

“Storm, Look out!!!!” Goderic plummeted towards earth at lightening speed, alongside with his twin Roxiel. But it was too late, Jasoul’s sword skewered Storm’s lungs. She doubled over and screams in agony yet through the bliss of pain she still fights through it. Her black tattered wings rips from her back and curls them infront of her like a shield, as the chained spikes drove through the leather thickness of the feathers. Jasoul’s goonies had thrown their final blow, the deadly steal serpents whistled through the air like a jet rocketing thrugh the atmosphere. As they drew closer Storm let down her guard and they drove into her legs, adobmen,shoulders. The goonies didn’t think that was enough so they launched four more that staked Storm’s slowing heart. As multiple spears tangled themselves into her wings, she melts to her knees and puts her hands down onto the ground infront of her.
Zeke was only a few feet away lifeless from trying to save her as a half human gaurdian could, but unfortunately failed. She looks painfully at him and clawls towards him clumsily as her body slowly weakens she falls ontop of him and strokes his face. The blue keepers and Jasoul’s goonies all fell silent as they watched Storm slowly give the rest of her life to Zeke the Nephilem. As she slowly escaped to her deadly piece, She moved her hand up to his jet black hair that was saturated with not only his bood but the blood of his enemy. Tangling her pale fingers into the sticky thinkness of his mane she started to hum a soft melody that Zeke, Goderic and Mika sang to put her to sleep after she had a nightmare. But, instead of the nightmare that we all wanted it to be it was to bring her to her deadly bliss. Storm’s humming started to soften more and Zeke gasped back to life and bolted into a sitting position as Storm’s now lifeless body rolls to the bloodstained ground on her back, her long black hair covering her pale serene face.
Vincent runs to her and cradles her to his chest. Zeke looks at them in despair and fright and whimpers “I killed her?” as her stares at Storm’s pale complexion. Vincent’s crimson eyes flashed “and I blame you for this halfy” he growls as tears of blood streamed down his cold cheeks. “But she gave her life up for you so we didn’t have to find the both of you with Jasoul and his masses of Goonies to hunt and kill and try to take you.” Goderic steped in.


Beep…Beep…beep…beep…BEEE clunk! My alarm flashes 5:30 AM, I lay there trying to wake up when a heavy grey haired, crystal blue eyed fur ball collapses on my torso.
“Henry! Get Off!!!” I whined. Henry short for Henrietta is a four year old husky/wolf mix that wieghs at least 80 pounds huffed and jumped off of me and gracefully and stares up at me. “ok ok ok im getting up and taking a shower” I groaned and rooled lazily out of bed and head to the bathroom. Henry’s claws scratched against the hard wood floors as she followed me into the bathroom. Turning around Henry’s fluffy greyish blackish head bent down as if bowing to me with her eyes gazing up at me and her tail was low to the ground. I rooled my eyes and stood at the door lazily “well if I let you come in-“ that was all the invitation she needed as she pushed her over fluffed body squeezed past me and jumps into the tub and wags her tail. I closed the door silently and turned to her with my hands on my hips “HENRY! Jen gets mad whenever she finds YOUR fur in the drain; she screams and thinks its another dog.” She whines but stays put and stamps her paws inpatiently. “OK, fine but this is the last time!” Locking the door I slowly shedded my pants and undies infront of the mirror and slowly strips off my tank top and my bra. Slowly I turn around, my back facing the mirror and looking at the tan scars that sketches its story upon my pale flesh. Mt fostor parents say it’s from when I was six years old and trying to escape my parent’s killers. I supposedly fell from a two- story house window and broke a lot of bones and they left me for dead. But those were only the fainting scars. I still don’t know where the dark upside- down V-shaped scar that went from my shoulder blades and draged down my back diagonally to my hips . My Know-it-all foster parents didn’t hace a good excuse for it so I’m stuck guessing.
Stepping into the scolding water with Henrietta I think of the now fainting dream I had last night, It was very fuzzy but all I remember were the white feathery wings and the black leathery looking wings and towards the end the white wings turned crimson and soppy looking eith chains intwined in the feathers. One of the leather wing was halfway torn off and tattered with loose chains with a spiked spear dangling. After the shower and my morning routine I headed down stairs for breakfast. I grabbed my backpack off the table and slugged it over my shoulder. A yellow sticky pad that was stained in my foster mom’s hand writing was stickied to the table:
Sorry I was called into the office sweetie. I’ll be home late there are leftovers in the fridge for you when you get home. Have a good first day at your new school I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. But, the office should have your schedule.
Have Fun
Beside her name was a smiley face and I had to smile at least she was trying to make me comfortable and loving. I turned and grabbed my keys off the rack that my foster dad insisted on buying it was an ugly puke green antler hat rack. I walked out of the house and locked the door.
I was getting my schedule when I accidently bumped into something hard. I looked up and came face to face with this gorgeous blonde hair, sea blue eyes goth guy. “Sorry” I muttered looking up at him. Beside him was an equally gorgeous auburn haired, and crystal violet eyed punky girl. The only thing he did was smile and let me pass.
Five minutes after the first bell I finally found my first class. Walking in it kinda startled me with how big the room was but, a stout old man brought me out of my bewilderment. He takes the small sheet of paper out of my hands and looks it over. “well Miss Echo , do you go by anything else?” he asked. I nodded and shyly muttered “Raven” The class fell to an eery silence as if I could hear a pin drop when the stubby guy spoke in a statling booming voice, “Well Echo, my name is Mr. Levcticus… Now please have a seat where ever there is one available” Whispers were heard as I went down a random row to an empty seat that was in the middle of a bunch of goth and emo guys. “ok, we just finished up the catacomb story now we have a fieldtrip to our own catacomb sitting here in our own town of saint hedwig, Ireland. You will need to break off into your groups Echo you’ll be in Goderic’s group.” Mr. Levcticus started passing out clover green ¾ piece slips of paper. The guy next to me threw a piece of neatly folded notebook paper on my desk. I looked at him and realized that it was the guy I ran into in the office earlier. I smiled quickly and he smiled back his blonde hair covered half of his face cutely but I noticed that his bangs and hair was not blonde but platnium blonde with black highlights.
Turning back I unfolded the note and looked at it:
Hi my name is Goderic and your going to be in my group along with Vincent directly infront of you, Derek to the right of Vincent, Roxial the purple haired chick on the other side of you. Can’t wait to actually talk to you ^_^U.
I chuckled almost soundlessly and bent to the side towards Roxial to my backpack and grabbed a pen and scribbled a hi and a thanks for not being a jerk about having to have the weird new girl in your group and past it back to him. My eyes widen as he took the paper from me, normally it wouldn’t have bothered me but when his fingers carressed mine all noise stopped and I looked up at him in confusion but as he let go acting as if he didn’t notice all noise came back.
Within two minuter the paper was magically on my desk. But he never moved it just…appeared. I thought unfolding the paper.
What classes do you have?
I pulled out my schedule and wrote it down:
This class…obviously
History- Mrs. Loft
Math- Mr. Newman
Science- Mr Newton
Gaelic- Mrs. Trone
Anatomy- Mrs. Martin
Art- Mrs. Clemoria
I set it on the corner of his desk, kind aafraid to touch him again. The bell rang and I packed my things and threw my backpack on.
“Echo!” hearing my name I turned around to see Goderic standing by the first desk of his row “we have the same classes and lunch… can I be your tour guide??” he looks down shyly. “wont your girlfriend get mad?” I asked remembering this morning in the office.
“Don’t have one” he said with a crooked smile.
“But this morning…In the office … I thought” he cut me off “Oh, Roxial that is my twin sister” I made my way to the door and looked back at him “comin?” he ran to me and grabbed my head.
“ok onward to Mrs Ozoft”

