
Chapter One

Chapter One

"Jodie Rose Harper, get out of there right now!" My mother yelled for the 100th time, pulling on the door handle frantically.

"Mum, I've already told you, I'm not in the closet!" I shouted back at her, doing my best to pull the handle for inside so she couldn't get me out.

"Fine. Have it your way!" She said in a condescending tone to me. I sat there for a few seconds while I heard her walking away. What the hell? Had I really won that easily? Just as i was about the leave my underground hiding place (which is actually just my closet and isn't really under ground either, huh...I should probably stop calling it that) when I realised that this was most likely her plan to get me to come out, so I sat back down for a few minutes replaying the morning's events.

Earlier that morning....

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing at the side of me. I rummaged around on the side table trying to find the dreaded thing, while doing my best not to leave my warm covers. I finally found it and looked at the time. 5:30AM what the hell? Arrgh I hate this time of morning, I pushed the button on the top of the clock to stop the horrible ringing, after a few pushes and it still not working I decided it was best to murder the alarm clock, since it wasn't working any more, I threw it to a wall in the far corner of my bedroom. With one last low beep my alarm clock had died. I closed my eyes and snuggled back into my bed, smiling with the satisfaction you get from killing an inanimate object. I was just drifting back to sleep when my light turned on.

"Get out of bed now, you've already slept in and your aunt Marissa is expecting you in a couple of hours!" She said in a frantic, shrill voice. She threw my covers off of my bed and left in a quick blur. I laid there for a few seconds trying to get my still sleeping brain to register what my mum had just said.

"Now I said!" She screamed again from outside of my bedroom. How she knew I still sleeping I do not know. I jumped out of bed quickly, hoping to avoid another one person conversation with my insane mother.

I grabbed a clean set of clothes that I had put out last night and set off towards my bathroom. I jumped inside my shower and ran the water as hot as it would go, I quickly washed my hair and body and jumped back out of the shower a few minutes later. I wrapped my hair up in a towel and dressed out of my pajamas and into my clean clothes. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my hair dryer from out of the cupboard, walking back into my bedroom. I sat on the foot of my bed and half dried my hair. I would have done it properly if I wern't short for time and wern't so tiered. But hey,that's what I get for staying up late watching 'How I met your mother'.

I put my hair into a french braid and then put my hair dryer into my my backpack which was on the floor next to me. Since I was staying with my aunt Marissa for the summer I had packed most of my wardrobe, but I had decided to pack all of my most essential items into a backpack that I would keep on me at all times- just in case something happened to it. So far it was packed with my phone charger, make-up, hair brush, straighteners a spare pair of flat shoes and now my hair dryer. I pulled out my make-up bag and carefully put on some eye liner and mascara.Then put it back into my backpack.

I stood up and looked in the mirror, I was quite pleased to see that I didn't look as bad as I felt, I was dressed in a pair of tan trousers, a light brown tee shirt and a large brown belt, with a large cream over tee to keep me warm. I glanced down at my watch to see what the time was. Bloody hell 6:15 already! I grabbed my bags, and my phone and ran down the stairs. I dropped my luggage next to the door and grabbed the box of Kellogg's cereal box. I was sat on the counter eating the cereal straight from the box when my dad walked in.

"Hey oldie" I said to him as I jumped down from the counter, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey kiddo, all set for your trip?"

"Yeah, got it all packed, do you think mum will let me come home early if I really hate it there Dad?" I asked him hopefully. My dad had always been a kind man, he was quite tall, about 6'2 with short brown hair. Mum had always said he was very good looking when he was younger- and I guess I could see why she thought it. He had always kept himself in very good shape, exercising daily, shaving every other day and wearing smart clothes. Admittedly he had quite a few laughter wrinkles and some forming around his eyes. I had always been my dads little angel, and since I was an only child I got most of his attention, he would always put me and mum before his work, as a restaurant owner.

"I doubt it kid, she's kinda made her mind up on this one, she reckons it'll help you break free of this 'rebellious stage', as she call it. I'll keep at her about it though, and I got you this- so it won't be all bad. Just try and save some. eh?" My dad said smiling and passing me a small envelope. He would occasionally do this, normally when my mother would make me do somethings like this. I didn't open it- I already knew he would have put some money inside it for me. We both knew not to tell mum anything. I said thank you quietly to him and kissed his cheek again, before skipping out of the room to put the envelope of money into my bag.

"Jodie...were setting of in two minutes!" My mum shouted from the living room. I frantically looked around the room for some place to hide. Yeah, I know im 16, and you would have thought that I'd have grown out of hiding from my parents, but I guess I just haven't...My dad pointed to the closet and I mouthed 'thank you' to my dad before climbing in.

Back to the present...

I stood from the floor where I had been crouched and walked back and forth until my leg regained consciousness. I heard foot steps coming back toward the door , but no talking. I looked at the door in confinement for a few seconds. Why was it shaking slightly? Why was it making that weird noise? I took a step closer to it, trying to inspect what was going on before I actually realised.

"Mum, are you taking the door off?!" I screamed at her in horror! How psychotic does someone have to be? Just keep shouting like any normal woman would!

"I told you to come out. Are you going to?" She said, while stopping unscrewing the door from its hinges.

"Yes...I'll come out..." I said opening the door. I pulled the handle and opened it just enough so I could peek out. I looked at my mum to see what the expression was, she was smiling, but I knew it was an act, when I come out of the closet I was going to get screamed at. I decided to man up and face it, so I quickly opened the door and ran to jump on my dads back- hoping somehow she would'nt see me. She did though...

"Get down, say goodbye, and get in the car...please?" She said in a fake sweet voice. Never the less though I got down and kissed my dad goodbye.

"Bye daddy, I love you loads. I'll call you when I get to aunt Marissa's." I said hugging him tightly.

"I love you too kiddo. Oh, and nice try- you held out longer than normal this time." He said smiling and kissing my head.

"Come on then, off we go." I said trying to be cheerful, but failing miserably. I walked towards my mums car and grabbed my bags. My dad helped me put them into the boot, and with a final goodbye me and my mum were off.

"Don't look so sad hun, its only for the summer." My mum said in a loving voice, grabbing my hand to hold it.

" I know, I just don't want to go...I'll miss my friends." I replied looking out of the window as we sped out of my town.

"Well, me and dad will miss you, darling." My mum said with tears pricking in her eyes, I looked at my reflection and found mine looking the same. I turned again to look out the window- just in time for when the first tear fell down my cheek.

"Good, 'cos I'm gunna miss you as well." I replied. Neither of us spoke again before we reached my aunts.

Three hours later...

"Jodie, wake up hun...were here." My mum said softly beside me as she gently shook me. I guess I must have fallen asleep on the ride over here. I yawned and slowly opened my eyes. It took a few seconds to see where I was because the sun was shining so brightly, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. CRAP! I shouted as I banged my head on the car, I rubbed my head and get out of the car cursing. I was half expecting mum to start shouting at me for cursing but when I looked around her and my aunt Marissa were both stood laughing. I laughed sarcastically back at them.

"Yeah, very mature guys..." I muttered as I went around the back of the car to get my bags.

"Oh come here Jode, I haven't seen you for so long!" Aunt Marissa said while she grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"I still don't like being called Jode, you know" I said flatly back at her.

"Hahaha, I know! hahaha!" She laughed while prodding me in the stomach with her finger.

Wow, I thought, this summer is going to be long!

"Come here hunny, I'm getting back off now love, I've got some work to do." My mum said while walking over to hug me. "Be good, and I mean it." She whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

With that we all said our goodbyes and mum left- leaving me and aunt Marissa alone. We both stood there awkwardly for a couple of minutes before I broke the tension.

"So, where shall I put my bags?" I asked her, picking up the last of my bags.

"Come on Jode, I'll show you" She said winking at me. God I hope she stops calling me Jode!

We walked inside the house, and it was well- nice. Two stories, hard wood floors and neutral colours throughout the house. It was warm and inviting, but it felt odd to know that the house didn't belong to a family as it felt it should. Aunt Marissa had been married before, but he left her last year. Mum said she hadn't coped so well after the divorce- but she seemed fine now.

we walked up the flight of stairs and down a long corridor. It was filled with pictures of our family- her and my mum as children, all of our family at my mums wedding, and a few of me when I was younger. We stopped at the third door and she opened me the door and walked inside with me. I dropped my bags on the floor and looked around. It was very nice. The walls were white and light blue patters, the bed was pale wood and blue. It only had a small dressing table and wardrobe but I was sure I would have enough room. Marissa showed me where the bathroom was and put me some fresh towels in there.

"Well- that's every things Jode, if you want to get unpacked and settled in and I'll shout you when dinners ready. I'm so glad to have you here love. " She said while hovering by the door, I smiled back at her and thanked her for having me.

I closed the door behind her and sat on the bed looking around. Well, I guess I'm stuck here for the summer.It could be worse though, right?

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

After having a shower, putting all of my bags away are and sorting out my pj's for later, I walked downstairs to see Marissa. I hardly ever called Marissa aunt , and although my mum would occasionally nag me for it, she never seemed phased by it.

I walked into the kitchen to see Marissa standing over a boiling pan of water hitting it frantically with a towel. I stood by the door frame for a minute or so confused, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. I watched her do a very strange side-to-side dance around the the over, still hitting it wit the towel. Every few seconds she would make a odd shouting noise at it, too. I wondered if she was practicing some kind of kitchen dance, I decided in the end though that she was trying to keep the pan from over boiling. I walked over the the cooker and turned the heat down on it. Immediately the foaming water calmed down to how it should be. Marissa stood looking at me stunned, how does a 35 year old woman not know how to even boil potato's?

"I think dinners kinda ruined..." I said looking at the pan of now potato lumps, which really did not look edible or appetising.

"How about we go out for dinner?" Marissa suggested looking to the floor and then to the pan. Her face was bright red with embarrassment.

"Yeah sure, when we going?" I asked her , hoping I would have enough time to get ready, as I looked like crap from the long drive over here, and my hair was still wet from the shower.

"About 6ish? I know a lovely little restaurant just near the beach, its not as high-class as the one your dad own, but its still pretty nice."

"Okay brilliant, well- I'm going to go have a walk, I haven't seen this place in years and its a lovely day out."

"Okay, well I'll give you your key now, can you just nip to the shop for me, I need a pack of headache tablets love?"

I told Marissa I would go to the shop for her and she gave me my new key and some money for the tablets. I ran upstairs and slipped my worn in converse shoes on. I grabbed my purse and put it in my handbag with my new key. I shouted bye to Marissa and headed off towards the shops.

The weather outside was beautiful, it was sunny and really warm. Marissa lived in a small cul de sac just a few minutes away from the beach. Her house looked like a large cottage, with red bricks and dark wood on the porch. She had obviously spent a lot of time working on the garden It had a small pink cherry tree out front with lots of small flower beds along the wooden fence. A few of the other houses on the cul de sac had similar gardens, but hers was the best by far.

I walked out of the street and down the road to where the shops are. Everywhere I looked people were with friends or family. There was a large group opposite of young women, all in pink tight, short clothes and bleach blonde hair. A few lads from further down the road were whistling and shouting things. There were small families sat outside restaurants and old women with their husbands on benches. Everywhere I looked I could not see one person by them self. I walked down the road alone, staring at the ground and wishing I had my friends here.

I entered the shop and turned on the vitamins isle, hoping that was where I could find the headache tablets. I picked up two packets and decided to have a look at hair products. Since the shop was only small, and obviously not made for hair products or make up. After looking at all of it (which was about 8 items) I decided just to get some hair spray because I'd forgotten mine and didn't want to ask Marissa to borrow hers. I grabbed a can of coke and paid for my items. I left the store and headed for home.

It had gotten a whole lot hotter since earlier so I took off the over tee I was wearing, leaving me in a small vest top. I walked down the same road as I had come up, with all the people on, but after 10 or 15 minutes of walking I realised I was lost. I walked back the way I had came, but still couldn't find where I was supposed to. So I tried remembering what street Marissa lived on, only to realise she had never told me. I pulled out my phone to ring her, but I had forgotten to charge it last night so it was already dead.

I sat on a nearby bench and sighed, first day here and I'm already lost! I tried to think of where to go but I was sure that I had taken a left on one of the lanes, but they all looked exactly the same but lead into completely different direction! Brilliant, freakin' brilliant!

I was going to ask someone if they had any idea where to go, but everyone was in groups, and being by myself, I didn't want to seem strange. Instead I sat on the bench happily and drank my can of coke. I sat there for about 20 minutes before I saw some one I could ask for where to go.

I waited until he got a bit closer for me to ask him, I didn't want to seem like I was waiting for someone to come by ( even though I was). As he got closer I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was! Tall, like about 6'4, dark blonde hair that hung over his eyes, and a really nice tan. Luckily I don't think he noticed me checking him out, or at least he acted like he didn't. I jumped up from the bench just as he came near.

"Hey, um...can you help me out, I'm kinda lost.." I asked the guy with a smile on my face.

"Yeah sure, where you looking for?"

"I'm not quite sure, I'm not from round here. I'm looking for my aunts house...I'm sure it was around here somewhere, I know it was on a cul de sac if that helps?" I said giggling at how stupid I must seem.

"Well your no where near the cul de sac' need to walk straight back up here, turn left, carry on, go right, down the street, second left and over the road." He said quickly. It made absolutely no sense at all and I couldn't even remember it two seconds later.

"I can show you if you want?" He asked me, noticing how confused I looked.

"Are you sure? I could just right it down or something?" I replied searching through my bag for a pen, even though I knew I didn't have one. Why was I even looking if I knew I didn't have one? Huh, I think I'm starting to loose it...

"No, of course I don't mind. besides, I was going that way anyway."

"Oh, brilliant thank you." I said following him as he walked up the street slowly.

We chatted about things, like the weather and school. I found out he was 17, lived on the same street as my aunt, and went to a school not far from where we were. I told him things about me like my age, that I was staying with Marissa, and about how crappy my summer was turning out so far. I told him it was because I was away from my friends, and tried to not sound desperate or sad, but I think I failed miserably.

We walked and talked for another 10 minutes, I was surprised about how quickly we hit it off, and for the first time since I had gotten to Marissa's I didn't feel completely alone.

"So, whats your name? We've been talking for ages and you still haven't told me." He asked me smiling.

"Oh, Jodie" I told him laughing at how I had only asked him for directions and now we were becoming friends.

"Declan, how long you staying with your aunt?" He answered, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach each time he smiled at me.

"When school starts again, so I'm here for a while." I said smiling back at him.

We had stopped now outside Marissa's house, and I could see her in the living room through the window. We both stood about awkward of how to say goodbye, and I couldn't help but laugh because of this mornings events were repeating.

"So, if your not going back for a while, and you haven't really got anyone else here apart from your aunt, do you maybe want to hang out sometime?" He asked looking down at the ground looking nervous.

I couldn't help but smile. My heart was racing, not only from the fact that a incredibly good looking guy wants to hang out with me, but because I was excited about making a new friend as well.

"Yeah, defiantly., my phones completely dead so I cant give you my number, but how about you just come round to mine whenever?" I asked him hopefully not sounding like a little child arranging to play out with their friend.

"How about tonight?"

"Arrgh, I can't tonight, I'm supposed to go out for dinner with my aunt" I told him, regretting making plans with Marissa.

"Probably for the best, I'd of had to call in sick for work any way." He said and we both laughed, breaking the awkward tension that was hanging between us. "How about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorow's good."

"Great, I'll be at yours about three?"

"Three's brilliant, just come round then." I answered smiling back at him. With that we said goodbye and I walked into Marissa's garden.

"Nice to meet you Jodie!" Declan shouted from what I assume was his house opposite Marissa's. I waved back at him and went inside. I closed the door and rested against the door smiling to myself. Hopefully this summer wont be too bad. I defiantly can't wait until tomorrow!

I walked into the living room to give Marissa her change and the tablets she asked for. I told her all about getting lost and having to ask for directions. She laughed and made light fun of me.

"So...Declan, how did you too meet?" She asked me looking smug about seeing us.

"How do you know Declan?" I asked totally shocked that she would know his name, I guess its really not that surprising seeing as though they live over the road from each other.

"Oh, I know his parents. There quite nice...Are you seeing him again?" Marissa nudged my arm with hers and started wiggling her eye brows. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Yes, were hanging out tomorrow. Now if you don't mind im off to pick out an outfit for later." I said going upstairs, still laughing at her.

Chapter Three

Chapter Three

I stood in my bedroom with clothes piled around me. I had only unpacked my bags this morning and here I was already pulling them out of the wardrobe to find something to wear. Me and Marissa were going out to eat, and although she said I wouldn't need to dress up I still felt I should make a little effort. I had tried on about three outfits but all seemed either too casual or too formal.

In the end I decided to go with a cream above the knee length dress with brown squares on it. I paired it up with a pair of small black flats and a black clutch. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I bumped it up at the back and parted my fringe. I then moved onto my make-up, deciding to keep it to a minimum, so I applied a thin layer of eye liner and mascara, finishing up with some light pinklip gloss.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. I must say I looked quite good, My black and blonde shoulder length hair looked beautiful and showed off my natural tan. I packed some make-up into my clutch along with a mirror and some money. I checked my watch to see the time and realised that me and Marissa should be setting off any minute.

I ran down the stairs humming one of my made up tunes and started looking for Marissa. Ieventually found her in the back garden having a glass of white wine on the veranda. I walked out and sat next to her. She was already to go out, wearing a nice dark red dress with black heels, and she had curled her long brown hair perfectly. Marissa defiantly looked well under 35. She had a very petite figure, just like my mother they both stood around 5'4 and were very slim. I however had a more curvy body- like a size 10, and was just over 5'7. I certainly don't know why Marissa's ex-husband, Sam, left her she was gorgeous! I decided best not to ask her though, bringing up things like that usually ruin a persons night.

"Hey, want a glass of wine before we set off?" Marissa asked me, and even though it was ment as a question she had already started pouring it without me asking.

" do know I'm not old enough, right?" I said as she passed me the small glass of white wine. My mum never used to let me drink- although she knew I had done at friends parties, she would always tell me to keep safe instead of yelling at me like most parents would.

"Well, you're going to be with me all night so i'm sure one drink will be fine." She waved her hand as though it was nothing.

"Well, im not complaining." I said sipping my wine. "When we setting off then?" I asked Marissa who had just set her empty wine glass down.

"Now, come on!" She sang getting up and making her way towards the front door. I drank my wine in one go and headed in her direction.

Since the restaurant was only five minutes away we decided to walk, although it took about double the time it should because Marissa had polished off almost a full bottle of wine, so she was morestumbling rather than walking.

We headed down the same street that I had gotten lost on, it seemed stupid that I could get lost in a fairly simple place. I made a mental map of where to go in case I got lost again, although I doubt i would. Me and Marissa chatted lightly about things like school and home, but for most of the walk we were silent. Although it was getting darker the hot air was still hanging around us, which made the walk to the restaurant pleasant.

We stopped at the top of a small hill and headed to the opposite side of the road to where therestaurant was. It was really nice, All glass walls,( which obviously made me want to throw stones at it because I'm just that cool ), black flooring & walls with had large silver flowers on that shines when the passing car lights reflected onto them. Large, clear glass tables with silver & black chairs. It was very modern and immediately I was glad I had made an effort.

We walked inside and Marissa said they had a reservation for two. The hostess took us over to a small table in the back of the restaurant, over looking the sea. I looked out in awe, it lookedabsolutely beautiful, the moon was high in the sky and was throwing beautiful flows of colour over the sea. Marissa told me that she was brought here on a date a few months ago. I didn't really know what to reply, she had only got divorced lat year and was dating already! In a strange way though I admired her for not letting a man ruin her life after he had already left her, I told her I though the place was beautiful- which it really was, and I couldn't wait to try the food- which I couldn't!

I excused myself to go to the bathroom, I went in and washed my hands as we were about to eat, and checked out my hair and make-up. I looked good, my make-up hadn't smudged and my hair was still perfectley in place. I walked back into the room and the waiter was stood over our table. Marissa seemed to be having a conversation with him, and I prayed to god that she wasn't hitting on him! I slid back into my seat and quickley looked over my menu silently.

"Ah, here she is" Marissa said in a voiced filled with laughter, I looked up from my menu at her to see she had a huge smile on her face. I decided to put it down to that they were waiting for me to order so I rushed through the menu, not wanting to keep the waiter hanging about long than I had already kept him.

"Hey, Jodie..." I snapped my head up from the menu to see who was talking to me, I was utterly shocked to see that Declan was our waiter. I probably should have noticed but I was too busy deciding what to have to eat. He was blushing slightly and had a nervous smile playing on his lips. I hoped to God that Marissa hadn't said anything embarrassing to him.

"Oh, hey. I didn't even notice you...and I did not know you worked here..." I said throwing a frown in Marissa's direction. She must have know he worked here, she knows his parents and obviously knows he workes here. As soon as he left the table with our orders I was going to give her a very mean glare!

"Yeah i kinda guessed you didn', um, are you two ready to order or..."He said obviously stillnervous and embarrassed. He fiddled with his small note pad to open it and get a pencil out, but seemed to be having a bit of difficulty.

Me and Marissa ordered our food, me making sure to order something that I couldn't drop down myself (as I tend to when I'm distracted!) so I went for salad, I also thought it would make me look healthy in from of Declan. Why I wanted to appear healthy, I'm not sure, but I regretted it the second I said it. We talked for a few more seconds before Declan finally left our table with a relived look on his face. I was sure that he was as awkward as I was, so i didn't take any offence to it. Instead I put it all down as my crazy aunts fault.

"What the hell? How could you not tell me he worked here?" I asked her after quite a bit of glaring, with didn't really seem to effect her as I though it would.

"Oh well, must have slipped my mind!" She said laughing, I couldn't help but join in. It was pretty funny and I was just so glad that it was over with. I'm pretty damn sure that I looked like an idiot in front of Declan- albeit a healthy one!

"You like him!" Marissa said after she caught me peeking a looks in his direction. The excitementwas clear in her eyes, and it reminded me of how a girl my age would act at finding out her best friend had a crush.

"I don't even know the guy...he is pretty good looking though, isn't he?" I said while staring at himstood behind a counter. After a couple of minutes Marissa coughed to get my attention, she must have realised I was staring at him.

I snapped my head up and could feel the blood running to my face. She dropped the conversation therem which I was glad of. We chatted idely until our food came, along with more drinks for us. Although Marissa had let me drink in the house, I didn't ask her if I could in public, and besides I was quite happy with my glass of coke. I noticed Marissa had a few more glasses of wine even before our meals came, and I prayed to go that I wouldn't be having to carry her home.

Declan returned shortly with our food and this time there were no awkward conversations. We thanked him for the food and had a little chat with him, but as the place was getting busier by the second he had to go pretty quickly.

I ate some of my salad, but the stuff tastes like crap! I watched Marissa devour a huge steak withextreme jealous. I pushed my food around on the plate and sipped my coke as me and Marissa conversed lightly. After our plates had been taken away Marissa suggested we stay for dessert,which I didn't pass up on as I'd hardly eaten and the food smelled so good!

Declan came over a little bit later and took our orders, I decided not to act all healthy and ordered a slice of chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream, while Marissa just asked for more wine. Me and Declan exchanged a sly look, I'm pretty sure he had picked up on the fact that she'd had too much to drink as well, but neither of us felt it was our place to say anything so we kept quiet.

While waiting for our food, and trying to keep an obviously drunk Marissa for asking the restauronte owners to put some better music on, I caught Declans motioning me over from the corner of my eye. I begged Marissa to stay there and wait for me while I go to the toilet. I knew she would stay there because she seemed quite happy looking out of the window- kinda like a drunk dog I guess...

I walked over to Declan who was stood next to a large plant near the toilets. The camouflage of the plant wasn't working at all, although I hoped hoped he wasn't actually trying to camouflage himself as a tree.

"Hey, whats up?" I asked him quietly, assuming we were trying to hide from someone.

"Oh, nothing I just wanted to give you my number seen as though I couldn't earlier" He said passing me a folded piece of paper. There were no awkwardness hanging between us now and we were both smiling away at each other. I had butterflies in my stomach and was so glad that he really did want to see me tomorrow.

"Oh, thanks, I cant realy talk for long though, Marissa's had a bit too much to drink and pretty much needs to be supervised." I said and we both broke out laughing.

"Well, I finish in twenty minutes so I can hang around and make sure you two get home okay if you want? Besides, it looks like she may need some help." He said nodding in the direction of my table. I looked over to see Marissa trying to what I assume was sprinkle pepper onto the vertical window. We both bursed out laughing again.

"That'd be brilliant, I don't really want to carry her home!"I said and we both laughed again, even though I'm pretty sure she would need some serious help getting home. I thank Declan for waiting for us and he said he's be outside by the time we'd finished our desserts. Declan had to go back to work and I had to go back to a dunked aunt, so we both left saying we'd meet up after we were finished. I walked back to my table smiling.

The dessert came and I ate my slice of chocolate fudge cake in record time, Marissa on the other hand decided she wanted some as she only ordered wine. I passed her a spare fork and we both shared the ice cream happily. When we finished, I told her I would get the bill but she insisted on paying- so I figured I may as well let her. She left a huge tip, which I wasn't even sure she was aware of doing so, and we set off outside. Declan was leaning on a black car in the parking lot and jogged over when he saw us.

Im pretty sure the warm air had gotten to Marissa because she was not looking pale and ill. Declantook one of her arms, and I took the other. He lead us over to his car and I strapped Marissa in and wound her window down a bit, hoping she wouldn't puke in Declans car.

"Thank you so much for the lift home, I really appreciate it." I told him as he pulled up outside our house.

"Its no problem, don't worry about it. So, I'll text you in morning? If our still up for hanging out?"Declan asked me smiling, and looking a little nervous again.

"You don't have my number, do you?" I replied, already looking for my phone so I could give him it.

