
I don't really know how to start this off. I'm writing all this down as I sit in my little room with no window and the only door is always locked. My meals are served through alittle dumbwaiter. I'm basically a prisoner here. There was really nothing else I can do since I don't remember anything past a few months ago. So I'm just going to tell you how it all started. It began a couple of months back...
I looked around the corner. Gun in hand I walked further into the darkness. There was a faint glowing up ahead. I slowly crept closer and saw a couple of men standing around a fire.
"It has to be done tonight."
"Well that's easy for you to say you're not the one who has to catch the girl." Who are they talking about? I stepped alittle closer to them and accidently put my foot down on a twig. The two men were now standing right in front of me.
"Ah it seems you don't have to go chasing after the girl after all." They both reached for me and I held the up gun.
"Don't move or I'll shoot." They just laughed.
"Hear that Pete this little girl is going to shoot us." That made them laugh even harder. I cocked the gun and pointed at the one named Pete.
"Laugh again and I will shoot."
"Alright little girl we'll go along with your little game. So who is it you're working for?"
"That is none of your business." I growled at him.
"Ah she's a feisty one." Pete cupped my chin and brought my face to his.
"The boss will love this one." I nipped at him but he was too fast.
"So little girl we will give you a choice. You can either come with us or we will kill you."
"Ha you guys are giving me a choice? As I recall I'm the one holding the gun here." I said alittle too proud at the time because just like that they had taken the gun and I had a knife at my throat. I struggled and was able to kick the one named Pete in the crotch, but in the end it was no use they were too strong for me.
"The choice is yours." And I chose the one that would made the most sense because I sure did not want to die. So Pete and the other guy, whose name I now know is Gander, tied me up, put me into a car and drove off.
"So what's your name little one?" Pete asked and I just glared at him. He met my glare with one of his own.
"My name is Ciara Connors."
"Heh nice name. So Ciara how old are you?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"Because we have to let the boss know all this."
"Listen here little one. I don't make the rules, I just follow them and I suggest you start doing that same or you won't live very much longer."
"I’m 16 years old. Happy now?" Pete nodded.
"Are you a natural blond?"
"I don't see how my hair color has anything to do with this."
"It doesn't it's just that shade of blond doesn't look natural."
"Well it is and it’s not blond it’s technically silver." Gander stopped the car and Pete got out and pulled me after him.
"This is going to get interesting." Gander said. I looked up at the building and saw that it wasn't a house but an old abandoned church. I was led inside. The whole place was gothic looking.
"Boss we're back!" Pete yelled out. No one responded at first then there was a loud bang.
"Gander! Pete! It's about time you got back." I saw a figure appear at the front of the hall. He looked no taller than me.
"And what's this? It seems you were able to catch the girl after all. Congratulations." The man slowly climbed down and started to walk towards us.
"My my such a pretty little girl."
"I'm not little and I'm tired of being called that!" I snapped at him.
"Heh she's got quite a mouth." The man stepped into the light and I won't lie he was handsome. He had pale blond hair and bright blue eyes that sparkled. He looked to be at least 18 maybe.
"So Mr. Boss exactly how old are you?"
"That doesn't concern you."
"Why not I mean I am your prisoner I should at least be able to know your age."
"I'm 17. There happy now?" I nodded and grinned. Such a young man can't possibly keep me locked up.
"I want you to take her down to the basement and lock her up. We don't need her getting out and causing another problem like the one in Europe."
"Wait what? You know me?"
"What do you mean do I know you? Of course I do. You were the one who blew up the nuclear plant."
"Then tell me about my past."
"What?" Boss man was looking alittle worried. I slumped to the floor.
"I can't remember anything past 4 months ago. All I know is that I woke up one morning in an alley with noting but an id and a sword in my hand."
"So you’re telling me you don't remember Europe?" I shook my head.
"Then untie her."
"But Boss..."
"I said untie her." Pete and Gander did as they were told. Once undone I rubbed my wrists. Boss man bent over and cupped my chin.
“Miss Connors I’m sorry about this it’s just that you caused quite an uproar in Europe and I certainly don’t want that to happen again.” I glared at him.
“What’s your name? I mean you know mine but I don’t know yours.”
“My name is Aaron. Aaron Quinn.”
