
Zzzzzzzzzzzz! "Huh what time is it ? Oh no i m late for school !!!"
My name is Angel i am normal 15 years teenager with long black hair and a free spirit . I am very popular ,but i don t have a boyfriend yet :( . Well, this was before that day .....
"Hurry, hurry, hurry ! "(crash) "Huh sorry my fault !"
"You better look where you go !" a handsome boy with black hair and deep blue eyes said .
"Who was he , is he a new student ?! But what am i talking about ; i should go! "
"I did it on time !" i yelled
"You are late ! " Sorry headmaister Elen I , I ....
"Don t justify yourself ! It is not the first time ! Now go back to your place !"
"Hi Alice ! Who is he with our headmaister ? Is he a new teacher ? " "Is our new English prof ! He is very handsome , isn t it ?"
"Yeah !" "Hey who is speaking there ? Silence !
So how i was saying before miss Angel interrupt us this person is your new english teacher Mr Rein ! "
"Nice to meet you ! I am sure that we will spend a very good time together ! " he said with a gentle voice .
"Well, and i have another notice please meet your new classmate Eclipse !" miss Elen said .
"Waw he is so cute !" "How beautiful eyes !" "How handsome ! " "I want to date him !" "Waw !"
"Ummm .... Hi i m Eclipse mr Rein s brother ! I am glad to meet you ! I hope we will be friends !" he said .
"Huh , but this is the boy before ! To me he wasn t that nice ! Well he is another one of the populars ! What for a news , a new stupid hot boy just like others!" i said .
"So, Eclipse sitt down there next to miss Angel !"
Heeeeeh what in hell is she talking about ?! Wasn t enough to be in the same class !" "AAAAAAAAAA Angel is so lucky! I wish I could sitt next to him !
This isn t fair! " :( :( :( a few girls said .
"Weren t you too late for school today ?! " "Well , i was in time if you want to know ! You were the one who stopped me ! "
"Wasn t you that crashed with me ?! "
"Huh :P :P :P arrogant !" I was to angry to speak more with him so i stoped and listend to our headmister!
"Well i should go now but you be quiet !" miss Elen said . "Goodbye !"

"Well then , before we start i want to know each of you ! So please tell me your names !" mr Rein said.
"Hi my name is Maya !" "My name is Momoko !" "My name is Kiriu !" "My name is ............. "
"So your Name is Angel right ?" the prof ask me . "Really nice name ! You were the girl who were late so?"
"HMM yeah sorry about before prof Rein . It will not happend again !"(nice introduction for the first time ! What had i ever done to deserve that ! :( )............

"See you tomorrow then Alice ! Bye bye !"
"What a day ! To many things for a day i need to to rest!"
"Hi honey how was school ? Anything all right ? "
"Noon mum! Yeah a really hard day today ! I will take a bath to let out this stress ! Then i m going to my room see ya ! "


"Hi sweety how are you ? So why don t you aceept my offer ? Why don t you go out with me,i mean i m cool and popular ! You are a very very hot chick and one of top teen populars girls in our school !"
"Go Brian i said you once that i don t want to be your girlfriend! I said that once and i repeat it again! My answer is no! Now let me go ! "

" No I will not let you go until you say yes ! I mean what s wrong with you ? You will not go away until you say yes and give me a kiss !"

"Let , let me go i said Brian ! Forget it , even if you were the only boy of the world i will not kiss you or go out with you!!! Now let my arm !

"I said no !" Now i were before him , he slam me to the wall and tried to kiss me but ...!
Something had stopped him and he wasn t moving !

" I think that the miss said no! You are in a bad very bad situation boy ! You shouldn t force a girl to be your girlfriend or kiss you ! Bad very bad !No no no now i am obligated to harm you for doing such a thing !
Are you ok Angel ? "
"HMM Yeah i m ok ! " It was he Eclips who saved me ! But why did he do such a thing ? Who is he ? HIS eyes aren t the same they had changed , they are full of anger but what is he doing ??? (crash) he shoot Brian with his punch in stomache ! Eclipse seemed so hot when he was angry !
" I think you had your lesson ! Now let s go in school Angel or we would be again late ! "
"Heh o ....ok !" I wasn t able to say another word cuz he grab my had and we ran to school . I brush and run with him ! At least the first hour we had english and i was with him my prof s brother well , that s what i thought !