"Your aunt gave me it earlier." He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Well, yeah text me tomorrow then, I'm still up for meeting.". With that we said our goodbyes, and I told him I could manage to get Marissa inside when he asked if I needed any help. I got a very sick looking Marissa from the back seat and walked with her inside the house. Luckily she had given me a key earlier so I didn't need to ask her for one.

When we got it Marissa said she wanted to sleep it off on the sofa, so I fetched a blanket and pillow from the spare room and covered her up. I decided that I'd go to bed too, seen as though there was nothing better to do. I changed into my pajamas and removed all of my make-up.

I laid in bed thinking about how I had hardly though about my friends today, and was surprised to see that I wasn't actually missing them yet. I think most of it was due to Declan. Im so glad that, hopefully, I wont have to spend the whole summer alone. I plugged my phone on to charge and tried to sleep.


I checked my phone as it had just gone off.

Message from Declan:

Can't wait until tomorrow, hope Marissa's okay & bet she has a mad hangover! See you in morning Jodie. Night, Declan xx

P.S You looked beautiful tonight x

Wow, I can't believe he called me beautiful! There had only every been one man to call me that, and it was my dad! I had extreme butterflies flapping around in my stomach. I text him back saying thank you and I can't either. A few minutes later I fell asleep with a smile plastered on my face.

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

I woke up early the next morning. I was so excited about seeing Decaln today, and properly this time not just running into each other by chance. I practically jumped out of bed and got a nice long shower. I washed my hair and body, once I got out and dried i looked around in the bathroom cabinets. Not looking for anything in particular, just being nosey. I came across a bottle of fake tan and contemplated putting some on...but them decided it was pointless seen as though it was yet again another hot summer day.

As it was warmer than yesterday I dressed in a short black pleated skirt, a baggy one shoulder grey top and a pair of black tie up shoes. I sat at the dressing table that I unpacked all of my products for my hair and skin into. I blow dried my hair and them added some curling moose so that my hair would stay in long ringlets all day. I then added a light layer of foundation and put on a tick layer of eye liner, accompanied with black mascara. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was pleased with my light, natural tan but wanted to catch some more sum on my skin so that I would be a little darker.

I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and text Declan.

Message to Declan:

Hey, we still meeting today? Jodie x

I put the phone back onto the bed and eagerly awaited for a reply. While I waited for his reply I decided to accessorise, so I grabbed my white leather bag, some dark blue beads and my silver watch. I glanced down at my watch, which showed 11:15AM, wow I really am up early! usually I would sleep in past noon if no one woke me, but hey, I'm just lazy like that! I packed my handbag with make-up, a mirror and some cash, then raced down the stairs singing 'Go outside' by Cults. I reached the bottom of the stairs and assuming that because I couldn't hear Marissa, she must still be sleeping.

I decided to make us both some pancakes so I made the mixture and and started cooking them. I grabbed some blueberry's and syrup from the fridge waiting for them to cook. I flipped them expertly in the pan while dancing around the kitchen, still singing. I pulled my phone from my bag and checked to see if Declan had text back yet. Still no reply, so I popped it back into my bag. Maybe I was being a too eager to get his reply so, even though I wanted to I still didn't text back.

I placed the pancakes onto a large plate and put it on a tray with the blueberry's and syrup, taking it into the living room to give to Marissa. The sofa was bare though, and the cover and pillow I had given her last night had gone, I checked in her bedroom to see if maybe she had woken up in the night and gone to her own bed, but still no sign of her. I put the pancakes on the coffee table and walked into the garden hoping she would be out there.

She was. She was sat on the deck chairs on the veranda chatting away-to Declan! I walked over to them with a puzzled look on my face. Why the hell would Declan be out here with Marissa? They were drinking lemonade and as I got closer could hear them talking about flowers and what was the best time of year for certain ones.

"Hey guys..." I said after a minute or so of being stood behind Marissa but with neither of them noticing me. Declan shot up to his feet to greet me, and Marissa put her sunglasses on the top of her head.

"Hey, I come about 10 minutes ago, my phone died so I couldn't ring to see when we was meeting up, don't mind do you?" Declan said, looking kind of worried that he had imposed, his smile came back though when I reassured him that he hadn't.

"I made pancakes, I thought you woud still be sleeping, you know, with the hangover?" I said questioning Marissa. You could definatley not tell that she had been so wasted last night, no bags under eyes, no illness, nothing. She looked the same fabulous self she always did.

"Its only you that sleeps in this late hun! And besides, hangovers are for old people, were still young! Marissa said doing some sort of strange dance with her arms while still sitting down.

"Yeah, me and Declan are young...I'm not quite sure about you!" I said laughing, and the two of them joined in with me. Marissa pushed me on my arm for insulting her, but at least she was laughing about it.

"Well, I'll go get plates then, we'll all eat out here!" Marissa practically shouted, jumping up from her seat and running inside. Wow, she really was like a teenagers still!

Me and Declan stood next to the empty seats for a few seconds, before he kindly broke the ice.

"She's not doing too bad to say she drank so much last night is she." He laughed.

"Oh, I know...So, what we doing today then?" I asked, wondering what he normally did. To be honest I was happy to do anything that didn't involve spending all day inside.

"Well, I though maybe we could go paint balling, then if you want for some diner or something? I don't know its up to you really..." He answered looking nervous again. He was so sweet! My heart was racing again and them sodding butterflies had returned. I didn't want to ask if it was a date or not, although I secretly hoped it was.

"Yeah thats cool, I love paintball!" I said enthusicasticaly, when the truth was I had never been and was pretty scared that it might hurt when I got hit.

"Cool, well, shall we set off after you've had your breakfast? Even though its practically the afternoon now?" He said laughing, we had both became more comfortable around each other now, and was sat next to each other chatting away about the day ahead of us when Marissa returned with breakfast.

She handed each of us a plate full of blueberry pancakes and a knife and fork, and put the syrup on the table in front of us. We all chatted lightly as we ate, but the pancakes were so good that I hardly joined in with the conversation. I ate all of my breakfast ina round two minutes, leaving a dumbfounded Declan and Marissa staring at me with a mix of amusement and confusion.

"What? Everyone know I make the best pancakes!" I said rubbing my full belly and leaning back in my chair to bask in my pancake glory.

"I never knew that..."

"No, me neither..."

They both said totally ruin my smug moment. I huffed and jumped up, taking all the empty plates into the kitchen, laughing as I did so. I totally do make the best pancakes, there a bunch of liars if they disagree!

I was loading the dish washer when I felt a pair of hand wrap around my wait. I stood up slowly, scared because I didn't know what the hell was going on. Although my heart was pounding and I could smell from the incredible Cologne that it was Declan. I stood up fully and could feel the warmth of his body from behind me.

"So, is this a date then?" He asked whispering into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I spun around quickly, with a playful smile on my face. It obviously wasn't the reaction he was looking for as he looked shocked for a moment, but returned to his flirtatious mood when he was me smiling.

"Depends on how good it is, Dec." I said walking past him and giggling like a crazy woman. I put the syrup back into the fridge with the blueberry's.

"Well, I'll try my best! And if you call me Dec im gunna call you Jode. Your aunty Marissa told me you don't like it." He had laughing.

The atmosphere had lightened up again now, and was less serious because, although I do like him, I was more interested on having fun and getting to know him, then rushing into a relationship with him. I'd only ever had a few boyfriends, and only kissed one of them. It was nothing too serious, at the time we thought we were madly in love. Now looking back on it we were way too young to even know what love was, and when we split up neither of us cared much.

"I won't call you Dec then...Dec." I said laughing my head off. Man, I bet I seemed seriously wierd to this guy! I'm surprised he hadn't run out screaming by how me and Marissa were acting.

Just as I was thinking about her, Marissa walked into the kitchen and asked where I'd put those headache tablets. I told her and then made a few jokes about her not being as young as she thinks.

Me and Declan both said goodbye to her, and I slipped on a Jacket and we walked outside to get into his car. He opened the passenger side and bowed and I climbed in. I sat there laughing my head off as he got in the drivers seat. I could tell that today was going to be really funny!

Dec ( wich is now my new name for him, despite any repercussions!) turned the radio station on and turned the music down slightly, so that we could talk but also hear the music.

"So, what course are you doing in college?" I asked him, trying to get to know him a little better.

"I'm doing architectural design, my first year." He looked at me smiling, If I had one million guesses at what he was studying I would have never guessed that!

"Oh wow, that must be pretty cool. Do you have to be ble to draw and stuff for that?" I asked interested.

"Yead, its all pretty simple the tings were doing though, only just getting started, and I did art in school so I'm pretty good."

"Oh that's good, I cant draw anything! I think I'm gunna start a business course when I finish school. My dad owns a restaurant, and a few other small businesses, so I think it will come in useful."

"Wow, guess your pretty loaded then huh?" He asked nudging my arm playfully.

"We do okay, I guess." I answered not wanting to sound snobby. Truth was we did very well, we had a beautiful home, a holiday villa, two cars and still a huge amount in the bank.

We fell into a comfortable silence, I looked out of the window, watching us drive pat the beach, beautiful buildings and lots of greenery. I would look at him occasionally, and he would look at me too. We'd smile at each other and go back to enjoying the car ride. Even though I told him I didn't know if it was a date or not, I think we both knew it was. And I knew that it would be a pretty good one.

We pulled up outside what looked like an old farm, only with a huge board outside that read 'Paintball!!!' I didn't think it was a very imaginative sign, but it was down to the point I guessed. We headed inside and Dec payed for us both. We were given a paint gun, protective clothing and a huge box of refills. We could see a group of about twelve kids putting their gear on too. We were told by the manager that we could play in teams, so we all got talking and formed teams, luckily Dec didn't suggest that we split onto different teams. I tied my hair up and got my gun in position as I ran behind a huge stack of hay with my team mates.

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

We hid in silence behind a 7 foot pile of hay, waiting for one of the boys on our team to give us the signal to strike. By strike I met run out and shoot the other team, with I was kinda scared about. I really didn't want to get shot and loose the game straight away, the other guys on my team seemed excited about coming up against our opponents even thought I was dreading it. I hoped I wouldn't seem like a wimp in front of Declan so I pretended to thrilled at the idea of getting painfully hit with small balls.

The pain ball site itself was nothing special, although I had never been to one before so I wouldn't really know. All along the floor was that fake, plastic grass, covered with pieces of hay and sand. There were a large wooden shed with paintings of trees and tractors on, and numerous hay piles scattered around.

One of the teammates nodded to another, who turned around and repeated it to the others untilDeclan turned to me and did the same. I looked confused and mouthed 'What?' to him, but he wasconcentrating on lifting a small kid above the stack so he could see over it.

He dropped the child onto the floor again and snook around the side of the hay pile to peek out. "NOW!" shouted Declan and everyone dispered onto the filed in front of us. I stood slightley to the left of the hay, unsure of what to do- I couldn't see any of our 'enemies' so didn't really get what we were doing.

Declan saw me and must have realised that I was confused as to what we were doing, he ran over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me across the field and behind a fake tractor.

"There over there." He said pointing north. "If we wait a few minutes then they should come to attack. Just point your gun like this, and press that." He said angling my gunna upwards and showing me which trigger to use. I mimicked him by standing with one foot in front of the other and looking down into the eye piece of the gun. We stood still for a few more seconds until we saw movement.

Suddenly I was really getting into it, I tapped Dec on the shoulder and pointed to where I had seen them, he nodded and motioned for us to walk nearer to the area. I was filled with the feeling of power and couldn't wait to get to shoot someone.

The field went from being empty to having about 20 people on it all shooting each other shouting things. I climbed up onto the fake tractor and aimed my gun at one of the enemies, who had a blue bib on, whereas we had a red one.

I shot about 7 paint balls at people, not one of them actually hitting the person they were intended for- and I'm pretty sure I hit my own teammates several times. I was feeling quite smug about not being hit- so I turned around to look at Declan to tell him how good as I was doing. But as I turned someone shot me in the chest and fell off the tractor. It was only about 5 foot tall, but it still hurt when I fell, landing on my side and the gun hitting my head.

Declan rushed over to me to see if I was okay, which I was- it was my head that hurt the most and I figured I'd be fine once I stood up again. He helped me to my feet, asking me bout seven times if I was okay, and even apologies for letting me fall! I looked down to my check to see a huge blue splatter on it- well, I was out of the game now.

Declan looked at the paint on me and laughed, making fun out of me for being out of the game already.I stood with my hand on my hip and the gun still in my hand, with a stern look on my face. He was laughing for hard that I couldn't even understood what he was saying, so I raised my gun and shot him twice in the chest, and once in the leg- just for good luck! The smile disappeared from his face immediately and was replaced by an evil grin.

I turned around to run from him, and find some cover, but he chased after and shot me in the back of my leg. I winched from the slight sting and turned on my heel to shoot at him. I pulled the trigger over and over, moving my gun in all directions- hoping that they would all hit him, but seriously doubting they would. I heard a loud click and slowly opened my tightly shut eyes. The gun had stopped shooting, clearly out of paint balls, but I didn't know how to refill it, and I doubted thatDeclan would help me seen as though I would only be shooting him with them.

I threw my gun at him, but I already knew it would do no damage, even though he dodged it effortlessly. He aimed his gun at me and fired repeatedly. I closed my eyes tightly, prepared for thetiny stings of the pain balls hitting me. After five or so seconds and hearing the gun shooting, but feeling nothing I opened my eyes to see Declan had been shooting the floor around me and was once again laughing at me uncontrollably.

We were both covered head to toe in with splashes of paint, and straws of hay was sticking to them, making me itch all over. We walked back into the main building- to give back our equipment and get our bags. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I burst out giggling, I looked like a smurf! Dec stood by my side and boasted about having less paint on him, so naturally I wiped my hand on the paint on my clothes and smeared it on his cheek. He looked shocked and wiped some on my cheek-laughing at how strange we looked.

"You hungry, smurfy?" Declan asked as we got into his car, we sat for a few seconds with the engine off- I think we were both trying to decided what we were going to do next, seen as though we hadn't been at the paintball site for long.

"Yeah sure, I could eat. I don't really want to go inside anywhere though still looking like this." I saidlooking down at my partly blue clothing. Thank God that none got in my hair though- I'm pretty sure it would have taken ages to get it all out.

"Well, we can just get a drive through McDonald's or something? Or we could go clean up and go to a restaurant?" He said suggesting other things for us to do, I was happy to just get a drive through.

"McDonald's is fine, I only want fries and a drink though, I'm still pretty full from my award winning pancakes" I told him smiling, ohhh my pancakes were the best.

"McDonald's it is then, smufy." He joked smiling at me and starting the car. We drove to McDonald'slaughing about how rubbish I was at paintball, and talking about the evil genius child that had shot me.

We ordered our McDonald's and sat in the car park eating it while laughing about random things. I was so comfortable around Declan and I could tell that he was with me. We ate and drank ourMcDonald's, chatting there for hours. Luckily all the paint on our clothes had dried so it hadn't soaked into Declans suede car seats. There was a small group of people hanging around on the skate park opposite where we were parked, I sat watching them doing tricks on their skateboard, trying to impress a few girls who were sat around a table talking.

Declan beeped his horn loudly and wound his window down, stretching his arm out and waving to the group opposite. I looked at him like he was crazy- trying to figure out why he would do that to people that he didn't even know. One boy pointed to the car and him, along with the rest of the group came walking over all laughing.

"Don't worry, there my friends..." He said obviously noticing my odd reaction, He opened the door and climbed out to let me out, he leaned against the car and wiped some paint from my lips off. I wonder if that was what making my fries taste strange?

"Hey guys, whats up?" He Declan greeted the group, doing that weird knuckle-bump-and-a-hugthing that men do when they see each other. He said hey to the girls and was getting the mick taken out of him for the amount of paint splatters on his clothes.

"Oh guys, this is Jodie, she's new in town. This is well- everyone..."He introduced us, he told me their names one by one, but I'd forgotten most of them as soon as he had said them. The girls hugged me and asked me where I was from. They seemed really nice, one of the girls told me her name was Alicia, she was small- like really small, I'd say about 5'2, and had bright red dyed hair. She had a short top on that showed off her toned stomach and dragon tattoo on her hip. Despite her strong looking appearance she was really friendly ask asked me about my relationship withDeclan.

"So are you two dating then?" Alicia asked us both loudly, and I could tell everyone had been thinking it as they went silent. Declan slipped his hand into mine and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I think we are." He said, still looking into my eyes. We were, we really were dating, and so far it had been a brilliant date. I got butterflies into my stomach for the hundredth time today as I went on my tip toes to lightly peck his lips.

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Declans whole body stiffened the second that he realised I was about to kiss him. I went on my tip toes to reach his lips, but the second they touched a million things ran through my head. What is he dosn't want me to kiss him? What if he pushes me off him? What if he laughs at me?I didn't want him to move away from me, I mean, I know he likes me or he wouldn't have said we were dating right? I pecked his lips and landed back onto my feet all in seconds. I didn't want to kiss him properly in front of all his friends in a McDonald's car park, and besides, I wanted to know if he was serious about me before I do, just so he dosn't get the wrong impression.

His friends wolf whistled and aww'd when I kissed him, but still no reaction from Declan himself. I looked up to see his face, and I could feel myself going red with embarrassment. He smiled shyly at me, with a blush on his cheeks too. I smiled back at him and he squeezed my hand, which was still in his. Suddenly all the worrying had been washed away, and replaced with a happy bliss. He picked my hand up and kissed the back of it, smiling at me again.

We were still stood in outside McDonald's, leaning on his car with all his friends around. Declan was now talking to one of the boys about what happened earlier at paint ball, whereas I was talking to Alicia and Jasmine, the only two girls in group. Although me and the girls got along okay, I wanted to spend some alone time with Declan, we were still on our date after all. I decided I would wait until he had finished telling a few of the boys his story and then I'd whisper it to him. Not in a sexual way- just so that his friends wouldn't think I was rude for asking if we could go.

The boys he was talking to seemed around Declans age, although only one of them was the same height as him. I'd remembered that Declan had said he was called Luke.I'd say that Luke was just a tiny bit smaller then Declan if not the same hight, he was dark skinned, with dark hair and matching eyes. And although he was muscular, he wasn't subtle and sexy like Declan, he was more like a body builder, with every muscle way over exaggerated. He seemed like a nice guy though, and said hey to me when Declan had introduced me to them all.

Declan finished his story and I was about to ask him if we could go hang out by our self's when he turned to his friends and told them that we had to get going because we were a bit busy. And although a few of the boys said a few crude remarks, the girls hugged me goodbye and made me promise to come to the skate park with Declan again. He opened the door for me again and climbed in, waiting for him to start the engine and drive away. I waved to Jasmine when she turned around just as we were pulling out of the car park.

"Your friends are nice, I like Alicia and Jasmine." I told him as I waved goodbye to them.

"Yeah, there a great bunch. You'll get along well with the girls which is good because then you'll have more people to talk to at the party." He said smiling slyly.

"What party?" I asked him confused.

"I'm having a party this weekend as I asked Marissa If it was okay if you came. She said yeah, but not to let you out if you were hammered, and I have to bring you home." He said, and now I knew why he had that sly look on his face. He had arranged it with Marissa that I could go, just so I wouldn't have an excuse.

"Well that's not exactly a problem, I live literally over the road from you!" I said laughing, I was so excited about going to his party, It had been ages since I had been to one of my friends, and I couldn't wait to see Alicia and Jasmine again. I was really hoping that we could be friends because they seemed so nice, and I hated the though of only having one girl to talk to all summer.

"So, your coming, yeah?" He asked, looking quite surprised that I hadn't said no yet.

"Yeah definitely, who's gunna be there?" I said chewing on my lip. On one hand I wanted to meet new people and socialise, but on the other I didn't want to feel crowded and out of place.

"The guys you met back there, Maliki and his girlfriend Chloe, but don't worry- I doubt you'll get to talk to Chloe." He was going to leave it there until I asked him why I wouldn't get to talk to her. "Because Alicia and Jasmine don't like her, so she won't approach you if your with them, or me. She's a bit of a tart, been playing Maliki for a few months now."

"Oh, I don't mind not talking to her then if that's what sort of person she is. Who else is going?" I asked again after getting sidetracked.

"Erm...thats it I think, Me, you, Alicia, Jasmine, Malkili, Chloe, Luke, Kale and Brad." He said counting the names on his fingers and trying to think of anyone he had missed.

"Well, I can't wait!" I told him kissing his cheek. Each time I did it I would get more and more butterflies in my stomach. He turned just as I was about the plant one on his cheek and caught my lips. It was only a peck, and lasted little over a second because he was driving, but it was enough to send my heart thumping again.

We had now pulled on to our street and was sat in the car outside his house. I didn't know we were going home, I wasn't even sure if I wanted the date to end. I sat there for a few seconds unsure of what to say, I was about to ask him what was going on but he had gotten out of the car and was holding my door open for me. I was really disappointed that this was how he was going to end our date, and couldn't help but feel my mood sour.

I got out of the car and walked around the front- so I was standing just next to my garden. He exteneded his hand, I took it and he pulled me closer to him- envolping me in a hug. I breathed in, smelling his colonge. Man this boy smelt good! He kissed the top of my head and I looked up to see him smiling at me.

"You want to come in and meet my mum and dad? It is what boyfriend/girlfriends do, right?" He asked looking nervous again. I cant believe I though he wanted me to go home! I feel so stupid! I hope he didn't realise that I thought he did...wait, did he say girlfriend?

"So, I'm your girlfriend?" I asked in an amused voice, deep down I was a nervous wreck, but I wanted to appear confident and funny in front of Declan.

"If you want to be, yeah?" He asked kissing my forehead once more. I knew I wanted to be his girlfriend, and he knew too.

"Yeah, defiantly." I said looking up at him again. Something caught my eye in his front window, I saw two figures peeping through the curtain and then trying to hide when I caught them. Declan sighed, I guess he saw it too.

We walked toward his front door, and I kept an eye on the window to trying to see who it was, whoever it was though had gone back into pretending they wasn't looking. He opened the door and whispered 'Welcome to the mad house' as I walked in behind him, laughing.

He showed me into the living room, which was the same layout as Marissa's, only with more pictures on the walls, and it seemed more comfortable and lived-in. Sat on the sofa, under the window was his mum, who he introduced her to me as Laura, and Marissa. They both looked guilty as sin. Now I knew who was peeking through the window!

Declans house had a much warmer feel to it than Marissa's. The floors were a light wood, and the walls a dark brown and cream. They were filled with family photos, most of them including Declan and a younger boy who I assumed must be his brother. The living room was tidy, but had a pile of toys in one corner and some Lego pieces on the cream rug in the middle of the room.

Marissa and Laura, who was Declans mum, were sat on beige sofa's sipping wine and laughing at us both. Laura was a pretty woman, she has strawberry-blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders, and was very slim. She looked way too young to have a 17 year old son, but Declan later told me that she had him at 17.

We all exchanged pleasenturies, while me and Declan stood awkwardly in the corner of the room, still holding hands. Laura looked from me, to Declan, to our hands. "So, you two are official?" She said with her voiced filled with humor. Marissa was leaning forward at the side of her, to hear our answers.

"Yeah, we are." I said this time smiling at all three of them, but feeling myself blushing.

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

We were stood in Declans living room, with his mum and Marissa after just finishing our first date. The whole day I had butterflies in my stomach and a smile plastered on my face. We had so much fun, we went to play pain ball, but it didn't end so well after me being hit off of a tractor. It didn't hurt that much-just embarrassed me in front of Declan, who found it all funny. Then I got the chance to meet his friends, who were all really nice. After we got back he asked me if I wanted to meet his parents- but so far we had only seen his mum, Laura and my aunt Marissa.

Decan pulled me onto the sofa, just to the left of where his mum and Marissa were sitting, and put his arm around me. I know we had only just met, and didn't know each other very well, but I couldn't help but feel as though we had already made a strong connexion. I laid my head against his chest and inhaled. He smelled so good-kinda like old spice, but way sexier.

His mum got up and asked if any one wanted anything to drink, I said I was fine, but Declan asked for a beer, and Marissa a glass of wine. I looked up to Declan with a confused expression. His mum let him drink beer at 17? And at 4 in the afternoon? He told me that she was cool with it- as long as he wasn't drinking on the street she didn't mind. It kinda reminded me of what Marissa had said to me the day before. I looked over to see her with a smile on her face.

"People around here aren't so uptight as where you live, as long as people are safe then its fine." She told me laughing. It made me wonder if my mum was uptaight, or if people around here were really just laid back. Either way I could get used to it for the summer!

I giggled at what Marissa had said, but turned down another drink when Declan asked me. Laura arrived back into the room a few minutes later, and handed drinks out. She had brought me a bottle of water, just in case I changed my mind about wanting a drink. The four of us talked a little about our days, and Declan decided to tell them both about how I fell from the tractor. They asked me if I were okay, but both were laughing. In the end, I joined them in doing so, feeling the back of my head to where a small lump was forming.

After some more light talk of the days events Declan asked me if I wanted to go listen to some music in his bedroom. I agreed, but was seriously nervous. I'd never been into a boyfriends bedroom before, and although I knew nothing was going to happen- especially with his parents and my aunt in the house, my heart was pumping adrenaline through my body with the thought of being in his bedroom alone- just us two.

His mum and Marissa had already gone into the back garden, Laura wanted to show her new lawn ornaments off, although I had a sneaky suspicion that they both wanted to have another glass of wine in peace. We both stood up, and Declan left me in the living room for a minute to tell his mum that we were going to listen to his music. I took this chance to fix myself up in the mirror. I sighed as I saw my reflection- I had blue paint in my hair and some splatters of red on my face. I did by best to wipe it off- but I really did need a hot shower to get it all off. I think that if I was with anybody else I would have felt embarrassed, but seen as though Declan looked in pretty bad shape from my paint attacks, it didn't seem to bother me much.