A Foreign Song

By 5th period my Ireish class was beginning and I was sitting in my group that consisted of all the people that was sitting around me in English. While the teacher was taking role and the students talked quietly my tummy growled and Roxial’s head snapped up in surprise, “what… was … THAT!!!” she exclaimed. I blushed and mutter “it was my tummy” and everyone laughed as Roxial pulled a candy bar out of her purse, “here, even though it’s only thirty minutes till lunch time. That thirty minutes will eat at you making you miserable if you don’t have something in your tummy”. She unwrapped it and gave it to me “thanks mom” I joked and everybody laughed. Roxial said something in a strange language as she laughed and everyone stopped and stared at her as her eyes darted in back and forth as if she had a ceasure. I got up and went behind her and touched her shoulders and started to pull lightly at her petite body from the stool she was perched on. Goderic and another guy with long chesnut hair with greyish highlights appeared and helped me get her to the floor where I ordered someone to get wet towels and put them to her forhead, staying with her I hummed a foreign song my parents supposedly sang to me. And all the guys in our group and another group that surrounded me in english stared at me in silence with Roxial’s hair in my lap and me cradling her body so she didn’t spaz out when she came to. And her eyes stared to slow down she stared to blink and come to “Stor- I mean Echo where did you learn that song?” Roxial asked. “from my parents supposedly…wait you heard me??” I asked. She nodded as Mrs. Trone, the gealicteacher came over finally to see what the problem was, she looked like she could could careless but she faked sympathy, “Roxy, are you alright do you need to go to the nurses office????” Roxial shook her off and mumbled that she was fine and took my hand as she pulled me up. Might I say she is strong for how short and petite she looked. “Echo it’s time to go to lunch” her face looked like she was about to hit someone or something.
We walked through the maze of halls toward lunch and everyone was excited and hyper all except Vincent who stayed behind everyone and I looked at him puzzled, “Hey your Vincent…Right?” he only nodded and looked at me with longing crimson eyes. ‘that is odd it’s like that look was so familiar’ I thought to my self.
“Don’t worry about it he’s like that with everyone lately. You should come and really talk to me” a guy in our group winked. ‘he looks like the guy that is in my group in English but slightly different.’ “Demietri leave Echo alone or I will personally have your head mounted on my wall.” Vincent growled in a low monotone voice that made me wasn’t to go hide in a corner far from him. Demietri and Vincent looked as if they were going to kill eachother. Goderic got inbetween the two and said something in the weird language that Roxial was speaking before her episode and the guys straighten up and started walking off. Vincent grabbed my hand lightly and guided me to the lunchroom. We were just about to go in when Vincent pulled me off to the side and told everyone else to go and we would catch up.
“Vincent were are we going????” I asked as we cut through the courtyard. He said nothing, after a while of walking he stopped resulting me to run smack dab into him.
“I’m sorry about earlier, Echo” he said grimly. “it’s ok just why did we have to go all the way out here for you to tell me your sorry?” I cocked me head to one side. “because I wanted to know if you remembered us?” he said glumly looking at me again with that hurt look he gave me earlier before Demetri and Vincent started the ultimate stare down. “what are you talking about.” I asked confused with this entirely. “you don’t remember” a voice came from behind us and I turned to see the guys from our group semi circled around us. “remember what?” I asked hysterically. Roxial said something in that weird language again and everyone said the same word back as if an agreement.”We can’t tell you until you remember.” Goderic advised looking pointedly at Vincent. I nodded and was freaking out on the inside but, I tried to atleast look calm on the outside. “whose hungry?” I emo guy jumps up with dark hair
I ran passed him “I AM!! Come on people its food time!!!” I tried to shale off the akwardness of what happened earlier and made the excuss that it was just a very big joke that all the newbies had to go through. As we all ran/jogged back to the lunchroom Roxial caught up to me and gave mea slip of paper, “If anything freaky happens do be afraid to call me ok?” she smiled I nodded.


“Hey don’t let Vincent and all of us weirdos freak you out.” Roxial said when she caught up with me after the bell rang for school dismissal. “oh its ok, sweet heart, it just caught me by surprise that you guys wanted me to remember something” I chuckled as flashes of Vincent’s grim face and then the whole school started to spin and my knees went weak as I dropped on the floor. “Echo???” I heard Roxial gasp and then out in the distance I heard others shouting a name that I have once heard before when I was younger “STORM!” and then everything blacked out.
~Vincent’s POV~
‘I can’t believe she can’t remember anything even me. I remember her, her blue crystal eyes that change different colors depending on her mood. I remember her black soft hair that went down to her waist that she normally had pinned up. I remember how she looked at me all those years ago with love and that I was her everything and if that doesn’t happen this time I think I would die…but if loving someone else from our group will make her happy then….so be it… as long as it makes her happy’ I thought as I walk down the hall to round up Roxial and everyone like normal, me being the oldest besides Goderic and Demetri I was the one to round everyone up cuz I had the sight to know if they where indanger and if they needed me. I looked up to look for Roxial since I sensed her coming and that’s when I saw her going down like a sack of potatoes. Echo whatever of a name that is, Storm fits her far better. I race to her and couldn’t help let her real name escape my lips as I saw her head was about to smack the floor with a sickening crack. It all seemed to go into slow motion since I couldn’t run my normal speed to her Roxial had fallen to her knees to attempt to catch her but she too was trying to hide her powers and since we both knew that this situation wouldn’t hurt her, she let her hit the floor. ‘hope we have a lot of Tylenol at home right Vin?’ Demetri’s annoying voice rang throught my head and I looked in the directions his thoughts came from which was to my left ‘DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HER LIKE LAST TIME EITHER AND MAYBE WE WONT NEED IT!!!’ I yelled in his head. He shank back alittle as if I burnt him and slowed down to stay behind. ‘you to are for getting I have remedies I didn’t go to that class for nothing you know, she’s still human and can’theal like us you know, atleast not yet’ Goderic thought when he appeared beside me as we were only a few feet away and I noticed the next step was to to close so I slide on my knees and scooped her up in my arms and help her. “st- Echo wake up” I shook her lightly.
“We need to get her home Vincent we can’t be her when she wakes up you know this” Roxial warned as all the surrounding students huddle together around us to see what was all the comotion was about. I nodded once and picked her up, still lighter then a human like always. It just felt better that she is in my arms again full of life unlike me. I walked in front of all the others to my car, it was a light grey nissan 370z nismo with a gargoyle tribal decal on one side. Matt came running to the passenger side and opened the door quickly, I set Echo on the seat and reclined it back. Matt slid into his black and blue lifted Ford F-250, the mutt knew his stuff about trucks and cars. I looked over at Storm and whoever gave her the name Echo was on something at the time, she was paler then this morning when I saw her last. She looked like she was deteariurating, I wish I knew how to tell her for the past five years we’ve been looking for her since she died and wasn’t reborn like she should have. She stirs just a little and I put my hand on her cheek, finger tickling her to get her soothed down as her face crinkled as if she was having a nightmare. ‘When she woke up, should I tell her then’ I thought inn my head as we pulled up into the drive way.

