
New Beginnings

Chapter 1


Working in the CIA was a part of me that stuck like a piece of gum. Everytime you try to walk away it just keeps following you.


You know that one cousin that keeps asking you do you have games on your phone? Well, I don't know because I don't have a cousin. Not one that I know of.


I never knew my parents. They kicked me to the f*cking curb. Literally.


The police found me and I was soon bouncing from orphanage to orphanage until a family accepted me at the age of 6.


I shouldn't say family, it was more of a 30 year old man. He had no wife, no children, not even a house. That's a story for later.


The man wasn't the weirdest thing. It was where he drove me.


Next thing I knew, I was put in front of a punching bag with another man yelling orders at me.


"Hit the damn thing!"


"Come on you p*ssy!"


"Stop acting like a f*cking girl!"


I was only 6, so I was confused. Before I knew it, my tiny fist were punching the bag and beads of sweat were rolling down my face.


The man was still yelling orders in my ear. But I didn't pay attention to them. In my mind, I saw flashing images of how my birth parents would have looked.


Me on my father's shoulders, my mom cooking in the kitchen. All of us having smiles on our faces.

That's not real.


I grew up to fast. I never had friends. Nobody to talk to. It's been my mind and I for a long time. We are inseparable.


I've learned from my time in the CIA that nothing changes. That once your somewhere, you'll never get away. I've accepted that I'm never getting away.


"It's your lucky day. Your going to high school," Paul said with a smile on his face.

Oh sh*t.



New book guys! Hope you liked this first chapter!


Chapter 2

Chapter 2


~Don't forget to vote guys! This chapter is very long, so hang tight! Also, look for details. Enjoy my lovelies!


"Pourquoi maintenant?" I couldn't form English because of how mad I was. Well, I wasn't really mad. I was nervous.


I have never left this compound since the day they dropped me here. The only time they let me outside was to run. I've never communicated with an actually teenager or person my age ever.


"Pourquoi pas? Vous avez besoin de faire des amis autres que moi," he smirked.


I rolled my eyes at him and got up from my chair. He was sitting comfortably in his luxurious chair behind his desk. I just wanted to smack that smirk right of his face.


I huffed and paced the room. "I'm not going," I told him with my own sarcastic smile on my face. He chuckled and took a folder out of one of his drawers. Paul placed it on his desk and folded his hands on top of it.


He just continued to smile at me. That sadist.


"This case is very...interesting," he started. "I thought you would be perfect."


I was standing by the door now and I snuck a peek at the file. Evidence was written on the top with big, red bold letters. 


Maybe it would be nice to have some friends. To have someone to tell secrets to instead of the smiling sadist in front of me. I could have a boyfriend. Like in those teen movies, he would be caring, protective, sexy- NO! Snap out of it Celia. you are not supposed to be vulnerable. You aren't supposed to take sh*t for other people. You are supposed to be strong. Have a straight face all the time. Show no emotion. But I could lose my- NO! I shook out of my thoughts and looked back at the 30 year old man who thinks he is forever 21.


"I'm guessing you are interested," his smile grew making him look like  Cheshire Cat. I sighed and crossed my arms. "Come and take a seat in my lair," hesitantly, I sat back down in the chair I was sitting in just moments ago. "Good girl."


"Woof," I almost punched him in the face. Paul and I have this very rare love hate relationship. We've had that ever since I've gotten here. When nobody wanted me.


He opened the folder and turned it around, so it was facing me. "There are several girls missing. As far as we know, it's only girls missing at one high school in particular. Etson Academy."


The first picture I see is of a girl laying on a bus stop bench. She didn't have anything on except a t-shirt that was now at her stomach and she had no underwear on. She had sunglasses covering her eyes. Her face had no sign of life. 924 was written tiny on her neck just behind her ear. She was abandoned. I know how that feels. Her blonde hair had dirt and leaves in it. How long has she been there?


"Who's that?" I asked Paul in the middle of him explaining the case. He leaned over the desk and sat back down in his chair.


