
Chapter 1

"Talia, get your ass up!", I was brutally pushed off my bed by my brother. " What the HELL DEVEN!".

I just saw him leave the room lauging. This is why I hated the first day of school. I hated to deal with my ass of a brother.


As I struggled to get off my floor, my phone started buzzing. I sleeply answered it and didn't bother to look at the caller ID. "Lia where the hell are you?!!? We were suposed to go shopping at 5:00 this morning," a high but sad  voice said. It was my best friend, Liz. I checked the time and saw it was 7:00. " Oh, I'm so sorry Liz. I over slept and Deven just woke me up. Can I make it up to you after school?" " You are going to have to do more than that. Just make it to school on time unlike you did our girl time." She hung up right after.


I really need to make it up to Liz. But, I'll think about that later. School started in 30 minutes and I needed to get ready. Quickly grabbing a towel, I turned on the shower and took out my clothes. Then, I hopped in the shower and unpatiently scrubbed my skin with my lofa leaving my skin kind of red. I hurried to my bed and put on my clothes. Which consisted of a blue tank top, black shorts, and my red jersey jacket. Then, I slid on my white converse and put on some makeup. Which was a little eyeliner and mascara. I braided my hair in two dutch braids the night before so I took it down today and I had beach waves. Finally, I ran downstairs.


My mom was probably working or sleeping at this time. That's how she kept food on the table. My dad died when I was 9 and when Deven was 10. He got into a car crash while trying to rush to one of Deven's soccer games. That has been a burden on Deven ever since that day. Times have been tough, but we made it through.

When I made it to the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and ran out the house. Deven was waiting in his car. "Took you long enough," he said. "Well, perfection needs time," I smiled. When I opened the passenger side of the car I saw my brother's friend, Kierran. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes that were like the sea, his hair was a light brown and was in a kind of messy style.

(Author: This is how I envisioned Kierran to look like. Hope you are enjoying the book!)

I was staring at him and he started to smile. Keerin had a british accent and whenever he talked to me I felt weak in the knees even though I was british too. But, when he spoke he made me feel that way. I was thinking about how his kisses were. "Get in the back Bella Swan, we are trying to make it to school on time," my brother yelled. I broke out of my daze, rolled my eyes at him and got in the back. Soon, we were at the Hell Hole (school).


Hope you guys liked the first chapter of "Never Have I Ever"! If you do, please leave hearts and then I will start writing chapter two. :)




When I got out the car I put in my earbuds and started listening to "Pray by Bishop Briggs". That song always put me in a good mood. I turned around to see Deven and Kierran walking to the football players.


Deven was the line-backer and Kierran was now the quarter-back. Last year, he was the captain but coach picked a new guy this year. Kierran was so devastated so Deven and I took Kierran to an abandon house. Of course he was confused so we had to explain why we were there.


My dad used to take Deven and I there whenever we passed by it. He always had golf clubs in the back of his car. Whenever we came passed the house, we went to the back of the house with the golf clubs and there was a hole in the back of the house. We used to shoot a tennis ball in it. I don't know why we never had a golf ball though. The hole wasn't that deep so we could get the ball out. We had competitions, Deven and I againnst my dad, and Deven and I always won. We got our competitiveness from our father. Whenever we came to this abandon house, he taught us that you have to work hard to succeed. That day, we taught Kierran that it doesn't matter if you are the captain, it matters how you are going to work together to win. Another thing our dad taught us whenever Deven and I won against him. I will nver forget that day we took Kierran to our spot because that was the day he kissed me on my cheek. I lifted my hand to the cheek he kissed and snapped out of my daydream.


I started walking towards the school to the beat of the song I was listening to. I saw alot of familiar faces in the hallway and some new. Also some guys staring at me while I was walking down the hall with a lustful look in their eyes. That just made me walk faster.


When I got to the office I saw Ms. Hinley. Her hair was getting grayer and strangley longer every year. " Hey, Ms. Hinley," I gave her a smile. "Oh, hello dear," she said adjusting her glasses trying to see me. " Talia Stern? Is that you?" she asked me. "The one and only," I said putting my hand over my heart. "You gotten so big since your freshman year. Oh, I remember your first day," she said, tears coming to her eyes.


