

I haven't even got the chance to vote this story myself when he/she beats me to it. :D


[| 1 |]

"Have you seen her . . .?"

"Oh my God! Is that Aislyn Woods . . .?"

"THE Aislyn Woods . . . ?"

"Shit, it really is Aislyn Woods . . . "

"What is she doing here . . . ?"

"Isn't she the one who killed her boyfriend . . . ?"

"Shut up, she's looking . . .!"

I stop dead on my tracks. I swallow the hard lump in my throat and calm myself, clenching my fist, I lower my head and tug my hoodie to hide my face. I ignore the students whispering and fleeting glances. I knew going back here is a bad idea. Hearing people talk about me since the day we moved back was draining my energy. Everytime I come out from the house people would always stare with cold expression on their faces and some people tried to be discreet about it.

Everywhere I go and everywhere I look people would look at me with judging eyes. It was degrading and when I'm on the edge I just want to shout at them, they didn't know what happened three years ago. It wasn't my fault that he died. I loved Luke and he was everything to me. One day he just changed. He became distant and always dosing off in the middle of the day. I would ask him if he was alright and he would nod and brush me off.

It was Cara's fifteenth birthday when it all happened. Everything started out as perfect but not for long. . .

"Happy birthday, Cee!" I shouted after I came out from where I was hiding, behind the living room's door.

"You bitch! I can totally see you in that mirror!" She laugh, pointing to the mirror that was facing the door.

She was right, you can totally see me. I mentally slap my forehead. I sigh and hand her my super cool present.

She was laughing while tearing the gift wrap in shreds, "Don't be too hard on yourself. I was surprised, really." I smile at my best friend, she always know how to make me smile, "I mean who wouldn't get surprise by your face?" She stuck out her tongue and holding two fingers doing the 'Peace' sign. It was our way to tell that it was a joke.

I knew she was joking, "Of course, who wouldn't be? They would be so awe with my beauty that I would left them wanting for more," I said in the most snobbish way as possible.

She snorted, "You are so full of yourself. You should get an ego check, Ya kno'?" She pulled out my present from the box and gasp, she excitedly said, "This is . . . A hamsters cage?" and finished dryly. "Really? Are you for real? I don't even have a hamster." She raised her eyebrow, "You are such a bitch."

"You call me bitch a lot. You know it's not really a term of endearment," I said. "And of course there's a hamster. Do you really think I would put it there and let it suffocate?"

"You have a point there," she muttered, "But where is it?!" She asked impatiently, holding both of my shoulder to violently shake me.

My vision started to get blurry, "Whoa there," I blinked a couple of times and sit in the sofa shaking my head.

"Where is it?!" She demanded.

"Okay! Okay!" I hold my hands in the air in surrender, "jeesh, if I didn't know you better I would think you're on crack." I get up and walk towards the closet underneath the stairs. I open the door and snatch the plastic cage. My eyes narrow in confusion. I tried weighing the plastic cage holding it up, down, up, down. Here's the cage . . . Now, where the hell is the stupid hamster!?

"I'm dying in here!" Cee shouted from the living room.

"I'll be right there!" I answer back weakly.

"You are so slow! I told you I'm dying. I'd be probably dead if it was true." She snap, "Now where is it?" She ask, beaming, bouncing off her seat.

"You see . . .The thing is." I take a sharp breath. "It's gone," I said, smiling sheepishly at her.

"What do you mean gone?" She ask, the smile was wiped off from her face.

"Gone, nada, no hamster-"

"Okay," She simply said, shrugging her shoulder.

"You are not upset?" I asked, making sure that she's not.

"A little," she admitted, "because it was from you," she said and quickly added, "Ok, honestly? No. It'll be dead in a week anyway." She wave her hand, dismissing the subject.

"Week? More like three days," I joke and we giggle.

"But!" She holds up her forefinger, "you're going with me." pointing her finger to herself, "Shannon and Drew is going to the old Everglot Mansion up the hill and I promised I'll go with them."

I groan. Not the Everglot Mansion! It was so creepy there, and there were a lot of ghost sightings reported at that mansion. I'm not saying I believed in them but the place just gives me the creeps and it's a private property so we could get in trouble just by going inside.

"C'mon! Ace! Puh-leeeeeese?" Her lower lips jutted out and her face form into a complete puppy dog face mode.

"Aww, Cee! Don't do that!" i scold her which makes her puppy dog face extends to full blast, "darn it! Ok! You know I'm a sucker for that face!" I grumble, "What time is it?"