Declan returned a few minutes later with some cans of soda and chips, telling me that we could go up now. Hesitantly, I followed him up the stairs slowly. His bedroom was the first door up the stairs, and was a lot larger than mine. It was decorated in black paint with silver on one wall, and silver graffiti writing on the others, although to me most of the graffiti was unreadable. Above his large, double bed were loads of posters. Most of them were bands like Paramore, Kids in glass houses and My chemical romance, although a few others were of half naked women on flashy cars-typical guy!

The room was a lot neater than I would of immagined for a 17 year old lad, There were a few clothes and empty cans in the room- but nothing major like you see on TV. In one corner of the room he had a guitar and amplifier, I wonder if he plays? Of corse he plays if he has, I really am loosing it! I wonder if he'll play something for me if I ask him? I made a mental note to ask him later.

On one wall of the room there were a row of large shelf's, stretching the entire wall, on some were photos of him with friends, some of who I met earlier, deodorants, hair products, CD's and books. I read some of the book titles, and was actually quite surprised when I saw a few from George Orwell, who was my favorite author. There were even the Twilight books, all of which I'd read hundred's of times and totally loved!

Declan was sat on his bed, where he'd placed the snacks he'd brought up from us both, and was looking through another pile of CD's. I walked over and stood by his bed, unsure of what to do. He smiled at me, obviously noticing my nervousness. He extended his hand out to me, I took it and sat next to him on the bed, flicking through some more CD's. I passed him The Script album and he put it in the CD player, putting the volume to a low level so that we could easily talk over it. For a few minutes we sat in silence listening to the music.

"You don't have to act all nervous you know, its only me." He said nudging my shoulder with his head. Although he was smiling, I knew what he was saying was the truth, I hadn't felt nervous with him all day- so why start now? I propped myself up on my shoulders and studied the graffiti on his wall- I'm not sure if he did it or not, but it looked pretty cool.

"Oh, I you play guitar?" I asked him as I pointed towards it.

"Yeah, well only a little- I used to play a lot when I was younger, haven't really got the time for it though." He stood up walking towards it and picking it up. "Wanna hear something?" He asked strumming the guitar strings slightly.

"Sure, why not." I answered sitting up and leaning forward, eagerly waiting for him to play.

"Stap your socks on, 'coz I'm gunna rock em off!" He said laughing. I burst out in hysterics, I laid flat on the bed laughing my head off, he was such a geek!

"Your so lame, just bloody play something!" I said in between giggle fits. He strummed the guitar slowly, making a light melody. I didn't know the tune that he was playing, but loved it instantly. He closed his eyes and concentrated on playing. I did the same and let the music flow through me. He was a wonderful musician- I even know that and I'm not good at any instrument ( except the triangle with I absolutely rock at!). I was still laid on the bed with my eyes closed when I felt the bed dip down at side of me. I opened my eyes to see Declan laid next to me. I hadn't even noticed him stop playing, he turned the music up on the CD player and we laid there for a while singing songs by The Script.

I grabbed a can of soda and passed one to Declan, we had been listening to music now for almost an hour and the CD had just finished, my stomach was growling and I couldn't wait to get something to eat. I doubted that Marissa was still downstairs, but doubted even more that she had cooked diner. From what she showed yesterday she didn't have much cooking skills, I on the other hand was a culinary genius! I opened a packet of crisps and ate them quickly, offering the other to Declan who said he's pass, so I ate his as well. Although after two packets my stomach was growling louder than before. Declan laughed at my rumbling tummy and told me he'd be one sec and went downstairs.

I was in his bedroom alone, and had only just realised how dark it was outside. I looked out of the window, and my house had its lights on, Marissa should be home if they were turned on, but it was just as likely that she forgot to turn them off. Although I had never been very close to Marissa, I was starting to get closer to her each day, I though of her more as a sister than a aunt and wished I would have spent more time with her before now. I wondered if she has always been this laid back and easy going, or if it was something that she gained within herself after her divorce, either way I defiantly wanted to stay close even after I went back home. Home...the though of home tied my stomach in knots. I needed to leave to get back to school soon, but I don't know how I would be able to leave Declan. I decided not to think about it, after all, I hadn't know Decaln that long and didn't even know if we would still be together by then.

Declan arrived back up into his bedroom a few minutes later. "You wanna stay for tea? My mum said you can, she know how bad Marissa is at cooking." He said smiling.

"Erm, yeah sure. If its not too much trouble?" I asked, not wanting to impose.

"No its fine really, she makes enough to feed the street anyway. Come on, my dad's just got in and I want you to meet him and my brother before we eat." He said taking my hand in his and leading me down the stairs.

We walked back into his living room to see his dad and who I assume was his brother. They were both sat on the sofa side by side pointing a children's book with pictures of animals in. His dad looked a lot like Declan, although he had a darker tan and a lot less hair. He was wearing a smart suit, but without the tie and jacket, which were strung over a chair. He looked up to us and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Matthew, Declans dad." He said standing up and holding his hand out to shake mine. He was a bit smaller than Declan by about 2 inch, but was still quite a bit taller than me. I had now decided that he was some sort of business man, by the suit and the very impressive handshake.

"Dad, this is Jodie, my girlfriend." Declan told him beaming. I blushed and looked away, feeling a little embaressed as all people do when they first meet their boyfriends' parents.

"Oh, Marissa's niece, she told us you were going to be staying with her, its nice to meet you." He said smiling again. I looked over to Declans little brother- who I'd was about 7. He was now sat looking at us intrigued.

"That's William, William this is my girlfriend Jodie." Declan said out loud, although he was doing sign language with his hands. I watched him sign out the words as he said them to me. I would have never guessed that his brother was deaf, although I guess its not something you can when you look at a person. I didn't know how to do sign language so I waved and smiled at William, who signed something back to Declan and waved at me smiling.

"He said hey and do you like frogs?" Declan interperated for me, I didn't really know how to answer. Do I like frogs? I'd never really though about it much, I guess I don't not like them, but how much does anyone like frogs?

"Yeah a bit..." I smiling at how odd the question was. Declan signed back to William, I assume telling him that i do in fact like frogs. Although now thinking about how slimy they are decided I actually didn't like frogs. William jumped up from the sofa and grabbed my hand, pulling me down so that I could see his book.

The page was covered with pictures of frogs, and a few sentences about each one. He pointed to one and then signed to me. I looked up to Declan, hoping he'd tell me what William had said. "He's telling you what the writing says." Declan told me smiling and crouching down besides us. His dad, Matthew as he had just told me, sat back down of the sofa after ruffling William's light brown hair. He was so cute, he had huge blue eyes and a chubby face. I wanted to squeeze his cheeks and talk baby-talk to him, but I think it would have been weired if I did, with him being 7 and me hardly knowing him.

"Diners Ready!" Laura called from what I assume is the kitchen. Declan grabbed my hand and Matthew picked little William up and carried him into the kitchen behind us. Laura had prepared loads of food and laid it all out on the table in front of us. Declan was so right about her making enough for the whole street! We sat down at the table at chatted, William told a story about how he got a gold star today in maths, which James told out loud so that I could hear. They told me to help myself to food, like everybody else was. I wasn't going to get a lot and seem greedy, but it all tasted so good I had to get seconds along with Declan! After diner I thanked Laura and Matthew for the meal and offered to help clean up, with Laura told me was a lovely though but wasn't necessary, although I told her I didn't mind.

We stood in the kitchen, her washing the plates and me drying. Laura was a realy kind woman who I had no problem talking to or getting along with, she reminded me a lot of Marissa, only more motherly.

"I could tell Declan liked you, he didn't stop talking about you last night when he got home from work." She told me smiling while washing William's Spider man plate-which I thought was awesome as it has a small knife and fork holder on the side!

"I like him too, he seems really nice." I replied smiling at knowing that Declan really likes me. I looked into the living room to see him talking with his dad and looking at a book with William.

"Are you coming around for his party this weekend?" She asked me when she was putting the plates away and I was sitting on a chair next to her.

"Yeah I think so, if Marissa says its okay." I answered knowing that Marissa probably wouldn't having a problem with it.

"Oh good, he's kicking us three out for the night so were taking William to Lego Land and staying there over night. Apparently were not 'hip enough' for his friends!" She said doing air quotations, I burst out laughing and so did she. "Are we Dec, not cool enough for your homies!" She shouted through to Declan who was shaking his head at her doing all these arm movements and a little dance. I was at this point in stitches, watching his mum doing a weired, and what I think was supposed to be a 'gangster' dance.

"Mum...please stop..." Declan moaned looking very embaressed. Me and Laura laughed at him and got to talking about school.

A little while later Declan walked me home, I thanked him again for today, and told him to say thanks to his mum and dad again for me. He promised to ring me tomorrow and kissed me goodnight. With that our first date was over, although I wished it didn't have to end.

Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

I slept in quite late the next morning, I woke around noon. Which I was grateful for as I hadn't slept in in days, unlike every morning like i was used to. I laid in bed for a while before getting up, checking my phone and trying to remember the strange dream that I had where I was the owner of a goat shop. I yawned and stretched my limbs and I climbed out of bed. I looked in the mirror and nearly screamed when I saw myself. I still had last night paints on me, and my hair looked as though it had become a home for local birds.

I turned from my reflection and practically ran to the shower. I turned the taps and didn't even wait for the temperature to be bearable before I jumped in- burning my skin. I washed my hair three times and lathered conditioner on it. I washed my face and body, watching the water run a dark purple colour from the blue and red mixing together.

I jumped out of the shower and wrapped up in a towel, I walked back into my bedroom and turned the radio on and moisturised my arms, legs and face while singing along to Maroon 5 'Moves like Jagger'. I tied my hair up quickly, deciding I would dry it after I got changed. I dressed in a pair of dark jeans with a red tight top that cut off just past by belly button and my favorite pair of converse trainers.

I dropped onto the floor and plugged in my hair dryers, drying it all quickly and then curling it into loose ringlets. I applied light make up and some pink glossy lip gloss and looked in the mirror. I was glad to see that I was no longer that scary monster I saw earlier. I switched off my music and skipped down the stairs happily.

I reached about half way when my phone started to ring, I looked at the screen and it was flashing Declans name, I answered it and ran back into my bedroom, shutting the door behind be. I sat on the floor by the window and spoke to him.

"Whatcha doing then?" I asked him, unsure of if he rang for a chat or to tell me something.

"Not much, I've just had Alicia on the phone, she wanted to know if I could give her your last name so she could add you on facebook, I gave her it, don't mind though do you?" He told me sounding as though he wasn't sure if he should of or not.

"Oh good, no of corse not. Did she say what she wanted me for?" I asked curiously.

"I asked but she wouldn't tell me. It'll be some girl crap anyway." He said laughing.

"Hey! And I'll go on and add her in a sec." I said still laughing.

"Okay good, well I gotta go, but I'll see you tonight- its my party remember." He asked making sure I was still going. I told him I'd be there and we said goodbye. I slipped by phone back into my pocket and grabbed my laptop out of my bag. I turned it on and waited impatiently for it sign me into facebook. Sure enough it read four friends requests, I clicked on it to see Declan, Alicia, Jasmine and someone called Umi. I accepted all apart from Umi who I didn't know and had no friends in common with. Seriously who are these guys who just add you for no reason?

I checked who was online but neither Jasmine or Alicia were on so I couldn't ask them what they wanted me for. I shut the laptop and once again went downstairs- this time making it all the way down without getting a phone call. Marissa was sitting in the kitchen eating french toast and reading a glossy magazine. I made myself some cereal and sat at the table with her.

"Hey, how was your date last night then?" She asked finishing her food and looking up from her magazine.

"Good, yeah. I didn't know his brother was deaf..." I asked, knowing I didn't want to ask Declan about his condition, but on the other hand I was interested as I had never met anyone who was as young as William who was completely deaf.

"Little William, sad isn't it? He was born deaf. Laura said that he can hear faint noises but not clear enough to hear the words." I nodded while eating my cereal.

"So, I talked to your mum today." Marissa said when I didn't answer her.

"What did she say?" I asked, i knew she would ring occasionally, mostly to see if I was behaving myself or not.

"Nothing really, she thinks you should look for a job to get some money for while your here, I'm not bothered if you do or not though." She answered getting up from the table and washing her plate. "Anyway I'm going to the groceries to get some food in, want anything special?"

"No I'm good thanks, I think I'm going out to Declans soon though." I told her hoping that she wouldn't mind me being out all the time.

"Okay, well you've got your key, just make sure you lock up." She said as she waved goodbye and shut the door.

I finished my cereal and went upstairs to get my laptop. I grabbed it and jogged back into the living room with it, I dropped onto the sofa and switched on the TV. I flicked through the channels, but nothing good was on so I settled on the music channel. I opened the laptop to see my facebook page with a private message on it.

From Alicia Brown:

Hey, me and Jaz are going to the small if you want to come? We need a new outfit for Declans party and though you might too? Any way my numbers on the bottom so just ring me if you want to come with us. Ali X

I read the message and dialed her number into my phone, instantly excited about going to the mall with girls. It had been ages since I'd been with my friends back home, but I didn't want to think about that now, I pressed call on my phone and waited for Alicia to answer. When she did I told her I would come but didn't know how to get to the mall. She said her and Jaz would pick me up and would see me in ten minutes. We said bye and I hung up. I raced up the stairs and into by bedroom to grab the envelope of cash my dad have given me. I counted the notes quickly and decided that I had more than enough for the summer, so without looking I grabbed some notes- knowing I would defiantly have enough for a new outfit- and went back downstairs to wait for Alicia and Jasmine.

about fifteen miniutes later I heared a car horn beep from outside so I grabbed my coat and walked around to where the car was parked. Alicia and Jasmine were leaning on the car chatting away about the type of dress they were going to get when I got there. I stood in front of them, feeling very nervous. I got on with then both really well when I met them yesterday, but I wouldn't say we were friends yet. Although I hoped by the end of the day we all would be.

"Hey guys." I said cheerfully to them both, they greeted me back and both hugged me, asking me if I was excited about the party tonight. I told them I was, and couldn't wait to see Declan again which made them both 'awww' at me. We got in the car and headed off for the mall. Jasmine was driving, although Alicia said they shared the car. Alicia told me to sit up front because the speakers were in the back and got pretty loud, although I think she may have done it so that I didn't feel so uncomfortable. We drove for about ten minutes before we reached the mall. When we entered the mall the girls rushed me into the first clothing shop that we saw, all laughing and giggling about how hot we would look tonight.

I help up a dark brown dress, it was just above knee length with gold rips in the bottom of it. Alicia said it would be pretty on me but Jaz said honestly that I would look like a snicker wrapper. Nevertheless though I draped it on my arm with a few other dresses I had found that I would try on soon. All the dresses that Jasmine help up were too short for my taste- most of them hardly covering her bum! I looked over to Alicia who was just giggling at my shocked face. We walked into the changing rooms, all with about ten items and started to try on our dresses.

The first one I slipped into was a bright red strapless dress that cut off about a inch above my knee, I walked out to show Ali and Jaz, who were both trying on dresses,and asked for their opinion.

"I don't like it- you look like a tomato..." Ali said laughing, I agreed with her but Jaz said that it showed my ass of nicely. I pulled a quizzical look at her but burst out laughing when she looked so confused. I changed into another four dresses before finding one that I liked. It was black lace neck and arms with a blue, tight fitting waist. I walked out and although I thought I looked good in the dress was still nervous. I didn't have a very big chest like most other girls my age and was kinda anxious about showing off what little I did have.

"Oooow, I bet Declan will love that!" Alicia said standing next to me looking in the mirror.

"I'm not getting it for Declan, I'm just getting it so I look nice for me." I said smiling sweetly at her, although as soon as she burst out into giggles I joined her, knowing that I was partly getting the dress to impress Declan.

We all paid for our clothes, me and Alicia only getting one but Jaz said that she wanted the six that she had tried on. My one dress alone burned a small hole in my purse, so I don't know what six did to hers! After buying our outfits for the party tonight we crossed the mall to get some accessories and new shoes. I had already decided that I would buy a new pair of shoes- mostly because I forgot my favorite pair back at home.

After about another 30 minutes, and too much money later we decided we would stop for lunch. Since I hadn't had much to eat today I was starving. Anyone would think that I put on weight for the amount of food that I eat, but I guessed I'm blessed in the sense that I don't. We stopped for lunch at subway. I got my favorite foot-long sub, and we all sat down to eat, chatting about to party tonight. Several times the girls asked me about Declan, but I only told them that we had just started going out and that I didn't know if we would last. Thankfully no one brought up what would happen when I left for home.

After a few more shops, and when we were all finally out of money we decided to go home and get ready. Seen as though Alicia and Jaz were stopping in one of Declan's guest rooms tonight they both had to go home to see their parents before being out until the next day. But they did ask if they could come to my house to get ready as it would be easier. I agreed and we all arranged to meet at mine about seven. I hoped out of the car, hugging Ali and Jaz goodbye and walked back home to find Marissa had gotten back. I told her about my trip to the mall, and she seemed as happy as I was with having some new girl friends.

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

Alicia, Jasmine and I were all sat in my bedroom getting ready for Declans party tonight. We were all sat in our dresses, and were doing our hair and make-ups. We had the music on low, but when it stopped to change songs we could already hear Delans music playing from across the street. Marissa had asked to speak with me earlier when I got in from the mall, so to my dismay we sat down at the table and had a very awkward 'the talk' conversation.

Earlier that day

"Don't worry, I just want to make sure that your carefull tonight." Marissa said in a very grown up voice for her. I had already had countless of these talks with my mum, so I didn't really need another from Marissa although she didn't listen when I told her that.

"Nothing going to happen, I'm probably only going to have a few drinks, and I won't be in too late." I told her trying my best to think of ways to get out of this conversation.

"It's not how late you get in, I don't mind. I'm going on a date tonight any way so I might not be back until morning, you know, if I get lucky." She said wiggling her eye brows and giggling. I wondered how long she could act adult for- apparent all of 20 seconds! I laughed along with her, although I was kind of disturbed at the though, but I decided it was best not to think about it. "What time do Alicia and that other girl have to be in tonight?" She asked trying to resume her authoritative conversation.

"There staying in Declans guest room tonight." I told her.

"Well, I don't mind if you stay, so long as you do stay in the guest room. I wont be worrying then about you staying in on your own."

"Well, thanks I guess...but I don't know." I replied, I didn't just want to sleep at Declans not even being asked and not really having the need to when I only lived over the road.

"And just don't drink too much, and don' know, do anything. Your mother would kill me if you went home pregnant!" She said, causing me to go red in the face.

"Trust me, there wont be anything like that going on..." I said shaking my head, still a beetroot colour with embarrassment. She told me that was all she had to say, although I think it wasn't and that we were both just too embarrassed to carry on. I told her not to worry and raced upstairs to have a shower.

I tied my hair up in the shower, not having the need to wash it. And besides, it would only take too long to dry later. I had a wash and shaved my legs so that I wouldn't need to wear any skin coloured tights. I jumped out, dried and dressed in pajamas so that I could put my clothes in the wash and go iron my new dress as it had become creased in the bag. After doing all that, and straightening my hair again, I decided to chill out to some music and help Marissa pick out what dress to wear for her date tonight. After that I helped curl her hair and said goodbye to her a few hours later when she set off to meet the guy for her date. It wasn't long before Ali and Jaz were at mine with bags of make-up and hair products.

Back to the present

I had already straightened my hair before the Ali and Jaz got here, but they insisted on me having it curled- which I wasn't too happy about as I never though I suited it. Ali set to work on my hair, as hers was already done, and I started on Jaz's make-up. She was wearing an electric blue dress, that matched her black and blue hair, so I decided to do her make-up in matching colours. She had told me that she was going to do mine a light pink colour, I assume because my dress was a pale peach colour. After a very busy hour, three tins of hair spray, and two outfit changes we were all ready. We stood up to look in my full length mirror and we were all pleased with our look.

Jaz pulled her phone out and took loads of pictures of us, posing in ridiculous poses. She promised to put them on Facebook, but Ali and me Jaz begged her not to upload the bad ones of us. One in particular, where I was captured by the camera sneezing. I doubt it would look very attractive on my profile, but I knew she would upload all of them.

We all put on earrings, bracelets and other accesories and got ready to go. I slipped into my brand new heels and we walked downstairs where I wrote Marissa a quick note, not knowing if she would even read it until morning!



Just letting you know that Ali and Jaz have convinced me to stay at Declans so I won't be home until tomorrow. got my phone on me so ring me if you need to. Have a good night!

Jodie x


I left the note on the kitchen table, knowing that she would see it if she came home, and set off with the girls to Declans. We walked down his drive and could already hear loads of people inside, even over the blaring music. Alicia opened his door and walked straight in. I looked to Jaz who laughed and told me that they had been friends for years so it wasn't a problem. We walked down into the basement, where the music was coming from and was greeted by Declan and his friends.

Dec pulled me into a tight hug and gave me a quick kiss before saying hi to Ali and Jaz, who had already gotten a bottle for the three of us. I glanced around the room to see piles of crates of beer, there was easily enough for the ten or so people that were there.

"Hey, I missed you." Declan said and kissed my more passionately this time, I was surprised that he didn't have the taste of beer on his lips, so I guess he hadn't started drinking yet, even though everyone else had. I pulled away and smiled at him, not wanting to stand making out in front of all his friends.

"I missed you too, I went shopping with Ali and Jaz today." I said proudly, knowing that I had fit in with the girls from his group. We talked a little about it, and other things that we had both done in the day.

All of Declans friends from the day before were there, along with two other's I hadn't met, but assumed were Maliki and Chloe from what he had told me. Chloe was literally sat on her boyfriends, Maliki's knee. He was trying to play a video game on the large flat screen TV with Kale and Luke but it seemed as though she was trying to pull his attention from his friends and onto her. She was dressed in a low cut black dress that was even shorter than Jaz's and I'm pretty sure that you could see ass if she stood up. She must have noticed me looking because she glanced over, and even though I smiled and mouthed 'Hey' she pulled me a mucky look and turned her attention back to Maliki, who had just won the game of Call of Duty he was playing. Seriously, who do guys constantly play that game, even at a parties?!

I stood for a few seconds kinda shocked that she would act like that to me even though she didn't know me. What a bitch! I spun around and took a long drink of my beer, and looked for Ali. She was sat on a table next to her boyfriend, Brad. They were talking with another guy I couldn't remember the name of and I think they were talking about Maliki being whipped, as Ali kept making a whipping hand movement and nosie at him. I laughed and asked Jaz if there was anything but larger to drink.

"Theres some spririts upstairs if you want me to go get you a drink babe? I kinda forgot to ask you..." Declan answered for her, looking really cute because he was a little embarresed and shy that he forgot. I was just about to answe him when Jaz cut in.

"I'll take her, I can't drink this crap either." She said giving Declan our drinks and pulling me upsairs and into the kitchen.

In there we found a few bottles of Martini, wine and vodka. I poured myself a vodka and coke, and then another seen as Jaz had taken mine laughing. We stood in the kitchen talking for a few miniutes about Ali and how sweet she was with her boyfriend. Apparently they had been going out for three years now, I though it was so cute. I heared the clik clak of heels and looked up to see Chloe standing in the door way, with her hands on her hips and a vicious expression on her face.

She walked over to stand a bit in front of me, but already Jaz was in front of me and in her face. "What do you want?" Jaz asked her in a disgusted voice. I assume that something had blown up between them, but decided now wasn't the time to ask.

"I want your little tart of a friend to stop looking at my boyfriend." Chloe shouted pointing over Jaz's shoulder at me. I moved so that I was stood by Jaz's side.

"I wasn't even looking at your boyfriend. Why would I come to my boyfriends party and look at yours? Plus if I were then why would I say hi to when you saw me?" I asked her, trying to keep calm, but I wanted to rip out her hideos white/blonde hair. Who the hell was she to speak to me like that! I wasn't even looking at Maliki!

"Whatever, hoe. Just stay away from him." Chloe said spinning on her heel and walking away. I was right, you could see her ass in that mini dress.

Jaz told her shut up and keep walking, but I don't think Chloe heared over the music. I drank my voda and coke in one and poured us both another. We bitched a bit about Chloe, apparently she hadn't liked Jaz ever since Jaz had caught her kissing another guy and told Maliki. We decided to go back downstairs, but not to tell Ali as apparently she'd been wanting to 'hit the hoe' for ages now, and we didn't want a fight breaking out over something so trivial.

I walked over to Declan, who was playing Call of Duty waith a Chloe-covered Maliki. Jaz sat next to me on the floor by Dec and pulled a smug look at Chloe. Me and Jaz talked about school, boys and other teenage girl things while the boys finished there video game. All the way through Maliki was boasting about how he was ripping into Declan on it, and how he was the best person on the game. Me andJaz laughed, making fun of how sad boys can be. Each time I glanced over chloe would pull us looks as though we were something that she had found on the bottom of her shoe.

Declan put down the pad and punched Maliki in the arm, apparently Maliki had cheated and that was the only we he had won. I laughted and teased him- saying I was even better than him on the game.

"Here, you see if you can beat him then. Watch out though he cheats." Declan laughed passing me the controll pad and standing up so that I could sit next to Maliki on the sofa to play the video game. Declan stood behind him, with his hands on my shoulder telling me that I could beat him. Jaz burst out laughing, I followed here eye line to see a livid looking Chloe, I laughed and started playing the game.

"Yes,I won!" I screamed and was lifted up into the air by Declan. He spun me around a few times, telling me I was the best girl ever on it. Wow, my first time and I won. I tunred around and pulled a smug look at Maliki, teasing him about how he got beat by a girl.

He stood up and said I played a good game, I help my hand out to shake his, we both laughed and he gave me a quick hug. I was actualy quite shocked, I was so glad that i was getting along with all of his friends. That was until Chloe piped up again...

"Get your filthy hands off of my boyfriend." She screamed jumping up from her seat. She looked like she was going to explode she was that red in her face. Everone had noticed her outburst and someone had turned the music down. I stood there angry and embaressed that she was causing a scene out of nothing.

