
Chapter 1

"Have been 3 year since you are gone mum , dad! Three years since you were murdered.... Huh i am fine even if i miss you very much !!! I know that you may be not very happy for my life style, but i don t want someone to feel pity for me, i want to live on my own . I hate when others cry and consult me! You are gone and this is a fact that i accepted long time before! You can t return anymore and i can t think always of my past life! Now i am a different person , but always your daughter Rose ; heh pretty funny he? Rose like my red eyes and hairs.
Well , what can i say : school is going very good and job too. Now i should go , it is almost school time , but don t worry i will come again to visit your grave ! Bye !"

"Where have you been Rose ?! We are late for school!"
"Sorry Azura i visited my parents . It was their third anniversary of death. "
"Mmm have you heard for the newest prisoners that Ms Darkrose captured? She is a legend! No one knows her or her address. She is a mystery for all! People say that she works alone and she study her clients before getting the job . I am a fan!!!"
"Ah !"
"Hey isn t your cellphone ringing Rose?"
"Yeah! It is my second phone! Go ahead i will reach you soon!"
"Okay but hurry!"
"Hi, you are speaking with Ms Darkrose your information?"
"Hello , i have a job for you miss ! Where can we meet? "
"Tell me your address and i will come!"
"My address is......."
"Fine i will be there in midnight!Until then ...Bye!"

Chapter 2
"Hi miss Darkrose today you return early in house , another job perhaps?"
"Hello , Jane yeah it seems so. Is the lunch ready ? I am starving from appetite ."
"Sure miss, and your room is clean and in order as you like ."
"What would i do if you were not here to keep my house Jane! Thanks for all ! Well i was to my other home , my parents home when i returned from school and clean the house and that was very hard imagine me to clean this enormous house ! But i am glad i have this house too because it is the fruit of my hard work in this 3 years even if no one even you know my real identity ! You did it very well your job !"
"Thanks miss! When will you go tonight , if hat isn t a secret."
"Well i will go in 10 pm but the meeting is in midnight."
"And..... about the persons who killed your parents? Do you have new informations?"
"Heh ... no not yet , but i will not give up ! I will do anything to find them costs whatever ! And then , i will get my revenge , i will make justice by myself!!!"
"But miss , i know it is hard to accept the fact that the murders of your parents are free , but making justice by yourself??? Isn t that a crime?"
"No the crime is what they did, mine is just a justice! But change theme what do we have for lunch?"
"Well , this is a secret ! Come in kitchen to find it !"
"Okay !!!!"

Chapter 3
"Please enter Ms Darkrose i have been waiting for you! How was your trip?"
"Hi Mr Kaoru my trip was good enough ! Now what want you from me? What job can have a important person like you , a businessman very popular who has a lot of people who protect him , for me?"
"It seems like you don t lose time and also that you have made search on me Ms Darkbeauty!"
"Well , i am just doing my job ! It the minimum that i know who is my client and what want he from me isn t it? And then i will decide if i want to do it or not! So???"
I want you to survey someone for me. His name is Yusuke . He is..."
"Wow wait a minute ! I am not a spotter , i am a person who makes justice but i don t kill anyone !"
"Let me finish please ! I want you to observe him because I have a doubt that he may be involved in a very dangerous band of criminals who murdered two persons three years ago and after they disappear . Now they are here to kill their daughter because she was the unique person who had seen their faces, and i don t want Yusuke to be involved with them !"
"I accept the job!"
"What ? But how , i mean this is great but what did you made change idea?"
"Hey uncle is ...."
"Hello Yusuke ! Hmmmm what is so important that you interrupt my conversation with this miss? Bumping in the room like that...."
"Sorry uncle ! I ...... i will talk to you later!
Nice to meet you miss!"
"So he is your nephew? Well, returning to our conversation i accepted because i have some private business with those criminals and your nephew seems a perfect bait for this job but don t worry i will try to not hurt him!"
"Yes he is my nephew and he lives with me because his parents died in a car accident some years ago. How much want you for this job?"
"Well if it isn t for capturing some criminals then 7000 Euro and 3000 Euro should be transfered in my account now ."
"Sure ! It is a pleasure to work with you Ms Darkrose! "
For me too. Goodbye ! I will keep you in contact for what will happen but where can i find him ?
"He is the new transfered student in Ouran high school . Have a safe trip !"

