
People say you never find your true love. They say that you may think that you'll have one. But in an honest opinion the person you thought loved you will just hurt you in the end. Amelia learned this the hard way. She was just another normal fourteen year old girl. Trying to get through the pressure of middle school. She was doing pretty good. She had some close friends. An awesome family. And what she thought was a great boyfriend. But she learned the hard way that no love is forever. And the last words anyone heard from her were, "I loved you forever."

Chapter One
Amelia woke up to the sound of her mom cooking breakfast and her older sister, Sarah, trying to find her lipstick. It was the best sound she could ever hear. The only thing she was waiting for was her little eight year old sister, Carmen, to come running in. The instant that thought went through her head Carmen came in.
"Amelia! Mom's making pancakes. Hurry up before they're all gone. Josh and Dave are all ready down there."
"MOM! Save some food for me!" Amelia screamed while trying to jump out of bed.
"Sure thing Amy! But hurry up. They're going fast."
Amelia jumped out of bed and on her way out of her room yelled to Sarah, "Lipstick's in the top drawer right side!"
"Thanks Ams! You're a lifesaver."
"No problem."
Amy ran through the hall way and slid the rest of the way down the banister. It was a tradition on Saturday mornings. Pancakes, lipstick search, and most important. Banister slide.
"Hey Mom! Any thing left or did the cave men get to them?"
"Hey!" Josh yelled defensively. "We are not cave men. We're hooligans. I'm just messin with ya little sis! Come here. Don't worry. Mom saved some."
"Kay. Thanks Josh! Hey Mom. Can I go out with Kimmy and Lilly later? We were going to go out riding."
"Yeah that's fine. Just make sure to remember your date with Jake."
"How could I forget? He's the best! Especially on Saturdays."
"Would you quit talking mush and eat some food?" Dave asked kind of annoyed.
"Shut up and let me talk will ya?"
"What ever. Oh! Mom! The guys are here. I'll be back around two. See ya!"
"Bye Dave. Have fun at the movies."
With that Dave walked out the door. Amelia sat down at the table with her two sisters and started eating. After about ten minutes Carmen started getting kind of jittery. She was always like that after having sugar. Amelia noticed it immediatly and pulled back the syrup. Just then the door bell rang.
"That's probably the girls!" Amelia said loudly.
"Ams. We're right here. You don't have to yell." Rose said laughing.
"I know. Sorry. COME IN!"
A few seconds later Kimmy and Lilly came in.
"Hey girls. I'll be with you in a minute. I'm finishing this up then we can go riding. You called this time right?"
"Yes." Kimmy said sounding hurt. "I even called last night to make sure. Don't worry."
"Good. I don't want the same thing happening like last time. That was the most embarassing ever."
"What ever. Will you just hurry up?"
"I'm coming. I'm coming. Bye Mom. Bye Dad."
With that Amelia and her friends ran out the front door and to Kimmy's new car. This was going to be the best day ever.
Chapter Two
Amelia and her friends pulled up at the stables about an hour later. They had been riding here for over a year. The nice thing about Kimmy and Lilly were that they were just like Amelia. They were all tomboys. They all loved being outside and riding. And most of all they looked out for one another.
Kimmy was the first out of the car and the first one to talk.
"YO Billy! You got our horses?"
"Sure thing Kimmy. But just to let you know Thunder's been a bit ornery. Think you can handle him?"
"Sure. Come on girls."
They walked into the stables arms linked. They had been around horses pretty much all their lives so they could tack and saddle up by themselves. The only thing they needed help with was getting up on the horse. And Billy was fine with giving 'em a leg up.
"Okay. Let's go. Race you guys to the stream." With that they all took off at a gallop accross the meadow.
After a while they slowed down so they could talk.
"Okay Ams. That's it. Dish." Lilly said trying to contain her excitement.
"What do you mean?" Amelia asked innocently.
"About you and Jake. I know you guys are going out today once we get home. Where are you guys going and what are you doing?"
"We're going out to dinner and after that a movie."
"OOH! A movie?" Kimmy said trying to get more out of Amelia.
"I'm not saying anymore. Oh. We're here. You guys wanna give these guys a break and go swimming in the stream?"
"Sure! You got the stuff?"
"Yep. I got your swim stuff. Jeez. Must you make it sound like I have drugs and alchol?"
"Sorry. Force of habit. Okay. No one else is out here right? I am not going to get changed in front of a bunch of strangers."
Amelia looked around and said, after a few seconds, "We're clear. Let's get changed!"
They stripped down and changed. It was a very warm day so Amelia was glad to have changed.
"All right. Let's go swimming. OH! I heard about this little area with a bunch of black berries."
"Well then. We'll have a snack. Now quit the chit chat, Lil. Let's go."
"Sorry. Let's go!"
With that they ran off to the water and jumped in. It came up to their chest out in the middle of the stream so there was plenty of depth to swim.
"So. I have one more question Ams." Kimmy said.
"What's that?"
"What would you do if you found out Jake was cheating on you? Not that he is. I just want to know."
"I don't know. Probably bawl my eyes out. Scream at him. Cry some more and then get over it. You obviously don't remember what happened with Mark."
"Oh I remember. Hey. Where'd Lilly go?"
"I don't know. Lilly? Lilly?!? Dude! This isn't funny. Where are you?"
Kimmy and Amy got out of the water and started looking around. Suddenly a blood curdling scream broke the air. Kimmy and Amelia looked at eachother and said in unision, "Lilly!" They ran towards the scream as fast as they could with out tripping. When they finally got there all they found was Lilly's beret and bestfriends bracelets.
"Dude. Where'd she go?"
"I don't know. But if we can't find her in the next five minutes we're calling the stable to get some people out here. Deal?" Amelia asked antsly.
"Deal. Let's look around by the stream. She might have slipped and hurt her self. But we're not splitting up this time."
"Okay. Let's go."
Kimmy and Amy started searching around where Lilly's stuff was. They called out her name but she wasn't responding. Once it hit five minutes they ran back to the horses and called the stable. Within a few minutes about ten stablehands showed up in trucks and on horses.
"What happened?" one of them asked looking around.
Kimmy was a nervous wreck so Amelia answered.
"Well we were swimming in the stream and Kimmy and I were talking when we saw that Lilly wasn't there. We called out for her and when we didn't get an answer we decided to go looking. We found her beret and a bracelet down there. We didn't touch them just in case. You know. We decided that after five minutes if we didn't find her we'd call you and well. Here we are." Amelia said matter-of-factly.
"All right. Thanks Amy. We'll take it from here. Okay guys! Listen up! We have one missing girl out here. Her name is Lillian Miller. She went missing approximately ten minutes ago. Two items of Lilly's were found down that way." he pointed to the west side of the meadow. "That will be where we look first. But if we can't find her there after ten minutes we'll check everywhere else. After an hour we will be calling the cops for a search and rescue! Okay. Every one! Spread out!"
With that everyone took off towards the beret and bracelet. No one touched it but looked near it and in the stream. After ten minutes everyone split up in groups of two. After about twenty minutes there was another blood curdling shreak. Everyone looked up and around. After a couple seconds there was a mad dash towards the scream. When they finally reached it what they found was a relief but also kind of distressing. Lilly was stuck in a tree with a bobcat right below her. It was growling and circling the tree waiting for the chance when he could pounce. Suddenly there was a loud shot and the animal dropped dead. Amy looked towards the shot and saw Billy with a 243 in his hands. He emptied the shell, put the gun down, and went up to the animal.
"It's dead." he announced after several seconds.
"Lilly!" Kimmy and And Amy yelled happily.
"Okay. I am SO done with bobcats. They look cool but that thing just about freaking ripped my throat out. Now will some one please help me down from here. I scraped up my knee really bad but other then that I'm fine so nobody worry about that."
After helping Lilly down and moving the bobcat the girls decided it was time to go home. So after they got changed and mounted their horses they went back to the stables where they ate a quick lunch and Lilly got her knee looked at by the stable nurse. She said it would be fine just a little sore for a while.
"Okay. Next time no walking off by ourselves and all of us bring our knives." Kimmy said looking at her friends.
"Deal!" Lilly and Amy said together.
