
Aurora and the Fire

The wind fluttered beneath her wings. Long, slender, but could spread wide like a Japanese fan. There’s a very large mountain towering ahead so she drops into a dive. The speed rushing the wind in siren calls past her elongated ears and pushing her long auburn curls almost into straight arrows as she sped closer to the floor bed. Only moments from certain imminent death, those slender swings suddenly spanned and for a moment the sun above just brightly shining a moment before, was suddenly shaded. In slow motion, you could catch the designs and coloration of the wings. Seven foot wing span on each side, but not exactly complete. From the outer bone structure of the wings tendons and the skin made for flight are connected and fully functional. However, it’s as if it is torn, not as if she were wounded in a battle, no it would take a hell of a lot to do that. No, starting at about half way down, give or take, it webbed out. The designs covering this majestic sight were phenomenal. It was like a chameleon, you could tell by the lower part of the canopy bed and it’s shade, those parts blended perfectly. But because she was in an upward motion and in full sunlight and although the wing span did cast a shadow, the sun could be… not really seen through them…. More like luminated through them. They seem to react the same way a light hit’s a crystal the right way , the lights were glistening and flowing through her wings as the sun shown true upon them. The only thing that stayed the same was not only the simple yet feminine design of her wings, was the tribal markings almost etched into all sides of them. Of course time doesn’t stand still forever and the wind blew, trees were shaken from their slumber and the air filled with whirls and sounds of wings catching the air beneath them, riding and commanding all at the same time. Oh, the world of a Fairy!!!!

Oh, but there is much more to see my friends, you see, in the world we are about to embark on, is not a world you are accustomed. In this world, it’s believe in the impossible, or jump ship as quick as possible. The world and it’s inhabitants have always lived in peace and harmony. Every now and then someone gets agitated but in all, it’s true freedom. At least it has been for the past thousand or so years.. Things change as they must and the Fairies know this better than anyone along with the other life forces they are sworn to protect. Now a dark day arrives soon, it is not known yet, but when news hits it will almost be too late. But I believe there is one, Aurora, the dive bomber yes. Oh, if you only knew what she was capable of and wouldn’t hesitate to move.. But we’ll get to that shortly.

Ok, this world, called something that can not be written, so I’ll translate it best I can , it is Children of the Skies or Arians. This is only one part of the entire universe of this world , the Arian people cover most of it’s areas though, as long as a force doesn’t drive them back to the skies. You would have to understand Arian law. This is what each one chooses to keep inside of their souls or not, free will is a great force with this people. They live by protection and care at all times, this is one of their laws. However, if a force is greater than what can be met without great harm ,the Arians will take to the skies. The creatures of the earth will take to the ground and to the mountains. They are warriors but they are also peaceful and healers.

Ah, but let’s not forget our free spirit who soars with all the energies that surround her and play back and forth. She is not like the others. Her days are spent in the water, communing and playing with what surrounds her, and dreams… But of course there is no denying her gift, her all, is her body in the skies. Oh how the wind cleanses her and the sun empowers her. This is Aurora, nothing but to be and be left be. She’s kind enough, during all the mingles and daily keeping up of things. As long, though, as she could keep it to comings and goings, it was a good day.

Bet you’re ready for the tides to turn. Well, the moon is out, full , huge, with the aura surrounding it, it appeared to be misted with blood. But that had to be an illusion .. Right? The grass was so cool and smelt sweet, the soft blades of the grass brushing Aurora’s legs, thighs, arms, and sides of her. Insects making their nightly lullaby. She didn’t notice the moon, not at first. The trees began to sway back and forth, as if on their own, there was no wind at all. Aurora’s ears perked, her adrenaline began to slowly surge, her senses heightened, more aware.

From far in the distance, the way of the main colony, their were screams riding on the air and although they were faint, they pierced Aurora’s ears like a knife. Fire burst from the skies. Winged creatures, Arians she supposed, flooded the heavens, all flocking north, over the mountain paths and to the valleys and caves. No way, she thought. She didn’t want to run, she felt powerful, energized, and ready to face whatever hellish fiery demon she was about to face.

Flames raged in the distance like the sun burning with the wrath of hell. And so it goes on, Aurora , electricity surging through every nerve ending, knew of only one being that she was connected with was the Mighty Dragon. Though she had never experienced one first hand, Aurora knew from studies what they were made to do. The Dragons were violent creatures by nature but noble and loyal all the same. She hoped she remembered this correctly as she began her flight toward the flames and the unknown perched upon the tallest abandoned home tree. He seemed satisfied, so while in this moment of peace for the beast, Aurora quickly surveyed the situation. No homes were destroyed, no one laying about or hurt. No, as soon as the Dragon came they were gone and abandoned, everything forgotten except themselves. Or had they?

So Aurora approached the only other being that shared the span of several miles in many directions. He saw her of course, watched her. really. This Arian gliding toward him in no formation for attack but certainly no hesitation or fear did he see in her. The moon is full, but no longer misted with blood, but with glistening clouds that the moons rays could penetrate through. Ah yes he saw her. He knows all about their kind, at least that’s what he keeps holding on to as she approaches as in slow motion. Yes, they can do that too, slow down time.. But this one is strong. He is also aware that the moon reflects the Arian’s true colors. He sees the tribal covering the wings that were a mix of metallic blue and purple. Her skin that made her body glistened and the color of alabaster white. Of course this was the moon and it’s effects on her energies and connections. The people were normal skin types but of this one, he couldn’t tell, she was still in the moonlight. The Tribal Markings did not stop at her wings, wrapping from her feet around legs then thighs, disappearing underneath the outfit she adorned. Hips to the knees she was covered, from the waist to the ribcage lay exposed with more etchings twining there way around her, over exposed shoulders. Her arms and neck adorned something of a different etch, but no matter. Whoever this little witch was, she would be as all the rest, she will run. Ha Ha.

Aurora saw him too, but she was in no mind set to notice the complete look of him, just his eyes. Dark, but what shone through was like a flame burning behind them. Probably was unless she missed her mark. But see there is an ancient power descended through all the energies, and as Arians are keepers of all that is or will become, this power flows through the veins and cores of all Children of the Skies. Funny, Dragons have been away for along time, and even when they were around, it was more business than wanting to know the people. They already had their own views, she knew what he thought of her. Weakling, one bark or screech and she’d run like all the other’s, just this one is more stupid than the rest. Hmm. Yea, she knew what he thought.

What he did not know, however, was of the lessons and mastery of the ancient powers of Faires. And with her mind and nerves summoning and connecting the energies all at once, then she knew. He was not the darkness that was coming to descend upon her world. It was something greater. This Mighty Dragon, known to be loyal and protecting, but of course sometimes big ego

. Aurora called on her energies, words began spilling from her throat. She almost sung, such beauty and vitality in the ancient words, then he saw them. Her eyes, the hue of electrified blue embraced with lights of different colors. Indescribable. This was the last that filled his vision before there was nothing but darkness.

Falling was nice and relaxing until you hit the floor bed. Ouch. Whatever that just was, it has never been believed it could be done, but she had done it. Something happened while she was performing the ritual of Dragon Slumber. Wave after wave of visions of things on the wind that could blow in many directions. The bad part being, all directions lead to hell. Also, the vision of this great beast that lay peacefully wrapped in the tree, danced in her head which caused her to feel very dizzy for she knew that they would have to become partners. To do that, however, they would have to battle and of course it would be for the death. Dragon Law, hmm. If she could only get him beaten, perhaps she can sway him.

Dragon Law is tricky. It all depends on where the dragon’s spirit is right then. If he is defensive, he will attack until he feels satisfied with due victory. If he is feeling at peace, then one can converse with this creature without being burned.

Well, the moon is high. The giant is resting. All the people have flown to their sanctuaries until who knows when. It will be long till day break and the air is filled once again with electricity. Although Aurora knows what is to come when day breaks. She knows what must be done and the rest be left to the Fates to decide what’s next. This is her thought as she feels the vibrations jolting through all her nerves. The moon increased her heightened senses, and when she felt her wings begin to spread it was as if she was being born again. They were calling to her, everything that inhabited her world. And she needed them and would go to them, but first.. The moon called the most. Aurora needed the moon’s energy more than ever for what was to come. This she knew more than anything. For in the morning, she would have to battle a Dragon. Her only hope was that she could reach inside and find his peaceful, loyal side before one of them had to die. If it came to it, she would destroy him of course.

