
A Little Insite

I'm about to turn 18 in a month. What sucks out of everything is that my birthday is during school I have always envied people who have summer birthdays. Well like my mother used to say tuff cookie. She got killed last month with a lot of the other pack members when concuring the silver moon pack. My pack calls me shrimp due to my height but it seems all the girls are taller then me in the pack. Can you blame them I am just 5 feet. I always thought I was a late blumer and that's why I don't look as hot as the other wolfs. The only thing i'm good at is fighting. If you saw me at first you would think you could take me down in one hit. They clam i'm the first red wolf that has been seen in a while. They say that a monster always comes after people like me with special abilities or so they try to scary me to behave. At first I thought it was true. I mean what is a child to believe. My red hair is all that stands out in the whole pack even my mom could find people to have white fur as her wold but never red. I always feel like the one left out even though my pack loves to have me around. I know that a lot of wolfs would love to be my mate or so i'm told by my friends. I have my honey eyes they all ways seem to have a tent of green in them. Cynthia always says they are mostly green when i'm happy. Unlike Cynthia or any of the other female wolfs i'm skinny and have a few abbs.  Which is sexy to some guys at school. I look good with a tone body but do have good boobds to stand out for a small chick. I wear a 34D and my butt is tinny but purky if i say so myself. Most girls think they can talk down to me but after a few trainings they not to bully me. I just can't wait to my birthday when we invite a lot of other packs in the hope to find my mate.

The Unknown Truth

"Stop running down stairs" Luke yelled out to me. "Your not my mom luke." "No, I'm not Ana but i'm alpha so stop!" He always like putting me down espacially infront of his mate. You see luke was rejected and became alpha cause of my mothers death. "Ana just cause you have a red wolf doesn't mean your alpha." " Brother please stop i'm going out to go out with cynthia and the girls." I hated when he acted like that but let it go cause I know how it felt to loose mine I can only imagine how it felt to loose a mate. "I'll be back before dinner. I know it's a school night. Love you bro bro!" He gave me a kiss as I walked out the door. I walked into my baby. Which is a silver Ferrari 488GTB that I loved so much. As I was pulling off Mike run up to my car. He tapped on the glass to make it roll down. "What do you want Mike?" "Please let me come you know the girls love me around." He said in his most sexy voice. I mean don't get me wrong the girls did love him around. But it seemed like if he liked me a little too much. "Okay what ever. Get in their waiting!"

We drive to the beach we live in California and love to go to a private beach we own my long beach. We get their and all the girls come to help me with the stuff I brought to eat for us. I always get stuck bringing the food i guess cause im always the last one there. Not cause i'm lazy but being next alpha in charge takes a lot off work. "Hey girls! how is the water?" Cynthia is the first to answer "It's okay. I wish more of the guys would have came." I laughed. "You mean you wish Mike's brother could have came." You see Nick was Mikes older brother by two years. He hasn't found his mate but she clames he is her mate she just can't feel it yet cause her birthday isn't intill another five months. "What ever Ana!" "Well I know I hope Mike is my mate." Claudia says looking Mike up and down. "You Wish Claudia." Claudia acts sad and pouts her lips. "I think you'll find someone better just you wait." Elle and alex where busy arguing like they always do. "Now what is the whole commotion over here." I say while putting my hands around thier necks. "Elle says that she was going through are pack history as a book worm she is and found your real birth cirtificate. That your birthday is today one min before Middnight." "That isn't what I said. I told you the legend is the one that has it written that way okay. But I did look and your birthday was today and today is a full moon. It states you will come to turn today and gain your true form you hide. Ana are you sure your birthday is not today?" I thought long and hard. Now that I think of it I have never seen my birth certificate. I always went with what my mother said to me. "The truth Elle I don't know if I have ever seen my birth certificate." I stated. "Can we have fun at the beach please I don't want to hear the legend today. Almost every year they try to scare me with that story. I've had enough." Mike noticed I was getting up set he picked me up and ran. "What are you doing?" "Making you have fun." He said as he through me in the water. He then grabbed claudia which he saw her jelousy and through her in the water too.

The Foggy Truth

 We arrived five min. before the pack was getting ready to eat. I love how everyone sat at the table and tried to get along even if we all were in arguments at each other. It was tradition for our pack to sit down and enjoy are selfs the rule was always no fights at the table. Which the little one's allways tried to get away with.

"Your home sis finnaly. I though you would want to move dinner to the beach." Luke said while messing up my hair. "You know I wouldn't miss dinner for the world. Plus I have something that has been brought to my attention." "What is it sis? Can it wait after dinner or do you want to go to the office?" I thougth of it for a momment and decided I was too hungry to wait till later. "If I was you I wouldn't wait?" I turned to see who was talking to me. I was the only when in the living room cause luke and mike had left me in the living room. "You are finnaly ready." I heard it again but I didn't know where the voice was coming from. Intill it hit me! I was my wolf maybe she has woken up finnaly." "Are you my wolf?" "Yes, Their is a lot you must know don't wait till 12:00 to find out. My name is Ray." I heard about awakening your wolf. They say it is wierd at first but your wolf is a second part of you that helps you out and warns you about a lot of things. I desided to eat then speak to my brother.

We ate everyone was having a fun time. Mike sat next to me and tried to flirt with me and the girls like always. We all teased that he was secretly guy cause he hanged out with us more then the other guys. Once dinner was over I got to talk to my brother but by then it was 11:00pm. I know their wasn't enough time is my wolf awoke so it was time to get down to work.

