
Note From the Author:

Bullies are a part of your life. You can't escape them. They'll always be there and they'll always be trying to do something to knock you down. But, you can take a stand against them. You have a voice whether you know it or not. And you can use that voice. Talk to somebody who will listen. Tell them. You can work it out and do something about it. Sometimes, whether you know it or not, actions can speak louder then words, but sometimes a few words are all that you need.

Everybody's always saying how scary it is transferring schools or going to high school for the first time. Well, I'll tell you now that coming in from almost six years of home schooling and suddenly being dropped into a public school is much worse. You don't know the procedure. You don't know anybody. You can't make sense of anything. It's a pretty scary experience. But, it's even worse when you start having to deal with bullies. Hi. I'm Amanda. That's it. Just Amanda. This is my story of how I dealt with my bullies and worked my way through some of the most painful years of my life.

Chapter One

I walked up to the building as it loomed over head. I had never been in a school building for classes before. It was a completely new experience for me. So, as I walked through the doors, it was no surprise as I got looks from kids. Staring at my clothes, my bag, my hair? No, they were just staring at me. At least, this is what I tried to convince myself of. Nobody knew me and they were just curious. Unfortunately I knew the truth. I knew what I looked like. I was pretty in a sense. If you liked dark, Gothic, emo girls. I was always dressed in dark clothes and had my trade mark boots tied up around my ankles as I always did. I wore my hair down so it covered most of my face. Most of the time it was dyed some bizzarre color but not today. Today it was it's natural dark tint that my mother loved so much but I hated. It would have been streaked neon green, but I hadn't had enough time that morning to work with my dye.

Now, looking around me, I tried to navigate the building. The library and the office were the first things I saw as I walked in the door. The office on the left, library on the right. Then, laid out on opposite sides of the school were the gym and cafeteria then between them, classes. I tried not to look as freaked out as I was, but I knew I probably looked like a hamster that had just been cornered. 

Just as I was getting ready to run out the doors and away from the school, the bell rang signaling the beginning of the day. I didn't know what I should do, so, I just hitched my bag up my shoulder and walked down the hall way trying to find my class. As I turned the corner, I could see people watching me. I was hard to miss, I knew. That's why I wasn't surprised when I heard from behind me, "Oh. My. God. Is she seriously wearing combat boots? Who the hell where's those any more, except for like, I don't know. Army people I guess?"
In response I heard, "I don't know. She looks like she's, like, demented or something. It's so weird. No, not it. She, actually no. I think I was right. It's weird. Haha!"

I turned to see where the snide remark had come from and sure enough it was a cheer leader. Perky, blonde girl. I'm not saying that all cheer leaders are bad, I'm just saying that I've never had good experiences with most of them. Mostly because they were all snotty, high class bimbos who thought that just because they had money were better then everybody else.

That precisely reason was why instead of continuing on walking, I turned around to look at her completely. As soon as I focused my gaze on her and her friend they quieted, making no remarks as they walked past me. The best thing I can do is ignore them, I thought. But that doesn't always work. I learned that the hard way too. It's because of people like this that I was at this school. At my last school I had punched the quarter back in the face because he had called me a fucking bitch and then pushed me so hard that I fell. After giving him a broken nose and a black eye I had been dragged off of him and held in the office until my parents had come to get me.

That was also the reason that I had an anger management certificate on my bedroom wall. Even though it was always self defense my parents had finally gotten tired of the fights. They'd sent me off to a year of military school and then, upon arrival home, the first place I went was a counselor's office for anger management courses. I was still going through counseling, but the anger management was done and over with. That I was glad for because the last thing I needed was to have my mother in the office explaining why once a week she would be coming and getting me after lunch.

I was still branded crazy by my step brother though because, last year, in a fit of rage I had busted his door down and almost killed him. That hadn't been my fault at all though. He and his friends were being asses to me and I had finally had enough of it. As long as he hadn't all ready started spreading rumors here I'd be fine, but knowing Shaun, he probably had. Just as I was about to go back to the office and have somebody help me find my first class a teacher stepped out of a room. 

