
Chapter One

'"I've warned you Jason, if you disobey me then I'd have to punish you," my best friend Alex says as he finishes attaching chains to my legs and arms.

"Ma-ma-master please," I stutter out, as I watched him grab for the whip.

"You hurt me Jason," Alex says leaning in closer to me. He place his lips to mine then pulls away. With a flick of his wrist the whip makes contact with my skin and I whimper in pleasure.'

I shot awake, my erection protruding out of my shorts. "What the fuck.." I whisper to myself. I don't know why I just had a dream about me and my best friend like that but it happened and it kinda scares me. I mean its not like I'm a homophobe, I'm just not gay. I hop up and get into the shower instantly. I needed to cool down. My shower cleared my head and I was able to think clearly. After my relaxing calming shower I got dressed and headed down stairs to get something to eat then head off to school. When I got there Alex still wasn't there and I was glad for that. I don't think I could handle seeing him at that moment. Just then I see my friend Hunter and, his all to clingy girlfriend, Amber walking my way.

"Hey man. What's up," Hunter asks.

"Nothing," I say, "Hey man have you ever had a wet dream about someone you probably should never think about in that why?"

"Maybe once or twice. Why," He asks.

"Oh nothing. Just was kinda wonde..." My sentence was cut short when I caught eyes with the one and only Abigail Winterfel, the hottest most popular chick in school.

"Heyy Jason," Abigail says with a wink. I stutter over a hey as she walks past me to her class.

"Dude she's free. Go get her," Hunter says.

"Before I do," I hear from behind me. I turn around and there practically standing on top of me was Alex. I jumped away from him. I'm still not ready to face him after that dream.. What am I going to do..?

"You ok man? I don't think I've ever seen you jump that high in my life," Alex says.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting you to be standing so close behind me," I respond.

"Ok," Alex says. I could here it in his voice that he didn't believe me but i wished he had because he was just gonna ask about it later. I for one was not looking forward to that. I mean like what was I supposed to say. Something like "it just i had the wierdest dream about you and me last night," and have to explain it to him hell no. 

I mean like how do you tell your best friend your having wet dreams about him. Uh you don't. I'll probably just come up with some bull shit answer and hopes he believes me. 

I couldn't take being around Alex much longer. I had to get out of there and I'm sure everyone could tell I was starting to get nervous. 

"Man what is up with you," Alex spoke up again. 

"Nothing, I have to get going to class," I said taking off torwards my first hour class. 

*Time Gap*

I had worked so hard to avoid Alex all morning, but now I'm dreading going to my next class. It was now time for gym and of course it was one of the few classes I actually had with Alex. Why did I have to have classes with him. Ugh he's gonna start asking questions. What the fuck am I supposed to tell him. 

"Hey man," Alex says walking up to me as I got closer to the gym.

"Hey," I say.

"Whats up man?? It seems as if you've been avoiding me all morning," Alex says.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I guess I just haven't ran into you," I say acting like I haven't been avoiding him. 

"Dude I've been to your locker like four times and every time you see me and walk the other way. You've been avoiding me," Alex says.

"Ok fine I've been avoiding you because this morning was just awkward and I'd rather not have to answer questions I don't know the answer to," I snap.

"Man I wasn't even going to bring that up. I've just been trying to spend time with my best friend and you've been avoiding all morning," Alex says.

"Well how in the world was I supposed to know that," I ask irratated. With that I walk into the locker room to change and then head into the gym. Today we were running laps again. Thats all we've been doing lately. 

Chapter Two


I made it through the rest of the day without having Alex ask a single question, thank god. I was now at home relaxing in my room playing Exo zombies (Advanced Warfare for those of you who don't know Call of Duty) on my xbox. After a while I got bored and pulled out my phone. I searched through my contacts to see if there was anyone I wanted to hang out with. Of course the first person that came to mind was Alex,so I shot him a text.

J: 'Hey man'

A: 'Whats up bro'

J: 'Just bored of playing Exo Zombies'

A: 'Well want to hang'

J: 'Shur'

A: 'Come pick me up. Mom took my car cuz my grades are slipping' 

J: 'Be right over'

With that I grabbed my hoodie because it was a little nippy outside grabbed my car keys and headed over to Alex's house. It only took a few minutes because we only lived a few blocks away from each other.

