

It all started with a man and his son, It all started on that day that the future cried out in pain for help. But I'm not here to just puzzle you with untold stories never to be told, so let me get in to the story that is to be told. It all started on but a regular sunny day what could go wrong on one of these days, sadly it tends to seem that lot of bad things like to happen on really happy sunny days. And such a happy father as Zogo and his son Michael traveling down the streets of New York city on such a day you still would ask, what could go wrong? Well this is what went wrong, Zogo and his son Michael we're walking down the streets of New York city you know this already, but what you don't know is that Michael is a very curious boy. You know the saying don't you? How curiosity killed the cat well I mean of course you know who am I kidding. Well look think of the saying as curiosity missed the cat and killed another cat, because that's what happened. Michael was walking around town very happy that him and his father were going to finnaly go to his favourite ice cream Shop together! He couldn't smack the smile off of his face for not a second, just the thought of them both having quality time at his favourite place made him melt on the inside no matter how much cool air was blowing. Just as they were about to go down his shortcut to his favourite ice cream Shop, a new toy shop that was just opening caught his eye. Well not particularly the new toy shop it was more of the strange thing he seen in the window, he ran over to the object it was a puppet though Michael had never seen such a thing as a puppet. "Father Z father Z, come quick". Father Z was the nick name Michael liked to call Zogo, his father walked up to where his son was and gazed upon what his son was gazing upon. They stood dazed at the puppet that looked half burned but was still smiling "such a strong puppet" Zugo said with a twinkling tear ready to fall from his eye at any moment. "What's a puppet" Michael asked with a confused tone, his father looked down at him with a smile "I'll show you". Zugo grabbed his son Michael by the hand and led him into the store, when Michael entered the shop it took his breathe away he couldn't move anymore. Zugo smiled at the experience his son was having, while his son still stood in shock and amazement he walked up to the clerk and asked him to take the display out of the window. The clerk more than just took the puppet out of the display window he allowed Zugo to keep it and put another puppet in place of the old one he had just gave away. Zugo walked over to his son who was somehow still amazed at the sight of the store, and made the puppet wave in his face. Michael stared with that happy twinkling effect in his eye, "father may I touch it" his father smiled and nodded giving him a yes, Michael poked At a little then took it in hands to hold. "Here son" he said grabbing the puppet from his son "let me show you how to use it" at that statement a big grin spread across michael's face, and it kept getting bigger as he learned step by step how to use the puppet from his father. Once he had learned how to use it he asked his father to hold it till they got home which his father did, before they left the shop Zugo thanked the clerk and left the store with his son. But as they exited Michael asked his father "where we're puppets originated from" ,Zogo smiled at the strong word his son Michael had used in his question but without hesitation he answered the question slowing down his walking for the story. "It all started in ancient Egypt like it always does, and as usual it had something to do with the Pharaoh. The Pharoahs name was Mithios, he claimed himself to be gods messenger but most didn't believe that is until he killed all those that didn't believe. I must say even though he was ruling these people in a crucial way, the city was in great order to where you couldn't complain. In fact many rich came there to spend their vacation at the pharaohs palace, but while only rich and wealthy could spend their days with nothing better to do but eat and sleep. But not many citizens were satisfied with this most thought this was nothing but the same thing that happens each time a new pharaoh is chosen. In fact some were preparing war against pharaoh, in fact to be honest everyone in the city was planning to kill the pharaoh so they could be free. The only person who wasn't interested in killing the pharaoh was a very old toy maker, a toy maker that was known by many all over the world. In fact he was a really good toy maker, his toys could've been worth a fortune but he gave them out for free as long as you made a request. The main specialty everyone loved was what he liked to call puppets, most of the time people would request for puppets just because, but nowadays people wanted them so they could get rid of Mithios and they continuously made a lot of back up plans just in case. The olde man always wondered why they wanted to get rid of the pharaoh, because even though they were forced to work they weren't beaten like other people in other countries were. The only thing the old man was interested in doing was taking the pharaohs place because he thought he could do better than the pharaoh. But he thought to himself that maybe his urge wasn't that bad that he'd want to kill anyone, in any case as he continued his work day in and out one night he heard screams of pain and agony and spiraling fires from where the palace of the pharaoh and a very rich prince was. He smacked his forehead the best they could've done was wait for the rich prince to leave the palace, he kept on thinking to himself that all hope was gone until he had an idea. He grabbed many ropes and ran the