

This story explores language barriers. To immerse readers in the protagonist's helpless confusion, parts of the story are written in French. Do not attempt to understand every word or use a translator as this is counterproductive. Thank you and enjoy.

Lost in Translation

Apartment 506 of the Marie Blanche apartment building was flooded with light. It may have been small by American standards, but that only meant that every strategically placed window allowed light into at least two rooms. The apartment's single bedroom was the only dark space in the unit. It was illuminated by a single bar of light that fell through the gap of the drawn curtains. A heater was on in the corner and the air was nearly stifling, thick with the scent of warm bodies. Neither of the room's occupants moved to turn it off, though.

Wren Saunders and Li Hai lay motionless in the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: P. K. Gallagher
Lektorat: Lauren McDade
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.07.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-7452-0

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

For the boy from the métro— I wish I remembered your name

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