"Eleven-ish?" She shrug, "I'll call your mom and tell her you're staying here because it's your best friend's birthday and I'm having a slumber party," she said in glee. Grinning at the idea, she started to pick up the phone and soon after it's decided, she's staying the night, not exactly here.

I realize that walking in the hallway is much more suffocating than walking outside. I can hear the whispering much louder in here. I don't know that it's possible walking with my hoodie practically covering my whole face and I still manage to dodge people bustling through the busy hallway.

I walk faster towards the cafeteria. I dodge a lot of human, sensing their heat waves but the only one who I didn't sense bump into me, hard.

The girl stumble and stick her left foot backwards, steadying herself. "What the hell, you freak?!" She sneer.

I know that voice. My head snap up staring straight into Cara's green eyes, my best friend. My mood lift up and all the negative vibes that I've been getting all week disapeared. She's here, my best friend is here. The only one who knows the truth and the only one who can understand me.

"Cee?" I need to hear her voice, to see that she's real. For the first time I smile genuinely not forced. Cee's eyes widened in fear. Wait, fear?

"Kay! We need to go now!" a barbie look a like whine, "Who the- Oh, it's you," she said, not hiding the distaste in her voice. She smirked, "Oooh, so you wan't some time catching up with your best friend?" She mock.

"What? Her?" She said pointing her pink manicured finger at me, "Best friend? Why would I be best friend with a psycho killer and a norm?" She and her cliques giggle, flipping their hair and each one of them bump me in the shoulder

I couldn't care less. My breathing stopped and so is my world. Why would she say that? Me? A psycho killer? She knows what happened that night. My smile turn into a frown. I tried processing every single word she said but my mind can't.

"Hey, don't mind them. They're just being theirself, you know? being a bitch. C'mon you can sit with us." She steered me towards their table.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"So, I guess you're a norm now, huh?" She asked, swallowing a big piece of her hamburger. I wrinkle my nose in amusement.

"Yeah, I guess so . . ." I trailed off.

"I'm Shannon Hale." She smile. "He's Drew Barr and Marine Clairn Tan- but you can call her Clairn." They wave at me and started to talk to me like we've been friends a long time ago. I remember Shannon and Drew, they invited Cara to the Everglot mansion.

"I'm Aislyn Woods," I said, putting one of those fake smile that I always use.

"We already know that," Clairn said. "Aislyn Woods, eighteen years old, eyes: green, hair: blonde but dyed it black then blonde again, cup siz-."

"Whoa, stop right there, chipper. We're fine from what we know, no need to be like that, okay?" He asked, Lexi nodded solemnly, Drew's smiled wider and pat her head like saying 'good dog!'

"Why are you talking to me? Aren't you afraid of Cara now she's one of the 'Cliques'." I said doing air qoutes. Just mentioning Cara's name brought unpleasant feelings, there was something off about her. I wonder what that is.

"Don't you know the saying 'keep your enemies friend closer?"

"No, isn't that supposed to be 'keep your enemies closer?" Drew countered Shannons saying.

From what I know Shannon and Drew are best friend since they were kids. Shannon is a goth/emo kind of girl, her hair was dyed with red on the other side and black on the other, her eyes was heavily painted with black eye liner and eye shadow. Drew- well, Drew is gay. That's all I know.

"Anyway! Friends?" Shannon said, sticking out her hand.

I hesitated first, "Friends." shaking her hands to end the deal but she yank me and hug me.

"Group hug!" Drew whailed and joined hugging me. Clairn patted my shoulder awkwardly.


"Cee, are you sure about this?" I pointed the flashlight at the big oak wood door. There was a wolf statue both at the end of the stairs and at the top of the door was a head of a wolf.

As we stood there gazing at the dilapidated house, I shivered, as though ice had replaced my spine. The cold air enveloped my entire body. The multiple layer of clothing could not protect against the deathly cold. The walkway leading up to house were cracked. Weeds and dandelions poked out from these cracks. Red roses grown wildly in thick batches by the gate. The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the house. Vines formed a twisted maze upon the side of house, reaching their tentacles towards the roof. The house's walls showed black decay by neglect. Splotches of original paint hinted at the house former prosperity. Cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey. The house is fit for the kings and queens of the supernatural.