The Dream

Blackness everywhere I don’t know which way is up or down; which way is left or right. All I know is that I’m all alone no one here but me. Suddenly a warm glowing blue orb swirled and bounce gracefully towards me. As it comes closer it starts to look as if it was morphing into a human. The orb formed into a woman with black hair that resembled me, but older. ‘mom?’ I said as my voice sounded like it echoed in the vast darkness, she smiled and nodded as if I was correct.
“ Storm, you have grown so much in the last 11 years that I was unable to find you, and I feared the worst. That Jasoul had finally killed you.” Her lips never moved but I heard her voice. “you should wake up love, now that I have found you I will stop by in your dreams and talk to you.” With that I awoke with a start as bright blue lights fogged my vision. After the flash of light I sat up quickly looking around I found my self face to face with a black misquito net vined with red and white roses. I look down and I’m in huge king sized circular bed with cotton black sheets and a silk worn crimson comforter. As I look around I see mostly gothic victorian and medieval décor around the room and there in the corner a hanging chair that had a drak lump in it. I lay back on the bed trying to think of what had happened.
“Careful don’t think to hard you’ll give me a headache” a deep voice said from the corner I jumped up and looked for the person and the hanging chair started to move along with the dark lump of person that was resting in it.
“How do you know if I’m thinking or if I was still asleep” I screeched.
“Well you think really loud, love” the voice chuckles and I finally recognized his voice
“Vincent??” I whispered into the dark. The matteress dipped down beside me and I jumped as cold hands laced themselves around my upper waist. A soft deep chuckle brushed my ear and lips carrassed my neck as my head found the pillow again and a heavy wait on top of me, Vincent’s lips went up and down my neck. Suddenly light spilled in the room and the wieght on my torso was off and I was in someone else’s arms. I looked up and saw one of the other guys, the one with red hair. I heard a door slam and I looked around to a semi boring musical bedroom. There are band posters scattered on the wall as if they had been wind blown and pasted on there. I looked up at the one who was carrying me and I finally registered that it was Matt one of the guys that was at the table at lunch…the quiet one. He sets me on the bed and checked over to see if there was any damage and I just stare at him, when he looked up at me He grinned and when back to evaluating my body for cuts or bruises.
“what’s wrong” I asked. His brows knitted together and looked back up at me his face looking serious. “….serious???” I giggled and his face relaxed alil.
“nothing is wrong pre se it’s just Vincent is stronger then he looks and thinks and when he gets to excited or angry or something that is on overboard he forgets…like me” Matt said the last part glumly. I looked at him confused but he only shoke his head and waved me off. A few minutes later Goderic And everyone piled into Matts room.
“Echo, I’m guessing you want to go home now right???” Goderic asked, I nodded hesitantly only because I felt like I belonged there oddly enough. I got up and hugged everyone goodnight and reassured him that I would see them tomorrow. Goderic lead me to the door and opened a car door for me it was a old chevy super sport didn’t know what year it was but I didn’t really care because I was growing tired.
We drove till we got to the school and Goderic let me give directions to my house. We pulled in and there were no lights on in the house. I looked at the time and it was way past for when my foster parents should have been home. Goderic got out of the car and cam around to my side and opened the door. I got out slowly as he waited patiently. I smiled and Hugged him when I was all the way out and he hugged me back as if we were long time buddies. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning bright and early” I said and he chuckled “yea and I’ll have breakfast waiting when you get there, meet us at the court yard where we were all at before lunch k” I nodded and laughed “ok see ya” and with that I ran up to my front door as he closed the passenger door and went to the driver’s side. I turned to wave to see that he was in his car watching me and waved back. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and shoved it in the key hole and twists. ‘here we go it’s going to be a long night’ it was dark like always when he’s home and not Jen. I looked back and Goderic was pulling out of the drive way and I closed the door behind me. Pulling of my shoes I put them by the door and tried to sneak off to my room…sanctuary… “where have you been its late and there isn’t any dinner out on the table or a you that was home.” A gruff voice said from the living room. I looked in the living room to find my adopted father laying sprawled out on the couch with the t.v on mute and flashes of different colors alluminated the living room. I also saw Henryetta in a huge kennel, trying to claw and bite her way out of it. “i.i.i..i. wa-wa-was wi-wi-with so-so-some o-o-o-of my new fr-fr-friends” I stuttered backing away as I watched him get up and walk towards me.