J: 'I'm outside'

A: 'Be out in a min.'

J: 'Alright man'

A few minutes later Alex comes walking out the door in his sexy studded leather jacket and a pair of black skinny jeans. Alex hopped into the car and we drove of. 

"Where to man," I ask him trying not to look at him. Of course that didn't work. Out of the corner of my eye I kept sneaking peaks at him. Damn why did he have to look so hot. I was practically eye raping him but he didn't seem to notice. 

"Lets go to the mall. Maybe we could pick up some chicks plus it looks like you need a trip to Hot Topic and Spencers," Alex says. I quickly look away from him and agree. With that we headed to the mall. 

*At the Mall*

"Hey man I'm gonna go make my runs to Hot topic and Spencers. You coming," I say to alex as we walk into the mall.

"Naw you go I'm going to see about finding us a couple girls," Alex says.

"Alright," I say heading off in the direction of Spencer's. Ha he's going to try and find me a girl to peak my interest when he's all I want. The minute that thought popped into my head I quickly shoved it away. I wonder if theres a party going on tonight, I just need to clear my head. I texted Hunter to see if he knew of any parties tonight.

J: 'Hey man'

H: 'Whats up man'

J: 'Not a lot'

H: 'Anything you need?'

J: 'Yea. Is there any parties that you know about tonight?'

H: 'Of course. Hmu later and we'll go'

J: 'Sounds like a plan man'

After that I put away my phone and head into Spencer's. Of course the first place I go is to the body piercings section and look to see if there was anything I wanted. I found a few pairs of tapers that I've been wanting for awhile. I had the lady at the cash register pull them out for me as well as a few new lip rings. Then I went back to the back of the store. (If you've ever been in Spencer's you know whats back there) While heading back I saw this awesome weed sign I had to have for my room and grabbed it. Then I was in the back of the store looking at what they had. There were several different whips and types of hand cuffs along one wall. This gets my mind back to the dream so I quickly walk away. I go pay for the body jewelry and the sign. Then I went to Hot Topic. I went back to the band shirts first and grab a few shirts from some of my favorite bands. I also got a new Pokemon snapback and boxers. I hand to go chack out what Pops they hand and when I did I quickly grabbed up there last Dean Pop. Now I have a full set. I then grabbed a few new pairs of skinny jeans and went to check out. The girl at the counter saw my Dean Pop and we started talking about the latest episode of supernatural. (If you haven't seen it you should because its soo awesome) After I finished paying I quickly went to meet up with Alex. 

J: 'Where you at man'

A: 'Food court!! I got hungry'

J: 'Im on my way over'

I made my way to the food court. Alex and I quickly got some food. I got Charley's and Alex got some form of chinese food. We sat down and Alex tried to grab for one of my cheesy bacon fries. I quickly acted like I was going to stab him and he withdrew his hand. 

"Nice try man but nobody touches my cheesy bacon fries," I say.

"But come on man they look soo yummy," Alex whines.

"Nope," I say. With that Alex starts to pout and I quickly finish off my food. Alex finishes his food and we go to leave the mall. 

"So what did you get," Alec askes.

"A few new lip rings, some tapers, a weed sign, a few pairs of skinny jeans, a few band shirts, pokemon snapback and boxers and the last Dean Pop in stock," I say the last part with an excited grin. 

"Now you have a complete set. That's so cool," Alex says. 

"Yea, I know," I say. we go back to my house and I put all my stuff inside. Then I look at the clock and notice what time it is. 

"Hey man I got to go drop you off," I say. 

"Um ok," Alex says. We head out to my car and I drive to his house. I drop him off at his house and quickly drive home. I had up to my room with my shit and put it  up. I grabbed a pair of my new skinny jeans and my new Peirce the Veil t-shirt. I quickly changed and sent Hunter a text. 

J: 'hey man I'm read when you are'

H: 'I'll be over in a min'

J: 'Alrights'

I went downstairs and sat on my couch waiting for Hunter. Not to long after heading downstair I got a text from Hunter saying he was pulling into the drive way. With that I headed outside adn hopped into Hunter's truck. 