Wind gushed again as those magnificent wings spanned and fanned the ground, the trees, all that was in range of her mixed passions she put into her take off. This one was strong. The trees bent reluctantly and the ground whirled up and danced chaotically around as Aurora suddenly shot up towards the heavens until daybreak.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this. The story does go on but in separate stories. If you would like to learn more of the lives in this magnificent world and the creatures who inhabit it, the stories of the fiercest Arian known for the past thousands of years, Aurora., then please enjoy the continuance to this adventure you are about to embark.


The light began it’s miraculous ascent to the heavens. The low hues of colors began to push back the night, but the moon stays. The moon always stays. The great heavens could be seen when the sun brought with it it’s light and majesty. Ah, but as I’ve said, this world is so much more vast than the average human could conceive of existing. Even with all the science and technology they have accomplished, their eyes would have to see to believe the impossible is truly possible. Now, back to the heavens. Stars still shown even in the morning light. What was so impossible was that they surrounded and embraced far in the distant sky, different planets. No one of the world the Arian people inhabit have ever had, if in ancient histories, been to one of those unknowns. They are simply appreciated for the gift of life and the energy they provide.

You see, this world that the Arians inhabit, is not one great ball in the sky. This world winds and twists, while the atmosphere that keeps them with the air they need is accomplished in a way a scientist with all knowledge of physics or metaphysics would still take hundreds of years to understand. This is about the time I tell you the makeup of the universe this adventure is taking it’s ride upon. The world, which is unknown except to very few in all the cosmos and further, is filled with mighty trees and powerful yet endearing waters. The base of the world is circular and curves around almost in the shape of a planet, filled with caves, tunnels, valleys, and forests .It’s when you get to the true north, at the top of the world, is when the world becomes something past extraordinary. The great mountains tower along like a staircase that begins the ground’s ascent upward from the base below. Along this staircase made of mountainous walls of earth and rock lay covered in solid ground with grass and trees that stretches from the face of the mountain walls, as far back as the eye could see. The twists and spirals of mountains and land combined, turned, curved, intertwined all across the great mass of lands. The heavens seem to meet at it’s peak. Ah, but the eye is very deceiving, especially here. Never expect what can not be expected in this universe. The skies stretched on further still, hundred of miles, who knows how far. No one has ever tried it… Yet..

I digress, that at the threshold of the end of their heavens and the galaxies beyond, something kept the planet inhabitable and so much more. We’ll get to that later. For now the finale, the atmosphere and everything that was and will ever be was protected by so much more than the sun and moon. There is one Great Sun and one Great Moon. They are but servants you see by the Great Planets that drift around in orbit of some kind, who knows how. Isn’t known and doesn’t matter for now. The planets drifted around the earths of the Arians and are the most beloved because their atmosphere that holds their sustainability, somehow not just stays around their own massive worlds and lands but bring together and surround the Arian world which makes their life possible. The Worlds share their life forces with Arian life and make the world where impossible things are made possible for them.

The Arians greatly appreciate this knowledge of this. The Children of the Skies have lived by ancient laws since the dawn of their existence which even by Arian Law no one knows of and chooses to look at the world they are in and be a part of what surrounded them. There is one who may just have to find out. Anyway, this is the most basic makeup of our world here that can be described at the moment… Dawn is broken and electricity fills the air.

Aurora was watching it all. The light and the sight that she was beholding was sight she watched each morning. Wondering. Dreaming. She took it all into her. That was her gift, her curse maybe, but she drew more from her surroundings than they drew from her so that made it even in her thoughts. The trees swayed and sung to her as the sun brazened her senses with it’s power. Oh god, her skin felt hot. The air was cool as it normally was on an early morning, but Aurora felt as if flames were licking at her skin and then her mind began to burn. Oh God, no don’t let this be now. Not like this. Her eyes shot back and nothing but blackness.

Sense of touch came first, always did when she woke. The grass lay cool and brushing her body, the wind breezing all over her. Then her ears awoke. Quiet except the buzzing high on the air, or was that her ears buzzing?? Slowly she opened her eyes and for an instant a flash came before her eyes startling her, then it was gone. After finally coming quickly to terms with what just came over her, analyzing everything because she had always had to know about what surrounded her, she knew. The dragon had woken.

No matter, the people had all flown with clouds of dust whirling behind them the night before. As Aurora already knew, there they would stay, deep in the forest or caves. Maybe some would tunnel through mountain walls if they were smart. That is if hiding for your life is what you are aiming to do. Aurora, knowing that to hide was no option for her, she rose to meet the skies. He had awaken, of that she was certain after that little episode. Hell! All I did was put him to sleep and he had to go and do something like that. They are that way too of course. If you happen to corner one, their defensiveness comes out and if they can, they will even the score. The dragon is always due his victory. Hard creatures to deal with, but once befriended for life, Aurora knew he would be loyal and protective until the end. And that was exactly what she needed.

Flying cautiously, she follows his scent. Smells like smoke. Go figure. He’s gone to the waters now. The path of the scent led Aurora to a place she knew so well from the wonderful diving and flying with the wind through the great waterfalls of the outer rim. Past the waterfalls, is where another nation begins. Explained in due time, though. For now, this is the place she came to know as sanctuary and also where it seemed the dragon felt was best to come. It’s a good place to recollect yourself, find your foot hold. As she rounded the entrance their he knelt. Looking away and unaware of anything. Unmoving except looking as if shaking off a bad headache. Oh, but though he knelt, he toward high over. Including the large tail that curled about him, if extended, he would be hundreds of feet long with a wing span that would cast a shadow upon the sun even if he were to fly within close range of it. The largest dragon she’s ever even heard of. She was supposed to battle this massive flying creature that can burst flames? Well, dragon law was absolute, and by that law, Aurora approached him.

Ah, his head pounded and hammered as he kept dipping it down in the cool pool that collected at the base of the surrounding waterfalls. That damned witch. I hope she received my gift. Ha. She’s gone by now, though. Like all the rest. Then again, she didn’t seem like the same. In fact, he had never seen anything like her. But thinking right now was difficult, what with wanting to rip his head off right here and now. As he lowered his head about to submerse back into the water, a reflection. Quick, but distinct. He shot around to see her there, standing at the top of the mountain just above one of the waterfalls. Hmmm, surely she doesn’t plan to attack me, he thought. Suicide didn’t seem to be in this one’s nature.

Speaking from the mind, as she knew would be the only way he would understand her and her him as well, she spoke.
‘I am Aurora, born of the Children of the Skies”
‘Hmm, I know what you are, Arian’
‘Never mistake a sword for a rose if what it is called is a rose’ she replied almost like a lullaby.
‘Don’t give me quips when it was you who gave me this searing pain in my head’
Her heart grew soft for a moment, but not long. ‘Well, if it helps, I got your bolt straight through me. Knocked me off my feet. Good one. Now, I have come to you with a proposition’
You’ve got to be kidding me he thought to himself. ‘Go on like a good little fairy before I’m forced to burn you or eat you. Maybe both.’

Aurora’s thoughts did not stammer. Her words cool as she voiced her mind to his. ‘By dragon law, we shall battle until one of us has been defeated.’
‘Yes, and?’
‘ Well, let’s battle’
‘I would destroy you without having to move from this spot’
‘Then let’s see…. Attack!!!!

With her battle cry, Aurora dove from the mountain top in free fall down the waterfall’s path. Fire rushing around as she moved and evaded until she reached the pool. There she dove beneath. It was the depth of an ocean, and she knew a dragon would not venture that deep. He required air at all times if he expected to do anything. It disoriented them somehow. At least that’s what Aurora was hoping was true of this one as she dove to a safe enough depth and waited. Fire blazed far above at the surface. She could feel the water heating, only slightly at her level though, above was a different story. It was boiling hot where he was hoping to cook her she supposed, but it can only last for so long. Even dragon’s breath has it’s limits and his had just about reached his. As the black smoke filled the air above, and just when the air in her body was just about out, Aurora sped, glided through the water using nothing but the force of herself pf her body and energies. Just before hitting near the surface, she brought her wings around her, protecting her from the heated water that she was going to pass through. Then she was out. Air hit her face, hair, body, wings, her everything, and when she completely broke, her wings spanned.
For a moment, the dragon thought he saw a burst of light flowing all around her then she was gone, straight toward the heavens. Oh no, he was not letting this one get away, not now.