After that they climbed into Kimmy's car and left for Amy's house.
"Well you're here Amy. See you later tonight. Call us when you get home so we can get over here and start the party."
"Okay. See you guys later!" Amy jumped out of the car and ran inside.
Chapter Three
After greeting her family she ran up the stairs to her room.
'What to wear? What to wear?' she asked her self mentally. Since she didn't own any skirts or girly stuff she settled on a nice pair of jeans and a Metallica T-Shirt. She went and looked in the mirror and did her hair up in a pony tail. After putting on her sneakers she ran back down the stairs.
"How do I look Mom?" Amy asked seriously.
"Umm... When or why do you care?"
"I don't know. Just wondering. But seriously though. Do I look like I don't care about our relationship or do I look like we're just friends?"
"Umm... You look fine to me. But you might try asking Jake."
"Why would I ask Jake? He won't be here for another like five minutes." Amy said confused.
"Just turn around you big goof." she heard behind her. She turned around to see Jake standing there.
"JAKE!" she squealed happily! After releasing her grip on him she asked, "So. Where are we going to dinner and what movie are we going to?"
"Having a sleepover with the girls tonight?" he asked with a smile on his face.
"Oh you know it! Now please tell me!"
"Okay. We're going out to this new Italian restaraunt. I can't remember what it is. And then the movie we're going to is Paranormal Activity 2. Does that sound okay to you?"
"That sounds fine. Oh! How do I look?" she asked, standing in a supermodel pose.
"You look great. Now come on you dork. We're gonna miss our dinner reservations."
"Okay. Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Let's go."
At that they walked out of the house hand in hand.
Chapter Four
About twenty minutes later they pulled up outside the restaraunt. It was very fancy and it was brand new because there was a banner above the door that said 'Grand Opening'. Amy figured they wouldn't have to wait long because of the reservations but there was quite a line. But it went quickly because most of them didn't have any reservations.
After waiting about five minutes they were at the front of the line.
"Hello. We have reservations for two. The Linden party." the waitress's face immediatly lit up with recognition.
"Ahh yes. Mr. Linden. Right this way."
Fortunately it wasn't all that fancy because most of the people there were in street clothes. Not formal wear.
"So. Do you like?" Jake asked with a smile on his face. Amy looked around and said, "I like. I like very much. Oh. Here's our seat."
They sat down and ordered some drinks. After about five minutes a waiter came by to take our orders.
Amy knew exactly what she wanted. "I'll have clam chowder with crackers and a side salad."
"Okay. And you young man?"
"I'll have a chef salad. Put the chicken on the side."
"Okay. Those should be ready in about ten minutes."
After the waiter left Amy and Jake sat there not saying anything. After another minute or so Amy said, "Hey Jake. I know this is crazy and all but I have a question."
"What's that?"
"You would let me know if you wanted to break up with me right? I mean Kimmy asked me today what I would do if I found out you were cheating on me."
Jake tensed up at the word 'cheating' but Amy didn't notice.
"Of course I'd let you know Babe. You're my girl though. Why would I ever hurt you like that?"
"I don't know. It's silly. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Oh here's our food."
The waiter sat their food down in front of them and then took their drinks to refill them. After getting their drinks back Amy and Jake settled in to eat. Once they were done eating they called the waiter over. He gave Jake the bill which Jake immediatly paid with cash. His parents were rich and spoiled him so he had three credit cards and he always had cash on him. Jake put his arm around Amy's waist and whispered in her ear, "You ready to go see that movie?"
"Yeah. Let's go." Amy said trying to hide her excitement.
After they arrived at the theater Amy got a bunch of candy. She hadn't wanted it but Jake had insisted. And since he was being so kind Amy couldn't say no. She figured she would just save what ever was left for later. Thinking about this she suddenly whispered to Jake, "Hey. On the way back to my house could we stop by the store. I need to pick up some candy for the girls."
"I could get it for you if you wanted. It wouldn't be any trouble to me."
"No. That's fine. I have like fifty bucks on me."
"Okay Babe. If you want." after the end of their conversation they went in to watch the movie. Several times Amy practically jumped into Jake's lap. At the end of the movie Amy was really jumpy. Jake was obviuously getting a joy out of watching her.
After taking about ten minutes in the store and twenty minutes to get home Jake and Amy were finally at Amy's house.
"Okay. I'll see you on Monday Ams. Bye."
"Bye Sweets." Amy gave Jake a quick peck on the cheek and ran inside to find Kimmy and Lilly lounging on the couch watching TV and eating a bag of chocolate chips.
"Hey Girls."
"Hi Amy! We hope you don't mind but we got here a little early. We just let our selves in with the key you gave me." Kimmy said happily right before shoving another handful of chocolate chips into her mouth.
"That's fine. Is anybody else here?"
"Yep. It was freaking hysterical! Dave came down listening to his MP3 player. He was walking to the kitchen when Lilly decided to scream out ever so happily, "YO! Dave! You got anything to eat? We're starvin over here!" It made your brother just about jump out of his skin!"
"That's nice. Well I've got some major snackage. You can thank Jake on Monday for this."
"Okay. Wait. Didn't he tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
Kimmy had seen Jake kissing another girl and called him out for it. He promised her that he would end the relationship with Amy. Apparently though he hadn't been completely and totally truthful.
"Umm... I saw him making out with Victoria. I promise! I told him that he was a lowlife scum who had no right being anywhere near you. He promised me that on your date he would end it."
"Oh my God. You mean. The date he was supposed to break up with me on. He didn't even come close. I mean. I asked him what he thought I would do if I found out he was cheat- YOU KNEW! That's why you asked! I can't believe this. I thought you were my friend. You should have told me Kimmy! Why didn't you?"
"I swear to God! I thought he was going to tell you. He said he didn't want it to come from a friend but apparently he lied. I'm so sorry Ams. If I had known he was lying I would have told you."
Amy finally calmed down and listened to her friend. She was telling the truth. She knew when Kimmy was lying. Her eyes got all twitchy and she started sweating. Right now she was perfectly still and looking Amy right in the eye.
"Okay. I'm sorry that I got so mad. I believe you. I'm calling him right now. Wait! No. I'm gonna text him. WAIT! Even better. Text, E-Mail, voicemail, and just down right face to face screaming at him."
"Okay. Calm down Ams. How about we try prank calling him first for a while. Then we can settle in, watch the movies, and gorge ourselves on this candy!"
"All right!"
After that they started having some fun. Amy didn't forget that Jake, the boy she thought had loved her, had cherished her, had cheated on her with one of the snottiest girls in school. He didn't like snobby. He liked the girls who didn't care what people thought of them. That had probably changed though. Amy was starting to get tired. So she had the bright idea to make coffee. After that her and Kimmy and Lilly were up all night. The next morning though they were out for revenge on the lowlife scum bag that had broken Amy's heart. And it wasn't going to be pretty.

Chapter Five

The next morning when all the girls woke up the living room was a wreck. There were candy wrappers everywhere. The TV was on with a horror movie still going. And the girls were sprawled across the floor. When Josh came down he saw a wonderful oppurtunity. He ran back upstairs to get his megaphone, airhorn, and Dave. Carmen, Rose, and his parents were gone. So he didn't have to worry about waking anyone else up.
"Okay. So this is the plan." Josh said quietly. "We're going to move them to the basement. Very quietly and carefully. Then once they're all down there we're going to stand at the top of the stairs, turn this," he held up the megaphone, "up all the way. Then sound the airhorn."
Dave was happy but he only had one question. "What do we do after that?"
"Well considering they were up till six in the morning. Yeah I checked. They should be very grumpy. So my best guess? Run like freaking hell the moment they start moving."
"Okay. Let's see how well this goes."
They snuck back into the living room and very carefully, one by one, took the girls downstairs. After that they put them as close to the steps as possible. Dave turned the megaphone up and Josh got the airhorn.
"Okay. On three. One. Two. Three." with that they hit the button. They were met by three screams.
Amy tried getting up and immediatly fell back down on Kimmy. Kimmy answered with a grunt and pushed Amy off of her. Then Lilly tried using Kimmy's shoulder to get up. That resulted in her falling down on top of Kimmy and Amy. Eventually they got up and tromped up the stairs. Not happy and very tired.