"So man where's this party at," I ask.

"Some rich popular chicks. I don't really know her and I bet you don't either," Hunter says. Eh if its a rich popular chick thats means there's gonna be a lot of hot drunk girls I can use to forget about my dream. We don't take long to get to some big fancy house. We find a place near by to park and quickly walked up to the door and then inside. 

*A few hours and quite a bit of booz later*

I was in the middle of this chicks living room with probably the drunkest bimbo ever grinding against me. I wasn't really getting into it but due to the lack of coverage I was supporting a major hardon. This bimbo just kept rubbing against me in her super shirt clothes. I slowly close my eyes to try and get into the wonderous swaying hips. I opened my eyes grabbed a couple shot glasses and drank them in one gulp. Still not feeling anything I walked away from the bimbo looking for someone more my taste. Shortly after I walked passed Ryan. I didn't know he was here. He looked way to drunk, he could barely stand and that was just the least of it. 

"Ryan man what are you doing here your majorly fucked up," I say grabbing ahold of Ryan. 

"Hunter called he said Amber needed him and wanted me to make sure you got home safe,"  Ryan stubbles out. 

"Looks like I'm going to be making sure you get home safe," I say grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the door. "Where's your car man?"

"Same place you and Hunter parked," he says. I walked over to the spot and sure enough instead of  Hunter's truck being parked there, it was Alex's car. I put Alex in the passenger and grabbed his car keys and hop in the drivers seat. I headed towards his house and about ten minutes down the road Alex was passed out. I sneak peaks at him as we drove down the road. Man he's so cute when he's asleep. Once we finally got to his house I turned off the car hopped out and went around to grab Alex out. With Alex weight supported I walked with him up to the door and walked inside. I set his car keys down where he'd always put them and carried him up to his room. I laid him on his bed and pulled off his shoes socks and pants. I then went and took off his hoodie covered him up with one of his blankets. I started headed towards the door and peaked back at him. His eyes were slightly open and he watched me. Before I could turn the door knob to leave his room he made a noise so I turned back around. He slowly made a come here motion with his finger. I quickly walked back over and sat next to him on the bed. 

"Whats up man," I ask. He motioned for me to come closer so I did. What happen next surprised me. Alex grabbed hold of the back of my neck dragging me closer and closer to him and when I got close enough to feel his breath on my face he leaned up slightly and kissed me. It was a rough hard demanding kiss that yurned for so much. I wrapped my arms around him and quickly kissed back. By the end of the kiss I was on top of staddling him. I was startled soo I rolled off of him and quickly walked out the door.

Chapter Three

The next day I couldn't stop thinking of the kiss. The confusing part was Alex started kissing me. He was straight wasn't he? I mean he's had several girlfriends and always looking for someone new, but does that necessarily mean he's straight. I was soo confused. I was glad it was Saturday or else I'd have to go to school and act like nothing happened. I sat up and checked my phone. I had three missed calls, about ten texts and two voice mails. So I checked my voice mail, the first one was from Hunter trying to figure out if I got home alright from the party and the second one I never fully listened to. It was from Alex, he must have called me directly after I walked out of his house because he was super drunk in the message. I checked through my texts and over half of them were from Alex, but five were from Hunter so I clicked one his name. 

J: 'Hey man yea I got home fine. I had to take Alex home cuz he got drunk off his ass then I walked home' I sent him that knowing he wouldn't be awake by now, and went to check my texts from Alex.

A: 'Jason call me back please'

A: 'Jason please I need to talk to you'

A: 'Jason please'

A: 'Please.. Just talk to me..'

A: 'I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow..'

I felt so bad because he seemed so upset but he was drunk. I set my phone down and grabbed a towel to go take a shower. I grabbed my phone and walked into the bathroom. I went into my music and started playing All Time Low's Dear Maria Count Me In and set down my phone. I sripped out of my boxers and tshirt and just as I was going to start up the water when my phone chimed. I grabbed my phone and it was a text from Alex, and as if nothing ever happened he said whats up man. So I shot him a text back. 

