
Chapter 01

Chapter 01

Brianna Rae Winters couldn't shook of the uneasiness that was crawling on her. Her mate - Donovan Ethelwulf, the Alpha - called her saying they have some important things to talk so he's coming over. She dismissed all the negative thoughts that succesfully seeped in her mind. They are mates for the Spirits sake! He wouldn't break up with her, she didn't even remember what she did wrong and they were already mated.

She sigh for the nth time that evening. She was waiting for him at the apartment that he gave her. No one knows about them being mates except for her best friend Lisa who is Donovan's younger sister. She and Lisa is only fifteen while Donovan is almost eighteen.

The knocking on the door almost snapped her neck when she turned her head. She quickly dashed off to open the door. There stood Donovan with his blonde hair completely in a mess - which is in hot kind of way - His piercing blue eyes stared at her intensely as his lips twitch.

She noticed that there was a suitcase beside him.

"Come in," she said motioning for him to come inside.

"Uh . . . no, no," he said quickly. "Look: Bri, I'm really sorry but I'm moving away."

"What do you mean moving away?" Her eyebrows knit in confusion. The uneasiness and the negative vibes has succesfully infiltrated her mind now.

"I-I-I can't be with you," he lied because his eyes was telling the truth.

"What do you mean? I'm your mate! We're already mated!" She almost shouted. Her vision blurred when tears threaten to fall.

"You can keep the apartment. I'm giving it to you just-" He paused." Just don't try contacting me. I don't want to see you anymore. I don't want you as my mate. You're weak and pathetic!" He spat then turned to leave.

Every word that he said cut through her soul and heart. She didn't know that there was still much more pain than her parents dying when she was fourteen. The slamming of the car door snapped her out from her trance. With all her might she run, chasing the car while shouting her mate's name over and over again.

Little by llittle the car became smaller and smaller until it became a dot and vanishing from her vision. She clutched her heart. Sobs racked her body. She tried using the mind link but Donovan was keeping his shield on. Clutching her heart she wished everything was just a dream

But it's not a dream.

She was living in a nightmare.

She closed her eyes tight until her she felt the dizzyness. It's been one week since Donovan left but he left a piece of him. She was pregnant. One month and a half.

As the nightmare continues she only wishes to be awaken from it and escape the cruel heart ache that fate inflicts upon her.


***So, this is my first story here. What do you think?
This is my friends story. What do you think?

Chapter 02


I need to get away from here! Was the first thought that popped into Briana's mind as she held with shaking hands the pregnancy stick. [is that what you call it? XD]

The plus sign indicates that she was indeed pregnant because that was her sixth positive stick and one negative.She threw the five positive and kept the negative in the hand basin.

She can feel the tears gliding down her puffy cheeks, her eyes sting from a lot of crying. You're weak and pathetic echo in her mind. She wiped it hastily with more hate. She dare not to cry, proving no one but herself that she is not weak and pathetic. In her mind she loathes Donovan but in her heart she love him more than anything. No one can know about the babies, I must leave before they discovered it. She made a decision. She's leaving.

Her mother used to tell her that when she found her mate It will be the greatest treasure that she would ever have in this lifetime, she snorted at that. That was a total crap seeing her now, a fifteen year old girl, a rejected mate, and pregnant by the one who rejected her.

The was a knock on the door and a repetitively ding's of the doorbell. She sigh. It nwas Lisa, Lisa Ethelwulf. She opened the door and Lisa gasp when she saw her friend, blood shot eyes, red puffy cheeks, and the tears that line her face. She pulled Bree in a hug. At first her hands lay beside her but Lisa felt Bri's hands slowly coming up.

Bree hugged Lisa tightly and finally her emotion burst she can't hold the tears anymore. She still has humane feeings.

After, what seems like hours of hugging, Bree and her best friend sat inside the living room. No one dare to speak. They drank the silence greedily.

"I'm sorry, Bree. I came here as soon as I heard he left. My brother is an asshole. If I can decide it myself I wouldn't let him be the Alpha," Lisa told her softly.

"It's okay Lisa." She assured her.

"No, it's not okay!" Lisa snapped at her. "She's your mate Bree! Your mate! And I feel bad that I'm the only one who knew this and yet I can't help you!"

"Lisa, it's your brother's choice."

"Are you hearing yourself, Bree? He's your mate for a reason and he knows better that when he have taken you away from your pack that you are now his responsibility. He damn well knows what you have gone through since last year . . ." Lisa trailed off.

"Yeah, my parents was killed in front of me and then I found my mate," she said bitterly. "My mate, the one who will love and cherish me," She snort at her sarcasm, "who the fuck said that?" She sniffed and squirmed, feeling an unpleasant feeling in her stomach.