“Aaron. That’s a nice name.”
“What is your name?”
“You know my name.”
“No I only know your last name.”
“It’s Ciara.” Aaron let go of my chin and backed away.
“I’ll call for you at dinner. Until then I hope you enjoy your stay.” Then with that he was gone.
“Alright then I guess we take her to room one?” Gander asked and Pete nodded.
“What’s room one?” They both just smiled at me. Room one is basically a cell. Its dark and it reeks of decaying flesh. I don’t know how I know what decaying flesh smelled like, I just knew. That room is actually where I found the notebook I am writing in now. I don’t know the exact dates and I don’t feel like guessing.
“Miss Connors dinner is almost ready.” I looked up from the desk and saw Pete in a suit.
“Great it’s a formal dinner.” I looked down at my muddy jeans and tee shirt.
“It’s alright Miss we have prepared a stylist for you.” So with that Pete lead me down a hall and into another room.
“Sonia this is Ciara you must make her look nice for Master Aaron.”
“I shall do my best but there are no promises.” Sonia said with a look of disgust on her face. After 30 minutes I was clean and wearing a dark red colored silk dress. My hair was combed out and pulled into a ponytail.
“Miss Connors are you ready?” I heard Pete ask from the other side of the door.
“Yes and you can stop calling me Miss Connors. Ciara is fine.” I said opening the door. Pete looked me over.
“You look very nice, Ciara.” Why the hell were they treating me so nice? I mean what am I a prisoner or a guest? These people are really pissing me off. Pete lead me into a huge room with a huge table in the middle.
“Wow.” Pete had pulled out a chair for me so I walked over and sat.
“Aaron will be with you shortly.” Then with that he was gone and I was alone. I sighed. God I’m so freaking tired. A lot has happened in the last four months. First Steven found me on the streets, took me to his house, introduced me to his friends, and hired me to work as an assassin, now this crap. Who exactly was this Aaron and what the hell is up with this Europe business? I tried to think back past four months but as usual I drew a blank. I gritted my teeth and tried harder.
“Are you ok?” I yelped and jumped up turned and I instinctively swung out. Aaron ducked down just in time to miss my fist.
“Whoa what the hell was that for?”
“Iono I kind of did it without thinking.”
“Well let’s not do that again.”
“Then don’t sneak up on me.” He chuckled.
“Deal, now how about we sit down and eat?” I sat and he took the seat next to me.
“I’m pretty sure you have a lot of questions huh?”
“Hell yeah I do. First off who exactly am I and how do I know you and why can’t I remember anything and what happened in Europe…?”
“Whoa one at a time.” Aaron said interrupting me. “Now I don’t really know who you are but you used to work for me, that’s all I’m saying at this moment since I don’t the answer to the rest.” I dropped my head down.
“I’m never going to know exactly who I am huh?”
“It will come to you all in good time. Oh by the way I have a little present for you.” A maid came in carrying a package. Aaron handed it to me and it opened to reveal my sword.
“Where did you find it?”I asked smiling as I lifted it out.
“It was in an antique store.”
“Thank you so much.” I swung the sword feeling the familiar feel of it in my hand.
I turned and looked at Aaron only to see a black sky.
“Aaron where did you go?” I turned back around to see nothing but the blackness. I reached out in front of me.
“It’s ash.” I pulled my hand back and walked forward and tripped over something. I twisted and saw a girl. Her eyes were filled with terror and her throat was slit. I screamed and backed away only to stumble over more bodies. All of them were dead. That same terror in their eyes and everyone single one of them had their throats slit. Some were kids, others were adults.
“Somebody please help me.” I spun in circles seeing nothing but dead bodies. Finally I stopped and saw another girl. She was staring at me.
“Hello?” She looked up and I gasped. She looked exactly like me but she was covered in blood.
“Did you do this to all these people? Did you kill them all?” She nodded. “Who are you.” She didn’t answer. I waved my hand and she waved back. I slowly stepped forward and ran into a mirror. Oh my god. I looked down at the sword in my hand. It was covered in blood. I dropped it. I’m a killer. My whole body went cold. Was this what Aaron was talking about? Was this Europe? I heard a sound behind me and spun to come face to face with Aaron.
