


I knew I shouldn't have gone to that stupid ball! Now my life is ruined! Ruined, I tell you! I never knew it'll only have to take two months for my life to change. Two months ago I was just Ella: A proud spy -yeah, I know. A spy/thief? Seriously?- I was thirteen when Ramon Garcia recruited me and them.

He would order maids and stylists to dress us signature clothings and teach us proper etiquette and by the age fifteen, he would send us to social gatherings and he let us do our dirty work. Stealing swiftly from someone who is not looking from bumping into a lady wearing a stud earrings that probably cost nineteen thousand dollars.

By the end of the night, all we have stolen was to be given to him. I think he's pretty brilliant- I mean- who would suspect 'rich' kids like us to steal from someone who is less richer than us? It's Ramon's money not ours but he pays us, depends on how much all the stuff costs.

I quit two months ago but he wouldn't let me so we made a deal. "Get me the 'Blue Chopard Diamond ring then I'll let you quit. Hell, I would even give you three percent of what it's worth," He said grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat.

And being the idiot that I am I said yes. That would explain why I'm here. In a warehouse, tied securely in the corner, my make up running down from my face, beaten up to pulp.

And the next thing I knew gunshots were everywhere. I stood up, ready to run.

I was thrown back as my legs gave up on me. There was simultanously, a feeling like a bomb went off inside my chest, and that of being jack-hammered through my chest walls-all of this, all at once.

I couldn't move. I was physically and emotionally drained. I couldn't even move my legs.

I was gasping for breaths trying to stay conscious. I began to loose my vision- like white-out erasing my visual field. I lost my ability to see temporarily, and could not tell what was going on around me.

"Ella!" It was Eric.

He was hugging me and whispering comforting words when I fell into complete oblivion.

Chapter 01


Proper Manners and Right Conduct . . . Not for Me!


Thirteen years old

August 18, 2006

It's been one year since I was adopted. It was my birthday, I was supposed to be happy not mourning for the loss of my parents that died in a car crash. One week after that the Social Workers came and they taken me to an orphanage.

I got to the orphanage where Ramon Garcia was looking for a 'daughter'. As soon as he saw me his face lit up and the next thing I knew was I was now in a big house- more like a mansion. There were seventeen of us. Two girls and the rest are boys.

"Hi! My name's Danielle but my friends call me 'Ella' so I guess you can call me Ella, too." I babbled.

"Uhh. Hi. My name's Laura," She muttered.

"Can we be friends?" I asked hopefully.

"Uhh, ok." was her short reply.

We were were cut off by a short, squat woman. She has a broad, flabby face, a wide mouth, and bulging puchy eyes and mousy hair.

"Hello children." They mumbled their 'hi's' and 'hello's' in chorus. "No, you are not allowed to mumble. If you have something to say, say it out loud. Mumbling shows less confidence," she strictly said. The way she stands and speaks makes me feel like I'm in a military school.

"Ew, he farted." The red haired kid laughed earning a glare from the flabby face woman which effectively shuts his mouth.

"Now, do any of you has a question?"

Laura raised her hand.

"Uhm, I'm Laura. What's your name?" She asked shyly.

She smile."Forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Madame Mikhailovich Dostoevsky," She purred spreading her hands and bowing slightly.

"What theee hell?" The red haired kid says trying to pronounce her name but only came out as 'mikelovich dostobsky'

"Oh, she's Japanese!" I cried. "Are you a ninja or something? 'Cause that would be so cool. Can you teach on how to be a ninja? Do you have some sort of a secret ninja handsh-"

Madame what's-her-name snapped her head at my direction. "You," she said pointing a chubby finger at me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Danielle but you can call me Ella but I really don't think so. I just turn thirteen yesterday. How's it going?" I said cooly.

Madame what's-her-name was completely horrified by my answer. "When greeting someone, it's always best to say, "Hello Judy," or, "Hello Mr. Smith," rather than simply "Hi," or, "How's it goin'?" If another person is with you, always make introductions immediately after shaking hands and-."

"Can we call you Madame M? You name is unpronouncable." I pouted.

"No, you cannot call me that. You will call me by my name and you will never interrupt when someone is speaking. Wait until you're sure he has finished before adding your own thoughts."

I waited for her to speak again when she didn't I said, "You sure knows a lot." I was grinning like an idiot. She must be the queen of ninja's but she looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle to me.

"And you sure talks a lot." She said raising her eyebrow. "You all will remain here writing a five page essay on what's the importance of proper manners and why should I let this little girl-."

"I'm not little."

"Ten pages." and she was gone leaving them groaning.


The next day. Half of my supposedly 'half-brothers and sisters' was glaring at me. We were eating breakfast. I was with my new friend Laura and a blonde haired boy who's name is Chris. He is gay and in denial stage. Tsk, tsk.

"What's their problem?" I asked swallowing the last piece of my pancake.

She shrugged and continue reading her book. I turned to Chris.

"Maybe because of the incident yesterday?" He suggested.

"Puh-leese. It's not like I'm the one who farted yesterday."

He rolled his eyes and focus his attention at the food on his plate.

"Oh my God!" I screamed causing Laura and Chris to flinched.

"What? What's wrong?" Laura closed her book and turned to me with his black and worried eyes.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked.

"What if-" I whispered looking sideways to see if someone is listening.

