

My name is Vanessa Ovine and the world you know is a lie. The world you know is scientific, realistic, and peaceful. But that is a lie, this world is a dangerous place man has come to live. The most dangerous thing on here…us; the humans.
We begin on October 31, 2000 on the day of my birth, with my parents. My mom scared and excited for her first child, my father exactly the same. Waiting in the hospital room for the nurse with the pain medications, wondering what was taking so long. But as the start of my new personality, I must come at the most inconvienent of times. An hour later the nurse holds me up and tells my parent they have a healthy girl, and puts me in my mother’s arms.
“She’s so small” my dad whispers to my mom, “and beautiful…. just like her mom”. My birth was like any other child’s but my life ahead will be different from most children. While they looked down at they’re little girl the most important thing in their lives, I opened my eyes for the first time.

Chapter One

16 years later…..

“Liz look!!!! It’s Michael!!!!” I point in his direction, Liz flips her hair and giggles “is he looking?!!” I scan the room looking for my friends crush wondering where he went. “There he is. Wow, I can’t believe it he looks taller than he did before the week end. Talk about a major growth spurt.” Just as I finish my sentence Michael looks over and spots us, and rambles over. Before we know it he is standing in front of us.
“Hey ladies, how was your weekend” he winks; He turns to talk to my overly happy friend. As I’m watching her face brighten I notice trouble coming our way.
“Oh great” I mutter as Megan a blonde with attitude, and a great reputation struts over with her cliché of cheerleaders.
“Hey Michael, how was your week end” she says in a singsong voice wrapping an arm around one of his, her friends giggling. Liz gives me a pleading look, then turns to glare at Megan.
I clear my throat then turn to Michael “so about tomorrow, Liz and where planning on going to the movies and I was wondering if you would like to go.” He turns his attention away from Megan who was still glued to his arm and looks at me “yeah sure do you mind if I bring some friends?” I giggled and winked at him “of course the more the merrier.”
Liz quietly thanks me under her breath knowing she owed me big time. “So Michael we’ll see you later at lunch ok, bye” and to make Megan even angrier, we blow him kisses and strut off to class. If you could kill by glaring I would’ve been dead.
“Oh . . . my . . . gosh . . . did you see her face! I’m surprised she didn’t explode”, I nodded not paying attention to my best friend as she chatted about our most resent clash with miss ‘perfect.’
Thinking about the day ahead, I had a feeling something was going to happen, not sure if it is good or bad. When I make it to my homeroom a group of girls were in the front talking quietly about someone. Not caring about the gossip, I pick a spot in the back of the class room. I sit quietly and start doodling in my art book, when Mrs. Lindon walks in. suddenly every one instantly is quiet and sits down and looks up.
We all have dealt with her, she can be nice but if you talk while she is talking you get severely punished. “Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend.” I grin knowing my parents were going to ask me what I learned in science today, since they are scientists. By the end of class we learn what our next study will be for the month, not too exciting.
After science I head to all my other classes that go smoothly, so I start walking to the lunchroom. But as soon as I step into the lunchroom I’m swept into a tornado of excited chatter. As always Liz can’t wait to tell me about her classes. “Whoa!!! Slow down I can’t understand what you saying” I grab her by the shoulders and tell her to take deep breaths. “Much better, let’s sit down before you continue, ok?” she laughs and takes a deep breath
As we’re munching on chips Liz explains how in second period she sits behind Megan and next to Michael. Apparently when she turned around to talk to Michael the teacher had yelled at Megan. “Also Michael totally-““Hey what are you girls talking about?” Michael bursts into our conversation as he sits down next to Liz, and looking back and forth between both of us. “Oh you know the usual girl stuff, you wouldn’t understand” We looked at each other and burst out laughing.
After lunch we go to our next classes, when I got to my 6th period is when everything went downhill. “Vanessa Ovine please come to the office, Vanessa Ovine come to the office” I look up from my notebook glance at the teacher and gather my things. As I’m walking down to the office I wonder what’s going on with a sick feeling in my stomach. As I step into the office I see the principal, a police officer, and my neighbor Ms. Greory, “what’s going on? I didn’t do anything!”