"Don't cry, Ms. Hinley," I starting laughing. "I'm sorry. I get emotional. I assume you came for this," she said wiping away a tear and handing me a piece of paper. I looked at it and it was my schedule. "Yea, thanks Ms. Hinley," I was about to turn around when Ms. Hinley said something. "I better not see you get into any trouble Ms. Stern. I don't want to see you in this office," she said in a serious tone. I turned back around with a smirk on my face. "When have I ever gotten in trouble Ms. Hinley? Except that time that I cursed out Witney Jones...." I mumbled that last part but the old woman heard it. "Exactly, have a nice day Ms. Stern," she said happily. I nodded at her and on my way out the door I bumped into someone.


Hello my fellow writers and readers!!! I hope you are enjoying the book because it's about to get interesting.... Do you wonder who she bumped into? Read the next chapter which is coming out soon! I have been so stressed to write this book, my computer had shut down on me without saving this part of the book. I was so upset but I got through it for you guys! Now, I want to introduce you to the characters of this book. The following pictures are how I envisioned these characters. Hope you like them!


                                                                 TALIA STERN



                                                                    DEVEN STERN


                                                                LIZ VANDOREN

There might be more characters in the chapters after this. If there are I will put they're picture at the end of that chapter. Please leave hearts and comments!!! The next chapter will be up soon!!


Keep it Cool

Keep It Cool


It was as if I bumped into a wall, but when I looked up I see these grassy green eyes that were looking down at me and I noticed he had dimples. His jet black hair was kind of in his eyes when I bumped into him. He was wearing a white V neck shirt, blue jeans, and combat boots. I've never seen this person in my life. I saw a smirk appear on his beautiful face and all I could say was "Mr. Sexy".


I didn't know I said it until I heard him chuckle in a low voice that made me feel weak in the knees. When I wondered why I didn't pass out on the floor, I noticed that he was holding on to my waist. I instantly blushed and and tried to pull back from his built chest but his hold just got tighter. I shook out of my fantasy of him and pushed back harder and I succeeded. I was pretty strong becuse I'm on the volleyball team. 


"I'm so sorry," I said in my british accent. Oh yeah, my  family is from England. "Oh you dont have to be," he said and looked in my eyes. "Um, okay, well, I'm just gonna go. See you around." I started walking away but felt his hand on my arm. He had to bend down because he was 6'1 and whispered in my ear. "See you around," he said in his deep voice. His breath swept across my ear and sent a shiver down my spine.


His grip loosened around my arm and I took that chance to try to walk away again. All I could ask myself is "WHY DIDN'T I GET HIS BLOODY NAME?". I kept cursing at myself while I sped down the hallway. I'll just have to keep calling him Mr. Sexy.


When I made it to my locker I opened it and checked my schedule which was damp from my hand when Mr. Sexy was talking to me. The first class I had was Math. I actually loved math. Another subject that I loved was science. So, I guess you can call me a geeky jock but I just love books. I also show that I am a geeky jock and people at this school use that against you. And when I say people, I mean Whitney Jones. And when I say Whitney Jones, I mean the girl I cursed out last year. ( I'll explain what happened on that day later :p)


As if she heard my thoughts, my locker was slammed in my face and I saw Whitney's evil grin. She had her blonde hair in thick curls that was around her olive skin, today, that suprisingly made her brown eyes pop. Also alot of makeup which somehow gets her all of the guys. But, to me, she looks like an unwanted clown.


I just rolled my eyes and tried walking away when she said something. "I saw your brother today. He looks so hot. I'm thinking about asking him on a date. No, maybe we'll skip the date and just get right in bed," she said the  last part slowly and seductivley. I turned on my heel and pointed my finger at her. I started speed walking towards her. "YOU BETTER STAY THE F-," I was about to finish my sentence but felt a hand clasp on my mouth. Then, I was being dragged to a room. When I heard the door close the light was flicked on. I noticed that we were in the janitors closet. I made out the face of the person who dragged me in here. 


"What the hell were you doing!!," Liz said and puched my arm. " What do you mean?", I said trying to act dumb and trying to soothe my arm from the punch Liz gave me. She was also on the volleyball team.

"You know exactly what I mean Talia Wen Stern, you can not get angry that easily. She wants you to not get detention this time, but get expelled. Can't you tell that bitch is doing this on purpose?" she lectured me. I winched when she said my middle name. It was my dad's first name. "I'm sorry, she just gets under my skin," I honestly said.


She sighed. "I know, but we have one more year with these fools," she said we both started laughing. Then, Liz frowned and punched me in my arm even harder. I know Im gonna have a bruse. "What the bloody hell was that for!", I practically yelled at her. "For missing our girl time this morning," she stated and walked out of the closet. I sighed and turned off the light before I left the closet. 