"JOSH! DAVE! Get your butts in here or I'll come in there and find you. And trust me. After what I went through yesterday night you will not like me!"
She was met by her brothers turning around the corner with smirks on their faces.
"What the hell were you thinking?!? You scared us half to death!"
"Uhh Little Sis. That was kind of the point. And we got the whole thing on video." said Josh proudly. He held up the camera and played it back for them. Once it was over all the girls were trying not to fall on the floor laughing.
"Okay. So are we forgiven?" Dave asked.
"Yes. Wait! After you make us hmm... Guys what sounds good for breakfast?"
"Waffles!" Lilly said.
"Pancakes." Kimmy said.
"I want french toast." said Amy.
Dave and Josh looked at eachother.
"Okay. So basically. Three servings of omelets, bacon, toast, and as much coffee as you can get?"
"Pretty much." said all the girls
"Oh. One more thing." said Amy to Dave. "If Jake, or should I say the butt hole who broke my heart, comes around. Tell him I don't want to see him again. And if he comes any where near me I'll punch his teeth down his throat, and rip his tongue out so he can't shove it down that whore's throat."
"What happened to you?" Josh asked worried.
"I just found out yesterday that he was cheating on me. I am so pissed!"
"Well go into the dining room. This should be ready soon."
"Kay. Thanks guys."
With that the girls walked into the dining room. As they sat down there was a loud banging on the door that made all of them jump, scream, and fall out of their seats.
"Who the hell is it?!?" Amy yelled getting up.
She heard, "It's me! Amy what's wrong?" along with the door opening. She knew the voice instantly and so did her friends. They ran over beside her and wrapped their arms around her protectively.
"Hey Babe. I just wanted to come and-"
Amy stepped out of the protective circle and said, "Do not call me Babe. I want you to get the hell out of my house and the hell out of my life!"
"Babe. What did-"
"I said GET OUT! NOW! Go shove your tongue down that whore's throat!"
"Victoria is not a whore. At least she knows how to dress like a girl! Unlike you Sheman!" just then Josh and Dave walked in.
"Jake," Josh said, "get out of our house and leave our sister alone." Dave finished
"Oh. What? She can't stick up for herself so she's going to sick you guys on me. You don't scare me."
Dave was six foot two and weighed about two-hundred fifty pounds. Where as Jake was barely five foot five and couldn't weigh more then a hundred fifty pounds. So when Dave walked over to him, picked him up and literally kicked him out the door no one was surprised.
"You okay Ams?" Dave asked standing in front of her protectively.
"Yeah. Just as long as he doesen't try anything funny in school. Because I will shove his teeth down his throat. I don't care if I get suspended or expelled." Amelia was not happy. She knew that he would try and apoligize tomorrow. He had done it with other girls. She'd heard the rumors. Suddenly she realized that she would have to be up an hour earlier tomorrow.
"UGGGGHHHH! Why couldn't his have happened earlier?"
"What's wrong?" Kimmy asked sympathetically.
"Remember? I have to go in an hour early for the stupid assembly. Since I'm in band I have to go and practice."
"Oh yeah. I completely forgot!" Lilly yelled. "I have to say a speech. Remember? For my English class? You don't remember do you?"
Amy just shook her head no.
"Mr. Watson was a complete dick to me on our creative writing project. I got an F and if I don't bring that up to at least a C I'll fail English for the semester. And I am not staying behind with him for another year. Especially after this. I completed it. I spell checked it like four freaking times. And I even went in and double checked with him over everything! He said it was fine. But obviously he was lying."
Josh had just come up behind them with breakfast.
"Well you have the entire day to work on it right? Maybe you could spend the night?" he said, obviously proud for thinking of that.
"I guess. Can you get ahold of your mom while I call my mom?"
"Yeah." said Dave and Josh. "Now. Here's your breakfast and a giant mug of coffee for each of you. And there's a ton more where both came from. Feel free to go in and get it."
"Okay. Thanks guys." Lilly said happily.
After that they all sat down to eat. Amy looked out the window to see Josh still standing in the front yard.
"Oh my GOD! What part of get out does that boy not get? I'll be right back guys. DAVE?!?"
"Where's my BB gun?"
"Umm... Why? Wait. I see him. You want to do it or should I?"
"I'll do it!"
"Okay." Dave came down with Amy's BB gun. She walked up the stairs to a window and opened it. Jake was completely oblivious to the fact that he was being hunted.
Amy loaded her BB gun with three rounds. She could shoot very fast and her aim was great. Even with moving targets. She put one in the chamber and fired it. Jake had his back to her. So she hit him in the butt. Her goal was to get him turned around so she could hit him in the leg and then in the groin. She accomplished both shots. When he looked up he was not happy.
"BITCH?!? What the hell are you doing?" he screamed in pain. So much for acting like a man Amy thought. That's when she started screaming.
"I want you to get the freaking hell off of my property you no good jerk! And if you don't I will come down there and hand you your ass! Now leave!" he wasn't leaving so she just shut the window. Very carefully avoiding the windows she walked down stairs. With out him noticing she walked out the front door and charged him.
She could tackle her brothers with very little problems unless they saw it coming so this might actually hurt him. Just as he turned around she hit him. After landing a kick to his stomach he stood up. He did have a violent side but she knew he would never hit a girl. Or so she thought.
He swung at her face and she very easily moved. He was still recooperating from hitting the ground so hard. Dave, Josh, and her friends were standing in the yard watching the captain of the foot ball team get his ass handed to him by his hundred-ten pound five foot three ex-girlfriend.
"Amy!" Dave yelled watching with amusement.
"What the hell do you want?" Amy yelled at him.
"Umm... I just wanted to tell you not to kill him. And if you do make sure you find a good place to hide the body."
Amy looked quickly at Dave and Josh then back at Jake. He had recooperated and was charging Amy. She had seen this plenty of times from kids on the wrestling team. In one swift move she grabbed his hair, pulled him up, and punched his face. Blood started gushing from his nose.
"AAAHHH! What the hell? You bitch! You just broke my nose!" he yelled frantically trying to get away. Suddenly having the only bright idea he'd had in a while he kicked her in the stomach.
It didn't hurt her so much as knock the wind out of her. She dropped him and doubled over gasping for air. He stood up and started hitting and kicking her. Dave and Josh immediatly seeing this charged over and pulled him off of Amy. While Dave carried Jake to the road and dropped him not so gently on his face, Josh checked on Amy. She seemed to be fine just a little out of breath.
"Are you okay Amy?" Josh asked worried.
"I'm fine. That moron has no idea how to hit. I just got the wind knocked out of me by that kick he landed to my stomach."
Suddenly there was a scream and everyone looked to the road. Dave had started walking back to the yard while Jake was getting up. He had charged Dave and tackled him. Making him face plant in the gravel and goatheads in the drive way.
"Oh hell no!" Amy yelled. She stood up quickly and ran to her brother. She didn't care if he tried to injure her, but her family was a completely different thing. Even if it was her big brothers. She jumped on him and grabbed his hair. He tried pulling her hands off of him but didn't have any luck on releasing her grip. Suddenly there was a loud yell of pain from Dave. Amelia looked down to see that Jake had grabbed a shard of glass and shoved it into Dave's arm. At this point Amy decided to take it up a notch. She turned to see Josh running towards them. She shook her head no and mouthed gun. He knew what she was talking about and ran to get her BB gun.
After a couple minutes Josh came back out with her gun. She was to busy trying to get Jake off of her brother so he just yelled, "Amy! Duck!"
Dave was all ready out of the way so he didn't worry about him. After Amy moved out of the way Josh aimed at Jake's leg and opened fire. Jake yelled and turned around to see Josh getting ready to shoot again.
"Josh! Shoot him again!" Amy yelled frantically. Suddenly something hit her over the head and she fell to the ground. She had been hit much harder with other things but she started to feel nausiuous. She had had this feeling before and she knew what was about to happen. Right before she blacked out she heard sirens and somebody screaming.
Chapter Six
Amy woke up to a white ceiling. She recognized it as her bedroom immediatly because of the Metallica and Green Day posters decortaing her walls. She tried to sit up but fell back down as a wave of nausia hit. She groaned in pain as she went to sit up again. This time she didn't feel sick but her head was throbbing.