His gigantic wings stretched to either side of the mountain circle, he had to push off high enough to begin his flight, if not, he would of surely snagged his wings. The roaring and rushing of wings upon air could be heard in the distance. Two flyers racing toward the heavens at a speed you would have to see them quick before they vanished from sight. Aurora was beyond the mountains’ peaks now. The air would begin to thin out and that was ok with her. She was the air, and went distances no one else would dare go. They didn’t have the ancient spirits within them. She does and this is what makes a fine fairy warrior and peace keeper. Her ears could hear the humming of the gigantic dragon hurling, rushing her way. Oh please let me be right, she thought. Best she could see it, Aurora knew of written word and honest tales of dragons, so there was no real worry. Just prayer it would work in time before he reached her. She was faster than anything seen, true. The dragon’s wings, however, allowed more force to push himself upward. Yes, Aurora’s heart fluttered for a quick moment when his jaws just about reached her. Then she already knew what she had to do. As his eyes blazed , teeth shown, and breath was felt, she dove down then twisted around and rolled in the sky until she flew directly above him. Fortunately by that time, he had used all he had in him for the final thrust to catch her and crush her bones. The thin air finally worked it’s magic. The dragon began to breath heavily, and what Aurora had not counted on happened. He began to fall straight toward the earth like a meteor about to crash land. Oh no, not good.

If the massive dragon fell from the height he was at, which was pretty close to the atmosphere of one of the other worlds, the fall would do irreparable amounts of damage both to him and to her world. Great, going to have to fly him down but how. Aurora didn’t think, she didn’t have time, her body already knew what had to be done before she did. Diving underneath him, which was really the top of him since he was falling backwards of course, she drew him around the air until he was right side up falling toward earth. At least while this way, the dragon’s wings could open with simple air resistance and with the two combined they could glide at little more softly, a little. Wrapping her arms and legs best she could at his throat area and sides, which were of course humungous, Aurora called on the winds to guide her path and they did. She had to work for it, twisting harder than she ever thought she could have the strength to do but evidently she could do it, and more. As she flew the dragon and the earth finally coming into view, she could see heaven. It was the ocean dividing another nation, but luckily within the bounds of her lands. Unfortunately, the dragon was going to have no choice but to go deep under water and Aurora was going to have no choice but to haul him out. How she was going to do that she didn’t know and then she became very troubled. She wasn’t strong enough, he was too massive, and the depth he would take would bring too much pressure, they couldn’t go deep. Then what? The Waterfalls Beyond. That’s what they are known as, and of course no one has tried to venture it. When they were first surveyed by the ancients, they noticed how they fell from the west side of the top of the world and fell down into a tunnel that led through toward the center of the world. Since then, it was law not to venture there. No one really knows why, it was just made law she supposed they didn’t want to disturb the harmony of all that surrounds them. Harmony was going to change to chaos if she didn’t use that waterfall. Aurora, hoping to hit a water filled tunnel that led into a pool or something would be great or could end into death. Either way, it was her only option with the least amount of damage, she figured. Aurora surveyed, moved and twisted until they were in position. Ok, all or nothing here we go was her last coherent thought before both dragon with fairy atop, hitting then skidding the water’s edge right at the waterfall. The next all she could do was ride the wave that was to come.


Aurora and the dragon rode the waterway down through the tunnel with all it’s twists and turns. ‘Just don’t let something spear us please’, she thought. Instead, they came to another waterfall that dropped them into a gigantic pool. Surrounding the pool was a cave. A very old, ancient, cave. Aurora was able to take this into account quickly as she mustered all the strength she could to haul the dragon as much by the head than anything. She was able to drift his head to his throat to the edge of the pool. Then, like always when she would go on such a ride, the energy went out of her. This time, however, it wasn’t as bad. It seemed to make her feel really alive. Tired, yes, but really a part of something. She couldn’t tell where the feeling came from, but it warmed her all throughout allowing her to doze into a blissful rest.

She wasn’t sure how long it had been, but finally Aurora woke and the dragon was gone. The cavern was huge yes, with tunnels leading all over the place but much too small for him to fit in. The only way out was back through the way in and as far as she knew he was much to weak for that. She had felt his fading energy as she held onto him for their ride through the water. She could feel him still. Something struck inside her that could not be spoken or expressed. Simply felt. Then a voice, his voice coming from the shadows of the cavern. This time, however, he was speaking her language and with his actual voice. “Now I am bonded to you, Aurora, daughter of the Children of the Skies”, with that he stepped from the shadows and she saw him. The dragon.!. He was!.
No way, Aurora had never heard of this. Thought it to be possible, yes. No actual accounts to her knowledge has she ever known a dragon that could transform to … well… her form. His tall muscular build towers her by a mere couple inches. His air though short enough, was wild and framed his handsome face. Aurora knew better though. She knew that behind those dark eyes, was a fire ready to be unleashed. The question was, what did she already unleash?

“Yes, I know that you are confused but all will be revealed in due time. You are very clever, Aurora. Oh, and my name is, well not one you could pronounce, but otherwise named Dreka. By the law you seemed to know so well, you challenged me in battle and defeated me. My guess is you were after the bond promise. Yes, I know of things and things to come, same as you”
“ Yes, Dreka. You are correct about what I was after and about my confusion. Right now I simply want to know how much it is you think you know about what is to come”
“All in due time”
“No!!” Aurora roared so deep and loud she nearly scared herself, but he did not seem frightened, just annoyed.
“All right then, shall we go into all this now before we haven’t even had the chance to talk instead of going right into heading for battle? I think I’ve had enough for today. You have a strong spirit, otherwise I would not have chosen the bond.”
“Chosen?” she asked.
He smiled slightly, almost innocent. It made her insides flutter slightly. “ Ah, yes my little fairy warrior. Dragon law is truly meant for dragon nations. When a bond is wanted and the battle is begun, it is what happens during the battle that decides if a bond will be made. There is no such thing as one being defeated that would mean they have no choice. If the connection is wrong, it simply won’t happen. Since ours was right evidently, here I stand. I’ve never heard of anything like it mind you, but I had a feeling about you and went for it. Of course, I would have eaten you at first chance.”

“Ha. You never got close enough. By the way, how’s the head?”

“Hammers like hell. Thanks.”

“Come here”, she says as a new surge flows through her. Her wings glide across the water of the pool as she glides over it and stops in the center. Dreka wasn’t sure what he was witnessing. The light that exhumed from her body intoxicated his every sense. After gliding toward her, inches away from one another, Aurora’s wings came around her toward him until stopping just before they touched his skin. The wind swept around them and then the water from the pool. Both of them surrounded by a swirling cocoon of water. He watched her for her eyes were closed. How beautiful she looked with all her light and the images of the water bouncing off the markings that wondrously shown on her skin. Symbols lay amid the tribal, Dreka knew they meant something but he’s unsure exactly what yet. It wasn’t just the patterns, which when they reach her neck and arms become more intricate, but also her dress that spoke highly of her stature among the people. Aurora’s outfit begins with her top which, beginning at her ribcage, begins as one piece then become two separate pieces which are wrapped gracefully over each of her breasts then tied of at the back of her neck. The matching deep ocean blue skirt began belted at her waist just below the belly button and ended just below her knees. Slits on either side of the skirt not only gave for better movement but also sent Dreka’s blood to boil looking at her thighs and what secrets lay beyond what the naked eye could see. No jewelry adorns Aurora’s body because to her it would only be an irritation always getting in her way, but no matter, she doesn’t need it. He could see how much she didn’t require any other kind of adornment besides what her body and skills of material produced for her.
He was beginning to let himself sink into her warmth but then the water entered him. Not really, but it felt as if it were in his head gently soothing every pain. It ended quickly and Aurora seemed to teleport back where she stood on the other side of the cavern. Too much, she thought. This is too much. The feeling that was received from the healing left her breathless and wanting more. She calmed her voice and spoke ‘Thought I owed you that. Since you’ve or we’ve, I suppose, have chosen to be bonded, then we should start by becoming friends.”
“Agreed” he had to admit, that shook him up some too but business had to be done. Something was coming, fast and hard. This, him and her, were meant to be. Somehow this was in the hands of a greater fate than he could imagine. For now, they would talk. They would learn of each other and make the connection that will hold them. Wherever they are they will know where the other is. Physically or metaphysically.