“Honey you aren’t in trouble, it’s about your parents.” Mrs. Greory tells me with a sympathetic look. “W-what do you mean my parents, what happened!!!” My voice rising by the second, the police officer stepped closer and cleared his throat. “Your neighbor reported loud crashes coming from your house and by time we got there we found your house a mess, there is a sign of struggling but no sign of your parents.”
I stood there for a moment processing everything when it hit me my parents were gone, and everything went black. When I woke up I didn’t remember fainting, the nurse had her back to me and was talking quietly on the phone. I laid down processing what had happened again; I started crying knowing I may never see my parents again. The nurse looks up realizing I’m awake, “your grandma is on her way to get you” she says in a sweet voice.
At least I get to see my grandma, she live on the coast. On a reserve, oh yeah did I forget to mention I’m part Cherokee. So I wait in the office for my grandma wondering what’s next. “Sweetie, I’m so sorry” my grandma whispers as she pulls me to a tight hug. “Grandma I’ve missed you so much!” I squeeze her not wanting to let go, afraid I might also lose her too.
She tells me on the way to her home that I will love it there, and about the people. She reminds me of customs, and tells me Moonlight is waiting for me and has missed me. I’m excited to see Moonlight she’s like my best friend; I’m also reminded how my mom and I were always with her I remember the times I would braid her hair and how she listen to everything I would whisper. We pull in to my grandma’s small two bedroom house; I look around and take in the familiar smell of spices and roses.
I head out to the barn knowing that’s where I will find her, “Moonlight I’m back! Did you miss me?” I peek around stall doors wondering which one she was in. Suddenly a beautiful silver gray mare pokes her head out from a stall in front of me. ”Hey girl, how are you?” I asked the horse giggling as she nuzzles my pocket “yes I brought carrots.” I felt better being around the mare, I remembered how I found her in the woods showings signs of abuse. Grandma had another horse at the time, a gelding called Checkers.
Moonlight and him hit it off and became close friends, until he passed away 3 years ago. I miss the chubby old bay, but you can’t reverse time. After giving Moonlight a good brushing I headed back to the house, when I opened the door I found my grandma talking to an older couple. “Ah Vanessa how good of you to join us, these are my neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Kalaki.” She turns towards them “this is my beautiful granddaughter Vanessa.” She looks back at me and smiles.
“They have a grandson who would be happy to show you around tomorrow, after the party though but we need to find you a costume.” Oh great I forgot my birthday is tomorrow, what kind of person forgets their birthday. “It’s okay grandma I have a costume picked out, I’m going to be an waiter.” It should be hard to forget your birthday when it’s the only thing people talk about; I was undoubtedly born on Halloween night. Yay for me: for being born on the creepiest night of the year, Liz always teases me for being a pumpkin baby.
We always went together to Halloween parties, but this year Liz and I will have to be going with someone else. I call her in tears telling her everything, she cried with me. “I’m so sorry it must be awful I’ll come over as soon as I can, I promise.” She was feeling really sorry for me it was easy to tell, and strangely annoying. But she was my best friend I wouldn’t tell her that her sympathy is annoying, that would crush her feelings.
After we were done talking I hung up and started towards the kitchen, “grandma I’m done on the phone and I’m going to hit the sack.” She laugh from the couch were she’s reading a book, “Are you sure you’re ok sweetie?” she says without looking up from her book. Jeez my grandma is obsessed once she starts a new book, but I’m kind of like that to so I can’t complain. When I made it to my room and hopped on my bed. I remembered why I was here instead of my bed at home, hot wet tears stream down my face as I let my guard down and cried. People may think I’m a happy person with no fear, anger, and sadness, but I just hold it in. When I finally lay down is when I realized how tired I was, because as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out.
When I woke up in the morning I felt kind of funny but it probably was the birthday jitters, so I slowly got out of bed wondering what the day was going to be like. I steel myself not wanting to bring my grandma into my sadness, after I got dressed in my favorite shirt and pants I headed down the hall. But I was not prepared for the chaos that was my grandma’s living room.

Chapter Two

When I saw the people and décor I instantly looked at the clock, it was 12 o’clock!!! I can’t believe I slept in that long, I must have been really tired. I scan the room for my grandma and see her talking to Mr. and Mrs. Kalaki; I walk across the room towards her. “Grandma” I complained,” Why didn’t you wake me up.” She gets up to hug me, “because you needed your sleep sweetie.” That’s when I noticed the people around us, girls and guys that looked about my age.