Lisa nearly gasp when she heard her cussing. She never cussed, ever. She was this naive, sweet girl that everyone loves and now she can see that she's changing slowly.

"Bree. You can moved in in the pack house. You-" and before she finished Bree's eyes widened and a whimper escape from her mouth. Lisa, caught off guard asked her what's wrong and dashed off saying she's going to find a medicine.

There was a build up tension in her stomach. Oh, God no, not the baby. It was building up until she can't control it anymore that tension explodes at once in her genitals. They contract and she can feel waves of heat and pure pleasure radiating from that explosion through her body. It was like an orgasm. Wait, orgasm? That asshole is having sex?! The thought made her burst out crying again. She was in so much pain, physically and emotionally. It's only just a week and he's screwing some slut while she was an emotional wreck.


Bree looked up at Lisa who is standing in the living room looking kind of dazed.

Lisa cautiously walk towards Bree.

"Bree? Are you pregnant?" She asked holding the pregnant stick in her hand.


Does it seemed like a cliffhanger to you readers?

Chapter 03

Chapter 2

Lisa left reluctantly after finding out that I wasn't pregnant. The medicine kit that she saw was the one in the hand basin where the only negative result lay carelessly inside. It was already midnight when I convinced her to go home but she was reluctant to leave, sensing that something was wrong with me. She finally left when the Alpha - her father - called her through mind link. There had been a sighting of rogues outside the perimeter line.

"Are you sure you're going to be all right?" Lisa asked before stepping inside her car.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay, really. Your pack needs you. Packs always comes first, Lisa."

"But-." She sighed. "All right!" She grumbled. "I'm really sorr-."

Now it's my turn to sigh. "Lisa! It's not your fault. If it's someones fault it's mine. He wouldn't left me If I was weak and pathetic," I choked out.

She looked at me with sympathy. "Ellery, It's not your fault," she said softly.

I ignore it, nudging her to her car.

"Call me if something happens okay?"

I hold up my phone, reassuring her.

With a final glance she left.

I'm still not part of the pack. Meaning I'm a rogue. Donovan had found a way to keep me anonymous. I don't know if he really loved me or he was just keeping me for his own pleasure. My body shivers in disgust at the thought.

I turned towards the apartment when I heard some rustling. I stopped, searching the place. Nothing suspicious, I shrugged. I felt someone watching me. I raised my guard up, sensing someone behind me I run for the door.

Before I could reach it, a hand grab me from behind.

"I came here to ease your pain future Alpha Luna!" He said, mocking me.

"Lemme go!" I twisted from his grasp.

"Now, why would I do that? I'll get half a million because of you," he said pulling out a syringe. My eyes widened. I was thrashing now but his grasped didn't loosen. He pulled the cap with his teeth then spitting it off . I felt the sting in my arm. His teeth grew into fangs and he started to sink it in my neck. It burns. It really hurts until I feel numb.

Slowly, the world spins. My mind darkened. Deep slumber pulling me out from my consciousness then I fell into a complete oblivion.



It's been almost two weeks since I left her. Her eyes was the most saddest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. Her pleading eyes, begging me not to go. It was crushing me. I wasn't really planning on having a mate. It was more like of an obligation at first.

Her parents was killed in front of her by the skinwalkers, nasty bastards, she wouldn't talk to anyone and wouldn't eat. When I saw I knew right away that she was my mate. My wolf yearns for her. I took her from her pack without my dad's consent. It looked like she ran away.

I promised myself when she gets back to her old self I'll leave and true to my promise I left. I'm not planning on getting tied up. I'm only eighteen! I know my reasons are shallow like whoring around. I have to get away. My feelings for her is quickly changing and that scared the shit out of me. I was just helping her to stand on her own feet.

"Babe, get back here." Karen said, still sleepy. She gripped the blanket to her bare chest.

I smirked and started to crawl to the bed, kissing her. I kissed her stomach trailing up to her chest up to her jaw. My heart beat was erratically beating, I frowned. There's something wrong I can feel it. I stopped kissing her and sit up straight. I feel like panicking and just wanted to get out of here then a stinging feeling in my arm. I flinched. There's something wrong going on. It was like I'm on fire, I winced. Before I could dial Lisa's number it rang. It was Lisa.

"Hey, Lisa. There's so-."

"You bastard! This is all your fault!" She sobbed, her wailing was the only thing that can be heard from the other line.

"What? What the hell are you talking about!?" My brows knitted in confusion.

"Thay took her! You asshole! They took her." She sniffed.

"What?! Who took who?"

There was silence. Lisa's crying stopped. "They took Ellery, Donovan. The skinwalkers took her," there was a pause. "And we don't know if she's dead." She whispered.