I think it started its period

The next morning I woke up in the basement ‘guess Jen never came home’ I creeped up the stares that led to the kitchen and found a letter
Don’t tell anyone about last night or you and that person will die.
I limped to the bathroom and started the bath water on hot. I sat on the toilet that sat next to the shower and took my damp close off slowly, wincing at every little movement I made. I ease my self in the bath tub and sat at the bottom to let the water clean off the surface. I scrubed my scalp gently to get the stickiness out. Then the torturous part the body washing, I stay in the shower for 30 more seconds longer then normal to get my bearings. I got dressed in a long sleeve layered shirt plain black on top and stripped on the hem and at the bottom of the sleeves and blue jeans along with my knee high converse that I tucked under my jeans so no one will give me attention. I went to the kitchen after doing something with my hair, on the fridge was another sticky in the some writing:
Go to a friends house I don’t want to see you for a few weeks
With that I made breakfast and headed out the door were I stumbled on to a backpack. Relizing it was mine and that I forgot it at ‘their’ place I picked it up as a thin slip of paper fell
‘you forgot this I thought you may need it today. Don’t worry I did all your homework for you but I wont do it again and sorry about last night I don’t know what got into me.
Yours forever,

I starred at it as I hobbled to school and into the court yard. I put the note into my back pocket and plastered on a smile. Everyone circled around me giving me hugs and good mornings and a hyper blonde guy came up and kissed my cheek and introduced him self as Mika but I didn’t really register anything and that is just how it is after the experiments and the torture. I tried not to limp or favor my right leg or my left in front of them I didn’t want them to take pity on me as I walked to a vacated bench but my right leg (the worse one out of the two) gave out and I went don’t with a painful yelp but I didn’t hit the ground I had at least eight pairs of hands caught me before I hit the ground but all those hands where in the wrong spots of my body and I nearly killed them all. I stood up thanking them though they all saved me, they nodded and then they just starred. I looked down and noticed blood and then I looked back up. They all starred at me in silence waiting for me to say something but Mika piped up in stead.
“Dude I think your thigh started its period” then he gasped that wasn’t the only homemade stitch that busted and my clthes were soaked. Roxial looked at Goderic and had a sibling-bond and nodded to eachother everyone else caught the vibe but I didn’t understand it. Goderic scooped me up in his arms and looked at everyone and told everyone to ron de vu at their house. I tried to protest to them about how they shouldn’t skip school because of me but they scuffed and said that they would have done it anyway. We got to a clearing where cars were lined up and I recognized Goderic’s Super sport that I now realized that it was 67 camero it was white that had light blue flames that blended in with the white. I looked at Goderic “I don’t want to mess your car up Goderic” she shrugged and poked his bottom lip out as if to say it wasn’t a problem. Roxial opened the passenger door for him and he set me into it and rushed to the driver’s side.
“you need a hospital” Goderic said. I shook my head “no no doctor’s that’s what put me in the damn mess” I gasped as pain racked my body. We were almost to his house when he asked if I wanted to talk about it and I only shook my head. We pulled up to the drive way and I was rushed into a room that was a light blue with stars on the ceiling. I was layed in a white fluffy bed and I gasped “I’m going to ruin your bed now I can mange on my own.” Goderic chuckled “always the worry stuborn wart” I look at him confused and he motioned me to lay back down when I didn’t notice that I had sat up. Every one had filed in the room and was sitting in a semi circle of the bed every one except for two, Mika and Vincent were missing.
“can you trust me to take your shirt and your pants off so that I can clean and oind your wounds?” Goderic said in a weird sort of accent. I only nodded slowly and looked aroud the room and Goderic whispered that they could leave and I shook my head. “they feel like family and this is going to sound crazy but I feel like I’ve known you guys forever.” Goderic and the others chuckled as he started to gently undrees me with Roxial’s help only leaving me in my undies and my bra. I squirmed under their gaze and a guy that looked like Demetri handed him a large bowl of hot clear liquid and a white wash cloth. They all came around the bed and grabbed a wash cloth and dunked it in the large steaming bowl and started gently cleaning my wounds and dressing them. I closed my eyes and sighed debating or not to tell them what happened and that I needed a place to stay for a few weeks. “my adoptive father did this to me” I muttered and they all seemed to hear me but kept working. “He said that I was a deformity from God and that it was his job to make my life hell and to make me better again” I said softly. “so every night when my adoptive mother isn’t home I have to fight with other’s like me..deformities…to the death and if I don’t kill them I’m beaten till I can’t move or until I stop breathing.” I squeaked remembering the little girl that I
didn’t kill last night and how I suffered for it, but it was worth it. “so what happened to your hip Echo?”one of the guys asked. I sighed, “he put me in vise grip and spun it till it fractured my hip”. Everyone stopped what this were doing and I opened my eyes and Roxial pipes up and asks “why???” I told them how I was suppose to kill an 8 year old girl and that I refused and that this was my consiquence to not obeying any orders and that I need a place to stay for awhile and that I didn’t want to go back home or back to school. And they all agreed.

Tell Her

Vincent’s point of view
I softly press the now pinkish rag on a cut that could make me loose it and drain her, and dabbed at it to clean it. Why is it I couldn’t save her, why couldn’t I feel that she was in trouble better yet how did I not feel that she was still alive??? I had her blood in me from earlier I could’ve felt it and I could have saved her, but then she would know that I was a monster again. I hated seeing her face when I unleashed the beast that I had locked up in my pale colds shell, I remember when she did remember all of us she tried to hide it and she would always reassured me that she wasn’t scared or frightened but I could always tell. She would spend me time with me then anyother then the guys and I knew she loved us all in different ways. But that was wrong for have letting myself go in the bedroom when she woke up and the only reason Goderic made her go home was because he thought I was endangering her. And he thought she shouldn’t know yet.
“We should tell her soon Goderic.” I muttered trying to get my mind off of her blood. “I know” was all he can say and I knew not to push him. Him and I went way back and so did demetri and I; I was on demetri’s side but I converted to both side cuz I saw and believe both sides because they were both saying the same thing the angels wanted to do the same thing to her that the demons did and honestly I wanted to protect them from both of the races and not let any of them have her and Demetri found out and turned his back on me. I looked up and sighed leaving the room muttering that I can’t take the smell of her anymore and to call me when I need to come and heal her. I roamed the house and went out side the back and whent to my hiding place that Storm made for me. It was a garden with every flower you could possibly imagine. My favorite part was in the middle where the staues where my favorite on was the one I put up there of her after she died. I put it up so she could still watch over the garden and I could talk to her. Eventhough I knew she wasn’t really there I felt her presents when I talked to the statue about my problems and a few times I had sworn it was crying and a tear was running down the cheek.
‘Storm needs you your name was the first thing on your lips’ a voice blurted out in my mind. ‘thank you Matt’ A part of me felt alive again when I heard that my name was the first thing on Storm’s mind and that came out of her lips. I dashed in the house at lightening speed and into the room. I knew by the smell that she was crying and that she was in pain. I looked over to her and looked like the the face on the statue when her eyes met mine. I used an unnessasary portal to port to her fast and I was at her side in miliseconds. I stroked her hair and looked down at her, “everything will be alright I will fix it.” And with that I was straddling her ans went down to her wounds and licked then softly feeling them heal slowly.
After I healed her completely everyone was still there. It has been atleast and hour and a half to two hours since I have started the healing process. The only thing that Storm could do was watch with curiousity. I looked up at her and she lifted her arms weakly and I knew what she wanted, so I obeyed. I crawled over her and wrapped her in my arms and held her as she cried and a shook. I heard her thoughts and I thought back to her ‘no your not pathetic love your my passion’ , her head shot up and looked at me wided- eyed as If she has heard it before which she has. I looked down at her and smiled and let her relax and fall asleep in my arms.
I looked at Goderic that had a to fake of a look but knew it was for the best and then looked apologetic at me.
“when she wakes I want everyone to tell her what we are and what she is and I don’t want to let her go back to him” I growled feeling my fangs slide from my gums and everyone nodded in agreement and I thought to my self as a played with Storm’s hair and looked at her sleeping form not caring if the others hear me ‘I will kill the person who did this to her’.