fastest he could to the palace if his plan went right then he might be able to rule ancient Egypt for the rest of his days, just the idea almost made him trip. But he managed to make it to the palace before everything was burned to ashes, he looked around because he had forgotten to bring a ladder with him but he was lucky enough to be able to find one. He quickly dodged pieces of the falling building and made it to the ladder he needed to make it to the roof of the palace and he needed to be directly over the prince's bedroom. He quickly scanned the area and finnaly found the right spot, he ran over to a tree that was over the prince's bed room it wouldn't hold him so he had to act quickly, luckily there was already a hole in the roof big enough for the man to fit in. The old man climbed the tree with the ladder and the ropes in his hand and made it up to a tree branch strong enough to hold him for awhile, he carefully but the ladder in the hole. When he felt it hit rock bottom he climbed quickly from the branch onto the ladder and down hole, when he made it in the whole place was aflame minus near where the prince was lying fast asleep. The old man made haste to where the prince was and fastened the ropes around both of his arms and legs, then cautiously around his head so that it wouldn't snap then climbed back up the ladder onto the tree branch. He then used broken pieces of the palace and tied the other end of the string around those pieces, carefully looking inside the hole he raised the prince peacefully until he was on the same branch fortunately the prince was unharmed. Unfortunately the branch was not strong enough to hold the likes of them both and they fell to the ground, the old man was almost knocked out cold but managed to stay strong and carry the prince back to his house. When he got inside he brung the prince to his bedroom which was always tidy,and layer him on the bed. The next day he had awaken the old man told him everything, and asked for permission to be the pharaoh of ancient Egypt. The prince granted him permission and so he was the pharaoh which everyone cheered for until he pulled out a gigantic puppet almost the size of ten men, Everyone marveled. That is until it started shooting golden arrows through every one of their bodies, the golden arrows had come from the prince because what he had told the prince was not entirely true. He told the prince because he had come in town, citizens had rised up with a jealousy to kill you and plus they really didn't really like the pharaoh so thought it'd be best to kill them in one shot. And what really got the prince believing him was when he said he had managed to only save him and that he was willing to give his life for him that almost brought the prince to tears. So after nearly killing all of the towns people, the remaining men were to work and build, the children were put to minimum work always able to play and  all the woman fifthteen and up were to well... Lets just say do thing behind closed doors". Michael was listening so tenetively to the story that he haden't realized there was a pebble in front of him and tripped over it making him fall out of the alleyway that they were walking down. He turned around and laughed standing up but unusually his father didn't laugh like usual, it didn't bother Michael that much but he felt a little hurt laughing all by himself. Just then he realized they were coming out of the alleyway shortcut up to his favourite ice cream Shop he almost shrieked like a girl but kept the excitement inside. "Come on father Z we're here" he said turning to his father who was still standing solidly still and emotionless, and now was looking quite pale. "Father" he said walking up to Zuso his father, he was filling let down especially since him and his father had planned this one week in advance. He walked up to his father to grab his hand so they could continue walking but as soon as he went to grab his hand he lurched backwards with blood spilling out of his mouth and nose. Michael expected his father to call down on the ground but instead he was tilting backwards like someone was behind him and well dragging him. Michael followed as someone possibly dragged his father down into the middle of the alleyway then dropped him and said "I finnaly found you johnsu" he said with a slight chuckle. Michael had to squint to see the figure which was a very tall almost hansome latino, he wore an all black suit but even though his skin color was at least light enough to see in the dark it somehow was able to blend into the dark. The latino figure raised his hand that had a gun it and shot Zogo one more time through the heart, he stood there chuckling for ansecomd then finnaly spotted Michael out from the darkness. Michael looked slightly terrified but he also had another look on his face that he couldn't identify he stood there to try and guess the boys expression but couldn't. After awhile of guessing he just gave up and raised the gun to kill Michael who somehow at that moment seemed immune to fear, then just as he was about to pull the trigger he gasped and finnaly realise that he had killed the wrong man. And after a lot of gaping and cursing and calling himself stupid he looked at Michael and it had caught on finnaly that this had to be the man's son. He walked over to the little boy who was in a slight daze, but not that dazed that he couldn't recognize the killer of his father was approaching, he stood completely still ready for the worst. The man came down on one knee as if he was about to propose. "Look kid I'm Andy, the presidents son and I'm sorry for killing your father I should've paid a little more attention", something called rage was growing inside of him slowly but