I laughed “wow grandma did you invite the entire neighborhood.” I feel tears coming knowing my parent won’t be here, but I hold them back and look around. Then I notice a guy by himself leaning against a wall looking at me, I watch as a girl walks up to him and starts flirting. “… so what do you think?” I turn around realizing my grandma was speaking to me. “Oh… what were you saying?” She laughs with a knowing smile as she follows my gaze. “That’s Mr. and Mrs. Kalaki son, Daniel.” Daniel hmm it matches him I guess, I thought, the girl next to him reminding me of Megan.
“You mean he is the person showing me around?” my grandma frowns, “yes he is, why is something wrong?” I shake my head, knowing if I got her concerned I would be bombarded with questions. “I'm going to go meet people grandma; I’ll be back in a few.” I walk around wondering what to do when I hear someone call my name; I turn around and come face to face with three girls.
They all have the same look caramelized skin, dark eyes, and beautiful dark hair. Each girl has different hair styles definitely showing personality. A girl with a waist-long braid smiles and introduces herself, “I’m Natalie, this is Jess.” She says pointing to a girl with a pixie bob. Another girl steps forward with shoulder length hair with light brown streaks and grabs my hand with a huge excited grin on her face “I’m Katy, but my friends call me Kat.”
I laugh quietly, “I’m Vanessa it’s good to meet you.” Jess looks over her shoulder, nudges Natalie’s arm and starts whispering and giggling. They laugh out loud long enough to gain my curiosity (which isn’t long) “what are you laughing at?” I look behind them and see Daniel getting stalked by the girl I had seen him with before. “Sh-she won’t l-leave him alone!” I look at Kat for answers, since the other girls were too busy laughing their heads off.
She shakes her head looking at them” the guy over there is Daniel the girl stalking him is Taylor; every girl in school likes him. He doesn’t seem to be interested in anyone, but Taylor won’t take no for an answer. Sooo she follows him like a puppy dog hoping to get lucky.” Now I’m laughing “sh-she’s pathetic” I barely speak through my laughing. Kat looks over at Taylor stalking Daniel and soon joins us.
After the laughing dies down, we talk about school and I find out when I start going to their school I will have four classes with them, including lunch. I know immediately we will be great friends, and I know life here might not be too bad. We start walking towards my grandma when Jess taps my shoulder, I turn around. She whispers “Hey Vanessa, I couldn’t help but notice that you’re getting stared at.” I look around, “there are tons of people looking at me, and it is my birthday. “She looks over her shoulder and is about to speak when Natalie jumps in “jeez Nessa you must be blind to not notice Daniel staring at you.” The first thing that pops in my head is Nessa? They gave me a nickname already, my second reaction was to look for Daniel.
I scan the room then I realize they are right he IS looking over in our direction. “Why would he be staring at me, he probably likes one of you guys. I mean he doesn’t even know me, so you’re probably just imagining it.” Jess and Natalie shrug their shoulders while Kat continues staring at Daniel, “Vanessa I see you’ve made new friends, that’s good.” Kat and I give small high pitched squeaks “yeesh grandma, you scared us, please be careful were you pop out from.”
My grandma laughs at my shocked expression, “Vanessa we’re going to have cake soon, and I just wanted you to know.” She walks back over and talks to the cake and starts decorating it. We stare after her wondering if her visit was really necessary. While we wait for the cake to be finished the girls and I continue our conversation when someone taps my shoulder…again. “The cake is done already, grandma?” I say as I turn around. But it wasn’t my grandma I came face to face with…. It was “DANIEL!!! Yeesh, you like my grandma need to stop popping out of nowhere.” I say while clutching my chest feeling like I was having a mini heart attack.
“I don’t remember telling you my name” he says while smirking at me, with a look of amusement in his eyes. “You don’t need to; my grandma told me who you were.” So there Mr. Smarty-pants, I thought almost sticking my tongue out, while he stood there looking at me. “Ok, I was wondering what time you wanted me to show you around. Because I don’t have all day to wait until you feel like going.” This guy obviously doesn’t know me; I can’t believe he would say that, stupid rude jerk. “It’s up to my grandma; we can go when the party is over.”