I was for sure gonna be late for class today.




Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I made it longer so you can read more and learn more about this book :P So, there is a character in this chapter that I kind of introduced in chapter 2 but didn't show her  because I wanted to wait until this chapter. So now introducing Whitney Jones!!!


                                                             WHITNEY JONES

This is how I envisioned Whitney to look. There was also another character at the begining of the chapter.....Mr. Sexy!!!! We didn't catch his name yet but you will soon! this is how I envisioned Mr. Sexy.....


This how I see Mr. Sexy lol. I'm sorry I got a shirtless picture but the face is how I see Mr. Sexy. Also how I see him shirtless..... Haha sorry guys!

Hope you guys like how he looks! Leave hearts and comments. Spoiler alert! There are more suprises coming yay!!!

Keep reading and you'll see :)




I was running down the halls to get to math class and I took a glimpse at my phone. I was 20 minutes late for class! When I turned the corner I saw RM 110 and ran into it making my converse squeak when I was stopped by the math teacher.


"Young lady, do you realize that you are late?", Mr. Ralis said. "Just a tad," I said putting up my index finger and thumb and squeezing them together. He look at me and turned to the class. "This is an example of what not to do Seniors at the begining of your last year here at Polo High," Mr. Rallis said while gestering at me. I turned toward the class because I felt someone burning holes at the side of my head. I see Mr. Sexy sitting in the back looking at me with a smirk on his face.


I gave him a help me look and he laughed. "Mr. Rallis," he said rising from his seat with the smirk stll on his face. "What do want, Mr. James?", Mr. Rallis said in an annoyed voice. "It's not what I want, it's what you need to know," Mr. Sexy started walking to the front of the class with slow strides. "Ms. Stern was late because she had to do some work in the office for Ms. Hinley," he stopped in front of Mr. Rallis and a growl escaped Mr. Sexy's mouth.


Mr. Rallis drew a shaking hand through his short, now fading brown, hair. "Oh, w-well, if that's the case. You two m-may take your seats," Mr. Rallis finally said. While I was walking to an empty desk in the middle row I heard a growl. I turned around and saw Mr. sexy, who's last name is James which sound familiar to me, growling and staring down one of the senior guys in my class for staring at me. The guy looked scared and quickly looked to the front of the class. Weird.


When we both sat down, I looked at the clock and noticed that we only had five more minutes until 1st period was over. Those five minutes went by fast because next thing I knew, the bell rung. Everybody ran out the class and almost ran into eachother and falling over. When I finally made it to the hallway, there were still students running out of the classroom and one of them bumped into me and I went to the floor. Before my hands even had contact to the floor, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to them. 


The arms around me felt familiar. I turned around so fast that i thought I broke my neck. Mr. Sexy was smirking at me with a lustful look in his eyes. His grip got even tighter on my waist and I heard him growl again. As soon as I blushed, I tried pushing away from his chest and he only held on to me tighter. I pushed away again he loosened his grip and let go of me. Then, he chuckled.


I started to walk away but I turned back toward him. "Thanks for helping me back there. That could have been the most embarrasing thing ever," I said to him. He scratched the back of his neck, "No problem," he said.


I turned around, not even walking yet when he said something to me. "Austin," Mr. Sexy said. One again, I turned toward him and saw him looking at the ground with his hands in his pockets. I smiled. "See you later, Austin." How did his know my name in Mr. Rallis' class? I turned back around and ran so I can atleast make it to 2nd period. Before I bolted, I feel like I heard Mr. Sexy, who's name turns out to be Austin, say, "You will be mine,". 



Hey guys!!!! I feel like I made this chapter a little longer, but I hope you enjoyed it. Since I kept bringing up Ms. Hinley, I might as well show you guys how she looks!


                                                                MS. HINLEY


I just thought you guys wanted to see what see looked like. Leave hearts and comments!!! Chapter 5 is coming out soon!!!!




 The rest of the day went by really quickly. I couldn't wait to get home so I could go back to my comfortable bed. Then, I remembered that my ride home was from my brother who had football practice today. When I got outside, I texted Deven that I would walk home or catch a ride.



I had a shortcut to get home quicker and it was through the woods. So, I started walking into when my phone buzzed. When i saw it was Deven, his text read,"Are you sure? I can just leave practice early,". Deven could be nice when he wanted to. "Yeah, it's fine," I texted him back. "Well get home safe dork," he replied. Old Deven was back.