So they talked about everything. Differences in each other’s tribes. The worlds beyond. Everything except what was to come. They stayed away from that topic all through the evening. Aurora told him meanings of the different symbols that decorated her and how the markings she bore on the outside reflected who she was inside. Amazing, he thought. She spoke of purity and innocence, scales of justice and balance, eternal Water Bearer to the Earth and the gods, and more.

Dreka gave some good news that once enraged with the need to protect what he cherishes, he could transform into the enormous dragon again. Bad news was, he couldn’t go back to his people now but he didn’t care. He had already began his journey alone along time ago that just so happened to bring him here. Aurora explained her journey on her own that took her no where. Then they began talking of distant places, different opportunities, and impossible things that could be possible. The connection has been made, the bond complete. Now, for a way out of here…..


The paths tunneling and twisting upward toward the surface kept reaching so far that Aurora and Dreka thought it may take longer than the few days they had been climbing to reach the top. Unfortunately, the narrow virtue and unpredictability of the tunnels make it impossible for flight. Now, as they climb together, hot skin touching cool as they take their steps forward. Dreka was so hot during this that he was thankful when they came to one of the smaller caves that ran along the tunneling path. Inside each of the side caves is a small, shallow pool that he and Aurora loved to bath in and talk. Sometimes they would talk of nothing but when the conversation turned deeper and as he would watch her, his heart would start hammering in his chest and the heat would rise fanning the fire building within him. Aurora had to watch herself as well because when his skin or hand would touch hers in passing or to help her up, electricity and adrenaline would surge her with a wave of desire. Dreka would save her a few times when the climb began to seem impossible and he would push her onward with his mind and she would grugingly comply. She knew the importance of getting out as he does.

Aurora’s senses heightened and she could sense everything, she knew the surface was just above them past the last bit of earth above her. Both of them excited over the thought of fresh air, Aurora moves away a piece of earth and grass big enough for each of them to fit through. Dreka watched as she climbed out of the entrance to the surface, in slow motion, her leg came up high he supposed to boost the rest of the way, then she suddenly went limp. Why did she just pass out? He wondered as he slowly went to her then watching in amazement and worry as her body slid gently from the hole. Dreka’s senses perked everywhere. Listening intently, he surveyed above not with his eyes but the rest of him. Nothing came to him telling him that there was danger above, so he slowly began his ascent. Out up to his chest, his lungs thankful for the fresh air flowing through them now. With no Aurora in sight, Dreka resigned to taking to the sky to see if he could spot her from above, but when he was almost completely out he felt a sharp pain pierce his thigh. He had only the time to look and see the dart sticking out from his leg, then the drug took its effects quickly and darkness.

When he awoke, Dreka shot up in a hurry and quickly surveyed his surroundings. He could see no signs of Aurora or anyone in the bunk tent he currently occupies. To his surprise, he still had all of his gear including the knives and the throwing spear heads he and Aurora had fashioned from the stone taken from the tunnel paths they had ventured. They had time to ensure the sharpest of homemade weapons. Aurora led them in making this very sharp and efficient weaponry since she not only carries the knowledge of such things but also carries most tools needed to create weapons from the surroundings. He noticed how good she was at everything she would do. It amazed him at the same time also would make him swell with pride when he watched her doing something past his everyday expectations. She usually seemed to pass his expectations numerous times a day.

Aurora called to Dreka, inside his mind from hers. The bond was getting stronger he could tell by the strength of the pull, she was pulling him in her direction and he would follow her. Even if he had another choice, to Dreka, she is the first and foremost to him, so no other choice is a choice to him. He allowed himself a quick moment of thoughtfulness, wondering if Aurora knew just how powerful their bond was and was becoming and how important they are to each other now, naturally and for always.

He quickly but quietly made his way through until his head was out of the entrance to the tent. Dreka could see the shaded skies above the trees that engulfed the land in a huge blanket. Placed in what he supposed was a people made clearing among the enormous trees. Other bunk tents like his, all seemed to sink into the earth and into the trees surrounding them. Acting not unlike Aurora’s wings, changing like a chameleon would with it’s surroundings and looking as if it was always a part of the huge forest. His ears started to pick up movement from one of the nearby tents. He rolled and stealthily came to stand on the side of the tent, behind the doorway which was the only one to this tent same as the others. Her voice getting louder in his head, more urgent, he also heard the sound of movement coming closer. As Dreka knelt to the grass to wait, he saw two women step from the tent with towels and equipment he couldn’t recognize from the distance and vantage point. Dreka held there at the side of the tent. What he could make out was that these woman are smaller than the average woman’s stature. They remained barefoot as most did on this world, but their clothes are less elaborate than Aurora’s or that of the fairy people in general. Aurora’s dress holds it’s own category of extraordinary that couldn’t compare to anyone’s. There were times Dreka could swear she was of noble blood somewhere but hadn’t given the subject much thought and probably never would mention the thought of his. Aurora, his fairy warrior princess. Or queen. No matter, she was his, whether or not how fully she understood this doesn’t matter. For now just him knowing is enough. Judging from the two women he just seen, it looks as if this may be a plain people. Why the knock out dart, though? Maybe they just weren’t sure who was climbing out of the dirt and into their territory is all. He hoped that was all. He’d hate to eat an entire people for their stupid mistake of messing with a dragon and his woman.

That last thought sent another wave of heat through him. His woman. She is his isn’t she. Although Dreka was unsure how strong her feelings were for him as of yet, he was certain she felt something. The dragon could catch the slightest of subtilties and Aurora being as quick,stealthy, and clever as she is, pushes him to stay at his best to catch her doing something involuntary or something she is not aware of. Though difficult, the task is not impossible. Dreka has so far been able to notice when they get close, how quickly she dashes away like she’s just been burnt. The way her eyes change from a dull green when she hasn’t noticed him yet then changing to a brightly shining emerald green when he comes in her sight or just like they’ll when she’s able to hit the skies. The sky runs a very close second if not an almost tie with her affections for it and him, he tends to think. The way he had it thought, though, was that noone came between an Arian and the air, especially this one. Aurora looked as if she loved the air in the skies more passionately and intently than any other creature he had known.

Right now, though, to be held in close place to her skies and heavens, Dreka feels like that is enough. For now. When the time comes, Aurora doesn’t know it, but she will have a decision to make and it caused him some restlessness for the time to come and her to decide what is in her heart to do at that time. How he hoped her heart would lead her into his arms. For now, he contented in the fact that he is in love with that fairy and believed if not love, she carried a desire and something deeper for him. That he could pick up on, luckily for him, he thought. As the women walked away, backs turned to him, for a second he was caught between following them to see were they went, perhaps catch the leader…. But the pull from Aurora drew him out of his thoughts and back to the present. She’s in this one for sure he thought. With his mind he speaks to her, “Are you in there, my fairy love?”
“Yes, love. In here, hurry. They’ve done something to me, not sure what. We’ve gotta get out of here, Dreka. I’m not sure who or what these people may be and I don’t think they are fond of Arians just by listening to voices, watching body language, and watching how they look at me.’ She finished the last of this as Dreka steps through and tower to the ceiling and then is looking down on her with those dark sexy eyes. Aurora’s nerves were set to fire along with the inside of her belly tightening and yearning for something that’s not even a part of her thoughts, yet. Of course she knows that her body is telling her something before her mind or anything else can catch up. She was pretty sure his body if not more was doing the same to him so she didn’t mind it so much since knowing she isn’t the only one having to fight to keep head above water and not sink further down. This, she knows, however won’t last long. There is only so long one can fight the great currents of a feeling before being swept up and emersed completely. Aurora was only hoping for some stable footing while she began a great journey called Love.

“Come, we’d better get to the skies before anyone gets back.”As he pulled her to him, Dreka could feel the strength, or in her case the lack of, that made her light yet full weight fall upon him. Her skin felt cold and clammy to the touch. Anger began to flow heavily through his veins. He could feel his insides turning to pure rage, fire, and power.

What have they done to you!?’ He was able to manage to get out in a hiss.

