
“Calvin, I have to go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow at school,” Nicole said.
“Okay. I love you. Bye,” Calvin said quickly because he was excited to get off of the phone.
I love you too. Bye.”
As soon as Nicole said bye Calvin hung up the phone. It barely took him five seconds to dial Breanna’s number.
“Hey baby,” Calvin said in a flirtatious voice.
“Hey. Why it took so long for you to call me? You were supposed to call ten minutes ago,” Breanna said with an attitude.
“I’m sorry, but you know that Nicole talks a lot.”
“I know. Why don’t you just break up with her? I’m tired of having to hide “us” from everyone all because of her.”
“I’m going to break up with her soon. Then everyone will know how I fell about my baby.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you and only you sweetie.”
“I’ll call you back later.”
“Okay. Bye.”
Calvin lays in his bed thinking about how good he has it. For the past three and a half years, Calvin has been with Nicole. But for the past year, he has been with Breanna without Nicole ever finding out. He went to sleep thinking that he will never get caught. Even though his own arrogance has kept him from figuring out that Nicole found out about Breanna right after they hooked up.
“Real playas never get caught,” he said as he closed his eyes.

The next day at school, Breanna was determined to break up Calvin and Nicole. She tried everything that she could think of, but none of it worked. At lunch she took it too far.
“Hey baby,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear. Then, she jumped on him, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed him.
Everyone ran to find Nicole to tell her what happened, but she witnessed the entire thing from the corner table.
“Why don’t you just break up with him? You know you can do better,” Mya, Nicole’s best friend told her.
“Mya, believe it or not, I am doing better,” Nicole said with a smile.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll find out Friday at Prom.”
The rest of the day went by fast. Nicole actually enjoyed her day until Calvin called that night. The first three times she rejected the call, but she finally answered when she realized that he wasn’t going to give up.
“Boy what do you want?”
“Why you talking to me like that?”
“Just say what you want before I hang up.”
“You ain’t stupid enough to hang up in my face. But anyways, I …”
Nicole hung up the phone in the middle of his sentence and turned it off. Calvin tried calling back, but it went straight to voicemail.
“This yo girl, Nicole. I wasn’t able to answer, so leave a message and I’ll call you back later. Bye!”
“Hey Nicole. This is Calvin. I know that you’re mad at me right now, but I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I did break up with Breanna. I know I was wrong for trying to cheat on you, but that was a mistake. Nobody’s perfect and I’m truly sorry. I’ll never do it again. I love you so much and I would love it if you will go to prom with me. So when you get a chance, please call me back.”
Calvin hung up the phone convinced that Nicole would be calling him back that night. Now he had to deal with Breanna. He called her ready to set her straight.
“Hey baby. What’s up?” Breanna said when she answered.
“Girl, what was your stupid tail thinking. You got me caught and now Nicole won’t even speak to me. The whole school’s gonna be talking about this until after graduation. So tell me what in the world were you thinking today?”
“I though t that’s what you wanted. You were taking too long to break up with Nicole on your own, so I took matters into my own hands. After what I did you should be thanking me.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was supposed to thank you for ruining my relationship with Nicole. Trick, listen and listen good ‘cause I’m just gonna say this one time. You are not my girlfriend or anything close to it. You’re just the sideline girl that keeps me satisfied in ways that Nicole won’t. If you think that you can be that girl that can me make a one woman man, you are sadly mistaken. I’m not that type of man, and you surely ain’t the type anyone would take home to meet their momma. So learn your position in my life and stay in it ‘cause if you don’t, trust me, there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I understand, but …”
“Then good-bye.”
After Calvin hung up the phone, Breanna kept calling back. Finally Calvin got upset with seeing Breanna’s number and not Nicole’s that he turned his phone off. He finally realized how bad he messed up. It wasn’t like he really cared about Breanna or Nicole that much, but he was really looking forward to prom night with Nicole.
Calvin stayed up until two Wednesday morning thinking of a way to get Nicole back by Friday. They didn’t have to stay together no longer than the weekend, so it made a plan semi-easier to think of. Finally, he came up with the perfect plan. He was convinced that she would be begging him to take her back by Thursday at the latest.