Then with another smirk and an ‘ok’ he walks over to where my grandmas finishing the cake. As soon as he turns his back I stick my tongue out at him and whisper “jerk” under my breath. “I heard that” he says stifling a laugh but doing a terrible job. With that my face turns beet red, Jess, Natalie, and Kat burst into simultaneous laughter. I shake my head and realize that Taylor was glaring at me looking ready to rip my head off
My grandma’s voice rises over the chatter “everyone head outside its time for lunch and cake.” I got lucky my birthday was on a sunny day; I don’t think everyone could’ve fit inside the tiny kitchen. When everyone was outside my grandma motioned me to sit in front of the cake. Soon with a wave of my grandma’s hand, the air around me was filled with voices singing happy birthday. I lean to blow out the candles when, water blasts my back, I whip around to see what happened and my front gets soaked as well.
I notice the hose in Taylor’s hand, and my face burns red with anger. What’s her problem I didn’t do anything to her! “Sorry I noticed some of the plants needed to be watered I didn’t know the handle was stuck.” She looked upset, but I saw the gleam of humor in her eye. I look down and notice I was soaking wet, I look around and run inside. Daniel looked over at Taylor and rolled his eyes.
All the guys and most of the girls stood staring at me some laughing; Natalie, Jess, and Kat looked sympathetic as I ran towards the house tears stinging my eyes. As soon as I bolted inside they glared at Taylor, and Daniel told her she should leave. Why did Taylor do that? I didn’t do anything to her. I changed my shirt and stayed in my room, I stretched out and relaxing. I hear someone knock on my door, “come in” and my grandma walks in. “Sweetie are you okay that must have been terrible.” She moves a hair from out of my face, “it’s okay grandma, I feel better now.” She smiles and nods her head, “I know Taylor did it on purpose sweetie, I’m not that easy to fool.”
I smile glad my grandma knew the truth, “also Vanessa you still have your date with Daniel, so fix your hair and put a warm jacket on.” I look at my grandma startled “Gran it’s not a date, he’s just showing me around, and I barely know him.” She winks at me “of course, dear whatever you say” I grin at my grandma, grab a jacket, and head down stairs. Daniel was sitting on the couch; he looks up when I’m almost down the stairs. I walk over to him “so where are we going first?” He stands up and walks over to the door, “I’m going to show you the way to school, and then the some shops that are nearby.”
I walk outside expecting a car or truck; instead I find a black and silver dirt bike. I walk over to it running my hands over its shiny smooth paint; I look up “this is yours?” Laughing Daniel walks over and opens up his backpack, pulling out a black helmet. “Put this on …it will also help you keep warm.” He says when he notices my hesitation, I put the helmet on and secure it “where’s your helmet, I won’t wear one unless you do.” I mumbled while pouting not wanting to look like an idiot by myself. He looks at me and smirks, and then he grabs a helmet off of the handlebars. “Oh I didn’t see that one, oops.”
He gives me what I now think of as his signature smirk, starts the bike. I hear the loud roar of his bike, and watch him get on. I then realize that I would have to hold on to him so I wouldn’t fall off. I was happy that the helmet hid my face knowing it would be as red as a cherry; I get on and wrap my arms around his torso. My grandma opens the front door and walks out onto the deck with a worried look on her face “Daniel you be careful with my granddaughter, ok?” I’m pretty sure he grins back at her but I couldn’t tell. “Yes ma’am, she will be back for dinner” and with that we were off.
I was happy that it wasn’t raining because if it was I would’ve been soaked to the bone. We sped the mist, leaving rippling wave in our wake. “Where are we going first?” I yelled over the wind, wincing as he suddenly stops, jolting my body into his. I look around and see a tiny house I wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t stopped the bike. “Why did we stop here?” I ask while taking off my helmet. When I look at the house closer, then I notice the gas nuzzle. “…. It’s a gas station? It seems too small to be one.” That earns me another smirk, “well, not many people use cars since the school and stores aren’t far away. So we don’t need a large gas station.”
