

"Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP! I had enough of you sleeping in all the time you need to stop all this depresion already. Don't you ever get tired of people feeling sorry for you!" My aunt wake out as I lay in bed again.



My name is Zelda Amandia Lopez. I'm Hispanic but look more like a so called "gringa". Yes, I might be more light skinned and white looking but that don't make me any less Hispanic. I am 21yrs old and not that tall. I have an hour glass shape with 34 D boobs. I just grew them due to my child I just had a year ago. I try so hard not to talk about her. I do go to college and was studing to be a the therapist. Everyone I meet loves my eyes that are honey brown. I have red hear which is very much natural. I like to party and do a lot more often cause of the accident. I try to keep myself from being sober so I wont remmember. It is just to hard for me. I have lived with my aunt for the past year know she used to help with my baby. She tries to help but all she does is bring up the past. I don't see how talking about anything has helped me in the past. Every time I did it would all be heard to my father. My father has tried to make me move in with him when everything happened. I almost dropped out of school. I would rather stay where I am. Plus my aunt has been there for me always. We leave in a four bedroom home with two and a half bath. It seems like a house out of a magazine. Everything is modern on the inside but, outside has a iron gate in the front. My aunt has three trees but added one after the accident for my baby girl. It seems like my aunt just goes to work to get outside the house just as I party to get away form it all.

Chapter 1

"Zelda come down stairs and eat.

I come down stairs as slow as I can. I love to get my aunt mad to make her pay for all the crap she gives me. "I'm coming! I just don't feel myself cathrine."

"Well when are you if all you do is stay in bed." That is what she thinks I sneek out to parties all the time. Just like all days I come home drunk she never can tell. 

"Aunt Cathrine can you stop picking on me? I do a lot I go to school, study, clean the house, and do everything you ask from me."

"Well Zelda is only you would have learned your lesson..." I cut her off "Well maybe I did....Maybe just maybe you shouldn't bring it up!" My aunt takes a breath. She looks at me one last time and grabs her things to go to work. I sometimes wish I could stop myself for being to mean on her for bringing up the past. But, she always does it like I havn't learned. She is WRONG! I know what I did that night was wrong but I can't go back and change it. I don't know why she is always on my case. 

I go upstairs and take out my clothes. I get a lace bra that is strapless and lace underwear to match. A girl never knows when she will need something sexy. I get out my gray skinny jeans and a white crop top. I get my towel and go to the bathroom. I hear a baby cry. I stop for a minute look in the mirrow. I then reach under the sink and grab my vodka and take a sip. "This has to stop!" Tell myself. I go back to my shower. Once I get dressed I put on my leather jacket and Black boots that come to my knee and leave. I walk downstairs and into the living room. I get my purse, phone and car keys. Right when I'm about to walk out the door I get a text. Hey Loca! Had fun last night?  I then text back. Yes, had the time of my life. We still on for drinks later chica? I'll just tell my aunt i'm sleeping over your house. I walk to my red Acura NSX Concept. Right when I turn on the car I get another text. You bet! Your buying loca.........By the way can I catch a ride? I texted her I'm on my way! And drove off.

Chapter 2

 " Que guapa estas! Where are you going?"


"Calm down chica and stop touching me!"

"It's not my fault your gupa today! You turn me on Zelda!"

"Just cool is Lizzy. You wanna be latina!"

"Hey for all you know I can be latina. haha. I talk perfect spanish cause of my tips with daddy."

I look at her with a you wish look and start driving. We get to the mall that is two blocks down the school. I get out and so does Lizzy. She and I have been friends since we here in are mothers stomach. I don't thing I can ever be mad at her more then a day.

"So Cathrine called me yesterday night asking where you were. So I lied and say you were on your way home we were studing for a test. She also asked was going to the sirvice tonight for your mom." 

I look at her and study her. "I'm not mad at you if you said yes but I don't wanna go okay." I just couldn't be reminded of them so soon. I know it has been years for mom but my baby girl has just passed. I wouldn't want no one to see me cry again. 