Chapter 4

"How was the trip miss?"
"Jane , what are you doing you awake early in the morning ? It is just 5 am ."
"I was worry about you miss!"
"Oh my dear Jane thanks for worrying !"
"So how was the meeting?"
"Well i discovered some interesting things and what is the most important thing is that the killers of my parents are in the city and they are searching for me ; they want to kill me! Huh just like i wanted ! Now i will not regret their death that will happen very soon! I am so glad that i accepted this work!"
"Just be careful miss !"
"Now i will go home because i should be there when my friend will call me in the morning to go to school! Bye Jane ! Take care of my house !"
What for a chance ! I am searching they , they are searching me!!! Hahaha this will be a lot of fun !Finally!!! Now let see how is this Yusuke ! I should accept it that he was very hot ; with those deep blue eyes and blue hair .He is very handsome , but his eyes are full of sadness . I wonder how did his parents die.
It is better for him to now be involved with those criminals cuz i will be with him as cruel as with the criminals!

Chapter 5
"Hi Rose , good morning!"
"Good morning Azura ."
"Didn t you sleep enough last night? You seemed sleepy."
"Yeah i watched a movie."
"Which one?"
"Ummmmm..... aha one with action!"
"Whatever now we should go in school Azura."
"Okay. I have heard that in our class will come a new student from an important family and i heard that he is hot too."
"Ah really? Well you know that i don t care for this teenager things anymore.I have more important things that falling in love with a lad ."
"Please Rose don t speak like that, cuz you know it is not true."
"Yeah , yeah whatever, let s hurry the bell is ringing!"
"Hello class , this is our new student Yusuke Kaouru . Please Yusuke sit next ms Rose."
"Hi , nice to meet you Rose!"
"Hi Yusuke !"
"Ah before i forget miss Rose i wanted to consult you because i know that last day was the 3 anniversary of death of your parents.I am very sorry my darling , if we can do something just say us what!"
"It is not necessary to consult me prof because it wont bring anything , i accepted the fact that they are dead 3 years ago tears and consults don t bring me anything it wont bring them back .So please forget about this story."
" Oh dear i know that you are very hurt but...."
"I am okay !"
"If there is something that we can do..."
Yeah , but what i ask is impossible ! I want revenge , i want they die just like they murdered my parents . But since no one can do me this favor ........"
"You know that we all appreciate you but revenge this is very bad!"
"A life for a life! It is an equal exchange ! Very normal for me!"
"You speak like this because you are very hurt ! You are still too young to make decisions."
"Hurt??? This is the right word to describe your feelings when your parents are killed in front of your eyes???Huh!!! What i feel it is not pain ; it is revenge , hate all negative emotions that you cann t even imagine ! Believe me if i had the chance to kill them i will do it!"
"Enough ! on t speak like that! I order you to stop ms Rose!"
"Yeah , yeah whatever! I am going , i cann t hear those words anymore ! It makes me sick!"
"You can not abandon your classes! Where are you going?"
"To their grave! Leave me alone!" (crash)
"Sorry miss , i didn t see you!"
"You!!!!!!! Ummmm not it was my fault sorry!"
No problem , i am a new teacher here my name is Mr Kira ! You are?"
"Someone who is leaving , bye!"

Chapter 6
Oh hi mum , hi dad! I don t know what to do anymore! I know i overdo it ! But i am full of hate !
And now for my surprise those who killed you appeared! I bumped into one of them today ! I can not believe that i didn t kill him in that instant! I wanted to kill him in the moment he stand in front of me! I wanted to revenge you two! I WANTED .............I WANTED!!! Perfect now i am crying ! Stupid me !Stupid me ! Why ? Why am i so confused?! He stand in front of me and i .... i couldn t do anything! But perhaps it is better so! Perhaps i is better that Ms Darkrose take care of this not Rose! I would just mess all the things and i will be discovered ! I will not miss him next time ! He was just one of the three who killed you! It is better i follow him but not in this form or perhaps i can come nearer him like this because he didn t notice that that crying girl three years ago it was me! Yeah i will do so ! I will come closer to him like Rose and i will follow him like Ms Darkrose! I have my chance ! Finally! I heard a noise! Who is there?"
"Sorry if i scarred you Rose!"
"Yusuke Kaoru? What are you doing here? Did you followed me?"
"Yeah! What coincidence , your parents grave it is next to mine!"
"What ? Than you are their son? Their ..... i hate you!!! If wasn t for them my parents would be not here! If your parents didn t call mines that they had a car accident all this will not happen! If my parents weren t friends with yours , all this wouldn t happen! It is your fault! I hate you ! I hate you and your family ! It was their fault ! I HATE YOU!"
"Rose please !"
"Don t touch me! Stay away from me, You!"
"Please don t speak like that ! Don t !"
"Let me go ! Why are you hugging me? Leave me alone ! Go away!"
"Please go on cry! It will you make feel better!"
"I ......... I can t stand any more! I ..."
" Yeah good cry ! I am sorry for your parents death!"