surely, but Andy thought he was just trying to hold back his tears. "Kid just know this, don't tell anyone about this it might be best for the both of us" he said looking around, he then stood up and walked away without a word to Michael. Michael stood paralyzed with the thought of Andy's head exploding a million time it made him feel kind of happy even though he had never like this in his life. He then snapped out of it and slowly walked over to his dead fathers corpse which was slowly turning pale and black, "I know you said rage and revenge will never solve anything". He picked his father's head up and and opened his fathers eyes, "but I think just this once it is needed for you and mother" he said, devilishly snapping the head of his father off of his neck. "You and mother will see the demise of this world, I shall kill the presidents son, and burn down the hospital that didn't even try to save mother". He laughed aloud to himself though no one could hear him, he defenetly wanted to revenge his mother because her disease had started with a single cold, and because she went to go visit a sickly relative as always so kind. But the hospital forced her in as a patient because of her coughing, they drugged her up until what was just but a cold became stomach and lung cancer. And no matter how much she wanted to go home they kept her there prescribing her to more and more medication and then she had a drug overload and died. He knew before he burned down the hospital he had to figure out why they killed her he had a feeling it had to with family member she was visiting. As he thought on these things he realized it was getting late, and he didn't want to walk around with a dead man's head so he stripped his father of all his clothes minus his underwear and wrapped it around his fathers head. Then as fast as possible he ran home trying to look as innocent as possible because the last thing that needed to happen to him was a police officer asked to look in all the clothes he was holding and find a dead man's head. But luckily that didn't happen, in fact there weren't many police officer s around unless something really bad happened. But as he walked up his stairs he realized his friend Sam coming out of his house and waving to him he yelled for him to hold on and slipped inside the house. He realized after awhile he had been holding his father's head to hard, so he placed it on the kitchen table and threw away the clothes around it thank goodness it was alright. He straightened his fathers hair a little and then put his head in the freezer he thought of going back to get the rest of his father's body but it was to much of a risk. But he knew defenetly what he wanted he wanted his mothers head at least so he grabbed a big trash bag and a shovel Sam would gladly be able to help him. He walked out his door and there was Sam waiting for him with an irritating smile, "Sam do you think you could help me with something" Michael said with a serious look on his face. Sam took the smile away from his face seeing that Michael was serious, "what do you need help with" sam asked with a little concern in his voice, Michael grinned "you'll see". Michael and Sam made their way to the graveyard where his mother was buried at, and as soon as they got to Michaels mothers grave Michael started digging for his mothers coffin. "Hey what are you doing we could get in trouble for this" Sam said a little shaking in his voice, Michael ignored him and kept digging. Sam grabbed Michaels arm "I'm serious stop" Michael stopped and turned around to face his friend, "shut up I don't care" Sam looked at his friend and sighed. "Fine do what you want but just know I'm not going to be involved" Sam started walking away "wait look listen, I'll tell you what I'm doing". Sam turned around to listen "I'm digging my mom's coffin up and I'm planning on bringing her home" Sam stared for a while, then he bust oh laughing which offended Michael. "What's so funny" Michael asked a little irritated, Sam stopped laughing "its just so stupid leave that piece of junk in the grave" Michael stared wide eyed. He had never known his best friend to talk bad about his mother, this enraged Michael thinking about other things Sam could of said about his mother behind his back. And without control of what his body was doing he turned around and swung Sam's head off with the shovel that was in his hands, Michael stood wide eyed He had just killed someone. Not just anyone but his best friend sam, and even though he should have felt guilt he didn't and because of that he kept on digging. Finnaly after awhile he felt the shovel hit something hard which he knew as a coffin, he really could have used Sam's strengh to lift the coffin but he killed sam. So with the best of his ability and strengh he lifted the coffin out of the ground, and opened to see a beautifully dressed skeleton known as his mother. He carefully picked up the skull of his mother of course after dusting all the magnets and worms out and off her skull, he then placed it in the black bag he brung with him and pushed the coffin back in the ground. But before he closed the coffin back he placed his friend sams corpse into the coffin with his mothers body hand then closed it and covered it back up with dirt. With that Michaels job was done he put the shovel carefully in the black bag then headed home where he met Sam's mother Martha at his door, "is there a problem ma'am". Martha spun around with a worried crying face, she stared at him for awhile then burst out crying saying " Sam snuck out of the house and I don't know where he is, plus it's getting late". Michael stared at her for a little while then walked past her up to his front door and said "I hope you find your son".