"You two are 7 min late ! The lesson had started ! What should i do with you two now???"
Sorry Rein it was my fault ! I didn t remember our direction and ocassionally miss Angel was there and helped me ! She was on time but she helped me so......" What was he saying he was the one who saved me and because of me he were late ! That was a lie for sure ! He helped me again and saved me from a punishment .
" Well then go back to your places !" mr Rein said a bit unsure for what his brother said . I was sure that we knew that his brother was laying but he didn t said nothing . I was confused and didn t know what to say ! I stayed there and sayed nothing . I was so koncentrate in my mind that i forgot the sense of time until the first three hours pass and the bell rang. All were going in cafeteria all besides me . He wanted to go out to but i stopped him grabin his hand and giving him a kiss on the check and say
"Thank you !" and with my face brushed i went out of my class . He stand there staring and thinking of what happend ...

Next day

" Bye moom ,bye dad i m going to school ! See ya! " I went to my class but he wasn t there .
"He will not come today !" a familiar voice said . It was mr Rein Eclipse s brother .
" Oh no prof you misunderstand , i was searching for my friend Alice (sure it was a lie i was searchin for him ) ,but now that we open this theme why will he not come ? " i said.
"He got a cold last night !"
" Oh i hope he will be ok soon ! " i said with sadness in my voice.
"Don t worry , he ll come tomorrow again ! But i will tell him that you asked for him ! Bye then !"
" NO don t ........ " it was to late he went to a class . Well i don t know the reason but i was sad . Maybe cuz he wasn t there ... but what am i talking about ?
"This night is very beautiful ! I will go to the roof and watch the moon !
What for a fresh air ! I would like to stay like that for an eternity !" :D
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I heard a noise and got up in the moment !
"Who is there?" i said but no one was there ,well that s what i thought.

"Goodmorning to all!"
"Oh morning Angel how are u? Where were you this morning i called you but you didn t answer at the phone !"
Yeah i heard my phone ringing but it was so warm in my bed so i didn t get up ! Sorry ! :P "
"What you were still sleeping in 07:40 ? It isn t a wonder that you came to school in 07:57!"
"Well last night i was on the roof and i stayed there for a long time so i went to bed very late!"
"You always had an answer to this question do you?! an intrusive voice sayed to me it was he.
"It is none of your bussines !" i said .
"Yeah yeah whatever ! But thanks for beeing worried about me last day ! My brother said that to me !"
"Heh ....... i was not worried for you , i was just searching Alice !"
"But wait Angel you said that ........"
"Shshshshshshshhshsh ........ don t interrupt me Alice !"
"You are lying !"he said .
"Nooooo why do you think so ?!"
"You taked over your eyes from me when you said that !" he said with a ironic smile at his face . "Are you maybe falling for me , cuz i understand you it is not the first time that a girl falls for me !"
"No no no you are frustating me ! Shut up !"i said and went away .......

"So where will we go today : shopping , caffe bar, beach , where ?"
"I think is is better to go to the beach, Alice
it is so hot today !"