I walked up to her, jingling with every step I took, to ask her where my first class was. Fortunately her answer was, "You're lookin' at it honey. I'm Ms. Darla. Welcome to your Home Ec. class."
I thanked her and walked into the class. The first thing that caught my attention was the couch. Normally in my Home Ec. classes there were little mini kitchens set up and in the back a box full of fake babies that we had to take care of for a week. But this, this class right here, was different. I could also see that the class consisted of mainly girls. There were a couple boys here and there looking extremely uncomfortable as they found places to sit. Since it seemed that everybody was all ready in their little groups I hung out at the back of the class until Ms. Darla came back.

"Ms. Darla, uh... Where do you want me to sit?"

She looked at me, then looked around the room, then back at me as if I had just asked her to answer how many people there were in the world total. I stood there for a minute, hoping she would answer soon. Just as I was about to ask again, she said, "You just sit where ever you like or where ever makes you most comfortable."

Eventually 'most comfortable' turned out to be the back of the room, on the floor by the door. I got hit every once in a while as people came and went but I got into the habit of blocking my head. Until one point when I wasn't paying attention and the snippy cheer leader I'd run into earlier came back in. I had my head turned up to the ceiling with my eyes closed when suddenly I not only heard, but felt a dull thud on my temple. I sat up immediatly to see her standing over me.

"God! Are you retarded? You don't sit by the damn door you idiot. You'll get hit."

I kept all the remarks in my head and took a deep breath. I looked at her again and said as evenly as I could, "Sorry, I'll move down a couple feet so it doesn't happen again."

She just rolled her eyes and sauntered down the aisle. I did as I said and moved down to where I could still see the board, but wouldn't get whacked with the door every time someone went through. When the bell rang I went to stand up, only to be shoved back down. I looked up expecting to see the snippy cheer leaders, but instead it was some guy.

"What the hell man? I was trying to stand up you know!"

He looked at me and smiled. Crouching down in front of me he handed me a piece of paper. As he was walking out, I saw him wave good bye at Ms. Darla. I looked at him then back to her. Waiting a second I decided to take a look at the paper he'd given me. It was folded into fourths. When I got it folded out flat in front of me I realized it was a note.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of Marissa's way. Her and her cheer whores can be major bitches. Hope you take my advice. Sincerely, Brock."

I was so shocked that I had to do a double take and re-read it. Normally when I got notes they were rude or explicit saying things along the lines of, "I want to see you naked." or "Strip for me???" This was another thing that got me put into another school. Sexual harassment. The private school didn't really do anything about it. They told us it was our fault for wearing skirts that were too short or wearing revealing shirts when, in fact, they were the ones who gave us our uniforms. One year a girl got gang raped by half the wrestling team but the school just swept it under the rug. I told my parents that I wasn't going to deal with that sort of stuff if the school wasn't going to do anything about it. I didn't care how smart I was or how rich my parents were, I wasn't going to go to a school where my physical health was endangered. So, they switched me to the public school. I was grateful for this too because it was closer to home meaning I didn't have to sleep in dorms. I could just ride the bus to and from the school instead of just spending the weekends at my home.

As I walked out of the room I looked at my schedule. As I went along reading the paper and making sure I didn't run into anybody, I discovered I was going the wrong way. I checked the map just to make sure and just as I thought I was supposed to be on the other end of the building. As I wheeled around to turn back I came face to chest, literally, with a scary looking dude. I stepped back and looked up at him. He was a football player obviously, I could tell from the jersey, and he stood about a foot taller then me. Meaning he was almost seven feet tall, because with my boots, I stood at six feet even. I looked down as I went around him mumbling an apology. He apparently had different ideas though, because just as I was coming around him, he grabbed my bag, which I had slung over one shoulder, and pulled me back.