'What the hell happened?' she asked herself mentally. After making sure she could move with out feeling sick or falling over she walked carefully to her door. She heard voices outside of it.
"I'm sure she's going to be fine. Just make sure she doesen't move too much. She'll be fine to go back to school tomorrow but make sure she has pain meds with her. Probably ibuprofen or aspirin. Other then that she'll be okay." she heard a voice say. It sounded like their family doctor. Then she heard him talking about Dave.
"Your son will be just fine to. That cut to his arm wasn't so deep that he needed stitches. But make sure it stays bandaged and clean. I'll be by tomorrow to check on Amelia. But like I said. They'll be fine. Well I have to be going now. Have a nice day."
She heard her parents thank him as he walked to the stairs. As soon as she heard the front door closed she opened hers. She was met by her parents looking at her with worried looks on their faces.
"What the hell happened?" she asked clinging to the door as another wave of nausia hit her. Her mother was the first to answer.
"You don't quite remember do you? That's kind of good but then again we should probably tell you."
"Come into the living room." her dad said. She tried taking a step away from the door but immediatly was struck by pain. She doubled over on the floor clutching her head.
"Amelia?" she heard her mother say. "Amelia darling? Are you okay? Amelia speak to me. Are you okay? Do you need a drink?"
"Just get me something to take the pain away." she said slowly.
"Okay. Here. Come here and we'll help you." her parents each took one of her arms and helped her slowly down the stairs. Once they reached the living room she laid down on the couch propped up by about three pillows. After her mother got her a glass of water and a couple of aspirin she laid down for a minute. But then her mother started prodding her with questions.
"Okay. First of all what do you remember?" her mother asked her.
"Umm... I remember getting up and being really pissed at Jake. He was apparently cheating on me with Victoria. Anyways. All of us girls went into the kitchen after coming up from the basement. Josh and Dave decided to play a practical joke on us with the airhorn and megaphone. Very funny when I watched it by the way.
"Anyways. We were waiting while Josh and Dave made us some breakfast and coffee. I was talking about how I had to get up an hour earlier for school. Suddenly I heard Jake outside. He came in and I told him to leave and that I didn't want him in my life anymore. He started arguing with me so Dave escorted him outside with a kick. After that we all settled back down to eat. I saw Jake standing in the yard staring at the window and probably at me. I asked Josh to get me my gun. He asked if he wanted me to have him do it of if I wanted to do it myself.
"I told him that I wanted to do it myself. So I went up to the window and shot him three times. By the time I was upstairs he was turned away from the house. He wouldn't leave and he called me a bitch so I went outside to help him to the gate. He tried to swing at me so as you can figure that didn't go well. Anyways. He kicked me in the stomach and started wailing on me. That boy does not know how to hit or kick by the way. Well Dave came and threw him into the road."
Her parents started looking more and more surprised with every word their daughter said. At the end they decided it was Jake's fault for not leaving the property when directed. So they decided to file charges for trespassing and assault to Amelia and Dave. Finally Amy asked the one question she had been wondering the entire time.
"Oh yeah. I heard some sirens right before I blacked out. What the hell hit me. I have been hit way harder by kids on the wrestling team with the mats while we were moving them. And I know that what ever hit me was not a mat. It felt more like a rock or the butt of a gun."
"Well," her mother venutred carefully. "Josh ran out to help you and your brother while Kimmy and Lilly were inside calling the cops. When he got over there he still had your BB gun. Jake somehow got it from him and hit you in the back of the head with it very hard. So he has got assault with a deadly weapon on him too."
"And," her father said, "he is charging you with assault too Amelia. Why, may I ask, did you get your BB gun to get him to leave? It would have been much easier and less violent to ask him or tell him to leave."
"Dad. Did you not hear me the first time. I told him to get out of my house and out of my life. Dave escorted him out into the front yard and then he just stood there staring at me. I wasn't just going to ignore him. Especially with that look he had on his face."
"What do you mean?" her mother asked concerned.
"He looked like he wanted to kill me. He was giving me the death stare. I swear to you!"
Her parents looked at eachother and then back to Amy. She could tell the instant she saw their faces they didn't believe her. On most things they would have been with her one-hundred percent. But they felt since she acted first she was to blame. Amy lost it and screamed, "Why the hell don't you freaking believe me? He kicked me and punched me and hit me in the head with a gun! On top of that I now have to go into school tomorrow and face that SOB! How the hell do you expect me to do that?"
She asked all of this with tears streaming down her face. She knew that after screaming at her mom and dad like that she would be sent up to her room. But she didn't care. She was going to go up there anyways.
"I'm going up to my room. If you guys want to not believe me on anything else I'll be up there!" with that she ran up to her room crying. The moment she was in her room she slammed the door and sank to the floor. Her body being racked with sobs of pain and heart break.
'Why?' she asked herself. 'Why don't they believe me? I'm their own flesh and blood. But instead the decide to believe the boy who broke my heart.'
After a while she calmed down. She got up and went over to her bed. It was only 4:00 pm but she was exhausted. So she just kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed. She slowly drifted off into a very restless sleep and eventually found peace in her dreams
Chapter Seven
Amelia woke up at about six the next morning. She didn't have to be to school until eight but she knew that if she wanted to avoid her parents she should get ready now. As she got changed into some jeans and a plain white shirt she thought back to yesterday. Her parents didn't believe her one bit. Not even a little trickle. They were on Jake's side.
As this thought hit Amelia she became kind of depressed. She had thought that Jake was her one true love. The guy she would marry. The one person she could tell everything to. But instead he turned out to be everything that Amy hated. Stuck up. A jerk. A lowlife bag of scum who had no heart.
'Oh well. I'll just have to suck it up and be the better person.' she told herself. She would show no emotion to him. Even if she really wanted to.
As she turned to go out the door she heard movement in the bed next to hers. She turned to see her sister sitting up and looking at her.
"Amy." Rose said looking concerned. "What the heck are you doing? We don't have to be up for another hour. You're not running away are you?"
That thought had never come to Amy until now. What if she did run away. Would her parents miss her? Would she be okay? What would happen to Carmen? Amy decided to reassure her sister that no she was not running away.
"I had a fight sort of thing with Mom and Dad last night. I'm trying to avoid them. Promise me you won't tell the others. I don't want to play twenty questions later."
"Come here and talk to me. I'm your big sister. That's why I'm here." her sister said sympathetically. Amy decided that she needed someone who understood her well so she went and sat on her sister's bed.
"Now tell me. What exactly happened. I know that Jake dumped you. But I didn't get the entire thing. Oh and don't tell me about that whole gun thing yesterday. I know about that too. Just tell me about your fight with Mom and Dad."
Amy started telling her calmly as Rose brushed Amy's hair out and put it in several small braids down her back.
By the time Amy was done she had sort of dreadlocks, she felt better, and it was time for her parents to come and get them up. Her sister asked her, "Do you feel better now? Or do you still want to avoid them?"
"I don't know. I just wish they would believe me. And knowing how my luck goes I'm going to land in juvi for a couple weeks because the court believed Him. I don't need that on my record. I really don't. Rose. Help me. Please."
Her sister wrapped Amy up in her arms and rocked her back and forth in her arms all the while telling her that things would be okay. In the middle of this her parents came in to wake them up. Only to see that Amy was still heart broken and her big sister was trying to cheer her up.
"Okay. You ready to go now? Or do you want me to talk to them?" Rose whispered in Amy's ear.
"I'm fine. I'll see you later. Bye Rose."
"Bye." Rose opened her arms so Amy could give her a hug. After giving her sister a hug, Amy got up off the bed and walked out of the bedroom pushing her parents out of the way. They looked at her and then looked at each other, exasperated.
'If they want to yell at me later go ahead and let them. Until then I'm just going to ignore them.' she thought to herself. She was just hoping that this day would be better then yesterday. Other wise she just might run away.
Chapter Eight
Amelia walked into school that morning feeling depressed and angry. Depressed because her ex-boyfriend had been cheating on her and her parents didn't believe her over her no good two timing ex-boyfriend. And angry for same reasons plus the fact that she had to miss school because of him.