At school that day, Nicole was happier than she has been in a long time. She was ecstatic about the prom Friday.
“You know that boy had the nerve to call me and catch an attitude. Then when I hung up in his face, he called back and asked me to prom,” Nicole told Mya.
“Please don’t say you told him that you would go with him.”
“No! I’m not that crazy. I don’t even know what I saw in him in the first pace.”
“A cute face, sexy eyes, the cutest smile, and a body that would make you slap your momma. Plus, he had a sports car and already the varsity basketball captain when he was just a freshman,” Mya said listing all the things that made Nicole miss Calvin’s doggish ways in the beginning.
“Whatever. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I am, but you know that it’s the truth. What’s that?” Mya said when they made it to Nicole’s locker.
“It looks like a letter and a rose.”
“I know that, but I wonder who it’s from.”
“I already know.” Nicole grabs the letter and rose hoping that she’s wrong. She began to open it until she saw the writing on the outside proving her suspicions right. Inside a big heart it said, “To- Nicole. From- Calvin. I love you.”
“I’m not even going to read this.”
“Why not?”
“It’s from Calvin and I already know what it says. ‘Nicole I love you.’ ‘I miss you.’ ‘I’m so sorry.’ I’m not bout to let him ruin my day.”
“Well he’s not gonna ruin mine so let me read it.”
“Wow. You’re such a good friend Mya,” Nicole said with each word dripping with sarcasm while she rolled her eyes.
“I know. You want me to read it to you? You know what, it doesn’t matter ‘cause I’m gonna do it anyway. So be quiet and listen.
“Dear Nicole,
I know that I messed up, and I’m so sorry. Please believe me when I say that I love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my whole life. I don’t only love you; I’m completely in love with you. The only reason I cheated was because I was scared. Scared of how I felt. I’m really, truly sorry. Breanna doesn’t mean anything to me. You mean the world to me and I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you. Please Nicole, I don’t want to lose you. Take me back.
“Can you believe that fool. Like a letter and a rose can really get me back.”
“Well at least he tried. He always did fight for what he wanted.”
“Yeah, well this is a fight that he is destined to lose regardless of what he do.”
“I have to get to class,” Mya says after noticing Calvin behind Nicole.
“Hey Nicole. I see you got my letter.”
“I got it, but it didn’t help you any. Calvin, it’s over. It’s been over so it’s time that you accept that and move on. So leave me alone.”
“But Breanna, I love you. What about prom? Please don’t leave me.”
Nicole turned around with anger in her eyes. “Who did you just call me?”
“Nicole. That’s your name and that’s what I called you”
“No, you didn’t. You called me Breanna.” Nicole stepped up to him ready to punch him. “Listen, your other girls might not mind you calling them out their name, but I’m not them, and I do mind. So the next time you even try to talk to me, you better get my name right or else.” Nicole storms off to her first class anticipating the end of the day. She thought that her day couldn’t get worst, but when she walked into class and saw a substitute with a pile of work on her desk. She braced herself for a long and hard day.

Thursday was the day before prom. Calvin was starting to get nervous about Nicole. It seemed like nothing he tried worked and he was running out of time. This was going to be his last attempt because he was 110% positive that this would work. Even if she didn’t mean it, she wouldn’t embarrass him in front of the whole school.
“Everyone, my I please have your attention,” Calvin said in the middle of the cafeteria. “Nicole, will you please come here for a moment. I know that I messed up, and I’m sorry. Nicole, I love you. I love you so much that I want to give you this. I promise not to hurt you or cheat on you ever again. I promise to spend the rest of my life with you. Nicole, will you please wear this ring as a token of our love for each other?”
“Boy, you must be out of your mind. You cheated on me for over a year, you call me by another girl’s name, and you have the nerve to expect me to wear your promise ring. No! A thousand times no! We aren’t even together anymore,” Nicole storms out of the cafeteria needing to calm down.
“Come on Nicole, give me a second chance. I’m sorry,” Calvin pleads as he chases after her.
Nicole stopped mid-stride and looked at him. “I did give you a second chance. Remember when we hooked up the first time our freshman year? We broke up because you were dating Jamyria. Remember, you said… No, you promised that you wouldn’t cheat on me anymore and we hooked back up again.”
“I’m sorry Nicole. Please just…”
“Please nothing. It’s over, and for good this time.”
Calvin finally gave up and went to find Breanna. He was going to find a date for prom even if it took all day. He went to Breanna’s favorite place to be at lunch, the fountain in the school’s garden.
“Hey Breanna. What’s up?”
Breanna turned around surprised to see Calvin after what he had told her. “What do you want Calvin?”
“I just wanted to know how you were doing.”
“I’m doing just fine, since I’m not with your trifling tail no more,” Breanna said staring Calvin straight in the eyes. Then she turns around to walk away.
“Why I got to be trifling?”
Stopping dead in her tracks, she turns around and goes off on Calvin. “I called you trifling because that’s what you are. For the past year, you’ve cheated on Nicole for me. The entire time you kept saying, ‘I’m gonna break up with her soon’ or ‘I can’t right now. She’s going through a lot.’ You knew what you were doing. You weren’t gonna break up with her at all.
“When I finally realized that, I took matters into my own hands. I made it top priority to break y’all up. Then when you called me a trick and said that I was nothing, you went too far. I called Nicole and told her everything. Believe it or not, she knew the whole time. And when she told me something else, I couldn’t help but to laugh. All I can tell you is you’ll have a great surprise tomorrow at prom.” Breanna walked off with a big smile on her face.
Calvin just stood there looking confused. “What could that girl mean? Nicole might be planning to tell me that she wants me back. I got that girl sprung even though she won’t admit it,” he told himself as he walked to class.