I walked in to luke office as i followed him in. "So what did you need to talk about?" "Well Elle brought up the legend of the pack. And well I had a few questions to ask." " Ana Please let me Elle didn't look up the pack history with out alpha permitions. Legends are for alpha Knowelege only and you know that?" " Well you know Elle." I justured with my hands. He looked mad and then he sat deeper in his chair. "What did you find out?" I waited a few seconds thinking if I sould tell him the truth. I knew Elle would get in trouble. "Just tell him before you change forms in the room." My wolf told me as she sounded worries. "She said my birthday was not in a few days it's today before midnight. And other stuff but the main thing is that I think I was born today." I said really quick hopping he would only catch on to my birthday being today. "What? I didn't read that in the books the page was blank. Are you sure she didn't use her ability to see what is written on the bottom of the legend? Ana it is important you know your mate will become for you and he will not stop to find you. Their is a lot of diffrent things that happenes when a red wolf forms." "No, She didn't say that. She just said my birthday is today and my wolf can talk to me. What do you mean my mate will come for me?" He looked at me worried. "I'm going to tell you the legend as I take you to the Trainging room. If your wolf is awake the only place that is safe is the training room." He looked at me and muttered something about having more time. 

The Transformation

 We where walking as fast as we could so for wolfs that was like light running for humans. "Ana I want you to understand your mate will be differnt. In some legends they state the strongest mate will come first. Their are creatures wolfs and humans have never seen and you will be the one to see them. There is through to be more then just humans and wolfs in the world but went into hidding. They say the red is their to protect and keep balance. It is known that the red would birth both wolf and creature. The say you will need to choose to stay with wolf or leave with creature. Reds have always left after seeing creature. Once they know that the wolfs are safe from the creatures. That is why they tried to scare you with the myth that you heard of. You do not die like in the myth but no one has hurd of a red to stay as history shows." As soon as we got in there it was 11:50. Just a few more min before 12:00 midnight. My brother hugged me before he opened the door and locked me in. "It will be okay Anastasia. I will be here for you." I whispered a thank you in my head before feeling my body in pain. I feel my bones slowley brake as they say the first transformation is the slowest. It feels as if my bones are braking slowler then time its self. I then turn into a full red wolf I am bigger as a wolf. I am at 10 feet I look at the mirror my eyes are purple but how can that be? "They are my eyes. Even though I am inside of you my eyes shine through." My wolf told me as I looked myself in the mirror. I was happy are training room was as big as a ball room if not any wolf would go crazy in a small space. "Do you think are mate is on it's way? What do you think he is?" I asked my wolf as I was getting excited. "I do not know. I only know what you know for now. Your abilities will come soon." I was puzzled wolfs could only have one ability even if they where alphas. But then again I'am a red wolf. I so wanted to stay in my wolf form but knew my brother's wolf wouldn't allow it. They are said red wolfs once trandformed do not need to follow any alpha if chose not too. But I felt like turning. I didn't want to be naked when my mate arrived if the legend was true anyways. So I turned back it took a while but didn't hurt as bad as transforming.


I was in human form when I grabbed a towel from the training room. We left towels just in case anyone transformed from anger which happened a lot to guys. It seemed like most girls could keep it under control after a week from turning. I knocked on the door to getting a bear hugg as I step half way out the door. "You transformed and turned back faster then the others." My brother stated too me. "Lets get you dressed. My wolf has located a diffrent smell then wolf or human closing in on terriroy. The guys know to let him in so there will be no trouble." I was so excited it i wasn't in a towel I would jump to hug my brother first. 

Once I ran up stairs to hope in the shower I was worried that I wouldn't be good enough for my mate. My wolf kept on telling me he should kiss the ground I walk on. But once I went to change I didn't look fully in the mirror intill I was about to walk out of my room. I have a mirror on the back of my room I have always had it there so when I walk out I know I look good. I looked and I was a foot taller the only way I noticed cause my shirt fit a lil too short. My jeans looked perfect. Being short they were always a little to long but it seemed to fit just right. My butt said the same which I didn't mind. I looked at my eye and they looked fully green. I thought I was a completly diffrent person I didn't even recognize. I was lost in my looks intill I hear my brother yell. "He is here I think you would like to see him." I run down stairs almost falling. Now I know why tall people have trouble running. When I go to the living room I throught I was DREAMING!! "MATE! MATE!" My wolf screamed in my head causing me to almost fall over. Before I could someone got to me it seemed like they came out of no where I was five feet away from where my brother was. When I looked up a guy with black hair and with blue tips and gorgues eyes stand infront of me. As i looked in his eye they turned dark blue and so did his hair. His face looked so amazing when he finnaly he stood up he came to be 7feet. I might have touched his chest and could have felt an eight pack. He looked slim but not too tinny. He was perfect down to his toned body! "He is all ours. Or should I say Mine!" My wolf seemed to want to take him then and their. If it wasn't for my brother and a few others looking at what happened.