I processed this, that’s why I haven’t seen many cars; wow I could not survive walking everywhere. I nod my head and put the helmet back on. As he started the bike I started questioning the life I would life here. This is great I’m going to have to walk everywhere, even in the rain! “Where are we going now? Its looks like it is going to rain.” I hear a sigh and wonder what I said that would upset him. Then as I look up at the sky a large drop of rain lands on my helmet. Great, just great. I hate the rain, this is sooo not fair.
“Hurry, we are going to get soaked!” I screamed into his ear, hoping he would do as I asked. But instead I heard laughter, throaty laughter that was kind of attractive, but still was scary. “Why are you laughing? We are going to get soaked, and you are just sitting there. Hurry up, let’s go before it rains even harder!” He turns off the bike, takes off his helmet, and turns around.
“Relax you aren’t going to get sick, it’s only a few drops.” And with those words our world shook with thunder. It roared like hundreds of lions surrounding us, vibrating my bones. Rain started pouring, dumping on us in buckets, while the madman next to me continued his laughter.
I screamed with frustration, just wanting to be home with my mother and father. In the front room by the crackling fire place enjoying hot coco, eating cake, while my grandma chatted about a recent book she was reading. I wouldn’t be standing out in the rain crying my eyes out as a guy I just barely laughs his head off. I started running in the direction we had came from, hoping I would find the way to my grandmothers. I hear David yell my name but I don’t stop all the pain from losing my parents flooded into me keeping me running. I refused to stop; I just wanted to escape the pain and loneliness that was surrounding me.
I ran faster and harder than I had in my entire life. I couldn’t stop, I wouldn’t. I hear the roar of an engine, I needed to escape it. I notice a trail leading into the woods, and dart towards it in the false hope of escaping my follower. I darted past blackberry bushes that ripped into my arms and legs flaying my skin as I ran. Soon I reached a huge tree towering over the others, I skid to a stop. As I clutch my stomach fighting a major cramp I slid to the ground. Leaning against the tree catching my breath, I started feeling better the running had helped clear my mind. It always had, I feel my eyes smarting and wait for tears, but none come.
I sat against the tree for I don’t know how long, it seemed to last years, but I knew that wouldn’t be possible. I press back against the tree wondering if someone was looking for me. My eyelids felt droopy and my body was tired from my run. As my eyes slowly closed I wondered what was going to happen to me. Soon I was in a deep blissful sleep unaware and uncaring of what was happening around me.

Chapter Three

I woke up in my bed, not at my home though, in my room at my grandmas. I had been hoping everything was a bad dream, a terrible awful nightmare. But no, the soreness and pain in my legs told me everything had happened. I was stuck here on a tiny reservation with my grandma (who isn’t that bad), and people I don’t even really know. I head down the hall smelling my grandmother’s famous blueberry pancakes. As I take in the heavenly scent of warm vanilla, sweet blueberries, and hot coco I smile. She had remembered my favorite breakfast; I sit down “good morning grandma.”
She looks up from flipping the pancakes and gives me a look of concern. When she starts to walk over I look down towards my feet. “Sweetie are you ok, cold, hot, sweaty?” She put one of her hands across my forehead to take my temperature. I look up with confusion written across my face, “how did you find me, I was in the woods.”
She smiles and looks out the window, “I didn’t Hon, Daniel brought you home, you were soaked, and he had wrapped his jacket around you to keep you warm.” I couldn’t believe my ears, the fact I ran was because he was scaring and laughing at me. Here he was taking the credit for saving me! “He also told me the reason you ran was because he had been rude and insensitive towards you, and let you stand in the rain. Which was probably why you ran, he also said he understands if you don’t forgive him.”
Why the stupid inconsiderate jerk! He got my grandma on his side, now I have to accept his apology. This is totally not fair, “but grandma, he doesn’t deserve my apology he was the one who caused my breakdown.” As she looked at me sternly and that almost shut me up “but it’s true.” With that I was done, with my statement, finished my breakfast and left. Leaving my grandma in the kitchen I went up to my room to get ready. As I walk down the hall I hear the doorbell ring along with Natalie, Jess, and Kat’s voices.
