
What we did

          Shade's p.o.v

"Hehehehe. They'll never figure out it was us who 'broke' their 'precious' robot." I told my partner in crime, Brodey. "Why were we doing this in the first place?" Brodey asked me "Because they kicked us out of the Destiny Legion now they'll know what it means when I get kicked out of something." "Oooooooh that makes sense." "Ya. Now let's get out of here, they're..... right outside." "How did you know that?!?!?! Because I have supersight duh!! Just because I-we- got kicked out, doesn't mean I lost my powers." I told him. "Oh yeah I forgot about that. "Now let's get out of here. Before they catch us." I told him.

how it happened

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

 I was practically running trying to show the rest of the Destiny Legion my new robot that was supposed to help the world pick stuff up. When all of a sudden, I saw it! The robot was attacking Vertlock! (BTW I can see the future. Along with super smarts.) "Guys block the doors! NOW!! DON'T ASK QUESTIONS JUST GO GO MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!!" I yelled. "What's-" "I SAID GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. As the rest ran to block off the rest of the doors, I ran to check on my robot. "Oh no! The government won't be happy about this." I told myself.

I couldn't think what else to do so I ran back to the main port and ran to find where the two douchebags who broke my robot went. I scanned every room to see if they were invisible with a little part of me knowing they weren't here but still I felt that I should check. As I looked up, I saw little dents. They were small but just barely visible. I got you now i whispered. I started to follow the dents but just as I thought I was getting somewhere, they stopped. But the wierd thing is that they stopped right in the middle directly in the middle. I knew that they couldn't get out through the top because we didn't have anything to get us out. At that exact moment, it dawned on me that the idiot what was his name? Brock? Brodey? Ya ya Brodey, has eye lasers.

I sprinted back to where Elena was guarding. "I-need you to- to- open-the-the-vent" I panted "Where?" She asked suddenly worried. "In the middle of the hexagon." I explained. "On my way." She told me before she started to stretch out and run with the longest she's made her legs stretch out. "No don't stretch that far!" I warned her right before she hit the doorway. "How did I not see that?" She groaned. "Because you were too worried and occupied in your thoughts." I replied smart-assily. "I wasn't exactly loolking for an answer you know." "I know." "Welp gotta run." She told me before she sprinted up dust and dirt. And that was the last time I remebered seeing her for the rest of the day.

When He Caught Me

 Elena's pov

I ran to the center of the hexagon about to open it when one of Shade's minion peoples grabbed my arm. "What's going on? Where are you taking me?" I screamed. No answer "I saaid where are you taking me?!" I screamed again but louder. Still nothing. "Are you dweebs just going to staaaa-." That's the last thing I remember saying before they knocked me out with some type of serum. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair. A really really comfy chair.

And it smells good! But none the less it was a chair. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." Brodey snickered. "What the hell do you want with me?" I snarled at him. "Oh I don't want anything with you. Shade does." He sneered. "What would Shade-" I asked but as I asked, Out came Shade. And just for a second-a split second- I thought I saw love and jealousy in his eyes. Was he jealous that he couldn't have me? It couldn't be. But it might be. No he doesn't like me or else why would he do this to me?

In fact why would he do all of this? "Are you going to answer me?" He cut into my thoughts. "Huh? What?" I answered stupidly. "Hm I thought so. But anyways I said do you know why I brought you here?" Wow the irony of this. "Haha woow that was weird." I laughed. "What's so funny?" "Haha I was just thinking of why you would bring me here." I replied. "Woah is it just me or can you guys feel the love in here too?" Brodey chimed in out of the blue. "What are you talking about? We hate each other." We answered at the same time. "Yup I knew it. You both like each other. Elena and Shade sittin' in a tree K-I-" SHUT UP!!!" We yelled at him. "Ya OK I'm done here." I said as I got up and walked out. 


 Shade's p.o.v

How can it be? That this beautiful, amazing woman right in front of me used to be my best friend? Even before the world knew our destinies? I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have tried to convince her to come with me. But I had to do it. I had to try to get her to come with me and to leave, to just forget all about this good and bad. But now she's 15 and i'm 17. But that was when I heard her wake up. Wait why did they knock her out? Whatever. Anything to get her here.

"So I bet you're wondering why I brought you here." I asked. "Huh? What?" She asked. I couldn't help but show a little bit of love for her. I mean she's exactly like me. Just as I was going to explain, Brodey started making fun of us. I hate him for being able to tell somebody's feelings for somebody else. But I couldn't blame him. The feelings were so strong here that it was obvious. I was going to explain after that but just as i figured out how to tell her, she just stood up and walked out.

She just stood up and the chains holding her to my chair just fell as if hopeless-hopeless and under her power. And it made me stop and stare at her perfect flawless self. "Just looking at her won't help you. Go and talk to her! Explain to her everything that you did!" Brodey told me. "You know, for an idiot, you're pretty smart." I told him as I ran off to find her. 

Time to go save her

Christianna's P.O.V

Oh crap. She's gone! What are her parents going to think of this? No! I can't go to her parents she won't ever forgive me if I went to them. I also have to go and stop the robot from destroying the Earth. But I know that if I don't go and save Elena, she'll be dead before tomorrow. I'll just go and help Elena instead. Everybody else is worrying about the robot. There we go! I'll go and help Elena and seem like the hero and then maybe Marc will see how brave I am.

That's how I'll get him to go out with me! But I guess i better go now if I don't want anybody following me. I started running towards the car when I heard somebody behind me. "Where are you going?" My little siser, Emma asked. "I have to go somewhere but I'll be right back." "Take me with on the next mission and I won't tell anybody." She said serious. I looked deep into her eyes with my famous stare that gets anybody to do what i want without having to ask them.

The only reason why I haven't done this on Marc is because I want him to ask me for real. Emma looked back with the same stare but I could tell she was straining to keep it. "Stay here! And don't tell anyone!" I told her with intensity in my voice. "Make me." She challenged me. She's getting stronger. I could tell since she almost beat me. "Don't make me do it!" "Do it I DARE you to." She sneered. I gasped which she saw as a weak spot only to lose concentration. "Fine I'll stay and not tell anybody." She said in defeat. "Good." I replied. And started the car. 

