you are a young brave man, confident and a good person. I’m very old now, and you don’t know at which moment I could die. I want you to remember three tips in life: first, don’t get sad when someone you care about dies, you must know its destiny and you can’t change it. Second, always never miss a chance to say I love you to the persons you love. Last but not least, live your life at full, you never knows when you are going to die.” Then after few chats, Stan and John went back home.

“Yes, that what John said, and I still miss him” said Stan, after three days of the picnic. John passed away, leaving a big hole in Stan’s heart, but he kept faith. He remembers what John said to him in the picnic. He took John’s photo put it in his room and in his heart, and then he continued his life, based on John’s tips…..

What’s next?

Thanks for reading “Waiting for love” part one. I’m going to write part two if I saw positive reviews about part one on BOOKRIX, and if you like to support me, find me on my Facebook page, and I will appreciate this a lot:


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2013

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I dedicate this book to all readers, and all who is struggling in this life.

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