Chapter 1

 It was a new morning and it had been 15 years since the incident of Sam and his father's death, well it originally would've been 14 years but since today was his birthday he counted it as 15. He raised himself out of the bed and said good morning to both of his parents skulls, he was combat 21 allowing him to be legal for a lot of things. He decided that sense today was his birthday that it was about time for him to commence his first plan of burning down the hospital, though he first had to find out more about this family member that my mom was visiting. Today was the 21st of April and he had a meeting with nominee hospitals president which he illegally set up, nominee was the hospital his mom was killed at. After the meeting with the president of nominee hospital he would need to meet up with all the founders of the hospital, fortunately there were only two founders. So after his meeting with the president of nominee hospital on the 21st he would have to, meet the two founders on the 22nd and figure out what he needed to do on the 23rd. So with all of this in mind he made himself breakfast which consist of toast, eggs, bacon and a cup of Orange juice, he finished the meal within ten minutes of his time. After his breakfast he got washed and dressed in a grey suit and grabbed a suitcase with nothing but a recorder,pen and a notepad, he had to at least look like he was in there for some serious business and not there to murder a bunch of people. When he was sure he looked decent he grabbed his suitcase and left out for nominee hospital, he got in his car and started up the engine but before he left he took some pills to calm him down. He didn't need to kill anyone until he got all the information that he needed, and at the moment he didnt, so after taking his calming pills that tasted like crap he drove off. He drove as fast as possible because he didn't want to be one second late, which would give him a head start so that he could get on the good side of the president of nominee hospital. When he finally arived he parked his car two blocks from the original building and walked the rest of the way, when he had arrived he had realized that the building had a lot of construction done to it. It kind of suprised but then again it didn't because his founders were filthy rich, in any case he walked into the building where there were family's mostly crying, and some of them praying. It was kind of sad in the case to know that none of them that were in this hospital were going to be saved, they were just going to die off the thought of that pissed Michael off a little. He went up to the front desk where a young lady at least in her twenties sat reading a book called fifty shades of grey, he walked up to her "ahem" he said startling her a little. She looked up and he seen a slight of pink cover her face, she quickly put the book down pulled down her shirt puffing her chest out and straightened her back. "I'm sorry is there someone your here to see today" she said he gazed into her eyes a little making the pink on her face darker, he almost slapped himself. The girl was interested in him he didn't need a love life and all he was doing was making room by staring her in the eyes and not talking, "I'm here to talk the president of this hospital I have a meeting". "You must be meaning Sir Izary" he wasn't sure if that was his name because he did get the appointment illegally so he just nodded, "I'll send in a buzz letting him know your here and when buzzes back I'll take you to his office. Michael nodded and walked over to the waiting area where there was crying family's, praying family's and patients waiting to be treated. As soon as he sat he realized a lot of woman and nurses eyeing him and staring him down but if he looked at them they would turn away in embarrassment, it was really irritating and stupid. He decided after awhile he decided to block them out and focus on getting prepared for the meeting with Sir Izary, he grab the recorder and raised the sound so that when they talked he could replay anything he needed to play back. He put his recorder back in his back glad that he hadn't been spotted by anyone around him, and just when he had put it away the woman from the front desk came up to him and said "Sir Izary is ready for you". When she did so she lowered her self pretty low to wear he could see the top of her breast, he got up quickly disgusted by the woman having no respect for herself. I mean he could've been a rapist and soon he was going to  be a murderer, but yet just because he looked good the wiman was going head over hills for him. "Please if you would lead the way" I said as casual as possible she blushed but tried to turn away before I could see her, she headed towards the elevator but before she could push the button one woman blocked the way. And two other woman came from the sides "you