Stumbling a little I looked up at him. He looked pissed, even though I had no clue what I'd done to him. Then I put two and two together. Foot ball player, cheerleader. Of course. I decided to brush it off, and started walking again. But, again, he did the same thing. This time pulling me back so abruptly that I not only stumbled, but out right fell. I looked up at him and felt an old feeling bubbling up inside of me. Pushing it down quickly though, I went to stand up again. This time, before I could even get up, he pushed me down.

Deciding to try manners I said as politely as I could, "Do you mind? I need to get to class." He looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I decided to try it a different way. Instead of standing right back up, I backed up and went to a kneeling position. Standing up slowly I started thinking that this might work, but just as I was almost standing again, he grabbed my bag and pulled me down again. That's it. I'm done with manners.

"What the hell is your problem dude? Seriously! I haven't been here an hour and I'm all ready getting laid out in the freaking hall way. Now, if you don't mind, I have a class that I need to get to." Standing up quickly I went to go around him. He reached for my bag, but expecting this I ducked around him and took off down the hall. I looked back to see if he was following me but he wasn't. Just as I started slowing down I hit something, or someone, with an 'Ooomph!'. I stepped back and looked in front of me. Seeing that it was the kid from my Home Ec. class I calmed down a little bit. But I was still on guard. I started to say sorry when he handed me another piece of paper. Before I could even say anything he took off down the hall way in the direction of my new friend.

I looked at the paper in my hand and thought for a minute. Why is this kid giving me notes? I don't even know him, I've hardly been here an hour and he's all ready warning me about these other girls. I pushed these thoughts out of my head and tried to think. I needed to get to my next class but I had absolutely no clue where it was. Just then I heard somebody coming up behind me. Not wanting to be ambushed again I spun around. Sure enough I saw Marissa and her crew coming down the hall way completed by the ass that knocked me over.

Just cross to the other side of the hall way. Keep your head down. They'll leave you alone. Thinking it might work this is the exact thing that I did. When I got to the other side I watched them go by. The girl I assumed was Marissa glared at me as she walked past. I didn't know what the hell I had done to piss this many people off so quickly, but I wanted to figure it out really fast.

Suddenly remembering the note that that kid had given me I looked down. Again, folded into fourths. "Lunch is after third bell. Come down to the library. You'll be safest there."

I didn't know what third bell meant, but I hoped that my English teacher could help me. Because that's what I had next. As I followed the map to the other end of the school I began to feel nervous. I didn't know what was going to happen or what to expect from ky English class. The second I walked in the room though I knew instantly that I was going to hate it. There were cheesy posters hung up all over the place. Plus my new "friends" were there. Seeing a seat in the very back corner I immediately headed for that. Until I heard a girl talking to me. "Hey new girl. Since you don't know how things work I'll fill you in. Don't sit there. Don't ask why. Just trust me. You'll regret it."

Not being one to listen to people very often I just rolled my eyes. "Listen. I really don't give two fucks who the hell sits here. Unless it's the God damn queen of tucking Sheeba they can get the hell over it. Now if you don't mind I'd lime to sit here and sulk in private..." with that last word she quickly turned her head and headed in the opposite direction.

I was left alone for a couple of minutes. Then I felt somebody tapping on my arm. Before my head was even off the desk I had started in on a rant. "Listen, I all rash told that other chick that I'm not moving. So unless you-" I immediately stopped talking when I turned my head up and saw the kid from my home ec class.

He signaled some body from the door over and started moving his hands quickly. I immediately recognized the words mine and chair. I had tried to take an ASL class while I was I private school. But after the first week I gave up. I had remembered some of the stuff though. Including how to use the ASL terms and the alphabet. I immediately started in on an apology. He looked surprised when I apologized and said that I would move.