Chapter 7

"Are you okay now Rose?"
"Yeah thanks! Have been 3 years since their death that i didn t cry ! And... i am sorry for what i said before ; i didn t have myself under control i am just sorry!"
"Yeah i know! My parents were good friends with yours! They tried to save my parents and me from the flames! Even if they only saved me because for my parents were to late!"
"What ? You were also in the car that day? I didn t know that! I only remember that the car explose and that ... that those criminals stand in front of us and ... they ... they murdered my parents in front of my eyes ! Unfortunately for me they hide me behind their backs and told me to run as fast as i could but i was too shocked to react! Only when they killed them ...... only in that moment i reacted , i started to run away! After going home alone i started crying and when the police find me the next day i was staying in a corner with eyes full of hate! Since that moment i din t cry anymore and even if i saw their faces i didn t tell nothing to the policemen . I want to revenge them myself . Even if i had a lot of places to stand after their death i just told them that i wanted to live by my own without help. They try to convince me but without results! Then they told me that they would take care of anything that i wanted but they couldn t give me the only thing that i wanted ; my parents. I had a lot of money that my parents had left for me ; enough to live good until i finished the university . And so , seeing that my first wish was impossible, i started thinking about getting revenge! And now i have my chance ! Now that they returned to kill me before i could tell the truth !"
"Wait how do you know that they returned?"
"Because i saw one of them today , but he didn t know me !"
"How do you think that you will get revenge when you are just a girl?"
"Have you ever heard for Ms Darkrose?"
"Yeah but what have you to do with that?"
"I payed her for this job!"
"What? But do you know who is she?"
"Sure i know ! I even know her real face!"
"What????But how?"
"Shshshshsh..... it is a secret! No one knows that! Please don t tell anything and don t ask me to tell how is she because i made a promise that i will keep with me in my grave !"
"Okay but i want to entudruce to someone will you come with me in my house please Rose?"
"Okay Yusuke!"
"UMMM this is my uncle Mr Kaoru !Uncle this is the girl whose parents died saving mines.This is Rose ."
"Nice to meet you ms Rose!"
"The pleasure is mines sir."
"Umm what is this beep Rose?"
Yusuke this is my alarm in my house . Someone broke my first system of defense .They found me . They are there for me i should go . Can i have your motocar?"
"Sure but ......"
"Thanks sorry i should go!"
No wait you cann t beat them ! Ms Darkrose is on the way there so .."

Chapter 8
"Come here little miss! We are waiting here for you ! We have some busyness ! Where are you?"
"She isn t here! She is in a safe place now , away from here ! I am Ms Darkrose and i am here to make justice!"
"Hey little girl , don t play around go away if you don t want to be hurt!"
"You don t get it right? I said i am your enemy , i am here because i was payed to come here to fight you so LET THE PARTY BEGIN!"
"Huh ..... smart girl is she right? She knew it that we were here around! And what an alarm system that she has! Ms Darkrose was again your name? I think that i know who you are ! You are this girl who is like a secret agent ; but you have your own game rules! No one is upon you , or command you; you have your own way of playing and dealing with others! Your identity is a mystery for all and all murders want our head . "
"Well then , let s begin! I ....."
"Where is she? Tell me what have you done to her you jerks!"
"Yusuke ,??? What the hell are you doing here?
Get out of here now!"
"Ms Darkrose where is she? Is she okay? Tell me!"
"She is in a safer place now ! You should.... (shoot) Noooooo (shoot)!"
"Ahhhh ....she shoot me! "
"Brother are you all right? You are bleeding , your left shoulder is ! Boss why did you shoot to that boy?"
"Move on now, we will come here another time ! Now we are unable to fight!"
"Ahh... you save me Darkrose! Are you all right? Oh now your belt from the right side is bleeding ! I should take you to the hospital! Let me help you!"
"N-o , no stay away from me and don t try to interfere again with my plans ! I am okay and i hope i won t see you again. She will come tomorrow to school ! Goodbye!"