I was in the middle of the woods when I got of my phone. I felt like someone was watching me. I quickly turned to see who it was and found a black wolf with a little white on its' side. My eyes widened when I saw it. Then, the wolf ran away. I picked up the pace so I could get home and still be alive. Then, I started running and my house was ahead. When I made it to the door, I took out my keys and opened the door. I quickly shut it when I was inside.


My mom wan't home so she probably left early to work at the diner to get extra money.I made my way upstairs to my room and plopped down on my bed. At least the teachers didn't give us homework. Of course they wouldn't it's the first day.


But, the main question on my mind was, "How did Austin know my name?". Also, whenever I take the shortcut home, I've never seen a wolf. Why did I see one now?


While I was over thinking myself, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and noticed it was Liz. Answering on the fourth ring on purpose, I got a screaming Elizabeth coming out of my phone. "WHAT? YOU CAN'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE ANYMORE? I'M THINKING YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE!!!!", she screeched through the phone. All I could do was laugh.


"I really don't like you. But, the whole reason why I called is to have our girl time now. Now get your ass up and come outside because I am outside already," she said. My friend is a lunatic. I growned in the phone and that's when she said, "HURRY UP!!!," and I heard her honk her horn outside.


I slowly managed to get out of my bed, grab my purse, and down the stairs. When I got outside, I saw Liz's blue Toyota parked in my driveway. When I got in her car, not even putting my seat belt on yet, she sped off. "What the bloody hell, Liz!!!!!!", I yelled at her while struggling to put on my seat belt. All she did was laugh. I didn't now where we were going until we were parked in front of Polo Hills Mall.


Liz got out of her car and was already heading towards the mall. I didn't notice until she locked the car doors. I unlocked the car doors and opened up my door so the alarm wont go off and ran to get to Liz who was already in the mall.


"You might want to lock your car," I said in an angry voice. She pulled out her car keys and locked her car, again, only this time I wasn't in the car. "Let's go," she said while pulling me towards a dress store.


Liz quickly spotted an outfit she wanted me to try on and threw it at me. She went to the shoe section and threw a pair of heels at me too. Thank God the heels didn't hit my eye. She then pointed me to the dressing room. While I was walking, I was thinking, "This might be revenge from not going with her this morning,". I smiled and then walked to the dressing room.


I finally had the outfit and heels on, and I loved both but they were just not my style.

 When I refused to come out of the dressing room, Liz came in and screeched which made me cover my ears. "Oh my gosh, you are definantly buying that," she said while going out of the dressing room I just rolled my eyes and and looked at myself in the mirror again.



Hey, it's me again! I want to thank all the people who read this book and I hope that you are enjoying it!! I also want to thank the people who left comments and hearts. Let's keep that going. I made this chapter longer than the other ones, I think, well I hope so. Chapter 6 will be coming out soon!! Enjoy the rest of the book :) 



Looking at Me

Looking at Me


 Liz and I were hungry by the time we had up to 10 bags on our hands and arms. We started walking towards the food court and when we made it, we walked into one of the fast food restaurants. When we reached the cashier, there was a girl with black hair that was in a high pony-tail. She also was very pretty. Mabye even prettier than Whitney. She looked like she went to school with us.


"May I have a chicken sandwich with fries, and a pink lemonade," Liz told the girl in front of the register. She typed in Liz's order. "And, for you," she said now looking up from the register and her eyes widened. "Talia? You're alive?" she said in a hushed tone that I barely made out what she said. When I looked at her again, I felt like I knew her. "Do I know you from somewhere?", I asked her. She quickly shook her head and looked down at the register.


"Do you know what you want to order?", she then said breaking the silence. "Um, yea. May I have a burger with everything on it with fries, and a chocolate shake?", I said watching her fingers shake a little as she typed. "That will be $13.76," she then said. I forgot that Liz was there until she handed the girl with the black hair her money to pay for our food.The girl with the black hair gave us our reciept and ducked out of site. I heard her recite our order to the cooks in the back. 


Liz and I walked to a table with two chairs. "What was that all about," Liz said when we sat down. "If I had to answer honestly, I really don't know," I said. "Do you know that girl? I haven't see her around school before," she said. "Not a clue," I said and huffed my breath. "We should-," "462,:" a man's voice called out.


I got up to get our food, but Liz sat me back down and got the food. When I sat down I felt someone looking at me. I looked up and saw nobody looking my way, but I still felt eyes on me. I looked around and still saw no one looking my way. I got scared and almost fell out of my seat when Liz returned with our food on a tray. 