The phone slipped from my hands, I couldn't comprehend what she was saying.

"Donovan! Donovan!" I picked out the phone.

"What?" I whispered.

"She's . . . She's pregnant, Donovan."


Ellery's pregnant. It took all my strength to keep my wolf locked inside. My wolf was only a thread away from bursting out.

"Donovan? Are you okay?"

"Karen, please get out." I said, using my Alpha tone. The girl left without another word.

It's all my fault.

She might be dead.

I tried using the mind link. It was there but I can't feel her. It was like she's there but it was empty.

This is all your fault, my Wolf weeped turning his back on me, he disappeared. Now I feel empty.


So, what do you think? Drooplepup asked me to update and now this is my update.. haha

Chapter 04

Chapter 03


Ellery started to whimper before she could finish her sentence I had a panic attack and dashed off to find a medicine. I rummaged through her medicine box in the bathroom when a stick caught my attention in the hand basin.

My heart thumped. It was a pregnancy stick [A/N: Dunno what to call it too. lol XD] I flipped it and almost faint when I saw the result. It was negative, I sighed. I don't know if I should be happy or not that the result was negative.

Making sure, I checked the trash can for other pregnancy stick. There it was, five positive sticks. She was, indeed, pregnant. I would be ecstatic right now if my bastard of a brother didn't left her. I suddenly wonder if she was planning on telling me about the pregnancy. I need to hear it from her. Grabbing the negative result, I walked outside the bathroom and towards the living room.

Ellery was pale and the sweat was starting to form on her forehead.

I asked her if she was pregnant. She grew paler but when she saw that I was holding the negative she didn't hesitate on lying. She managed to deny it through her ragged breathing. I checked for her temperature but it was normal then realization slammed into me. It was Donovan who is causing her this problem.

My blood boiled but I kept my wolf in check. Brother or not Ellery is still my best friend and I know that the pain from last year would be brought up. I don't want to see her like that again. Almost every month she tried killing herself more than five times. It took us half a year to heal her mentally and physically.

By midnight I was reluctant to leave. We stood outside, the lamp post was the only thing that keeps the surroundings lightened. She hasn't told me yet but I think she's not planning on telling me. My dad was literally shouting at me. I tried hard not to wince and when she said she's going to be fine I left.

When In got to the pack house. Everyone was busy both children and adults. I frowned. What's happening in here? I grabbed someone and ask her what's going on.

Her eyes was wide with fear. "The skinwalkers! They're here! They already killed 8 guard and two were injured!" She whispered and broke down to sobbing. I guide her to the nearest chair where a a guard was standing.

I saw my dad outside the door shouting, throwing his hand in the air. I was surprise. My dad was always calm and collect. This must be serious for dad's reaction was that strong.

"Dad!" i shouted, that got his attention.

He rushed to me and envelope mein a tight hug.

"Dad, what's going on?" I noticed that there were traces of blood in his clothes. He led me to his study room.

"The skinwalkers are on a killing spree. They were looking for someone and I sent ten guards to find out who, after they did an investigation the person that they were looking is not here in our town but they keept on insisting she was here."

My heart thumped. She? "Dad? Who are they looking for?"

"Remember last year? When Alpha Winters and his wife was killed?"

Oh, God no. I nodded.

"it was their daughter they were looking for. Something about the Secret Circle." He sighed.

I quickly pulled out my phone and dialled Ellery. Pick it up! Pick it up! I keep on chanting in my head. I was about to leave when a guard came bursting through the door.

"Alpha!" he breathed, bowing. "Twenty three humans are dead and they said it was just a warning if they didn't hve the girl by sunrise they will kill all the living creatures here in our town. Both human and werewolf."

Dad cursed under his breath.

And then another guard came bursting. He was filled with blood and was limping. He bowed and blurted, "Someone saw a girl being kidnapped, the police were notified."

"Tell me. Why do I have to know that!" Dad snapped.

"Alpha, we believed she is the girl they were looking for. They already left the town but managed to burn half of it."

"Send out guards and help the humans with their needs." The two guards bowed and left.

Ellery is gone!

I'm going to kill you Donovan!


Okay! Now it's finished! Yay! hahaha..

Chapter 05

Sorry for the late update :(



Tip Tap Tip Tap Tip Tap

Am I dead? I thought solemnly as the pit-and-pattering continously echoed around me. I forcefully opened my eyes, blinking, darkness was enveloping me. I moaned, my throat was dry, deprived of water.

I tried moving but I realized that my wrist was securely tied in a knot. I insatantly panicked. My eyes started to heat up and tears were pooling down from my face. What will happen to me? What about my baby? I let out a small whimper when I heard a rustling from the other side. I compressed myself on the corner.