Explaining it all

 Shade's P.O.V

How am I going to explain all of this to her? I mean she probably doesn't even remember me. When I walked into her room after Brodey showed it to her, She wasn't even paying attention. She had her music up all the way and was dancing to the end of honey I'm good. I looked at her playlist in my mind. No it's not creepy. I'm interested in what she listens to. The order after this was Shut up and Dance, Daddy Dance with me (I wonder why she has that since she like hates her father), I don't Dance, Chasing the Sun by Sara Barellies, and some others but i couldn't finish because she caught me.

"Is there something I can help you with? Or are you going to knock me out again?" She asked. Wow fiesty. "I came here to explain to you why I caught you and only you." wow is it me or was it hot in here? "Ok sit and explain." She pointed to a chair across from her bed. She paused her music on Brave by Sara Barellies. "No keep it on that song."

When she reached over, I saw an infinity sign on her back. "What's that for?" I asked her "What? The tattoo? Oh it's just a little sign that me and my best friend got." She replied "to remind us that we'll always be there for eachother." She explained seeing the confusion in my eyes. "Wow that's intense. Sweet. But intense." "Your were going to explain something or other." She reminded me "That's right. The reason why I may look a tiny bit familiar is because we used to be friends." I told her.

"What? That makes-" "I know but I can tell you that you have a birth mark that looks like a heart behind your left ear. And you don't like to but your hair up in a high pony tail because your hair stops growing behind your ears. You keep at least on of your ears hidden and it's normally your right ear. Even though your left handed. In fact you do like everything right handed you can because both of your parents are right handed and you've never wanted them to feel ashamed because you feel like they are all the time. And-" "Just shut up and kiss me." She replied. 

What just happened?

Elena's pov



His lips were soft on mine and he tasted like Andes Mints, the kind that he always use to eat when we were littler. His rough, callaced hands were warm on the lace of my tank top, then he pulled away, leaving me breathless and my heart racing. I saw compassion and warmth in his dark, forest green eyes that reminded me of the Christmas evergreens and wreaths. 

His lips were suddenly on mine again and a certain feeling of breathtaking feeling of pleausre coursed from my fingertips to my toes. The sound of glass shattering forced us apart, Christianna was standing there with a look of shock written across her face. "Um, I think I have the wrong room, so I'm just gonna go." At that moment, as she was starting to jog out of the room, Shade pulled out a small knife from his back pocket, "Who is this?" He had been talking to me. 

Christianna stopped moving and faced us, "Who is this?" At that moment, I leaped across the bed to save Chris form Shade. As he launched himself forward, Brodey slid in front of me. Shade's knife went through his stomach and he collapsed on the ground, Shade backed away in surprise at the sight of his closest friend in a heap on the ground. Christianna was right behind me, "NOOOOO! I don't know the guy, but nooooooooo!" 

I turned to her sharply, "This is not a laughing matter!" She was quick to retort, "Neither is you making out with some souless asshole that stole you from Vertlock!" "Not making out!" "Then what was that?! Ley! This is important! I am missing a date to save your sorry ass!" "Save me? I'm fine on my own! I don't need a babysitter!" "How could I babysit you? Nigga, you're older than I am!" "That's not important here!" As this went on, out of nowhere, Titanium started to play. 

Shade pulled his knife out again, "What is that?" Chris reached for her phone, "I have to take this." I grabbed her phone before she could answer it, "Leave her alone, Adam, you broke up with her. That's not her fault, stop calling." She grabbed the phone out of my hand, "I'm fine on my own, I don't need a babysitter.  Take your own advice, I can handle my own love-life!" 

"You can barely handle Marc as it is, you don't need more stress." "Says you, I'm fine." "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!! I'M FUCKING DYING HERE AND YOU GUYS ARE FIGHTING!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!" Christianna turned to me and then to him, "That is her fault, she can't handle her own self for 5 minutes. What the hell happened to 'I hate Shade, he's such an asshole?' I cancelled on a date with Marc for you! And what do I get? Yelled at. What the hell is your problem?" 

Shade looked betweeen both of us, "What happened to you always being there for each other." Chris turned to him this time, "We are! Why the hell do you think I'm here and not on my date with the only guy that I've liked for 3 years now? Who else do you think showed up at my house at 4:32 in the morning with Ben and Jerry's ice cream after my break up?" 

Shade glared at Chris, "I don't believe you." She glared back at him, "I don't trust you ether, bud, you were just making out wiht my best friend in the whole world, Id watch yourself if I were you." "It wasn't him! I kissed him first!" I yelled at Chris. "What!?!?!?!?!" "That's right! I did. And I bet you didn't know that we used to be best friends when we were little too." I replied casually. "I bet he didn't know that you can only eat a sandwich with mustard not mayo on it." "Ha! He was the one who introduced that to me!" 

Chris turned to me, I could see the hurt and betrayal in her eyes, "Then why are we ebst friends if you had him there for you? Why am I even here?" She pulled her phone out, "Hey Marc, yeah, sorry, I had to watch my sister for a little bit, but my parents are back. Do you still want to hang out? Great! That works, I'll meet you at the face in 20. Alright, see you there." 

I can't believe she just did that! She faced me then, "I guess you don't need me anymore since you have him." She ripped the necklace that I had gotten her for her birthday from her neck and threw it to the ground at my feet, "Here,  I don't want it anymore." She looked at me one last time before walking out of the room. "I'm sad for you and all, but I'm kinda dying, so I'd say my problems trump yours, just saying." Brodey panted from the ground.

Wow, Just Wow

 Christianna's pov



I stormed out of the room, I had known that something was up, but I couldn't figure it out. Now I know, that bitch. She had said that I was the only friend that was as close to her as I was, but I guess we all lie sometimes, right? Even if I can tell if people are lying, Ii don't usually do that to my friends. Ii had honestly believed her, I had let my feelings get in the way. 

Wow, I had cancelled on Marc for her and she didn't even want saving. There had been some other person before me and  I've known her since she was 8! Why did I not know about him? Is that really how close we are? I thought we were closer than this...