"Did I scare ya," she said while wiggling her eyebrows at me. After I calmed down, "No you didn't. I's nothing." Then, I grabbed my food and started munching it down. Liz just shrugged her shoulders and started eating her food too. While I was eating, all I could think about was the girl at the register. I sipped my milkshake and I still felt someone looking at me.



Hey guys once again. I stopped writing in the middle of this chapter and left a huge cliff hanger! You guys were very eager to see how the girl at the register knew Talia, but you will know that in the following chapters. I made this chapter a little shorter than the others and I am sorry for that and I hope this chapter doesn't look rushed because I did rush throught this chapter. I was thinking about showing you guys how the girl at the register looked. So, I am going to show you now.


You will find out her name soon, so keep reading. This is how I envisioned her to look like, and I hope you guys like her. Who was that person who Talia thinks was staring at her? You'll just have to keep reading, As always, leave comments because I love reading them, and also hearts and even download the book. Enjoy the rest of the book!!!!!





 Liz dropped me off after we were done with our girl time. When I got in the house, I saw that my mom was home. I haven't really seen her all week. The only words we got to say to eachother were goodbye.


A glorious aroma met my nose as I stepped further into the house. My mom was cooking. A smile tugged at my mouth and I ran into the kitchen. My mom was standing over a pot stirring it. I ran to her and hugged her.


"I love you mom," I said while hugging her and smiling like a crazy person. "I love you too hun, but if you don't loosen your grip, I might die," she said in a strained voice. I loosened my grip. "Sorry, I just miss you," I said and fiddled with my thumbs. She steppped away from the pot and hugged me. "I miss you more, that's why I'm making dinner," she sayed while pulling back with her hands on my shoulders.


My eyes widened. "Please tell me it's chili, mom," I said with hope in my eyes. She smiled, "It's like you read my mind," she said and smiled. My mom was gorgeous and I've always adored her. I quickly kissed her on the cheek and ran upstairs to charge my phone. 


I came back downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. "Hey, Mom?', I said. "Yes, honey?", she said while added some spices in the pot. I was trying to think of how to ask her about the girl at the cashier. "Um, did we have any family from England move her to California?", I asked her. She stood still by the refrigerator with her back toward me. Then, she rubbed her hands together uncontrollably. "No, not that I know of," she said while closing the refrigerator. "Hey, do you want a snack?  There are some granola bars in the cabinet," she said when she turned to me with a smile plastered on her face. Which was clearly fake. "No, I'm fine," I said. She went back to putting things in the pot. I tried to figure out why my mom was shockedd when I asked. Back in England, I didn't really meet my full family. The only family I knew was my mom, dad, and brother. I felt like I knew the cashier girl. I just knew.


The front door opened and closed and snapped me back to the real world. I saw Deven walk in the kitchen with his football bag swung over his shoulder. "Hey, mom," he said while sitting his keys on the counter and heading over to mom to kiss her on the cheek. "Hey, sweetie," she said. "OOOO, IS THAT CHILI?", he asked looked bewildered at that pot. "Ofcourse," mom said while laughing. Deven ran to the cabinet, grabbed a bowl and spoon, and sat at the dinner table. "Feed me mother, feed me," he started chanting which made me and mom laugh. But, my head came back to cashier girl.


Hey!!! It shouldn't have took me so long to write this book but and it did and I'm so sorry! I have been and school and haven't really found time to finish the book. But, it is finished now!!! So, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and also the one's before this. This chapter and so before I introduced a new character. Mrs. Stern!!!! Now, this is how she looks:


Hope you like who I picked to be Mrs. Stern. Chapter 8 will be coming out soon so, stay tuned!!!

The Voice Inside My Head

The Voice Inside My Head


 I don't know how, but my classes felt like they went on forever. Walking down the hall, I went to the window facing the football field. I saw that the boys were taking a break and that's when my eyes crossed over to a certain blonde. Witney was twisting her long locks around her finger and touching Kieran's muscles.


Suddenly, my teeth became more keen and a growl escaped my mouth. What was that? I was on the verge of busting out of the window when something deep inside of me said, "you don't like him,". Pulling my eyebrows together in frustration, I felt someone looking at me. I turned around to see Mr. Sexy a.k.a Austin looking at me.


He was wearing black jeans and a gray tank top that showed that he clearly wasn't new to the gym. I didn't know I was staring at him until he did his famous low chuckle. "You like what you see," he said while placing his hands on his hips. Shaking out of my daydream, I noticed I was kind of drooling. "Ha ha, very funny," I said after nervously running my hands over my faded jeans.