know Lara you should take care of the rest of the people at the front desk and let one of us take him to Sir izary" they said that looking Michael directly in the eye. If they were trying to seduce him they weren't doing much of a good job of doing so, Michael felt evenly disgusted. I mean it couldn't have gotten worse with them yelling at each other but then they start gripping each other by the shirts and dresses yelling louder. After awhile Michael couldn't stand it anymore "um excuse me" they froze solid still "can someone just give me some directions because all of you are making me late". They departed from each other and blushed bright red like they had splatter tomatoe juice on their faces, they altogether told me the instructions and walked away. Of course glaring at each other when eyes meeting and blushing when looking at Michael, (pretty childish) Michael just quickly got in the elevator and pushed the close button in the elevator so many times he couldve broke it. When the elevator finally closed he breathed a sighed of relief and rode up to the 15th floor when he reached the 15th floor the door opened and there was a empty room which kind of surprised him. He stepped out of the elevator and walked up to a wall with the word door written in spraypaint, he knocked on the door like the childish woman at the lobby told him. "Who is it" someone on the other side of the wall asked Michael figured the man was young, "Michael Reed"  Michael asked there was a long silence before the wall had moved up and disappeared leading to a hall. Before Michael could walk through the hall a man at least 25 years old appeared, the man was about to speak but stopped instead he started looking Michael up and down. Michael shivered a little knowing now not only were woman interested in him but there were somehow men interested in him. "Um is their a problem sir" Michael asked breaking the man out of his daze, "no um nothing but please call me jacob" Michael just nodded. The man turned around and led Michael through the hall with a slight blush on his face, this did not annoy Michael that much as long as Jacob didnt turn around and try to rape him he was fine. After twisting and turning into different halls they finally they had arrived at a golden door with the name Sir Izary the Third encarved, Michael guessed all the money he had didn't just go to the reconstruction of the hospital. The man who called himself Jacob knocked on the door extremely light as if the door could break at any minute, they waited awhile before there was a buzz. Michael guessed that was there signal to come in, he was right because after the buzz had faded Jacob opened the door wide enough for Michael to step in. Michael walked to the front of the door not yet going inside because he wanted to get a good glance of the surrounding area, after looking at everthing which seemed like forever He walked inside the room. But without his permission Jacob slithered his hand and touched Michaels butt, and although it was soft enough not to feel Michael was alert enough to feel Jacobs hand. He shot a glare at Jacob who flinched and quickly removed his hand, Michael finished walking in and Jacob closed the door behind him. You could hear his footsteps as he quickly walked away possibly running, Michael chuckled to himself of the cowardly act of Jacob after he had closed the door behind him. But he stopped as soon as the man known as Sir Izary turned around from facing the window to face to face with Michael, Sir Izary had a devilish smile on his face Michael returned the devilish smile back to him evenly. Sir Izary chuckled a little but his chuckle was very dry, "I like you already son" his voice almost sounded like an angel singing but his laugh terrible. "Thank you sir Izary" Michael said bowing himself a little, "I thank you for keeping your respect son, but just call me Izary". "Okay Izary thank you for taking time out of your schedule to speak with me" Izary just pointed to a seat and said "yes yes, but please sit down". Michael sat down in the chair he was told to sit in and opened up his suitcase "what are you doing" Izary asked staring holes into Michaels suitcase. "Just taking some notes sir please relax" Michael said switching on the recorder and grabbing his pen and pad out so he could look innocent and take notes. The conversation was quiet long that by the time they had wrapped up the day was over and the sky had grew dark, Michael thanked Sir Izary and left out of his office which led him back to Jacob the butt toucher. Michael glared but Jacob made no eye contact guess he was ashamed that he had been caught, he led Michael back to the elevator but before got on the elevator Jacob appoligized. He also promised that if he came back to meet with Sir Izary that he wouldn't come even close to him, Michael appreciated Jacobs sincerity and went on his