*Goderic’s point of view*

I drove down the block and stopped feeling that there was something wrong, I got out and walked silently back to Echo’s house and looked into the window to see her father beating her up and cutting her and all sorts of other things that didn’t need to be seen and then he took her to the basement. That’s all I saw of her, it was too late to get her. I ran back to my car and drove off telling the others what I had saw.
“And you didn’t Fucking help her” Vincent growed at me as his black leathery wings sprouted out and his fangs bared. His eyes where Crimson red with black spots. ‘shit wont be able to control him when he’s like this….Demetri any ideas we can let her know just yet.’
“we need to save her, if she remembered she would do the same for us.” Zeke whimpered. Zeke was always the soft one poor boy he was abandoned by his parents and his mom being the beast archeangel and then having a kid tried to find him a place to live and his foster parents took him in since they didn’t have a chance to have one on their own but when he was matured his foster parents were murdered and now he has the humanly nature. “look at your sister she’s dying because of this and she has been dying little by little…what if she was killed that would mean all of us will die slowly.” Zeke muttered “and I don’t wanna die yet I’m only 16 years old” he started to cry silently and Derek was by his side and holding him.
“you only look 16, your really over 1500 years old when Storm gave you life you felt like you were reborn so you really don’t have a memory of it.” Derek muttered to him.
I turned around and walked up to my room and closed the door softly not knowing what to do and only imagineing what he was doing to her. I slowly fell asleep but it only lasted for 30 miinutes before I started tossing and turning, thinking about Storm. For what seemed like only an hour and a half I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me softly, my eyes exploded out of my eyelids and looked up at the person that woke me.
“a chuid ama ar scoil” Mika whispered (it’s time for school). I sighed drawing my hand over my face and slowly got up and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Go raibh maith agat Mika” I said to him and he left. (Thank you Mika). I went through my daily morning ritual, kneeling on the side of the bed and praying beside Mika then shower, get dressed, and do some last minute homework, then finally breakfast.
At the breakfast nook all of us were doing homework while Roxial slowly made breakfast since she did her homework the night before.
“Nuair a rinne stad an catacombs á thógáil?” Demetri asked. (When did the catacombs stop being built?) I was in the middle of Chemistry when I looked up at him as if he was dunce. “Bhí tú ann nuair a catacombs an áit dheireanach tógtha dúr” (you were there when the last catacombs were built stupid) I said shaking my head.
“na cinn is Levericus ag caint faoi dar críoch an 5ú haois.” (The ones Levericus is talking about ended in the 5th century.) Vincent’s voice said before we even saw him. He strolled in as if he was just outside.
“áit a raibh tú?” (Where were you?) I asked and he looked down shyly, then I know exactly where he was but, I let him answer anyways.
“I Bhí dul fheiceáil Depression chun a chinntiú go raibh sí ceart go leor, agus d'fhág sí a backpack anseo mar sin i Bhí a thabhairt ar ais é.” (I had to go see Storm to make sure she was all right and she left her backpack here so i had to return it.) He replied with that Roxial told us that breakfast was ready and if we weren’t done with homework that we could copy off of her.
~fast forward to our hide away before school~
It wasn’t even ten minutes of waiting until Storm came to us but she looked like a wreck. Her hair was thrown up she was wearing a long sleeve shirt that looked good on her but you can tell each movement hurt her and jeans which you can tell hurt her. “Hi guys” she said weakly and she started to favor both feet but favored her right foot more than the other. She walked to the vacant bench and all we could do was watch and I felt the guiltiest out of everyone for not saving her. But we all acted as if we knew nothing, and hugged her. Mika being Mika kissed her cheeks and introduced himself and she didn’t seem like she was all there and I watched her closely. Emmett stayed out of it and being distant like normal. I looked at him and gave him a questioning look and his thoughts were in my head making my head hurt alittle, ‘Jeg ønsker ikke å falle i kjærlighet med henne igjen’ (Norwegian for: I don’t want to fall in love with her). I nodded as I hear Mika saying something about Echo’s thighs being on its period and about that time her right leg gives out from under her and we all caught her with lightening reaction speed. We all looked at each other and I grabbed her and held her bridal style. Mika ran out in front of me while everyone followed us to the cars, I looked down at Echo and she was watching where we were going. We reached my car and she tried to kick her legs and started to say something about not wanting to get blood all over my seats. I got her home and she was blacking out as I made it up to the recovery room, I laid her down on a table that was covered in a white sheet. I ran to my cupboards and got tons of healing herbs and ointments and a huge mixing bowl. I started to put a little bit of Arnica, Boswellia, and Comfry for the inflammation. I started to gently coat the mixture on her wounds with a worn out rag and everyone started to help out one my one they got a rag and started to work gently. Eventually Vincent couldn’t take the smell anymore and walked out with a mutter. When it was over Vincent came back and licked the wounds to close them.
“when she wakes I want everyone to tell her what we are and what she is and I don’t want to let her go back to him” he growled as his fangs unsheathed themselves. I only nodded in the agreement and thought to Emmett, ‘det er på tide’ (it is time).

*Zeke’s Point of View*

I stood there behind everybody watching them as they said their hellos to Echo. I saw all her wounds and how bad they were… I was able to feel all her wounds, and knew when they happened. Hell, I stayed up with her all night unable to breathe or anything because I could hear and feel everything that happened. I even knew when she fell; I was the first one that caught her. I looked at Goderic ‘We need to leave with her and get him away from her.’ He nodded and I disappeared to my little ford banger truck that my adoptive parents got me for my 16th birthday. I slowed into the portal to the other world, I never understood why we had to hide out here but everyone says that is was my idea. But, why is it my idea to hide?
I finally made it into the portal and closed it, rolling up into our driveway and watched Goderic carrying Echo into the house. I wanted to just sit there and cry and scream in pain. A knock on my window brought me back from my thoughts, I jumped and looked up and saw Derek at my windows as he opened my door.
“Hey you alright, Zekiel?” Derek asked he was the only one who called me Zekiel; I guess that was my real name. Goderic once told me that he and I were born the same day and that we were like cousins.
I looked at Derek and nodded “I can feel what’s happened” Derek looked at me wide-eyed “what this isn’t supposed to happen?” I asked him, he shook his head. From what I understand Echo had given him life once and that he only got close to her and that was it. He helped me out of my truck, we followed everyone to the sick bay/ recovery room whatever you want to call it. When I saw her she looked so fragile, so frightened, so hurt I looked over at Derek and he nodded for me to go to her. I walked slowly to her side grabbing a worn rag as I went to go stand by Goderic. I started cleaning her wounds but, every time a wash cloth touched her wounds it felt like tobacco sauce and salt being poured into my wounds but I didn’t flinch or nothing to give any signs that I felt hat she felt.
I watched Vincent came back into the room, I didn’t know he had left. He whispered something to Echo and he straddled her and started to lick her wounds, I felt them close. After he was done he cradled her and looked at us “when she wakes, I want everyone to tell her what we are and what she is and I don’t want to let her go back to him.” Vincent’s fangs unsheathed and I hid behind Goderic and Derek but I agreed.
Everyone filed out except Goderic and Vincent; I walked to my room and undressed in my bathroom. Newly tendered scars were scattered all over my body. ‘Holy jit what did he do to her’