" Hello earth to Zelda!" She waves her hand in my face. "Plus you know your going to need closure. You from all people know that. I just don't feel like coming to your house and seeing you cry like that agian. James has tried to appoligize. Why can't you" I cut her off. I didn't want to hear this not from her at this moment. We just got to the mall I wanted to shop. Maybe even have fun but, no she always tries to pry at the wrong moment. 

"Fine if you think I need closure I will go but I do not want to speak to him you understand. I had enough of his lies. He always says it wasn't his falt but who i'm I supposed to believe him or my aunt?"

"You got a point. I promise Zelda he will not get near you But, I can't stop him from going okay. Now lets go shop I need you to look sexy for friday!" With that note we left to start the shopping.

Chapter 3

 "OMG! Look you have to try this on Zelda! PLEASE!" I look at the dress it was a red v-neck dress with lace on the top. While on the bottom is was a soft solid black skirt. It was long sleave to top it off. Looking at it I knew it would come above the half knee so I would have to be careful with the guys.

"I don't know.....You might try to rape me in the dress with your stap on." She looked at me with lust in her eyes.

"If only you would let me do it one more time." She looked at me with puppy eyes. Trying to tell me she would love it if i would agree to it once more. 

"I'm sorry chica but my body is off limits no matter how much I party." Which wasn't a lie. Even though I do party I never pass more then touching and kissing.

"Well in that case i'll watch over you if you wear it. Just in case some other guy tries to take my spot guapa!" We both laughed. I ended up letting her talk me into buying the dress. She got a fitted one with a see through top and glitter skirt. We were getting tired walking around so we went to the food court. Which was a little empty cause it was sunday. No one likes coming out on sunday even though we are a growing city. 

"What do you want to eat? I could go for pizza how about you?"

"Yeah that would be nice. I'll pay lizzy you got the food last time." She looked at me with her blue eyes and tried her best mean mug. "What it is true!" 

"Zelda you know that is not true you always buy food for us. When are you going to let me pay? You treat me like a little sis and a lover when you need to bail out of a guy." I looked at her with my best puppy eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me. I was just being nice to my favorite lover." I couldn't hold in my laughter no more. I laughed in her face and she looked at me annoyed. "Okay fine but i'm paying for some of the drinks later."

Chapter 4

 Mark's P.O.V



I sit their and watch her fake her happiness. I would love to take her right there and then but people are watching. I deside to go say hi to the one I have loved before she got lost. I have always been there for her but they don't let me. James tells me she hates me for touching her that one time. He blames me for taking her away from him. All I plan to do is love her unlike him. I walk up to them and lizzy looks at me with the look of disgust. You would think with her beautiful eyes she would never wast them on that expression. Soon after she looks at me. I hug her brefly and say Hello.

"It's nice to see you mark." 

"Yeah. What are you to beautiful ladies doing at the mall?"

"We came shopping. What's it to you?" Just like lizzy to be mean to me like always. I sometimes think she hates me only cause Zelda likes me.

"Now lizzy don't be that way he was just coming to say hi. There isn't anything wrong with that is their?"
"I guess not but he needs to keep his hands off of you"

I can't believe she stands up for me. I don't know if it was cause she was drunk when we kissed but she has confessed to liking be. I would have believed her into the next day she slapped me for no reasion.

"Well it's okay lizzy I just came to say hi and to invite you guys to a party at my cousins house on saturday to swim."

"That's nice of you mark. I'll txt you if we deside to go." I hugged her once more and waved off to them. I was hopping she would agree to go but who knows. I could never read her. Lizzy I could read too well. All she was mad at that She wants me but I like Zelda. Unlike james I didn't want to play with girls feelings. So when she told me she liked me I told her the truth.




Chapter 5

 Zelda POV



I can't believe he came and hugged me after what happened a months ago. Mark is so dreamy he is tall at 6" 4' with dark green eyes. He is well built not too buff just the right amount. Mark is mixed but you wouldn't tell if it wasn't for his sexy cirly hair that is a faided on the sides and tall on top. When I was in high school I dreamed of him being mine. I kept it form Lizzy cause she could go on and on about him. She stopped right after she asked him out and took her to a party. She said he played her and that he was planning to do the same to me. 