Wait Up

 Elena's pov



Shade helped Brodey onto the bed and called ofor a doctor, I wasn't any help. All I could do, was stare at that damn necklace. Did she really not trust me? She's my ebst friend in the whole entire world, how could she think like this. "Because you never told ehr about me and Ii had been an important part of your life for at least a little bit." I turned to Shade, anger powered my voice and it came outa lot harsher than it needed to be, "STOP GETTING IN MY HEAD! JUST STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" 

I didn't even look back at him ut I could tell that my words had hurt him. I didnt mean for them to, bit just kinda happened. I kept replaying Chris and Ii's argument in my head, I had been mean, she had meant well and was just trying to help me out and I had cast her aside. Then my phone started to ring, I didn't even look at the screen, "Hello?" 

"Elena, right?" "Yeah, why?" "I just wanted to thank you." "For what?" "For driving Anna right into my arms." ""What do you mean?  Who is this?" "Oh, it's me, Marc. She came down to the 'cafe' and we drank hot chocolate and hers had been spiked and we watched a movie and she fell asleep, very easy to catch her." "What do you mean? Marc, what's going on?" 

"Just ask my brother, but don't worry, she's safe and she'lls tay safe as long as you do as I say." Then he hung up i had so many uestions, I ran back to the room, "What's up with Marc?" "Mmarc? My brother Marc?" "I don't know! He has Chris!" "My brother Marc, has Chris? Who's Chris?" "CHRISTIANNA! MY BEST FRIEND! THE GIRL THAT WAS YELLIG AT ME!" 

"She went with Marc?" "Yes! She's been hanging out with him a lot lately." "Shit." "What's wrong?" "Well, they're not jsut gonn have a tea party." "How do you know?" "Because I know my own brother." "How well do you really know him then?" "Well enough to know that he'd hurt her if it came down to it." "But that's not gonna happen. Is it?" "Well it might." "Well I hope he knows that if he hurts a single hair on her head, he's gonna die! By me!" "Sweetie, he's stronger than you think." "Bud can he control metal?" "No but he can wrap his hand around your neck." "Damn." "Ya. So if you're going to try to stop him, you're going to need backup." 

"I'll be fine on my own." "Don't you start that with me." I was about to reply but just then my phone started playing Oath by Cher Lloyd. "Chris? Are you ok? What did he do to you?" Her voice was light and cheery and she sounded really happy, "What are you talking about? I fell asleep when we were atching a movie so he put me in his car and drove to my house and carried me up to my room. I'm sorry that I yelled at you, Ii was just mad, I'm sorry." "He didnt hurt you?" 

"No, what do you mean?" Shade covered my mouth, ""Nothing, I jsut got worried when you left so suddnly." Hhis voice had sounded like mine, "Oh, well I just called to make sure we were good. Bye." "Bye, Chris." Then he hung up, "Don't tell her anything, that'll freak him out and he might do something drastic." "That was cruel you know." "Ya I know." "Oh shit Brodey's still on your bed. Why don't you stay in my room. I'll sleep in the living room." It's fine you can stay in your room. I'll take the living room." "No you're going to sleep there!" "God why don't we both just take the living room!" 

"Stay in my room!" He snarled at me. "Holy crap. Why is it so important to you?" "Because I want you to be happy." "Well I'll be happy when I have my best friend by my side again! You know what this is ridiculous! I'm going to go get my best friend tonight." "No! He's going to expect that. And you haven't even eaten anything since before I kidnapped you." Great the hottest guy I've met for like ever is the guy who kidnapped me. "Right. whatever I'll take your room. Just whatever." "What? Your going to give up just like that? That's what he's going to use to get to you."

 "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I NEED MY BEST FRIEND BY ME AGAIN!!!" I yelled at him. "Go to my room!" "Oh so now you're going to treat me like i'm a child?! What the fuck!?! I can take care of myself." "Just go. Your sleep deprived." he replied weirdly calm. "Fine. Anything for you to just stop yelling at me!" 

What did I do

 Shade's POV



Is she mad at me for make her take my bed?  Oh well I want her to be comfy and the couch is really uncomfortable. It was the middle of the night when I looked up at the clock above the tv. It was 12:37 A.M Whe Elena came out to see if I was still up. I looked up and I saw that her eyes were red and puffy. "Ya I'm up." I replied "Well you never explained to me whatever it was." "Oh ya." I replied. "Will you? Explain it to me?" "Ya I guess since both of us are up." Wow that was stupid of me to say. "Wow that was stupid." "Haha do we have telepathy?" I asked really stupidly "Wow are you this retarted at this time at night." "Haha i don't know." 

We were sitting on the couch watching Despicable Me when out of the blue, "I'm scared." Elena whimpered. I didn't know what to say so instead of replying that everything was going to be ok, I told her,"It's ok the minions won't hurt anybody. Anybody important at least." Even though I said the funniest joke of the century, she just looked at me like I was stupid. "I mean with Chris. We've never had a fight and stayed away from each other this long. 

"I'll be right back. I need to make a phone call." I got up and called up Marc. I'm surprised I still have his number. We haven't talked in three years. "Hello?" "Marc. Please don't hurt her just please." I asked him. "Why would I hurt a person that I love?" "What?" "Did I just say that out loud?" "Yup." "Well either way, I wouldn't hurt her." "Just don't hurt her man." "Bro, I couldn't if I tried." "How can you promise something you don't know?" "Because it's true. She deserves someone who's nicer than I am, but I'm trying. I have to go. Anna will wake up soon." 

I was still holding my phone when Ley came up to me. "Are you ok?" She asked me. "What? Ya. I'm fine." How can I lie to a person I love so much? "Is she gonna be ok?" "She'll be fine." I told her. Like I said, how can I lie to a person I love so much. But honestly I didn't know if she was. After the movie was over, and we were in the middle of Titanic, she fell asleep on my lap. This never happened to me before so I didn't know whether to carry her to my bed or leave her here. But I ended up just taking her to my room. 

She was so peaceful when she slept. I couldn't just walk out without kissing her. So I just kissed her on her forehead. The way she acted around me now, it was obvious that either she didn't trust me or had a guy hurt her before. I decided on both. Before I left, I heard her start to stir. "Shade?" She asked wearily "Ya?" "Will you stay in here with me? I feel safer with you." "Ya of course." When I pulled out my extra matress, she slid over to the side so i could sleep with her. She looked so small, so fragile. And I couldn't break her. Even though I knew she was unbreakable. 