“Oh how I hate lying to you.” His eyes were filled with nothing but sadness.
“What do you mean?” He shook his head.
“I am not allowed to tell you Ciara. You must figure it out for yourself.” Then Aaron disappeared. All of a sudden there was a burning pain in my stomach. I gasped and fell over clutching my side. I closed my eyes and the pain stopped. I peeked a look and saw that I was on the floor of my room.

It seems a few hours has gone by but I haven’t moved from where I lay on the floor. I was still in the red dress but I didn’t care. My eyes burned from all the crying I had done. What exactly happened? I heard a low grumbling and realized it was my stomach. I slowly got up and moved to the door.
“Hello is there any one there?” I called out but there was no answer. My stomach growled again. Damn it. I reached for the door knob knowing it would be locked but wishing it wasn’t. I turned it and heard it click. Yes it’s unlocked. I opened the door and peered into the hallway. All clear. I crept out into the hallway. Which way was the stairs again? I asked myself peering around a corner.
“Pete what exactly does the Boss want with that girl?”I froze, they were talking about me.
“I can’t say Gander.”
“Fine then. I’ll just fine out for myself.” I heard footsteps coming towards me so I ducked back into my room and lay down on the little bed and pretended to sleep. The door clicked open and then it shut again.
“Oy girl I know your awake.” Gander kicked my stomach.
“Ouch you big loony what was that for?” I sat up and glared at him.
“I just want to know why the Boss fancies you so much.”
“I don’t know and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you.” He grabbed my hair and pulled me off the bed.
“You little bitch. How dare you talk to me like that. When I ask a question you are to answer it.” He dragged me out into the hallway. “I will find out why he likes you so much.”
“Why do you want to know?” I asked through clenched teeth.
“Because I need to know his weakness.” We came to the stairs and Gander just dragged me up.
“Gander what the hell do you think you’re doing?” I heard Aaron yell. “Let her go this instant!”
“No not till you tell me why she’s so important to you.”
“If you do not let her go right now you’ll regret it.” I felt a weird pull in the air. Like it was calling out to me to do something. Wait a minute air can’t talk. Jesus I’m going crazy.
“Gander let her go,” Aaron’s voice got really weird. Gander dropped me. I quickly scrambled away. “Now I want you to get down on your knees.” Gander did as he was told. My mind screamed at me to stop Aaron but I didn’t know what he was about to do.
“You have disobeyed me Gander and for that you shall not live.” Aarons arm became that of a dragon. It had scaly skin and big claws at the end of it. What was going on? Am I really seeing this?
“Now die!” Aaron pulled back his arm and slit Ganders throat. I stared wide eyed and the blood gushing from the wound. Gander clawed at his neck trying to stop the bleeding but it was too late, his lifeless body fell over into the dirt. I looked over at Aaron and saw that his arm was normal again.
“What the hell just happened?” Aaron looked at me like he was just noticing I was there.
“You shouldn’t have seen that.”
“What are you?” He sighed.
“I’m not allowed to explain it to you. You will have to figure it out on your own.” I glared at him.
“What?” A vision came to me and I saw me standing next to a giant dragon. I was holding my sword which was hooked up to a collar around the dragon’s neck. Its scales were the same as Aaron’s were.
“You’re a dragon.” I said flatly. He nodded.
“And you are my master.” He walked over to me.
“Now Ciara you must call out the name of my dragon form and you’ll remember everything.” I thought about it for a moment.
“Why did I forget in the first place?”
“Because you couldn’t handle the pain from all the people you killed.”
“So I did kill people.” He nodded and sighed.
“You were basically created as a weapon but you got out of control and started killing everything. Then when you were 4 I showed up. I am basically your power. I am a piece of you,” He paused a minute thinking about what he was going to say next. “That sword is what binds us I made it from my very own tooth.” Aaron pulled me to him and hugged me.
“So I have no family?” He shook his head.
“I’m the only person you have.”
“Then why did you want to lock me up?”
“Because I can’t have you running away again. Now you must go sleep and tomorrow I will tell you everything." He cupped my chin and kissed me. I was shocked but I didn’t pull away.
“Until tomorrow my princess.” He whispered in my ear then the world went black.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.05.2011

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To my brother Micheal for teaching me how to write

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