Chapter 9
"Ahhhhhh so much pain. It hurts so much! I can ride my motorcar anymore , but i should advance . I can not lose by the first obstacle. I should go to my house. I am very near house !
Ah it hurts so much1 That fool of Yusuke , why did he come to save Rose? What is wrong with that guy? It was his fault if i was hurt! Ah i can stand anymore ! I will park my motorbike to the underground plan and i will try to remove the projectile by my own!
Jane jane open the door! Jane is me open the door i can not stand anymore ! Jan......"

Chapter 10
"AHH where am I? Why don t I have my mask on my face ? Who are you?"
"Be calm miss Darkrose you are in your suite. I dragged you here because you were without senses! And I am sorry but you were without mask when i found you , you had it in your hand! You lost a lot of blood. The projectile that was in your body, i removed it and i gave you some medicine to sleep ."
"Ah is that so? I don t understand how could you heal me? I know that the injury was very deep !"
"Well i am not a maid , i am a doctor but i didn t have fortune so i ended a maid. But now i have another job in Ouran High school as nurse. "
"So you will leave? "
"Well i can work here part time if you want miss!"
"Oh sure , sure! I am so glad that you won t live me alone and ... call me Rose this is my real name . You said my school?"
"Yeah !Now rest!"
"No i can not ! Is it morning? I should go to school or Yusuke will suspect about me."
"No i can not let you go ! You shouldn t be able to..."
"Stand? Yeah i can even walk. I am trained very good this three years!"
"Incredible ! Another person in your conditions will not be able even to speak! Well what can i do? Yeah you can go to school , but promise me that every school break you will come to me to see your injury okay?"
"Sure ! You are the best! If we don t want to be late we should hurry! And by the way i will tell you my story!"
"Can i refuse that look of you??? Come on i will help you to change to your uniform !"
"Sure!!! My puppy dog eyes always work! HAHAHAH don t make me laugh it hurts!"

Chapter 11
"Hi Alice did you see Rose ?"
Ummmmmm Morning Yusuke! No, i didn t saw her today because today early in the morning she said me that she will be late for school so i shouldn t wait for her."
"Good morning to all!"
"Who is she?"
"She is my friend and our nurse Ms Jane!"
"Nice to meet you guys!"
"Rose you know that today is a rainy day and ...."
"Yeah , i know ! I hope not! Well if so , then i know where i can find you!"
"What is up? "
"Nothing Yusuke!"
"So let me introduce myself class ;I am Mr Kira your new music teacher! I hope we will have fun together ! Let begin introducing yourself !Let start with you!"
"Me ? Umm ... my name is Rose!( is he the one who i shoot last night)"
"Rose, beautiful name !You are the girl who were running the last time right?"
"Yeah I am ! "
"Can I ask you why you were running?"
"No! None of your busyness !"
"Okay... well how you want!".....

Chapter 12
"Are you okay Rose? You look pale!"
"Yeah Yusuke I am okay!I just need to (flash , thunder)I... NOOOO i should go!"
"Rose ! Rose! Wait!"
"Jane !(thunder) Ahhhhh stop it !"
"Rose ! Where are you? What is wrong with you?
Ms Jane have you seen Rose?"
"Rose no! I am searching for her for about 10 min but i can not find her anywhere! I am really worried .IF she is alone on thunder storms ......"
"What will happen to her? What is wrong with her? Is she afraid from thunders?"
"Afraid? You don t even know what is afraid to her! If she is alone on thunder storms she is out of control! It is related to her parents death! If she is alone she..."
"She what ? Tell me ms Jane! What ?"
"She may even try to kill herself!"
"What??? I will go search for her! I will first go to the roof!"
"Okay ! I will search for her here in the building!"
"Rose Rose can you hear me? Rose DON T ! What are you making there? Come here! No no you shouldn t move ! I will come and pick you !"(THUNDER)
"Nooooooooooo! It was my fault!Nooooooooooooo!"
I got you!Oh my good ! You eyes are All black! What had happened to you? Oh my god you are like hypnotized! I will take you my home on this moment .For now just close your eyes and hear music with my mp4 player!"

