
Chapter 1

Once long, long ago in the kingdom of Mora Toga all was peaceful and prosperous but that day there was something strange happening in the trading capital of Mezik. It was a normal day and the people were going about their normal business until the town elder came to the center and noticed a girl no older than 16 that had materialized in there square.

“Child what is your name?” the elder asked.

“May I ask you the same thing as well as where I am?”

“Why of course child.” The woman said walking toward the girl

“Don't come any closer, I'm warning you” the girl said pulling her cloak aside to reveal a rather large sword.

“Of course child. My name is Elane and your in the city of Mezik capital of Mora Toga.”

Then someone in the crowd shrieked with terror when they saw the glint of her sword's hilt.

“My name is Trina. Daughter of King Argos and Princess of Sumematra. I demand to see your king this instant!”

As Trina finished her demand the king's personal bodyguards which included Elane's only son Tristin. When Tristin gazed upon Trina's face he was awestruck. She was absolutely beautiful. She had long gold hair large daring blue eyes and upon her head sat a thin gold band.

“Tristin she is armed be careful.” Elane said full of worry.

Tristin glanced at his mother then back to Trina who was staring at him. He took a very slow and careful step forward when Trina shrugged off her cloak to reveal she had two swords and three throwing knives. Then ever so gracefully she unsheathed one of her swords.

“I warned your mother not to come any closer boy so I challenge you to a fight. I win you take me to your king. You win you can arrest and hang me. Rules are one weapon and the loser is the one disarmed first. Do we have a deal?” she said out stretching her hand.

“No deal. I won't hang you, the king has been expecting you. But I would still enjoy a duel.” Tristin said with a grin and meeting her hand half way.
“You still want to duel? I'm liking this very much. Same rules though?”

“Yes the rules apply.”

So as the rules went along the two got one sword and threw the rest on the ground in front of the rest of the guard. Tristin threw down his dagger, bow and quiver of arrows, and shield, while Trina had to throw down a sword three throwing knives, a staff and a five inch long dagger.

“I have never seen anyone so heavily armed.” Tristin said in surprise.

“Then obviously you have never been to Sumematra.” she said bending down and grabbing yet another knife out of her boot “Are you just going to stand there staring or are we going to get the show on the road?”

“Sorry.” he said drawing his sword

Then with speed, grace, and flashing of swords Trina had disarmed and pinned Tristin to the ground.

“Your lucky I like you....”


“ Thank you Tristin. Well as I was saying you are lucky I like you.” she said sheathing her sword.

“May I ask you your name?”

“Trina. Now take me to the king for I have a message from my father to him.” she explained and pulled out a letter with her father's mark on it.

“Right away”

Then Trina gave a soft but long whistle and a marvelous black stallion trotted up. Shortly after nine white mares trotted up. Trina mount the stallion and waited for the guard to mount up and show her the way to the palace. When they were mounted they headed of with Trina and Tristin in the front and the guard in the back.

“Trina why must you be so heavily armed?”

“Because of the dragons. People are perishing and my father is willing to give up his power to protect those who are left. That's what the message is. You look to young to be a guard of the king how old are you?”

“16. How old are you?”

“Same as you.”

The group arrived at the castle at dusk just before dinner was served. The king was just about to exit the courtyard after his evening stroll when he saw the group approaching.

“Who is that that climbs my knoll” he asked as Trina climbed to the top of the hill.

Trina stopped dismounted and dropped to one knee out of respect and named herself, “ I am Trina princess of Sumematra and bring a message from King Argos for the King Tirin.”

“You may rise Trina, come join us for dinner for it seems there are many matters for us to discuss this evening.” declared King Tirin, “including the disappearance of my newborn daughter Grace.”

Trina, Tristan and King Tirin entered the dining hall and given a hero's welcome for Trina had stopped many disasters that had befallen both kingdoms. Many strangers came up and shook her hands, or tried to at least. Trina being really uncomfortable with all the publicity backed up so she was next to Tristin. When everyone was seated the King announced that it had been a week since princess Grace had disappeared.

Then he asked “Trina, what exactly is your father's message?”

She replied in exact quotes from her father “ I'm sorry for your loss my friend but I believe I have a suspect in her kidnapping. I believe, if it is true with great sorrow, that it is the Dragons have her. Yes the Dragons have returned and they are no longer friendly. They are no longer lead by Grodon our long time ally but Gridin, Grodon's twin brother. Grodon said that after the disappearance of their race for the ten years are over Gridin would be in charge. With this news I come to ask you if my people can move into your kingdom. I will give everything up except my family, which you should understand. Please send my daughter back with your answer.”

“Well,” he said, “I will grant his request as long as his subjects work to help mine with the doubling of the population”

“ I will tell that's all you require from my people and on their behalf let me say thank you” Trina replied with a twinkle in her eyes that shone as clear as diamonds. ” When shall I depart and with whom?”

“That can be decided at a later date but for the time being lets eat!” The king declared as the butlers brought out the food.

After dinner the king pulled our two heroes over and and gave them the option to leave in the morning or immediately. Trina said it be best to go the next day for it was dangerous to travel through the Dragon's realm at dark. Plus she also wanted to consult a scribe.

“Its decided then you leave to-morrow first light. Agreed?”