I was at least 5 inches taller than her so I had to slide down towards the end more. I was drifting off to sleep when I felt her soft lips. They tasted like cherries. I slid my hand to her back to keep her closer to me. I don't know if it was by an accident or if I did it automatically, but I felt her soft skin on my rough, callaced hands. She put her hand my arm as if telling me to keep it there. That spark that I felt when we first kissed shot back through me. I could tell she felt it too because she gripped my arm tighter. After that all i remembered was her giving me a sneer when I blacked out.

Last Night

Elena's pov

I don't remember much of last night all I remember is that I stormed off into Shade's room and somebody was right there waiting for me. Then I blacked out. When I woke up in the morning, I was sitting in Shade's brown plaid chair. But it wasn't his chair. It didn't smell like his. Although it certainly did feel like it.

I tried getting out of the chair but I couldn't. So I was going to jst break the chains when that didn't work either. What's going on? I've neve rnot been able to control metals. I heard a rustle and then it just stopped after a few seconds. "Who's there?" I asked sounding braver than I felt. Why was I was so cold? That was when I realised the chair holding me hostage didn't have the same warmth as I felt when I first sat in it. Yup I'm definently somewhere else. But who was the ass holding me here? Then it hit me. "Shade? Why are you doing this? What the hell do you want with me?" I felt a little repetitous but I didn't care. I needed to get out of here. "No. No,no,no this isn't Shade. This is the person that's here to finish what Shade started. You could say, I'm your worst nightmare." "Oh my god you're not Miley Cyrus here to give me a lap dance while singing wrecking ball are you?!" I knew he was getting mad but that was all part of my plan. In seconds he was in front of me close to my face. A little too close if you ask me. His breath smelled deeply of cinnamon gum. The worst kind in the history of gum flavors.

"You're trapped here with me. So as long as you're with me,you'll do whatever I say you have to do. Or your family and friends go. If I tell you to make me steak, you will. Am I understood?" I nodded my head sheepishly thinking of all the horrible things this man would make me do. "I SAID AM I UNDERSTOOD!?!" "Yes." I squeaked trying not to make any noise if possible. "Good. Now go get washed up for breakfast. And make it quick." He told me as he released me. 

 "Make me." I replied in a snarkier way than I hoped but I liked it. It made me feel like I wouldn't take any shit from anyone. "Hm feisty. I like it." he sneered. "you must've had a fight not too long ago didn't you?" he asked casually.

"Why would you want to know? It's not like you actually care about how other people felt." I snarked "You'd be surprised." He replied casually. At that moment, I heard a thundering boom. "What was that?" he asked me even though I was sure he knew that I didn't know."Really nigga? Ya'll gonna ask ME that?! I've been stuck here goddammit! What does a girl have to do to be understood!?!" I had a plan. Although I didn't exactly know what it was. It was like the plan was being implanted into me bit by bit. Who was doing this? I don't know anyone who can do this. 

"Get out! Get Out! GET OUT!!!!" I wasn't sure if he was yelling at me or someone or something else so I ran out of the room not wanting to stop. I had to get out but I also had to run to settle down. Running is like the only way how I can settle down and think and just clear my head and figure stuff out. So basically running is my escape. I didn't want to stop running straight. I wanted to just crash through the windown until I hit the ground. But I knew I couldn't do that since I was so far from the ground. But I want to just finish this so nobody else would get hurt or killed from me. But I couldn't. But I had to. NO! I can't do this. Not to Shade or Christianna or anybody. Especially my parents. Or at least my mom. But something was encouraging me to. I wasn't sure who it was but I felt protected. Just do it. Trust me you won't get hurt. I promise. The voice in my mind told me. I was getting closer and closer. 10 feet. 9 feet. I was getting more scared and more scared. 8 feet. I knew I was protected but I wasn't quite sure. This voice wasn't like any that I heard. It was soft and caring like they don't talk very often. 7 feet. I was getting pretty scared. Actually I was pretty terrified. 6 feet well it's too late to stop now. I'm going at my fastest. 5 feet. I was shaking now. Not knowing what was going to happen. 4 feet. I was starting to tremble. Who's there? What's going to happen to me? 3 feet. I knew I was strong so hitting the window wouldn't hurt me but I wasn't sure how hard I would hit the ground. Or how. 2 feet. I could stop but either way I would be going too fast even if I stop, I would hit the window.1 foot.

Oh my god it's right there! I hit the window shattering it. I closed my eyes not knowing what was going to happen. 

When I felt protective hands.


Shade's pov

I'm going to fucking kill him! I will fucking kill Marc. I KNOW he kidnapped her. My best friend. My half girlfriend. I guess? I don't really know. But all I know is that Marc is going to fucking die. "MARC WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?!?! I yelled at him. "What are you talking about?" He whispered "Where's Elena and Chrstianna!?!" I yelled "Hm? I heard my name?" Christianna moaned. "Chris?" I asked "What the hell do YOU want!?!" She snarked. "Oh my god. Where's Lene?" I asked. "How should I know? I've been here with Marc. And let me tell you. He's a great guy!" "He's a bitch." "Hey! I'm right here." "Shut up Marc. This doesn't concern you!" A random voice claimed. "This just got interesting!" the familiar voice. Wait a sec. "Really Lele? You tried to get us to fight?" Christianna asked. "Haha totally." She said. "Wait. What? Who's this?!" Marc asked. "Haha I'm your 'girlfriends' best friend. Her sister. Her bitch. Her side-kick. In fact I am her side-bitch. Her nigga, if you will. In fact I'm the one who will either A. give her stupid ideas, B. give her stupid advice, C. the one who goes along with her ideas no matter how stupid or idiotic they are." She said hopping off of the counter she was sitting and marched over to him to poke him hard enough that he would stutter back. 

"Any MORE questions?" She asked mainly only to him. "Yeah. What are you guys doing here?" Christianna asked "haha oh yeah ummmmmmmm. Shade? You mind explaining please!?" "I guess I thought that Marc kidnapped you guys and I had to come and help." "Wait so how is Elena here. I thought she was with you Shade." Chris asked. "Haha yeah so did I. Say Lena, how long were you with me?" "Until I stormed off to your room when you made go there and said you would take the couch. About a few minutes after that some bitch took me." "OK so how did you get out?" I asked confused. "Yeah so I don't know who it was cause they had on a black mask and like black everything. So I don't really know." "What happened to your arm?!?!" Marc asked. 