Chapter 13
"Where am I? What happened?"
"Oh Rose thanks good you are okay now! You made me so worried! Why were you like that? Why did you become like a zombie in thunder storms? Please i need some answers!"
"Yusuke are you the one who is speaking? Sorry but i can not see you right now because i am blinked from the flashes ! I will be okay but now (thunder) Ahhhhh ! I am scared !" I hugged him instictivly and started to cry.
"What happened to you? Why are you so scared of thunder? I can not see you anymore like this! You can stay here and cry in my shoulders as long as you want! You are safe now!" How could i see her in so much pain? She is just an innocent , fragile , beautiful creature whose life has been so hard! Now that she is next to me crying like a little baby I don t know but my heart is jumping so fast , i am feeling very hot inside my body . What is this sensation? This desire....
"Why ? Why should all this happen to me ? Why Yusuke ?!"
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh my little girly do not cry anymore ! I am here with you now! You are not alone now honey !" I don t know why but this desire is more bigger than my forces ! I grab her kin and pulled her head up ! Those sad red eyes were so beautiful.I looked her face and then my eyes were on her lips. I couldn t resist and kissed her.First she was shivering but then she responded to my kiss. Her lips were so soft and tasted like strawberry .I wished that this moment will never end but it ended. She pushed me away with all her forces :
"Why ? Why did you do that?!Tell me Yusuke! I mean don t know anything about me!"
"Do you really don t understand why i kissed you? I fell in love with you from the first moment that i saw you! It was love with first eye contact !"
"Leave me alone ! I want to go home ! Where is Jane? And where am I here?"
"You are in my room ! I am sorry for doing you this please....."
"Don t touch me ! Stay away from (flash) Ahhhh"
"I will not let you go now Rose!"
"You jerk ! You are doing all this because i can not respond because I am afraid ! You are using my situation in you favor ! I hate you!"
"I am really sorry ! I am sorry that i couldn t control my emotions! I am really , really sorry honey !"
"You have fortune on you side that i can not slap you !"
"Hahahahah ... well lucky me ! Now tell me why are you so afraid!"

Chapter 14
"All begun in that incident . The truth was that after those jerks apparence my parents were not killed in that moment in other words they didn t want to kill them but their boss wanted me . He wanted to have me and abuse with me but my parents hided me behind their backs! They said tha no one will harm me until they were alive . And..... and in that moment he ... he killed them. He murder my parents in front of my own eyes but in the same moment that he pulled the gun also a very loud thunder appeared in sky. Before the were dead they told me that they loved me and for their sacrifice i should run and become a strong girl! If , if only i could go with that jerk this , maybe the incident wouldn t happen ! Maybe .... they would be still alive now! They........."
"Shhhhh don t say this bad things Rose ! It wasn t your fault . You couldn t know what would happen! Now I understand your shock !
I...I am really sorry!"