“I don’t believe I’ll be flying anywhere right now, my loyal love. When I woke up here and when I began calling for you, those two ladies were caring for me. Or so I thought, until they pierced me in my arm and everything went black. I started coming to when I heard you outside the tent, and since then I feel real weak. I know I can’t fly because I don’t think I can even stand!’ With this, Aurora fell back to the pillow that currently holds her head, and because her eyes closed from exhaustion, she didn’t see the fire behind Dreka’s eyes flare and brighten. His skin began to turn scaly, and his dragon/fairy shape began it’s transformation to something much bigger and scarier. Before finally becoming the giant mighty dragon, he spoke to her through to her mind and spirit, ‘Rest now, my fairy warrior, and do not worry. I am here to take care of you, no harm shall come to either of us. This to you I give my word, you have everything that is in me, including my life and forever my love” Dreka, saying this last part knowing she’d already drifted too far asleep to have heard him but something he needed to say to complete fueling his rage to complete his transformation and go into the midst of this people and demand the cure for whatever it was making her sick.

The earth rumbled as the dragon ran down an imaginary run way and lifting high into the air, following the people’s trail by using his primal instincts. When Dreka’s eyes catch the city that the ppl dwell in, he had a mixture of the still well placed anger but also something that bordered on dissapointment or such. The city of people so small it would have reached a sympathetic nerve if not for his partner back in the forest sick from something they gave her and may even be dieing. With this last thought worrying on his mind, he allowed his jaws to open up and flames to burst from his throat into the air, heating it up ten degrees or so in the first few seconds. The roar that rips from the beast commands all to be still and everyone and everything for miles became still. The people knelt for the dragon that flew and came to a resting hover just above them. As Dreka descended, everyone beneath him scurried to get out of the way and the rest watched with awed fear. After coming to a rest at the forest floor, the dragon sits straight and tall, his red eyes fixed on every movement or sound. He waits. At last what he waits for approaches. A dragon will not cause a scene just to search out something he is not sure what he’s looking for especially when the situation is as dire as this one is to him. In all tribes or nations, if approached by a leader, which a dragon is automatically assumed as a leader and more so when one encounters the dragon far away from his domain, then a leader shall come to meet him. An elderly woman dressed in many different materials and adorned with various types of animal bones and fur. She carries, more leans on as she walks, a staff taller than she and decorated with markings and beads all colors of the rainbow. Her mind jumps out to his, as she addresses him.

“Mighty dragon, I am Eiya of the Earthbound People. Why have you come to us so far away from your own land?” Her countanence remains calm and steady. A quality that once irritated Dreka until he met such a quality in Aurora, now he finds quite admirable. Thinking of his beloved brings him back to seriousness of this meeting.

“Your people, knowingly or not, has made a fairy, my bonded partner, very ill and I wish her to be made well again.”

Eiya looks perplexed for a moment, then “Oh yes, the fairy. No it was not our intention to make her ill, just unable to fly or get away before we had a chance to talk to her and the young man she’s with. Well, was with. After our healers went to see her, they went with a couple of our male bodyguards to tend to the man but when they arrived at his tent, he was gone. I don’t suppose you’ve seen him, well, wait a moment.” For a moment all she’d do is watch the gigantic dragon that kneels at tree level and far above her. Words and thoughts replayed in her mind. “You said your partner with whom you’ve made the dragon’s bond with?”

He nodded, “Yes, bonded a week’s time now but the time is no matter. The only thing that is of any consequence is to me right now is to make my friend well again. Once she is well, then perhaps we have the answers you seek. If, however, she remains ill for a length of time or becomes worse and if she does not receive any help from you soon, I will make you and your people a full course meal” To finalize his statement, Dreka allows his roar to quake the earth and shake the trees.

“ Calm yourself, great one. My healers and I shall make her well right away.” With that, Eiya gestured to the same two women Dreka witnessed outside of the bunk tent, and the three of them followed by several male bodyguards, began walking into the forest toward where Aurora lay sick and weakened.

Dreka followed them with no offer for a ride, but he would give a small sound to hurry them along. He did not speak with the elderly leader again for the trek to Aurora. Thoughts of her was all that possessed him and all the thoughts and feelings only became stronger as he drew to a rest again this time by her tent. His wait seemed an eternity when Eiya and the two healers went inside to begin their tending to his beloved. The three bodyguards that had followed stood vigilantly in front of the tent, none of them brave enough to catch a glimpse of the dragon that towered above them. At last the elder arrises from the tent and looks directly into the dragon’s eyes, her mind reaches up to his, “She’s better now, just needs some resting. You may see her if you wish but only for a moment. She’ll be ready for sleep any minute now.” After she finished, the two women stepped out and without any further words needed to be spoken, the woman leader, her healers, and bodyguards follow her back to their city.

When he looked inside with one eye, which was all he could get right then, the sight that lay before him is so breathtakingly beautiful that he can feel himself begin the transformation back to his partnered form. Aurora lay in one of bunks, she the only one inside, no longer sick but in peaceful rest. When her eyes drifted open and floated directly to his, Dreka felt the transformation complete and in the next instant he stands next to her with her hand in his and electricity flowing back and forth between them at the first touch and on. No words needed to be spoken. Aurora, being on the brink of a healthy, blissful sleep, gestured for him to come closer. She finally situated him where she wanted her beloved protector, right beside of her in bed with his arms and wings enfolded around her. Here, in this state of being, was a place neither one of them ever wanted to be woken or moved from. Of course neither of them held fantasies about that, but allowed themselves the night that was coming over the land to draw a curtain on their long day that lasted days with so many emotions. Now they could rest, both content in knowing each is loved by the other and that as long as they were together, their bond would never fade and each has a true unwavering partner meant for life.

The morning to come would bring with it new discovery for the couple. For Aurora, especially, this new union with those she’s never heard of before would hold a great importance not just to her but her world as she knows it. Soon, she knows, more will start being revealed than ever conceived of before. The one question that kept running through her mind as she succumbed to the blessed rest, was not of Dreka’s resolve to her, but whether or not she would fail not just her people, but those nations that though she never met has been sworn to protect. Aurora’s worst fear yet, though, is that something should come to pass to separate her from Dreka, her beloved as she’s just come to think of him, and how shattered it would leave her. Then who would she become if such a thing were to happen?


When Dreka had woken up not long before now, the sight that lay before him was not one he would of expected waking for the first time with his beloved. Aurora seemed to be in the midst of a nightmare as her body shook and vibrated. Her body still lay where it had all night under his protection with one wing lazily sprawled to one side. Not lazily anymore as he beheld her hellish dance between dream and reality, but instead he could see every tendon and hairline throughout the luminescent wing with all its colors, move and jump which caused the wing to drift up and down. She laid still but her face and her body told him volumes about what was really happening to her. When she let out the most heart breaking moan of despair he’d ever heard, it jolted him to rouse her from her horrific slumber.

Now, Aurora was outside. Far out and up in the highest tree that was closest to their tent. Dreka was unsure whether to join her or not. When he had torn her away from her nightmare, she came up with a scream of pain and agony. Then, after a moment of silence passed and she had calmed her breathing, Aurora did not look at him but stood then glided toward the entrance and had what he knew too well, a shaky take off.

High up. That’s all Aurora could think of as she flew best she could into the sky then spotted the tree just ahead of her. Seeing as how her body was ready to fail her at any time. As she let the mighty tree and all it’s energy flow into her and surround her, the dream had replayed itself automatically in her mind over and over. It wasn’t the vision that really hit her but the burst of emotions that came from it. The vision beheld fire. A rain of fire from the heavens and down into her world. During the sight and now, even as it had left her a while ago, a flood of emotions wracked her from within and now, evidently, without as well. Pain and agony punched through her along with great grief and sorrow. She was feeling the sting of the vision all over and inside her. She was about to head back to the tent and lay with her beloved when she heard a sound. It came from off in the distance. Sounds of music filled the air around her. No, can’t be. A Fairy call? Aurora had heard of it of course. The call could reach over a great distance and was solely for fairy ears. How these earth dwellers knew of it or how to perform the ceremony, which wasn’t hard to do, she did not know. What she did know was that it was a call she should answer. She didn’t have to, but knowing history as she does, Aurora knew that answering a call was the more beneficial choice for both parties included.

Just when she was about to take off toward the source of the music, Dreka was suddenly at her side. “Where we going?” He asked as he leaned down and nestled his face into her neck and hair. Aurora allowed herself a moment serenity. With Dreka, she felt that nothing could hurt her, not even her heart for her heart belongs to only him. Neither of them were ready to voice their feelings yet, this she knew just as she should of known he’d keep an eye on her. She was sure that as soon as he felt her heart begin to beat quickly with the sound of the call, he had an eye on her so completely that as soon her wings twitched in anticipation for flight, he knew. Aurora knew this from the inside, the same way she knew of his worry for her. She could feel him. Dreka’s energies flowed so strong that one had to be dull not to feel anything from him. With her it’s different from everyone else that breathes. The two of them share a connection so deep and strong that is held by who they are and makes their bond indestructible. Number one only to each other and one day may finally embrace each other in the mating ritual of her people and be solely as one for eternity. He was already all hers, that had been completed. It was Aurora who was keeping their connection where it was instead of letting their bond go any further. Too many things were happening to be distracted with that, and boy was Dreka ever a distraction!