"Haha oh yeah that was where some dude grabbed me and then I ran through I window on this side. It was up high too." "YOU RAN THROUGH A HIGH WINDOW!?!?!?!" Christianna screeched in horror. "Yuppers but it's ok because somebody with a helecopter was there to save me." She replied casually. "So who was it that caputured you?" I asked. "I don't know." She muffeled through a giant muffin." "Ummmm welp awko taco." I said awkwardly "Umm welp I'm gonna go." She said awkwardly. "Haha umm yeah let's go." She said as she dragged me along.


The Fight

Elena's pov


When we got back, I smelled a familiar smell. It wasn't a pleasant reminder. But what was it from? The one dude! "He's here." I told Shade. "What? Who's here?" "The one guy that kidnapped me." "Why hello Elena." 
Mystery man said. "What the hell do you want?" Shade asked in a sketchy voice. "Ah Shade. I didn't realize you actually like her." Mystery Man said. "What are you talking about? Shade? Care to explain what this douchepants is talking about?" I asked worried. "Um well um." He started to clear his throat for an excuse. "Well um I kinda kissed you to make you fall under my power." "YOU WHAT?!?!" I screeched. "I promise that was until I realized how great and how pre-" "Save it for your REAL girlfriend." I told him between tears.

"Maybe Christi WAS right. Maybe you are a douchebag and shouldn't be trusted. And maybe I SHOULD'VE WENT WITH HER! AND NOT LISTEN TO YOU." I yelled in sobs. "Please let me explain." "There's nothing to explain. I trusted you with my heart and soul. But you ruined that. Good thing I didn't get that tattoo that you were encouraging me to get." I replied attempting to settle down but that only got me fired up even more. "I'm so sorry. Please I swear that was before I realized how similar we were." He started to tear up to. I looked around and didn't see Mystery Man. So this was his plan. To get us to fight. "Douchepants." I muttered under my breath. "Hey I might have done that but that gives you no reason to call me a douchepants." He replied coldly.

"You know if you've been paying attention, the only people that I call douchepants is Mystery Guy and do you see him hear? No. And I would never call someone who used to be my friend, or more, something like that. You didn't hear me say that to Crhisti did you? No. Because I don't call my friends that." I replied back just as cold. "I didn't" "No I know what you meant. Just don't talk to me again. I can't believe I was in love with such a nieve jerk like you!" I spat at him. I ran off without looking back although I wish I did just to see the expression on his face. But I don't care. He made me mad, lied to me, and he messed with my emotions. 

I ran off to the room I was staying in now that Brodey was better from Shade stabbing him. I wanted to go back and apologize to him but I knew I couldn't. I was mad at him and he deserves it. How could a guy so cute be such a jerk? I guess he is like every other guy. Either they're cute but jerks or ugly but nice. I had to leave. I had to find someone. Chris! She could help! I turned on my music after I slammed my door. I turned on "Try" By Colbie Caillat all the way. I couldn't even hear myself throw my suitcase that I went back for slam on the hard ground. Barely covered by the homemade rug I made for Shade. I was searching my suitcase when I felt someone's presence. I wanted to look up to see who it was but then I realized, I no longer cared. "What do you want?" I asked annoyned already. "Haha um wrong person. Sorry." The voice said. I looked up and saw the last person I would think that would show up. "Daddy?" "Hi my little sunshine." 

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused but happy at the same time. "I had to come and save you." Just then I understood what was going on. He was treating me the same way that he did when I left. "Wait. You came to 'save' me? Or did you just come back to get me to come home again?" I asked behind my shoulder as I threw all of my clothes and everything back into my suitcase sharply that was barely big enough to fit 1 month's worth of clothes. And that was when I folded it small. But I wanted to show him my point that I was mad at him for coming back and trying to get me to come home with him. "Come on Elena where are you going to stay? Well my plan was to live in Chris's and my mansion that we built, upgraded, and kept up on our own and together." I emphasized the last part so that I could show him that I could do stuff on my own. Well with a friend. More like family. But either way.

"Wait, who's Chris? Is this a boy?" "No Daddy. It's Christianna." "Oh yeah. I got rid of her." "YOU DID WHAT?!?!" I screeched. "Yeah that's who the guy that kidnapped you was going to explain." "Explain or kidnap me? He tried to make me his fucking slave." "No he couldn't have." "But he did. He told me that if I ever want to see my friends and family ever again, to do what he says." I replied. "You do not take that tone with me young lady." "Hm looks like I just did. And you can't do anything about it because I'm not living under your roof. Not your roof, not your rules. Just leave. I was better without you before up until now. Sure I miss you but I don't want to keep fighting with you. It's not right. We shouldn't be fighting like this. And I don't want to do anything that would hurt you or me." "But you already did. By leaving." "Daddy, you and I both know that I left for the best." "But-" "Please just leave or move so that I can." I turned around to grab my bag when I saw that it was gone. "Where's my bag?! Why did you take my bag!?" "What are you talking about?" "My bag was right here. And now it's gone. Grrrr. BRODEY GET IN HERE NOW!!" I yelled. He popped in silently right after I called for him. "Whats up?" "Where's my bag?" 

"Which bag?" He asked with a slight smile. "You kow what I'm talking about." "Oh alright let me go and grab it." 

The New House

 Christanna's pov

"Hello?" I answered my phone groggily wishing that I hadn't stayed up all night talking to Marc about Elena. "Chris it's me." The voice answered. I didn't have to wake up that much to know that it was Lena. "Lels? What happened? What's going on? Where are you?" I asked suddnely awake. She sniffled a few times and took a few shaky breaths. "I was going to leave cause Shade never actually liked me. It was all just a sham." That bitch. I'm going to kill him if it's the last thing I do. "What happened?" "Well I was going to leave but then my dad came and then he tried to 'save' me like he did last time when I almost got killed. And so I got mad and then he got mad and now I'm at the Face. Can you come get me?" "Of course. I'll be there in a few." I got there in 5 minutes flat when originally it would take me about half an hour. 