Chapter 15
"What happened Yusuke?ˇ"
"Well you fell asleep in my arms after telling me the story . I should make you a photo of your sleeping face. You were so cute and so innocent not so rebel as always. "
"Hahahah not funny ! Where is my cellphone i want to call Ms Darkrose ."
"Again Darkrose? What is your relationship with that girl?Why is she so important to you?"
"This is nothing of your busyness! Now i want to call her! I can not stay with you!"
"Why not?"
"Hey you pervert! How can i stay here , in your room alone with you? Think about it!"
"Now I am a pervert?"
"Yes you are a pervert, a stupid boy , a bad boy ect ect ! And.....Thank you for saving me!"
"Ummmmmm Rose?What is your tattoo?"
"How ? Hey you ! What have you done with me when I was sleeping?"
"No ! No i only saw it now!Trust me!"
"Ummmm well, this is the promise of Ms Darkrose and me! It is written Loveless . "
"Why Loveless?"
"After the death of my parents i trusted only Darkrose.To make a promise for life, we tattoo Loveless in our body in the same place! This is the way we pay each other. "
"Again she? I hate that you speak only about her ! I hate it hate it! Only Darkrose only she! Why ? Why? Why are you friend with such a girl ?"
"Tell me Yusuke are you upset about her?"
"AAAAAAA forget it!You can call her now ." I gave her, her cellphone . I don t know why i am so sad when she speaks about this Darkrose .I mean how can she trust a girl like that?
"Ummmm Darkrose I am ,Rose .(Rose what are you talking about? I am Jane . Where are you ? Are you okay?) Yeah , yeah I am alright . I am by Kaoro s house .(You are where???? What are you doing in the wolf mouth? And with who are you there?) Yeah I am in the house of your client Mr Kaoru. Now i am with his nephew . Can you come to get me please? I don t have my motorbike here so... And don t forget the mantel in the "first ground" beside "the picture". (Huh ? What do you mean? You want me to come there as Ms Darkrose ? But where are your clothes as Darkrose? Wait a minute first ground beside the picture ... You mean a secret room? Now I get it.)Yes ! "
"And ? What did she say Rose?"
"She will be here soon . She is coming to get me. Now will you tell me why are you so cold towards her? After all she saved your life back than."
"I don t get it . How can you trust an unknown person like her."
"What do you mean an unknown person like her ? You are the only one who is a stranger to me , but i trust you a little . You are a stranger who I don t know a thing about and besides this you kissed me ! How can you call her a unknown person when you don t even know her , when you didn t saw her and she , even if she didn t knew you she saved you! At least be a little nice towards her won t you?"
"Yes ! BYE!!!"
"Wait Rose ! Where are you going? You can not jump from the window! We are in the second floor ! You will hurt yourself!"
"As you care! I will do what I want !" I hate him. Stupid boy ! I will jump from the window .
"Ah i got you ! Don t even think to hurt yourself in my presence cuz I won t let you do that! " I got her in the last moment . She is out of ordinary . I make her so mad , but I love her.
"Why didn t you let me go Yusuke?"
"Silly girl! How can I live my precious diamond fall ? I told you ; I love you!" I kissed her again in the lips but more softer than before.She was shivering , and i fell hot tears come down to our faces , but then she respond to my kiss .I pushed her delicately to the wall and started to kiss her more and more and then
instinctively put my arms around her waist but then she pulled me away from her.
"St... STOP , don t make this anymore please. I don t want to be kissed and to fall in love with someone . Don t do this to me please . I don t want to ."
"But i though that you were enjoy it ! I know that you were enjoy it because you kissed me back , you didn t stop me before . You were telling me your true feelings for me . You hadn t control of your emotions and you hate this right? Or....or were you just playing with my feelings? Tell me Rose ! Tell me the truth!"
"Sorry if i am late Rose !"
"Ms Darkrose ! You are here!"
"Yes ! Should we go now?"
"Sure ! Ummm... Bye... Yusuke. "
"Thanks for taking care of her while I couldn t protect my precious girl , boy !"
"Yeah ... you weren t in time for her. "

Chapter 16
"Thanks Jane for helping me ! I owe you something !"
"What was with Yusuke? Why were he so mad of you , i mean of Lady Darkrose?"
"I don t know . But we should hurry to my home because i can not support the pain anymore . The wound is hurting me so much."
"Okay ! Pull your hands around my waist with all your force because i will increase the speed ."
"Morning miss Jane !"
"Good morning Yusuke!"
"Where is she? She didn t come the first 3 hours."
"Rose? She is sleeping at home. I told her not to come today at school . She was destroyed and also her mind was somewhere else than in Earth! Did something happen when she was with you? She didn t say me much . She were at her room alone with Lady Darkrose ."
"What ? She were alone with her in her room? "
"Miss Jane tell me ; what is their relationship?"
"Huh how can I say t ; it is special ,like they are one."
"WHATTTTTTTTTTT? Tell me how can I enter to her house before the alarm system is activated?"
It is simple ! Just use the second key of her house . Is the the love letter that 2 doves have in their mouth."
"Okay thanks ! Can you tell the teacher that i had really bad headache and went home ?"
"Hahahah okay ! Take care of Rose!"
"Sure!!! Special relationship huh? What is the mystery behind all this ? Why is she so close with a girl like her? Oh Rose please , please i need an answer from you . I can not understand myself anymore. Ms Jane sad that the second key was the love letter that ... aha there it is. Sorry for entering in your home like that but i need to discover the truth." I stand before her .She was sleeping in the rest room . Her face was so so .... i can not describe it . When she sleep she has an angel face. I couldn t help it , i couldn t wake her . I started to play with her long beautiful hair , but then she woke up and... she placed a gun in my chest.
"Who are you?" Yusuke??? What are you doing here? How could you?"
"I just wanted to say you sorry that i kissed you without your permission and .... i wanted to talk about last night and about Ms Darkrose ."
"First of all tell me how did you enter here , and i don t have nothing to explain or talk to you . Please get out of my house!"
"Not without an explanation ! Ms Jane told me how to enter here."
"Well.... then tell me what do you want to know ! And don t tell me that you are sorry for the kiss because i know you are not !"
"I want to know if you are playing with my feelings or if you feel something for me ! This time i want the truth ."
"I don t get the point of this conversation. I don t want to speak , i am really tired .Last nigh was too long for me . I only want to sleep
"You are overcoming our conversation . You are telling excuses only to not answer. Last night you didn t tell me anything because Ms Darkrose , your *special friend* came. But you are making me suffer so much . You are so cruel!"
"I didn t tell you to fall in love with me !!! I told you that i don t want to fall in love , i don t want to have feelings ! My only desire from this life is to make justice of what happened three years ago!"
"And ? What will happen when you will complete your desire? You will start to live ...or will you end your life??? You are spreading all your time on revenge ! Tell me ! TELL ME WHAT DO YOU THINK TO DO?????"
"I DON T KNOW !!! I don t know Yusuke! I only wish...huh . I really don t know!!!!"