Angels aren’t suppose to cry
*Roxial’s Point of view*

We had just finished cleaning and healing Storm’s wounds, I am trying my best to stay strong to not let the guys see that I was dying but Zeke knew as well as my brother, Goderic. I was sitting on the balcony ledge that was just outside my bedroom with my wings out for them to catch the breeze when Goderic landed beside me. Looking at him I smiled but he looked worried. Ever since Zeke blew up on him last night he had been paying attention to me. “are you alright?” he asked I nodded weakly “no your not your dying just like the rest of us, its just faster with you because you’re her best friend and Vincent is experienceing it to but he just doesn’t want to show it.” He chuckled, my wings shuddered quickly wanting to be spread out and flapping against the wind.
I looked at Goderic “do you want to go flying” I brought my feet up to the railing and perched my self in a ready to lift off stance. Goderic nodded to my relief, His wings sprouted out as did mine as I jumped off the railing and free fell to the ground. Just as I was about to hit the ground my wings did one large flap and I shot back into the sky next to Goderic and waited for him too take off.
“That was a rush!!” I said twirling around Goderic once he had taken off. We intertwined in and out of eachother like we use to when we were little. Giggling and laughing we slowed down and let the air flow take us with our wings barely touching. I looked over at my brother and smiled he looked like the worried-free warrior that he once was before she came along and he took the Gaurdian role, I’m not jealous that she took my brother, I was grateful even, it was a great honor to protect the only Blue Blood but it was hard to see that my only family left had to be with her more then me. But, I understood and one day I would find the love of my life and be with him more then Goderic. Ever since our house died and our killers left only us as dead we had to look after eachother but Goderic was always the laid back type protector but now since Storm was supposedly dead he took up the leader role and has been so up tight.
“I’m worried about Storm and how to tell her what she is… What we are and how I’m going to tell her. I’m also worried about you and Zeke and how fast you two are forgetting and dying. Vincent was once human so the longer Storm is lost the more that human part of him dies and im worried about that because if he gets to mad and goes vampy frenzy I wont be able to calm him down” he said glumly and I looked at him, not sure if I should tell him how bad off I really was and that this will be my last flight. My body is always hurting, my thoughts aren’t always have been my own but now I can read Jasoul’s thought again, he’s planning something again but I’m not sure what yet.
“I know Eric I know I’m scared to think of loosing Zeke or Vincent… Or you. The guys and Storm are my family now as well as you but you have always been there with me.” I said about to cry. Goderic looked at me and wiped a stray tear from my eye.
“Angels aren’t suppose to cry, Sweetie” Goderic said looking at me I scuffed remembering exactly what she said whenever he would tell her this “this one does my love” and with that he snapped out of it and apologized, I smiled and said that it was alright. He’s been having flashbacks of her a lot lately. We finally made it back to the house, landing I stumbled. My legs buckled and Goderic caught me. “are you ok?” he asked. I shook my head my body and racketed with coughs with very little blood coming out. I looked up at my brother as his eyes widened. He wiped my mouth with his bare hand and showed me that it was more blood then I thought. “I’m getting worse I need her to remember I know this sounds selfish but I don’t want to die yet I’m still young if I die then Vincent will be soon after me and then the next person that is close to Storm.”

An Experiment
*Demetri’s point of view*

As many times as she dies he is always the one that gets to hold her and comfort her. Vincent is always the one that gets through to her heart why can’t I be the one she loves this time. Am I not good enough am I not appealing to her. I was in my hide out in the library everyone knew that this is where I would be if I was made or upset or worried about her or if I missed her. Everyone knows that when I was thinking about her I would be in here. The only reason being is because I made this library for her. Her favorite books where closest to the center where a huge fireplace was built into the wall that I always had lit twenty four, seven but because of this realm my fire is no longer red but a dark blue. So I matched the hanging chairs to the fire the chains that rooted the chairs to the ceiling where a dark rusty gold that did an upside down v to a dark blue circular cushion big enough to fit two people laying down and reading or talking. But on one side it had a board like a normal chair does so you can sit and read, I remember reading to Storm all her favorite books.
I put my hand on the now dried up black white and blue roses once where, when she died and gave life to Zeke I came here and literally burnt it down in rage the only one that could calm me down was my brother, Derek. But this time no one will be able to calm me down but her. If she goes to him or any of these other exiled creatures I’ll go crazy and kill them all even Roxial if I have to. At one point in these sixteen years Storm has been missing I fell in love with Roxial but i never fell as hard as I did with her as I did with Storm.
But today when we brought her here she looked different. The only time I saw a look like that was when Zeke came home clinging onto dear life before we found out he was forced to fight other creatures. I turned around and booked for my brother’s room. ‘Please be there twit’. I opened his door to find Derek playing his bass guitar, he looked back on me and I stood there shaking with rage. “she’s like Zeke...” he look at me quizically and I was about to loose it. “she’s being made to fight other creatures like us, Baka.” Then it dawned on me before Storm passed out she was saying something about how she refused to kill a little four year old girl that was an “experiment”. “remember she was talking about the little girl that she refused to kill!?!” he finally got the message and turned the tv off and stood up ready for more details. I motioned for him to follow and ran towards Roxial’s room knowing Goderic will be there. On our little journey we gathered Vincent, Mika, Zeke and Emmett, we barged into Roxial’s room and my breath caught when I saw the sight that was laid out before my eyes. Roxial was coughing up blood and blood was painting the floor. ‘she’s worse of then I thought’ I heard Zeke and Goderic’s voice thinking. Goderic looked over at me when ever Roxial stopped having her bloody episode.
“what is it, couldn’t it have waited.” Goderic said gruffly. Derek and I shook our heads and I was the only one that said something.
“I know what Storm was talking about, she is being made to fight others ‘like her’ and her old self is telling her not to…It’s like Zeke but only this time humans have made there children like this.”