"What if what?" Chris whispered too.

"Why are we whispering?" I said distracted by his whispering.

He seems confused.

"Whatever, Anyways. What if I'm the one who farted yesterday and I didn't know it? Like- you know, I subconciously did it?" I asked wearily.

They just groaned. Laura returned on reading her book while Chris was staring at me like I was crazy.

"That's not it, Ella. They are glaring at you because of what you did yesterday. Remember calling Madame M a japanese?" I nodded. "Well, you are the reason why she's in a foul mood since yesterday."

"All I said is that she's Japanese," I said in my defense.

He sighed. "She is not Japanese,Ella. She's Russian."

"Oh, so she is not a ninja?" I said in a small voice.

"Ninja's aren't real." He spat.

My eyes widened and my mouth formed an 'O'. "Take that back!"

"No! You're Crazy!"

"No I am not! You're Gay!"

"I'm not gay!"

"Yes you are!"

"Am not!"


"Am not!"


"Am not!"

"Am not!"

"Yeah-uh! Huh?"

"Ha! Gay Chris on the loose!" I stood up waving my hand in the air.

"Can you please tone it down a little bit? I'm trying to read here," Laura said not bothering to look up from her book.

"Ha! Gay Chris on the loose," I whispered/yelled.

Suddenly, the big oak door opened revealing a jolly -sickening- looking Ramon.

"Hello, children." He greeted.

Madame M cleared her throat as she glared at us like telling us 'greet him properly!'.

"Hi, Mr. Garcia."

"Madame whatcha-ma-call, it you don't look like ok.," I said.

She frowned at the whatcha-ma-call it. "I feel fine. What makes you say that Danielle?" She smiled.

"I thought you were constipated or something. Oh, you were smiling, weren't you?" I smile sheepishly. They burst out laughing even Mr. Garcia. I swear if glaring could kill I'd be dead now from what I can see fom Madame M.

"I like this kid. Send her to my office after breakfast," Mr. G (Yes, I decided calling him that.) said when the laughter died.

Chapter 02

CHAPTER 2: Little Angel?

I was on my way to Ramon's office. Why would he want me? Maybe he'll turn me into some oompa loompa and send me to Charlie's Chocolate Factory. I gasp.but wait. That's completely impossible. Oompa Loompa's aren't real- well maybe they are. Which explains the Willy Wonkas chocolate's. Eww, those midgets makes the chocolate's, bleh. I have nothing against midgets. hehe midgets.

"Is he there?" I asked the maid who is standing outside the door.

"Where else would he be?" She sarcasticaly said, smiling sweetly at me.

I punched her in the face which causes her fall then I pummeled her until her little body can't take it anymore. Mwahaha. just kidding. I can't just turn from Ella into a freakin' Hulk. What really happened is: I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of the way.

"Yeah, yeah. Go die in a hole," I muttered.

She glared at me, I gave her my sweetest smile in return.

I saw Ramon sitting behind the large table with his phone on his ears. He stood up. he mouthed 'Wait a minute' as he held up his hand I nodded and he got uto of the office.I get the chance to observe Ramon from the one way mirror. He a very old man, maybe in his 50's or 60's. He is stocky,tanned, and his age shows by the receding of his hair line and sickening as ever.

"Ha-yiiiiiii!" I looked down. Oh, it's a kid. A girl who is staring up at me.

"Uh. hi?" I didn't know what to say. She's creepy. "How old are you?"

"I'm five years old."

"Ok. Well you just stay there." I cautiously step towards the chair in front of the table.

"Let's play!" She was smiling like a kid. Well, duh!

"Nah, I don't think so." I shook my head.

"But I'm not asking what you thought of it." Her smile slipped out of her face. Her eyebrows scrunched up and her lips was streched in thin line. "Let's.Play.Now!" She said through gritted teeth.

Wow. A bi-polar kid.

"No. I won't play with you. Not now. Not ever," I said crossing my arms over my chest. I smirked as if challenging her.

Twenty Minutes Later

"Princess Ella, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

This little sneak! You better sleep with one eye open because I'm going to strangle you in your sleep.

"The ninja's have invaded the kingdom. We must leave the castle," I said trying to imitate her 'princess' voice.

"Hello, girls!" It was Ramon. Oh, thank God!

"Oh my God! You are a life saver. You have saved me from this-"

"Oh, I see you have met my daughter Angel?" Ramon said.

I snorted."More like a devil." I mumbled. So she's Ramons daughter. Daughter? Wait. "What? Your daughter?" I was confused. He's ancient.


"How? You're so old."

"But her mother was young." He chuckled.

"Ewwwwwwww! She could be your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter." I said breathlessly.

"Are finished?" He said dryly. Maybe he's used to it. He waited for my answer.

"Great great great great great grand daughter. There I'm finished." I huffed. "So why am I here?" I smiled.

"You'll be baby sitting her." Without waiting for a reply he left the room.

I must be staring blankly into space for like- twenty minutes. I turned slowly to that little devil. There she is, smiling evily at me like she's coming up with a plan to destroy me.

Why me? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!

Oh, joy!



This is just a filler chapter. Now you've met Angel. She'll be playing a huge part in this story.

Ok, people! Vampires! Werewolves! Oompa Loompas! Ninjas! You know what to do!

I have a question for those who is readng this: Do you think I should continue writing this story?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2011

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