I run to my room hoping to be presentable before they made it to my room, I rush to my dresser grabbing and throwing on clothes. They walk in when I’m brushing my hair, as soon as they see me they rush over blurting out questions about my tour around the reservation. “Guys take deep breaths and relax your giving me a headache. Ok when the party ended I went into my room to change when my grandma comes into my room……..So yeah, that’s what happened and why I have to forgive and to thank him against my will.”
“Awww Hon, I am soo sorry, we just thought of him as another pretty face. Now he is a creep, I mean letting you stand out in the rain, terrible.” Natalie told me shaking her head. I laughed at they’re sympathy and opened my mouth to tell her something when Kat butted in. “Well at least your grandma knew that Taylor sprayed you on purpose, that’s a good thing.” She blurts out grinning her head off, “yeah that’s a good thing and also its good you weren’t wearing white, that would’ve been even worse.” Of course Jessica had to put in her input, but who is complaining, not me. “Great Jess you had to mention that, I know your trying to make her feel better. But she already knows it could’ve been worse.” Natalie scolded, Jess looked at me and her mouth formed a small o.
“Oops, I’m sorry Nessa I didn’t mean to bring it up.” I let out a long sigh “its okay it doesn’t matter, so what do you guys want to do now that you are here?” We all pause wondering what was next since I had explained everything to them, I wonder if they know where the tree is, I could ask. “Hey I have a question, you know the tree I told you about, do you know where it is?” Jess looked at Kat who looked at Natalie, exchanging glances. I look face to face and see mixed emotions of fear, anger and sadness. “Ummm…. Is there something I should know?” With that they’re heads popped up, and looked at me in shock.
“Oh no, it’s nothing, ha-ha we’re joking, got you. But anyways the forest is creepy, why would anyone want to go in there?” I could tell they were lying, I knew there was something they were not telling me, but what? What was so important or so secret that I couldn’t know. I knew then what I had to do, I was going to find out the secret in the woods, and see if it has anything to do with my parent’s disappearance. Even if it was the last thing I did!
“So ladies what do you want to do then, I don’t start your school until Monday.” They look at each other again exchanging looks but this time looks of excitement. I wait for their verdict, but as they start smiling I start to feel worried, wishing I could read minds. But like everyone else in this world I can’t. As Kat starts bouncing in excitement, my feelings of worry soar. “What are you guys talking about, what are we going to do?”
With that they scream “SHOPPING!!!” and start bouncing up and down giggling with happiness. I look at them wondering what was so amazing about shopping, I personally found it boring and really wasn’t in the mood. But looking at their faces I couldn’t help but smile, and gave in to their will.
“Fine, but I have veto power.” I sit on my bed and reach down to get my shoes. But they weren’t there, what the heck where are they, hmmm when was I wearing them last . . . oh yeah. .when I was with Daniel . . . great just great. “So how are we going to get there?” As we pick up our stuff I sneak a look out the window, and no car. I realized we were going to end up walking, so I shouldn’t wear my high heels. So I ran to my closet and started digging around for other shoes. I feel leather and pull out my cowboy boots. I put them reluctantly and follow the girls out the door. When we get outside my fears are confirmed . . . no car. “Sooo I’m guessing we are walking.”

Chapter Four

I stumble through the door hands full of shopping bags with Natalie, Jess, and Kat right behind me. My grandma comes out of the living room with a guilty look on her face and my mind instantly goes to David. Don’t tell me . . .! “Mary . . . hurry up its your turn, we don’t have all day!” My grandma gives me a sympathetic look and heads back into the living room. I look at the girls to see if I was the only one thinking that the Kalaki’s weren’t alone.
“Nessa what if David is here? What are you going to do?” Kat whispers as if I was a bomb about to go off, I set my stuff down and let out a sigh. “Sooo who wants to stay for dinner, I’m cooking.” I try not to show my desperation, but they knew I didn’t want to be alone with the Kalaki’s, my Grandma, and maybe David. “Sorry Nessa it is a school night, but I do feel bad about leaving you I mean who would. We already promised to be home for dinner, maybe next time. Tell us all about it tomorrow, okay? Bye, have a good evening!” They blew me kisses and waltzed out the door, leaving me by myself with the unknown.