Chapter 17
"Here! We are not going anywhere like this Rose! I only want to help you and know your feelings about me ! So will you tell me , or will you make me prove it ?!"
"What do you mean with prove it Yusuke ?" He came nearer and pulled me in the sofa and tried to kiss me but ...
"So this is your response ?! You only played with me ! Huh , and me who thought hat you may like me , bu i seems not because you pulled away your had so i couldn t kiss you."
"Please don t say this things Yusuke ! It hurts me to hear ."
"Forget it ! Now please tell me about Darkrose ."
"I don t know what you think of our bound , but to make you clear she is like a sister for me. She helped me for three years . She is the only family i have. More i can t tell you . I will expose her identity if i speak more and i know that your uncle will love to take more information about her."
"How do you know that?"
"I know more that you may think Yusuke! Now that we are to this theme tell him that Ms Darkrose wants to speak with him . "

Chapter 18
"Kira , you know that we should find her right? I mean what s up with you? You seem like you are daydreaming all this week. Something happened in that school where you ^teach^ ?"
"No , nothing happen Akira . Nothing at all."
"Brother what is wrong with you? If our boss sees you like this .... "
"OK , OK it is about a chick i knew at the school I work. She is the nurse there."
"AAAAAAAA this explains everything . Now quit it , he is coming!"
"Yo guys ! What s up? Some good news for me? Do you find a way to capture that girl or at least a way to enter at her house? "
"Yes we find a way Mr Silver. Seems that the key are the doves."
"Doves? What do you mean? Explain yourself Akira."
"Well we were observing her house and we saw that someone entered from the door . He pulled away the love letter that two doves held and the door opened herself."
"Good , good ! I am very pleased from both of you. You are repaying very good the debt that you have with me. Don t forget because i was the only one who took care of you two in an early age when your parents died and i was the one who let you finish the university. If it wasn t for me you would probably dead now.
Tonight we will go there and finish the job."
"I hate to admit it but he is right Kira. "
"You want to say me that we couldn t live and can not live on our own bro? Yo see she is still little but she managed to live on her own for 3 years and she even picked up Ms Darkrose to kill us. ..and she is still in high school."
"Kira don t go away! You know what am i talking about! Kira!...."

Chapter 19.
"Hey Jane. Hellooooo? Anyone at Jane s brain? Earth calling Jane ???? JANE !!! STOP DAYDREAMING!"
"HUH! Miss Rose , what s wrong? "
"I invited you to stay over my home today as Rose , but you seem to have your mind somewhere else. What happen?"
"I am sorry Rose but i was thinking of someone."
"What???Seems interesting . Who is the lucky boy you are thinking?"
"Ah , how did you understand that i have fallen in love?"
"Hahahah is pretty simple ! You are spacing out this days."
"Yeah this is right. He is someone you know.
He is a teacher at your school.He is Mr Kira."
"What???????? You mean the music teacher?"
"Yeah ,why what is wrong with him?"
"Ummm nothing! I was only surprised!(Crap! How can I tell him that he is one of the three killers? How can i tell her that he is the one who i shot? )"
"Anyway ,Rose you seem down this days .Something bad happen?"
"No , nothing at all! But, tell me how did you fall for him?"
"Well it was love with first sight. He came in my office to take a medicine that reduces pain. In the moment our eyes meet , my hart started to beat very fast. He was tall,dark haired , handsome."
"Wow seems really love with first sight. It is one sided or ..."
"I don t know it for sure , but i think he likes me.I can feel it from the way he looks at me. We have spoken to each other sometimes but not much."
"Well what can I say, hope it gets good for both of you. Well changing arguments what do you think of getting something to drink? I will go out and buy some....."
"Hello misses! Can we disturb you for a while? "