The woman that was interpreting for him looked just as shocked. By this time the class was almost full. I grabbed my bag and moved down the wall a couple of feet. I looked at the door and saw the teacher come in. She handed a copy of papers to the intrpretor and then sat down at her desk. Tithe first thing she did was point out that I was new here. And that I needed somebody to help me find the lunch room.

I figured that since he was probably going to be most likely to help me, I asked him. I struggled a little bit with some of the letters. But I eventually got it. He just started grinning. He looked at the lady and signed to her. I didn't know what he said so I was glad she was there. She looked at me and said, "He wants to know what class you have next." I looked at my schedule. "It looks like I have art... Why?"

He apparently knew what I had said because he immediately started signing more. I looked at the woman and waited patiently. She turned to me and said, "He says that he'll come find you. Just stay in the class room. He'll make sure to leave his class early so that he can come find you. I was about to tell him that he didn't have to do that when she interrupted. "Don't bother trying to argue. He's deaf and he's stubborn. Put those together and you get a very determined boy. It's no point."

"Okay... Then I'll wait in the class room." I wasn't sure about this. He seemed nice enough. And he was very, very cute. But I didn't want to get excited about it. Just because he's deaf doesn't mean that he's going to accept me. I even scare animals. It was because of that fact right there that I automatically became a leper at any functions. I didn't fit in. Anywhere. It's not like I had any thing horribly wrong with me physically. I wasn't ugly. I was fit. It was because of all the mental problems I had. Literally. I was bi-polar, schizophrenic, and paranoid. Although my paranoia had gone down, the rest hadn't gotten any better. If anything they had gotten worse. That's why, even in my private school, I stuck out. And it didn't take a genius to know that in high school it wasn't good to stick out. Ever.

I had just gotten done thinking about all the horrible things that could happen to me while I was in a class room by my self when I heard something. It was a high pitched whining sound. I looked at the ceiling and saw the lights strobing. At that point I noticed everybody filing up at the door. I looked at Brock and he was staring down at his papers. His aide wasn't anywhere to be seen so I gently knocked on the desk, hoping he would feel the vibrations.

When he didn't look up I knocked harder. That got his attention. I pointed up at the lights and used my hand to motion to the door. He immediately stood up. At the last moment he grabbed his bag and headed to the door. I didn't know why he grabbed it. But I wasn't about to question. We got into the back of line and waited til it started moving. I didn't know whether this was just a drill or if it was the real thing. All I knew was that the lights were going to send me through the roof. I looked behind me to check on Brock. He didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. The lights anyways. I must have been shaking or something because he signed to me, "Calm down. It's just the fire alarm."

I managed a nod and turned my head towards the door. Damn it all to Hell. Why weren't we moving. I used one of the things I had learned from my therapist to calm me down when I started to get anxious. Close your eyes, pretend your some where else. Breathe. Don't listen. Don't think. You're not here. You're somewhere else. Where ever you want to be.

By the time I opened my eyes I wasn't completely calm. But I wasn't freaking out. I turned back toward Brock and started to say sorry. I was just bringing my hand up when I hurt a voice behind. It was extremely familiar. I turned to see my new cheer leader buddy. "Oh my God! You're talking to that freak? Seriously, you're new, and, like weird and all. But I can tell you something right now. Unless you want to be ultimately outcasted and thrown into the leper pit, stay away from him. He's, like, a total spastic. Fucking retard in my opinion."

I hardly knew this boy, but he was the first student to be nice to me. I looked at him and he looked like he was about ready to hit something. I laid my hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. I held one finger up and turned around. I wasn't going to let this one slide. No fucking way.

I turned around to look directly at her. She was staring at me like she hadn't just said one of the most ignorant things possible. Instead of flying off the handle and punching her I calmly walked over to her. "Marissa, would you mind stepping over here for a minute? I wanted to ask you something..." She looked at me then back to her friends. She didn't look so sure, but to her credit she followed me with out making any snide remarks.