The dragon

 "Hi. My name is Liam. " I was in love with his deep voice. It sounded like angels singing. "More like a god that came to life." My wolf decided to comment. She wasn't off I just never felt this way for no one before. "Hey. My name is Anastasia. Most call me Ana or the guys call me red." All I wanted to do so badly was kiss him so badly. "If you want it all you had to do was ask." All of a sudden he leaned in and kissed me. I heard someone clear there throught and like that I remembered my brother was still there. I felt my cheeks heat up so badly I thougt I would burn my own face. " I wouldn't mind this meeting continue in my office. Of course If you guys pomise not too make things worse." "I promise Luke." We started heading to my brothers office when I felt Liam touch my hand. I gladly let him hold my hand. I felt so many feelings of loning, lust, happniest, and excitment. At first I thought it was my feelings intill we got to my brothers office. Liam looked and the feeling changed from worry, to dought, and confusion. "Are you okay Ana." "Yeah I'm fine Liam." " Are you love birds coming in the office or staying outside." We all walked into my brother's office. Liam still sending confusing through me. We ended up sitting in my brothers couch while my brother sat behind his desk. "So Liam is it. So you where saying you know the other part of the legend we are clueless about." "Yes, Ana actually knows everything in a way. Red can actally look at past reds life and the outcome of it. She will be tested with three brothers that where born triplets all a diffrent creature." "What! I have to choose between boys to find my legend that is true to me. Not only that but i'm going to have to get pregnant and have twins one creature one wolf!" I was so in shock. I didn't know what to say or do and I think Liam knew it cause I couldn't read his emotions freeley. "I know it's a lot to take in sis but everything will be okay. I know alpha and red are the only one's to know your true form would you like to show us or wait till you become what ever it is you are." I looked at look angrly. "Really luke! You don't have to be so mean to him and demand to see or know what he is." "It's okay red. I don't mind I know a lot of alphas demand worse." In that he turned to something so big and beautiful. His scales where just like his hair. I think my mouth was on the floor. I thought I was totally dreaming intill." Your a dragon!!" Luke yelled out.

Dragon's Past

I felt so light headed when I saw him transform. I felt my body go limp and everything was black for a moment. 

"Did I black out." I said trying to reach up for help. When I stood up I was somewhere else in a meddow. When did I get here? "You first meet here before vampires died. Before a lot of creatures died." My wolf told me. Everything felt so real but I knew it was a memory of a red before me. "Ray is this still you?" "Yes, I am the reason you can always see everything before in past lifes. Just wait a little longer you will see why we are here." All of a sudden I see someone come out of the woods. It was a dragon almost look like liam but had red scales with black. "All your past mates do not look the same. But all where so sexy to look at!" I was a little excited to see him in human form when ray sayed that. But then it seemed like it was winter now. Someone ran up to me and hugged me. He was so sexy he looked a little taller then liam just more bulky. "My choice is you." I don't know where the words came from but he kissed me. As I enjoyed the kiss from a past mate I felt flames. I was then in the same meddow running to a wall. I stopped real quickly too look back. I saw that all dragons where coming to the wall and flying back through. Fire was coving the medow and a town not to far. I saw wolfs running the oppisote way. "Why do they not come with?" I asked out loud not knowing my mate was their. "They do not wish to come so dragons will now be behind the wall with the fairies. You just killed all shape shifters like you for making a war with humans, wolfs, and dragons. They tried to kill you and the wall with it. As long as you live the wall will stay up." I was so in shock by the past wolf had to do. I knew now that something big was going to come and that is why I was born. "Will wolfs ever join us behind the wall?" "Not unless you allow them to join baby. You are the one to deside when it is time for humans to never see any of them again." I wonder is that why I am seeing this I chose him once before will I choose him again. I was felling a little out of shacky. I felt dizzy again. "It is time to go back. You need to find other mates to know what you must do. The dragon was the last to come this time but he is the first to come now." Okay i'm ready to go back to luke and liam. Take me back ray i'm ready. I told her in my head. All of a sudden everything went dark again.

Back to school!

 I woke up in my room. I looked down and was in my pjas last time I left I was wearing something diffrent. "Hello." I yelled out to see who would come. I head someone run out the bathroom to the room. It was Liam that only had shorts and a towel around his neck. "Are you okay ray. Is something wrong with red? Will she ever be back?" I was so confused. Why did he call me ray first. "I took over before you left this time. I walked you to your room changed you and put you in bed. I told the boys when you wake if everthing was okay you would wake. If not I would have enough time to give another message before you choose to come back."  So in a way I can see past lives of us but not without leaving my body almost helpless. "That's right!" So know that I confurmed a new ability I was ready to see my second mate. I wanted to get everything over. "I'm okay it's me Anastasia. How long was I out Liam?" "A whole week. The good thing you woke up on the first day for school. I almost thought I would have to go alone." I jumped off bed. "What you would go to school without me. The girls would try to claim you are their's you are MINE!" I yelled I didn't know if I spoke for me or ray. But I had a feeling I spoke for both of us right now. I ran past Liam and hoped in the shower. I took a quick shower but then stopped when I got out the shower. "You had to take a shower and not grab a towel!" Ray yelled in my head. She was right now I need a towel and those are a cross the bath by the door. Liam would see me. I desided to run for it but as I was running back someone pulled the towel. "You don't need that while i'm here." A guy said with blond hair honey eyes and very tan. He looked a little older then me but was tall and bulky. "Mate!" My wolf yelled in my head. I droped to the floor to cover myself as I did the towel feel on top of me and Liam ran in the restroom. "Are you okay red I heard you run and then fall to the floor. Did you fall?" My face felt so red. I think I look like a tomato by now from so much blushing. I looked up to liam looking so consurned. "I think your brother has the ability to teleport." I stated super embaresed. I felt him try to calm down but felt his dragon get mad. I knew he would transform. I hugged him so fast I fell on top of him good thing I had my towel cause my brother walked in looking angry. "Pack meeting Now!" He yelled in alpha voice. I shook my head and ran to my walk in closet. I through on lace bra and undies. Just in case his brother was to see me almost naked again. Then through on black skinnies with a green top and leather black jacket to go on top. I ran to get my bag and white converse to match my bag. Once I was done I grabbed Liams hand and ran down stairs. My brother just started his announcments for today like always. "As you know Liam is new to the pack. Anastasia just awoke. She will be protected by liam today. All packs most go to school and if you notice something strange around them report ASAP. We might be in danger as you know in the legend. Anastasia is the only one that knows what is to come once she meets all three mates. Any questions." I raised my hand cause I wanted my brother to think he was still alpha in my eyes. "Yes." My brother said calling for me to ask. "Do not be alarmed but I think my second mate may be around at school. His ability is teleportaiton. I didn't see him well but he visited me this morning." Everyone started whispering when they noticed my diffrent looks. My brother got the packs attention by clearing his throut. "Thanks for the update. You are all free to go to school please be safe."