 "God damn woman. I didn't realize that it would take you so long." She told me. When I got there, she was drinking her favorite, a cinnamon vanilla nut hot chocolate. "Oh shut up and get in." I replied happy that she was safe. When we got in she was oddly quiet espically since she was wide awake. Awake and drinking her hot coco. "Alright spill. What happened to make you this quiet? You're never ever this quiet not even in your sleep." "Alright. I've been having weird dreams about Mystery Man. And like it's snippets from the past. Like before the accident." "OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!" I screeched. "You haven't been able to remember anything! What is it? What happened!?!" "Well um we were at a beach. Holding hands. And he wasn't all dark and mysteryious. Well he was but not in this creepy weird way he is now. And right before I woke up, he kissed me and it wasn't like a oh my god where did this come from kiss. It was a similar kiss that I remember; like we've done it before and I kissed him back. Oh my god. What the heck was going on with her? We got to the house in an hour and a half. "Holy shit! This is the new house?!?!" "Haha yup it sure is. You like?" "Like?! I LOVE!!!" She squealed. I showed her up to her room and let her get all situated. While she was doing that, I went downstairs to turn on her favorite movie, Divergent.

When all of a sudden I heard a crash upstairs. Not too long after that, I heard someone scream. But not just anyone, Elena. I couldn't tell if it was just one of her excited screams or one of her scared ones or a mixture of both. But I decided to go and investigate. So I decided to go invisible and check things out. "Come out Christianna. I know you're there." "Gr-Greyson?" I asked in disbelief. "In the flesh." "Oh my god." I whispered doubtfully. "I can't believe it's actually you! I thought you went with the rest of your family to Mexico!" I asked. "Yeah well I was going to but then I started dating somebody and I couldn't just leave her. I love her." He said glancing at Elena when he thought that I wasn't looking. "Who?! Who was- or is- it?!" I asked excited. 

"Well, let me start off with that since Elena doesn't remember who I am, my name's Greyson." He said.

How I lost her (I think)

Greyson's P.O.V

"Why do I need to know that?" Elena asked snarkily. "Because I know that it will help later when I can help you remember everything." I replied calmly. "How would you help me. And why would I want you to help considering that you tried to make me you slave? And you just broke into my room. Through my window?" "I was seeing if you still had your powers and I see obviously that you do." I replied a little annoyed. "So? You have no right to do that especially what you did to her." Christianna said scolding me. "Yes I understand that but it wasn't my plan it was Shade's." I replied "You little bastardly bitch! You did this to me! You ruined my first chance at a real boyfriend since I moved! Especially one that didn't cheat on me. Or lie to me! Like YOU DID!!" Elena screamed at me her anger boiling to the breaking point. "Yes I see that but-" "But what?" Yup she's pissed now. I was racking my brain trying to find the words that I wanted to say. "that's what I thought now get out of my room now before I make you." She said coldly.

I looked over at Christianna for help but all that I saw was a sympathetic look and sorry written all over it. "Ok. If that's what you want." I said sadly. I went downstairs only to find Shade looking down at his phone with a worried look. "You." He spat like he just ate a bad hamburger. "Haha good luck trying to get her. You'll never find her." I sneered acting as if I caputured her. "Cacaw Cacaw!" He randomly screeched. "Cacee Cacee." Went the reply. "Yup I knew it. You didn't capture her. She's in her room." He told me as if he was the smartest person in the world.

Before I could leave, he stopped me and said," I don't know what you did to her to make me come here but no matter what you do anymore, Elena will always hate you for now and forever." And ran upstairs. 


Actually Explaining Everything

 Shade's POV

I got up to Elena's room only to find her alone and crying into a picture I gave her of us when we were little. "Hey what happened with him?" She took a little bit to slow her crying to sniffling. "Well um he told me that he did everything to get me to remember and that the whole reason why he made me mad at you was because he wasn't approving of you and me together and I told him that he wasn't my father and that he couldn't control my life because it's my life and until he can figure out how to change that then he can get out and he said that he was going to find a way to and then-" As soon as she was going to say what he actually did (I think,) I heard a scream coming from downstairs. "What did she do this time?" She asked running downstairs.

I got down there only to see that Elena had this serious look on her face that kinda made me scared. Although I couldn't see anything, I ran in front of her intending to protect her when she side stepped me and gave me a look that could only mean 'i got this.' So I ran over to the couch to watch her walk around in a slow circle as if she was in a boxing fight. a few seconds later, she put her hands up into fists. What is she going to fight with? It was weird she could see whoever it was but I couldn't.

"Show yourself you idiot!!!" She yelled annoyed. "alright have it your way." She replied in a sort of satisfied way after a 10 minutes. She made all the metals fly at amazing speed to just midair which apparently was a body. As soon as it hit the person, they became visible again. "BRODEY!?!?!" Christianna yelled. "What the hell??" Elena had that look like she was about to kill someone. She was about to punch him when I grabbed her arm at the last minute. "Let. Me. Go. Now."  She said threatening at me. Her words cut into me like I was butter and she was a knife. Brodey gave her a smug look which made her freak more. No more than 5 minutes after that, Brodey was on the ground with every single metallic piece of object in the house was either wrapped tightly around him or pointed at him ready to attack. 

"I just-I just had to ask Ch-Chris a question." He said fighting for air. I looked over at Elena to talk to her alone, when I saw an angry look across her face. "Elena-please." He whispered desperately. "Why?" She asked in a serious tone. "Let him go." Christianna said with a serious tone. "Fine. But if he tries to attack you, I'm going to kill him." She replied still unsure of her desicion. Elena let him go but she stayed where she was-right in front of Christianna. "Lena." Chris said softly putting her arm on her shoulder. "It's ok. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." "I know I just. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I felt a twang of jealousy at Christianna because of that line. "Christianna. I've had a crush on you for I don't know how long." Brodey said blushing slightly. "Bud we've known eachother for about 4 months. I kinda figured it out when I was taking care of your arm when Shade stabbed you." She said glaring at me. "And it's ok. I like you too." 