"Wow you are fantastic with bikini Angel ! And your breast has growed so much in a year ! This is the first time for this year that we go to beach isn t it?"
"Yeah , i choose this day to go to the beach cuz today are 7 years from that day , and maybe with my lucky number 7 maybe today is the day Alice !" i said with saddness in my voice . "Maybe he will come this year to see me ! He can not forget the promise he made to me ! "
"Hey don t think about it today we are here to have fun Angel !"
"He sweeties would you like to swimm with us ?" a few boys ask .
"Well no thanks boys !See ya! "
"Hear Alice is ok for you if i go there ? I mean you know to my secret place to the deep blue cavern !"
"No please don t go there !"
"I should go you know !"
"Even if i ask you that you won t listen to me ,will you ?You will go ! :( Angel"
"You know me well ! My promise cost me that mark that i have in my neck , the bite of a vampire . A bite from him . Well see ya later !"
I swam into the sea and went there . Here it was with her magnificant beauty and full with mistery my cave ! Even if i was a bit scared and my heart was beating so fast i entered.
There in the middle of the cave was my beautiful flower unice for her deep blue petals ; THE BLUE ROSE!
Suddenly i heard a very loud noise coming from the deeps ! I stared.....
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" a voice said ."This is a dangerous place you shouldn t be here .Go away !"
"N...NO I will not go away from Blue Rose cave !" a said trambeling .
Hehhhhhhhhhh it couldn t be ! Is it really you ? Are you the girl who saved me that night ? The girl who offered me her blood to make me live ? Could it be you ?Tell me please , tell me the truth !"
"Are you vampire boy ? Yeah ,i am ,i am oh ,i was waiting for you to come and you finally came ! I am so glad to see you so glad to know that you kept your promise !Please come nearer ! All i can remember from you were your deep blue eyes like this flower !"
When we got closer me stared and at the same time we said :
"What , you?"
"Angel you are the............ girl ?"
"Eclipse that couldn t be true ! That s why your eyes seemed my so familiar! You are he ! Oh my god!But ...but why now , why not before ?! Tell me !!!"
"Oh Angel this begun 7 years before ,that night that i saved you from waterlogged ! You saw me being so desperate from not finding the blood that could made me survive, your type of blood that unice blood group .Well as thankgiving you gave me your blood . I told you that we ll see each other one day in that day ! But i couldn t be there earlier cuz my brother made an antidote with the blood you gave me !" But now that the antidote is over i am in research of a new one ! Well that was my opportunity so i went here wondering this cave a returning to my memories! I was always thinking about you ,about your pretty inocient face , i had never forget you! Please trust me !"
"Yeah i trust you so come on drink my blood!"i said and led him my neck .
"Wha........what are you talking about ! I didn t came here to drink your blood! I came here to keep my promise to you! Don t even think about!"he said screaming at me .
"But i know you want it ! So come on drink it ! I m offering you !"
"No no i said don t you understand it ? If i drink your blood now i will not be able to walk away ! It will cost you a lot of suffer and i don t want it!"
"You made me do this !" i said and cut my finger in a sharp stone .
"What did you d....." he couldn t speak more cuz the smell of my blood has made him to step back , he couldn t just stay there so he grub my finger and lick the blood ! After that he came nearer and stopped to my neck . Then i felt his fangs to me and ............
"Finally you woke up !" he said but yet i didn t were to concious . You shouldn t do that anymore , you see what happened !" he rise up his voice ,but it was full of saddness and i really didn t want him to be so upset with me the reason i don t know how !
"Well , it wasn t a big thing ! i said as i didn t care of what happened .What time is it ?"
"Huh ?I can t belive what you say !!!It is almost afternoon , why?"
"Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh afternoon , oh no alice i should go !!!!" i said so but the second after i fell down .
"Are you ok?" he said grabin me in his arms .I brush up all over my face hot pink ." You are too weak ! You can t swimm cuz you can t even move !For now you just stay like this !"
"But ........!" i stoped cuz he put his finger in my lips saying:
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh you speak too much!"with a very soft gentle voice.
We stay like that for about an hour but to me was an eternity . It was an unconfortable situation but felt so good and safe in his arms .Then i broke the silence between us saying
"I think i can move now so i can go back to beach !Certanly she is worried about me ! So , bye then you will not dissappear again will you?"
"No i will not dissappear without warning you! I will acompain you so grab my hand and i will bring you to your friend !But promise that you will not be that rude to me in school!" he said with an ironic voice and smiling.
"I will not promise anything !" i said laughting and grabbing his hand ............

"Angel, angel oh i was so worried about you !" my friend said giving me a big hug."What happened ? And, why are you with Eclipse ?"
I totally forgot that i was holding his hand .
"Oh nothing bad happened i just find him , the vampire boy ."i said like nothing happened.
"Wha....what ???!!! He eclipse from our class is the vampire boy ?The boy who you were so sad cuz he walked away ? "Alice sayed shocked.
"Well well you didn t say me that you were sad because you missed me !" Eclipe interupt watching me with an ironic smile in his face .
I didn t say anything cuz i didn t want him to knew more about this story.
"Oh is so late why don t we go back to house ? It was a very long day!" i said as i wanted to change theme . "Alice can we trust you?"
"Su .....sure but......!"
Well then i am so tired bye ! i left alone without saying a word . ..........

"Hi how was the day on the beach honey?" my mum said .
"Oh it was perfect !" i said going to my room ."I will rest a while , i m so tired see ya later !"
I fell to my bed with my eyes closed and thinking about what happened.Suddenly i started crying without knowing the reason .
I cried so much until i fell asleep............