All my pack that went to school all got in the cars assigned to them. You see we could not show humans we all lived their and had tons of money so some would get rides from others some would ride the bus. I got to ride my own car sometime Claudia, Elle, Alex, Cynthia, and Mike. I was one of the few senoirs to have a sports car so they loved to come ride with me. Today I noticed claudia going in the football guys car. Which I didn't mind. I walked up to my car and opened the door. Liam hopped in the front seat. While I was getting in cynthia asks for a ride. "Hope on in or you'll ride the bus with Elle and Alex today." She shook her head and ran in the car. Right when we where about to start driving mike nocked on the window. I rolled it down. "Yes mike." "Please ana let me drive. I want to empress everyone on the first day and claudia will talk to me again." I knew he probably pranked her agian while I was out cold. I just took a deep breath and let him drive. "You better take care of my baby or you will die." I said in my most threatning voice.

First day of School

 We arrived a little late only on purpase. My brother had to make sure pack didn't arrive all at the same time. We got out the car and my wolf wanted to take control. I tied to calm her down. She was only acting like that cause a lot of girls where trying to get Liams attention. Right before I was going to run off Liam pushed through them and grabbed my hand. A lot of the girls got upset and when away. Show whispered they would get him later. "Thanks." I told Liam. He just smiled at me as we walked up the stairs to our school. "We better go get are schedules before we are late." "That would be awsome babe." I blushed when he said that we picked up his schedule and was the same as mine only second and study hall where in diffrent classes. I hate AP Math while he had basic and just diffrent study hall teachers. 

Our first class was History which Liam said he loved. I'm suprised he didn't take the AP class. He just stated to me that then he would have one less class to spend with me. In science we had assigned seats that would deturmain are partners. Cynthia sat with Liam which made me happy. Don't get me wrong my wolf was mad. Intill I explained that he could have sat with mike or brenda the class whore. I could tell mike was jelouse by the way he acted all rude against Liam. I got to sit with Ethan. Me and Ethan where friends intill middle school when he stoll my bra from gym class and put it on the flag poll. So science went by so slow I longed for Liam but Ethan seemed to like to drop my stuff. I was so happy when it was over. Next was english which I loved almost as much as history. Even though my best subject is Math. In English claudia passed a note. She said that Ethan had to be my human mate. I laughed intill she told me her ability on the note. I asked my wolf of this and she stated I didn't touch him so she wouldn't know. So my goal was try to become friends with Ethan and get him alone so hold his hand. I don't want another ride to the past so quickly. In art I tried so hard to clear my head but everything a drew came out to be claws, hand prints, scales, and wings. I love drowing to take stress out but things where getting out of had. I was happy to hear the bell ring for lunch. 

"Liam I forgot my purse in the locker. I'll be right back." "Okay red don't take too long someone might take you away." I gigled as he kissed my cheek and left. As I walked down the hall I felt wierd like a pressence. "I can feel you near me." I whispered Knowing only one mate's name was to be left to discover. I didn't want to force it so I'm thinking Ethan will touch me when it is my time but i'm worried my second mate mite claim me without choice of who I choose. "I wish you where better naked little red. I know that is what your body wants." He whispers in my ear. I know it was him how his voice made me want him. I turned around to nothing. "Silly red it's not time for us to fully meet. but I tried to be first so badly but liam was stronger." I was a little sad not to see him yet. I kept walking right before I left him I felt someone grab me. He had his hand on my waist. "Close your eyes so I don't disappear." I did as told I felt him kiss my neck. I never wanted to stop intill. Some one pushed him off and hugged me. " You will not take her not now not ever. You caused to much and that is why you will never touch her again." 

Forth Mate!

I saw someone with green eyes if they where apart of me. Unlike Liam or Ethan who looked almost a like he was diffrent. He was almost 8 feet tall. Big frame yet skinny in a way. He looked like a model no flows. "Now He is a creature of goddess." My wolf screamed. Before he could touch me he was gone. Mist took him away along with the other mate. Liam came running down the hall screaming my name. I felt my ears ringing. I could see on Liams face he was talking but yet my ears could not here anything. "I need my brother Liam. Take me to him I can not hear. He is the best Healer their is in the world. Take me to him please." I sow Liam run up to Cynthia and tell her something. I would guess to call my brother and check us out. After he ran back picked up our things and me along with everything. He ran to the roof and then took on his form he carried me to a maddow. Then changed behind some bushes. I memorized this same meddow was from my vision or so it looked like a half copy. I think meddows was just where the dragons loved to be. I then started playing the green eyes in my mind over and over again. "Everything will be okay. The power of the reds is trying to block his path of memory. Another red must have blocked it away from you." Great now my body is going through hell. I felt myself transform all the way. All the pain came back worse. It felt as is the transformation got worse. How could that be? I waited in my wolf for my brother. Thinking of my mate with green eyes to come for me. In a way I knew that he was the key to something but what. I wanted to stop. My head was spinning my ears where rinning. I then sow a bright light come to me. I felt it all around me almost hugging me. Then I heard a women voice. "Don't be afraid my child you will live. Just let the image go. Do not hold on to him for he is the key to distruction. He is an evil to the world." After I took what she said I let him go. I told my wolf to be happy with the mates we got. I mean we already got three mates do you really want another to maybe break his heart. She is the same and let him so a peice felt happy. Another one wanted him still their. My armed burned for a little but then stopped. When I looked at it it looked like an arror that went around my arm. I heard a voice that didn't sound like ray. You will not eliminate me as a mate. I have hidden in most past lives but when I show you will see I'm not the only evil mate you have. For the first brother of mine is always favorite but never chosen. I warn you red to not mark dragon for he will bring fire to the world. 