Broken Heart

Elena's P.O.V

I was walking around Vertlock when I got a call from an Interneship I was trying to get in Roselake. Roselake was across the country. "Hello?" Yes is this the Roselake Crime Stoppers calling about the internship that you applied for. And we decied to accept you. Welcome to the team Ms. Kimbrough. Be here in two months or we will have to give up your internship to the next person." She said. "Th-thank you. This is such an honor to be accepted!" I nearly screeched. As soon as I hung up, I texted Chris to meet me at the Face. "Hey. What did you have to tell me?" She asked. "Well. Um. I got the internship in Roselake." I told her. "That's amazing! I'm so proud of you! When did you hear back?" Chris asked. "About an hour ago actually." I told her, happy that she wasn't mad. "What can I get you two?" A waiter asked. "I'll take a Vanilla Coffee please." I told him. "Ok. And you?" He directed at Christi. "I'll just take a hot sweet tea please." "A vanilla coffee and hot tea coming right up. Any cookies, brownies, cupcakes?" he asked a little to kind. "We're good with the drinks." Christi said a little more on the cold side. "All right." The guy said backing up. "What was that about?" I asked. "Oblivious much?" She said kind of annoyed. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Ugh. He was hitting on you waiter style." Chris said like she had to repeat it a million times. 

"What ever." I said totally occupied again with my phone. "Are you ever going to tell him?" Chris asked. "I don't know. I mean I know I'm going to have to soon but I just don't know how to." "You sound tired." She said. "Nah just a little worried. That's all. Promise." "How long have you been awake?" She asked worried about me. "Umm. 2 or 3 days I think." "Seriously?!? Why so long?" "Cause that's how long I've been stressing over all this." "What do you mean all this?" "Well I can't stop thinking about the fight that me and Greyson had. I don't know why but I just can't stop thinking about it." "Then talk to him. Explain. He'll understand." She told me. "Are you sure? I mean, he seemed like he didn't want to talk to me after I kicked him out." I looked back at Greyson's name deciding whether or not to call him. "I'll be back." I told her standing up. I walked out of the Face to call Greyson. "Hello?" He answered a little tired. "Greyson? First off, what have you been doing to make you breathless." "Just working out." He answered. "Umm no comment. And second, I'm got applied to the Roselake Crime Stoppers!" "That's awesome! We gotta go out before you leave. Just as friends?" "Just as friends." I replied. "I gotta make one more call but text me the plans. I leave in two months. Byee." "Bye." He replied. I decided to call Shade next. "Hey Shade. It's me. We have talked for a little bit, but um, I got accepted to the Rosewood Crime Stoppers Internship. So when you get this, give me call alright? Bye." I said sadly. I walked back in to see my Chris holding my coffee and her tea in her hands and walking towards the door. "Come on." She instructed pointing towards the door. "Where are we going?" "You're going to talk to Shade." She explained. "What? Why? I just called him. He didn't answer." I tried to explain. "Ya only cause he called me to ask if I could take you over there. I guess he called when you called him. He sounded kind of frantic." "Then why are we going so slowly? Hurry it up a little bit!" I practically yelled at her.


The fight

Shade's pov

I was sitting at home watching a movie when I heard it. The crash. It came in like a bomb blowing. I don't know why I didn't hear it or notice it until now, but I'm thinking it was because of Elena. Ever since I went to her house, she hasn't gotten out of my head. I don't know why, but she's always there. But I looked up only to see Greyson standing there, sneering. "What do you want? Haven't you already ruined my life enough?" I growled. "Nah. I like to see my little brother." "Is that all?" I asked sarcastically. "You should know me, that's never all. I want you to tell Elena to forget you and to go out with me." He instructed like he could actually make me do that. "And what makes you think that I would actually do that?" "This." He said before punching me square in the jaw. I felt it to find it bruised. "I hope you understand what you're doing. You know I'm the better fighter between us." "Not anymore little bro." At that moment, I jumped over the couch and swung at his face. I didn't know where. I just knew that I hit something because at that moment, I heard a crack. "Shit! You broke my face!" Grey yelled in agony. 

"Shade?! Greyson?! What's going on?!" Elena yelled in surprise. I guess I can't really blame her. We were covered in blood. "Nothing of your concern." Greyson snapped at her."Don't talk to her that way." I growled at him. "Hey. It's all right. I can handle myself. I big girl. Just this morning I tied my own shoes." She said sarcastically, but in the softest voice I've ever heard. "Haha. I know, it's just." I sighed. "I guess whenever I hear him talk like that, it reminds me of when we were kids and he woud hurt me." I finished right before Greyson threw another punch at My back. "Shade!" Elena screamed at me. "Use my real name." I told her. "I don't know what it is." "Yes you do." "No." "Think!" I was trying to think of before the accident, but I just couldn't. "I need help!" She said straining her voice. "You can do this! I love you Lele!" I yelled punching the now bloodied up Greyson. "It- it starts with A." "Yes!" I practically yelled. "A-Anderson?" She asked a little too hopeful. "No but try again."

I told her dodging a punch straight towards my spine. "Alex? Alex! Your name's Alex!" She said excited. I punched Greyson in the gut causing him to fall to the ground in defeat. "Alex! You did it!" She squealed. I took a step forward, when I remembered that I was covered in blood so I took a step back. "I would give you a hug, but I'm kinda covered in blood." Right after I said that, she practically jumped into my arms. "I knew you could do it." She whispered in my ear. "Shade!" She screamed as she pulled me down. The next thing I knew, Elena was screaming in agony while clutching her left shoulder. "Elena!" I screamed. Or at least I thought I did. Turns out it was Chris screaming while I was standing there in horror. "You mother fucking monster!" I lunged at Greyson when I was stopped mid-air. "Knock it off! We have to get Elena to the hospital. NOW!" Chris barked. I thought about saying something smart-assy but I decided not to since her best friend is kind of shot. 


The Truth Comes Out

Elena's POV

 "Where am I?" I asked surprised at my grogginess. "Sweetie, your in the hospital." A deep voice told me. "Oh." I said before drifting away to the blackness behind my eyes. I awoke more aware of my surroundings. I tried to sit up, only to ind a searing pain. "Agh! My shoulder!" I screamed. "Hey. Hey Elena, it's ok. Just lay back down." The voice said softly. "Who are you?" I asked suddenly aware of where I was, but not who I was with. "Haha. I'm the protector of all protectors! The one who protects the most famous of them all. Like Rudolph!" Shade said. "Shade knock it off." I said chuckling quietly. "Fine. Ruin my fun why don't you." "Gladly." I joked. "Knock, knock!" A cheerful voice sang. "Ugh. What do you want? I have an earsplitting headache." I lied so that she would shut up. "Sorry." She whispered. 