The door begrudgingly creaked open. A musty, dank order creep into my nose. The house was dead silence except for the intermittent creaks and moans. Black and brown mold dotted the ceiling in clusters, evident of rain seeping through the roof. We quietly entered the dark living room. Windows covered with grime and dirt, the calm moonlight struggled to penetrate the darkness in thin thread rays. Sharp shadows roamed around the room. The sofa and chairs overturned revealing deep grooves on the ground where they used to sit. Wallpaper lay curled on the floor. A large jagged hole dug through the wall stood as though daring any to enter. Picture frames hanged off-centered. Sharp shadows roamed around the room. A misplaced grand bookcase stood the corner of the room, undisturbed for a long time. Selecting the correct book could reveal a secret doorway into a labyrinth.

I made my way back into the hallway, forgetting about Cee, a slimmer of light came from behind a door. I approached and opened the door. I had reached the bathroom. The single window was mildly dirty, a flood of light flowed into the room. Dust swirled around the room as I made my way inside. The medicine cabinet mirror lay shattered in pieces on the floor tile. Empty medicine bottle lay in the porcelain sink. The only sound to be heard is the drip, drip of the faucet. A closer look revealed the discoloration of the water, a brownish concoction. A lone mouse stood sentry at the bottom of the tub. Never having a visitor in a while, it curiously eyed me before scuttling away. Approaching the bathtub, a violent odor made it way to my nose. Pinching my nose, I leaned over and peered inside. Crusty rags filled the bathtub, little hints of movement underneath them. It would be unadvisable to see what is under the rags.

I arrived at the foot of the staircase. I stood and peered at the top, wondering when a twisted head person will crawl down and have me for dinner. I summoned strength and tiptoed my way up the stairs. Each step intensified the moaning and creaking as if the steps could collapse at any moment. I turned to the right, and met my final destination. The door did not give way easier, a forceful push was needed. Stepping inside, a dresser seem to have been pushed against the door, attempting to deny anyone entry. I could make out the silhouette of bed, edging in closer for a better look. A porcelain doll lay missing its head on the bed. The sheet was splattered with a dark color. The wind intensified outside, the rustling of the leaves and branches were louder. In the corner, a little chair began to rock slowly. The room had once belonged to a girl.

A howl echoed throughout the house. It was time to leave, I told myself. I closed the bedroom door behind as I carefully walked down the stairs. I hoped I did not disturb anything or its somber rest. I made my way outside where my group of friends was standing.

Shannon and Drew stood outside hugging theirself. I frowned, "Where's Cee?"

"She's with you." Shannon drew in a shaky breath.

"Yeah, but we sort of lost each other and when I was creeped out I decided to get out of there," I said.

"Well, it seems Cara's still inside. You be-" Drew was cut off by a loud, blaring noise outside. At the gate was illuminating a red and blue light, flashing.

"Shit! It's a Freaking cop!" Drew whispered loudly.

"We need to get out of here." Shannon tugged my arm but I remain where I was standing.

"You go ahead. I can't leave Cee. She might get in trouble," I said.

Shannon took a weary glance at the mansion and sigh. She dig something in her pocket and handed it to me. It was an oblong shaped object, there was an outward curve at the lower handle. I pressed it, in a flash it became a small knife. I looked at Shannon weirldly.

She sighed again, "When in doubt, do not afraid to use it." She said then bolted off with Drew.

I rushed inside and screamed Cara's name over and over again.


I turned around. "Cee!" I tackled her in a bear hug. "I was so scared! We need to go! There's a police outside!" I started to leave when she stopped me.

"Ace, Luke's here!"

I stopped. "What?"

"He's here and there's something wrong with him. He's in a cage."


She led me in to a big dining room with a long table.

I saw Luke. He was in a cage.

His head snapped in to my direction. "Ace?"

"Luke!" I walked towards him but he stopped me.

"Don't go near me! Get out of here!" He managed to say between his gasping. He was in pain, his jaw was clenched and he was crouch down holding his head. "Lucian! Don't hurt her, please!" He pleaded to no one in particular.

A set of claws clicked on the floor as Luke leapt out of one of the cages. A thin, lithe figure prowled around the table, slitted red eyes trained on me.

Lukes athlete’s body was halfway between a human and a wolf, more horrific than the one staring at me. It crouched low, staring, waiting for me to move. I shook my head. ‘No’ I tried say. But the Lycanthere wouldn’t take no for an answer. He launched himself at me, a clawed paw going to my throat. I twisted around sharply, rolling myslef onto my feet.