So Two months have passed since school started. It is now October the biggist party is always on Halloween. It seems like the whole school dresses up to go show out at the pack house party. Only the humans don't know about us so we all claim it's my party. Yes so it falls on my sholders to through the most awsome party if not everyone will shame me in school. If you ask me I think it's total bullshit but we try to show out so the house doesn't seem out of place. All school knows of it that no costume means no getting in through the gates. 

I was busy talking to ray of how to do this and handle everthing going right at the same time. I decided to try to call cynthia after school but it seems like she isn't any where to be found. When I tell Liam to help out he said he would on every friday but I get to see him for 1hr of help and then some how he always runs off some where. I was getting so feed up so today after school I was going to confront Liam. It was the last friday to plan and get everything cause next friday is the party. 

So today past by almost every borring day. Everyone was talking about dates they would bring to the party. First period past by so fast. While second period was passing so slow. I got done with all my work and was planning what I need to get before the end of class. Ethan I guess noticed my fustration and ask what was wrong. "Ana I know we havn't talked in a while but can we be friends again." I took a deep breath. "Ethan I would love that. I'm lacking a friend right now so sure." "Ana do you mind me asking what is wrong?" "Not at all. I'm just having trouble with the party." "I could help lil red if you need it. If you want I could help today and tomorrow." I got so happy and took a little less stess off my back. "That would be nice I'll give you my number in math the bell is about to ring." Just then the bell ran. It seemed like liam was right by my side when it did. Liam put is arm around me and we walked out the class room. "Little red please tell me you not letting him help." He was the one to talk. On that note I walked away. He has some nerve to tell me something like that. It seemed like he was never around. The rest of the day I didn't see him. "This is your fault that he went away all day."  He was not being a good mate now leave me alone. It seemed like everyone was on me. At lunch I went to the libary just to relax and then the rest of the day went by fast. In last period in math I sat by Ethan. He did try to speak to me. I gave him my number but when the bell ringed I ran to my locker to find Liam. Lucky I saw him going around the corner to the gym. I was running after him but before I pushed the door open I heard people talking. "Liam are you or are you not going to tell her. I just don't care if she is your mate you are to be with me!" I heard her try to whisper it. "I will tell her just give me time. You don't know how it feels to reject a mate. If I felt jelouse with that Ethan guy. You too are driving me crazy." After Liam said that I heard the door open it was CYNTHIA!! "That bitch I will rip her to peices!!" Ray yelled in my head. I felt so dizzy I wanted to faint. Then I felt someone touch my sholder and I blacked out.

The human mate

 I was using my power. It was too stong to stop it. "If you fight it your power will take longer to see your vision. Just go to it and you will last an hour using your power." With that I let myself go. Everything was black for a while then I saw someone run to me. He was the opposite of Ethan but he was still handsome. "Princess you need to leave the wolf pack is after you." He grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs. I almost fell when he picked me up like a bride. "You should be more carefull princess. I don't think your true mate would like if I got scraches on you." I felt like touching him but before I could he started running again. We were in a tower hidden behind a secret wall. He put me own gently as not letting go of me. "Princess I know you are not mine but I hope in another life I will be the mate you choose. I know you need to know what I truly am but maybe in the next life you will truly find out." I was so confused. I didn't know what he ment. I touched his face before I could kiss him or confort him I drifted off. It seemed like a time diffrence. I was with a fairy holding me tight. "Little red I will always love you. I know you chose the dragon. But I always fall under a protecter. I was told never to be the chosen one enless the dragon is blue. Please remember things are not what they seem little red. I might not ever be chosen but you will always be in my heart." Just as I was about to comment on the blue dragon I woke up. Ethan was beside my bed. So I guess he will be the my the one I will pick. How do I know he is the right one. He has shown me a lot but stated everything so confusing. So he will never be chosen but is my protecter. But the dragon is blue so will he be my true mate? I was so confused and had a bad headache. I wish I could hide under a rock at this moment. 

New Power

 I looked over at Ethan and then he looked shocked. I couldn't tell his feelings but when looking on his face something was wrong. "Ethan, What is wrong?" "Ana I can feel you but can not see you! What are you?" I knew I was going to have to tell him something. "Just tell him what you are. He is your protector." I was still thinking what to say when he huged me. "Ana it's okay you are not the only one with secrets." "Ethan I really want to tell you but I don't want to scare you or hurt your feelings." He hugged me a little tighter. "I'm happy Ana that even though I have pushed you away you still care for me. I thought you would never talk to me again." I wanted to cry. He just struck so much emotion into me. I almost felt like I could tell him anything. "Then tell him the truth!" Ray yelled in my head. Just then he looked suprised. "I can see you again. I thought I would never see your beautifull face again." He leaned in and was about to kiss me when the door slammed open. I got scared and held on the Ethan's hand. 