After he pulled away both slowly and reluctantly, she met his eyes with hers. Wow, how they shone in the light of day. Instead of just dark, red now colored his irises into two bright red beautiful suns that looked deep into her and knew her. She calmed her emotions quickly and replied so quiet Dreka, with his very sharp ears especially with her, almost had to strain to hear. “The earth dwellers have performed a fairy call. I just heard it and was about to go when you appeared suddenly. I should have known you would be somewhere close by.” He slowly gave a grin then nodded, “Always, Aurora. Guess we’d better find out what these people have called on you for. Better be good because this time, I may actually eat them. If they didn’t need to be the ones to heal you, I would still be digesting them.” Again, the grin smeared his face and Aurora, always cool and deliberate, busted out in body shaking laughter. It’s when she tripped herself during the hilarity and Dreka had to catch her from a clumsy fall that she quickly composed herself.
“Now now. These are my neighbors and seeing as how they went to all the trouble and everything… Besides, I’d like some answers for the past day’s actions.” Dreka nodded, forced her to accept his hand and arm just in case she became weak during flight and he needed to bare some or all her weight. He could do so with ease but not if she was going to fight him on it. She gave in finally, more out of frustration with wanting to get going than saving her pride.

During flight, Dreka watched over Aurora peripherally so she wouldn’t notice. When they had almost reached the source of the call, he had already started noticing her energies failing even with what she was able to sap up from the tree. Oh, yea, he thought, there had better be a good reason for some dirt dobbers to be calling on her when she isn’t even well rested and rejuvenated from their own poison. Almost, just past the next couple rows of trees, lay a small clearing filled with earth dwellers and Dreka’s nose picks up the smell of a feast.

Aurora could see it too, just up a ways. The music got the loudest toward there, but not so loud it hurt her, but soothed her rather. How unfortunate the music could not energize her! The thought barely finished forming when her body gave way to the exhaustion that had finally won the battle of consuming her. Dreka’s hold tightened, and they still flew toward the clearing. She felt grateful and embarrassed all at once, but all that faded when their feet touch the ground.

The clearing held it seemed everyone of the earth dwellers, who blanket the ground until stopping and forming a small circle in the center. A fire blazed at the center and food rested at the sides. Behind the fire, is where Eiya and her group of healers stand. Aurora, with Dreka in lead, came to a soft rest in front of the fire. Aurora’s eyes did not move from Eiya’s through the flames. Eiya steps forward and asks her guests to come and eat, with the guests of honor being the couple, going first. Dreka did not hesitate and was quickly at the food devouring everything that his hands grabbed, while at the same time keeping never ending watch over Aurora who still held her gaze through the fire.

Slowly and deliberately, Aurora glided to the fire almost touching, then ascended up and over the flames to come to rest inches from the Eiya. The elder woman bowed her head for a moment then rose again, gray thoughtful eyes meeting the sun of Aurora’s emotions through her eyes that shone brightly with her passion. With her mind, Aurora questions, “I believe someone called upon me?” The old woman nodded. Patience wearing thin, Aurora demands, “Well? Shall I stand here in my condition which your people brought upon me, and guess at the reason?!” She supposed something in her eyes more than her words caused something to happen in the old woman. Eiya quivered then knelt down and gave a true bow to the fairy. Her mind quick but precise for Aurora to easily understand every word, but also spoken with quiet humility. “I am truly sorry and take the responsibility and it’s consequences for our misjudgment of you and your partner, my lady. We of the earth have to hold strong for all those in our protection. A vision came to me not but days ago of two visitors, one a dragon, would come from beneath the ground. I wasn’t sure how to handle this until I saw the fire from the skies and I just thought. Oh, I was just so afraid for my people, then I saw you and the dragon came to us and……” Eiya quieted quickly when she felt Aurora’s hand touch her shoulder. The woman’s gaze rose to meet Aurora’s eyes. Burning hot and brightly with the color of an emerald crystal, she met the woman’s gaze with such intensity even Dreka paused in his feast to watch and listen. “ What vision came to you of the vision with the fire like rain?” she asks fiercely. Quickly, the woman answers “Fire from the heavens, huge balls of flame coming to our world, mistress” Aurora gestured for the old woman earth dweller to rise and then she herself simply dropped to the ground. Dreka, at her side in a flash, holding her as she knelt there and swayed like a tree in a storm. “What is it?’ he asks, worry aching in him as he watched his love be wracked with such distress.
“The same one I had just last night” She was able to gasp out finally. He wasn’t sure at first what to make of her words until his mind replayed the horrific display he had woken up to. So not a nightmare, his mind conceived , but a vision of balls of fire from the sky and these people had had the same one and thought dragon=fire so it must be the new comers at the cause of this catastrophe. What a reasonable lot this bunch turned out to be.

After some time had passed along with the jolt she had gotten from the old woman and their shared vision, Aurora was back at the tent. Standing at the entrance, her eyes to the skies and somewhere past where the eye could see, her mind fills with thoughts both dark and desperate. She still refused to eat no matter how many times Dreka begged and insisted food from the feast he had stolen away in his pouch. Her body may have been weak but her resolve strong. Aurora knew she had to get back to her people and soon.
Warn them if they had a brain to listen to her as they rarely had in the past. Arms enclosed around her as these thoughts swarmed her. Dreka’s warmth soothed her worry and she hoped could continue to soothe her till morning. Then in the morning she would eat and regain her strength and they would begin their trek back to the lands of her people. Aurora, after calming her inward storm, turned to face her partner. His eyes were dark again but still held some of it’s fiery light. “My mighty protector. My friend, I’m afraid we can not prevent what is coming but perhaps we can save as many as possible when it does. I must return to the Arian people and warn them, then we will prepare the best we can a defense.” He nodded, then bent down, his lips almost touching hers, “I would follow you into hell, my fairy, as long as it means I am at your side”, with that he pressed his mouth to hers. Electricity danced inside both of them and they could feel each other’s sensations. It was like nothing else and when Dreka stood, both were so lost in the feeling they’d just shared and each other that the first wave of fire almost descended without either one noticing.

Both Aurora and Dreka watch in horror as the gigantic balls of flame hurdle toward them as far as they could see in any direction. All Dreka could think was they have to move. He grabs Aurora up off her feet, who doesn’t realize this because she’s still captured by it all, and lifted into the sky as far away from the destruction as he could get. The fairy at his side who had regained her senses, fought herself away and glared at him momentarily before jetting toward the clearing they’d been hours before. The hell rains from the heavens and crashes to earth all around them. He flies as fast as he can but not fast enough to catch her before she reached it. The clearing was gone, only a huge crater remained in it’s place and everything a flame in all directions. The speedy flight she accomplished to get here as fast as she could was taking it’s toll and if not for Dreka behind her ready to catch, she would have fainted and fell deep into the crater below. Instead she fainted into his arms. He flew fast and strong. All night long he flew until the barrages of fire ceased. Now, as morning fades onto the world, he looks out at the flames and smoke blotting the sun. He is not seeing all this, though, instead he sees his love, his partner stirring from her slumber and knew that the sight of last night’s storm would not compare to her when she completely awoke.


Aurora’s eyes drift open and find Dreka’s. For a moment he saw her before reality struck it’s chord. So beautiful, even the markings that cover her body up to her neck was drawing him nearer to her. Then he saw her eyes sink and widen with the realness of today and what happened the night before. She couldn’t stand, she realized, and conceited to sitting cross legged on the mountain top and looking out at the lands and far into the horizon.. Dreka knew she was letting everything sink in and didn’t want to disturb her but the way she was looking she was going to pass out again at any moment. He slides over nearer to her slowly and offers over the pouch of food. At first she doesn’t see him and when she does, shakes her head and resumes her gaze. His worry turned to fury when he addressed her, “You can’t even stand and fly right now if you had to. All the poison is gone from your body except your head which is the only reason I can think of why you refuse to eat. Do you want to remain grounded? Or if you do get into air, faint mid air only to fall your untimely death?” The silence hummed between them for several breathes, then she lowered her head and nodded. This time when he offered the pouch, she took it. Dreka could see it hurt her to eat and understood that her mind and body had been refusing food for so long now it hurt her to consume it. This only lasted through a third of it then she regained her appetite and finished off the rest quicker than Dreka would have been able to and that surprised him.