"Kayla Celeste. She was found 4 weeks ago," he said. "She's alive. The doctors said that she must have been there for a week. If she was there longer, she would be dead," he sat up in his chair. 


"Who found her?" I curiously asked not making eye contact with him instead keep looking at the picture.


"That's what you have to find out," he was smiling now. I rolled my eyes.


"The doctors found a drug in her system. Scopolamine, also known as devil's breath," his voice was low on the last part.


"So, what are the drug's effects?" I asked, now looking at him.


"After a person takes it, they no longer have control over their actions," he stated.


"Do you know who gave her the drug or left her on that bench?" I asked. 


"Nope. That's when you come in," his smirk was back. I forgot that I was on this case. Damn.


"What do I have to do?" I gave in. "Oh, the tough is finally cooperating," he said.


"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and put my feet criss-crossed on his desk. He immediately pushed my feet of his desk.


"I forgot you were raised in a barn," he joked while wiping off his desk where my feet were. I just glared at him. Of course, him being a sadist, he smiled. Again.


"You will go to Etson High and see how this drug is being passed around," he finally said. "You expect me to make friends," I laughed, "just like that," I snapped my fingers. I laughed even harder.


"Your right, you are too naive," he said. I stopped laughing. "Va au diable," I scolded him. Again, he laughed.


"You know I have been in this hell hole ever since I was six right. How am I supposed to communicate with teenagers when I've been hanging out with a wannabe one?" I couldn't help, but smirk at my joke.


"Ha ha," Paul scolded. "Just be cool, don't hurt anybody, badly," he laughed. I laughed with him. "I will try," I said honestly.


"Now, tell me. How is this exactly going to work?" I asked still confused.


"What all girls need, a makeover!" he clapped his hands twice.


Oh hell no.


Chapter 3

Chapter 3


After all of my protests, Paul still made me get a makeover. Ugh!


Why can't I just keep my dark brown hair. I would be unnoticeable, that would be perfect for the undercover mission. 


"The goal is to make you look like one of the populars," he started pushing me out of his office and shut the door behind him. He then led me to the platform that had no doors, but railings. They considered that as the elevator here.


"What's wrong with how I look?" I defensively asked him. He opened his mouth and closed and again. I gave him the 'go ahead' face, so I could hear how he was going to get out of this one.


He closed the gate to the platform and we started going down. "Your gorgeous. But, your going into a whole new world where people have to look a certain way to be considered popular," he said. I heard honesty in his voice.


"So, I'm basically gonna look like a wannabe," I glared at him. The platform hit the ground and we got off.


"Not even, we will add our on flavor to it," a smirk on his face. "Ew, please don't say 'flavor'. Ever," I pointed my finger at him.


"What? I am a cool kid," he said pulling up the collar to his black leather jacket, trying to look cool. I quickly elbowed him in the ribs and he let out a loud groan. 


"I didn't even put that much power on that," I honestly told Paul with a wide smile on my face. He rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. He swiftly typed a number on his phone as we stopped in front of the door that belonged to the man that adopted me.


I actually thank this man. He brought me to this place, and I released stress that I had been carrying for the longest time. I released my stress my first day here when I was put in front of that punching bag. 


"Fatima, yea, you can set up in the basement, thanks love," he ended the call. "Another booty call eh," I said with a smirk on my face.


"Shut up," he said and walked to the stairs that led to the basement. I hurriedly followed behind him noticing that he was already heading down the stairs.


"So, what is the vision for how I am going to look?" I asked putting my hands in front if me, being dramatic.



"You'll see," he said looking at me form the corner of his eyes with a smirk on his face. I groaned.


We raced down the last flights of stairs and came up to the wide, silver, aluminum doors that opened up to the basement.


He opened the double doors and the basement that used to have algae on the walls and dirt on the floor, was now clean. I mean really clean.