"So," I said trying to break the silence. "So," he retorted back.


"Well, I have volleyball practice in a few minutes. So, um, see you later," I finally said. As I was walking past him, his breath hitched and I heard him growl. It happened so fast my brain didn't process anything until he had me pinned up against the lockers with his hands on either side of me.


"You drive me crazy, don't you know that Talia Stern? You are so damn cute when I catch you staring at me," he said. I saw his eyes turn from their grassy green to a grayish color. I also saw lust. He started to lean in, but the bell rang. Austin moved back and slammed the locker behind him with his fist. Which made me jump.


"I'm sorry," he said and started taking long strides down the hall. Students started coming out their classes and the hallway was lingering with people trying to get to their next class. While they were doing that, I was still pinned up against the locker, frozen in action, thinking why Austin acted the way he did. Coach was going to get on my case for being late.


Hey guys!!!! I know I have not posted in years (exaggeration) because of school. Believe me, I have really wanted to post, but I had school plus volleyball on top of that. I will not promise to wrrite everyday, I will try to once every week if I can. Now, I have had so many ideas about this book you have no idea. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of "Never Have I Ever" and read the next chapter when it comes out!!!! ;)

Party Pt 1

Party Pt 1


 After I got over my shock that was holding me up to the lockers, I decided to finally go to volleyball practice. I thought I could let off some steam by spiking the ball and possibly hitting someone in the face. When I made it to the gym, nobody was there. There was a note on the entrance door that read, "Volleyball cancelled today, practice will be held next Friday."


Blowing out the air I was holding in, I went to the football field. I didn't feel like walking home remembering the wolf I saw in the woods. 


I was going up the bleachers when I heard annoying giggling. Turning around, I saw Whitney and her grimlings  flirting with the football players. Skanks. I sat down on the bleachers and put in my earbuds to drown out the sounds from hell. Then, started doing my homework.


Before I knew it, Deven came to get me and we were home. I was sitting in my room when Liz broke into my room. "Get up, were going to a party!" she said while going to my closet. "What do you mean we?" I asked to see if I heard her right. I'm not a party girl and Liz knows this. "We meaning you and me. Now, like I said get up I'm picking your outfit," she said.


Liz soon came out with a blck tube dress that she bought me on my birthday. I've never worn it because it revealed too much. I really don't want keep pulling the hem down if we are dancing at this party. "No, no no no," I told her while shaking my hands in front of me. "Yes, you are wearing this and you are going to look hot." I rolled my eyes and fell face first on my bed.


When we were both dressed, Liz insisted on doing on my makeup. What was the point of arguing with her if she wasn't going to listen to my pleas. She gave me a sharp cat eye, gold eyshadow, mascara, and red lipstick. My eyebrows were also on fleek.When I looked in the mirror, I didn't look bad.

"Now for the finishing touch," Liz said. She then took out a pair of gold heels. Do you know how many times I've told her I'm not a girly girl. I was going to wear my black converse. When she saw that I was going to retort she pushed on the bed and forced the shoes on my feet. "Ah, I hate you!" I squealed at her.


Soon, we were walking down the stairs. Well, Liz was walkin down the stairs in her killer stilletos while I was stubbling in my heels. "Um, can I ask who's party we are going to?" I asked when we were getting into her blue Toyota. "It's a surprise," she sang out. Oh, this is going to be a long night.


Hey guys! I have been so busy with school, I didn't update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the ones before this. I will be updating and I promise you that. Enjoy the rest of the book!!!!

Party Pt 2: 11:30

Party Pt 2: 11:30


Hey I'm back!! So, I'm going to keep posting on here and on Wattpad. My Wattpad account is CrystalShane101, so go and follow me!! Okay, enough about me, let's get to the book!


After we got into Liz's blue Toyota, I turned on her radio. "Cool Kids" by Ecosmith started playing and I had to talk to Liz.


Ever since we met cashier girl, I've had this strange feeling that everything is about to change. As I said, I haven't met or heard of me having other family members. All though Dad did have a brother, but he moved away when I was five. Dad and him had a huge fight about something and he just left. I didn't hear the argument because Mom forced me to go to my room when she saw me creeping at the door by Dad's study.


Liz turned the radio up when Solange came on. That took away some of my worries because this was my favorite song. She tried to imitate Solange's voice in "Cranes in The Sky", although, we both knew that I was the real vocalist in our relationship. Cocky, ain't I?