"Grow up Chole, I only hugged her." Maliki said shaking his head at her. Declan put his arm around me protectively and Jaz and Ali were at my side in a instant. I could tell everyone was watching from how silent they were.

"You need to get a life you physco bitch." Ali said stepping up to her, Ali was quite small beside anyone, and looked tiny stood next to a 5'7 Chole. I cringed remembering what Jaz had said about them two, hoping that neither of them would start a fight.

"Why, what you and the little lesbian going to do Ali?" Chloe said spitefully pointing at Jaz. I gasped, in no world should a persons gender preferance be used against them. I didn't hvae time to look to see how Jaz had taken it though as Ali raised her hand, high behind her head and slapped Chloe across the face, instantly leaving a red hand print.

Chloe looked taken back from the slip, which I guess anyone would be, instead of hitting her back to which I expected Chloe to do, she turned to a shocked looking Maliki and demanded that they were leaving.

"I'm not going any where, Jaz is our friend, you can't talk about her like that. You know where the door is and you got money for your taxi, so you can go yourself." He told her. Chloe's eyes filled up with tears, I tried hard not to feel sorry for her, but at the end of the day she was upset as anyone would be after being told that by your boyfriend. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the house. Nobody spoke for a while untill Declan.

"Put the music back on guys, its still a party!" He shouted and everyone laughed, resumine the party atmosphere. Me, Ali and Jaz spoke for ages about what happened and all the tings Chloe had done. Maliki even approched me and appologised for Chloe, saying that was the last of her, which I think everyone was glad about.

For the rest of the night Declan and I sat talking, I think he wanted to make sure I was okay after what had happened but I was fine about it all, I though that it was Jaz who needed comforting. Although she seemed to just laugh it off. Me and Dec were cuddling on the sofa while talking and drinking with everyone when I decided to ask him if it was okay if I could sleep.

"I though you already was doing- its like 3:30AM, I kinda assumed it hours ago." He laughed kissing the top of my head. I thanked him for letting me stay, but asked if I could borrow a tee shirt of his to sleep in as I didn't think to bring and pajamas unlike Ali and Jaz. He said he's find me one out when I wanted to go to bed.

After another few hours, countless drinks and a horrible game of Naughts & Crosses Shots I told Declan I was ready for bed. Ali and Jaz had gone up during the game, after Jaz had one too many drinks. There was now only me and Declan up, after everyone falling asleep around the room, not using the stack of sleeping bags that were in the corner. Declan helped a very drunk me to my feet and practically carried me into his room so that he could sort me a tee shirt out. He was surprising quite a gentleman, he got me the shirt and turned around when I undressed without any warning. I thought it strange that he wasn't drunk at all, but then again he didn't have a drink all night. I suppose so that he could make sure everything was under control.

"Come on, I'll take you to guest room, although Ali and Jaz are probably snoring away in there." He said laughing and trying to stand me up from his bed where I decided to lay.

"Can't I stay in here...with you?" I said in the most seductive voice I could do, although I think it just came out in a slurr. I leaned up to kiss him and attempt to pull his Tee shirt off, but he just gave me a peck on the lips and sat me on the bed with my hands on my knees.

"You can stay in here with me yeah, but I'm sleeping on the floor and your in the bed. Your too drunk to be making decisions like this hun, get some sleep and I'll see you in morning, okay?" He said in a caring voice, moving the hair from my face and kissing the top of my head.

He told me he was going to get a sleeping bag and left the room. I didn't put up a fight for us to sleep together, because I knew deep down that I didn't want my first time to be like that. I laid in Declans bed and pulled the covers over my head. I heard him come in and tell me goodnight, but I was in that sleepy mood where I just didn't want to answer, instead I gave him a kiss when he came to pull my covers up and laid by head back down to sleep. I closed my eyes and smiled. I think that was the night I fell in love with Declan.

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache of my life. Instead of opening my eyes and getting out of bed, I pulled the covers up above my head and curled into a tight ball. I moaned loudly as the light from the window was still hurting my eyes. I heard someone laughing near the bed, but I didn’t look up to see who it was. I buried my head into Declans cover and tried to drift back to sleep, although I knew it was no use from the terrible headache I had.

“I put some tablets and a drink of water on the table next to you, if you need them.” Declan said in a sweet voice, sitting next to me on his bed and rubbing my back through the cover. I smiled and sat up. As much as I didn’t want to get up I really needed some tablets. I sat back on the headboard and winced as I lifted my head up. Declan was sat next to me laughing quietly. I swallowed the tablets and gulped all of the water down.

“You'll feel better soon, you think you could manage any breakfast?”

“Breakfast sounds good, what's everyone having?”

“Everyone? There's only us in, the rest of them went this morning.”

“Why? What time is it?”

“Almost three.”

“Crap! I gotta get home, I told Marissa I wouldn’t be back too late.” I said jumping out of bed frantically grabbing my things.

“Don’t worry, Marissa’s been, I told her you were in bed hungover and she said that she was going shopping and to send you home when you felt better.” He said laughing. He could have told me that in the first place and stopped me from making an ass of my self by running around his bedroom in only his top.

I sat back onto the and gave him a hard glare, it only lasted a few seconds though because we both started laughing. He left me to get ready and went to make breakfast. I grabbed my clothes and changed quickly. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe that Declan had seen me looking like this, I had mascara all down my face, smudged eyeliner and my hair was just…well just bad! I grabbed his comb from the desk and ran it through my hair, quickly tying it into a bun with a spare hair bobble that I found in my bag. I grabbed my phone and checked it, brilliant 7 miss calls and two texts. Only four were from Marissa the others from my friends back home and Jaz.

After I had text Marissa saying I was up and wouldn’t be home too late I looked myself over once more in the mirror and headed into the direction of Declans kitchen. The smell of bacon filled the air and I pretty much ran towards it with my mouth watering. Sure enough Declan was over the stove cooking bacon and eggs. I sat at the table and waited patiently.

“Sorry for last night Declan, I just had a bit too much to drink…” I said looking down at my feet.

“Don’t worry about babe, I get it– I’m just irresistible to women.” He said and we both laughed, breaking the tension.

“Well, thanks any way, for not letting me do anything stupid.” I said smiling, he faked a hurt look and I slapped his chest with my hand. He pulled me into a tight hug (which kind of hurt my head) and kissed me lightly on my forehead.

“So, it would have been a mistake?” He asked quietly. I laughed at him, not because what he was saying were true, just because he looked so cute when he was sad.

“It would have been if I would have lost my virginity drunk last night, yeah.” I said kissing him on the cheek and sitting down at the table waiting for my breakfast.

Declan placed a huge plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of us and we began to eat. We had some small talk about last nights events, mostly about how much of a bitch Chloe was and how drunk Ali got. He also asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with him and the rest of his friends tomorrow, which I readily agreed to as I hadn't gotten a chance to go down since I had come to Marissa’s.

I offered to help wash up after we had both eaten, but he wouldn’t let me– saying that he would do it later. We walked into the living room and cuddled on the sofa watching TV. I still had a terrible hangover, so all I wanted to do was chill out. He put on a DVD of ‘No strings attached’ and we sat laughing at it all the way through. When the movie had ended I decided it was time for me to go home, as Marissa might get pissed off and Declans mum and dad were due home soon. I told him I had to go and he walked me to the door, giving me a kiss and telling me he’d ring me later. He stood at the door waving and watched me walk home. I blew him a kiss and went in.

Marissa was sat on the sofa with a half empty bottle of wine next to her and a empty glass in her hand singing away to music that she had playing. I could tell by the slur in her words that he was drunk. I walked into the room and shouted hi at her, though she didn’t hear me over the music. I went to sit next to her, almost falling over an empty bottle of wine that was laying on the floor. She grabbed the remote and turned the music down so we could talk.

“Hey, how was the party?” She asked leaning on my shoulder and giggling– at what I don’t know.

“It was good, how was your date?” I asked her although I guessed it couldn’t have gone too well to leave her sat in her home drunk.

“Not good Jode, not good.” She said shaking her head at pouring herself another drink. Just the smell of alcohol churned my stomach. I was never drinking that much again.

“Don’t call me Jode, and why not?” I asked her, pouring her drink as she couldn’t manage to do it. I probably shouldn’t have got her another, but hey its her choice right?

“First he took me to this crappy little diner, then ordered like 3 meals for himself, then he asked me to pay! I couldn’t exactly say I wasn’t going to though because he didn’t have his wallet on him. Then, when we got out he asked me if I would pay for us to go to a hotel! I was like oh no, seriously what a creep!” She said in a huge outburst that made my headache ten times worst. I sat there laughing all the way through her telling me the story, where the hell did she find this guy!

I listened to her moaning about her night for about fifteen minutes before I told her I was going to get a bath. I locked the bathroom door and ran myself a hot bath with loads of bubble bath. I climbed in and closed my eyes, feeling the water giving back some of the life that the hangover had took out of me. I washed my hair and laid there for ages listening to the sounds of Marissa’s music, only getting out when the water had turned cold. I dressed in my pajamas and cuddled into my dressing down.

I played on my laptop for a bit, just flicking through pictures of me, Ali and Jaz. I laughed at some and cringed at a few, I always looked horrible on photos! Never the less I picked a particularly good one of the three of us and set it as my profile picture. Within seconds I had one of my friends from home pop up in chat asking me who the girls in the picture were. I told her feeling a little pissed off that she hadn't spoke to me in like a week and didn’t even say hey before questioning Ali and Jaz. After a small argument with her ( because she said I had ditched them all) I turned off my laptop and laid down on my bed.

The tablets Declan had given me were starting to wear off and I could feel the headache getting worse, but I didn’t want to go downstairs and have to deal with a drunk Marissa again. Instead I picked up my phone and text Jaz, asking if she had a hangover and what she was up to. Apparently she was fine and was with Ali at hers if I wanted to go over, I told her I wasn’t feeling up to it and they asked me about why I slept in Declans room. I told them nothing happened but I doubt they believed me, after all I don’t think I would believe someone who told me that. I said bye to them both and promised to see them at the beach tomorrow.

I decided to ring my house phone, figuring I’d speak to whichever parent of mine picked up, which happened to be my dad. I told him all about Declan, and how much fun I was having. We spoke for ages until he put my mum on the phone, again I told her I was being good and had gotten a boyfriend (which caused her to give me a mini lecture). We spoke for ages until she had to go because she was starting tea. I sent a quick text to Declan saying I was going to sleep because I felt like rubbish and that I would see him tomorrow. I laid into my bed and for the first time since I had gotten to Marissa’s was feeling home sick. I fell asleep with tears pricking my eyes.

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

I woke up with a clear head the next morning, thankful that all signs of my hangover were gone. I stretched my body out on the bed, hearing a few of my bones make a cracking noise as I did so. Looking outside I noticed how bright it was, and even though my net curtains were pulled closed I could feel the heat rays from the sun beating down on me. I smiled perfect beach weather. I leaned over and checked my phone. Wow, 09:40AM! I can’t believe I woke up this early! But then again I guess I did nothing all day yesterday. I sent a quick text to Declan, saying hey and asking what time we were going to the beach. I forwarded it to Ali and Jaz (Although I replaced the word ‘sexy’ for ‘hun’).

I turned my CD player on, listening to whatever radio station it happened to be set to and went into my bathroom to have a nice hot shower. I tied my hair up so that it wouldn’t get wet, as I was only going to wash it later tonight and couldn’t be bothered to dry it before going to the beach. I shaved my legs quickly and jumped out after having a wash. Totting over to my wardrobe I danced to ‘Marry you’ by Bruno Mars, singing all of the words loudly. I knew that if Marissa was downstairs she was probably covering her ears from how bad my voice was.

I decided to wear a pretty blue summer dress that had small silver stitching around the edge, although after trying it on I realised it only just covered my bum so I would have to put a pair of shorts on with it. I opened my underwear draw and pulled out the entire bikini’s I owned. A Pink one with black love hearts on that was a size too big and made my boobs none existent, and a gray one with teal flowers on. Neither of them was anything special, but I suppose I would have to make do until I went to the small again.

Once I had my bikini on, I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. The gray against my tanned skin looked actually quite nice, and I was happy to see that my top half didn’t look like a boys. I turned around and tied the strings of it behind my neck and back. I had definitely lost a bit of weight from my hips, although there wasn’t much to lose. In my opinion, it was my face that was too chubby. After one lat pose in the mirror I slipped the dress and shorts on, and started work on my hair. I rubbed some curling moose into it, so that I would have long wavy curs that still looked natural, and tied half up. I put on a little eyeliner and some pink lip gloss and decided I was done, stuffing my phone into my pocket.

Beep Beep. Beep Beep.

I heard just as I reached the bottom of my stairs. I pulled out my phone to see Declan was calling me.

“Hey, beautiful.” He greeted me, bringing a smile onto my face.

“Hey Dec. What time we setting off to the beach?” I asked realising that nobody had yet told me.

“Well everyone’s there, so whenever you’re ready to go.” He told me. I told him I was ready now and would be outside in a second. Quickly hanging up and leaving Marissa note telling her where I’d gone. No doubt she was still in bed hungover so I locked the door as I left the house. Greeting Declan with open arms when he crept up behind me.

I gave a quick kiss on the cheek, but he pulled me in to give me a long, passionate kiss on the lips that left me wanting more. I smiled at him and stood beside his car waiting for him to open it for me. Once we were both in the car he started the engine and drove towards the beach.

“How’s the hangover now then, drunkie?” He asked laughing at me, and rubbing my knee with his spare hand.

“Completely gone, thank God! I’m telling you, dealing with a hangover that bad and having to listen to Marissa’s terrible singing AND trying to sober her up is one of the hardest things that I had ever had to do!” I laughed, but seriously she was pretty damn drunk.

“Oh trust me I know, I’ve had to lay in bed and hear her and my mum drunk out of their heads singing ’Meatloaf ‘songs!” He said pretending to cringe and shaking his head. I just laughed along with the picture of the two of them in my head.

“Oh, my mum asked me earlier if I would l look after Will over night one day this week so that they could go to some school reunion or something, I said yeah obviously, and she said that you could stay over if you like?” He looked at me waiting for my answer. “Williams no problem to look after, he only reads books and goes to bed early so you wouldn’t need to really help look after him, it would just give me a bit of company while everyone was out.” He said suddenly looking a little shy. There was a light blush on his cheeks and I couldn’t help but smile. He was so adorable!

“Yeah of course. I love William, he’s so cute!” I told him smiling, although inside butterflies were flapping their wings like crazy. I knew nothing was going to happen with his little brother upstairs, but still the idea of us alone made my mind race.

“Fantastic!” He said squeezing my leg and beaming. I just sat and smiled at him, he had a smile that showed off his perfectly white teeth, and could surely charm anyone.

We pulled up the beach car park a few minutes later and jumped out of the car, ending our conversation. I looked around and could already see the group of people sat messing about on the sand. Bradley looked up to see us coming and waved, which me and Declan both returned. We walked hand in hand over to them.

I was greeted by Ali and Jaz first by hugs, and then by everyone else. Maliki called me a Call of Duty queen which made me laugh. Guys were obsessed sometimes with their video games, so I know I had done good to earn that title, no matter how stupid it sounded. Declan pulled a towel out of the bag he was carrying and laid it down, patting the space in front of him for me to sit with him. We all spoke for a while, mostly about today’s plans how drunk everyone got at the party. I was quite surprised to hear nothing about Chloe, but I guess she was old news now which I was pretty grateful of. After half an hour or so I was laid on the beach towel in my bikini sunbathing with the girls, while the boys were off surfing. We gossiped for ages about Chloe, who had apparently said that she wanted Maliki back, but he told her to get lost (In much worse words though!). Deep down I did feel kinda bad that I caused them to break up, but when I told Ali and Jaz that they said it wasn’t my fault. Chloe had been like it with all other new girls in the group and everyone had gotten bored of it pretty quickly. Nevertheless though I still felt bad for her, I wondered if the tables were turned would I react the same?

I let the though drop from my head though when I saw Declan jobbing towards us in nothing but his swimming trunks. I did try my best not to look at him, but he looked so hot! Water was still trickling down his perfect six-pack and his messy hair made him look irresistible. I bit on my lip and looked away, knowing that I was blushing.

“Hey, I got you all some ice cream, seen as though Maliki through a huff when I pushed him off the board and asked for one. Seriously he’s like a little kid!” He told us handing each one of us an ice cream. I was kinda sad though, the sun had made them all melt a bit. We all said thank you and smiled at him. Mmmmm...Ice cream i though as I started to lick it from dripping onto my hands.

When I saw Brad running towards us, I secretly hoped that he had bought us all another. Although there was no such luck as he just grabbed Ali and ran with her into the sea. She came back up from under the water and splashed him laughing. They were such a cute couple and anyone could tell that they were in love. I looked over to Declan was waved at me smiling; I blew him a kiss and laughed at Jaz as she made a gagging noise.

“Hey sexy, was that kiss for me?” Asked a horrible sleazy voice. I looked up and raised my eye brow at the boy standing in front of me. His two friends behind him were laughing and looked at them like they were idiots too. The dumbass who said it was now staring down at me with a dopey grin on his face. He must have been about my age, and was probably only as tall as me too. He had no definition to his pasty white body, and had a hair cut that his mum must have done.

“No, it wasn’t. It was for my boyfriend right over there- see.” I said pointing towards Declan noticing that he was watching what was going on and seemed to be making his way over to us. I looked at Jaz who had a disgusted look on her face, and secretly wished that Ali was here to tell them to get lost for us.

“Well maybe you have a kiss for my friend then?” He said grabbing his crotch, making his friends burst out laughing. Jaz let out a ‘Ewww’ noise, whereas I jumped up to my feet and grabbed my things. I told Jaz that we would go sit further down the beach and she joined me in walking. That was until the guy grabbed my arm and spun me around.

Instinctively I put my ice cream hard into his face and tried to wriggle free of his surprisingly tight grip. When I couldn’t though I kicked him as hard as I could in the groin, although I hurt my foot a lot I don’t think it made that much pain for him as he only winched and groaned before shouting abuse at me. His grip on my arm had gotten stronger and was sending shooting pains up my arm. Jaz was even shouting at him to let go but all I could manage to say was “My freakin’ arm!”

He did let go though, only when Declan punched him hard in the face. Hard as well might I add. The smashing noise from it made me cringe and I was sure he had broken the boy’s nose, although I didn’t feel bad for him. The boys friends bolted from behind him and ran as fast as they could onto the road and around a corner. The boy who had grabbed my arm however was on the floor holding his bleeding nose. Declan was at my side within a second making sure I was okay- I lied and told him I was fine even though there was a huge red mark on my arm that hurt like hell.

“Guys we should go- I’m pretty sure that his mates rang the cop.” Maliki told us and we all started walking back to our cars. Everyone was around me making sure I was alright, even Bradley gave me hug, which I though strange since he hadn’t spoken much before. But all the same I thought it was really sweet how they were all trying to comfort me.

“Where we going people?” Declan asked we were about to get in his car, Ali and Jaz were in with Bradley and Maliki was riding with us. I did offer him the front seat but he told me he was cool with riding in the back. Declan made a rude joke at that but I just kept my mouth shut and tried not to giggle. After a few minutes discussion we decided to get a takeaway pizza and hit the skate park.

We all climbed out of the car and into the pizza place. Me,Ali and Jaz were all going to share a four cheese pizza because I didn’t want anything over the top and Ali was a vegetarian. The boys ordered two meat feast pizzas for the three of them to share, and I wondered how they could eat so much.

We drove to the skate park, well Declan didn’t drive as much as he should have done, he kept telling me to grab the wheel as he got a slice of pizza. I laughed it off and wasn’t worried as we were only on a straight road and there were no cars in front of us. We got to the skate park and chilled out for hours, just eating pizza, chatting and occasionally have a kiss with Declan. The whole time we were there he sat cuddling me on his knee, and apologised for letting that man grab me a thousand times over! It wasn’t his fault though; I was just too damn sexy. We made plans for the evening and chilled out there until the hot sun died down. Wow, I thought. This is going to be an amazing summer.

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

I lay in bed and stretched, It’s now 12:20PM and I was supposed to be meeting Ali and Jaz at half one. I stretched again, knowing that I had to get up soon, but not wanting to face one of the last full days of my summer. I wished I could go back to the start of the summer so that I could do all the same things over again with Declan. I though back to the day at the beach, which was now weeks ago. I smiled as I remembered Dec surfing and laughing with our friends. Cringing as I remembered him hitting that guy. I can’t believe the summer had gone so fast, I honestly never wanted it to end. The weeks had flown by, and the more time I spent with Declan and his friends the more I loved them all. Me, Jaz and Ali had become inseparable; we had sleepovers every week and met up daily. I even stayed over at Declan’s a few more times, but only after a party and this time in the guest room.

I knew for sure now that I loved Declan, I think I even knew from the beginning. We were with each other most of the time and he was so sweet. He would surprise me all the time by taking me out to restaurants, the cinema and he even set us up a late-night picnic on the beach one night. I smiled thinking back to that night; we had our first argument that day. It was nothing big- I just told him he couldn’t skip school to hang out with me (his school started a week earlier than mine). He had laid a huge blanket out on the beach and filled the outside of it, and leading down to it with candles. He even bought a bottle of wine for us, even though he can’t stand the stuff. He brought his guitar along and serenaded me on the beach with it, the rest of the night we sat talking about the future.

He had told me that he was planning to come down whenever he could and stay at his friend’s house that lived in my area. I was so excited about the idea, and deep down was relived. I was pretty sure that he had fallen for me as I had him- but we hadn’t say the words yet. So I was glad to hear that (even though I doubted it was) our relationship wasn’t just a holiday fling. We still hadn’t done anything past kissing, although we almost did one night but were interrupted as his mum came home early. Even though I was nervous about the thought of losing my virginity, I knew I wanted to with Declan. He got my heart pumping each time he kissed me, and I was definitely sure that I wanted an ‘intimate’ relationship with him.

I was just about to jump out of bed and start getting ready for when Ali and Jaz came over when Declan text me. My cracked screen read his name and I smiled immediately, rushing to read the text. I only saw him last night and already I missed him like mad.

From: Declan <3

Hey baby, can’t believe it’s nearly your last day here. I’m gunna miss you so much. Don’t make plans for tonight if you can, I’m taking you somewhere special.

Missing you, Declan xxxx

I quickly replied telling him that I wouldn’t and can’t wait to see him. I didn’t want to think of today as the last time I would be here for a while. Each time I did it made my eyes sting with tears. I had even begged my Mom and Dad to let me stay longer, but I had to be home Saturday morning so I could go and buy some new school supplies. The thought of school made my stomach drop. I didn’t know how my friends would act with me, I hadn’t spoken to any of them, not because I didn’t want to be their friend any more, simply because I wanted to concentrate on being here with Declan and not back home. Truth be told I didn’t miss any of them, nor had I since I met Declan and everyone. My friends here weren’t bitchy or self-centred like my friends at home; I wished I could take them all with me instead of facing life at home alone without them.

I got out of bed and realised I was seriously running late. I ran to the bathroom and had a quick shower. I washed my hair and cleaned my body. I got back out in record time and started to get ready. I pulled on a pair of dark tight jeans and a black button up shirt that showed off my figure nicely. I applied a thin layer of mascara and moved all my items from one bag to another, a nice gray one that would go nice with my outfit. I pulled the envelope of money that my dad had given me when I left from out of my bedside cabinet and looked how much there were. There was still quite a bit of money left so I decided to take the lot, I would have to buy a new outfit tonight any way.

When I got downstairs I saw that Marissa had her head slumped on the table and an empty bottle of wine next to her. I decided not to ask her about last night’s events, she had gone on a date and returned the early hours of the morning drunk. At first I admired Marissa for having an active social life after her divorce, now I was starting to think that she drank so much and went out all of the time to forget about her divorce. I really was starting to get worried with the amount she was drinking. Every day this week- and most of last- she ended up drunk by late afternoon, only going to bed when there were no alcohol left or when I made her. I have to tell my Mum about this when I get home, I thought.

I scrolled down on my phone until I found Ali’s number. I decided to ring her because usually it was Jaz that was driving. I hit dial and waited for her to answer.

“Hey, what time you coming over to mine?”

“Were in car now, we’ll be at yours in a sec. Do you mind if we go to the mall me and Jaz want to get a few things for school?”

“Yeah sure I need to get some clothes any way. See you soon then.”

“Be outside in two minutes were nearly there.”

“Sure, bye.”

I hung up the phone and grabbed my jacket and shoes, slipping them on as I walked out the door. I didn’t wake Marissa to tell her I was going out; she would only forget it in minutes any way from how drunk she was. I leaned on my wall at looked at Declan’s house, His mum, Laura, was in the front garden planting some tulips and William was playing beside her. I waved when I caught her eye but didn’t get chance to talk to her as the car with Ali and Jaz in had just pulled up. I jumped in the back and greeted the girls, Jaz hadn’t shut the engine off so we didn’t hang about, and we set straight off for the mall.

Once inside the mall we went into about five stores because Jaz and Ali wanted to find a hair dye, but although both of them said they didn’t know what colour they wanted, none of the home hair dye kits were the right one. I rolled my eyes and laughed at them, after about half an hour of looking through all the stores that sold them, they both decided that they would just go to the hairdressers next week.

I told them that I needed something nice to wear for my ‘special evening’ with Declan and they both looked at me quizzically. I didn’t get what they meant at first and kept on asking them what they were doing. Jaz cleared it all up for me though after she had managed to stop giggling.

“If tonight’s a special does that mean you two will know, for the first time?” She asked as we had just walked into my favourite shop in the mall. We all set to looking through the rails as I spoke.

“I don’t know, I guess maybe. We haven’t spoken about it...” I said getting embarrassed. Neither of them had any problem talking about sex, whereas I got shy at the mention of it.

“Well maybe we should go to the lingerie shop after this, you know, just in case tonight the night.” Ali said nudging me in the side and smiling.