She walked down the hall staring at the floor not really paying attention to what she was doing. Suddenly she smacked into something hard. She immediatly fell to the floor making her stuff scatter everywhere.
'Great.' she thought to herself. 'Now I'm going to be known as klutzilla.'
She looked up to see, what she thought, was a new kid. She had never seen him before. He was looking down at her then looked around at every one else. Suddenly he started saying, "I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you okay?"
Amy just nodded her head as he helped her to her feet. Once they got Amy's stuff picked up he looked at her again. Amy suddenly realized she had to get to class because the bell was about to ring.
"I'm sorry." she said. "But I have to get to class. Umm. Do you know where you're going?"
"I have no clue."
"Here. Let me see your schedule." he handed it to her and she looked at it.
"Okay. I have these first three classes with you and then the last two. So the only one We don't have is the one after lunch. But I can show you where that is."
"Okay. Are you okay? You hit me pretty hard?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just wishing murder wasn't so thought against these days."
"Wow. That's a little dark. Don't ya think?"
"I honestly don't care. I just want to murder my ex-boyfriend and my idiot parents. Because first I got cheated on then my parents won't believe me about a damned thing."
He looked at her with sympathy then suddenly said, "I didn't catch your name. I'm Johnny. And you would be?" he said while holding his hand out for her to shake.
"I'm Amelia. But every one just calls me Amy. Or the ones who are closer to me Ams. Unless they're really mad. Then it's my entire name." she said while shaking his hand.
While they were walking to calss she smacked into something with blonde hair and a mini skirt. Amy once again fell to the floor except this time she didn't drop her things. But she knew that this time when she stood up she would find Victoria standing there.
"Watch where you're going klutzilla. God. Oh. Hello there."
She had just spotted Johnny and Amy was not happy about it. He was a nice guy. He didn't have to put up with her.
"Back off Victoria. Come on Johnny." she said taking his arm.
"It was nice to meet you Johnny." she said way too happily. Amy decided it was time for a little payback one on one. And this time her target wouldn't fight back so much.
She let go of Johnny's arm and turned around. The first thing out of her mouth was, "Shut up Bitch! How about you go flaunt yourself in front of Jake. At least then you'll know that you've won him. You know I'm really sick and tired of your bull crap. Why can't you just pick one guy and be happy with him. Instead of causing other girls to wind up with broken hearts?!? Huh? Yeah. I thought so. Now move out of my way. I'm going to be late for home room."
She pushed Victoria roughly out of the way and walked in. After sitting in the back where she usually was she looked up to see Johnny talking to the teacher. He made a hand gesture at her and the teacher nodded. She was glad that finally she would have someone to talk to during home room.
"So. Gonna enjoy this school or are you all ready thinking of bailing?" she asked jokingly. He looked at her for a minute then smiled.
"I don't know. But that chick, Victoria was it? She needs to back off. I'm sorry. She's pretty and all but wow."
"Yeah. She's the girl that Jake, my ex, cheated on me with. He said and I quote, "At least she dresses like a girl Sheman!" Yeah. Not one of my best memories. In fact I'm pretty sure it's staying off of my top ten favorite moments list."
"Well he made a big mistake. You're really nice."
At this she blushed a little and said, "Thanks."
For the rest of home room they just talked. Amy felt that she had just made a new bestfriend. So when the bell rang she was disappointed. 'But hey.' she thought. 'At least he has all but one class with me.'
All of their classes went like that. She went and sat in the back. He'd talk to the teacher. He'd nod. Then Johnny would come sit down. Amy was very happy. Until she had the one class that Johnny wasn't in but Jake was.
She walked in keeping her head down so hopefully Jake wouldn't see her. Out of the corner of her eye, though, she saw him staring her down like she was a piece of meat. She knew that her argument in the trial was going to be weak. But she was goig to try her best. And not give him the satisfaction of seeing her crack under pressure. She hadn't done it at her house. Not here. And not there. If he could beat on a girl that was shorter then him and weighed a fair amount less then him then he had some issues.
Chapter Nine
Amy got home pretty quick that day. Considering she didn't feel like talking to Kimmy or Lilly and she wasn't going to be talking to Jake any time soon. When she got to her front door she stopped and listened. She heard her parents and somebody else inside.
'Who the hell?' she thought.
When she walked in she saw a woman in a suit talking in a very orderly voice. Amy could tell that it was a lawyer. Her's probably. But why was she here? Didn't they have offices and things?
"Umm. Mom, Dad. Who is this and why is she here?"
"Ah. You must be Ameila." the lady said obviously happy.
"Amy. This is Miss Anders. She's going to be your lawyer." her mom said happily.
"Why is she here? Don't they have offices and things?" Amy replied somewhat rudely.
"Now Amelia. I know this must be uncomfortable for you but if you want this to work, you must cooperate. Would you like to go somewhere else or stay here. And if we do stay here would you like your parents to stay or leave?"
Amy wasn't very happy that she hadn't heard about this earlier.
"What if I don't feel that this is any of your business? Because frankly I don't want to do this. I know that I was in the right. He should have left when I told him to. And if nobody gets that then I want nothing to do with them. Especially you, Mom and Dad.
"I mean it really hurts when you don't believe your own daughter. How would you like it if I didn't believe you on something and I was your mother. Huh? Would you like to have your parents not trust you on something like this. Your supposed to side with your kids. Not turn on them when they need your help the most!"
Amy's parents and lawyer looked at her quite surprised. One look from her mother told her that she should go up to her room.
"Fine. I'll go to my room. But I'm not coming down any time soon. And the next time you see me don't expect any apologies. But you know what you can expect? A change in me. My personality and my looks. If you can't believe your daughter then I'm not going to be your daughter. I'm going to be your worst freaking nightmare."
With that she turned around quickly and ran up the stairs. She had some black and red hairdye from halloween. That should do just fine for her hair. She could go get some piercings and tattoos later. She'd just get a fake ID saying she was eighteen. If her parents didn't want to believe their own daughter. Then they could believe their daughter's ex. Because she was going to change dramatically.
That night she stayed up in her room for dinner. She had dyed her hair and and painted her fingernails black. Her sister had plenty of black and red make up. She would just sneak some of it early in the morning.
When Rose came in and saw her sitting in the window seat staring fornlornly out the window she freaked.
"MOM! DAD! Get up here!"
"I don't want to see them!" Amy screamed. "If they won't believe me then I'm not their daughter! Tell them to stay away!" she ran out of the room and down the stairs quickly. She saw her parents heading for the stairs. Instead of going out the front door she sprinted for the back one. It was about a foot of the ground but she had been on track that year. She could do hurtles.
Her parents had seen her streak past and took off after her. Worried she might try and hurt herself or run away.
"Amy!" her mother screamed desperately. "Amy please come back here! We can work this out!"
"Leave me the hell alone! I'm not your daughter!" Amy had all ready made it to the fence and was hopping it. Not wanting to waste time on the gate. Once she was in town she went to Kimmy's house. The response she got when Kimmy's mother opened the door wasn't one she wanted. But it was better then having the door slammed in your face.
"Kimmy! Amelia's here! I think she needs to talk to you!"
"Coming Mom!" Kimmy rounded the corner with a book in her hands. The moment she saw Amy though, she literally dropped it.
"Oh my GOD! What did you do to your hair? You chopped it off and dyed it? I know you're mad at your parents but seriously! This is taking it a bit far isn't it?"
"I didn't come here for a lecture. I just need to cool down and talk to someone who'll listen."
"Okay. Well go ahead and come in. I'll be back in a minute. Make your self comfortable in my room."
Amy did as she was told and laid on the floor crying silently. She had never done anything like this. It was not like her to have problems with her parents. Her family was like a little perfect circle. Never a problem. But now. All because of a stupid boy it was shattered.
Chapter Ten
After talking to Kimmy for a while Amy was calmed down enought to go back home. It was dark so instead of walking Kimmy and her mom gave her a ride home. What Amy saw when she got back was not very pleasant. There were two cop cars in front of her house and there were several people walking around.
"Great. They got the search and rescue and the cops. Well if that yard incident doesen't get me landed in juvi this will. GOD! Why can't my life be as simple as your's Kimmy?"