"She is mine Ethan you do know that. You are so weak that you never tell her the truth. You better keep your hands off of my red. When she comes back tell her I need to talk to her." Ethan nodded and Liam stormed away. I couldn't believe he could not see me. I guess I need to get used to my power. "I think I should stay it seems like I'm the only one that can see you right now." He was right but What was Liam talking about? I wanted to know more and how did Liam and Ethan know each other. "They are brothers!" "Ow Yeah I forgot that thanks ray." "Who is ray?" Ethan asked looking at me confused. "She is my wolf." "I'm happy you are open with me I thought you would never tell me." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Did you know about the legend?" I was so shocked did the three brothers know who they were. If so why didn't Ethan tell me. I started getting so many questions that poped in my head. "I know a little only what was told by me from my mother. You see my mom gave birth to us but had to give my other brothers to our father. One would live behind the wall while another one would live with the pack closest to you." "Wait so your brothers know who I am? Did you know we where mates?" I didn't know to be shocked or angry. How could he not have told me. "I am your protector I do what is best for you. I don't know exactly what is comming or what the future holds. I can only say what I know. We didn't know who the red wolf would be. In most legends she transfroms to her true form on her birthday. I never knew it was you." "Okay I understand Ethan. I was just worried you that you knew all along." It was a quiet between us for a few minute intill I heard my brother call me. 


I ran to talk to my brother. I bumped into a couple people but i guess I was still invisable cause they looked at me as if they where confused. When I got into my brothers office he looked alarmed. "Who is in here?" He asked in his alfa voice. "It's me Luke. Your sister can you not see me?" "No, It's feels wierd not seeing you as we speak. Is this your new power?" "Yeah I wanted to talk to you about what is going on." He could hear the worry and sadness in my tone. "What is wrong little sis?" "Well it is Liam and Cythia. I think Liam is cheating on me with her. I just can't beleive this is happening. Cythia was my best friend. We used to be so close but she has been distante lately and Liam only sees me at school but disappers almost everyday." I guess my powers where down cause my brother came and walked me to the couch in his office. He let me cry on his sholder and he rubbed my back. "Well I knew this true mate this is diffrent. I mean being rejected by a mate hurts. Who knows maybe you just looking at things in the wrong light. I mean I know Ethan is your other mate. So maybe it wasn't ment to be with you and Liam. Just let things play it's corse. You still have one more mate you have not meet. Plus how do you know the last mate is not your true mate." He was right. What am I thinking he is almost always right. That why I was happy he was alpha. He took a deep breath. " I think you need take a break from school. Just try to focus on controling your powers. I will send information with Elle." I shook my head yes in agreement. I almost forgot Ethan was in my room when I opened the door. 

"Do you want me to spend the night little red or go home?" "Please stay with me for tonight." He got on the bed agreeing to stay. "Tomorrow we can start picking up the stuff you need from the Holloween store little red. Lets go to bed we have a long day tomorrow." I just layed in bed and snuggled up to his chest. Are legs were intertwined. I didn't care that he was wearing just his shorts. Mean while I was fully clothed. I was too sleepy to change before I knew it I fell fast asleep. 


 "Wake up Ana before someone comes in and thinks wrong." Ethan was trying to shake me awake. I kept on acting like I was asleep. I wanted to just stay in bed today with him. Even though I knew I would have to get up soon. "I'm going to tickle you little red if you don't wake up." Right as I said that I felt his lips at the corner of my lips. Right when I was going to lean in I feel him start to tickle me. I was laughing so hard and wiggling every where till I fell off the bed. All of a suden my door opened. I was Liam! "So I see little red that you will let this mate in bed but wont even let me kiss you. I thought you didn't have it in you brother. I guess you have made her your now. Did you tell her?" "Tell me what?" I looked at Ethan confused. "It's nothing little red. He doesn't know what he is talking about." Ethan then looked at Liam. "You don't even know what is going on. You just lying to her like always. I didn't mark her or have sex with her." Liam with a blank face replyed. "It's not like you would be the brother to do it first." With that I  lost my temper. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM LIAM." As I said that A gush of wind blew him out and closed the door. I looked at Ethan. "Did I do that?" He nodded yes. I got up and went to my closet. "I'm a take a shower I think you should go home and get ready. We can meet up in the afternoon to go pick up the stuff for the party." "Okay little red that sounds good with me." 

The Suprise

I got in the shower and got ready to go do my things as second alpha. I mainy take care of all the pregnant women and the things that need to be done before pack meetings. I usually help with the things that my brother forgets to do to make pack happy. I know I don't have to check up on a lot of things but still do so they know we care. It got close to lunch so I desided to txt Ethan. Lets meet up at the Halloween store in an hour. A few min later I got a responce. That sounds fine with me. I'll see you then.

An hour later I was waiting outside the store. Ethan walked up to me and hugged me. "Hey little red ready to grab everything we need." He asked looking a little nervous. I shook my head yes and grabbed his hand when walking in. It felt so right that I think I could feel ray purring like a cat. It made me feel greate. "So red what is on the list." I took out the list and we started grabbing everything. Ethan tried to make small talk as the time went by. We got all the cups, plates, and decorations needed for a huge party. Felt like we bought most of the store. The lady at the front looked shocked when she rang everything up. She just asked to pay and to swip my card. I could tell she was suprised my car cleared. She got less shocked when she helped us put the supplies in my car. How I love my car so much. When we where done I felt so much better. I knew I still had to call people for lights and etc. for the party but one thing off the list is better on me. You see I love to plan parties but when I do I love to get everything done before so I can have fun too. 