I smiled to myself, hoping that tonight would be the night that me and Declan took our relationship to the next level. I know we had only been going out a while but I knew I wanted to do this. Suddenly all feelings of nervousness were gone, I felt confident about doing this with him, knowing that it would be perfect and that Declan was the one for me.

I tried on about fifteen dresses before I found the perfect one. Ali and Jaz both said I looked beautiful and I smiled into the mirror thinking the same. I bought it, leaving my envelope of money a whole lot lighter and set off to find a pair of shoes that would match it nicely. After buying a pair, along with some accessories and a new handbag, we stopped at a small cafe for some lunch. We chatted as we ate and had a really great time. Thankfully neither of them mentioned me going home soon, although I think it was in all of our minds.

It was almost for o’clock now and I was sat at home watching TV. Marissa had gone to bed shortly after I came home and I hadn’t heard a sound out of her since. As soon as I got home I raced up the stairs to hand my perfect new dress. I had been texting Declan for the last hour; he was out with his dad and wouldn’t tell me what he had planned for the night. All I knew was to dress nicely and he would pick me up at seven.

Knock Knock.... Knock Knock.

I ran to my door, not knowing who was there. My friends would have text me if they were coming by, and for some reason I pictures it to be Marissa’s date from last night. It wasn’t though, it was Laura and William. I invited them both in, a little confused as to why they were here, but Laura said she couldn’t as she was running late for something very important.

“I’m really sorry to have to ask you love, but the babysitter can’t make it to mine and the boys are out...Would you mind looking after William for an hour or so please?” She said in a rush. I looked down to little William who signed me ‘hello’. I did it back, pleased that I had been able to learn a little sign language from what Declan had taught me.

“Yeah of course, I don’t mind at all.” I told her smiling and reaching for Wills hand. He took it and stepped inside with me.

“Thank you so much Jodie, It really means a lot.” She said kissing William goodbye and hugging me. I stood there a little shocked. We had become close in the last few weeks and I thought Laura was a really nice person, but still it shocked me a little. She said goodbye and ran to her car, obviously late for something. We stood at the bottom of the garden waving as she drove off.

I had looked after William a few times, but never on my own. I knew he wouldn’t be any trouble though, he never was. I pointed inside and smiling as we walked hand in hand into my house. I didn’t know a lot of sign language, only the basics which made things a bit hard. Will walked over to the couch and sat down; pulling the small Batman backpack off that he was wearing. He sat it down next to him and pulled out a small writing pad and a green pen. I sat next to him, watching him curiously.

When he was finished he passed me the note book and smiled at me. I read it easily; he was quite a neat writer for his age, even if he had misspelt a few words.

Can we go in your garder please? The note read, I nodded my head to him and smiled. We walked out into the garden and he brought his backpack and the notebook along with him. He walked into the middle of the grassy area and sat down, I joined him. He pulled out a book with pictures of insects on and two small magnifying glasses. He passed one to me and looked through the book until he found a page that had a picture of a lady bird on it. He stood up and started to walk slowly with his head low to the grass and the magnifying glass to his eye. I smiled at him, and figured I may as well help him look. It took about four minutes until I saw him running back over to the bag, taking out a small plastic tube and running back over to the grass and putting the insect he found it in. He ran to me holding it up, I got down to his level and looked in the container. His face was lit up that he had found a ladybird. He really was such a cute kid.

After about half an hour I decided to make us both a snack. I wrote him a note asking if he wanted a sandwich, and he did. So we set off back into the kitchen and made some lunch. I carried our plates and two glasses of lemonade into the garden, where we sat and ate our lunch looking at the flowers. We passed notes to one another and looked at his ladybird some more before he released it. I was really enjoying myself and I could tell that he was having fun too. Sometimes it’s nice to just be a little kid again, even if it isn’t for long.

Laura returned shortly and thanked me for having him, she even tried giving me some babysitting money buy I wouldn’t take it, telling her I was happy to look after him. I gave William a hug and he kissed my cheek, waving bye. I stood there smiling as I waved back at them both. I loved Declan’s family almost as much as I loved him.

Well Jodie’s summer is coming to an end guys, but the story isn’t. Still a lot more to go yet!

Thanks to everyone who reads this, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I love writing it: D

Vote/Comment/Fan If you like, I don’t mind too much about them just so long as you like the story: D

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

I was stood in my bedroom admiring my new dress- it was so beautiful. It was all black, and fell just past my knees. The strapless top made my up-and-curled hair look elegant and flawless. It was tight fitting but at my hips it scrunched to give it a loose effect. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It showed off my figure nicely and I knew I was going to impress Declan with it tonight. The thought of Declan reminded me of my conversation with Ali and Jaz earlier on in the day, I knew I was going to sleep with him tonight. Although I doubt he knew that I was planning to. He had been so nice in never pressuring me into taking our relationship further, but tonight I wanted to. I looked in the mirror once more, feeling confident and sexy.

My make up was perfectly done, with a dark smokey effect on my eyes and a dark red lipstick. I had silver bangles on and a matching necklace that had a small emerald in it- which was my birthstone. I checked my phone to see that Declan would be picking me up in ten minutes. I couldn’t wait another second though to see him. All day we had been texting, but it was totally unlike us to spend the whole afternoon apart. I applied some more lip gloss and grabbed my silver clutch bag. I stuffed it with a mirror, money, a small hairbrush and my phone. With one quick last glance in the mirror I left to go downstairs.

Marissa was sat on the floor in front of a small mirror straightening her hair. I could already tell she had a lot to drink as she was making a complete mess of it; the glass of wine next to her was a giveaway too, though. She had been going on quite a few dates lately, but I don’t think it was with the same guy. She had told me so many names this summer that it was hard to remember them all, and I wondered where she met them. No doubt she would be out until morning, which I was glad of. That way if I did decide to go all the way with Declan I could stay over at his without having to talk to her about it in the morning. Marissa was wearing a tiny black skirt, that she was way too old for, and a red sequin top that was low cut. Although I loved her dearly, and first thought that she was a self-respecting women trying to find love again, my mind had changed. She had been dressing in less and less clothing, drinking much more, and speaking to me less. I couldn’t help but feel a bit bad; maybe if I hadn’t spent all summer with Declan and my friends she wouldn’t be this bad? But then again she’d gone years without me staying so I doubt it would have made a difference.

“Where are you going tonight, Marissa?” I asked as I was stood by the door, Declan hadn’t come out of his house yet or I would have been able to see him through the window, so i decided to talk to her until he came.

“I’m going to a club with Jason.” She said pouting her lips in the mirror. In her mind she looked drop dead gorgeous, in reality she looked like a middle aged women, with too much make-up on and not enough clothing.

“Are you coming home tonight?” I asked hoping that she would say no so that I could stay over at Declan’s. She would have let me if I asked, but this way I wouldn’t have to talk to her about it in the morning.

“Yeah, I’m staying at his I think.” She said winking at me and finishing her glass of wine. I looked over to the window again to see Declan walking over. I said goodbye to Marissa and went to greet him outside.

He was dressed smartly, in a black suit with his top button undone. His messy hair had been styled so that you could see his beautiful bright eyes and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. I greeted him with a passionate kiss, knowing that tonight I would be giving him more.

“Wow Jodie, you look...beautiful.” He told me pulling out of my embrace and taking a step back to look at me. I blushed slightly and kissed him again.

“You don’t look too bad either.” I said laughing at him. He put his arm around me and we walked to his car. He opened the passenger side for me and bowed as I stepped in, laughing at him.

I still didn’t know where we were going, and was excited to know and we drove out of the area. It was darkening outside now and everywhere was lit by street lamps. I looked at him and smiled a couple of times before we pulled up to a small restaurant. It was small, like only one floor, but outside was covered by small tea lights and fairy lights on the roof. We got out of the car and he held my hand as we walked inside. There were a few other couples already in there and a piano in the far corner, which the pianist was playing beautifully. Declan gave his name and the waiter showed us to a table that faced the ocean.

Declan held my chair out for me like a true gentleman; I smiled as kissed him on the cheek before I sat down. This was so romantic, I felt as though I was in a movie. Declan was now sat opposite me, showing off his award winning smile as he watched me look around in awe. This place was seriously beautiful, and here I was with the perfect man. Just as I though it couldn’t get any better he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a long, black velvet box. He slid it over to me smiling; I looked up at him with wide eyes.

“For me?” I asked holding the box in my hands. He nodded and I opened it up. Inside was a gold bracelet studded with diamonds. I looked at it smiling. It was so incredibly beautiful. I wrapped it around my wrist and attached it on. I extended my arm and looked at it. It glistened as the lights bounced off of it.

“Declan...thank you so much, I love it!” I told him leaning across the table to kiss him lips.

“I’m just glad you like it baby. Shall we order?” He said kissing me back and picking up the menu.

I picked up mine and skimmed through it. Everything sounded so good, I didn’t know what to order! Once we had given the waiter our orders we talked about what would happen when I had to leave for home. I didn’t want to talk about it much though, I only had one more day and I would have to leave. It didn’t take long for our meals to be made and we ate them quickly. I told Declan all about my day, laughing and cooing at the parts with William in.

After we had finished eating I told him I needed to go the bathroom and he waited for me at the table. In the bathroom I washed my hands and applied more lip gloss. I stood for a few seconds admiring my new bracelet. I smiled each time I saw it, it reminded me of my love for Declan. I left the bathroom and walked back over to the table where Declan was waiting. When I got the table I saw that Declan had ordered us desert. The placemat at my seat had a huge bowl of ice cream sitting there for me. I smiled and sat down.

“I figured I’d get you some, try not to attack someone with it though like the last time I got you an ice cream.” He said laughing. I thanked him for it and laughed along with him, and eating my ice cream. We spoke through the rest of the time at the restaurant before we left. We walked outside the restaurant and headed towards his car. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head, telling me how beautiful I was.

“Where you want to go now Sweetheart?” Declan asked me as we were slowly driving away from the restaurant.

“How about yours, we could watch a movie?” I asked with the intention of getting to his and ‘making my move’. I smiled to myself thinking about how the night could end up.

“Yeah sure, my mum’s taken Will and my dad to her sisters for the night anyway.” He said as we drove back into our area.

“So, maybe I can stay over?” I asked biting my lip and looking away. I didn’t want to make everything too obvious but was getting really nervous. I saw him looking at me and I worried I was being too forward.

“Sure you can stay.” He said putting a hand on my knee and rubbing it. We fell back into silence until we got to his. Which I was thankful for as I was starting to get nervous. The whole way to Declan’s all I could think about was how much I wanted to be in bed with him. After what felt like forever we arrived at Declan’s.

We went inside and Declan got us both a can of soda, I walked into the living room and looked through the DVD’s after quickly applying another layer of lip gloss. I was feeling confident again now, I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it. We both settled on watching Avatar and cuddled on the sofa as the movie started. We got about half way through before I plucked up the courage to try it.

I leaned my head to his and started kissing him, slowly at first but getting more and more passionate. I shifted so that I was laid half on top of him and rubbed my body up against his. It was only then that he realised what I wanted and stopped.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked looking into my eyes.

“I’m sure.” I told him as I moved up to look at him again. “I love you.” I told him for the first time. He beamed at me and kissed me again, whispering ‘I love you’ back to me before carrying up to his bed.

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

I was stood in my bedroom looking around at the emptiness. I had just finished packing and was now going through the whole room to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. I looked under the bed, in the shelves, on top of units- everywhere. Each time I would look I would remember where I put something else in the house, making the job of getting everything packed take a whole lot longer than it should. The three small suitcases that I had stuffed my whole summer into seemed impossible- how could all my things fit into them? I looked out from my window into the garden below, willing myself not to cry for the third time today.

I didn’t want to leave; I wanted to stay here more than anything. I begged my mum and dad to let me. I even begged Marissa, telling her I’d move schools and even get a job to help out. No one seemed to understand how much Declan and my friends meant to me. Everyone kept telling me that I’d get over it and would be fine once I got home. But how would I be fine hundreds of miles away from my boyfriend? Sure we’ll still talk and see each other on weekends, but it wasn’t the same.

I banged my head on the window, trying to get rid of the tears spilling down my face. Have you ever had that dreading feeling in your stomach? The one that makes you feel as though your worlds about to fall apart? I regretted not spending all my time with Declan and everyone else while I had been here. I regretted never coming to stay with Marissa before. And I regretted begging not to come here in the first place. I couldn’t leave I just couldn’t! I fell onto my bed and let the tears flow freely; I pulled my legs up to my stomach and wrapped my arms tight around them. I want more than anything to be able to stay here with Declan, but no one would listen to my pleas. As I laid there sobbing my heart out I thought about yesterday, which had been one of the best days of my life.


I lay in bed with Declan. I could hear his heart beating steadily under his chest where my head was. I breathed in his scent, thinking it was better than any cologne. Last night was truly fantastic; he was gentle, passionate and caring. The experience was far greater than I would have ever imagined, I smiled remembering it. Each touch from him now sent a chill down my spine and I knew I had to have him again before I left. With this thought in mind I moved my body upwards so that I could kiss his lips and pull him gently out of the sleep he was in. It worked, and I must say it was much better this time.

People always tell you that you should wait until you find someone who you love, and loves you back, to sleep with them. I did, and it was magical. As our bodies became one I felt our souls become one too. I’d never felt as much love for anyone as I did with Declan last night. For that time there were only us two in the world, there were no other people, no wars, no violence, just us two.

When we were finished for the second time I told Declan that I was going to get a shower. I walked into his bathroom and looked through his cupboards for shampoo and conditioner, which I found easily. I ran the water hot and enjoyed the brief time of peace to think about how brilliantly everything was going. I just wish I wouldn’t have to leave him tomorrow. I got out after ten minutes of so as I didn’t want to spend ages apart from him. I walked back into his bedroom to see Dec sat on the foot of the bed fully dressed and looking beautiful. I smiled and kissed him on the lips. I was dressed in yesterday’s clothes still, and although I loved my little black dress, I asked Dec if I could borrow some of his clothes.

He said yeah and got me the smallest pair of jeans and a tee shirt so that I could wear them. I pulled on the jeans and had to use one of his belts to keep them up, I couldn’t even see my feet they were that long too! I put his All Time Low band t-shirt on and walked downstairs with him.

“Wow, you look so sexy in my clothes” Declan said looking me up and down and raising his eye brows. I giggled like a child and pushed him lightly on his chest. My stomach rumbled loudly ruining the mood.

“Come on, let’s get some breakfast in you” He said picking me up like a toddler and sitting me on his kitchen counter.

He made us pancakes, bacon and eggs. We cleared our plates quickly and left them on the side to wash up lately. Walking into the living room I found my phone on the floor. I brushed it off and dialled Marissa’s number knowing I had to tell her where I was.


“Hey, it’s Jodie. I’m at Declans I don’t know when I’ll be home.”

“Okay, shall I make tea or not?”

“No don’t bother I’ll get something later.”

“Okay, well remember you have packing to do.”

“Yeah yeah I know. See you later.” I hung up before she answered as I saw that Ali and Jaz were pulling up outside.

I spun around to see Declan in front of me, he put his lips on mind and kissed me gently, when we pulled apart I rested my head on his chest smiling. Man I loved him.

The front door opened and in walked Ali and Jaz. When they saw me wearing Declans clothing, and my things from last night across the room they knew what had gone on and gave me a sly grin. After a hell of a lot of jokes about sex Jaz told us that the guys were on the way. We sat down onto the sofa and Declan put in a CD. I noticed that Ali was carrying a small paper bag, but when I looked at it she saw and moved it behind her back with a playful look on her face. I rolled my eyes and we all chatted until the guys got here about fifteen minutes later.

Unlike Ali and Jaz, Maliki rang the door bell. Maliki, Brad and Declan walked into the living room a few minutes later, where us girls were singing ‘Time-bomb’ by All Time Low as loud as we could. We danced around the room like we were on something screaming the words. That was until Brad paused the music. He put it back on again though when the three of us gave him daggers with our hands on our hips as though we had planned it.

The guys greeted us all, and we settled down back onto the sofas and floor.

“So it’s your last day eh, Jode?” Maliki asked with a soft smile on his face. Me and him had become friends in the past few weeks. Which I still fought strange. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a lovely guy- just not the sort of person that I thought I would get on with as well as I did.

“Oh, don’t remind me!” I said trying to smile back but fighting the tears from spilling again. I knew today was going to be hard, and I could see myself crying a lot.

“Well, we got you something. Unless you want us to forget about it?” He said jokingly. He help a small wrapped box towards it, but pulled it back when I tried to grab it.

I held the box in my hands, after wrestling it from him. I felt like a child on Christmas! Opening the box as carefully as I could I saw that it was a Call of Duty game and a self defence book. I burst out laughing and pulled a confused look. Why the hell would I need a defence book?

“We figure you might not have an ice cream cone handy next time you get in a fight.” Brad answered laughing.

I got up and hugged them both, thanking them for the gifts. I know they were only joke gifts, but still I thought it was really sweet of them to get me something. I passed the game over to Jaz who asked to see it. Ali leant over to Jaz and whispered something to her, Jaz nodding in agreement to what she had said.

“Well, we got you something too. Just so you don’t forget about us when your back home.” Ali said passing the bag she had hid from me.

I moved to sit next to them and looked in the bag. It was a small, blue photo frame with a picture of the tree of us in. I looked at the picture and remembered taking it. It was the night of Declans first party. I gently put it back in the bag and hugged them both tightly, feeling a few tears break free. I thanked them over and over and promised that I would come back and see them both as soon as I could.

For the rest of the afternoon we all talked, ordered pizza and laughed about random things. When Declans mum ran him telling him they would be home soon everyone left. I cried as I said goodbye to all of them, not knowing when I would get to see my friends again. When they left Declan pulled me into a tight hug and I let the tears flow freely.

Laura, William and Matthew arrived a few minutes later. They told us about all the fun they had at her sisters, but all I could think about had to leave tomorrow. All of them made a fuss of me, telling me that I must come back up and stay with them next time I could.

It was about ten at night when I left, feeling exhausted from all the crying I had done. Before I left I told them all how much I would miss them and hugged them goodbye, but I had to rush out as I didn’t want to cry in front of them. Declan walked me to my house, holding my hand tight. There was a heavy atmosphere hanging between us, and I knew it was because I had to go home in the morning.

We got to my door and he pulled me into a tight embrace. We stood there hugging for minutes; I buried my head into his chest and began to sob again. When I looked up to him I saw that his eyes were filling with tears too. I felt hopeless, what could I do? There was nothing I could do! I wanted to stay here with him more than anything. I just couldn’t stand the thought of being so far apart from him.

“Don’t cry sweetheart, you’ll see me this weekend remember? And I promise you that I’ll work every house possible at work so that I can afford to come see you. And I’ll bring you up here too on holidays. It’s not the end love, were only a car drive apart remember. Please don’t forget about how much I love you, I’m always here. I swear I’ll never be leaving.” He said as I put my head back down on his chest. I knew he was right, but I still couldn’t help feeling like this.

“I love you too, Declan.” I said, kissing him. With that I walked into my house. I ran straight up the stairs and cried myself to sleep. Knowing that I would be doing this a lot in the next few days.

Back to present...

The room was completely empty; everything was packed into the bags that were by my door. I knew I couldn’t postpone it any longer. My mum was already downstairs waiting for me. I picked up my bags and walked down the stairs miserably.

“Finally...reedy to go?” My mum asked as I put the bags down. I looked out of the window to see Declan sitting on my wall outside. I smiled.

“Almost, come on.” I said picking my bags up and literally running to Declan. I dropped my bags when I got to him and flung my arms around his neck, pressing my lips tightly to his. He responded and squeezed me tightly.

“Hello darling.” He said as we pulled apart. My mum was now walking up to us and I could see that Declan had noticed her.

“Hello, Mrs Harper.” Declan said to my mother holding his hand out to shake hers. She took it friendlily and shook his back, telling her to call her Ellena. My mum walked over to the car and popped the boot. She went to grab my bags but Declan picked them up with ease and out them in for her. I could see that she was impressed and I smiled knowing that everyone though Declan was perfect, which he clearly was.

“Ready to then Jode?” My mum asked me, using that annoying nickname. I looked around to see that Marissa wasn’t there. I knew she had been drinking heavily last night by the state she was in this morning. I didn’t feel the need to go in and say goodbye though, she hadn’t bothered so why should I?

“Yeah, I’m ready.” I said looking at Declan sadly.

I kissed him on his cheek and gave him one last hug.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

With that I got into the car, telling Declan I would ring him as soon as I got home. My mum started the engine and drove out of the street; I could see Declan in the mirror- looking as lost as I felt. I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying my best to hold back the tears but failing. I blocked out everything my mother was saying and pictured Declan in my head. That was all I could do from now on.


So Jodie’s gone home & it was so sad, right?

What do you guys think of Marissa? And Declan?

Let me know what you think <3

Peace, MyBubbles x

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

I arrived home a few hours later, after all that time thinking about the things I wouldn’t get to do with Declan and all the things I would miss, I felt even worse. I walked in my home to find that my dad was out working, and my mother had to rush back out to help one of her friends whose car had broken down. I stood there alone, feeling helpless. I pulled my phone out and told Dec that I was home and missed him like mad. I knew I would have to unpack soon, but all I wanted to do was sit and cry. I couldn’t go on for this much longer, I knew that sooner or later I would have to pull myself together and just suck it up, but I couldn’t bring myself to do.

I took my bags upstairs and sat in my bedroom. It didn’t feel right though, it felt like something was missing. I guessed what was missing though was the old me. Over the summer I had changed, I had fallen in love and lost my virginity. I didn’t want to back to hanging out with immature, backstabbing girls anymore. And didn’t want to date boys who really were just boys still. I only wanted my Declan and my friends, even if they were hundreds of miles away. I opened my small backpack and took out the photo of me, Ali and Jaz, placing it onto my bedside table. My phone started ringing, snapping me out of the sad mood I was falling further into.

“Hello?” I asked trying to get my voice straight.

“Hey babe, how you feeling?” Declan asked in a sweet tone, obviously noticing there was something wrong with me.

“Not good. I miss you already; I want to come back, like right now.”I said trying to laugh but failing miserably.

“I miss you too love. You’ll get to see me this weekend or next though. I need to check in with work to make sure I can get this Saturday off. If I can I’ll come down.” He said cheering me up a little.

“What you doing tonight?” I asked trying to change the subject. It’s not that I didn’t want him to come down; I just didn’t want to get my hopes up.

“I’m looking after Will so that my mum and dad can go out for a bit. He came home from school early with a bad stomach so he’s up in bed.”

“Aww, I hope he gets better. Don’t get too close though it might be catchy.”

“It’s not; he said he got ill from eating a worm.” He said and we both burst out laughing. I could so picture little William eating a worm! I heard shouting in the background on the phone, and Declan told me that his mum was shouting him and would have to go. We both said goodbye and I told him I loved him. He said it back and we hung up.

I sat on my bed for a few more minutes before deciding it was time to unpack. I sorted through all my things, making sure that I had got everything for Marissa’s. Even though I kind of wished I forgotten something important so I would have had an excuse to go back and see Declan. I sat down onto my bed for a few minutes and help my head in my hands. I so desperately didn’t want to feel like this- loads of people have long distance relationships, surely it will get easier.

For the rest of the day I stayed in my bedroom, watching old movies on my small flat screen TV. I had dressed into my sweats a while ago and lounged about on the bed. I didn’t want to do anything, which was fair enough. I text Declan and Ali through the day, but Declan was busy looking after will and Ali had a date soon. I tried texting Jaz, but apparently she was doing some after-school hour’s thing for school, so all in all I was left alone for most of the day. I didn’t mind too much though, I did miss everyone, but I think I needed some ‘me’ time as well. I got up out of bed and stretched, my back was killing from being in bed for so long. I decided I would have to do something other than lay in bed, so I started to sort through all of my things, making sure I had everything for when school started in two days times.

I noticed that I would need a new bag, new books, and general crappy things that come with having to go to school. I shouted down to my mother, who had gotten in from work an hour or so ago, and told her I needed money to go shopping tomorrow. She told me that it was okay and I went back into my bedroom, switching on my stereo and started singing along to Fallout boy.

At some part in the night I must have fallen asleep because I woke up at 8:30AM the next morning. At first I thought someone was shouting at me in the room, I rolled over sticking up my middle finger to whoever was in the room, but soon realised that I had left my music on. I apologised to my CD and walked into my bathroom to get a nice hot bath, knowing I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep.

I ran the water so hot that it hurt when I moved, I completely relaxed in the bath and I pushed all thoughts out f my mind. I washed and shampooed my hair, and shaved my legs so that I wouldn’t be caught embarrassed with hairy legs tomorrow for gym. I left my bathroom door open so that I could hear my music early. I wasn’t worried about anyone coming in though because my bedroom door was locked from the inside. I think I must have fallen asleep in the bath as it became really cold, and I couldn’t remember if I had been awake or not. I jumped out and brushed my teeth, walking into my bedroom with the toothbrush still in my mouth.

I stood looking at myself in the mirror. I turned around so I could see myself from all angles. My legs were too fat, my hair was too short, and I had man arms. Or at least that what I saw. I grabbed my robe and turned from the mirror, not wanting to look at my disgusting self any longer. My mum and Dad always tell me that I’m beautiful, but as any women, of any age will know, you always pick the small things and blow them out of proportion. I didn’t know how anyone could call me beautiful when I looked like this. Of course though my opinion of myself is completely dependent on what mood I’m in. If I’m happy, I will think I look good, and vice versa.

I dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a silver off the shoulder top, which went just past my bum. I blow-dried my wet hair, taking my time. I straightened it perfectly and applied a little make-up. I don’t know what I will be doing today, apart from going to the mall by myself. I really wished that there was another mall in town, and I knew all of my so called friends would probably be there.

After I was done I put some essential items into a bag, and went downstairs to make breakfast. My dad was sat at the kitchen table and stood up to give me a tight hug when he saw me. This was the first time I had seen him since I left at the beginning of summer. I missed him so much; I had always been so close with my dad. And we only had cross if it included my grades or boys. I doubted he would have anything bad to say about Declan though, after the impression he had made on my mum.