“Hey Mya. I love your dress,” Nicole said as she walked into the gym turned wonderland.
“Hey Nicole. Your dress is cute too. So where’s your date, or did you come alone?”
“I thought you knew me better than that. You know I didn’t come alone. Travis should be here any second. He was parking the car.”
“Travis? Who’s Travis?”
“Travis is the one who gave me this promise ring last year for Valentine’s Day.”
“Hey,” Travis said as he stepped behind Nicole and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek.
“H-H-Hey. You must be Travis. I’m … I’m…”
“She’s Mya,” Nicole said helping her disoriented friend out.
“Nicole, can you come with me for just a second?”
“Yeah, Mya. Excuse us, Travis.”
“Girl, where did you find him? How long have you had him? Does he have any brothers or cousins that look like him? Am I dreaming ‘cause he is fine?”
“I found him after one of his football games. I’ve had him for about three years. No, he doesn’t have any brothers, but he has a cousin that looks a lot like him. And, no, you ain’t dreaming. I know he’s fine.”
“Hold on. Why haven’t I heard about Travis before now if you’ve had him for three years?”
“Because you can’t hold ice water. I didn’t want everybody to know my business especially since I was technically still with Calvin.”
“I wouldn’t have told anybody that. So, did he know about Calvin?”
“Yeah, he knew. He understood that I was in an unhappy relationship and I didn’t know how to get out of it. It was worst than anybody knew and he understood that and was patient with me. But honestly, I didn’t really love Calvin; I just liked him. I was just with him because I was expected to be with him. I really do love Travis.”
“Okay, let’s get a little less serious and talk about how Travis is gonna be mine by the end of the night.”
“Yeah, whatever. Come on and let’s get back to the party.”
When Nicole and Mya made it back to Travis, he was talking to Calvin.
“Hey baby. Everything okay?” Travis asked Nicole when she made it behind Calvin.
Calvin turned around to see who he was talking to until he heard a familiar voice say, “Yeah. Everything’s perfect.”
“Travis, Nicole is your girlfriend?” Calvin asked in shock.
“Yeah, why?”
“How long have y’all been together?”
“Three years and one month,” Nicole said wrapping her arm around Travis’s waist with a smile.
All of a sudden Calvin punches Travis in the right jaw. All anyone heard was “bam!” When Travis realized what happened, he punched Calvin four times, once in both eyes, one in the chin, and once in the jaw. That last punch knocked Calvin unconscious. After five minutes, Calvin woke up with his whole face swollen. He stood up surrounded by Travis, Nicole, Mya, and Breanna.
“I told your trifling tail you was gonna get a surprise,” Breanna said with a smile of satisfaction on her face.
He turned and looked at Nicole with sorrow in his eyes and all that came out of his mouth was, “Why? Why, Nicole? Why?”
“Why?! Why did you cheat on me with my best friend when we first hooked up? Why did you cheat on me with the same girl for a year? Why did you think that you can hit me and expect me not to say anything about it? After all the crap you have done, you have the nerve to ask me why.”
“That was different Nicole. I should’ve known something was up when you insisted on not wearing the ring I got you for your birthday. Remember, you said it was too small, but the one your aunt gave you is the same size and you wear it.”
“Well I lied. I really didn’t want to wear that ugly ring, but thanks anyway. And my aunt didn’t give me this. Travis did last year for Valentine’s Day. That’s right. I didn’t want to wear your promise ring because I was already wearing his,” Nicole said flashing the ring in the light so Calvin could see. “And how was it different when you cheated on me?”
“They didn’t mean anything to me. It was just a game to me.”
“Well it looks like I’m better at that game than you ‘cause you got caught and I didn’t.” After that Nicole and Travis walked off hand in hand.
“You can’t cheat on me for over three years and expect me not to be pissed off. Come back her. I’m still talking to you,” Calvin said pleading with her.
“There’s nothing left to talk about. So don’t hate the playa, baby boy, hate the game,” Nicole said over her shoulder.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.03.2012

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