"I don't know? Hey I'll talk to you later okay? Love you."
Amy hugged her friend and got out of the car. She pretty much slammed the door so she could get some heads turning. The first person to say something was a cop closest to her.
"Yeah. What's it to ya?"
"Umm. I'm sorry to tell you this but your parents told us that the didn't want to see you. You're going to juvenile detention for a month for assault and running away."
"What the freaking hell do you mean?!? I'm going in there!"
"Oh no you're not." the cop said grabbing her by the arm. Amelia started kicking and screaming at the cop to let her go. When he didn't she dug her claws into his arm and then punched him in the stomach. He grunted then grabbed her other arm.
After putting her in handcuffs and leg restraints he put her in the back of the cop car. She looked out the window at her house. At least they'll have to let me go to school. Then I can see Johnny. I didn't want to see Kimmy or Lilly. They had known about Jake. This whole mess was because of them. So if they talked to me I would just ignore them.
After the cops all came back to the cars I noticed something. My entire family was standing there looking at me. My parents disappoin-ted. Rose sad. Josh and Dave concerned. And Carmen confused.
'Why did I have to do this?' Amy thought to herself. All the way there she was thinking of things that she could have kept from doing. Finally she drifted off to sleep with silent tears streaming down her cheeks. All the while thinking to herself, even in sleep, I need to do something. Something that will keep me from going insane.
Chapter Eleven
Amelia woke up to a cop staring at her. She was laying on a plastic surface and her back was killing her. She remembered yesterday. Why did this have to happen? She thought this over and over.
Suddenly somebody grabbed her hands and pulled her up.
"Get out of the car. We took the leg restraints off so you can walk. Move it." Amy sat up stiffly and looked around. Where were they? She had been everywhere in town and not once had seen this place.
'We must be at the state juvi builiding.' she told herself. Suddenly somebody answered her thoughts.
"We're at the state juvinile detention building. We have a very strict running here. You try anything funny and you'll just get a longer sentence."
Climbing out of the car Amy looked up into the sky. They must have been driving over night. It was earlier now then it was when they left yesterday.
Slowly her eyes drifted slowly to the building. It was three stories high, grey, and all the windows had bars on them.
"What? Are they afraid we're going to escape?" Amy said snarkly.
"It's standard. Now be quiet. If you talk back to any one in here they won't be as nice."
"What ever."
The officer led Amy into the building. Right after a couple of officers searched her for any weapons. All they found on her was her book bag.
"All right. Here are your clothes. These are standardized uniforms. You will wear them to and from school. You will be wearing them during school. And they will double as your pajamas. You get one ten minute shower everyday at what ever time you like. Although a female gaurd will accompany you. If you break any of the rules here you will be punished by being put in solitary confinement. Do you have any questions?"
Amy only had one question. And that was, "Yeah. I do. Do I get any phone calls or visitors. Because quite frankly I'd like to know why the hell my parents put me in here." She answered very rudely and putting emphosis on the word 'here'.
The guard replied pleasantly, "You get one phone call every day. Visiting hours are from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. But there is one condition. You have to be in bed by 9:00 pm sharp. No sleep overs in other people's rooms. If you are found in a room of the opposite gender you will be punished severely. Now. Officer Denim, here, will escort you to your room. You will have your own room. I hope you find it to your liking."
"I doubt I will." Amy replied with her arms crossed over her chest.
The officer took Amy by her arm and led her through a series of doors and halls.
"Here is your room. But you have to go here first to change. We keep your clothes until you are done with your sentence. Now hurry up and change. I have to go get another kid. Johnny, you seemed like such a nice kid after you left your mom." the officer had meant for Amy to not hear that. But Amy lifted her head up quickly.
The first thing out of her mouth was, "Johnny?!? As in Johnny Korem?"
"Yes. Why? Do you know him?"
"YEAH! I saw him just today at school. Can I- Can I see him? I mean I'd like to know some one here!"
"At lunch. Now hurry up!"
Amy hurriedly put on her outfit. It was a dark blue button down shirt and dark blue sweat pants. Fortunately she had a long, short-sleeved shirt and shorts she could sleep in. But her day outfit was identical every day.
After the officer left Amy looked around her room. It was a blue like her outfit. The floor was white tile. She had two windows, both barred. Her bed was grey. The bedding was grey. Her desk and chair was white. And her dresser was grey, white, and blue. Amy thought this was weird but went to it.
Pulling it open she found a couple of long shirts and under-neith those was a diary. Amy looked at it. After turning around and closing her door she went back to it. The last person who owned it obviously had alot of feelings because there was alot of pages.
Opening it to the first page she saw a picture fall out. Picking it up she saw a face she would always recognize. Kimmy.
"What the hell?" Amy asked her self outloud. Suddenly the door opened without warning. Dropping the journal in the drawer and closing it with a bang, she turned around. There stood Rose.
"Oh my GOD! Rose!" Amy ran to her sister and just about jumped on her. "What are you doing here? I thought Mom and Dad just let me go? Did you sneak out?!?"
"No. We didn't." Amy looked up to see her mom and dad come through the door.
"I do not want to see you two. Get the freaking hell out of my room. Now."
"Now Amelia," that stung. Her parents always called her Amy or Ams. Her mother continued, "we know you're upset but you have to understand. You're going to get convicted of assault. And now running away. We just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Yeah. Sure. I want you and you out!" she screamed while pointing at her parents.
Rose turned and nodded at them. Her parents unwillingly backed out of the room to go talk to a gaurd.
"So. How are you liking it so far?" Rose asked casually as if they had just moved.
"Not much. But you have to check this out!" Amy got up to go get the diary. Handing it to Rose she stared at the picture. It was her and her mom and dad at their vacation last summer. Amy started thinking.
'Maybe this was when she left for a month. She must have not gone to her grandma's.'
Amy looked down at Rose as she flipped through the pages.
"Why do you think she was here?" Rose asked Amy sympathetically.
"I don't know. But I want to know why. Can you tell her that I want to see her. And Lilly too?"
"Yeah. And Amy?"
"I believe you. No matter what Mom and Dad think. You're innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If they can't see that then I'll testify for you. They all ready told me they weren't going to. Oh and Josh and Dave are here. They want to see you."
As if right on cue Amy's brothers walked in the door.
"Hey Ams!" Josh said picking her up and swinging her around in a circle. After he put her down Dave did the same thing. Amy couldn't have been happier to see them.
"How's it been you delinquent?" Josh asked jokingly.
"Oh you know. Same old same old. I robbed a bank an hour ago. After that I beat an old woman for her three bucks. Then I stole a car. How do you think? This place freaking sucks. And I think Kimmy might have been here. Look." Amy handed Josh the diary.
After he flipped through it he looked up and said, very seriously, "Amy. When you get out you can't hang out with her any more. Do you under stand? Stay away from her."
"Wait. What are you talking about?"
"Here read this." Amy took the diary and read a page near the end.
February 15
Dear Diary,
Today I met up with the girls. They agree with me. I should get Jake to split up with that bitch, Amelia. She doesen't deserve him. He's to good for her. She's just dragging him down. So the first thing I'm going to do when I get out is talk Jake out of that relationship and hook him up with Victoria. Uh-Oh. The warden's coming. I've got to go. Bye.
She read it over about three times before looking up.
"How? How could Kimmy do that to me? She was my best-friend. We agreed not to hurt each other. We got our bracelets. How?!?"
Amy broke down on the floor. Before she could fall Dave was there holding her. He wasn't sure what to do so he mouthed to Josh, "Get Rose."
Josh nodded his head. He went out of the room for a minute and came back with Rose.
"What's wrong with Amy?" Rose asked worriedly. She spotted the journal laying open on the floor. She picked it up and read it.
"Oh Ams. I'm so sorry. Come here." She sat on the floor and held Amy, rocking her back and forth. After a couple of minutes she saw Josh and Dave standing there awkwardly.
"Go ahead and leave guys. I've got it from here." Nodding their heads they left. After a couple of minutes Amy calmed down.
"How the hell could she do this to me?!? I helped her through her break up with Martin. I tutored her in math!"