I poke my head out of my door peeking down the hall way to see if the coast was clear. As I dart down the hallway and hide in the kitchen I find myself thinking of James Bond to the point I almost make a gun with my fingers. I crane my neck to listen to the voices in the living room “Mary don’t cheat, I saw that. . .” “You saw nothing Mark, if anyone is cheating it is you.” My grandma was smirking at Mr. Kalaki from across the small coffee table; I relax when I don’t see him and let out a sigh of relief. “She is right grandpa you do cheat I watch you.”
I almost scream knowing that all hope was wasted, I was doomed, and how could my grandma do this to me! I poke my head up to look around again finding my grandma was shuffling cards, and David was nowhere in sight. “So what are we looking at?” I jump up and scream as a husky voice whispers in my ear. I turn around knowing who I was going to find. I was right David was squatted next to where I used to be. He put his hands up as I send him a ‘go die in a hole’ look. My grandma and the Kalaki's laugh they’re heads off at our antics, knowing grandma she is planning the wedding.
I stomp back to my bedroom annoyed at the fact my grandma invited David over, without asking me first. I mean she knows that I absolutely do NOT like him; he was a rude manipulative jerk! I hear foot steps down the hall walking towards my room. I hold my breath and concentrate on the sounds trying to figure out who was coming. For a second I only hear my heart and someone in the hall. The footsteps stop outside my door as if the person was contemplating on what to do and say. I hear a cough then the steps start up again continuing down the hall to the bathroom.
In a split second I make my decision, as I run around my room grabbing my shoes, coat and gloves. I put them on in record time and rush down the hallway. Soon I’m out the door and darting towards the barn before they realized what had happened. As I take in the smell of dust, horse, and fresh hay I feel my worries and stress fall away. I walk over to Moondance’s stall; I grab her saddle blanket and saddle. As I start to tighten her cinch I get the feeling of being watched, I hurry and grab her bridle hoping to leave before I find out what was watching me. We walk out to the road to find the trail to our meadow, the one I had found her in.
On our way there I take in the sight the tiny town had to offer, open space and houses to my left and a dark forest to my right. I finally spot the trail and Moondance starts whinnying in happiness, she remembers the trail. I nudge her to a trot until we reach a log bridge over a wide creek. Within a few minutes afterward we reach the meadow. It was exactly as I had remembered no trees, long soft grass, and flower patches that were different all year long. I slid of Moondance and walk her over to a log, during the weeks I visited my grandma in the summer I would read on this log while she grazed.
I sit down for a second, and the memories flow back. “Honey! Watch where you are running, Moondance might run you over!” Laughing in pig tales I run back to my mom, a prancing Moondance behind me. “No she won’t mommy, she would never hurt me. Daddy said so, right daddy?” He laughs and looks up from his book and smiles at me “of course dear she would never hurt you, she loves you too much. “I jump into his arms “I love her too daddy, I love you and mommy, and grandma, and Grandma’s pancakes.” This earns me a laugh; I hop off my dad’s lap and ran over to my horse, poked her and ran for it yelling “your it.”
The tears fall down my face, not stopping I knew very well that I may never be able to sit with my in this meadow. Moondance nudges me trying to comforts me, I stand up and buried my head in her mane. I throw my arms around her neck and whisper “what would I do if you disappeared?” I get on her back and loosen her reins “How about a good run girl, unless you’ve gotten too old.” I teased her, most people thought it weird that I talk to horses like they were people, but who cares, she knows what I’m saying.
After our run the sky starts to darken, I lead her down the trail towards my new home refreshed. I knew it was late and grandma would be heading for bed, so I had a good chance the Kalaki’s were gone already. Thrilled and hopeful we head down the trail. Humming I look for light in the house, I see none. I take care of Moondance’s needs, I head towards the house. I open the door and walk into the kitchen to grab a snack, since I skipped dinner. I open a note on the fridge with my name on it; the leftovers are in the microwave. I felt bad for what I did, but I felt better at the same time. I crawl into my bed after I finished eating, exhausted I soon black out.

Chapter Five

When I woke up in the morning I was greeted by silence, not a sound. I shrugged the worry off; she’s probably in her garden. I get ready like every morning; I peek outside to check the weather. I was greeted with bright rays of sun, blinding me for a few seconds. “Well good morning to you too Mr. Sun” I laughed at my silliness, wow when did the happiness appear. Still giggling I ran out of my room to the kitchen a bound in each step. “Ohhh Grandmaaaaa. . .” I looked around but she wasn’t there, I walked to the kitchen door that led to her garden. Nothing. Starting to feel worried I jog over to the barn, she could be checking to make sure I took care of Moondance after our ride.