"So, it's like, cranes in the sky. Sometimes I don't want to feel those metal clouds," I belted out. "Show off," Liz muttered and rolled her eyes. I couldn't help, but burst out in laughter. 


"Coldplay" was playing and something in my purse was buzzing. I saw the caller ID and answered. 


"Hey momma," I said into the phone still trying to contain my laughter. Liz rolled her eyes once again. "Where are you?" my mom asked with mixed emotions. Anger, worry? 


Oh. Oh no. I can't tell her I'm goig to a party. She wouldn't even let me stay out at 9:00 on the weekends. 7 on school days. Think. Think. Think.


"Um, er- I''m sleeping over at Liz's," I told her, my voice sounding believabe. "No, you're not. I just called Liz's mom and she told me Liz was going to a party!" she yelled. Busted.


I looked over to Liz and guessing by her wide eyes, she heard the conversation. "Mom, I'll be home by 11:30," I told her trying to calm her down. 


"Get your ass home now!" she exclaimed, "it's not safe, the moon-," she stopped herself. "Your birthday is tomorrow, you can do something with Liz tomorrow. I just want to spend today with you," her voice was calmer now. Liz pulled up to the white mansion that I've seen before.


"Oh hell no," I cursed at Liz for doing this to me. She tried looking inocent, but I saw through that crap. I completly forgot my mom was still on the line until she gasped.


"I'll be home by 11:30," I told her once again. "Get your ass ho-," she said before I hung up on her. My mom is never like that. Neither has she cursed AT me. Something was wrong.


I looked over to Liz and she mouthed a 'sorry'. Laying my head on the window, I closed my eyes.


So, that's it! If you looked on Wattpad, I changed the name and the cover of the book. I will change it on bookrix also after I post this chapter. Please comment on here and Wattpad. Oh, and vote for my book on Wattpad by clicking on the star when you click my book. Or just look up instructions like I did, lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter will be  posted soon! Love you all!!!!


Party Pt 3: My Fault

Party Pt 3: My Fault


Hey, I'm back again! Wattpad is waiting for you and don't forget to add this book to your favorites!! Enjoy this chapter like the others!


"I am NOT going in there," I said to Liz when she was banging on my car door that I kept locking. "Come on Talia, she'll probably be too busy exchanging saliva with some bum from the street," she cooed. "You know how bitch is, Whitney is going to be in there with her demons!" I exclaimed still holding the lock down on the my door.


"You owe me," she said tearing up and letting go of my door. "I've barely spent time with you because you were on suspension and," she paused, a tear rolling down her pale face.


I can't believe she is using this against me. But, it's my fault i got into it with Whitney. It's my fault I started smoking and had mood swings on my best friend. 


I unlocked my door and came out. The cool air hitting me, but it didn't bother me. "Thanks," Liz whiped her tear away. "How are you not freezing?" she said, her teeth clattering. "It's below zero!" she then exlaimed. I didn't know that she was wearing a coat until she ran her hands up and down her arms continuously trying to get somewhat warm. Witth my shoulderless, sleeveless tube dress, i didnt feel a thing. now that I think about it, I've never gotten sick. Ever.


With a shrug of my arms, we started walking towards the big, silver gate. Drunk teenagers were hanging around and dancing on the red cup covered green lawn. When we walked through the gate, I saw my school's rival. Larry High's volleyball team was here, but we were cool. Some of them are actually my friends. Liz and I walked past the three girls with red solo cups, sitting on the lawn. They must have been already drunk because their short dresses almost rode up to their waists and guys were staring at them with lustful eyes. We slightly waved at them and they nodded in response.


You could hardly hear the clicks of our heels on the ground over the loud music playing inside the mansion. The large, wide front door was open and we were greeted by even more druken teens. 


"Hey, you want a drink?" Liz yelled over the music. Might as well try to get drunk. Even though when I drink a lot, I never get the slightest drunk. "Sure," I yelled back. She nodded her head and I saw her moving through the crowd. 


I was left there, standing alone, in Satan's door way. Who knew this day would come?



Sorry that this chapter and kind of short. But, I will make it up to you!! For the next chapter, you are going to be participating! Send me the characteristics about you (hair color, eye color, skin tone, etc.) and you will be in the next chapter. The first 4 people that send me this will be in "Party Pt 4". I already started writing it, but I will fit you in there. Also send me if you want your character to be a friend or a foe in the chapter. OH, and don't forget your name. I looking forward to seeing your requests. Enjoy the rest of the book!! Love you guys!