We hopped in the car and I started driving to the pack house when a question came in my head. "Ethan what did Liam mean by if you told me yet?" I felt a little nosie but I mean I did have a right to know. "Well I don't know if I can tell you yet. When I tell you it will be the first in history. So I kind of want if to be special if you don't mind." He is so sweet. Ray said in my head. "I understand Ethan. Just forget I even asked. I just don't know when to keep to myself." "Little red you know that is not true you look after everyone that is just how you are." He was a little right but sometimes I did feel lost like I don't know what to do or say to my mates. We got to the house and the pack came and to help with all the things we bought. "Ethan, Would you like to go out to get something or do I have to take you home." " I really wish I could stay but I have to go my mother called. She wants me home maybe next time." 

I droppe Ethan and then decided to go home and train. I knew Mark would be down there at this time and wanted to talk to him about costume ideas. Unlike the other girls I didn't want to go as a slutty princess or slutty anything. So I just wanted to know Marks idea of something to look sexy without showing too much skin. I walked to the training room. As I walked to the training room mike was coming out. "Just the person I wanted to see." I said as I jogged up to him. He looked at me confused. "What for? It's not like you have time for us normal people." I was so taken back I could feel wind blowing. I took a deep breath to calm myself. "You know it's not like that Mark. You know I just had a lot too do. Plus we always run costume ideas by each other. So are we matching this year or you going to abandon me like freshmen year." He laughed and put his arm around me and we walked to my room. Besides Mark and my mates no other boys would come in my room. Well except my brother of corse. He knew I loved being in my room. "Your not still on that. I'm sorry I thought I told you I was going with brenda. She forced me to wear that costume. You know I was humiliated." " I know just trying to give you a hard time. Well I was thinking I could be a pirate. What you think?" "Where you not a pirate last year come on show a little skin if you are being a pirate no pants little red." I let out a deep breath. As we got to the room there was something diffrent. Mark opened me the door and we sow an angel costume. It looked like a little too sexy for my taste but I loved the winds. "Don't tell me you chose out my outfit for me Mark. What am I five?" He laughed trying to be nice as he answered. "Little red I didn't get that for you here it has a note." He handed it to me. It read

Please wear this at the party. I would love to see you as my angel. As I will finnaly get to meet you without running off. I can't wait to see you at the party.

Your Sexy Mate 


"I guess it seems I will get to meet Mayson or My wolf mate at the party after he tried to break the rules." Mike looked a little woried. "Are you sure it's a good thing to incourage this behavior. He might think of you as a play toy dressing you up like that." I busted out laughing. I couldn't believe Mike was acting jelouse in front of me. "It's okay Mike I promise I wont let him touch me." That is what you say not me. Ray stated in my head. At least I didn't promise I told ray in my head. 



The Party

 The party was finnaly here. It was me the girls and of course tag along Mike. It seemed like he was trying to help the most with the parties after he found out what my costume was going to be. I looked around the room it seemed like someone was not here. Then I noticed Cynthia was no where to be fine. Wind started blowing things around the room. I closed my eye and cleared my mind. She was the least of my worries at the moment. "Do you guys know where Cynthia is?" Alex looked up and spoke. "I think I remember her saying she didn't have a ride or costume so she went last minute shopping with Jessica." "Yeah I heard that too." Elle agreed. Mean while claudia had an ugly look on her face. "Correction she went to steal red's date and try to find another costume to out shine you." Alex and Elle looked shocked. We all know claudia speaks the truth and can be really blunt but the one thing she hated more then lies were back stabbers. "How did you find out that?" Alex and Elle said in union. "Claudia and I were at the mall this morning picking up claudia's costume from the holloween shop and we saw them their." I already knew who them where but even as Mike said it I couldn't help but tense up. I let it go fast though my powers didn't need my hard work to go to waist. "It's okay guys I found my human mate and am meeting my wolf one tonight. Plus maybe he wasn't my true mate after all." Claudia looked at me happy and came to hug me. "This is why I love you because you know that true friends wouldn't betray you like her. You also don't tell thing like this put you down." I enjoyed the hug intill Ethan walked in carring drinks when he bumped into us while not paying attenchion. "Watch it Ethan if it wasn't for red I don't think you would be alive right now." Claudia threated just then she smiled and hugged me one more time cause I guess she figured who my human mate was. "Your so lucky." She said whispering in my ear. We all went back to work decorating and setting everything up.

It was know 7:30pm everyone one was starting to come. Security was at the door making sure everyone wear a costume. They even had a costume as well and was getting paid for it. As I sat their waiting for my prince to come for me the music started so people wouldn't feel akward. An hour or two later everyone was here. I mean the whole school was here as well as some other packs. Almost all the young wolfs knew and looked forward to coming. I guess I did a good job. Stop worring you did a great job. Your mate will be here soon I feel him about to arrive. Ray stated in my head. That made me even more nervouse. I went to the kitchen and bumped into some body. "Watch it!" She then turned around it was claudia. "You look hot! Who chose the costume for you cause you would never think of picking this out." I smiled shly she knew me so well. "My mate asked me to wear it. So you have him to thank i'm so nervous though." With that she walked off and came back with a cup. "Close your eyes and chug it down." I looked at her nervously and took it. I pinched my noise knowing it was going to be alchole and did as I was told. It burned so bad but after a few gulps it went down. "That will help a little you might want a little more after a while to loosen up a little more. Just don't over do it okay." I shooke my head and thanked her as I walked close to the dance floor. I watch for a while taking sips form my cup till. Mate! Mate! MATE! Ray yelled in my ear. Okay I get it I told her back. Just thin he was infront of me. He wore a red shirt with a black jacket and red paints. He had a devil tail along with horns and spear. "How creative. " I thought out loud. "I know i'm the one that picked your costume remember." I blushed really hard. "Will I have this dance princess." With that I lost balance and he help me in his arms as my eyes closed. My power was now faster easier to use. In a few min I was able to see everything with him. In that moment I knew he could be my true mate. For he would lay his life for me in every life time. I would just hope nothing would bring him to it. As I looked up to see him he cupped my face in his hand and kissed me. I was so lost in him. It felt as if no one could compaire the affection. Everything else seemed meaning less but him. As I felt him push me closer I felt him stop the kiss. "So will we dance or can we go some where to dance." "Lets dance." I knew going some where else might end with me falling for are lust. Not a good way to introduce myself as a mate. "Well sound good to me either way as long as you are mine for tonight." 