We spoke for a while about my summer, and he told me about work (although I didn’t really understand all of it). He even asked about Declan, or as he referred to him ‘That boy’. I smiled and told him Declan’s name. We spoke about him for a bit and I told him about how perfect he was, although I tried not to sound like a love-struck teenager. He got up eventually though as he had to go do something at work. I stood in the kitchen wondering where my mum was, probably out I guessed.

I made myself some toast and sat on the counter eating it. I checked my phone again, 10:45AM. I knew Declan would be working today as I didn’t text him- just in case he got into any trouble because of it. I munched on my toast, thinking about how deserted my house was. That’s when I got a brilliant idea. I should get a pet. Just a little one, something I could look after easily. I figured I wouldn’t have to ask my mum or dad, because I would buy it. With this idea in mind I grabbed my bank card that was ‘only for emergencies’. I suppose it was kind of an emergency though, people can die of loneliness after all.

I wrote a letter to my mum telling her I’d gone out and would be back later and walked to the bus stop. It was a sunny day, but nothing compared to the weather back near Declan’s. I got on the bus and sat impatiently until I got to the pet store. When my stop came I practically ran off of the bus and to the store. I stood outside looking for a minute or so. There were turtles, but I didn’t want one of them because they are so boring. Hamster? No I needed something I could cuddle. Kitten? Well seen as though I’m allergic I didn’t think it would be a good idea.

I walked inside and looked around at a few other animals until I came to where the puppies were. It was literally love at first sight. I let out a loud squeal and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. He was the most beautiful dog I’d ever seen. His body was blonde with flashes of light brown in. He had huge floppy ears and was currently trying to get out of the dog bed he was in.

“Can I help you?” A girl who worked there asked.

“Yeah, I want that puppy, there.” I said pointing at it, not taking my eyes away from the precious puppy for a second.

“Okay, do you need all the things for him, too?” She asked picking the puppy up and handing me him. Straight away he started licking my nose and cooed over him. Man he was cute! He was so small too.

“Erm, yeah I guess.” I told her realising I’d not even thought about everything that comes with a pet.

The assistant lead me over to where there were dog beds, play toys and food. I picked out a small blue bed for him, and loads of toys and food. She took him away from me for a minute to make sure he was fine to go. I stood waiting for him to come back, tapping my fingers on the desk.

She came back empty handed a few minutes later, telling me I would need to fill forms out, which I did without reading what they were, and she gave me some certificate to prove he was a pure breed Labrador. She left again and came back carrying my new puppy with his lead and a collar on. I paid for him and his things, carrying the bags easily as all the things were so small. I walked him on his lead and we left the store, both much happier.

I spoke to him as if he was a baby all the way home, it was only a ten minute walk from home, but I had to carry him after a few minutes as his little legs were getting tiered. I walked past a small group of girls who ran over to stroke him and ask me questions about him.

“What’s his name?”

“What type of dog is he?”

“How old is he?”

I told them all I could, but realised I needed a name for him, as we walked away the perfect name popped into my head. Romeo. After all, he did have all the girls after him! I and Romeo walked the rest of the way home, where I showed him around the house, and put his dog bed in my bedroom, and food bowls in the kitchen. I filled them up, but he didn’t seem very interested. He was a playful puppy, always trying to lick and play with you. But he would tier himself out quickly and then just want cuddling. I put puppy pads down and showed him where they were.

I took out all the papers and began to look through them; he was seven weeks old and was perfectly healthy. He had all his injections and was being trained on puppy pads already, which I thought was good. I cuddled up on the sofa with my new puppy. Maybe he would help turn things around?

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

I threw the chew toy to the bottom of my legs, so that Romeo could get it easily without having to run far. It was warm in my back garden so I was laid on the ground, playing with my new puppy. His blonde fur blew slightly as he ran. He had a silly, lopsided grin as he fetched me the penguin shaped toy back, and was wiggling his small tail like mad. I got the feeling that he hadn’t been played with much from back at the pet store, which I guess is understandable with the amount of animals there. But then again I couldn’t understand how anyone could not want to play and cuddle him all the time. He looked like a small, round ball of fur after all!

I heard the front door open, and cringed slightly. I know I’m going to get seriously shouted at when my mum and dad see that I bought a puppy. Most families have had a pet before, but mine never did. Although I did used to have a rock when I was younger that I would feed and bath, I’m not really sure why though. I picked Romeo up and placed him on my stomach, stroking him. Thirty seconds ago he was running about, full of energy, now he was sleeping.

I turned my head to look into my house, where I could see my dad heading for the garden where I was. From the smile on his face I could see that he hadn’t seen I had a puppy asleep on me. I closed my eyes as the door closed, waiting for the shouting to start. After a minute or so I opened one eye and peeked out to see what my dad was doing. I knew he would have seen Romeo by now, but didn’t know why he was shouting yet.

He was stood over me, arms crossed with a pissed off look on his face. I smiled innocently at him, even though I knew it was no use.

“Hi Dad, had a good day?” I asked him trying to steer him away from the puppy subject.

“Whose is the puppy?” He asked me in a bored tone, not answering my question.

“I asked first.” I told him smiling. He bit his cheek, obviously trying not to get mad. I knew the attitude wouldn’t help me in any way here, and cursed silently in my head. “Okay fine, I’ll go first. I bought him because I was lonely ...I miss Declan and my friends aren’t talking to me...” I told him in a sad voice. Yes, I was upset about missing Declan, but the whole friends being pissed at me, didn’t faze me much to be honest. They weren’t real friends any way.

“Did you ask your Mother if you could have a puppy?” He asked me raising an eye brow. We both knew the answer to his question. If I would have asked her, then I wouldn’t have a puppy.

“I didn’t think it would bother either of you much, I’ll look after him.” I said, hoping that he would soften up once I told him that he wouldn’t have to do anything.

He took his blazer off and sat on the grass next to me. He didn’t say anything, just sat beside me looking up at the blue sky. I smiles slyly, it was pretty much a home run for me now. Romeo lifted his head up and sniffed my Dad. My Dad responded by stoking him, Romeo tried to rub his head on his head, but ended up falling onto the grass in-between us.

“He’s cute. What you calling him?” My dad asked me playing with Romeo on the floor. I turned my head and smiled at my dad. This was his way of telling me I could keep him. One down, one to go.

“He’s Romeo...Will Mum let me keep him?” I asked watching my Dad lightly tapping Romeo’s head, while he tried to bite him hand playfully.

“I’ll talk to her; just don’t go with the bad attitude and arguing with her. It never works and she always wins, you know that.” He said ruffling my hair like I was still a child. I looked over to him and smiled.

“Thanks Dad, I won’t. I’m going to take him for a walk, want to come?” I asked him standing up, and wiping the grass from my legs on to the ground.

“Yeah sure. You got a lead for him?” My dad asked standing up and doing the same. I bent down to pick Romeo up and we walked back towards the house.

“Yep, got everything for him. Even food.” I said quite proud of myself for not forgetting anything that he would need.

I grabbed the blue lead I had gotten him and clipped it onto his matching collar, placing him back onto the floor. He wagged his tail and bounded around my feet. My dad took his tie off, and placed some things from his pockets onto the table. I walked out my house with my Dad following, and waited while he locked the front door. We lived in a nice area, with hardly any crime but you still couldn’t be too careful.

We walked the two minute walk to a park, just down the road from my house. Romeo was sniffing everything that he passed, and ran in front of me to get to people and they walked past us. Everyone that he went to would stop to stroke him and tell me how cute he was. I took it all as a compliment thanking them all. At the park I was planning on letting him off the lead so he could have a quick run about, but I saw a much larger dog and decided not to. My dad was chatting about work, and asked me if I was glad to be getting back to school tomorrow. I wasn’t of course, but didn’t tell him that. My Dad was the kind of person who was fantastic at everything; I guess that was why he was so successful.

“When you said that your friends had fallen out with you, were you just trying to get round me to keep the dog, or have they really?” My Dad asked as we sat on a bench. I and he didn’t need to sit down as we had only been walking for about five minutes, but I practically had to drag Romeo to walk.

“Both. They’re not talking me because I haven’t spoken to them much this summer.” I told him honestly while picking Romeo up onto my lap.

“Well don’t worry about it Hun, they were all losers anyway.” He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m not too bothered; I can’t be bothered with them.” I said shrugging. All my old friends were the type of people who would be nice as pie to your face, but botched about you once you had your back turned. I’d had countless argument with them over that sort of thing before, and in a way was kind of glad to be rid of them. Even though I didn’t know who I would hang around with from now on.

“Well you’ve got that boyfriend of yours now anyway haven’t you?” He said using the term that he had made up instead of saying Declan’s name. I don’t think he had a problem with Declan, he just didn’t know him. And I was still my Dad’s baby in his eyes, so I don’t think he liked the thought of me having a proper boyfriend any way.

“Yeah I have, I think he’s coming over this weekend. He’s staying with one of his friends that lives near here.” I told him smiling to myself at the thought of seeing Declan again.

We spoke a little more about Declan, my Dad making it clear that I wouldn’t be staying over at his. Which I wasn’t planning on anyway. We decided it was time to get off back home though, as we wanted to get back before my Mum dad, as my Dad wasn’t sure if she had her key or not. We walked back quickly, and thankfully Romeo was full of energy again. We both grimaced to see my Mum’s car in the drive. We wanted to be home before her so that we could explain about the puppy, rather than just walking in with him.

My dad opened the door and walked in first. He winked at me and walked in, prepared for us both to be yelled at. Don’t get me wrong, my Dad wasn’t a wimp, and my Mother wasn’t over-bearing. It’s just that she’s kind of in control as my dad can be as much as a child as me at times. She was standing over the cooker, stirring a pan. I tried to sneak past her quietly and into my bedroom. She turned around though when the stair creaked. Busted.

“What’s that?” She said instantly spotting Romeo. I was about to answer when my Dad started speaking.

“I bought Jodie a puppy, she’s been really upset about missing that boyfriend of hers, and did you know her friends have fallen out with her?” He said kissing her on the cheek. I smiled over to my dad when I caught his eye, knowing that he was trying to cover up for me.

My mum turned to me again as I walked into the kitchen with them. I put on the saddest face I could and stroked Romeo who was trying to bury his head under my chin. “But I’m allergic to Dogs.” My mum said taking a step back. Well that was a lie, I know for a fact she wasn’t.

“No you’re not.” My Dad said confused.

“Mum, we know you’re not.” I said raising my eye brow at her.

“I am, look.” As she pretended to sneeze. Me and my Dad stood looking at her like she was crazy until she folded. “Oh fine, keep the dog. But if it even try’s to wee on my white carpet its gone.” She said, even though I knew Romeo wouldn’t.

“He’s a good do, he won’t.” I told her as she came over to stroke him. She spoke to him in a baby voice, taking him from me and feeding him a piece of leftover chicken from the fridge. I ran over and took it straight from him.

“He’s a vegetarian Mum!” I said giving her a stern look.

“He’s a dog. Of course he’s not a vegetarian.” My dad said. It was my turn now to be looked at like I was mad. I then realised that he probably wasn’t a vegetarian. I gave him the chicken back and wondered for a minute if I was losing my mind.

My Mum was kneeling on the floor playing with Romeo while he tried to eat. I knew he was pissed off; wouldn’t you be if someone was talking to you like a baby and was stroking your head as you ate? I shook my head and left her to it.

“I need to get some new things for school. I haven’t had time.” I said looking between them both as to who was going to offer me money. After a minute of them both not looking at me, I put my hips and repeated myself.

“Here, that’s enough, right?” My Dad said passing me a few notes, which I stuck into my pocket. I told him and that was fine and grabbed my coat. I gave My Mum and Dad a kiss goodbye and picked Romeo up giving him a quick hug before I left.

I walked to the bus stop, putting my headphones in and playing ‘Daydream away’ By All Time Low. The bus came before the song finished and I got on, having to sit next to an old guy who smelled like cabbage. I held my breath for the few stops to the mall and practically ran off the bus. I pulled my bag up onto my shoulder and walked into the mall.

The first shop I went into I bought all school things. Folders, paper, pens, pencils, all that type of crap. The seconds however I bought a beautiful black bag that was big enough to fit my school supplies in. I window shopped for a bit, but didn’t have my bankcard on me to buy anything that I wanted. I did however have enough of my Dads money left over to get a blue, woolly coat for Romeo. I knew winter would be coming up soon, and I didn’t want him to get cold when I took him for a walk. I started to walk out of the mall when I heard shouting. I turned around to see a bunch of my old friends shouting things at me.




I turned around and ignored it all. I wasn’t the type to walk away from people who were itching for a punch in the face. But I wasn’t the type to get into a fight in public either. If they were trying to push me over the edge I want going to let them. I flashed them a huge smile and waved sarcastically as I walked out of the mall with my head help high. I wasn’t going to let them get me down, they were just being pathetic and I knew that they would get bored after a while. I doubted that any of them would do anything, and my guess was that none of them would say anything if they were alone. The all just seemed to want to start arguments when they were together.

When i got home I rushed over to Romeo, who was sleeping on the sofa. One of my parents had put a throw over the sofa so that he wouldn’t get hairs on it. I picked up the coat out of one of my bags and tried it on him. It was a little big on him though, but that was good. Winter was another month and a half away and I wanted it to fit him then. I took it back off of him, and placed it back in the bag. I picked him up, kissing him and telling him about the bitches at the mall. I went in the kitchen where my Mum was putting dinner out and put some dried dog food in a bowl for him. I sat down at the table watching him eat the bowl of food that was probably too big for him as I ate my diner.

I had just finished my diner when I got a text from Declan. I opened and read it as quick as I could. I had missed him so much today; I’d hardly spoken to him as he was working.

From: Declan

Hey Love, Just finished work. They let me have Saturday off, so I can come down this weekend! Can’t wait to see you. Love you, Declan xx

I rang him, not wanting to waste time texting him back. I jumped the stairs to my bedroom two at a time, so eager to hear his voice.

“Hey.” He said, and I could tell he was smiling. Just hearing his voice made me happy.

“Hi! I can’t believe you can come down this weekend! I’m so happy!” I said in a rush. I’m sure I sounded like a child at Christmas.

“Me too babe, I’ll be down about Friday afternoon, so I can pick you up from school if you want?” He asked me, yawning. I looked down at my watch. It was only 7:40Pm, but them again I guess he would be tiered from working all day.

“Yeah, brilliant. Do you know how to get to my school though?” I said confused, knowing I would probably have to give him directions.

“Ha-ha, yeah. The guy I’m staying with goes there.” Declan said laughing.

“Oh, who is he? I might know him.” I asked Declan, I didn’t know that many people well other than my old friends.

“Cole Fields? I think he’s in the same year as you, but he’s a year older.” He said, and I knew instantly who it was. There was only one guy in my year that had been held back. He was known well as the bad-boy of our school and I’d seen him get into trouble a lot of the time. I don’t think I’d ever spoke to him though.

“I think I know who you’re on about. Oh guess what...I got a puppy!” I told Declan excited. For the next hour and half I told him all about Romeo, who he would get to meet this weekend! Declan told me about how work had been, and what was going on back over there. Apparently Chloe had rang Declan earlier, but he didn’t answer. I scowled; I didn’t want that whore ringing him! I didn’t say anything though as I trusted him and truthfully, didn’t want to seem like a paranoid girlfriend. We finally hung up when I heard my Mum shouting me from downstairs. We said goodbye and I promised to text him later.

Downstairs my Mum just wanted to ask me what time I needed to be up for in the morning. That reminded me I had school in the morning. As preparation, I sorted my outfit out and ironed it, handing it up on my bedroom door for in the morning. I looked over to see my Dad and Romeo in the garden. I filled Romeo’s water bowl up, as well as a food one and placed it in my bedroom. I moved his small dog bed over next to mine and put a small blanket on it for him. The bed was thick with fluff but I still didn’t want him to get cold, although I had no idea if dogs slept under covers or not. I walked back downstairs and Romeo was sleeping on the floor. I yawned at watching him sleep and decided I would go to bed too. I gave my parents a quick kiss, and thanked them like a hundred time for letting me keep Romeo.

I placed Romeo on his bed, and pulled the covers up on him. I climbed into my own bed, text Declan goodnight and turned the lamp off. After about fifteen minutes I heard Romeo whinging. I looked at the bed to see him sitting up and looking at me. Smiling, I picked him up and placed him in bed with me. He cuddled into me and fell asleep. I closed my eyes, dreading school, but excited about this weekend.

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

“Stop it...Stop it...” I said still sleeping, my whole face felt as though it was being wiped with a brush that was covered in goo. I wafted a hand in front of my face trying to get whatever it was to stop. “Ewww, get off.” I said pushing Romeo down, realising that he was licking my face. He sat on my chest, head down with a sad look that melted my heart.

“I’m sorry baby” I told him stroking his back. He seemed to get over it pretty quickly though, he jumped onto my face wiggling his tail. After playing with him for a little longer I checked what the time was, knowing I had school soon. Arrgh, it was only half six, and I wasn’t up until seven. I closed my eyes, wishing I could have the extra half an hours sleep, but I knew I couldn’t. Romeo was up now and needed to be fed. Although I missed the extra sleep, it was probably for the best I decided. If I had a puppy to look after I would need the extra time in the morning to see to his needs.

With this in mind I poured some water into his bowl and sat it next to his huge fool bowl that was practically over flowing. He ran over to it and drank his water eagerly. Shower time, I thought. Today was the first day back at school and I wanted to look good. I didn't know who I wanted to look good for, with my boyfriend and all my friends’ miles away, but still I had to put on an appearance and not look as though any of my ex-friends bothered me. Even if I did know better. It wasn’t the fact that we were no longer talking, I was just lonely.

In the shower I felt all of today’s worries wash away, if I could just get through the first day, surely I would be okay? I sighed, knowing that I was lying to myself. I could hear Romeo scratching at the door, and even though I was enjoying my shower I jumped out to tend to him. Walking back into my bedroom I saw that he had spilled over his water. Brilliant, I thought. I quickly sponged it out and poured him some more.

I dressed quickly in a pair of tight fitting jeans and a black top and took Romeo for a quick walk around the garden. I shivered from the cold air, soon winter would be setting in and snow would cover the ground. The thought of snow sent another shiver down my spine; I liked snow as much as anybody else, but only for an hour or two. Any longer than that I couldn't stand. I mean, its cold, slippy and wet. What’s to like?

“Romeo, come on I’m freezing.” I whinged at him, we’d been out in my back garden for almost ten minutes, but with it being early morning and my hair still wet from the shower, it felt like we’d been outside in the cold for just too long. I tugged his lead and eventually got him inside.

I glanced at the clock, damn I wasn’t going to have enough time to dry and straighten my hair before school, and I couldn’t risk being late on the first day. I tied my hair into a loose French plait and changed my clothes. Arrgh, I groaned. I wouldn’t even have enough time to put much make-up on. The cold air this morning had made my skin dry and rough, which I was hoping to cover up with foundation. Instead though I only had time for eye liner, mascara and lip gloss.

“Hey kiddo.” My Dad greeted me as I reached downstairs, carrying Romeo under my arm. He was sitting at the table reading the news paper, it was clear to tell by the way he was dressed that he wasn’t at work today.

“Hey, are you taking a day off?” Confused as to why he was not working. I can only remember a handful of days that he had away from work, and none of them were over anything small. Usually he was ill, or there was a funeral on, or he needed to look after to me. But even so, all of these times were years ago.

“Yeah, I’m taking your mother up to see Marissa later on.” He told me with a small smile. My heart pounded at the thought of me being able to see Declan today. Even without looking in a mirror I knew that there was a large smile across my face. He looked up at me, and clearly understood that I had taken it the wrong way. “You’re still going to school, we just need to go up and check on your Aunt.” He told me looking back down at his paper.

I stood there frowning, why couldn’t I go? I mean, I know I have school and Romeo to look after. But why couldn’t they go later on in the day, when school was finished? Tears stung my eyes and will them to go back inside, not wanting to seem childish or to ruin my make-up. “Why...why can’t I come?” I asked him looking down to my feet. I didn’t intend it to, but my voice came out small and child like. That’s not the way to convince someone to let
you have the day off school, I scolded myself.

“Look, your mother wanted to tell you when you got home from school, but it doesn’t look like there’s a way around it now. Marissa was taken into hospital late last night, they think she might have had an over dose. But with all the alcohol in her system it’s hard to tell.”

“Why would she take an over dose though, it doesn’t make sense at all.” I told him. She had always seemed confident and happy, and even underneath the vulnerability she showed occasionally, I thought she was a strong woman, who knew better than to take drugs in the first place.

“Is she okay, I she gunna die?” I asked mentally kicking myself. This was my Aunt we were talking about; I shouldn’t be asking questions like that. But I don’t think it had set in yet, I felt as though we were talking about someone I didn’t know. Someone who I hadn’t spent all summer with.

“No, she’s stable now. Even so though, it’s best your mother goes.” He walked over to me and slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. I knew I should be crying, or at least upset. Instead I felt dispatched.

“We will be home late tonight, unless your Mum says we have to stay over.” He said frowning. My Dad and Marissa had always gotten along; he was just the kind of man who liked to come home after a day’s work. As he always said, a man’s home is his castle.

“It’s cool. I’ve got money for a pizza anyway.” I told him. I was still upset about not being able to see Declan, but the Marissa situation had to come first. I didn’t want to upset either of my parents more than they already were by nagging about my boyfriend. Instead I grabbed my bag, shouted goodbye and left for the bus stop.

School was packed with people everywhere I looked. They were leaning on walls talking, doing tricks on skateboard, or chatting each other up. I sighed as I walked through, and couldn't help but think of the first day I met Declan. Just like this there were people all around me, but I was still on my own. Pulling out my phone I sent him a quick text. It didn't say much, just that I missed him.

My school was laid out into three buildings; a small building to the left that held offices, a nurse’s station and other boring crap like that. In the middle was a newly built white building. Inside were math rooms, English classrooms and a row of rooms for food technology. To the right of that was a huge canteen area with a gym upstairs, not that the gym was used that much.

I walked through the car park, with no sign of my old friends, and into the office to get my schedule. Behind the desk sat Mrs. Densil. Ahh, I see the summer hadn’t changed her. Still had the bottle-blonde hair with bad roots, and clothes that made her well-over-forty body look...well just plain tarty. Last year I and she had major disagreements all the time. Back them she was a teaching assistant in one of my classes. I took every opportunity I could to annoy her. She deserved it after all, she was as bitch as some of the teenagers in this school. And was just as flirty with the men too.

“I need my class schedule.” I told her, she was sitting behind the desk filing her fake nails. I looked down to where she was sitting but adverted my eyes quickly. Surely people who work here can’t show that much cleavage! I turned my head in disgust, trying to get the image out of my head...nope, definitely scarred for life.

“Here.” She said finally handing me it, followed by her waving me away with her hand. I walked out of there and leant of the wall outside while I looked over this year’s class schedule.
1st period – English literature
2nd period- Mathematics
3rd period- Free period (Except Wednesdays for gym)
4th period- Additional science
5th period- Food Technology
Well, at least I only have gym once a week, I thought to myself as I walked to English Lit. A few doors down from the class room I was in, my friends-well, old friends- were hanging out and talking to each other. Vanessa looked up at me and whispered something to the others, causing them all to look and laugh at me. I stuck my middle finger up at her and walked into the room. I had no idea what they were laughing about, I mean, I have nice hair, beautiful clothing and I’m quite pretty. I shrugged it off as I sat on the back seat alone.

Leaning my head on the table I thought about how boring today would be. Students were still coming into the class with their friends and sitting next to each other. I sat at the back by myself and watched everyone. Luckily none of the douche bags were in here. All of the class was seated now; we were just waiting for our teacher to get here. Or rather, I was. No one else seemed to care if he came or not. Truthfully I couldn’t either; it didn’t affect me if he made people stop talking.

I was unpacking something’s from my bag when I looked up to see a group of three guys looking at me. I groaned and carried on with what I was doing. No doubt they had something to do with me falling out with everyone. Once I had unpacked I slyly looked back up again, this time only one of them were looking, and he smiled at me when I caught his eye. I knew his face- he was in a class of mine last year, but I’d never spoken to him. I gave him a small smile back and looked down at my watch. 1st day back and the teachers late! How ironic huh?

“Hey, are you Jodie?”

I looked up to see the guy that had smiled at me from across the room, standing right in front of my desk. He was smiling and seemed shy. I figured then that he couldn’t have anything to do with the others. If so, why would he be smiling and acting friendly? I nodded at him and shot him a questioning look.

“I’m Cole” He said and I looked at him as if to say ‘so?’ He shuffled his feet on the ground and looked even shyer then before. “Declan’s friend?” He pretty much asked.

“Oh right, sorry I was kind of in my own world.” I kicked myself mentally, way to make yourself look an idiot in front of your boyfriends mate!

“Can I?” He asked pointing to the empty seat next to me. I nodded and moved my bag so that he could sit there. Why was he sitting with me? A few minutes ago he was with his friends.

“Why you sitting by yourself?”

“Don’t know, I just am I guess.” I answered not really wanting to go into any detail. “Why aren’t you sitting with your friends?” I asked him pointing in the direction he was sitting before.

“Don’t know, I guess I’m just not.” He said, pretty much copying what I had just told him. I laughed along him, his black hair hung loosely over his eyes, and he brushed a few pieces of it back a little.

“So, how do you know Declan?” I asked him after a few minutes of awkward silence.

“I used to live near him, I moved down here a few years ago and got my own flat though. You met him on holiday right?”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see him this weekend...”

“Me neither, I haven’t seen him in months, when we were kids we would hang out every day. I remember one time I had chicken pox, so I wasn’t allowed out, and when he came around for me he cried until Laura came to get him. Man, he was such a girl.” He said and we both laughed. It was at that moment the teacher walked back in and the whole class fell into silence.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

The sound signalled the end of first period, which I couldn’t decide if I was happy about or not. Next period I would be by myself again, but I was happy to have one class down. I and Cole had chatted like we were old friends all the way through the class, as I was grateful that he didn’t once ask me about my old friends.