"Zelda come back to me! Did you really not hear me talking to you"

"Not really. I was in lala land just thinking."

"Please a gupa like you is not thinking of a cabron like him." She looked at me like she longed for it not to be true. I just really couldn't help it but, I wouldn't tell Lizzy that. So I lied!

"No! How could you think so little of me." I started to laugh " I was thinking; what am I going to do if I see James tonight at the ceramony."

"Zelda can you please just stop worring he is an awsome guy. Sometimes I don't know why you would ever leave him. It wasn't all his fault I'm sorry to say. Your aunt had something to do with it." I couldn't take it any more. I started yelling at her.

"I don't care who's at fault all I want is for him to go away. Maybe if he would have stopped and payed attention! Or maybe you could have answered the phone! Or just maybe you could shut up about it and let me be!"

She looked me like she was so sorry. But at this moment I was not I walked off. Leaving he to walk to school. As I grabbed everything to leave I told her. "Maybe if he is so special in your eyes you can have him. You always like to have what is mine. Si eras una buen amigo no te comportaras como una putas a veces!" As I looked at her Impression of shock. I was happy I said every word. 






Si eras una buen amigo no te comportaras como una putas a veces

(If you were a good friend you wouldn't act like such a bitch sometimes.)


chapter 6

 Mark's POV



As I was in the car thinking before I drove to campus I saw Zelda. For some reasion she wasn't with Lizzy. I knew her behavor like always got them into a fight. It might not be long before one makes up so I made my move. I called her over to my car.

"Are you okay Zelda? Did another fight go on with you and Liz?" She looked at me suprised like if she didn't expect me to care. I couldn't help it but grab her into a hug. Once I did that she was whimpering in my arms. I felt so bad for her. I hated to see what James had done for her. After she lost Anastasia I didn't know how to talk to her. I know she hated talking to people about it. I was so lost into thought that she reached up to touch my face. I froze at her touch. I grabbed her had gently as my head moved closer to her face. I could feel her let go of her things and get on her tip toes. I started to brush my lips to hers as soon as I did she pulled me to her. I could feel myself get lost in her. I wanted her but wanted to let her choose me not use me. I stopped the kiss and cleared my throught.

"I don't think you are thinking straight. I think you just might be to emotional to think. I want you I do. Everything inside me tells me you are the one." She looked at me suprised and nodded. She then spoke and what she said shocked me.

"I want you so bad. Why cant you just use me like lizzy. I don't want someone to help my heart heal. I just need someone to forget mark. I just want you to help me forget. Can you please help." I was so lost I wanted to know what Lizzy told her. Why was she thinking that way. I wanted her to be mine but not in this way. I wanted for her to love me as I have always loved her.

"Zelda, I know everything is hard. But why can't you let me in. I know it's not you talking right now. Mi nina, I am no player and I hate playing games. I want you to be my chica and no one elses." I walked her to her car and the whole time I made sure she didn't talk. I didn't want to change my mind and let the blood flow in the wrong place. Not while she isn't my same Zelda agian. I would do if for her and Anastasia.

Chapter 7

 Zelda POV



I didn't know what just happened. One minute I was begging for Mark to take me to bed. The next he said no for me to think. I just wanted him to help. I wanted him to make it go away. I should know better because of my studies. But, all I can do is run from the past right now. I find myself sitting in the car till my phone rings. As soon upon answering I feel regret come to me.

"Hey Zelda it's James."

"What do you want? I don't feel like speaking to you."

" I just wanted to check up on you. See how my girfriend it doing." He asking for it now. So I deside I would let him have it.

"Oww really. I thought I wasn't last time I checked. Matter a fact I think Lizzy is just perfect for you!"

"Now. Now. I know you don't mean that Zelda. Plus Lizzy is your best friend and what happened was not my fault will you stop that already."