"Okay. I wanted to know, where the Hell that little speech came from. I'm no expert on the deaf community. But I can assure you, he is not retarded. He's profoundly deaf. I just wanted to know, should I be on the look out for you and your snippy little comments, or if I can be assured that you're not going to say anything like that again." She looked at me for a minute, then looked to him, then back at me. I was about ready to ask her again when she said, "I don't know... Maybe you should just listen to me. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from him... He's a major freak of-" I cut her off by slapping her in the face.

"What the fuck? Are you psychotic? Oh my God! I think I'm bleeding. I am so going to end you. You're going to regret doing that before you even leave school today." She looked dead serious. I didn't know how to respond other then smiling and saying as sweetly as possible, "Oh. Well, maybe when you get done doing that, you can go perk your self up a little bit by taking some new classes..."

"What kind of classes you bitch? It's not like I need them." She was getting ready to start screaming so I leaned in closer to her and whispered, "Classes on how not to be an ignorant self centered bitch who thinks that she needs to bag on the new girls shoes the second she walks through the doors... Yeah. I heard it. And by the way, I got them from military school. Tell your ass hole boy friend if he doesn't leave me alone next time I'll knock him on his ass..." With that I turned and walked back across the room where the stupid line was finally starting to move. Brock looked at me and smiled a little. He brought his hand up to his chin and brought it down palm up. Thank you. I smiled and nodded at him. I turned towards Marissa where she was standing with her friends. She was fanning herself and I heard something about catching weirdness. 

I turned to look back at Brock. I was about to ask him if he had understood all of what she had said but I didn't get the chance. The line was moving so we all had to start walking. I turned back around but was still thinking about what had just happened. If she told the principal, and the principal told my mom, I was fucked. Royally...

Chapter Two

I walked into the cafeteria after the third bell had gone off. This was probably going to be the worst thing ever. Just as long as nobody tripped me while I had a plate of food I'd be glad. I remembered the invitation to the library and was very grateful for it. The only question was whether I could get out of the library in one piece. It seemed that I wasn't going to be told on for slapping Marissa. But I was still wary of her psycho boy friend.

Going through the line I realized that I didn't have any money on me. That was sure to bring on some speculation. I hoped that they would just let me bring it in tomorrow. I learned, though, that this hope was not going to be fulfilled. Walking up to the check out line the lady held out her hand for the money. I mumbled to her saying that I didn't have any money on me at the moment. She didn't say anything. Just reached out, grabbed my tray and stuck it on a cart behind her. She reached under the counter and grabbed a paper bag. She told me I was allowed to grab a carton of milk and one fruit or vegetable item from the table. I looked at her in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding. I'll bring in the money tomorrow. But I am not eating that." I protested shoving the bag back to her. It had tuna fish in it. Something that I not only can't stand the taste or smell of, but was very allergic to.

"Suit yourself kid. You go home hungry. That's your call. Now get out of the line other people need to get through." I muttered a string of cuss words under my breath, grabbed two milks and a few apples off of the table and walked out. She was yelling at me to bring them back. I just ignored her. Making my way quickly out of the cafeteria I heard snickering behind me. I turned to see what it was. Two girls I didn't recognize were pointing at me and laughing. I looked down at my shirt and didn't see anything wrong with it. Figuring it was just more ignorant comments I kept walking. Suddenly I heard, "Hey New Girl!" I turned to see a group of boys coming towards me. I just turned and kept walking.

Damn this school. I should have just gone into home schooling like my mom said. Suddenly I was yanked backwards off balance. I stumbled and hit the lockers but didn't fall. I looked up to see who had pulled on my bag. Sure enough. One of the boys that had been yelling at me. I looked at him, letting my irritation show and snapped, "What the fuck do you want dick face?" He looked at me and looked back to his friends and whispered something. They all started laughing but didn't say anything. I was just hiking my bag up on my shoulder to keep walking when it was pulled out of my hand.