“So, if you’re not doing anything at break, then come find me. I’ll be in the canteen most likely. Here.” He said passing me his number on a piece of paper. I smiled and stuffed it into my pocket.

“Sure, see you then.” I told him as I walked away. I would definitely be finding him at break, I had almost two hours (including my free period) to do nothing, so I figured I may as well. Besides, I didn’t have anyone else to go to, and he was a nice guy. I pulled out my phone and text Declan again. Cole was nice, but it still couldn’t take my mind off Declan. Although I doubt he’d been trying to, as Declan was all we pretty much talked about.

Thankfully my next class was in the same building so I wouldn’t have to go back out into the cold winter air. I sat in the back again, ignoring whatever it was the teacher was saying. Besides, it’s not like we ever do real work on the first day back. Once my things were unpacked again I began flicking through my phone to find my favourite playlist until I found ‘Soul Sister’ by Train. Yes, I know the song was pretty out-dated, but hey, I love it!

Break couldn’t come any sooner, unlike English this morning; the minutes in my maths class seemed to drag on for hours. And by the relief on some of the student’s faces when the bell rang, I wasn’t the only one who thought this. Everyone passed me by as I slowly put my books back into my bag. Once in the hallway I text Cole to say I was on my may. Not even a minute later I felt my phone vibrating.

“Hey, were in the back field by the tables.” He told me. There was laughter in the back ground and I couldn’t help feel a little uneasy. What if all the bitches from earlier were there? What if he was trying to set me up on something? I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and tried to put on a confident face.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a sec.” I actually sounded confident, although I guess I no reason not to be. I knew deep down that he wouldn’t do that, he was Declan’s friend of course.
I quickly walked through the schools back exit and onto the field he was talking about. I say field, it was more like a few meters of grass with tables and a gazebo type thing. Nevertheless it was pretty, and not many came here. Usually people would loiter around in the canteen, or go out of school for breaks. As I didn’t have a car though (and taking the bus would waste too much time) I didn’t have that option.

I saw Cole immediately, seen as though there was only one other table with people sitting on it other than his. Thank god, I muttered as I approached him. He was with three other boys, and thankfully I didn’t know any of them. This may have been a little daunting to some people, but to me- new people who I didn’t know and didn’t know me- seemed perfect.
Cole stood up as I approached, pushing another guy who was sat next to him so I could down. I smiled and said hi to them all, even though I only knew Cole.

Two of his friends were twins; they introduced themselves as Adien and Ashley. They were perfectly identical, the same light brown hair, tall figure, grey eyes and light skin. The only way I could tell them apart was that Ashley had his left eye brow pierced and Aiden had his right one done. The other guy, the one that Cole had pushed when I came over was Jamie. Something about him told me that as shy as I was. He gave me a small smile and didn’t talk to me much, not that I took any offence to it.

“Oh man, I’ve got science after 3rd period, I hate science.” Ashley said. He had laid his schedule out on the table, next to Aiden’s.

“Me too...” Moaned Aiden. I peed at look at their schedules and saw that they were in the same room as me for science.

“Me too...” I said mimicking there sad voices. Both of their faces lit up and they looked
at me.

“Really? Will you sit next to me?”

“No she’s sitting next to me.”

“I asked her first!”

“She likes me more.”

“You two bicker like children.” Cole said laughing at them. I was in hysterics at this point. I looked back from them both as if I was watching a tennis match.

“Why I just sit in the middle?” I asked them both realising that the tables could easily fit three seats in.

“Left.” Ashley said with a smile.

“Right.” Aiden agreed with the same smile on his face.

I laughed at them two, and the four of us chatted away easily. We made plans to meet up for lunch and I was happy to see that all but one of my classes had the guys in. Finally, I thought. Someone to talk to other than my parents. After a bit of talking, well none
from Jamie, we all decided to go get some lunch outside of the school. I sat there awkwardly not that any of the guys had noticed. How do you ask people you just met to give you a ride? I think that the twins may have realised my hesitation, as they offered to give me a ride.

Once at the Pizza house, that was simply called PIZZA (I know, original right?) we sat down at a large cubical and ordered our food. I sat there wide-eyed watching each of them order a full pizza, I scanned the menu and decided to get some fries, there was no way I could eat a full pizza!

“Where’d you live then Jodie?” Cole asked stuffing pizza into his mouth. When the food came all of the boys insisted I had a slice of their pizza- but I doubted I would be able to eat four slices and large fries, so I shared the fries between us all.

“Not far, just near Rohman Park” I told him taking a drink of Ashley’s coke. He stared at me in shock but I just laughed. Ashley and Aiden were the type of guys that you instantly felt comfortable around, so I had no problem being myself around them.

“Cool, we don’t live far from there.” Aiden told me looking up from his food.

“Wait- you all live together?” I asked confused. I knew that Cole lived alone, but had no idea of the others.

“Yeah, I got the house a few years ago, since then the guy’s just-kind of moved in.” He told me not looking at all phased. I would love to live in a house with all my best friends.

“And it’s just you four?” I asked him again. No way could four guys live together without someone doing their laundry, cleaning and cooking! “Who cleans and everything?”

“We have a house keeper who comes in two days a week for that. And yeah, just us four.” Jamie answered this time, which kind of shocked me.

“That’s cool; I’d love to live with my friends, no parents or anything. I don’t think Romeo would like it though...” I took out my phone and showed the boys a picture of Romeo with a plastic flamingo in his mouth.

“Aww he’s well cute”

“He’s tiny”


We all turned to look at Aiden. What the...? He was laughing along with Ashley, who was bad-mouthing flamingos. These two really were a strange pair. When we were all finished Cole insisted on paying for me, even though I had easily enough money to pay for my fries. We all set back off to school, joking and messing around.

We sat back on the benches, were we were before we set off to the diner. Ashley slung his arm around me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I smile back at him, not feeling uncomfortable under his arm. The twins were the kind of guys that you could hold hands with, cuddle, or kiss on the cheek without having any romantic feelings for.

“Me and Aiden have decided that you’re our new sister.” He told looking forward. I raised my eye brow and laughed along- apparently I didn’t have a choice whether I was or not.

“Well then, I’m glad to have you both as brothers.” I said smiling at him. We all sat at the table chatting about nothingness until the bell rang for next period.

The rest of the day followed in a similar fashion, I had at least one of the guys in all my classes, which I was grateful for, and at lunch we decided to just hang about- while
Ashley and Aiden did skateboard tricks. We stayed in school for lunch, seen as though we had all already eaten. Last periods bell had just rang, and I was surprised to see that the day had passed so quickly. Cole came jogging up to me, with Jamie by his side.

“So tomorrow night we are having a movie night, getting some scary movies, a pizza, you know all that crap.” He told me taking a few deep breaths from running across the school to catch me in time. “You want to come? I can get the twins to pick you up? Or I can?” I looked at him and smiled.

“I’d love to.” I glanced at my watch and saw the bus was due in a second.”I’ve got to go, bus is due any minute.” I said hugging them both goodbyes.

“Come on, I’ll drop you off.” Jamie said, and the three of us got in the car. With more hugging and talking the guys left and I walked back inside to ring Declan and feed Romeo.

Well, as far as first days at school go, this one pretty much rocked!

Chapter Eighteen

(There’s a little swearing in this chapter to guys, so if you’re like, 12, don’t read it- I don’t want to be the reason for ruining your innocence :D)

Chapter Eighteen

A strong wind of air blew my hat straight off of my head, making my brown hair blow in all directions. Luckily the wind had only carried it a few feet away, so pulling Romeo along with me went to check on my wind-stolen-hat. I brushed a few blades of grass and put it back on my head tightly. I’ll be damned if I get mugged by a gust of air.

“Go on Romeo.” I told him when he stopped walking. There was a small pigeon a few feet away- and I know from the other ten times he’d done it today- that he was preparing to run and jump on the bird. I shook my head; he didn’t want to play with it, just scare it I think. He lowered his head, and arched this back slightly. Then off of a sudden he pounded forward, trying to lead at the pigeon. It flew up into the sky before he got close enough though, seriously when will he learn? All the birds he’d done this to did the same thing. Dumb dog.

He tilted his head and let his tongue roll out of his mouth; I hadn’t given much consideration in to how he will be when he’s fully grown. Because he’s a Labrador, he should grow quite tall. I just hope that when he does, he will lose some of his over-excited-about-everything-ness. Maybe he’d become really lazy? Doubtful.

“Run Romeo, quick!” I shouted as I ran past him. He loved to play like this; he would run along at my side with a goofy grin on his face. We ran until my legs started to ache (which wasn’t as far as I would have liked) and my breathing became heavy. Romeo laid o the floor panting, and with a quick look around, I sprawled out onto the cold grass with him.

The clouds were gray and overcast, making every where look gloomy and depressing. I stroked Romeo absent minded and thought back to all the days with Declan, just lounging about in the sun. Damn, I wish I could go back there just for one day. Winter break was still a few more months away and, unlike the summer had; the days were dragging by slowly. Each time I spoke to Declan he would tell me how much he missed me- but he was still going out and having parties. Whereas I on the other hand spent all my time in my house or at school.

I jumped up from the grass, noticing that the clouds were getting darker and darker- it was going to rain soon. We needed to hurry up and get inside before it did, but it was a thirty minute walk to my house and I wasn’t sure if we would make it or not. I pulled Romeo to walk; he just kind of shuffled himself across the grass without really standing, so I bent down and picked him up.

We were just a few minutes from my house when the heavens opened up, and man did they. The rain pounded down onto us, soaking me instantly. It was as though someone had just thrown a bucket of water over me. Well, it’s no use in trying to get home any quicker now, so I just moped along the side walk. Romeo buried his face into my arm and closed his eyes, what time to decide to have a nap eh?

“Jodie!” I heard my name being called, so I spun around in the direction it had came from. I saw two boys- Ashley and Aiden stood on their porch watching me with matching smirks on their faces. I waved and turned my head, trying to hide my blush. I only met them today and already they had seen me soaked, looking like I’d just almost drowned. Aiden motioned me over with his hand, I sighed as I walked over. Now I couldn’t say it wasn’t me that they had seen- it would be nice to get out of the rain though I thought as I looked at the covering they were stood under.

“Come in, I’ll get you a towel.” Ashley said as he wrapped his arm around me and opened the door. I nodded as I walked in. My teeth were chattering so hard I actually thought I would have to make a dentist appointment in the morning. True to his word, Ashley came back to my side a few seconds later with a huge fluffy towel. I thanked him and dried Romeo quickly, and then my face, hands and what I could dry of my hair.

The twins had flustered around Romeo by the time I had finished drying off. I passed the pup to Ashley, who tossed him up into the air and caught him again, as though he was a baby. “Thanks, I feel so much better now.” I told them both, only to be ignored as they were playing with Romeo, who by the was loving the attention.

“Where you heading?” Asked a dark husky voice. I looked to my left to see Cole leaning casually against the door only a towel. I quickly snapped my eyes back to the twins, and prayed to God that I wasn’t blushing.

“Erm, my house, it’s only a few minutes’ walk...” I told him feeling the blush creep up onto my face. I had to focus on Romeo (who was still being tossed around and looked like he might puke any second) to keep my eyes from betraying me and slipping back to Cole’s chest... Cole’s chest....Damn, once again they had found their way back to him, and his eyes had found their way back to mine. The second our eyes met it was like he couldn’t stand to be in the room any more, he tried to take a few steps backwards- onto to band into the door. He wouldn’t look at any of us, even though it was only me who had noticed his shift in behaviour. He left the room, leaving me feeling, well, upset.

I don’t know what I had done, I’d been talking to him all day- and now he was just acting like this out of nowhere. I pushed Cole to the back of my mind, well sort of; I let the image of his bare chest hang around the middle ground of my brain.

“He does!”

“No, doesn’t!”

“Yes does!”

The twins were shouting back at each other looking as though they might start fighting any second. Romeo ran over to my feet and moaned until I picked him up. “What are you arguing about?” I asked them both.

“I told Ash that Romeo doesn’t like him.” Aiden told me, scowling at Ashley.

“But he does like me, I’m his uncle.” Ashley finished off, looking at Romeo as if he was actually his proud uncle.

“He likes both of you.” I told them setting Romeo back onto the ground. He immediately ran over to Aiden and bent down defensively in front of Ashley, growling at him. I tapped him on the head and hugged Ashley. He honestly looked as though he could cry, it made me want to cry a little too by just seeing his sad face.

“Thanks for letting us in guys but I really need to get home.” I told them deciding that I would need to dry off Romeo and still needed to ring Declan.

“Wait-I’ll give you a lift.” Aiden told me, grabbing his car keys from off of the coffee table.

“You can’t go; you’re supposed to be helping Jamie paint his room.” Ashley said as we reached the door, realisation crossed Aiden’s face and he apologised for not being able to take me home. I gave both of the boys a hug and again, was almost at the door when someone else started talking to me.

“Come on, I’ll take you.”Cole told me smiling, what the heck? Had ten minutes ago when he rushed out of the room to get away from me not happened? I looked at his face, and he winked at me when my eyes met his. He was dressed now, although I guess that’s a good thing. I wouldn’t say I was lusting for Cole back then, just a little, well, interested?

“Thanks see you guys.” I shouted to the twins and make Romeo wave by moving his paw up and down. We walked to Cole’s car, and climbed in quickly. It had slowed down raining, but
still horrible weather.

I told him my address and gave him directions; he promptly drove out of his street and turned onto one just a few streets from mine.

“So um, you’re still coming over tomorrow? Movie-night, remember?” He told me as we parked outside my house. My dad’s car was still gone; I kind of hoped they would be back from visiting Marissa by now, no such luck though eh?

“Yeah of course, especially if my parents still aren’t back. I can’t cook too good ....” I told him laughing and thinking back to all the times I’d ruined meals by over/under cooking.

“Brill, so I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Cole said, then unexpectedly leaned over and gave me a quick hug. There was nothing in it, no love, no romance, just a friendly hug that I reciprocated. We smiled at each other as we parted and said goodbye. He even knuckle-bumped Romeo-which was odd to say the least.

Later That Night...

“What the hell is your problem?!” I screamed down the phone for the hundredth time. This was getting really lame and pretty petty to be honest. Me and Declan were currently arguing because I told him about my plans for tomorrow night.

“My problem is Jodie that you’re going over to a house- a house full of boys and you really expect me to believe you’re just going to watch movies?” He repeated, this had been going on about ten minutes. At first I was kind of pissed, now I just want to get off of the phone from him and punch something.

“Yes I do, because I’m your girlfriend and you should trust me!” I shouted, again. I’d been shouting so much that I actually had to pause to take a drink a few times. I’ll be damned if he gives me a sore throat. He huffed, that its, I’m done with this stupid argument.

“Just call me when you grow up Declan.” I told him and hung the phone up. What a dick! I laid down on the bed and buried my face into the pillow. I willed myself not to cry, over and over. Of course though, it didn’t work and the tears spilled down my face.

How could he even think that I was going to cheat on him? I’m his girlfriend, I love him! And even if I was going I wouldn’t tell him that I was going to an all-boys house for it! I gave myself to him, and he treats me like this! Its understandable that someone could think this, but I never thought Declan would be the paranoid type. He has friends who are friends; he hangs out with Jaz and Ali alone, but I don’t get like this. I wanted to be angry...all I could do though was cry.

And that what I did, cry and sleep the rest of the day. In fact, I was still awake by the time my alarm beeped to tell me it was time to get up for school. I was exhausted, physically and mentally. For the last few hours I couldn’t cry. I just sat there sobbing and cuddling Romeo close to me. Who had actually been quite supportive for a dog, he snuggled into me and licked my hands softly. I think perhaps he was could sense that I was upset.

I walked over to my dresser and looked in the mirror, my face was blotchy and pale, hair wet with tears. I got a scolding hot shower, but even that didn’t take any of my stress away. I had to plaster myself in foundation to cover up my tear-stained skin.

I picked up my phone from the floor, where I had thrown it last night. I turned it on and waited until it was fully loaded to check for miss calls or texts. No calls. One text.

From: Declan <3
Go then Jodie, but I’ll be doing the same.

Brilliant, I thought. I turned it back off and put it into my school bag. Half an hour later I was sitting in my first lesson, talking to Cole. I hadn’t told him anything about mine and Dec’s arguments, I didn’t want the two of them to fall out over it, and I was sure it would all blow over today anyway.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Cole asked for the hundredth time, I told him about Marissa’s ‘accident’. Although I think he saw right through it. He knew my parents were out yesterday visiting her, and he knew I was fine about it yesterday. Never the less though he humoured me and went along with it for the rest of the day.

At break the twins practically cuddled the life out of me. Apparently Cole had text the guys that I was upset about ‘private things’ and didn’t want to be quizzed about it. I gave him a grateful look that he seemed to understand, he did his cool-guy-head-nod-thing in return. They even let me pick where we went for lunch, and they paid! I put on a brave face, trying to steer away from any subject that could be related to Declan. Even so though, I could check my phone every five minutes for a text from him.

About two o’clock I got a text, from my dad. He told me that Marissa was doing fine and they would be home tomorrow night, which I was glad for. I knew that if my mum or dad saw me moping about they would question me into telling them what had happened. I even text Declan asking if we could forget about the whole thing and put it behind us. He didn’t reply.

Later That Night...

I was sitting in the boy’s living room with them all. Ashley was sitting on my left side and Aiden on the right and Romeo lying on my lap. We were cuddled under a huge blanket, (because I was apparently complaining that it was cold, even though I made no such remark.)Sitting on a sofa point the biggest TV I’d ever seen. Well, I say TV; it was more of a home-cinema type thing. Cole was lying casually on the floor in front of us and would look up to smile at me or ask if I wanted anything. Jamie was sitting in a small armchair to the right of the room, being as quiet as usual.

We were watching Fast and Furious: Fast Five. It was rubbish! But then again I hadn’t seen the other four, and on the plus point Vin Diesel was in it. They promised I could pick the next movie, and trust me; they were going to regret it. I would pick the girly-ist film possible- even if I didn’t like it.

“Pizza anyone?” Cole asked jumping to his feet and grabbing a pizza menu.
The next few minutes was filled with everyone shouting orders at him- apart from Ashley who repeatedly shouted ‘Flamingooo’ until I put my hand over his mouth.

“Eww!” I shouted, I pulled my hand away so he couldn’t keep licking it. He just sat there with a cheeky smile on his face. We ordered our pizza’s and carried on watching the movie. I felt my phone vibrating ion my pocket and pulled it out wishing it was Declan. It was.

“Hello?” I asked, expecting him to reply with an apology. Instead came a girl’s voice.
“Hello is this- what’s her name again? - Oh, is this Jodie?” She asked, and had obviously been drinking. Cole had paused the movie so I could talk properly, although I couldn’t hear her much over the music and shouting in the back ground. I put my phone on speaker mode so I could try to hear her a little better.

“W-Who’s this?” I asked her. It wasn’t Ali or Jaz, it didn’t even sound like Chloe. Dread rose up in my stomach and I stuttered my words. Why was this girl ringing, on Declan’s phone, asking for me?

“It’s Amber.” She said like I should know, Her tone of voice was so bitch and argumentative that I was kind of glad I wasn’t there. I don’t even know why Declan would be, well, where ever he was. He didn’t like people who acted like this. His words from earlier rang in the back of my mind, I’ll do the same.

“Amber who?” I asked squeezing my eyes closed. None of the boys were looking at me, but I knew they were listening and thinking the same thing I was. Tears were threatening to pour out at any second.

“Declan’s girlfriend Amber.” And that’s when Cole grabbed the phone from me. I sat there shocked, and unable to hold the tears in any longer. Ashley and Aiden moved so they were sitting as close to me as possible, whispering things and stroking my hair. Jamie even moved over and gave me a hug.

“Tell Declan not to ring her in the morning, or he’ll have me to answer to.” Cole said calmly, although even I could hear the anger in his voice. He hung up and walked over to me. He offered me his hand, which I took and he lead me into the kitchen. I was still in a trance-like state, were all I could do was cry and stare ahead of me.

He didn’t talk when we got the kitchen; he just pulled me tightly against him and hugged me for what seemed like hours. The tears had stopped, although I wished they hadn’t. Now I could picture it. Declan with some slutty looking girl on his arm, them kissing. Them laughing at my expense, him telling her to ring me. Cole pulled me in tighter, and I looked up at him. Our lips were inches away, and I so badly wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel as though someone wanted me, as though I was loved. But I knew this wasn’t what was right, Cole was my friend and I wouldn’t do that just because I was upset about Declan.

“Thank you.” I whispered and put my head back on his chest. He told me a few minutes later that I could sleep in one of the guest rooms and he would drive me home in the morning, which I was glad for, I really didn’t want to be alone.

I went upstairs to bed not long after, with Romeo at my feet. I may have my friends, but it cost me Declan.

Chapter Nineteen

Just a quick note guys, I really need some opinions on what’s going on in this book. I’m glad you all like it & love the comments telling me you do, but I need to know if you like the characters, and other stuff. Anyways, here’s chapter nineteen! LYA MB x

Chapter Nineteen

“I love you, Jodie.” Declan said pulling me onto his lap and kissing me lightly. I laughed and kissed his nose, causing him to wrinkle it up and grin. It only made me laugh harder.

“I love you too Declan.” I told him truthfully and got up from his lap. I walked to the CD player in his bedroom and skipped through the songs on his All Time Low CD until I found which one I was looking for. I pressed play and listened to the words.

I fixed my hair in his small mirror and turned around to face him, a sexy smile playing on his face. The smile fell from my face though when I saw Declan with another girl sitting on his lap, just like I had been. I felt my heart break into a million little pieces as I heard him say the same words to her as he just had to me. Tears were flowing down my face and my broken heart was pounding in my chest. Other than that though I was frozen to the spot.

I wanted to run and grab her from him; I wanted to scream, to punch. Instead I stood there watching them, I didn’t want to- who would want to see the man they loved with another woman? - But I couldn’t look away. I watched them kiss, I watched her giggle an ‘I love you to him’, I watched him repeat it. With every second that past I could feel myself dying a little inside. I was waiting for them to acknowledge me being there, only a minute ago was I sitting with Declan. They didn’t though; they carried on kissing and laughing with each other.

The pain was building up in my chest and I knew that if I wasn’t frozen to the spot I would have dropped to my knees by now. The crying had been replaced by a hysterical scream and I clasped my hands over my mouth instinctively.

They both turned to look at me, with mascara down my red blotchy face and laughed. Declan smirked at me and focused back on the blonde that was now straddling him. She, on the other hand was laughing at me as though I’d just told the funniest joke in the world. “He’s my boyfriend now.” She said and turned around to kiss Declan passionately. Declan, My Declan.

Then instincts took over and I began to scream, I wanted to kill her, and him.
That’s when I was woken up by Cole; he was holding both of my shoulders, gently shaking me and repeating my name over and over. I stopped creaming and sat up straight. I looked around the room, it was dark and I knew the sun would be rising soon.

Cole was sitting next to me on the bed, I figured he must have just waked up because his dark hair was messier than usual and he was only wearing boxers. Yesterday another sight of his chest might have sent a few sparks running through me, but right now all I wanted was to be consoled. I knew I was still sobbing quietly and my heart was still racing.

“Are you okay, Jodie?” Cole asked after a few minutes, I looked up to him and only just realised how close we were. One of his hands had slid down to the bottom of my back and the other on my forearm. His eyes were full of concern and I would tell that he was genuinely worried about me.

“No, but I will be.” I told him honestly. I moved over in the bed and pulled Cole so that he was laying next to me on his back. I could tell by his face he was shocked with what I was doing, and didn’t know what was happening. I smiled and pulled the covers up as I laid my head on his chest.

Cole stroked my hair for ages after that, neither of us talking. I had stopped crying and was just trying to figure everything out in my head. I felt as though someone had torched my heart, and there was nothing I could do about it. How could Declan do this to me?

How could he tell me he loved me, and then just cheat on me like I was nothing to him? Why would he do this to me, I did everything for him, I loved him. Everything reminded me of him, I couldn’t even close my eyes to get away from him, and whenever I did I would picture the dream of him with that girl. Amber, her name was Amber. Had they been together since I left, or had it only been last night?

I don’t know which would be worse, to have someone who had a secret girlfriend on the side, treating her how he was supposed to treat you, or having someone throw the whole relationship away for just one night?

Ring Ring.... Ring Ring...

Me and Cole sat up and looked at each other, both confused. “I think it’s mine.” He told me and reached for his phone that was on the table by the door.

“Who would ring at this time?” I asked him. It was still kind of dark outside and I wouldn’t have though that anyone would be up now.

“It’s almost nine you know, we’ve been laid there hours.” Cole said laughing and pulled back the curtains to show me. It was all grey outside, and I knew it would be raining soon. It looked miserable, just as I felt.

Cole tossed me the phone, which had stopped ringing by now, and climbed back into bed with me. He even lifted his arm up a little so that I could put my head back onto his chest. I grabbed the phone and looked at the number, instantly I recognised it.

“Why would Declan ring you?” I asked putting the phone back on the bed. Why would he want to talk to Cole? Sure, I’d understand it if he tried ringing me, but Cole has nothing to do with this. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, I wasn’t ready to talk to him, I didn’t even want to think about him.

“He was ringing all night when you went to bed, I ignored it because I didn’t know if you would want to talk to him or want me to.” He said stroking my hair again. Not a minute passed before the phone rang and Declan’s number came up again.

Cole looked to me, and even without talking I knew what he was asking me. “Answer it, but tell him I never want to talk to him again.” I told Cole, who looked surprised. I was kind of surprised too though, not that I’d said those words, but at the fact that I mean them.

“What do you want?” Cole asked in a nasty voice, he pulled the phone away and was about to put it on speaker when I shook my head. I didn’t even want to hear his voice.