J: 'Getting ready to hop in the shower'

A: 'Want to hang after'

J: 'Yea. What you want to do'

A: 'Probably go to the mall'

J: 'Sounds grate. I'll text you after I get out of the shower'

With that I sent my phone down and hopped in the shower. I took a long hot shower and cleared my mind. While in the shower I was singing along to For Baltimore by All Time Low. 

'Mayday situation overload

I'm restless, obsessed with your futureAnd all my worries they don't bother youCollected, you render me uselessBut I carry on

Right now, I think that you think that I'mHalf drunk, searching for something ofSubstance, casually dropping a line, designedTo keep you next to meI can't awkwardly craft in advanceI know, that you wouldn't fall for thatYou say "Shut up and take my hand"And we carry on

I don't wanna say goodnightThe city comes alive, when we're togetherWhy can't Thursday last foreverI don't wanna say goodnightI've never been so sureJust do it for the memoriesDo it for BaltimoreAnd do it for me'

After a while I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist. I brushed my teeth and slightly messed up my hair. Then I headed into my room and nearly jumped out of my skin. Sitting on my bed waiting for me was Alex. When he heard the bathroom his head came up and he was now staring at me. I doubt he knew I notice his eyes slowly trail down my body and then snap back up. 

"Um hey man what are you doing here," I ask walking over to my dresser and pulling out a pair of boxers to put on. 

"We're hanging out and I didn't want to be home," he replies.

"I told you I'd see you after I took a shower," I say.

"Well you took a shower and now your seeing me," He laughs. Then we both started laughing as I let my towel drop so I could put out my boxers. When my towel fell Alex had stopped laughing and I barely caught a glips of Alex's eyes traveling down the length of my body. I quickly pulled on my boxers and turned to meet his wondering eyes. I cleared my throat and his eyes shot up to mine. 

"What are you looking at," I ask sceptically. 

"Nothing," he says quickly. I then turn towards my closet and pull out a pair of dark skinny jeans and my new A Day to Remember tshirt and got dressed. I grabbed my wallet and throw on my converses.

"Hey man you ready to go," I ask Alex. He just stands up and heads towards my door nodding yes. He walks out my room with me in tow. We quickly make our way down stairs and out the door. We hop into Alex's car and head off to the mall. 

"So what do you want to do at the mall," I ask.

"Hmm I don't know," he says.

"Well I'm making my normal stops," I say.

"You always go to Hot topic and Spencer's. Don't you ever get tried of those two stores," he laughs out.

"Don't you ever get tired of chasing girls around," I joke.

"Yea I do but I don't know if the person I really likes feels the same way about me. So better to have someone then no one," Alex says turning this conversation way to serious. 

"Who do you like," I ask just the tad bit curious.

"It's no one. But I'm sure they don't feel the same way so just forget I said anything," Alex says a bit sad. 

"How do you know they don't feel the same way? Have you tried telling them how you feel," I ask.

"Well no but I just know cuz they don't swing that way," he says.

"Is it a lesbian?" I aks slightly confused by his words.

"Yea," he says but I could tell he was lying. By now we had gotten to the mall and were just sitting in the car so I went to hop out.

"You coming man," I ask Alex as I close my door. Alex hops out of the car and we head inside. We split ways so Alex could go do whatever he wanted and I could go make my trip to Spencer's and Hot Topic. I walk into Spencer's and walk straight to the back. I picked up one of the whips and thought about how good it would feel on my back. Then thoughts of Alex using it on me got me arrosed. I quickly pushed the thoughts out of my head but grabbed the whip along with one of a different texture and a couple different types of handcuffs and bondage rope. Then I walked around the store and grabbed a few other things that I liked and finally went over to the peircings. I got the lady behind the counter and got her to pull out more lip rings, taper and this time a new ring for my septum and smiley peircings. I went up to the counter with her and paid for all my things her eyes lighting up when she sees the sex toys. I quickly paid and pulled them into a bag and walked out. Then I head over to Hot Topic. I got more new band shirts and skinny jeans. I also got a Batman plus blanket and some Doctor Who things. Then I headed to the food court where I figured Alex would've most likely have been. To my surprise Alex wasn't there so I pulled out my phone and texted him. 