The wolf let me up, a fighting spark flaming in his dark red eyes. I tried to stop the fight once more, rolling onto my back in submittion. it gave a wolfish grin, rushing me. It all happened too quickly. It ripped at my back and legs mercilesly. Luke screamed for him to stop, but murder was in his eyes. Claws tore at the flesh and muscle on my back and gleaming fangs closed over my throat.

There was side of me that kicked in and I flipped him over, sinking the knife that Shannon gave me into his only ear. I felt the ridges crack under my knife. He yelped and retaliated by tackling me.We rolled and scrabbled on the floor, over turning the table and chairs in the struggle. He flipped me onto my back, a taloned foot pressed against my soft belly. I reached up and grabbed the. I pulled it. Pain shot through it's ear and it pulled back. Blood gleamed from the knife.

I whimpered and looked at Cee for help, but she had her back to me, shoulders shaking with sobs, a hand covering her mouth.

The wolf turned into a human. It stared at us with a cruel smile. “Finish him,” he commanded.

Luke lunged at me. His red eyes glowed as his claws dig deeper in my belly , ready to rip me open.

'When in doubt, do not afraid to use it' it echo in my mind.

I plunged the knife without second thinking in his heart. Before getting off me, Luke manage to scrape his fangs in my neck down to my chest. He let out an ear piercing howl. It's paw started to become a hand. The wolf started to become Luke. My Luke.

"Tsk, tsk. Such a shame. He'll make a best fighter when trained." Lucian sighed. "You're just like your meddling father! Always interfering my plans!" He exclaimed.

I was coughing blood and trying so hard to stay awake. The sobbing didn't help. I was saying I'm sorry again and again.

Lucian sniffed the air and muttered a curse. He shifted back into a wolf and sprinted towards the glass. breaking it, sending shards of glasses flying in every direction. Seconds later the dining rooms door busted open.

"Police! Freeze!"

I chuckled through my hazy state. He was the one who froze. Who wouldn't be? There was a dead body beside me. A girl cowering in the corner. And me. I don't know what I looked like but I'm sure I'm definitely worser than Luke.

My coughing snapped the police out of his trance and called for back up from his phone in his shoulder. He walked cautiously towards me, not lowering his gun.

I didn't know who was hugging me, I didn't care.



"Ace! Wake up! Please," It said, sobbing.

"Aislyn Woods! You better wake up!"

My eyes shot open before i crashed. I was breathing short, heavy breaths. Sweat beads ran down my face and my hands. I looked around the room, wide eyed, making sure I was back home.

In front of me was a pair of red eyes.

Glowing red eyes.


I know this sucks! The describe the Scary House part was from Samuraitom. it was from her/his thesis. Anyways! As I was saying, what do you think? I rushed the last part because I was getting bored of typing and it came out ugly? haha.

Comment. Vote. Be a fan!

Phew! I'm not really used to write as long as this.

My best friend - sort of- moved to Boston and she can't sleep because of the weather and she can't go to the balcony too. haha. So she stuffed herself with a blueberry muffin. Aww! Now I'm hungry.


Chapter 01

Because. . . Just because! hehe. Nah, just feel like dedicating this to someone. ;)

Did you know we have a club? And you might be a member too you just don't know it yet. :))

[| 2 |]

Kurt Erenthe started pacing while deep in thought. Wyatt - the Beta of the pack - came earlier to deliver him rather good or bad news- depends on who is the receiver.

He was the Alpha of the Moonlight Traverse pack. By the age of seventeen, the pack was passed down to him, it was such an early age to be held down with big responsibility. Leading an estimated one hundred twenty werewolves.

Now that he's eighteen instead of going to a friend's house, goofing around, or even finding a way to get laid, he was thinking on how to secure the whole perimeter of their land so no one in his pack would get killed by the Hunters.

Thinking about the Hunters brought an unpleasant feeling to Kurt's stomach, It twisted. It was the Hunter's fault that instead of being a normal eighteen year old he became an Alpha. They killed his father in his own land. Turned out that his dad's Beta - William Spear - set him up with the money as the prize.

"Kurt, honey. I heard that Aislyn is back?"

He smiled, seeing his mother. She was still the same, losing her mate might comes losing some part of her but her loving mother always doesn't forget how to smile. "Yes, mom. She's back." Torn between his pack and his family he sat down the sofa and buried his head in his hands.

"She's your cousin, Kurt. She doesn't have anyone," Her mother said, gently patting his back.

"Mom, she has a Hunter's blood. We're not sure about her capacities. Maybe one day she'll just snapped out of it and kil the whole pack!" He pointed out and to his surprise his mother laugh. A real laugh.