The once dirty, burgundy walls were now a clean white and the floor was now mahogany wood. "Close your mouth before a fly flies in it," Paul snapped me out of my bewilderment and I noticed the tables with makeup and hair products. To my right and left, I saw new sinks and dryers attached to the walls.


"Hey Paul," a woman with tight, above the knee black skirt and a white blouse. She leaned in and Paul and her kissed each other's cheeks. "Fatima, nice to see you again," they pulled back from each other.


She looked me up and down with a thinking face. "This is her?" the woman said surprised. "Yep, this is it," Paul said and I scowled at him.


"What are you guys talking about that she needs a makeover? She is already gorgeous," she stated, "stop wasting my time." She then slapped Paul's arm.


I felt a strange feeling. My face was heating up and I felt like my face was turning red. Was this what it felt like to blush?


"Sorry to burst your bubble, but we want to go bigger than," he motioned to my face," this." I got so angry that I held his elbow and pinched one of his nerves. He quickly passed out on the clean floor that I wished was dirty to torture him.


The woman laughed so hard that she stumbled in her heels. Her long, golden, blonde hair was bouncing over her shoulders. "I love you already," she was still giggling. I couldn't help, but smile wide.


"So, how are you going to make-me-over," I said emphasizing. After she finished laughing, she came over to me and lifted one strand of my hair and looked at my facial features. She went around me and looked me up and down again. Wow, this didn't feel weird at all. Note the sarcasm.


"Ooo, I know the perfect look. The boys are going to go weak in the knees when the see you walking down the hallway," a bright smile on her face. She grabbed my arm and dragging me to a lady, that I didn't notice before, who was by the hair products. I abruptly stopped in my tracks.


She looked confused. "What's wrong," her voice was concerning. I looked back at the devil spawn that was still face down on the ground. 


"What about him?" I tried to hold in a laugh, but failed. I snorted. Uh. Why did I have to ugly laugh?


Fatima snorted too. Well, at least I wasn't alone. "Oh, Perry!" she yelled and a buff guy with short brown hair came. His black shirt looked like it was about to rip from how muscular he looked.


"Can you, um, take care of that?" she asked him. We both laughed. The guy, Perry, nodded and lifted an unconscious Paul over his shoulder like he weighed nothing. We watched Perry toss Paul on the nearest couch and Paul groaned. 


I learned how to hit a nerve from watching too much Zoey 101 and iCarly. I never knew it would come in handy. I internally smiled.


"Ready?" Fatima asked. I nodded my head, still nervous about what is about to come.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


After hours of waxing everything (and I mean everything if you know what I mean), manicures and pedicures, hair dyes, and clothes arrangement, my look was done. 


We got her at 9 this morning and now it's 7pm. Wow, time flies by when someone is doing things for you. 


An angry Paul woke up by 5 and it was the most funniest scene I have ever seen. Paul freaked  and fell off the couch to the floor with a thud. The lady doing my hair almost spilled some hair dye on me because I was laughing so hard. After all my protests, though, they still dyed my hair. I'm not saying I jumped for joy. Let's just say I had a sour face when they were styling my hair. Fatima wouldn't let me see myself yet until the 'finishing touches' are done, as she says.


But, I wasn't bored the whole time. After Paul wasn't boiling with anger towards me, he, reluctantly, gave me my first Samsung Galaxy 6, well, my first phone ever. They didn't want me to contact anyone outside of the compound. Besides, who would I talk to?


"You ready to see the new and even more improved you, Celia?" Fatima asked, excitement written all over her face. I was sitting in a black spin chair in the middle of the basement and a huge mirror was behind me.


I wasn't really excited to see my new 'look'. I'm not gonna lie, but I'm scared of how I look. And I don't get scared often. The reason why I'm scared is because I don't know if I will recognize myself. The Celia that I have grown used to over the years, will just be a picture on the wall. She will be gone. I'm afraid that this new self will not want to go back to the old, ordinary Celia. But, if II'm going to do this operation, I'll just have to get used to this 'new and improved' Celia.