J: 'Where are you'

A: 'I was looking for you cuz I'm hungry'

J: 'Well Im now in the food court so get your ass over here'

A: 'omw'

Not five minutes later Alex comes up behind me and grabs for my Spencer's bag. I quickly jerk it away. I don't want him seeing what all I baught. 

"Why can't I see what you baught," Alex whines.

"Because you don't need to know everything I buy every time we come to the mall," I say. 

"You always tell me what you got," Alex pouts. I felt bad so I told him I'd show him when we got back to my house. He said alright and we went to get food. I got Charley's again and Alex got Jimmy Johns. I don't see why he doesn't just go to Charley's with me. Well we sit down and began eating.

"So did you find anyone of interest," I ask him.

"Yea I did," he says. I could feel my face drop a little at that but I quickly put my emotions in check.

"Really? Who," I ask curious.

"It's no one. Just someone I've known for awhile," he says. Who could it be? Why isn't he telling me? I'm his oldest friend and he's still keeping things from me. We finished our food and left the mall. Once we got back to my place we walked up stairs and to my room.

"Now can I see what you got," Alex asks.

"Ok fine you can see," I say as I dump out both bags one my bed. I couldn't help but notice Alex's eyes go wide at the whips. He picked one of them up and with a snap of his wrist cracked it. 

'God, if only that hit my bare skin' I think. I must have said it out loud to because Alex turned around just then and stared at me. A small wicked smile appeared on Alex's face as he slowly brought the whip and cracked it once more this time slightly brushing my skin, this caused a slight whimper out of me. 

"Do you like that," Alex says in a low voice. I couldn't help but nod my head. His smile widened as he steps closer and whispers in my ear, "how much do you like it."


 "A-A-A-A lot," I stuttered out stunned at how close he was. As if even possible Alex got even closer to me. He was behind me now and slowly snaked his arms around my waist so I couldn't escape. He nibbled on my earlobe and worked a trail down to my neck where he bit down hard and fast. 


!!!!!!!Warning Sexual seen ahead!!!!!!! Skip if you don't want to read it!!!!!!! 



A moan escaped my lips as he bit harder and harder. Before I knew it I was on my bed Alex on top of me. I notice Alex's eyes as he ferociously ripped at my shirt. His eyes went from their beautiful oceanic blue color to an almost purple color. 

Before I knew  it I was on top of Alex ripping off his shirt and mine with it. With in seconds we were both naked and Alex was back on top. Alex positioned himself perfectly and bent closer to me. 

"You might want to bite something. Don't want anyone walking in do we," Alex whispers in my ear. I shake my head no and before I could find something to bite Alex attached himself to my neck again and thrusted in to me. A loud sceam escaped my lips and Alex's hand was quickly placed over my mouth. He pulled out and thrusted in once more as another muffled scream escapes my lips. It hurt soo bad I couldn't handle it. Just then everything went black. 

(AN: Sorry that was short there will be longer ones at some point)

Chapter Four

 "Jason!!" I could hear Alex shouting my name, "Jason please wake up." My eyes slowly flicker open and light quickly floods in. What happened? Last thing I remember was Alex thrusting in me again and then everything went black. Why was Alex freaking out? I'm so confused at whats going on. 

"Wh-wh-what happened," I ask in a weak voice. Alex's eyes snap over to me and relief speads clearly crossed his face.

 "You fainted," Alex voice was weak and you could hear the sadness in his voice.

 "Whats wrong," I ask. After what we had just done it upset me that he was upset. Alex looked away from me.

"It's my fault you fainted.. I didn't know it hurt that bad.. I didnt know," he says trailing off.

 "Alex calm down. It's ok just relax," I say. He still never met my eyes. At that minute I didn't know what else to do so I flung my arms around him an gave him a hug. Before pulling away I pecked him on the cheek. That was when he looked up.

"You missed," he said with a new sadness in his voice. I didn't realize what he meant until his lips were on mine. It took a minute before I truly realized what was happening but as soon as it regestered my eyes dropped and I was kissing back. We broke away a few minutes later short of breath. I looked at him and he had his radiant smile back on his face. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.12.2014

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