Chapter 20.
"You! You are the killers! How did you...."
Silver grabbed my arm and pulled me to the door.
"So , so ! You are the mysterious girl who survived three years ago huh? I must say it ! You are very pretty,so pretty that i am thinking again of killing you or not! You are very suitable for my tastes!"
Pull you dirty hands away from me! I am still very powerful to respond to your attacks . Get the hell out of here!"
"Hey i know you! Your name is Rose , you are one of my students. You remember me right? I am Kira , your music teacher! I...."
"Rose what is going on here? Why are you taking so long to bring the drinks? What..."
"Jane go away from here now ! Go call Yusuke for help! Jane why are you standing there without doing anything ?! Jane please Jane ..."
"You are ... you are Kira ! You are one of them! I ..."
"Well , well! Seems like we have also another entertainment here ! Jane right? You are Rose s friend? Now can you come here with your will? I don t want to hurt such a pretty face!"
"Leave her alone!Don t you dare to touch her Silver!"
"Kira bro what is happening ? Don t tell me she is..."
"Yes Kira what s wrong? You want to play alone with her ? Well you have done a lot for me so i can leave her to you ! This house is big! Go find another room ! I think that you Rose Will be enough for me ! Akira you go see if is coming someone! She said a name before ,Yusuke ! There is also someone else who will join us soon."
"Kira!!!! Don t you dare to touch Jane or I swear that i will kill you ! Got it?"
"Hey sweet shouldn t you see your situation first? You have still me here ! You should worry about yourself more!"
"You will not touch me! I have still my gun pulled right to your chest Silver! Huh you though i will go outside my house without a gun?! You must be very dumb to not see my situation! Now would you and the brothers go out of my house?"
"You are forgetting something! Kira went that way to play with your friend!You don t want her to suffer right?....."

Chapter 21.
"All this time you played with us Kira! And me who though that.... don t you dare to touch me! You are a murder ! I hate you!"
"Don t be afraid! I will not do anything to you! I ... will not touch you! I brought you here to save you. I can not let you escape but at least no one will dirty you, or pull your life in danger!And... I never played with you! I didn t know who that girl was ! I didn t kill someone in my life!"
"What about Rose? What will happen with her? I must call Yusuke! Please let me call him, please Kira , she needs my help!"
"I know that Silver has dirty thoughts . He can...."
"No, no please ! She is still so little! I have been her friend since three years ago! I know her soul! She may seem very strong , but instead she is very fragile. She ... she..!"
"Please , please Jane don t cry! I will let you call him only with one condition: Kiss me!"
"What? Why?Well I don t care ! I will kiss you if this helps Rose!"
"Are you so willing to kiss me only to save your friend? Hmmm.... forget what i asked you. I am sorry , i ..."
"What if i want to kiss you Kira?"
"You mean you like me? "
"This wasn t the way i wanted to confess , but yes Kira<I like you!>"
"Then, is it okay to kiss you Jane?"(I grab her and kiss her lips ,they were burning . I could tell that she was enjoying it .)

Chapter 22
"Why , why does my chest hurt so much?
AH Rose ,Rose why is my love for you one sided? I can t i stop thinking about you ? My phone is ringing...
Hello! <It s me ,Jane! Hurry and come to Rose s house ! She is in difficulties !>
She what????????"........................
"You should be brave and obey to me Rose! "
"Sorry but I am not scared of you Silver! Remember that I have still the gun !"
"And about your friend? You don t care about her life? Do you want to see what is happening there? Then I will show you!"
"He will not touch Jane! Kira is not stupid!" <I hope he didn t lay a finger on her ,or here will be blood everywhere! >
"See ? He is kissing her ! He sure is slow! Not like me , don t you think so Rose?"
What is....<He is kissing her for real! But wait a minute ,she , she is enjoying it ! I can see her smile ! So this means they are both in love ! I should take this idiot with me out of here so he will not suspect . But what can I do?>
"Enough! I have seen enough! "
"Did you enjoy the show Rose ? Now give me that gun !"
"Here take it you asshole! "
"Good girl! Now where should we start? Maybe with a kiss in your neck... like this ...and I can go deeper..."
"Put your dirty hands away from me!!! Don t even think to kiss me anymore! You bastard! Go....go away!"
"You are rude Rose! I like it! It makes me wanting more!"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.04.2011

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