*Mika’s point of view*

I woke Goderic up for school that morning but honestly I was super tired and didn’t want to go but I had to see her again. For the past sixteen years my mind has been straying off to other women like I did when I was a newly fallen. I fell because I was seduce by a human and I fell inlove with her and I thought she fell inlove with me. I was willing to give up my archeangel name for her but, I found out that she was with someone else while she was with me. I was going to go back up and pretend that this never happened and hopefully no one would notice. I was wrong though, my brother Miguel had followed me onto earth and he was the one that turned me in. now I roam the earth till the end of time lusting over human women. But they gave me a loop hole to come back, if I wanted to come back I would track down the blue blood with Goderic and Roxial. If I was able to bring her back I would have my whole title and everything back and they all can forget it ever happened and if I didn’t then I would be stuck here. And at first I really wanted to just hurry up and get the blue blood and go back to how it was but when I met her and stayed around her a couple of days it kinda changed my apraoch on the plan. Goderic, Roxial and I all agreed that we would protect her and not let heaven nor hell have her and that what was said about the blue bloods were all a rumor.
But when she died I slowly started to see women again, I’d go to the bar or dance club drink, find a woman or women and went to a hotel and stayed up all night with them and never let them sleep. But what ate at me the most was after my little bendge I would relize that every woman I took looked like Storm. The long black hair, the pale complextion, the crystal blue eyes, the very nice mounds on her chest. Their legs long and slender yet powerful, their butt firm and soft. I remember after the fact I would go home and stay locked in my room all night and day as a punishment not food or water for as long as I can stand and longer. Or until Goderic came up to the attic and made me eat something.
I was shocked out of my thoughts when I heard Goderic mutter amen. I slowly got up and made my way down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. Roxial was cooking and I was trying not to stare at her and fantasize about her again because I don’t like her like that, so I shook my head and stared at my homework from last night and worked on it till it was time to eat and leave. I hurried out to my Volvo, and started it up. The speakers started blaring Disturbed Indistructable, jumping up in shock I fell out of the car and everyone laughed at me.
“Dude, that was so delayed!!” Emmett chuckled, and got into his Mazda RX8. I started to pull out of my driveway when I looked into my rearview mirrior and my eyes where black as if my pupil exploded out to the corners of my eyes, I blinked and they were back to normal ‘what is wrong with me?’ I thought to myself. I drove to my parking spot and sat there. I laid my head against the head rest of my chair and closed my eyes. Car doors slammed after a few minutes later, I peeked through my eyes to watch everyone from the house of Gaurdians huddle up together while I stayed in my car. I opened my eyes fully and looked back into the rearview mirror and like my eyes were when they were black the had now turned into a crimson red color as if, the viens in my eyes had burst open. I blinked again and the red was gone, I looked out at the group and saw goderic and Vincent starring back at me. ‘hope they didn’t see them’ I looked back over at them and they were both stared at me and when they noticed I was looking back at them they nodded quickly so the others wouldn’t see.
I got out of the car and slammed the door, I started for our hide out. ‘ I hate it how people can barge into ours minds and talk to us… isn’t that an invasion of our pirvacy.’ I heard someone laugh and I turned around to find the laugh to be coming from Demetri, ‘not anymore there lusty you gave that up when you becaume a gaurdian’ he walked past me and hit l my back. I walked to into our little hideout of trees and a sitting area to wait for Storm.
While I waited I started to day dream: I was sitting on a large rock in our hide out, when she broke through the trees and it was just her and I, alone… at last... She was in a beautiful black mid-length tube dress, her hair was down and she had on strappy highheels. She waltzed over to me and was standing right in front of me, I carressed her delicate tattooed leg as she cradled me in her incased arms. I kissed up and down her neck and bit lightly as her head tilted back and she sighed which made me crazier. I shook my head and everything went back to reality, unfortunately. I looked through the trees that was in my daydream as Storm rounded the few trees and a flashback went to my daydream.
Shaking my thoughts out of my head I ran to her eventhough the others were saying thier hellos first, I pushed my way through excitedly and kissed her cheeks “hi I’m Mika” I said abnoxiously. I then felt something wet against my leg and backed up alittle. I looked at where the wetness came from and it came from her leg, as I looked her other thigh started bleeding and seeping through the small fibers of her jeans. “Dude, I think your thigh just started its period.” I started panicing cuz of all the voices rushing in at once from Vincent, Matt and Demetri about what her blood might taste like.
I watched as Echo fell to the ground, I watched everyone as they caught her while I stayed back along with Emmett. I watched as we all got into our car, I watched Goderic go through the portal. I looked in the rear view mirrior and my eyes were now an elictric blue. When I got out and into the recovery bay my eyes had turned normal. I stood in a corner in the recovery room and watch as everyone else cleaned her up. I watched as Vincent left the room, I watched out the window knowing he would go to his garden that he and Storm made. ‘I wish I had something like that to remember her by but the only thing I got are paintings and photos of her.’ Fourty five minutes later Vincent come back just as they finished and crawled on top of her, I was now smoltering in rage as I watched his tongue dance across her pale flesh romantically, I wanted to go over there and rip him from her and rip ever limb of his body out of there sockets. I listened to Vincent’s secret thoughts that he thought he could hide but I could always hear them and that only made me want to kill him more.
A few hours after they cleaned her, I felt the need to go to see Goderic, and on the way Demetri and his brother and Matt rounded the corner and told me to come with them to Roxial’s room. As we went in I could smell the blood, I looked to where it came from when I saw Roxial’s body rocketed with spurts of blood coming out. My eyes widen and I just stayed silent. That is until Demetri told all of us thatStorm was like Zeke and fought other creatures and was made to. I couldn’t take it any more and I ran up to my room and locked the doors. Time for the worst punishment that I have ever endured besides falling, no food no water till I am about to die; and Goderic wont be able to do anything.This was all my fault, I had to protect her not go to parties every night looking for women who could just be disposed of in the morning.