"Honey, she's a family and besides she's already eighteen. A Hunter awakened by the age of fifteen so it's impossible."

"I'm not going to take that risk. I'm talking about the whole pack!"

Sylvia's eyes soften as she stared at her son. He shouldn't be here thinking about what's good or bad about the pack. For some reason she blames herself but she find it stupid to blame anybody. The spirits has done all this on purpose. Even if she had to loose her mate.

"You know you talk like your father when he started being an Alpha."

"Mom. Let's not talk about dad."

"Kurt, David died protecting us when I was giving birth to you and now is the time to repay him by taking his daughter in our care." She stood up and opened the door and before she closed it she heard a faint "I'll think about about it."

She smiled. He's definitely like his father.

There was a light tap on the door.

He cleared his throat. “Come in.”

It was Kahlil. Laura’s son, Will Spears grandson. Only he and his mother know that, of course, or the kid would get exiled just like his mother Laura, Kurt’s best friend. Kahlilwas only two when the Beta’s family was exiled. Laura was scared that they have to go rogue so she left Kahlil to him. The excuse was Kahlil was a cousin from another pack.

“Kurt?” Said the sleepy Kahil, rubbing his eyes.

“Hm? Come here, buddy.” He opened his arms and scooped him up. “What’s the problem?”

“I’m sleepy,” Kahil replied, yawning.

“Then go to sleep. Want me to tuck you in?” Kurt asked, rocking the kid back and forth.

“No!” He whined. “I don’t wanna sleep! I wanna play. It’s afternoon and Trevor and Max are playing. Why am I sleepy?!” The kid demanded.

He chuckled and shook his head. “It seems like you’re starting to change, little one,” he said, poking Kahlil’s button nose.

The kid wrinkled his nose. “Does that mean I’m going to be like you?”

“Yes, you will be a big and strong wolf!” He exclaimed.

Kahlil’s mouth formed an ‘O’. “Does it hurt?”

“No, you're not going to change physically. You're ability will just improve although yes, in some way, you are going to change physically.” He rambled. He looked at Kahlil's face and shut his mouth. It was clear that the kid has no idea on what he's talking about.


“On your birthday.”

“Oh, bummer! That’s in two weeks,” Kahlil mumbled.

They remained still in almost half an hour. The soft snoring and the ticking of the clock was the only thing that you can hear inside the office. He reached the phone and dialed Wyatt.

"Hello," He started.

"Alpha Kurt," the Beta said from the other line.

"Bring four wolves. We're going to my cousins house." Without waiting for a reply he hung up.


So, this is so short! I'm just going to introduce you to the Moonlight Traverse pack! haha.

Comment.Vote.Be a fan? hmm...

Did you know that when I'm a newbie here on Wattpad, I thought it would be cool to fan all the stories that I'm going to add in my library and now I'm so irritated because it'll take me ages to unfan those who I didn't really like the story. lol. I have a total of 350+ following. Tsk. haha.

Chapter 02

** I dedicate this chapter to her because of her quote AWESOMENESS unquote . lol . Honestly? Because I was pestering her message board and for accidentaly calling her a nun. haha. Peace out ya'll!

[| 3 |]

When I was a kid I had super powers - at least that's what I believed in. I would jump in my bed pretending that I could fly, saving mother from the evil villain, saving the world from evil, and wearing capes pretending that I'm a super hero, all this, I achieved when I was a kid. My mom would always say: "I didn't know I had a son!" And she laugh as she hugs me.

A mothers embrace cannot be replace by anything in this world. The comfort that it can give to an eight year old. When I was eight years old I would always wory about my mother's death. I would always tell myself that she can't die because I'm still a kid. I would always tell my older cousins that their mother would be the first to the because they're older than me. They would frown and leave me all by myself. The eight year old me worries was about her mother dying. My dad died when I was still in my mother's womb.

I didn't expect it to be sooner. I was eight when she died - more like vanished - her car fell into a cliff but her body was never found. I can hardly comprehend the happenings around me. My mother is dead and I'm all by myself but Michelle came, mom's best friend. She became my mothern and my friend. she was never married but had a son named Josh who is five years old and creepy though, she vanished just like my mom.

Michelle loved hiking and mountain climbing after we moved in here she was on the roll climbing the nearest mountain or whatever that they climbed. Her things was there but she wasn't. Me, as I'm eighteen years old, will get the custody of Josh IF Michelle is dead. I hope not.