"Crying won't help. They will kill you if you keep it up," a voice said bluntly, as if a cold-blooded killing was a natural thing to do.

"Wh-who are you?" I sniffed.

"You don't have to know. Either one of us will stay here much longer anyway," she nonchalantly said.

"What do you mean?" My voice quivered in fear. Are they going to kill me?

"I mean: We have the same fate and that is dying in this hell hole. It's either you die or you become one of them, get it?" Her tone was filled with boredom and each word was pronounce slowly like she was explaining to a five year old.

Ignoring it, I asked, "they?"

"The skinwalkers," she said bitterly. "They killed my mate," she said, particularly to no one, more like to herself.

My stomach was tying itself in knots upon hearing skinwalkers. The bastards killed my parents in front of me. They forced me to watch it while they skin them alive. I shuddered and quickly regretted going back to the past.

I understand now why she was not afraid to die. They killed her other half, her soul mate. In some way I can relate to her pain. When my mate left me it was like seeing things black and white like it's either he loves you or not, there's no maybe, there's no possibility that it might. Donovan leaving me was a pain like no other that I can compared with not even my parents death. In her case, the woman I was with that held prisoner too - her mate died. She won't be able to see him again.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say. She didn't answer as silence fill the dark room. I sighed. The last thing that I could remember was a man pulling out a syringe and sinking his fangs on my neck. My eyes widened as I remember those fangs piercing my skin. I craned my neck left and right, it burned a little but it was bearable.

I sat uncomfortably, rolling myself sideways and supporting my weight on my elbows. I succeslfully sat straight with my tied legs grew and grew until a scraping of metal doors interrupted the still silence.

The light stings, squinting my eyes, two men emerged from the metal door. Their face held a cruel smile that send shivers to my spine. The tall and bulky one grabbed the girl that I was talking to. The light from the door shows her features. Her hair was red and her pale skin was covered in bruised.

The other man grabbed my face harshly. I whimpered in fear.

"D'you know what're we gonna do with you?" He asked, laughing sardonically. Tears were now streaming down to my face when his hand touched my stomach and gave me a knowing look. I barely shook my head. I was shaking that badly.

"Too bad you won't see your bay alive."

And just like that. The world stand still. My brain stopped working as the eratically hammering of my heart was the only thing that can be heard from the dark room where they left me alone.

Not my baby! Donovan, help me! I shouted using the mind link but his wall was pulled up.

They are going to kill my baby and there's nothing I can do about it. I thought helplessly as I lay in the dark room slowly crumbling into pieces.

Chapter 06


My heartbeat echoed around the forest as they dragged me with my wrist tied in a knot. High trees surrounded me as darkness engulf the surroundings making me nervous and scared. It was like seeing my from a game show and the time was ticking, me, playing for my life and the life that was living inside me. Tic Toc TIc Toc every ticking is my life, slowly drifting away.

They were enjoying this, the skinwalkers, their faces held a cruel smirk. The mood shifted eerily with their pale skin and their bones protruded from their skin. Shuddering, I turned my head down.

The green grass caress my feet as every step seemed to be heavier and heavier. My knees buckled as we came to a halt in front of a shrine made from wood. Different gods, bigger than human being. Their eyes was enough to give you a heart attack.

Cold air swirled around me shaking me to my core. They stood still, staring at the statue in front of us then they bow their heads simultanously.

Someone grabbed my shoulder and dragged me towards the shrine where a pale man sat. Staring at me. His was bald and pale. His gaze was enough to scare the heck out of me. The mind link was still shut tight, even the others was shut.

We stopped in front of him. He stared at me like he was analyzing what's been going on in my head. He smile menacingly, grabbing my face harshly until my face was inches apart from him.

"So, you're alpha Winter's daughter?" He hissed.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice to crack from fear. He was staring at my eyes when it slowly drifted to my neck then back at my eyes again.

"Great! You've been marked! Just what I needed to know!" He laugh sardonically. "Take it now!" He order.

My eyes widened as my mind pieces on what's going to happen next.

He slowly rub my slightly bulging stomach, turning his head sideways. "It's a twin!" He exclaimed, smiling at my stomach then it faded turning to a frown and staring at me solemnly. "Too bad they won't see mommy again."

He raise his hand and chant something incoherent. My vision started to blur and I could feel my stomach tightened. All of this was happening and I wonder why am I not struggling? I tried to move but it was impossible. I was stuck in a trance.

I was getting dizzy. I can see a white glowing thread from my stomach connecting to his hand. My eyes started to water. I started to see a flash of images. Me, Donovan, and two kids; a boy and a girl.

Is this the future? I thought.

"Ellery, I'm here little sister! Stay awake!" Was the last thing I heard before falling in a deep slumber.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.12.2011

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