"I know it hurts Ams. But you've got to be strong. At least you have something to read while you're here right? That should be more then enough."
"Yeah you're right. Well I'll see you later Rose. Thanks for coming by. And I know I don't say this very much but, I love you."
Rose looked at her sister then suddenly hugged her. She whispered in Amy's ear, "I love you too. Be strong little sister."
With that Rose dropped her arms and walked out of the room. After a minute Amy sat on the floor. She started thinking of what happened to land Kimmy in here. Suddenly she realized that they were probably coming. She had to hide this.
After she shoved it under her matress she started to think about Johnny. Why was he in here? Why did the warden say that about him? What was going on?
After laying on the floor for an hour or so thinking she heard a banging on her door. She looked up to see a warden in the door way.
"It's lunch time. Now move it. You only get twenty minutes to eat then after that you go to registration."
"WAIT! You mean earlier wasn't registration? What kind of twisted thing are you running here?"
"Just move."
Amy stood up off the floor and walked to the door. Unexpectedly the warden put cuffs on her hands.
"What the hell?!? Are these really necessary? I mean seriously! I'm not a freaking danger to the six-foot woman with a tazer and baton!"
"I don't want any lip from you. Now move."
The warden pushed Amy down the hall. After a couple of minutes a horrible smell hit Amy. Suddenly she realized that it was the cafeteria.
'I guess the food here isn't much better the school lunches.' she thought grimly.
"Okay. You can sit with who ever you want where ever. But you can not go outside. Tomorrow you will be going to school and eating there. Other wise you eat here. And you see all those people lining the walls? The slightest infraction and they'll be on you like that." With the word that the warden snapped her fingers.
After looking around for a minute she moved into the line. The warden had taken the cuffs off so she could move her hands. While she was waiting to get her food she scanned the cafeteria. Suddenly she spotted Johnny. He had changed drastically. He had a black eye and his arm was in a cast.
'What happened to him?' Amy ran all of the things that could have happened through her head. Suddenly something hit her in the head.
"What the hell?!?" she yelled and turned around. There was a boy standing ther scowling at her.
"You're holding up the line Moron. Move!" He pushed her forward causing her to trip and fall. That caused every one else to start laughing.
"You are so lucky I don't want to get in any more trouble or you'd be out the window right now. Now leave me alone jack ass."
With that she turned around and started moving. After inspecting the 'food' that was put on her tray she realized it was macaroni and green beans with water.
"Ugh. Could they at least feed us food?" she asked her self out loud.
"Unfortunately no. They can't."
Amy looked up to see Johnny sitting with a grin on his face. She hadn't even realized she had been talking outloud or even heading htis direction.
"Hey Johnny. What's up?"
"Nothing much. But umm... Don't callme Johnny. It's- It's not my real name."
"Wait. What? But you said-"
"I know what I said. Listen. I lied. Just don't call me Johny. Every one here calls me Riley. Okay? Just call me Riley?"
"Okay. Riley. So, umm... why are you here? The warden was talking to herself out loud and said that she thought you would be better once you left your mom? Did you get into a fight? I mean. Talk to me."
Amy was desperate. She needed to know what happened to her friend.
"I don't want to talk about it. Just leave me alone about it please."
Amy looked from im to her food. She knew she should leave him alone but she couldn't. But not wanting to upset him more she said nothing and ate her lunch.
After a while she started talking to Riley. He told her what it was like here. Suddenly he said, "Umm... Have you seen your friends lately?"
"What the hell do you mean? Of course not. But, I think one of them has been here before."
"Why?" he asked suddenly looking excited and curious.
"Well my friend Kimmy. She said she was at her grandma's for a month. But I htink she was here. I found a diary with a picture of her and her parents in it." she explained all of this as calmly as she could. But, on the inside, she was seething. The same question kept repeating its self. How could she do this? Why would she do this? What did she do?
Not really paying attention to her surroundings she started looking around. After a couple of moments something caught her eyes.
"What the hell?"
"What is it? Wait. Is that your friend?"
"One of them. But yeah. Hey I've got to go. I'll see you at dinner then tomorrow. Bye."
"See ya."
With that Amy took off after Kimmy. What the hell was she doing here? Had she landed here again? Or had she been here the entire time.
All of these questions swam through her head as she practically ran after Kimmy.
"Kimmy! Kimmy wait up!"
Kimmy turend around to see Amy. The look that spread across her face was joy and happiness.
"Dude! What are you doing here?" Kimmy asked looking around. As if she was waiting to see some one who shouldn't see her and Amy together.
"Long story. My question is what the hell?!? Why are you here?!? I mean I know I wanted you to come but I only told them today that I wanted you here. Wait. Oh never mind. But I have to sort a few things out. Later after I go in for registration. Okay?"
"Yeah okay. Hey who was that kid you were sitting by? He looks kind of cute."
"His name's John- Riley! His name's Riley. He's new at school."
Amy and Kimmy walked down the hall talking. Not once did Amy bring up the diary. As much as she wanted to she knew what would happen. Kimmy would get all pissy and defensive. And then after that she wouldn't want to hang with her. She'd be hanging with Victoria and the rest of the bitches at that school.
Amy didn't really pay attention to where she was going. But once she did know she was laying on the floor holding her head.
"Oh! What the hell?!?" Amy looked up to see the boy from the lunch line standing there.
"Again?!? Seriously? What is it with me running into people and landing on the floor?!? God!"
"Well. Somebody's in a bad mood." the boy said with a smirk on his face.
"I am not in the mood. Now if you don't mind I have to get to registration." Amy replied rudely.
"Well then you're here sister. Get up and wait in line. There's only about three kids so it shouldn't take that long."
"Don't call me sister. The only person allowed to call me that is long gone by now. He left a couple hours ago. Now if you don't mind I'm not in the mood to talk."
"What ever. But I like your hair by the way."
"Shut up."
Amy stood there glaring at the back of the boy's head for about thirty minutes. Suddenly it was her turn. She walked into a little office and stood there awkwardly. The officer directed her to go stand in front of a wall and hold a little thing saying her name and it read some numbers. As she turned as was directed she started day dreaming.
'What would Kimmy be doing here? Maybe they got her for holding a run away. Or maybe she did something else.'
"Hey! KID! Move it!"
"Huh?!? What?" A warden and just yelled at her to move.
"I said move. You've got to go do some paper work. It's just putting down your signature. Now move. We have a couple more kids."
"Oh. Okay."
Amy walked towards the office directed and sat down in a metal chair. Almost instantly she was handed some papers and a pen.
"Sign all of these and then you can go to your break. After that you have therapy. And then you can go to your room."
"Okay. What ever. Hey. Can I use my break as visiting time?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Just wondering." But she wasn't just wondering. She was going to interrogate Kimmy. If she had to she would get it out of her by threatening her. But she needed to know.
"Umm... One more thing. Can visitors go into a person's room?"
"Of course. But you must keep the door open at least three inches. So if necessary a warden or guard can get in quickly."
"Okay. Thank you. Here are the papers."
With that she stood and walked out of the office. Slowly she made her way to her room. On the way she grabbed Kimmy and asked her to come with her.
"So. You probably have a few questions huh? You found the diary? Right?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
"This was my room. It was always my room."
"Okay. So. You wanted Jake to break up with me? Why? You said I was just dragging him down. Why would- No. How could you? We've been friends since birth. Remember. We were born on the exact same day at the exact same time. Our mothers were in the same hospital. After the births our fathers brought us to meet eachother. We instantly grabbed eachoters hands and wouldn't let go.
"They had to put us in cribs next to each other. I helped you in math. Supported you through your goth period. What the hell Kimmy? I've been ther for you all your life. Every minute of every day. But suddenly you turn on me?
"And who are 'the girls'? Some people here?"
"Amy. Calm down. I know you want answers but I can't tell you. It's- I've got to go. I'm staying here for a week because of you. Harboring a run away for even just a couple of hours is apparently looked down upon. So thanks alot. And by the way I'm taking back my room. And my diary."
"No way. They put me here. I'm staying here. And since I was written about in that diary I think I have a right to know what you wrote in it. Now get out of my room. I have to go to therapy."
"Okay. What ever. Now I'm going to go and have them switch rooms. Bye."