"How's my favorite patient?" She asked me. "Fine." I said coldly. "Wow. Somebody's a little grouchy today." She said still in a good mood. "Sorry. She doesn't trust new people." He covered, glancing at me. "Oh well that's alright." She said checking my vitals. She wrote some stuff down. "Hey. What are you writing? I thought certain powers were in certain fields- the ones where they didn't have to write anything down." I asked confused. "Yes but this is for our interns. So they can understand how it all works." She explained still writing. "Now I'm going to add some anesthesia." The woman said when we got into the surgery room. "Why?" I asked like I was 5 "Well, we need to get the bullet out of you." She said sweetly. I thought they already got it out and that's why my arm was wrapped up. "Can you count down from 100 for me?" "100-99-98-97-96. 95-ninety-ninety four." I said the numbers getting slower and slower until they finally stopped. But yet, I could still see what they could do. Weird. The gun shot's still fresh. I looked up at the speaker surprised to hear AC/DC. All of sudden, I saw one of them shaking me yelling "Stay with us. Stay with us Sweetheart! We're trying to our part! Now do yours! WE NEED A CRASH CART IN HERE STAT! Charge! Clear!" Clear for what? "PUSH 1 OF EPI!" A doctor yelled. After a few minutes,"PUSH 2 OF EPI! CLEAR!" "No response!" A girl doctor yelled. After a few more tries, I heard, "PUSH 10 OF EPI! CLEAR!" "But Doctor-" "NO BUTS! THIS IS MY NEICE FOR GOD'S SAKE! WE NEED TO SAVE HER!" After hearing that, I guess my heart rate came back because I heard "We don't need it. She's back to normal!" Hm. I don't remember dying, but alright.

That was the last thing i remembered before I awoke with a scream. "Hey. Hey it's alright. I'm right here. It's alright. It was just a dream." Shade whispered to me, stroking my hair. I forgot the way he would play with my hair. I forgot the way he felt. How his lips felt against mine. How nicely my hand fit into his. I forgot everything about us. "Were we dating?" "Hm?" He asked totally occupied with some show on the television on the wall in front of me. "Were we dating?" I repeated. "When? What are you talking about?" He asked concentrating on me. "When I was staying with you and Brodey in your old house. Were we dating?" I thought about the first time we kissed when Christianna came to save me. "I don't know. I do know though, that I'm kind of missing that." He looked away 'at his phone' blushing. "Me too." I whispered. He looked back at me and the next thing I knew, we were kissing. I felt his lips, soft at the touch. His lips tasted like normal, the Andes Chocolates from when we were little. How he got that taste, I have absolutely no idea. 

"Hey how do you get your mouth to taste like Andes mints?" I asked when we were done. "Umm. What?" He asked confused and entertained all at the same time. "I'm serious. Your mouth tastes like Andes." I said in the most concerned voice I could muster. I hope he doesn't notice that I'm also a little entertained. "Well, it takes a little bit of practice but first I EAT Andes mint chocolates then I kiss you." He said like he was teaching a pack of monkeys how to open a banana. "Don't try to talk to me like I'm a monkey." I joked still amused. "I miss this." I said after we were done having the conversation. "Hm?" He asked destracted by something on his phone. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked knowing that he was talking to some chick. "Nothing. Just my dad's been really sick." He lied. "Come on. I know it's a chick. Who is it?" "An old friend." He said slowly "Don't be amazed." I said worried suddenly. He took a deep breath probably to stall. "Ok. I'm engaged. Or at least i was." He said looking down at his shoes. 

"What?" I said calmly although on the inside I wanted to punch his guts in. "Elena please let me explain." He said tears threatening to overflow. "Fine." I said a little too coldly. He blinked the tears away-or attempted to. "Well after the crash, the doctors said that you might not make it and if you do, you wouldn't remember me. So I decided that either way, we probably would never see each other again and I decided to move on." "How long." "What?" "How long were you guys together?" I whispered "Six months." "Six months and you decided to get married!?" I practically yelled. "I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry." He was the one whispering now. "Get out." I said rolling over to my other side. I was in excrutiating pain, but I didn't care, I wanted to make my point. "What?" He whispered. "Get out!" I yelled behind my shoulder. 



 Shade's pov

 I walked out trying not to cry. Hard. When I got out of the hospital, I ran. I ran like no other. I ran like I didn't have an evil brother. Like I didn't have to worry about my girlfriend- or whatever she is. Like I didn't have all of this to worry about. Like all I had to do was worry about my studies and making my powers stronger. Like it was just me again. That was the last thing I remembered. When I awoke again, I felt very talkative. "Where am I? Why am stuck? I-" "Shut up!" A voice screeched "Sorry. Who are you?" I thought about the voice more and more. "Melissa?" "In the flesh!" She giggled. "Why?" "Why what? Why are you tied up in my- our house?" "Ya." "Cause you broke off our wedding for a girl who may or may not still be in love with you and who may or may not wake up." 

"She did wake up! And she did remember me. Just not immediately. But we did fall in love!" "LIES!" She ran to me and slapped me. Hard. "Oow!" I yelled back at her. That was the last thing I remembered before blacking out.

Last Chance

 Elena's pov

"I don't care. I'm going to get him. I've lost him once. I'm not going to lose him again." I told Chris. "But you're still hospital ridden!" She argued keeping me in my bed. "I swear, if you don't let go of me, I will throw you across the room." I looked straight into her eyes, challenging her. "All right." She said letting go and stepping back. I already had all of the needles out of my arms. So when I got up, I ran out as fast as possible. "Hey! Get back to your room!" A guard yelled. I looked back and kept on running harder. "Good luck!" Chris yelled when she got out of the room with all of our stuff to take it all home. I waved back and kept on running.



End of book 1


Texte: Hannah W
Bildmaterialien: Bookrix
Lektorat: Hannah W
Übersetzung: n/a
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.05.2016

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