“She’s here, with me. Why?”

“Well she never wants to talk to you again, and neither do I for that fact.”

I listened intently to Cole’s one-sided conversation and could only imagine what Declan was ringing for. Whatever it was Cole kept repeating that I don’t want to talk to him and I could tell he was getting angry from how he had stiffened up.

“Try it, but you come anywhere near Jodie and I swear, I will kick your ass. You think you can treat her like that and then just apologise? Well you can save it, because of you she’s been laid in bed all day and I’m the one that’s looked after her. Jodie doesn’t want to talk to you and neither do I, and you’re sure not welcome at my house again.” Cole said with a voice seeped in anger and hung up.

A few moments passed before either of us spoke again, I think we were feeling a little awkward from the situation. “What did he want?” I asked in a quiet voice even though I knew the answer.

“He wanted to talk to you; he said that he can explain it all. Then when I told him he wouldn’t be talking to you he said he will come visit, I doubt he will though. And even if he does we’ll all be with you, he won’t get anywhere near you.” Cole said looking into my eyes. I knew he wouldn’t let Declan near me, I knew he would help me through this just as he had today.

“Thank you” I whispered and kissed his cheek lightly. I pulled away from his face quickly, realising what I’d just done. We both looked in different directions and shuffled slightly apart.

“So, erm, I’m gunna go...get dressed.” I told him, making up an excuse to get a little alone time. I felt like burying my head into the ground. Why did I kiss him, even if it was just on the cheek? Oh man, I’m an idiot...

“Ok, I better go too...bye.” He mumbled back and almost ran from the room, leaving me to burry my head into the pillow he’d just been laid on. It wasn’t the too-friendly kiss that bothered me so much, it was how it sent butterflies in my stomach and made my heart pound that bothered me.

I can’t get a crush on Cole now, not with everything that’s going on I told myself over and over again. I pushed the feelings to the back of my mind and got dressed in last night’s clothes, since I hadn’t brought a spare change. I tied my hair up without even brushing it and walked downstairs to find all the boys there. The twins rushed to me straight away and hugged me tightly. Jamie was playing with Romeo, who I had seemed to have forgotten about this morning.

I sat down at the breakfast bar and poured a glass of orange juice as I told the twins about Declan and Coles phone call when Cole walked in the room. He smiled and sat next to me, slipping and arm around my waist and moving his head close to mine so he could whisper.

“Sorry for running out, I just, got a bit nervous, if you know what I mean?” I laughed, knowing exactly what he meant, because I had done too.

“Don’t worry, it was my fault.” I said feeling the blood rush to my face with embarrassment. I saw him smirk as he leant forward to whisper again, instead he kissed my cheek. I burst out laughing, just as Cole did.

“There, were even.” He said out loud and made us both a bowl of cereal. Thankfully the awkward atmosphere between us had gone, and we were back to being us.

I ate my breakfast at the small counter with Cole while Ashley and Aiden argued over who would be taking Romeo for a walk in their (very oversized) back garden. In the end though, they both decided that they would take five minute turns each.

I checked my phone for the time, Seventeen miss calls, thirty two texts, five voicemails, all before it was ten in the morning too! All of them were from Declan, who I had set my phone to automatically ignore his calls; the other text was from my mother.

From: Mum

Hey Jode, me and your Dad will be home late tonight, Marissa’s doing fine. We’ll talk when I get home. Hope your being good. Love Mum and Dad x

I sent a quick text back to them and moved to the sofa to watch some TV. Nothing interested me, and even if it did I doubted I would be able to concentrate on watching it. Declan was playing on my mind constantly, and I kept repeating Ambers words in my head, I’m his new girlfriend. I knew I shouldn’t be as angry with her as I am. After all, she’s not the one I trusted. Hell, I don’t even know her! It’s Declan who cheated, who betrayed me. That doesn’t mean I don’t hate her, though.

“Cole, its Wednesday.” I told him, realising why I was feeling as though I’d forgotten something.

“That makes sense, with Tuesday being yesterday.” He said laughing at me.

“Were supposed to be at school...” I told him knowing that I should go home and get ready for school.

“I rang up, pretended to be your Dad and told them you’re ill. Don’t worry, they didn’t suspect a thing.” He answered wriggling his eyebrows. I just laughed at hit his shoulder playfully. Even Cole couldn’t take my mind off Declan though.

“Come here.” Cole said, snapping me out of the day dream I’d been. I was remembering when Declan had introduced me to all his friends as his girlfriend. I was so happy that day, I couldn’t stop smiling. Now look at me, a few months later. Declan cheated on me and left me feeling like the world was ending. Thankfully Cole snapped me out of the dream before I started crying too much. I scooted over to the other side of the sofa where he was sitting and sat next to him.

“Look at me.” He said in a no-nonsense voice, which made me do what he’d told me. “I know you’re upset about what that pricks done, but you should at least be glad that he’s showed his true colours now instead of it being years down the line. And besides, if he’s so much of an idiot that he will cheat on a smart, funny, beautiful girl like you, why would you want to be with him? You’ve got the four of us now anyway, you don’t need him.” He said with my face cupped in his hands. We looked into each other’s eyes for a few long moments before his started ringing and caused us to jump out of the moment.

Cole sighed and showed me his phone screen with Declan’s number on it. It was the first time since this morning that he had rung Cole. Cole answered and I put the phone on loud speaker. Cole was right, I didn’t need- or want- Declan after what he had been doing. Why would I? I deserve better, not just some guy who will cheat on me because he got paranoid.

“I told you that we don’t want to talk to you again.” Cole said with a voice full of anger that even made me flinch.

“I just need to talk to her Cole, come on man, we’ve been friends for years and now you won’t even let me talk to my own girlfriend.” Declan said, and I could hear the desperation in his voice.

“Ex-girlfriend.” I corrected Declan, loud enough so that he could hear. After what Cole had said, I didn’t feel like hiding from Declan. I wanted to let him know how much I hated him. People say you can’t just stop loving someone over night, well you can when you get a phone call like I did last night.

“Jodie, are you there?” Declan asked, his voice sounding even more pathetic.

“Who else would it be? Amber?” I replied, and said her name as though it was disgusting, just like they both were. Cole sated smiling and put his arm around my shoulders, I think he was expecting me to start crying any second, so was I thought to be honest.

“Jodie, you’ve got it wrong its-“

“I’ve got it wrong? Yeah sure, when a random girl rings me up and tells me that she’s your new girlfriend, there really is room there to misunderstand things isn’t there.” I said getting angrier by the second. Cole whispered to me that I don’t have to do this, but I did. Not only to show Declan, but to show myself that I wasn’t one of them girls who would let a man treat her like this.

“Jodie, I’m so sorry I really am. I just had too much to drink and I was angry at you. I love you more than anything, I’m so sorry. I swear I’ll never do it to you again.” Declan replied, practically begging me. How could he actually think he stood a chance after just confirming he did cheat on me?

“I know you won’t do it to me again, because you’ll never get the chance.” I said confidently and hung the phone up. Cole sat there smiling at me, not a laughing-kind of smile, just one that showed me how much he cared for me and how proud he was.

“You’re going to be fine, you’re strong.” Cole said and hugged me tightly.

“I know I will be. I even feel a little better now.” I told him honestly.

I would be fine. I have Cole, Ashley, Aiden, Jamie and Romeo. It will be a while until I’m over Declan completely, but already that journey has started. I know I’ll get there.

What do we think then guys?
Good or bad?

&& do we like Cole or Declan?

Vote & Comment if you like it :D


Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

“Romeo, get down!” I told him for the hundredth time since he’s come inside.

I’d put him in the back garden while I got the house ready for when my parents come home, but one look at the dark clouds and I brought him back in after a few minutes. Typically though, in those few minutes he’d found a muddy path of grass and had decided to roll around it. He was now on some sort of spreading mud mission, jumping on everything frantically, making it impossible for me to catch him. “Gotcha!” I shouted when I finally
got a grip on him. His mistake was running into the TV.

I carried him into the bathroom (making me as mucky as him) and plonked him in the shower. I rinsed his fur until once again you could see his blonde hair. I picked him up, muttering things at him all the while, and dried him quickly with a towel. It’s probably best I leave him in my room until I get everywhere clean, I thought. And so I poured him some fresh water in his bowl and set off back downstairs.

An hour later and the whole house was immaculate (apart from the dish’s in the dish washer, but only because I couldn’t figure out how to use it), so I sat down, with a still slightly wet Romeo and watched some crappy late night show. It was almost eleven and my mum had rung a while ago to say she’d be home about half past, barley giving me time to

leave Coles and get the house ready.
Aiden and Ashley was texting me constantly, and although they avoided the Declan subject I could tell that they wanted to talk about it. Ashley was worse though, always asking if I was okay, and how I was feeling. Aiden on the other hand drew a picture of me, him and Romeo on a beach and sent it to me, making me smile. I was feeling a little better, although I’m sure I would have much better if Declan would give me a little space, rather than text or ring constantly.

I hadn’t even been reading his texts for most of the day, I’d just checked the name (to see whether it was one of the boys or not) and if it was Declan I’d just click the ignore button. Each time I did though, or when I would see his name flash on the screen, a small pang of sadness would ripple through me. I love him, I would think. There was always a small, tiny, part of me that wanted to answer and forgive him, but I knew that part was stupid, so I stuck to my original plan to ignore him.

“Hello sweetie.” My mum said as she walked through the door, followed by my dad who had been left carrying both of their luggage. Even at this time of night my mother had her light hair pulled into a perfect elegant bun on the top of her head, and was dressed as though she was ready for some business meeting. No doubt she took all of her finest clothes, just to show the doctors that all of our family weren’t off-the-rails alcoholics
like my aunt Marissa.

I rushed over to them both, giving them a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. I hadn’t realised how much I'd missed them with all the drama that had been going on. But then again I was glad they weren’t around to see it all, I really need some alone time, even from my parents. We exchanged a bit of small talk, until my mother said she wanted to talk to me, and my dad practically ran upstairs, probably to secret-dad stuff.

“What’s up?” I asked her suddenly aware that she was probably staying over the road from Declan the whole time this had been going on.

“Well darling, I don’t want you to get upset, but Marissa’s decided that its best for her if she goes into a rehab centre, just to help her through.” I let out the breath I had been holding in. “She’s decided that she’s going to stay there for twelve months, it will be more than long enough to cure her addiction.”

“Okay...” I told her a little confused as to how she thought I would react. Sure, me and Marissa were close, but it’s not like we were best friends- or had even spoke since I left to come home. For that fact, we hardly spoke in the latter weeks of me staying there.

“The thing is Jode, we won’t be able to visit her, but she will be able to ring us once a week.” Now that did sting a bit, I would defiantly miss seeing her a whole year, but I suppose it really is the best thing. “And she’s told me that she doesn’t want to sell the house, and doesn’t trust people to rent it. She’s asked if perhaps you would just check on it ever few months, she even said you can use it whenever you like.” My mother told me, smiling her head off.

I would have loved this news forty-eight hours ago. I would have been able to see Declan whenever I wanted, now I dreaded the thought of being so close to him.

“I don’t know if I want to mum.” I told her honestly. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, and I knew I had to tell her that me and Declan had broken up.

“I thought you’d be happy, love. What’s wrong?” She asked me with a voice as soft as marshmallows. She leant forward and moved a strand of hair from my face, smiling sadly at me.

“Me and Declan broke up.” I told her and burst out crying. I told her everything, how he had gotten paranoid, how I was with Cole and the boys when Amber rang me, and the conversation I had with him early this morning. She didn’t say a word; she just stood up and wrapped her arms around me.

I cried on her shoulder until I was exhausted with it all.
She told my Dad to look after Romeo and took me upstairs, me still sobbing sadly behind her. She pulled back the covers and we climbed into bed. We laid back-to-belly as she rocked me, singing a nursery rhyme from when I was a child. And I honestly felt like a child again, crying in bed with my mother. But sometimes only a mother can make their child feel better.

“It gets better hun, I promise.” She told me and continued rocking and whispering how I could get through this until I fell into a dreamless sleep.

For the third day running I woke up well before my alarm. This time though it was due to my phone ringing, rather than Romeo or a bad dream involving Declan. I was expecting to see his name flashing on the screen, like it had been doing almost constantly for twenty-four hours. Instead it was Cole who was calling me. I hesitated before answering, because it was so late and I didn’t want to wake my parents who were sleeping a few doors down.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” I asked my vice still groggy from waking up. I had to press the phone close to my ear to hear him clearly over all the noise in the background.

“Can you come over?” He asked after shouting at someone in the background to ‘shut the F**k up’.

“Why? It’s too late to play out.” I told him, childish I know, but I really didn’t want to leave my lovely warm bed. Although I know he must have a good reason for waking me at this time in the morning. I hopped out of bed and pulled on a jumper while he spoke.

“I’ll send Jamie to come and pick you up now, just be outside yours.” He told me and hung up. What was going on? I know Cole, and he wasn’t the sort of person to pull pranks- at least not on me anyway.

So, against my better judgement, I opened my window and climbed from my room onto a small tree outside my window. I scurried down the tree, and stood waiting for Jamie. His car headlights appeared within thirty seconds and I jumped in as quickly as I could.

“Take it your folks don’t know you’re out?” Jamie asked me as he drove down my short street.

“Yeah, they let their sixteen year old daughter get into a guy they never met car at what- quarter to five in the morning.” I told him, just a little pissed off that I was being dragged out of bed for a reason still unknown to me. He laughed as we turned the corner, but all I could do was stare.

On Cole's lawn was Declan's car shoddily parked. Well, it looked more stuck than parked, one wheel on a long wooden pathway, and the other three on grass and gravel. I couldn’t see anyone yet though, only hear them.

“Where is she?”

“Not inside, not get in your f*****g car and get out of here!” Cole and Declan were stood face to face in front of the house screaming in each other’s faces. Aiden and Ashley were at Cole's sides shouting back at Declan too, although I could tell that Cole was getting mad at them too. Aiden ran to me as soon as he saw me and held my hand, he whispered that Declan had showed up ten minutes ago, accusing me of being inside with Cole.

“I think he’s pretty drunk too.” He told me when we neared the guys, and by the looks of it he was. Declan was stumbling all over, and saying strings of words that didn’t even make a complete sentence. He wasn’t even wearing shoes!

Cole pulled me behind him when Declan noticed I was there. I think Cole was worried that Declan would turn nasty any minute, and so was I. He had a look that I’d never seen before. A look that shiver. He fixed his eyes on me and started mumbling something that was no doubt more insults.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked Cole, completely ignore Declan.
“He thinks me and you are- you know. He wanted to come see for himself I guess.” Cole told me not taking his eyes from Declan for one second.

“Jodie, what's going on? You won’t answer any of my calls; you stayed with him last night, and now your here at 5 in the morning! Man, I never out you down as that type of girl.” Declan spat at me, after a second failed attempt to get anywhere near to me.

Thankfully Jamie and the twins were next to me now too, with Cole still in front. The any bystanders it would look as though we were the ones causing trouble, all lined up against Declan. But he’s the one who turned up in the middle of the night drunk.

“Oh just get lost Declan, its none of your business what I do, you made sure of that when you cheated on me.” I shouted over Cole's shoulder. I was actually quite surprised that Declan could hear me over Cole's yelling at him to get away from me.

“Right, like you wasn’t with him before I went with Amber. You’re just as bad as me so don’t act so hard done by.”

“I didn’t do anything! I loved you, why would I cheat? Me and Cole are a friend that’s all. I'm not you I would never cheat on someone I loved.” I shouted back at him, suddenly furious. I’d done nothing wrong here and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let start accusing me of things that weren’t true.

“Just get back in your car and go to Amber.” I told him crossing my arms and standing next to Cole, who had put a hand on my shoulder. It wasn’t until he did this that I realised I was crying.

“I may as well, at least she know what she’s doing. She’s not some little tart like you.” He slurred back at me. Wow, that stung a bit. The only guy I’d ever been with, the guy I’d lost my virginity to, now judging me because of it! I shook my head at him, unable to say any words.

“Leave. Now.” Cole told him, and I knew he wasn’t messing around anymore. He took his hand from my shoulder and squared up to Declan, who look as though he had no intention of leaving yet.

“You can have her; she’s not worth anything to me now.” Declan said looking directly at me. I turned away and put my head on Jamie, I would have put it on one of the twins’ but they were back at either side of Cole.

I saw Cole clenching his fists and I knew what was coming next, but Declan didn’t. He just stood there, bad mouthing the two of us over and over. Completely ignoring Aiden when he told him he better go. I saw Cole raise his fist and looked away quickly. I buried my head into Jamie as I heard the sharp snapping noise of Cole’s fist connecting with- what I assume- was Declan's face. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that that was it- hoping they would start brawling on the lawn.

I peeked out to see Declan stumbling towards his car, shouting and swearing more things. Although I couldn’t see what damage Cole had caused as his back was turned. Even though Cole was a little shorter than Declan, he was defiantly more built, and I knew he probably worked out a few times a week. Declan was snow driving away, and was soon out of sight. And although I was glad it was over, a small part of me wanted to run after to him and make sure he was okay.

“Come on, I’ll get you home.” Cole told me, and I gave the other a hug and promised to see them at school in about two hours. We walked silently to his car, and drove the short distance to my house. Neither of us spoke until the car came to a stop outside my house.

“Is your hand okay?” I asked Cole, feeling somewhat responsible for what had just happened. If I wouldn’t have become friends with him, then none of this would have happened and me and Declan would have still been together, I knew inside though that I'd made the right choice in choosing between them.

“It’s fine; it was only a tap any way.” Cole said smiling and turning his hand over. Silence washed over us both again, but I think we were both fine with it. We just sat smiling as we looked out of the window. Closure, I though. I’d defiantly gotten some from seeing him.

“Thank you.” I told him, looking at him looking forward.

“Jodie, you should know by now that I'm never going to let anyone treat you like this, so you may as well stop apologising.” He smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

Something inside me stirred. I knew I had feelings for Cole, but its only now I'm starting to think he could return them. I contemplated leaning forward and kissing his lush lips, but I was still getting over Declan. I could use Cole as a rebound, even if what I felt for his was real.

We hugged for a moment longer than friends should and I climbed back up the tree and into my bedroom to a waiting Romeo. He was sitting on my bed wagging his tail. I laid back in bed and looked at the clock, just over two hours until I'm at school, so instead of going back to sleep (which I doubted I'd be able to) I got a long hot bath and thought about the night.

Cole, Declan. I don’t know what to do any more.

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty One

I took a few deep breaths and walked inside the school door, I'm already late- by fifteen minutes. Cole had texted me a few minutes ago asking where I was and that the new of our ‘late night meeting’ (his words, not mine) had spread across school. Great, just what I needed. The hallways were bare as everyone was already in first period so I could avoid the rumours for a little while longer, which is the reason why I’m late.

Not that I told Mrs. Densil, the office receptionist, that though. I explained that my bus had been running late, making me miss the bell, and just over twenty minutes of class. She handed me a late slip, without even looking up, and got back to typing away on her computer. Stuffing the slip into my pocket I walked to my English literature class, which I shared with Cole.

I tried not to think about the few times me and him have gotten, well, a bit more than friendly. Neither of us have deliberately done anything to attract the other, it just seems as though whenever it’s just the two of us, we could end up just a few centimetres apart, with our lips almost touching. Luckily, something has happened each time to stop us making that mistake, but sadly, its a mistake that I wanted to make.

At least some part of me did. A huge part of me screamed for my lips to meet his, to wrap my hands around him and not let go, while another- more logical- part of me told me that I was only feeling this was because me and Declan had just broken up. I wanted to feel as though someone wanted me again, to feel like I didn’t care about Declan or what he had done, and that I could just move on. So, I decided to wait until Declan is out of my life completely to talk, or act, on my feelings for Cole.

I paused at the class room door, noticing how Cole was sitting at the back with an empty seat next to him. So, swallowing the small lump in my throat, I walked in and sat beside him. Mr. Briggs, an English teacher sub that I had quite often last year, raised an eye brow at me. I waved my slip and he nodded without saying a word, or even coming to check the slip. Cole shrugged beside me and smiled in my direction.

“So class, as I haven’t been given any work for you to do, and you haven’t started any assignments yet, you can have this as a free period, so long as you do actually work.” Mr. Briggs told us, and practically everyone cheered. I zipped up my bag that I was just about to take my books from and looked at Cole.

“You wanna go sit outside?” He asked me noticing that practically everyone in the class was watching and whispering about us. I nodded eager to away from everyone and followed him outside. Just as I thought, not another person was out here. Most likely because the chilly morning air was still lingering, and it looked as though it could be another day full of rain.

We sat at a small two-seat table that was covered by a gazebo-type-thing. I wanted to tell him how good he looked in his tight black T shirt and black ripped jeans, or how good the watermelon cologne that he had on was. Instead I sat there and smiled shyly to myself for even thinking those things about him.

“Have you heard the rumours yet then?” Cole asked as he pulled out a small brown paper bag from his backpack. He slid it over to me, and I looked inside, realising that it had the DVD I brought over to his the other day, as well as a pink lip gloss that I must have left there.

“Thanks I didn’t even realise I’d left them.” I told him and applied some of the gloss to my lips. I realised after a few seconds that Cole was staring directly at them, watching me with a small smile on his lips. I looked up to him and seemed to shake him out of whatever day dream he was having. “I haven’t seen anyone yet to hear any.” I told him remembering that he had asked me a question.

“Oh yeah, apparently me and you are together, and we meet up at night to go make-out in my car.” He told me wiggling his eye brows. I laughed, thinking how everyone naturally assumes that if you’re friends with someone of the opposite sex, then you’re dating them. “Of course though I didn’t deny it.”

“And why wouldn’t you deny it?” I asked him, copying his motions and leaning across the table towards him, smiling.

“Are you joking? Who would fess up that they weren’t going with the sexiest girl in the school when everyone already thinks it? Besides, it’s kind of true.” He leant back and studied me for a few seconds, on one hand, I should be flattered that he called me sexy, and on the other, I should be pissed that he implied were together.

“Well don’t worry; I won’t blow your cover.” I told him winking. I could tell everyone that the rumours weren’t true, and that were not together, only friends. But I didn’t know if it was true, I was still pretty sure that we were more than friends, even though neither of us had said or done anything to prove otherwise, I could just feel that we were.

“You’ll blow my what?” Cole said loud enough so that a group of elderly cleaning staff could hear. They looked absolutely mortified, and got up from the table they were resting on and scrambled inside- presumably to tell one of the higher-ups what they had just heard. I kicked him under the table and laughed uncontrollably.

“Thanks for that.” I told him sarcastically and continued to laugh. “And wait a minute- what did you mean when you said it’s kind of true that we made out in your car? I definitely do not remember that ...” I told Cole. I looked into his eyes again, trying to figure out what was going on behind them. He took a few seconds, studying my face before he answered.

“Well, you wanted to, you were thinking about it. That’s not far off from it happening.” He said in a husky voice and leaned even further across the table. He sent shivers down my spine and made my stomach tie itself in knots. I took a few breaths and tore my eyes away from his, although I could still feel them on my face.

Why was he acting like this? Was it because I told Declan last night that it really is over between us, or does he feel the attraction that I feel towards him? All this time I haven’t wanted to act on my feelings towards Cole, perhaps it’s time to reconsider...
“Admit it, you wanted to. Just like you did the other day at mine...just like you do now.” He continued while I sat there looking at his luscious lips. He’s right, I did want to kiss him, I do want to kiss him. Our lips were so close I could feel his warm breath on my face. I bit down on my lower lip, knowing that there was no one else out here but us- no one to interrupt us again. I could feel my breathing getting faster, mimicking my heart rate.

“I think it’s you that wanted it.” I told him, still staring at his lips and trying to slow down my breathing. I didn’t want any more words; I wanted his lips on mine. But still something- I don’t know what- was stopping me from moving the inch forward and pressing mine to his.

“Yeah, your right. It is. Cole said in the same sexy voice as before. I hardly had any time to register the surprise from his words before he pressed his lips tightly against mine.

At first I didn’t move, I was frozen for a few seconds, trying to work out if it was actually happening or not. I felt his hand on the back of my neck, pushing me deeper into the urgent kiss. I reciprocated, kissing his hard, tangling my arms around him, too. The kiss was nothing like how it was with Declan. It was desperate, urgent, and I knew that if we weren’t at school it would have gone much further. Cole pulled away first with a sexy smirk on the lips I’d just been kissing.

“Come on, we’ve got an audience.” He told me in between deep breaths. I turned around to see who our audience was- Mr.McKain, the headmaster, and one of the elderly cleaning staff that had overheard Cole and his rude remarks earlier.

The cleaner was pointing at us, assumedly showing Mr.McKain that we were ‘acting inappropriately’. I looked back to Cole and laughed. He smiled back at me, stood up and waited for me to join him. There was no tension between Cole and I, no awkwardness, it was just the same as it was before we kissed. I looked in his direction again as we walked towards the headmaster. Cole turned and winked at me; making me blush and making me want to kiss him again.

“Detention. 3 O’clock, my office. Both of you.” Mr. McKain said in a hard tone and walked back inside the school building without even waiting for our protests. Great, my parents are going to kill me when they find out I’ve gotten a detention already. I just prayed that no one would ring them and say why I had gotten it.

I started to follow the cleaner and headmaster inside when Cole grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was facing him. “Come to mine later. After we’ve had detention.” He asked me, although it was more like he had already made up my mind that I would go.

“Yeah, sure. I mean, I’ll have to text my mum, but I’ll be able to come.” I told Cole, I was planning on going any way, though he didn’t need to know that.

“Good, we’ll finish our movie marathon.” He winked and smiled at me. I smiled back, and he pressed his lips tightly against mine again, only for a few seconds though.

As we walked down the hallway, I think we both knew that what had just happened was going to be kept between us two for a while. So we pretended that nothing had happened, even though we were greeted with some accusing looks from other students.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.12.2011

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