Amy didn't know what to do. But she did know that she couldn't let her have that book. After she hid the book in her bag she sat on the bed. Several thoughts ran through her head at once.
'What is she going to do? Is she going to take the book? Can I keep this room? Why the fuck was she doing this? Oh. My. God. Did that seriously just go through my head? I never said or thought things that bad.' As Amelia sat there she got very depressed. After about an hour Kimmy came back.
"That's it. Give me the book. And get the hell out of my room. Now." Kimmy demanded all of this in one quick breath. Amy didn't know what to say so she decided to just sit there glaring at the wall.
"I said get out! What the hell part of that didn't you get you moron? The warden said I could have it."
Amy looked up at her. Suddenly an idea came to her head.
"I'll get out of your room and take my bag. But I hid the diary. Have fun finding it. I can tell you that it's some where in here. See ya."
Picking up her bag she tried to walk out. She was abruptly stopped by Kimmy.
"I'm not that stupid. Give me the damned book before I claw your eyes out. There's more things in there that you don't need to know. I can go get the warden."
"Please. I'm not afraid of her. Now get the hell out of my way. You wanted me to leave and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. If you won't let me then I'll just sit on the bed."
"NO! I told you to get out of my room! Now OUT!"
With that Kimmy grabbed Amy's hair and pulled her off the bed. Amy knew that if she did something she'd get in trouble. So instead of fighting back she laid on the floor and started screaming. Kimmy didn't realize what was happening until Amy was bruised and bloody and she was being carried to solitary confinement.
"You bitch! I want that book back! She stole from me! You can't read that!"
After they took her away a warden helped Amy to the infirmary.
"What the hell happened to you?" the nurse said worriedly.
"An old 'friend' of mine just beat the living freaking crap out of me. I don't have any broken bones. But here in a minute I am either going to pass out of throw up."
And Amy was right. She threw up in a trash can.
"Well. How did you know that?" the nurse asked after she bandaged Amy's head.
"I am an expert on head wounds. I was on the wrestling and boxing team at school."
The nurse got confused about what team because she said, "Those must have been some pretty tough girls. To hit you like that? Damn."
"Oh no. This wasn't girls' team. This was an all out boys' team. I was the captain of both. No body in my school ever screwed with me."
"Well why didn't you fight back? You could have avoided this," she said holding a bloody cloth in front of Amy's eyes.
"I'm not a freaking idiot. I would have gotten in trouble. Even if it was self defense."
Amy discovered something new after the next thing out of the nurse's mouth was, "Oh no Honey. We have cameras every where. If it was your word against her's we would have checked it and she would have gotten in trouble."
After that Amy explained to the warden why Kimmy attacked her.
"Well if she was irresponsible to leave it here then who ever found it it belongs to him or her."
Amy was happy to hear this. That meant Kimmy couldn't have it back and Amy was free to read when ever she wanted.
"Well thank you. I'll be going to my room since I missed therapy," Amy said happily. She didn't want to do therapy so missing it was paradise.
"Very well then. But you're going tomorrow. Unless some how you post bail. Which with your mom and dad probably won't happen."
This surprised her. She didn't know that some one could post bail for her.
"Umm... Can I make a call really quick?"
"Yes. Ten minutes. That's it."
Amy thanked the warden and quickly dialed her sister's cell.
"Hello?" she heard a confused voice ask.
"Rose? It's me Amy."
"AMY?!? What do you need? I'm kind of busy with Josh and Dave."
"Well do you know if you have money to post bail for me?"
"I don't know. Actually that's what we're talking about. How much is it? If we can afford it we were going to post bail and you're going to live with Aunt Jane."
Amy quickly asked the officer how much bail was.
"It is five hundred dollars. You have to be eighteen to post some one's bail though."
"Okay. Thanks. Rose it's five-hundred dollars. Can you bring that and Aunt Jane here? You have to be eighteen to bail some one out."
"Okay. We have six hundred bucks. We'll be by in a little bit Ams. See ya soon. Love you. Bye."
With that the sisters hung up. Amy knew that if her aunt didn't come she wouldn't be getting out of this.
A guard interrupted her line of thinking with a quick 'Ahem!'
Amy turned around to tell him that she would be leaving soon. But he obviously knew because he all ready had a pen and a ton of papers to go over.
"Well. Your stay here was very quick. Do you have some one you can stay with? Because from the looks of it you're not going back to your house any time soon."
"Yeah. My aunt is coming with my brothers and sister to bail me out. So if you don't mind I'd like my clothes. I'll be getting that diary from my room too. I'll be right back."
"Okay. Be quick though."
Amy quickly walked to her room. Only to find Kimmy in it tearing every thing apart. Amy was so shocked all she could get out was, "Kimmy!"
"What do you want you effing bitch?!? This is my room! All mine! And I want that diary!"
"The warden said technically it's mine since you left it. Now give me the bag."
"No. I'm looking through it."
Amy stood there patiently while Kimmy stood in her room searching the contents of Amy's school bag. There were so many pockets and several hidden ones it would take Kimmy forever to go through it.
"All right. I don't have time for this. My sister is coming to bail me out. Now give me my bag."
"No. Now back off or I'll pull your hair out. And you won't fight back. You know you'll get in trouble."
"No I won't. Not if you start it. Now give me my freaking bag."
Amy stepped forward and grabbed the bag out of her hand. Kimmy swung at her. Amy quickly ducked out of the way and knocked Kimmy's legs out from under her.
"Now, Kimberly, if you don't mind I have to go leave. Have fun in juvi. And you might want to straighten the room up before the warden comes."
With that Amy turned and walked out of the room. Or at least tried. Before she could leave Kimmy was up and pulling her hair.
"WARDEN! Help!" Amy screamed loudly. Since she didn't hear help coming she turned and hit Kimberly in the stomach. Causing her to double over gasping for air.
"Stay on the ground this time and it won't happen. Understand?"
Kimberly weakly nodded her head and stayed there.
"What the hell is going on?!?" The wardens had finally shown up.
"She swung at me. Self defense. I didn't do any serious damage. Just knocked the wind out of her. If you don't believe me check the video. Now if you don't mind I'm getting bailed out today."
Pushing her way past the stunned wardens she smiled to herself. Kimberly was one of the meanest girls in school, and her ex-best friend just knocked the wind out of her. Tomorrow was going to be a real pain in the butt though.
"AMY! Oh my sweet girl! How are you doing?!?" Aunt Jane had just shown up with my siblings. All except Carmen at least. She ran towards Amy and picked her up in a bear hug.
Aunt Jane acted alot like a boy. So her and Amy were going to get along just fine.
"I'm fine Aunt Jane. Just about got murdered by Kimmy but other then that I'm fine. How are you?"
"I'm good. Oh my goodness! You've gotten so big! Well come on. Let's go bail you out."
"Looking forward to it. And you don't mind if I live with you do you? My parents pretty much kicked me out. They're really ticked at me right now."
"Of course you can! I'll take you in and you get along just fine with Casey and Damion. So you'll be fine. Oh they're here by the way."
"No way! I haven't seen them in like forever!"
"Well you better believe it! How you doing Ams?" Casey was a year older then Amy. And Damion was two years older. But Amy had always loved them like brothers. Although they were adopted.
"I'm good. What you and Dam been up to? Still causing trouble at school?"
"Yep. Well, ready to go? Your sister got your clothes before she left so you're fine there. And you can stay in the guest room. Well considering you're staaying with us I guess it's your room now."
"Thanks guys. This means alot to me. And I promise I'll help around the house. What ever needs to be done."
"Okay. Well let's go guys. We need to get home in time to eat dinner considering we have school tomorrow."
Amy walked out of the building with all of her things. She was glad to be leaving. Even though it meant leaving Riley.
"RILEY! I've got to tell him I'm leaving. Can you give me a minute? I promise I'll be right back out."
Quickly running into the building she ran head on into Riley.
"DUDE! You're like a freaking brick wall!" She said after seeing who she had just head butted.
"Sorry. You leaving?


Texte: This book has been made by me. Any copyright of this book is not permitted. This book is fictional and if there is any thing close in relation to anything that has happened it is completely a coincident.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.11.2011

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