"What the hell," I told her. While she was turning my chair around, I was trying to prepare myself. Breathe in, breathe out. I was soon staring at another girl in the mirror, who looked kind of like me.


My once dark brown hair was now dark red along with my eyebrows. My hazel eyes were transformed into a dark green. Something else was different on my face. My eyelashes were darker than usual.


My hand went to touch my eyelashes, but it was quickly slapped away. Fatima was now standing next to me. "NO! That's just makeup. Oh, and I have to teach you how to put makeup on," she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "This is going to be so much fun!" she said.


"Not bad," Paul said and came behind my chair. I was too busy examining my new appearance that I didn't hear Paul's question. "Celia, we have to come up with a new name," Paul said annoyed that he repeated himself like five times already.


"Oh yeah, so I wouldn't be recognized. It's not like people are going to recognize me. I haven't been outside of this compound. Ever," I angrily said. "Celia, don't be angry," he put a hand on my back.


"Sorry," I mumbled. "Any name ideas?" he asked again. I was in thinking mode now. "What about Renee Patit?" I asked him. "Cute, but I think we should use an American name instead of a French one. You have to hide your identity, remember?" he said.


Right. I should pick a girl name because of how much a tomboy I am. But, that would be offensive to the name. Eh. Who cares?


I thought back to when my parents abandoned me. They didn't leave me alone though. The police found a stuffed bunny rabbit in the basket they left me in. The police gave it back to me when they were done finding what store it came from. They did that so they can track the receipt the person who bought it. 


Soon, I was in my third orphanage and was four years old. I had grown close to a girl who was my age. Jules. We became best friends. One day, she asked what was my bunny's name. I never really thought of a name for it because I didn't really care.


Later that day, she was adopted. A beautiful family took her in. She would soon have two brothers, a mother, and a father. We said our goodbyes, but neither of us could let each other go. When she was gone, I finally named my bunny. Jules. That's because Jules was the only person who I would call family.


"What about Jules?" I asked. Paul and Fatima looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Perfect. How did you come up with that?" Paul asked. 


"Just a childhood friend," I told them. "Huh. Now we just need a last name for you," he lastly said. I knew the perfect one.


"Tyler," I said. You wonder why? That was the name of Jules' father. The one who adopted her that day. Why do I know that? Let's just say I was a rugrat when I was younger. Still am now.


"Jules Tyler, I love it!" Fatima exclaimed. 


                                                 (above picture of Celia after makover)

                                                  Celia Durand/Jules Tyler: Phoebe Tonkin

                                                   Paul: Ryan Reynolds

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 


~ DO NOT SKIP Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while, but I was getting ideas for the book. This chapter is on someone else's POV, so I hope you enjoy! Yesterday, I finished a book called 'Sink or Swim' and I loved it!! I recommend it for you guys who haven't read it. It will change your life! So, without further a do, Chapter 6 of Kill or Kiss is presented!


Beau's POV


My sister's death was a surprise to everyone. Nobody saw it coming because it was so sudden. No offense to my sister, but I saw it coming. 


If she would have never been associated with those people, she would still be alive today. But, I can't blame it on her. It's my fault. 


I'm her big brother and I could have done more than beating those guys up. No, I should have fucking killed them. 


I thought I could protect her. I promised my dad I would protect her. I failed her, and I'm going to pay for her death. 


Sitting in the second pew in the church was the closest I've ever been in a church. My twin brother was sitting next to me. When I looked over at him, I saw a tear going down his face. My face showed no emotion when they were lowering my sister in the ground. Showed no emotion when they covered up her grave. Showed no emotion when my mother was bawling like a baby in my dad's arms. Still showing no emotion as I am laying in my bed. In the dark.


I don't deserve to mourn over her. I don't deserve to cry over someone that I basically let die. I am her killer.


My door slowly opened and the hallway light filled the room. Squinting my eyes, I saw that my mom was in the doorway with her 'Best Mom Ever' apron on. It had what looked like tomato sauce on it so she must cooking.