"Well James how can I when you live and breath. I wish you were dead not her. If I had a choice it would be you in the ground."

"Stop being a stick in the mud." I was getting so upset with all the thing he was saying. How was I being a stick in the mud. I just wasn't up for his games. My body tempeture was boiling from anger. My feelings were talking control. My body and mind would split and decide only one could work at once. 

"Well i'm a stick in the mud then you might just be a sand in water with your stupidity!" I desided to not take his rude attitude no more. So before he spoke my finger pressed end. If only he was a better boyfriend or maybe he could be more like Mark. Sometimes my mind lingers to what if Mark was mine and this would have never been. Right now my mind needs to be away from imagination and in present world action. My emotions need to be under my control. I find myself heading to school the last place I want to do.

Chapter 8

 When I got there I see Lizzy looking at me as if she is sorry. That so called friend makes me think is she my friend or just someone I have grown to be able to be around. My body froze when my eyes met the sit that made me want to cry. I saw my baby girl Anastasia standing by Mark. I found myself walk to Mark. When I did she was gone.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to say I would love to go to the party with you. That's if you haven't found no one else yet?"

"No, Why would you think that?" He stopped and looked in a diraction behind me. "Never mind what I asked. If you want to go i'm sure you can catch a ride with me their."

"Well that would be nice. Do to the fact that you invited me." I laughed softly to try to not make it akward between us. I glanced to see who was approaching. When I saw black spiked hair with blond tips I knew it was James. I hated looking at him. He played soccer and has Mexican. He was tan a little tall but not as tall as Mark. He was 5" 9' with brown eyes. He was musculer that is what a lot of girls liked about him. He was a cheater I always defened him intill that night. He was close to coming up so I left. I called out to Mark.

"I'll see you later Mark. Txt me the information about what time you want to pick me up for the party."

"Okay. Will do Zelda."

I walked to the bathroom took out what looked like a water bottle. I drank form it which was vodka it was my do to when I was seeing things. I never plan to tell anyone about it. I then looked at myself in the mirror fixed my hair a little and walk to class. I always like getting there before someone sits in my chair.

Chapter 9

 School was over I was walking to my car as I feel someone grab me. My hopes where that Mark changed his mind on what happened. But it was only James that was holding me. 

"Can you let go of my arm?"

"Not intill you tell me what you told Lizzy?"

"James why do you care? Are you asking so you can make her feel better then fuck her?"

"Zelda that really isn't funny." He looked at me with a serous look.

"And you are? Well sorry I'm not funny okay. Now leave me alone I have to go get ready."

"Can I get a ride my car wont start."

"Yeah right. Plus why don't you tell your dad to come and fix it? It's not like you to just leave your car here at school." A lot of red flags where coming up. What was he up too? Did he not want me to go home? Why now does he want to be all needy with me. I would always beg him for rides just to spend time together.

"You Know we are not together anymore. Right , James." There was silence between us intill Mark walked up.

"Hey you guy. What you guys taking about?"

"Nothing I was just leaving." James was about to walk away but not before saing "You Know what Mark you can have her. It's not like you can get some anyways." As he was walking away Mark turned him around and punched his nose. James pushed him back. "You lucky your friend if not I would have block your face a long time ago Mark." He then kept on walking and I stood their wondering what just happened. 

"I'm sorry he said those things Zelda. You don't need someone like him."

"It's okay he just mad that we are not together no more. I'm just happy you guys didn't fight."

"Me too. I would have finally gave him what he needs. A true beating for how he treats your weman.




Chapter 10



I cann't believe James was acting like that infront of Zelda. I knew he stoped loving her but he just wont let her go. I feel sorry for her only to wish she was mine. I look at her and think I should just ask her to hang out maybe then she will open up to me. 

"Well Zelda what are you doing later today?"

"Well I was going to go home and get ready for the service my aunt planned but I had a change of heart."

"I understand it must be way to soon for you right now. You know they say you shouldn't be alone in times like these."