Aurora was beginning to feel much better. Strength was returning to her body once again and her mind sharpening to it’s normalcy. She could see where Dreka had taken them for sanctuary. The mountains just at the border of the vast water and behind the mountains lay the beginnings of her people’s lands and her waterfall sanctuary. “You must be tired after such a long flight” she sung on the air to him. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t you know where we are?” “Of course, I knew you may want to be close to your people when you woke and regained strength. Those waterfalls of yours helps, thought that’s where you’d want to go before beginning surveying the destruction beyond.” He lowers his head to her in respect for those who may have been lost in the night. Her hands close around his head and lift him to meet her. Aurora lifts off the ground with Dreka in tow and they ride the winds solemnly to land at the pool at the base of the circle of mountains and their waterfalls. The sanctuary remained untouched by the wrath that swept all around it. She guided her unsure friend to one of the water falls. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you drown” His chest heaved outward as he stood his tallest to show he was unafraid. Through then beneath a soft flowing waterfall they came to be as one with soothing water flowing over them. Power fills both as they consummate their love for one another. Flow of energies and passion rage in each of them then raw burning pleasure escorted them on their ascent into oblivion, each their own but together as one for now and always. They are bonded for eternity by both nations’ laws and no one could speak against them otherwise. When both lay beside the pool watching one another’s reflection in the water, Aurora was the first to voice what was inside the whole time. “I am yours, Dreka, of the Dragon Nation, for all time. You are my beloved and partner who I am now a part of and you a part of me. No matter what, we will shall never part, my love” then raised to meet his lips then leaned back to look into his eyes. “ Aurora, I am with you always. Our love spans all the worlds and the universe beyond. We feel and know what’s inside the other. I give a promise, my love, that whatever horrors await us on the other side of this sanctuary, I will be at your side unafraid because your love strengthens me.” She gave a half smile and delighted herself in his words of unfailing love she knew to be true, then agony overcame her and time for such things left her. Aurora leaned in but Dreka stopped her. He knew what was starting to rage within her. Her body already began to tremor and vibrate as it had on that morning before the storm. Instead he embraced her with arms and wings, then when he felt her tremors subside slightly, he released her and nodded. She knew what that meant. The two jet from the ground over the mountains and high into the air, both with wings at full span side by side. Both of them searching the skies for anything that may come and the ground for what was already done and could never be undone.

Aurora soaked in everything on their flight. The air choked of smoke and heat of flames that were still feasting among the trees filled her lungs and made them burn. She summoned on the winds to clear their vision, they obliged and smoke whirled and blew until the air was clear and they could see the chaos that lay below them. Remnants of life, both living and passed, remained where fire did not burn and where the balls of destruction did not reach. Cries of agony and sorrow reaches Aurora’s ears and into her. She could feel the pain, all of it. From the unfortunate souls who were begging for death to rescue them from their torture to the loved ones who watched in great sorrow as their beloved left this world in such a terrible state. Dreka heard and saw but refused to allow himself to feel because the only one who could cause such sounds to come from him was that if it had been his angel of the skies. He stays on watch over her for any sides of eminent danger as she flew from tribe to tribe asking questions, helping tend to the injured and dieing. It brought some peace to Aurora to hear most of the Arian people that inhabited the great mountains staircase to the heavens, flew to safety. Of course she knew where to find them but that wasn’t what she wanted. She had let concern eat her of her appetite and therefore making it impossible to save herself whereas she should have known that the people would find their way to safety just fine without her.

She tended to as many as she could including soothing loved ones of those passed. She had a great talent for that, Dreka noticed. Seems that clearing souls of their moment of darkness and putting light in it’s place was something she had always performed on those who reached to her heart. Aurora’s heart was not hard, just hard to reach. Dreka supposed though that in this situation her heart lay exposed for all the pains of her co inhabitants to be shared, much to his dismay. He hated seeing the storm rage within her. Thoughts of responsibility, duty, regret, and so much more to pound on herself, runs through her as Aurora follows him into the air onward to the mountain staircase.

It still stood but no longer complete. The mountains had not been saved from the bludgeoning of both fire and rock. The staircase now held huge ravines between each other. You could no longer walk the staircase to the top but instead have wings and if you didn’t, then be a great climber and have the brave soul to do it. Aurora floated around the area among the tree homes of her people. No one living or otherwise remained behind. If any had perished, she thought, the people would have taken them for grieving and proper burial. After she was satisfied that everyone was gone except her and her partner, Aurora sped toward the heavens so fiercely Dreka was afraid she was heading toward the thinning air into the space that lay beyond. He knew there was no air past that point and with heart in throat as he raced toward her, she stopped and drifted down to perch at the peak of the staircase. Though more relaxed, the air was so thin, Dreka found it hard to breathe. Aurora noticed this as she watched him descend then rest next to her. “Don’t worry” she sung to him “ your lungs are not yet used to breathing air as I do, but with time you will get used to it” He nodded in response while he fought to catch his breath and slow his hammering heart. She turned from him then and looked out over her lands.

“There is something I’d like to share and I know you’d never ask, but I want you to know so you may understand a little of why I must do something that’s going to sound crazy. Look up” she motioned to the surrounding planets. Dreka looked in astonishment. It hadn’t just been their world that received a curse from the heavens but two out of the four of them had gotten the same fate. Fire and smoke could be seen filling the atmosphere and pieces of the worlds floating in space between the planets. “ I remember my parents faintly. I was just a child when they left us. They were going on expedition to one of the other worlds during a bad time in the life of our people. I have been told throughout my life that they never made it and was lost in the space beyond the heavens and some have said that they made it but were met with hostile forces that ended them. These were the reasons they gave why they had not returned. You see, Dreka, my mother and father descendant from a long line of warriors and leaders. They were betrothed to one another as is the custom for the fairies’ king and queen.” She gave a pause so to let him respond, but when nothing came she continued. “ I have never claimed my right to the position of leadership but those that I watch over see me as such, even as far as the earth dwellers and probably the water bearers as well. The Arian people, however has always treated me like a child even long after I became of age many cycles ago. Luckily I had Heron, my parents closest and most dear friend. He was the one to teach me of things beyond my lands and the history of my people. He is the one who kept me close with my parents, telling me every aspect inside and out of both of them. I grew to know and love them more the more Heron helped me to connect to them. This is also where my core notions come from. From the responsibility of caring over those that share these lands to looking into the distance at other worlds and not being content with just knowing what was in front of me. My parents meant for more and dreamed past the heavens and their own surroundings to what could be. This has been passed from them, and Heron, to me. Most of which I believe I was born with. I have told you all of this to tell you this. I’m going up there” Aurora’s eyes never moved from the battered worlds above her. Luckily, she supposed was that her world had protected the other two worlds from being touched. Dreka had stood at her words and now towered above her, shading her from the sun, and put his hand out for her. She took it and rose to her feet, her resolve final. He kissed her sweetly and embraced her, his energies flowing into her, her feeding hungrily on them so to strengthen herself. After they drank what they could of each other, he let her go, nodded, then looks up to the heavens. “No” she lay a hand on his arm, tight and hard beneath her finger tips, “you can not go. There is not strength enough in your lungs yet. You must learn to breathe and still function in the thin air and it only gets thinner until you reach the atmosphere of the world. At least that’s what Heron always told me” Dreka’s look of sudden mistrust in the idea had Aurora continuing quickly, “ I know you worry but you also know that once I’ve decided something, there’s no going back. Besides, it shouldn’t take you long to get the knack of it. I’m just going to scout ahead and…”
“No” he cut her off with the word, “you go nowhere without me. We are never to part from each other, remember? And I will NOT stay here, flying around and around, while you go to another world far beyond my reach. We’ll just have to figure out a way, you wait till I’m strong enough or something, but if you go, I will die trying to follow you and you know that”

Aurora knew what he said to be true so she began to calm him with her voice. “Alright, now. Don’t get upset, I understand and shouldn’t have expected a more cooperative reaction. I would do the same as you know and I am sorry that I had the gumption to ask you to allow such a thing. Come” They flew back to their sanctuary, and now so much more, after all, it is where they met and fought, then it became the place where their love blossomed and fulfilled it’s promises. It is there they came together once again as one. Through the night, if one listened closely they would hear the sounds of love and the words sung with a most beautiful voice fill and surround the mountains and their waterfalls. As Dreka slipped into sleep, Aurora watched him. She thought of just leaving in the night, but he would follow as soon as he found her gone and without knowing which world she was going to, he would lift off to the nearest one first then surely lose his breathe, then his consciousness, then his life. He would do this fully knowing the consequences but as she knows all too well that death, to both of them, was far greater than a life parted from each other. So she agreed with herself that she would wait until he was ready. There was nothing pressing her to go except every fiber of her being. Oh well, it could wait. He’s worth that and more, she thought. She drifted into slumber with him and his dragon like wings covering her head to toe, while being both heated and rocked with the steady pounding of both their hearts beating as one.