"Honey, dinner's almost ready," her soft voice disturbed the silence. "I'll be down in a minute," my voice was gruff since I just woke up. She smiled softly and closed the door. Before it was fully closed she said something.


"I love you," she said. I was in a sitting position now. "I love you too, mum," I replied. I saw her smile again and she closed the door. My room was once again filled with darkness. When I heard her scurrying down the stairs, I got up.


 But, too quickly. "Fuck!" I whisper yelled so my mum wouldn't hear me curse. I was now dizzy and stumbled over a book which magically appeared on the floor. 


In an instant, I was on the floor. It sounded like a herd of horses ran in my room. "Shit!" I whisper yelled another curse.


"Beau!" my mum screeched. "Are you okay?" she yelled from downstairs. 


Why am I all of a sudden clumsy?


"I'm good," I groaned. Getting up, I struggled to get to my bathroom. But, I made it.


"Be careful, honey," my mother said and I heard her put something in the sink. I turned on the light and my reflection was horrid. My blonde hair grew down to my shoulders and it was unruly. I have dark bags under my eyes even though I've slept everyday since the funeral. 


I turned away from the mirror, took off my clothes, and hopped in the shower. 


I just remembered that I had school on Monday. Shit.


~I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm making up for it and these next couple of chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment! Have a good day my lovelies!


Chapter 6

Chapter 6


 The house was cute and coomfy. It has creme colored walls, two bedrooms and bathrooms, a kitchen with an island, and a living room that had furniture.


My room had light blue colored walls, a desk with a spinny chair, a king size bed, and my own personal bathroom. 


I was now standing in my new bedroom door with my backpack slung over my shoulder. "Woah," I gasped and walked over to the bed with snow white sheets. I fell face first on the bed and groaned.


Paul dropped me off an hour ago with my new clothes Fatima is making me wear. Most of them are very girly. Yay. 


Now, I have to California my new home. It's not like I'm going to miss Philedelphia, that's where my life began and ended. But, I have to give Paul credit. He was my only friend.


I'm not going to say I'm excited to be in California because I want to see my parents with a bloody nose.


They are supposed to be living in this house with me. Raising me and loving me. My dad keeping the guys away and my mom bringing them in and gossiping. No, that's not real. They don't think I'm worth thinking about, so I'm going to do the same to them. When I do think about them, I see them being shot in the head. 




I have accepted the new me. The me that can take care of herself and not depend on anyone. The violent me.


My stomach grumbled and I just remembered I didn't eat breakfast at the compound. Well, breakfast at the compound was stale bread and clumpy milk. Of course I didn't drink the milk.


I slowly got up and took my phone from my back pocket. I turned it on and the first thing I see isthe game I've been obsessing over for the past two days.


Candy Crush.


I know, I'm going to get a password soon.


After I finished the level I was on, I went to my home screen. "Now, where is the closest breakfast place?" I was still getting acclamated to the world and especially this phone. 


"There you are." I tapped on the Maps app and typed in "breakfast places". Thee fiirst place that popped up was "Angie's Diner", and it was sevenn blocks away. 


I got up from my comfortable bed and went downstairs. I grabbed my purse from the kitchen's island, went outside, and took out my car keys.

Paul gave me a car, but not before he taught me how to drive it. Two fucking weeks of Paul yalling at me to 'hit the brakes' or 'don't you see that stop sign'. I didn't know he could get anymore annoying. Although, I drive like a pro now. 


I was given a gorgeous blue Toyota and I loved it. Starting the car, I buckled my seatbelt and pressed the location of "Angie's Diner".


"Take 43rd in western to 49th in Robin and take a left," they high pitched voice directed.


Pulling out of my driveway, I checked my mirror for any cars to check if the road was clear for me to pull out. When I didn't see anyone, I followed the directions my phone gave me.


When a red light came up, I slowed down and took a second to look around. The California air was comforable, but a little cool. I was living in the forest area of California. It was beautiful, though, if I see a bear trying to be 'friends' with my car, I'm not going t promise I won't hurt it.