Party Pt 4: The Blonde

 ~Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoy the updat and sorry it took so long. I've been busy writing "Kill or Kiss" so I hope you are reading that. Please comment and download this book and even add it to your favorites and let's get on with the book! Oh, btww, it's NOT done. But I have it written down so I will update this later on today.


I started walking through the house of people grinding on each other. "Hey! Stern!" a boy's voice called out.


I turned around to see Whitney's brother, Tyler, sitting at the bar. The little light at the bar illuminated his blue eyes. His dirty blonde hair was tousled over his forehead which meant he ran his fingers through his hair. His golden skin showed his dreamy smile that made girls weak at the knees.


I walked over to him and sat in the expensive velvet covered bar stool. "Hey, Ty," I greeted him. His eyes started getting glassy and the tequila bottle in front of him too his lips. He brought it back down violently and sighed shakily. 


"You're gorgeous, and every guy should know that," he started. 


I think I know where he is going with this. 


Ty and I have been best friends since we were kids. Whitney was part of that bubble also, but I don't know what happened with her. All three of us told each other our deep and darkest secrets. So, I know things about Whitney that other people do not know.


Those secrets could get her into some serious trouble. I could use those secrets against her, but I choose not to. It's wrong for me to abuse her like she did me.


You are probably thiinking, "no, it's not," but I've felt that way.


I know that sweet, funny girl is still inside of Whitney. 


"Why can't I be like other guys," Tyler broke me out of my thoughts. "I wish I wasn't the way I was, so we could be together," his voice was laced with pain. I told Tyler that I liked him were 14 and we started dating. It lasted for a couple of days, but he said it didn't work out and we should be just friends. The reason why I liked Ty was because he was a sweetheart. He was funny, protective, and had the cutest smile. Who wouldn't like that in a guy?But I had to agree with him. He was like a brother to me and I had to realize that, that is all he was going to be. 


Tears came to my eyes. At least the people around us were too busy getting drunk to pay attention to us. 


"Why did I have to be gay?" Ty asked, manely to himself. Now tears were going down both of our faces. I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck and he responded by putting his sculpted arms around my waist tightly. 


I started playing with his hair when his shoulders started shaking. "I love you," his voice was muffled from his head being in my shoulder.


"I love you more."


Hey my lovelies! I haven't been on here in a while because of school, volleyball practice, basektball practice, and ect. I have the next chapter for this book written and if I fdon't post it today it will be posted some time this week! Sorry for the LONG wait! Hope you except my apology!

The Change

 Out of all things, we thought the best thing was to drink.


Tyler wanted to get his mind off the subject we just got emotional over. I was now on my second and a half bottle of vodka and Tyler was on his third. But I was drinking so I could keep my mind off the person's house I was at.


 We were now spinning in our chairs and laughing like crazy people. "Wanna dance," Ty slurred out as his chair slowed down. "Hell yea!" I exclaimed setting my bottle on the table. 


He extended his hand to me that was a little blurry. I took it and we wobbled onto the dance floor.


Where is Liz?


My phone buzzed and I took it out of my purse which was across my shoulder. I turned it on and saw a blurry, ambiguous text.


When my eyes adjusted, I saw it was from Liz.


Hey, had to go home. Family emergency. Sorrry that I couldn't drive you home. Get home safe.


It must have been serious because she never left a party early. "What's wrong?" Ty aske a little worried. "Nothing, let's dance," I exclaimed. 


We headed into the crowd people and danced like lunatics. All of a sudden, I felt big hands on my waist. They moved my hips from side to side and turned me around. I was met with blue eyes and a smirk.


"You look fucking sexy," the guy said. I knew this guy. Adam.


He was on the football team with my brother and he was good. But not as good as my brother.


Our faces were a few inches from eachother when I felt a pain in my stomach. Then my heart. I groaned and gripped my chest. 


"You okay, Talia?" he didn't look the littlest concerned. I groaned again and forcefully took his hands off me.


"Bitch," Adam mumbled, but not low enough that I couldn't hear the asshole. I turned around and punched him in the jaw. There was a crack and Adam fell to the floor.


"Asshole," I gritted through my teeth as his nose started bleeding. Spinning on my heel, which was a mistake, .......


Texte: Faith Harper
Bildmaterialien: Faith Harper
Lektorat: Faith Harper
Übersetzung: Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.09.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to do this book in dedication to all of my favorite authors. Veronica Roth. Suzanne Collins, and JK Rowling. There are so many more but they wont fit on this page. There are so many amazing writers so, I want to dedicate this to them. Also to my sister.

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