"Okay. Seriously. What the hell is it with you people and back packs? This is the second time today that somebody's grabbed mine." He didn't say anything just leaned back and whispered in his friends ear again. He just laughed and shrugged. That's when I saw the blade. He had it tucked up inside his shirt sleeve, but it was open. Fuck.

"So..." the boy who had grabbed my bag said crouching down in front of me. "What are we gonna do with you?" I didn't know what he meant. And I didn't want to know. I looked down the hall way and then the other direction. There was nobody here. That's just great.

I eyed the hand that I knew was about to bring out the knife. I probably had about ten seconds before something really bad happened to me. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I heard some mumbling and opened my eyes. My new friends were looking down the hall way. It took me a minute to figure out what they were looking at. Then I saw it. Thank you, God Brock was coming. 

"Man, he's fucking deaf. What the hell is he going to do? Sign us to death? Shit, we'll be fine. I doubt he eve likes this little freak anyways. Give me that knife. I want to do something." I saw the blade change hands. He leaned down and grabbed a strip of my hair. Okay. A hair cut. Great.

He took the knife and started cutting through pieces of my hair. I had closed my eyes and relaxed in the hands that were pinning me against the locker. This seemed to cause some sort of confusion because I felt my self being pushed forward and then something wrapped around me from behind.

I felt my arms being pinned to my sides. I tried to pull out of the hold but it only tightened. When I swung my head backwards all I did was hurt myself. Great. They probably got the freaking Hulk to hold me. I opened my eyes and saw Brock still a ways down the hall way. I could yell. But that wouldn't do anything. He wouldn't hear it. And there were not teachers around. They must have all left for the lunch period. 

Struggling against the grip that had hold of me I felt it tighten even more. After a couple more attempts I finally gave up. Okay. They can give me a hair cut. Fine. I told my mom to expect some weird changes when I went home. This could just be one of them. Relaxing all my muscles I felt something else. Something was digging into my leg. I opened my eyes and glanced down. One of the idiots was kneeling down onto my leg to hold it in place but had left the other one unattended. 

I knew right then that I was not dealing with wrestlers. I was dealing with foot ball players. Great. I could probably get out of a fist fight okay. But running would be a completely different story. 

"Okay, Honey. We're all done with your make over. I hope you like it." Looking down at the floor I saw a pile of hair. I looked up at him and growled. "Don't fucking call me 'honey', you ass. Let me up now." He just laughed and said, "Go ahead and let her up guys. She's too chicken to do anything." I heard foot steps coming up. Great. Now I have company. I looked up to see Brock staring at me. He looked somewhere between shocked, confused, and betrayed.

It probably looked like I was cuddling with the idiot holding my arms down. I gave him a look of pleading. Hurt registered in his face. That's when he looked down and saw the knife and the pile of hair. If I had ever seen somebody turn red, that was the moment. He reached down and with one swift kick had knocked two of them over. He went to grab the kid with the knife but only got knocked backwards. I heard him hit the lockers and then come back. 

I started struggling in the embrace again. This time it loosened. Suddenly I was being dumped on the ground. I looked up and saw them all running down the hall way. I looked up and saw a hand reaching out to me. I grabbed hold of it and stood up. Looking down at the floor I saw a puddle of blood. 

Checking my self over I assured my self that it wasn't mine. I looked at Brock and he looked fine. I hope to hell he broke one of those guys' noses. That would be an intersting explanation to your friends. He heard an intake of breath and heard the broken speech coming out of his mouth. "Are you going to be okay?" I double checked myself and then him and just nodded. "Are you sure? You looked pretty freaked out..." I reached into my bag and grabbed a notebook and a pen. 

'I'll be fine. Don't worry about it. I'm used to being wailed on...' He read it and said, "I can read lips. You don't have to write it out." I could tell he was trying hard to enunciate his words carefully so I could understand him. I felt bad that he was so worried about me. But there wasn't any way I was going to convince him soon. 