The truth is I love animals, but that still doesn't mean they have permission to destroy my property.




I heard a loud horn and I noticed the green Jeep behind me was honking at me like crazy. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't know the light turned green again. 

Sitting up in my seat, I pressed on the gas pedal and continued the route to the diner.


In less than 10 minutes, I was in the half vacant parking lot of "Angie's Diner". I took my key out of the ignition and stepped out the car.


As soon as I did, the cool air hit my bare arms which immediately caused goosebumps to form. What the hell? I was just saying how the weather was comfortable, but when I looked up the sjy was turning gray.

War started when the first rain drop plopped on my forehead. Then, in seconds, it started pouring.


Quickly, I to the double doors of the diner.  I pressed the button on my keys to lock my car doors and I was shivering from the cold rain.


Whistles were being thrown my way so I turned to see three guys sitting in a booth looking at me with perverted smiles on their faces. Though, their eyes weren't on my face. Looking down, I saw that my black tank top was soaking wet and my boobs were being pushed out the top of my shirt. 

I walked over to their booth with my fist balled to my sides and I felt like dteam was coming out of my ears.


"Hey is your little friend over their giving you a blow job?" I asked the guy who sat in the middle. "Is that why you are smiling so hard?" I gave a tight lipped smile.


The guy looked like he was about to explode. "Listen you whore-" his nose was flaring unitl I interupted him. "I'm sorry, but that's clearly only the name you will be called when you go to prison," my smile grew wider and I moved closer to his face across the table. "I heard the men like the pretty ones," I gave them one last smile, turned around, and began walking to the counter where on of the workers were.


"We're not done here slut!" he exclaimed and I heard him and his crew get up. "Anytime bitch," I waved backwards because I wasn't facing them.


I heard one last growl from the little man and the diner's doors were opening then closing. 


When that was over, I sat in one of the stools at the counter and took out my phone. I pulled up Paul's number and texted him.


At Angie's Diner and I feel like punching a wall.


While I was writing this messaage I felt a pair of eyes on me. Sending the text, I look up twice to see who was watching me. 


Behind the counter was one of the workers and she had dark black hair which was in a pony tail. Her loud blue eyes were creeping me out as she watched me intently. 

"Can I help you?" I asked a little annoyed and awkward as this girl kept staring at me.


"I should be asking you the same thing," she said with a little attitude, but I saw the smile she was trying to hold back.


"Whatever," I mumbled and ran my fingers through my damp hair. The color, though, was still foreign to me. I looked back down at my phone and saw Paul texted me back.


Mad already? Control your temper tiger, it's just your first day.


Rolling my eyes, I replied to his text.


Yea, yea, I'll save it for school.


Still feeling eyes on me, I, once again, looked up to see the girl staring at me. "What?!" I exclaimed getting annoyed that this girl keeps staring at me. 


She put up her hands in surrender and smiled. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before. What school do you go to? I like your accent. How old are yo-" I stopped he mid-sentence. 


"NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS!" I shouted at her because I was getting so irratated. "Fille taire," I mumbled running my hands through my hair again. 


I couldn't give this giel my identity. Not yet, at least.


"What would you like to eat?" she asked with the same pep she had since she started talking to me. I groaned and picked up the menu that was behind the counter. 


Honestly, I didn't know what I wanted. Looking through the menu, I had never tried an omlette or french toast. I can't believe I was asking her this.


"What do you suggest?" I asked bored, but faking ethusiasm. 

Her face lit up and a huge smile appeared on her face.


Hey guys, I'm back! I made this chapter SUPER long because I haven't been posting like I should and I wanted to make it up to the people who have been asking for this chapter. I'm thinking about changing the book cover, but I need you guys' help! I will have ideas when I am done writing the nect chapter which is coming out soon! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, favorite it and ad it to your library! Have a great day!





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2016

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Dedication to my readers, role models, and family.

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