way down the elevator to the lobby. But unfortunately just as he got of the elevator the 4 woman that were fighting over him earlier had spotted him and made their way over to him, he tried his best to quickly exit the building but no succes because they had already crowded around him. He tried his best to stay calm "anything you ladies need because I must be on my way home it is very late" after Michael had spoke there was a weird silence with all of them surrounding him and staring at him in the eyes. Then when he had least expected it all of them spoke at one asking his name, number, age, if there were any days he was free, where he lived and some some other questions that made him a little uncomfortable. He tried to say that he had to go but they wouldn't let him speak or better yet leave, just when he thought he would have to be rude or push one of them an old woman in her mid fifths came up to them. "Do none of yous have respect for yer selves, let alone this young man" he liked her tone it was serious and stern, they stared at her for a little while then walked away with a slight blush and dissatisfaction. Michael thanked the old woman and left the hospital in piece, he walked back to his car but when he entered a little piece of paper fell from under his shirt and onto the car floor. He picked it up just to find out that it was the old woman's contact information, he balled it up, threw it on the concrete and drove back home. When he arrived at home he put his suitcase in the room, ordered a cheese pizza and took a nice long hot shower almost causing steam through the whole house. When he got out of the shower his doorbell was ringing so he had to quickly dry himself, dress himself and answer the door. The pizza was ten dollars so he paid it, but before he could close the door the pizza man kept asking for a tip. Michael tried to shoo him away but he wouldn't budge, finnaly Michael feeling fed up he punched the man down the steps and closed the door. He brung the pizza in his room and started the recording, allowing him to add more notes than he had before. This allowed him to figure out the family member his mom was visiting was only acting sick, for some money and that the plan was to kill her and the rest of her family. The person who put Hasu Nervadec (Hasu Nervadec was the supposed to be family members name) up to the job was no other than the president himself, suprisingly this had nothing to do with the presidents son Andy. But the thing that made Michael laugh so hard that he almost fell off his bed was that, the president was looking for him, Michael Reed. He now knew first step of his plan kill this woman or man named Hasu Nervadec, but before he could do anything he had to go to the meeting with the founders of the hospital. So with that he ripped out all the papers he wrote in his pad and put it on his desk in his room, after that he ate a little more of his pizza and put the rest in his fridge. Michael came back up to his room and went over to his desk where he put his papers and where he had his computer, he wanted to pinpoint where this Hasu Nervadec person was currently and figure out about their profile. He first hacked into a personal records site and searched up Hasu Nervadec, surprisingly there was two profile with the same name except one was a woman the other was a man. And they both had a pretty bad criminal record of raping, murdering, stealing and much more, he opened up another tab and searched up any connection between them. Ends up they were husband and wife kind of expected but kind of wierd, and what was the connection his mother have with this couple. He searched up if any of them had a different name before Hasu Nervedec, he figured out the husbands name used to be Kurt Andersen. But later on when meeting Hasu Nervadec his future wife, he changed his name exactly to what her name was. He looked at their criminal records and they both had the same crimes, which meant this Kurt dude was using her possibly to cover up his dirt very smart. Michael was done with his research and was about to turn off his computer until the thought of looking up a little info on the presidents son Andy came to mind. He went to first search up the president last name which was Fellon, then went to go search up the name Andy Fell on. Suprisingly nothing came up not even the name, he couldn't understand why no info on any site came up with the slightest data on Andy Fell on. But then again what happened if Andy Fellon wasn't the president son? He felt stupid thinking all those years when this Andy dude said he was the presidents son he was lying, but thankfully this allowed Michael to know what his next step was. After his meeting with the founders of nominee hospital he would need to go 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2016

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