"I'll be fine. Can we go to the library?" I said these slowly so as to make sure he could understand it. He looked at me one more time before I felt him release his grip on my hand. This was going to be a long day. Pointing downt he hall he said, "Do you still want to go to the library? Or would you rather go home?" 

"Let's go to the library. I don't want to be stuck out here with those idiots running around. Is there at least an adult in the library?" 

He grinned and said, "Why do you think I go there?" I just chuckled and pointed. "Lead the way."

Chapter Three

Stepping off the bus and looking up at my house I recalled all the events of the day. After Brock, who I had learned preferred to be called Tyler by his middle name, went down to the library we talked. Not about anything that had happened that day. Just about other stuff. Like music, he had never heard it but liked the idea of it. For me it was my life and the only thing that I actually needed to hear at least once a day.

I thought about how when the bell rang we headed to our next class and learned that we lived only a block away from eachother. This meant we rode the same bus. I turned to wave to him but I couldn't see him. Must be hiding from the idiots that decided to sit behind us. 

Just as I turned back towards my house I heard the door open. My mother, upon seeing my hair, gasped. I just smiled ruefully and walked past her into the house. She followed me inside. I heard her close the door, still one step behind me, and follow me all the way to my room. I turned and looked at her expectantly. 

"What, in God's name, did you do?" This wasn't going to be good. But she knew when I was lying. So I said, "Well, made one friend. Slapped a girl in the face. And got knocked on my ass repeatedly. So, all in all, a pretty good fucking day if you ask me. Anything else? Or did you want to go back to work so I can sit here by myself?"

She glowered at me and turned on her heel sharply. I could her click clack down the hall way. I waited until I heard the door shut before I walked back to the kitchen. Grabbing the orange juice jug out of the fridge, I stopped to look around. It wasn't like I had never been in my house. I just wasn't used to it during the week. Placing the jug back into the fridge I headed back to my room.

Logging into my Facebook I saw a million notifications. Most of them were stupid things that I wanted nothing to do with. Then I saw something that I was actually happy about. A message from Tyler.

"Hey. Decided to look you up when I got home today. Not many people around here that have your name with a profile picture of a bleeding angel..." 

I flushed red. But I answered him anyways.

"Yeah... Not too many people have a history like mine. Trust me, there's been a lot worse than that." 

I sent it and then set my computer down on my bed. This was going to be a long day. I could all ready tell. Atleast my idiot brother wasn't here. Ever since Mom had married that ass hole banker everything got so much worse. 

Not sure what to do with myself I wandered back down to the living room. I didn't watch too much TV. And there were no chores to be done. I walked back up the stairs and saw that I had a new message and a friend request. I knew who it was before I even opened it. 

"I could kind of tell from how you were acting at school today... Any hope left for your hair?" I turned and looked in the mirror. The damage wasn't too bad. But it was still pretty bad. I'd just need to get some scissors. Mom would deal. 

"Eh. Could be worse. Could be better too... Hey, you got a phone I can text? I'm not staying holed up in my bedroom while I have the house to myself." I went and accepted the request he had sent me. I sat on my bed for a minute waiting for him to respond. When I saw the message icon light up I clicked on it. But it wasn't him.

"Fucking bitch. Who the hell do you think you are? You think you can just go around acting like a god damn whore? You know how we handle people like you around here? We ruin you. And that's exactly what I just did. Go ahead and click on the link I have below. I think you'll enjoy it. Have a nice day slut." I saw the link she was talking about. I didn't want to click on it. But I didn't really have much choice.


Texte: This story is mine. It is fictional but made for a purpose. Any recreation of this story is not allowed
Bildmaterialien: Cover photo is not mine. I do not take any credit for any pictures
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.09.2012

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Dedicated to all the people who have ever been bullied but found a way out of it. There's lots of bullying. But you don't have to live with it. Nobody should.

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