"Acey?" Asked a muffled voice coming from outside the door.

I look at the mirror again. Shit! My eyes is still growing red. I get up and didn't bother to open the lights. I can see clearly reminding me how a freak I am. I put on the green contacts and open the door. Josh was standing outside with sucking his blue blankie and hugging Mr. Truffles.

"Josh? Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask, scooping him up.

"I heard you scream again. Does Acey feels owkey?" He mumbled, holding my face with his chubby hands, examining it.

I chuckle and kiss his face all over. He giggle and I stop when he start yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Ok! It's one a.m and we both have to go to school tomorrow so we need to sleep so we will grow strong and big!" I said enthusiastically, he frown at the word school. "C'mon now, big boy. Sleep!" I pat my side and he reluctantly lay beside me.

"G'nite, Acey," He mumbled and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Night, josh." i hug him tighter in my chest.

I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise to myself.

It's three-thirty and sleeping was impossible. I close my eyes but images of Luke's dead body came flashing back. I huff and decided to go for a run and by run I didn't mean jogging around the park and all that run around the neighborhood. By run I mean running through the woods and leapingfrom tree to tree. No I'm not a monkey. I don't know what I am. And I don't think I want to know.

I slowly slip out from Josh's hug. I slip out from my pj's and wear my jeans and t-shirt. Before stepping outside I zip up my hoodie.

I trudged along the soft, damp moss of the forest path. The tree's soft whisper against the wind was like a lullaby, soothing and warm. It was so welcoming and calm. The feeling of security was all around when, abruptly, everything changed. My light smooth steps, turned to rough ridged stomps on the tough, rock path filled with twigs.

I could no longer hear the tree's swaying movements with the breeze, they were replaced with the snapping sound of twigs being crushed behind me. For a second I could have sworn there was someone following me, like my crunching foot steps were not alone. I jerked my head to get a quick glimpse of what I thought was a tall man, towering over me, but I soon came to realize it was just a thin tree, bending close to close to the path. Frightened of my surroundings, I began to sprint. The eerie dark, green forest past in a blur beside me. I felt betrayed, like the sweet, welcoming forest had tricked me, lured me into this hell I was now trying to escape.

I continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have taken to get back to the house but I figured it was because I wanted to get back so fast. A distinct old dead tree came up on the path that meant that I should be able get back around the next bend. Forcing my legs to push harder I kept my sprint, anticipating the relief of driving away from here. I rounded the bend in the path and came to an abrupt halt. My breathing hitched in my throat making my already screaming lungs just about burst.

The run to Emerald Bay was the first real exercise I had gotten in the last few days and it felt good. I pushed into a sprint feeling the warm pull on my quads and smiled. The cool night air cleared my head, and as I rounded the corner into the bay I spotted someone in the front of the house.

There are six of them. They all stood maybe 6'5 ft.? If I'm an ordinary girl I wouldn't hesitate to flirt with them that's the problem. I'm not ordinary. They are what the girls call 'HOT'. I frown.

I cautiously walk towards them. The twig snap underneath my feet causing their heads to snap at my direction.

"Who are you?" I said, looking at them suspiciously.

"You're Aislyn Woods, right?" I nod. The blonde step out from the line they've created, "I'm Kurt. Kurt Erenthe." He clear his throat when I didn't say anything. "Your my cousin. My mother is your mother's older sister."

"Okay, that doesn't explain why you're here."

The black haired guy rolled his eyes and snort. "We're wasting our time Kurt," he grumbled.

Kurt glared at him. "Shut it Wyatt."

Wyatt glare at me.

"We heard that your guardian's whereabouts was still unknown so my mother was worried about your safety and we heard you have a five year old in your care?"

I nodded silently.

"If you're feeling like a freak then don't. You may think we are worser than you."

Whatever the hell that means. I don't care.

"So, we're just going to move there? And we're exactly is there?"

"It's in the deeper part of woods."

"Way to be specific," I mutter. "Anyway, I have school. So, I really need to sleep."

"Sure." He shrug.

I walk toward the door and when I was already closing the door I notice that there was no single car parking in front of the house and they were no where in sight. i shrug. They must be really fast.

By four thirty I manage to sleep thinking about who the hell was chasing me earlier.


I know this chapter is confusing? I dunno about you but this is what I come up with and I'm really bored so I decided posting a new chapter.

I really really really love to give dedication! lol ;)

That's all. ;)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2011

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