"Hi everybody! Goodmorning ! "i said to my class
"Wh ........What Angel is almost in time to school?" "What is happening ! " "Oh no the world will fall over cuz the queen of late is almost on time for the first time, in school!" " What a tragedy ! " "Today will be a black day ! " "Oh nooooooooooo!" my classmates said .
"Oh shut up ! I am not on time ! You should be more confidient to me and not to tell me this things! Very good friends are you! " :P
"Miss Angel can you please come with me ?" mr Rein said interumping us .
"O ouu someone is in trubble since in morning! " "Ok we are save !" some of my friends say .
"Shut up you!" i said angrily. "But why prof?"
i asked.
"Oh can i take you the first hour i would like to talk to you about personal things . Please come with my in cafetteria!" mr Rein said .
"But i need a permision !" i said trying to not give myself as i didn t want to go .
"I had it already!" he said smiling to me . Perfect he knew that i wouldn t refuse .
"O...ok then prof !" i said smailing with irony . (Crash)
"In trubble early in the morning he?" Eclipse said.
"It is none of your bussines !" i said . "Cann t we just for a time see each other without crashing?! Could you be so gentel to put my bag in my chair please Eclipe ! "i said
"Su..... wooooooooa what is in your bag stones?" he asked.
"Yeah rare stones called books!" i said with irony . "Bye bye honey! Can we go ? "

"So prof about what would you like to speak with me ?" begin I.
"You are the one who saved my little brother s life right? I know that he has already drunk your blood again , but if he keeps doing that you are really in danger , you know that Angel?" he said.
"Well, actually not !" i answered.
"I thought so . If he keeps drinking your blood , you will lose yourself, i mean you will turn to be his slave , his food . He will be your master , or better saying he is your master since 7 years ago , when he drank your blood. I tried to find a way to save both of you but it turned out like this . And now, after 7 years you will deal with the situation. I have only two options for you , The first to be his slave , and The second to give me your blood when i need it , to make his medicine. What will you choose? " he said .
"I.......I did not know a thing . All i did was to return the favor . If i give you my blood you two will disappear again right?" i said .
"Yes! It is dangerous if he stays near you , he will not be able to control himself. This is the best option if you ask me ." he said with a very serious face.
"I.....i DON T AGREE!" i said loud and ran away. Tears started to fall down my face and i run as fast as i could until .....
"Angel , what s wrong with you? Why are you crying? Answer me ! What did my brother do to you? Angel?" eclipse said to me .
"Le.....let me go!"i yelled and run away......

"Wait Angel, please wait! Don't run away . Talk to me what happened?"Eclipse said to me and grabbed my hand.
"Let go !"i yelled . "This is none of your business! It has nothing to do with you . Let....let me Please!!! "
"Not until you clear things with me first ! " he said grabbing my other hand too. "FACE ME ! " he ordered me . "Please look me in the eyes and tell me what did my brother do to you ." he said so and came nearer to my face.
"Leave me alone Eclipse, please !" i begged .
"Let's skip school today and go somewhere where we can be alone ." he whispered in my ear . I followed him without objecting....
"So will you tell me what happened now that you have calmed down ?" he asked me while watering the Blue Rose . "What did Rein say to you?"
"Why didn't you say me about THE CURSE on humans ?" i asked .
" What did exactly that stupid brother of mine said to you about this matter?" he answered angrily.
"Answer my question ! I want to know all of this from you" . i asked.
"I Know it that i shouldn't drink that blood of yours. We made a mistake coming here. " he said. "Regarding The Curse i assume that Rein said all to you about me becoming the master and you my slave. I fully understand if you want me to disappear from your life from this moment and if you ask me this I will do it. I too , don't want you to be in danger , but if i stay near you I can't control myself . So what do you want me to do? I don't want to put your life in danger ."
"I don't regret it returning you the favor , but being a slave ??? I never thought about this . I don't want to be someone property , or belong to someone . " i answered.
"Than, the things are cleared ! I will disappear from your life this night. It was very pleasant to meet you again. Goodbye Forever! " he kissed my lips and the thing that i remembered was waking up from my bed in my room alone..........

At midnight
..........MEANWHILE " Eclipse did you pack everything? And more important , Did you erase that girls memories???" Rain said.
"Sure brother I erased her memories. Now let's go ! I don't to stay another minute here longer. I hate this place. I have only bad memories here. I wish I could erase my memories too and forget about her! And this was all your fault . You knew i could do something, anything to keep her safe. I didn't want our meeting to be so short. I wanted to stay by her side. I waited for our reunion for 7 years and now she will not even be able to remember me . Like I didn't exist in her life ! I can not forgive you for doing this to your own brother. " Eclipse said.
"Oh come on now Eclipse ! I did this for both of you ! I did it for her safety. You know that you couldn't control the vampire in you . This was for protecting you both. Luckily I have some of her blood to make the medicine for your survive. One day you will understand what I did. Now let's go . " Rain answered to his brother.
"Angel? HOw....How come you are here ? How did you find us? How come that you remember me ?" Eclipse said surprised.


Texte: mysteriousgirl1
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.02.2011

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