Young One

The next morning started off in good spirits. Dreka was getting stronger in his lungs and able to fly farther longer. He was becoming accustomed to his new body more. The winds listened to his call now and Aurora knew he was ready to begin training in the art of her people’s skills and powers. She, however, could give him knowledge that no one else could. He would receive all her help in guiding him as long as it is within him to do so, that is a choice only he could make. She was going to speak to him of such things later but that thought was before everything became heated between them. It started when, after being with him all morning and noticing the bandages that wrapped around his foot and ankle, she finally spoke of it. It surprises her still how heated he became. When he defended himself thoroughly, the speed and energy behind his flight made her both hurt and proud at once.

Now, Aurora sits with her words on parchment and studies. Night is settling in outside the tree’s entrance where she has called home for many cycles. The tree towers greatly far enough away from anyone, near the outskirts of the lands. It’s core gently cleaned with only the way her kind could do. Tunneling down then below it’s roots into the earth and spaced comfortably, was a home she created. Her parents, she knew, had made their home and for some time hers, atop the spiral mountains. During her life their she had learned the art of air and strengthened her lungs and flying skills at an early age. Those lessons were the only ones she remembered of her parents. When Heron took up guardianship, the two remained in that home until Aurora came of age and not long after, he was lost to her. Aurora still ached with missing her friend and teacher. With that thought came hurdling another. Of course! She almost raised aloud. All these years Aurora had been searching for his collection which she had always known he’d put for only her to find. But wait, why was she getting so excited? She’d searched that area many times so why would another time be special? Aurora knew why she was buzzing to hit the skies toward her old childhood home. It was because this time she had an idea of exactly where she planned to look. With Dreka still nowhere in sight, she takes to the winds that blow in the direction she is so anxious to be going in.

The flight to her childhood home had Aurora’s heart beating fast in her chest. Not from the thinning air but the thoughts that raged in her mind of actually having what Heron had always held sacred, his collection of fairy magic. Anyone’s magic who had the heart and skill to master it. Long days were spent far into the mountains soaking up every lesson that he could teach a young one such as herself. When she grew up and the day she turned of age came, the two of them celebrated by practicing the are of old magic. Each one making his or her own mistakes and both nearly killing the other. What a wonderful day that was! Aurora thought with bittersweet memories of her beloved friend. The only reminisce of a long forgotten past was the collection Heron saved all this time. She wasn’t sure how he had come to have such a treasure, but she never really cared how. After Heron was gone, Aurora spent countless days searching for that same treasure and now she felt she had finally thought of it’s location. The one place she never thought to look before because she was much too old for such things now, but back then, it was a place of wonder.

As a young fairy, Aurora held so much spirit for such a small thing that Heron would tell her “If I didn’t already know of a place to keep you occupied, my butterfly, I would have surely searched the heavens and beyond for such a location.” then his laughter like music would float between her ears. The area still stood behind a row of trees she knew all too well. In order to enter, one would only need dip into the pool that lay beneath them, to see the path to follow. As she follows this path, she closes her eyes and lets her memories guide her. Underneath the pool and into a world all her own, young Aurora climbs from the edge and soaks everything in. Landscape covers the cavern floor with trees reaching her height and the ceiling being just twice that distance above her head. Comfortable to walk and hover, but flight was impossible. With the pool at her back, what lay in front of her was what Heron always spoke proudly of, but only to her. It was always their secret. On the other side of the cave, impossibly, was a small ball of fire suspended in air. Aurora could grasp it in her tiny hands without being burnt. That answer evaded even Heron. It was always to remain where found and held with care. She could do nothing else except care for such beauty. As she cradles her treasure, young Aurora sighs. She was grounded again. Heron didn’t want to do it she knew. She could see it on his face when he sent her here and now looking back, how mean all the other people had looked to her. Shaking such things from her thoughts, she resigns to her chamber until he came for her. She smiled, he usually didn’t take long.

Now, Aurora has to carefully pull herself from the pool. Everything was much smaller, she thought. Of course she’d expected so after so much time has passed. How could she have forgotten this place, she scolds herself. Everything still in it’s spot including the small orb that danced in front of her. She shuffles nearer to reach her arm out and gently takes the ball in her hand. There, Aurora delights in it’s warmth and gazes into it’s soft flames licking at the edges. Her eye catches glimpse of something that had never caught her before. Underneath the fire, in the center if one looked closely enough, she could see the earth with waters running throughout and nestled below a sky. Heart in her throat, Aurora leans back and holds the sphere with greater care than anything she’s ever touched. After some time, she regains herself and while placing it back where it belongs, she sees it. The notebook that she knew all too well by it’s cover. Soft earth spun material of brown and gold and within held what she knew to be delicate pages of lessons that she was never allowed to touch. All that had changed. Now she could take the object from it’s resting place and with aching heart open the pages.

She didn’t notice the note fall and land on her legs. Aurora was too entranced. Delicately turning the pages, she scans every page with care. After deciding what next to do, she gently closes the book then she notices the page. During finding the book and now, her heart had remained an adrenaline powered thud in her chest. Now, barely touching the page, her heart sinks deep within when she begins reading the note left by Heron.

My dearest child,

Just today you came of age. Just yesterday its seems I introduced you to this place of magic. It is here I leave the book of times past for you to find when you are ready too. Don’t despair, love. No matter where I go, my love always goes with you. I know you will grow to be something extraordinary. I could say how I know this but then I’d be giving away the ending. That’s the fun part of life, Aurora. The adventure in seeking your answers. The journey to your destination is the most important, sweet. I know you will learn and become a powerful force to behold. But do not forget to stop, take a breath, and breathe in your surroundings or else you get to where you are going without a mind of how you got there. How you get some place is sometimes more important than where it is you are going. Remember this and everything else I have shared in this life together. Having you to raise was and is my greatest honor. I love you, Aurora. Now and always, I will be watching.


Tears swell and threaten to fall. She only allows one to fall, however, for the past, for now, and for always. It lands on the page as she returns it to its folded position and places it back inside the book. After binding it once again and taking one more glance at the sphere that hovered in front of her, then reluctantly made her way to the pool. Almost submersed, Aurora has a thought, then re emerges to cast a blessing on the sacred cavern for one day another young one to happen upon this dwelling and cherish it the way she did and will always. The best she could offer, she thought as she climbed from the pool back on the outside. She lay there by the bank, emotions rage and battle for a winner. But there was no victor in that war, she knew. It was she who would have to endure the strength of the feeling tearing at her insides. All of a sudden, Aurora’s eyes felt heavy and she could feel the weight of exhaustion as she drifts into a , not so peaceful, rest.


The vision began the same as it usually did except this time it sped up so fast she could hardly make out the last of it. Aurora could see it still, replaying for her like some broken record as she stared into her own eyes looking back at her from the pool’s reflection. She no longer recognized herself, she notices, then turns away only to be faced with the reflection in her memory. The emotions flow within her but doesn’t tear at her as the past ones had done. Instead, she remembers now the serene feeling that came over her when she had witnessed the scene being played out .Creatures from everywhere coming together on middle ground but not on good terms. Aurora notices that all of them are dressed for war and the air smells of blood ready to be spilt. The scene fast forwards then slips away from her. From the feeling it gave her she knew that whatever war that was coming, wasn’t going to be at her feet for some time to come. That fact did not stop her mind from spinning everything that had happened to her till now. Not long ago, she was just a girl trying to find her way in the world. Now, she was all grown up and having to find a way to save her world. The irony did not go unnoticed as she rose to her feet first and then into the air.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2012

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