We then danced a few songs getting lost in are moves. It seemed the more I grinded to the music the more are bodies would become one. I wanted this moment to last forever to forget the legend of my wolf. I looked up and as he looked down he kissed me. Holding my waist to grind closer. I felt his dick rubbing on my ass. His hands holding me a little tighter as he depend the kiss. I then stopped the kiss to make sure It was him and not a dream. In that time he whispered in my ear. "Maybe it's time to talk before I claim you as mine infront of all the humans in the party." My body felt like yelling no. All it wanting it to keep the position we where in. All I could do is nod my head and allow him to push me out of the crowed with hims body still pressed on his chest. We went to the pool house where no one was allowed to go during parties. I knew no one would know of us being there. "So what do you want to know about me?" I asked just to break the ice. "Well for starters you can tell me little red what is your name?" "Well Mayson my name is Anastasia but a lot of people call me red or Ana." "Well in that case you are now to be called princess only by me." He stated as he sat on the couch. Before I could sit he sat me on his lap. "So have you disided who your true mate is or will you leave me behind?" I was shocked by the question. In this moment I felt he might be but had trouble thinking do to the drinks in my system. "To be honest Mayson I haven't thought of it all the way. I feel like you might be the one but only time can really tell." With that he layed me down on my back. He climbed on top putting almost all his wait on his arms. "What a perfect anser my princess. It seems as if I maybe in the lead." "This is not a competition you know." I stated to him. He just smiled and leaned down. "I know but I would like to say that I am the closet to being a true mate as you stated." He said as he kissed down my neck. With a push he fell off the couch. "How fun you like to play too." He said in that he pulled me on top. I couldn't stand the teasing back and forth. It's like my body was exploding with lust and wanted him there and now. I kissed him and grinded on top of him. He then stroke my legs pushing his hands up my dress. I left a moan out. With that he picked me up and placed me on the bed. His dick teasing me making me wet. I let out another moan as we kissed. Letting him get access to my mouth. Allowing him to deepen the kiss and have him take off my wings. He moved my hear and dress from my sholder. Before I knew what he was going to do as he let go of the kiss. I relised he was going to mark me. When marked their was no stopping what came next. I let out a moan as he bit me marking me as his. With that I lost control to what happened and everything became blank. 

The Matting process

 I woke up with my head pounding. I tried to sit up but something was holding me down. When I turned to face someone it was Mayson. When I looked at him he looked peacefull it wasn't till I remember I was naked that everything came to me at once. My head pounded somemore. "You shouldn't think to much princess it will take the fun out of it. I know you haven't made a choice but I would like to feel that I am winning you." His confidence made me giggle. I loved that about him telling me what he thinks. I looked at him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Maybe or maybe not I just hope my brother doesn't eat you alive for claiming me so soon." Just as I said that someone nocked on the door. I got scared a little and that is when Mayson but on his underware and opened the door. I covered myself as fast as I could with the sheet on the bed. I was so suprised a little more when Liam walked in. "So you give him this right but not the rest of us. I came to only make things fair." As he walked closer to the bed Mayson got infront of his path. "Only she can deside what is fair to her. What I can see is that your busy with another why you ignore your feelings. You hold back why I will find out." He pushed past. "Well till then I say that she should have my mark as well." Before Mayson could stop him liam grabbed hold of my upper arm. All of a sudden I screemed out in pain. Liam went flying to the wall as Mayson looked at what he had done. It seemed to make a mark of fire on my arm almost like a tattoo. "You will pay for marking her when she is not wanting your touch." Liam then smiled. "We will see all I need her to do is touch me and we will be matted. I have gave her my matting symbol it is only fair with your bite you marked her with. Now it's up to are last brother to settle the score. Knowing his past he doesn't have the balls to make a more like that." I was so mad how could he come to me mark me and then call my other mates out. He was running aroung with cynthia and still wanted me in his arms no thank you. "You say the past lifes have been kind to you but in this life you have yet to meet my touch how mayson has or spoke to me as gential as Ethan has. When I will choose you will not be thought of!" I yelled. I could feel ray being a little sad and she knew it wasn't all true but we could not let him do that. In that moment Mayson grabbed me and we were all of a sudden in my bathroom. "Princess I think you had to much fun and so much to think of just shower and change. You need to think and I feel my pack needs me. I will see you in school tommorrow my love." With that he stood me up and kissed my forhead. With in another second he was gone.

I showered and was thinking of what Liam said about Ethan. So I made up my mind I would ask Ethan to mate with me so he could have a fair chance. I didn't mean it to fall down to this but I know from all three of them Ethan was sweet at heart. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I took a shower got changed before going to look for my phone.


Texte: Wen Luis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2016

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