Or not. I run out front to look for her car and it was still there, tears streaming down my face I run inside to check if she by some rare chance was in asleep in her room. She wasn’t there, I head towards the kitchen to grab her keys so I could look for her when I notice a bright pink piece of paper on the fridge. I snatch it off the fridge not sure what to expect. Sweetie, I was called down to help out at the hospital, but my truck broke down so I hitched ride with Carol. Eat breakfast and clean up your mess when you are done.
At once all the fear and stress melted away leaving nothing but relief in its path. I plop down on a chair taking deep breaths to calm my breathing. After my heartbeat was back to a steady pace I grab a bowl from the cupboard, humming as I prepared and ate my breakfast. Laughing inwardly to myself I wonder how I could react like this I mean, it’s not like someone would take grandma. I put my spoon and bowl in the dishwasher and start it. Nothing will ruin today, I’m going to make it great to make up for my terrible morning.
I walk over to the cupboard and grab my grandma’s cookbook. Now let’s see, what should I cook today: strawberry cheesecake, apple pie, almond Roca, or ahah! Cookies that’s what I will make, chocolate chip cookies. Grandma loves them, especially when I make them. I quickly grab all the needed ingredients praising the fact that grandma organized the pantry and fridge. I turn the oven on then get to mixing; ah I wish I could bake every day, too bad I can’t. Hmm… when is grandma going to be home? The cookies will be done in fifteen minutes; I have that much time to clean the house. Ready . . . set . . . go!!!
After I mentally yelled ‘go,’ I went into a cleaning frenzy. Dusting here, sweeping there, things I normally would do; but at a much faster speed. I was finishing up when I hear the oven ding; I run to the kitchen and grab the oven mitt. As reach into the oven I hear someone shout my name, “It’s open come on in!” As the door opens and closes I pull out the cookies and set them on the counter to cool. The house I realized, smelled of homemade cookies; taking a deep breath, my nose is assaulted by the best smell on earth. I hear someone enter the kitchen and turn around, it’s David.
“Well you’ve been busy; I didn’t know that you would be a great house wife, you can even bake.” I stare at him astonished that he would come here, especially without reason, as my staring turns to a hot glare he walks over and grabs a cookie from the plate and takes a bite. “They even taste good, wow, who would’ve thought.” I walk over and snatch them plate to prevent any other cookies to be eaten by David. I whip around and I notice he has a backpack on.
“What are you doing here!” I snap, “I wouldn’t have invited you in if I had known who it was, and what’s with the backpack?”
He looks at me confused, and slowly a smile creeps onto his face, as if I didn’t know a secret. “Oh, you mean your grandma didn’t tell you, she left that to me, huh.”
Now it was my turn to be confused, “what are you talking about?” What the heck is going on? This earns another slow grin, pissing me off even more. If only I had a bat or hammer, cause I swear if that guy doesn’t leave me alone... I grin back sweetly. “Well are you going to tell me, or stand there grinning stupidly.”
He laughs again, that scary yet attractive laugh sending chills down my spine. “Well since we need to get to work I guess I should tell you, you are supposed tutor me in math, your grandma set it up she says your good at math, I needed help so I was offered yours. And who wouldn’t want to have help from a beautiful girl.” He winks at me, “so what should we do now, I have a lot to learn. No way, my grandma did not just… oh my god, this sucks.
“You’re kidding me right? Funny very funny, my grandma wouldn’t do that she cares for my wellbeing and yours. Anyways I wouldn’t tutor you if my life was on the line so there…” I stick out my tongue to prove my point. He shrugs his shoulders and reaches for another cookie.
“Say what you want you will have to do it in the end, your grandma will be here soon so chillax. Let this be settled maturely.” I smack at his hand preventing it from taking another cookie hoping... no dreaming what he was not true. But knowing my luck, he was probably right I wouldn’t win this battle no matter what I did.


Texte: All Rights Reserved
Bildmaterialien: Google images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2012

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