"Well mark i dont know. Maybe no one wants to be with me in my depressing state." She looked like she wanted to say more. I waited a few seconds to see if she would say what is on her mind. But of corse like always she didn't.

"Well if you like I can keep you company."

"That would be nice do you want to go wake in the park till my aunt leave. I don't want her to see me right now. Cause all I need her is to force me to go."

"That's fine with me. Do you want to go to the park close to your house?"

"Yeah that would be nice I will meet you there Mark." I was waking to my car when I saw her go to hers. I pulled off to head the park. When we got their it was empty like always. It seemed like no one ever was at her park besides saturdays and sundays. I got out my car and waited for her on the grass. I dozzed off next thing I knew Zelda was trying to shake me awake. I rolled over "Let me sleep" I complained.

"Well if I would have know you wanted to sleep I would have never invited you to hang out."

I rolled over and grabbed her by the waist rolling down the small hill. We laughed at what we were doing. Then she looked at me.

"Mark tell me why you don't want me?" I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean? If this is about the mall?"

"Yes." She looked like she wanted to cry.


Chapter 11

 Zelda POV



I looked at him with tears close to running down my face. 

"Please don't do this Zelda. I want you but getting in your pants wont help anything."I looked at him trying to not let my tears out.

"It well help me." He took a deep breath and then looked straight into my eyes.

"If you promise to open up to me so I can help more then that then maybe. And I said maybe Zelda. I don't want you for just that you know." A I looked into his eyes I knew it was true. Everything in my body was telling me that he ment every word.

"Si. I promise Mark that I will open up." He leaned in and gave me a kiss. I then started to get closer to him. I wanted to let this be as long as my body needed. I know my body needed someone for some times but I wanted it to be Mark. I started playing with his hair to make the kiss more passionate. As are lips grew more rough my body wanted more. I felt him left me up onto his lap. Before I could lean in to kiss him again. He whispers "I said maybe Zelda and I never agreed to right now." I felt like crying my eyes out. My heart felt as I never have been betried so badly before. He grabbed my my face with so much tenderness. In that moment everything went away. 

"Zelda don't be so hard on your self. I want you to know nothing was your fault I know you beleive it is yours. James has a lot to do with covering things up. I'm sorry to say but ..." Just then he was cut off by someone throwing me off of Mark. Next thing I know I see James punching Mark in the face. I was confused what was going on. When did James come find me. How did he find me? Why was he so mad at Mark to start a fight. 

"Stop!! Please Stop!!" Is all I could yell to them. I didn't know how to stop it. All of a sudden James look up at me and charges tword me.

"You whore! Why couldn't you just leave everything alone? Why couldn't you just be with me and leave everthing alone!" As he was about to slap me Mark pushed him off. 

All of a sudden I though I heard Lizzy in the back ground. She came and got James away from Mark. Good thing too cause it seemed as if Mark would have puched him through the ground. 

"I told you to let it be." Is all I could hear Lizzy tell him. Everthing was so confusing. My head was spinning it felt like to much information was coming back at once. All of a sudden I felt light as air. Then everything went black.

Chapter 12

 Mark POV



"Why did you do that Mark are you stupid." I hade it enough with James crap all he put me through. That was my baby he killed. The only reasion I couldn't say nothing is cause of Lizzy. She took video of us having sex. Yeah it wasn't that bad intill I found out she was going to fill a rape charge. I was mortified cause my scholership was riding on my behavior and grades. That information would destroy someone like me to be a doctor. Especially not a doctor who delevors children. 

"Why do you have to be a dumb ass and think I would tell her." I was tired of lies!! I hated my life for all this that I was trapped in.

"Mark you need to stop tring to ruin everthing."

"What do you mean Lizzy. All I wanted to tell her is that she was my daughter."

"Shut up. That was my baby for all people know. If it wasn't for lizzy I would have kicked you ass."

"It seems like your ass was being served to you anyways. I would kick your ass but Zelda is more important then your ass."






Texte: Wen Luis
Lektorat: Wen Luis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.01.2016

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