*Derek’s point of view*

I watched as my lovely Echo fell to the ground, while Zeke, Roxial, Goderic caught her from the front. Demetri, Vincent and I caught her from around the back. I held onto her hips as everyone held on to something else. My hands glew a very warm as I secretly healed the internal wounds. ‘Vincent will have to get the external wounds I’m too weak to do it all right here and now.’, I thought to Goderic. He nodded and picked her up bridal style and carried her away to his car, I wanted to take her back my self but Goderic took her instead. I sulked to my jeep and just sat there in the parking lot, I could feel everything that was wrong with her internally. I sighed and followed after Zeke, going through the portal to the other world was hell, my inners felt like they will implode but, the pain wasn’t mine…It was hers. Out of the portal I saw Zeke’s car and he was still in it with his forhead pressed against the steering wheel. I knock softly on his window, he jumped and looked over at me with wet cheeks. “you alright, Zekiel?” I use to always call him that and it would get on his nerves but now since he was revived he hasn’t flinch or noticed it even bothering him. But sometimes when he’s not really here and spacing off, when we called him Zekiel he would give us a death glare like he use to. “I can feel what happened” his voice shook taking me off guard. That is impossible only the gaurdians with healing powers can do that and even when he remembered everything he didn’t have healing powers. Zeke noticed my distress, “what this isn’t suppose to happen” I just stayed quiet and shook my head no.
We walked into the sick bay and I nudged Zeke to stand next to Goderic because, I knew he would pick up on Zeke. Sometimes when the wash cloths hit a deep wound on Echo it would make Zeke jump away as if he was touching something hot. Every once in a while Goderic would glance over quizically at me. ‘I’ll explain later.’ And he nodded. As they were finishing up Vincent climbed on top of her and started licking her wounds slowly as if being romantic about it I could hear his thoughts and I know that he was healing her but, I wanted to rip him to sheds and I think everyone else besides Roxial did too. ‘she tastes so good’ Vincent’s thoughts would slip everynow and again. I watched as his tongue gently carressed her skin and wishing that I could do the same to her, I shook my head and walked out into the hall and made my way to my room.
A few minutes later Goderic came in, “what was that all about with Zeke? What was wrong with him?” I was now sitting on my bed with a bass guitar in my hand along with note book paper with notes and song lyrics that I wrote, mainly about her.“He can feel her external wounds..” I said still looking at the notebook infront of me.
“that can’t be” he gasped.
“ I know and I can’t tell you why he is doing it because before the goonie attack he couldn’t heal her or anybody at all and now he can feel her out side wounds, Goderic you saw how he was flinching; do you think apart of her is in him??” I was now looking at him “because I was in his postion and I can now only hear her thoughts, what if healing her and knowing what she’s going to do before she is going to do it…what if that is apart of her inside of me… Is it possible???”
“I see no reason why it wouldn’t be.” He said “I have to go see Roxial” he said turning to leave but I stopped him “can we keep this between us for now?” and with that he nodded and left closing the door, I went back to my music, strumming at my bass guitar, Demetri suddenly burst in minutes later breathless and in rage. “She’s like Zeke…”

*Matt’s point of view*

I sat there at her bedside watching her sleep. I was in my animal form at her feet to warm her up since it was freezing and it didn’t help that she had one of the embraced on her other side. I looked at her serene face, I wanted to have her curled into me like she use to when we were in my room. I miss her fingers intangled in my fur, and nuzzled into my neck. I miss how she would have me put my paw over her instead of the blanket.
I watched her noticing Vincent getting up and leaving ‘why are you leaving?’ I thought to him since I couldn’t talk humanly while I’m in this form. ‘I need to make a room for her incase she doesn’t want to sleep there instead of with each of us.’ I nodded and I knew he sensed it and left. I crawled up towards her and curled around her, she turned to me subconciously and tangled her fingers in my fur. I gasped as if I never been touched in my life and closed my eyes. She started to nuzzle into me and I replaced the blanked with my paw. The only thing that the blanket was covering was her legs, she started to become restless and I slide her more toward me. I growled softly loving the feeling of her against me again, I softly licked at her face kissing her softly. “Henery knock it off” she giggled and my heart dropped and I felt my throat tighten and my eyes begin to water.
I slid out of the bed and covered her with the blanket. As I slinked out, I turned and looked at her as a tear falls down my cheek. I walked to my bed room and turned human, I laid in my bed curled into my bed naked. I laid there looking at my door waiting for her to rush in here and tell me she had a nightmare while she was with one of the other guys and they wouldn’t wake up. ‘who is Henry?’ I kept asking my self. After a while I got up and changed back to my animal form and ran to her house. I snuck through the opened window in the garage and saw two large kennels. The first one I came up to looked like a person slept in there. I shook my head not thinking anything of it and then the other kennel started whining and something started moving restlessly in there, I looked and there was a husky/wolf in there looking like it was neglected. I unlached the gate of the kennel and the dog started growling, I dropped my head and looked at her and saw an i.d on her collar HENRY. My stomach turned as I laughed at my self and turned human, “come on girl I know where Echo is” I cooed to her and her ears percked up and her tail began to sway.
My phone began to vibrate and I reached into my pocket and saw it was from Goderic: Storm was beaten to fight with other experemented kids. Where are you we are looking everywhere for you aren’t you suppose to be watching over Storm?
I hit the reply button and looked over at the first kennel: I’m at storms house she has a dog named Henry, and I think I kinda figured because there is a kennel here that looks like a human has lived in it. I sniffed the first kennel and it smelt like her to, it smells like her too Goderic I think she was tortured as well cuz there is blood in the kennel. I tapped the send button and closed it and told Henry to follow, and she did. When we made it back I saw the dog sniffing the air for her and started for the sick bay. When she got there she scratched at the dog and looked at me, I opened it and she headed straight for Storm.

Born This Way
*Emmett’s point of view*

I stood under the steamy water wishing she would be here with me. I shook my head of the thought, she wouldn’t come back to me, once she remembers she’s going to remember that I almost killed her when I exploded into flames when Demetri was talking about doing things to her and she rounded the corner as I solar powered cuz of my anger. She would never ever come back to me and even if she does it would be a miricale. I got out of the shower with a towel around my waist, and put just boxers and severly ripped jeans. And made my way to the sick bay to check on Echo. I hate that name and it doesn’t even fit her, I thought as I opened the sick bay room. I was dark so I made fire butterflies to flutter around the room, I stood there a minutes remembering how much she loved it when I made them and she was so cute thinking they were going to burn her or her hair when they landed on her but they never did. I walked up to her sleeping form and sat in a chair next to her watching her sleep.
I carressed her cheek like I did everytime she use to sleep with me, I would stay up all night and as she slept with me; I looked around noticing we were all alone. I pulled out my phone and texted Goderic ‘no one is here with Storm where is Matt?’ a few minutes later he replied ‘idk ill look for him when I’m flying with Roxial’ I closed my phone and stood to leave Storm to rest but apart of me didn’t want to leave her. I looked back at her and let all the butterflies die out except one and that is the one that was in her hair. i smiled at how beautiful she was and I blew her a kiss and left to where I heard Demetri was yelling and I followed his voice to Roxial’s room and walked in knowing everyone was already there . I walked in as Demetri said “She is being made to fight other experiments” she wasn’t an experiment though she was like us, born this way.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2011

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