In unison Trina and Tristin replied yes and hurried off to do what needed to be done. Tristin walked Trina up to her bed chamber for the night after she had talked to the scribe. Trina being dumbfounded by the scribe's prophecy silently kissed Tristin's cheek and went in to the room to change and maul over what the scribe had said. Tristin, surprised by the sudden display Trina gave of her heart, turned around an walked over to the private baths to clean off the past two days worth of grime. In the depths of her mind she kept repeating the scribe's prophecy;
“The loss of a girl a great burden,
when comes along two warriors,
one of heart two of mind and body
come together for a father and save
his precious daughter but for a price
one a relative the other a title
and they both will gain much”

Speaking to herself as she fell asleep “Maybe Tristin will have an idea on what she means.”

Chapter 2

The next morning when they all met together for a brief breakfast before our heroes were to depart on their epic journey back across the realm of the Dragons back to Trina's home. When they reached the beginning of the realm of the Dragons it was dusk. Trina sought out the spot she has camped in previous crossings.

“We will camp here tonight and sadly no fire.” Trina said dismounting her horse and tethering him to a nearby rock that was clearly worn by years worth of bridles tied on it.. “Well?” she said glancing at Tristin who was just staring at the surrounding area.

“Aren't we a little exposed here?” he asked, nervously glancing at the sky and the plains.

“Nope the Treaty of Dragon Peace is still in effect so we won't be attacked plus we're in the no man land.” she said with complete confidence.

“ And how do you know this?” Tristin asked with a twinge of curiosity

As she unpacked her bed mat and blanket she replied “well when the Treaty of Dragon Peace was signed it used Dragon magic and blood,” she continued on hesitantly “And the royal families youngest member's blood and magic. The boundaries of the realms I learned in my studies.”

“ Your were the youngest member at the time weren't you?” he asked as he dismounted and tethered his horse to the stone.

“No my great grandmother was and she was only a couple weeks . Enough talk for tonight we must rest so we can cross this realm by nightfall of to-morrow's to-morrow.” she said as she settled down.


Tristin settled down to try to sleep, but sleep was foreign to his wandering mind. Trina being much more at ease fell asleep quickly and peacefully. Tristin glanced over to her about an hour later and saw that she was not sleeping as she had but was tossing and turning. So Tristin got up and sat down next to her and started to hum a melody that he had learned during his studies. The melody was a song that developed in Sumematra and the lyrics lost in the Dragon Wars but the tune stayed intertwined in everyone's heart. As the song drew to an end he looked down at Trina and realized her blue eyes were looking back at him.

“Where did you learn that melody?” she asked curiously as she sat up.

“The king's library contained a book of Sumematrain works of literature and song and that was apart of it.”

“You found a book that had that melody in it?!”

“Yes why?”

“Because that song is a missing treasure basically. The entire royal family has been looking for that song.”

She began began humming the melody and Tristin filled in the words.
“Many years I wander, looking for the
one of my dreams, looking for the one
who will be my light in the darkness
I sing for you and wish for your love.”

Then they both fell asleep their minds peaceful. About midnight a dragon came and got a good look of the duo. She tried to get closer when suddenly a barrier stopped her. She then looked upon the head of the girl realizing that Trina was once again crossing the dragons land. As she looked closer upon Trina's face she screamed, to high pitched for the sleeping heroes to hear, in utter delight for Trina had the mark of the chosen. When Trina and Tristin woke up at first light they found a note in dragon script. It read:
Dear Trina and stranger,
I have a fleet of my faithful servants escorting you
to the edge of our realm. Trina as your father has
feared the princess was stolen by my brother, Gridin.
I have gathered as much information as I could and I
will it to you near the end of our realm, good luck.
Then as Trina finished reading the letter aloud 10 Dragons landed and bowed before Trina. Then one stepped forward and began to speak.

“ It is truly a pleasure to see you again my lady.”

“ You as well Tyrana. Tell me were you the one that was spying on us last night?”

“How did you know my lady?”

“That's for me to know and you to find out. But first things first we must get moving I can feel the treaty's power weakening. I'd like to be out of here by sundown to-night.”

“We can fly everyone out of here including the horses. You'll be out by dusk today or lunch to-morrow if all goes well.”

Trina told the dragons the plan and they all got into position. As soon as they were ready Trina climbed up Tyrana's shoulder and positioned herself on the dragon's back. She looked down at Tristin expectantly. He hesitated for a little bit then did the same for he was still nervous about the dragons.

“Away!” Trina shouted and all the dragons took off.

The dragons took off and soon on their way to the edge of the realm.

“Its so beautiful up here.” Tristin said with a sigh.

“It is isn't” Trina said as she turned around to face him.

“Yeah but it doesn't compare to one thing more beautiful than everything I have seen.”

“And what's that?” she asked.

“You.” he replied and placed a hand on her cheek.

As her face flushed red she asked, “Why me?”

'' Because your eyes twinkle like the stars, your hair falls like a golden waterfall, and your grace, swiftness and personality is that of an angel's.” He replied.

Blushing even more she replied “that's not true. You hardly know me.”

“That's what I see and that's why I love you so.”

“Thank you Tristin for your kindness but its a forbidden love. I can only marry someone of my country.” she said looking down.

“But soon you will live in Mora Toga then will it be possible. I will give any and everything up for you.” He said as he leaned closer and put his other hand on her knee.

“It might.” she said and rested her head on Tristin's shoulder.

“You can get some rest if you want you look exhausted.”

She looked at him gratefully, repositioned herself so she could lean against him and fell asleep. Tristin stroked her hair and five hours later the group had to stop for it was getting to dark to travel and everyone was tired. Early the next morn the group took off again and in three hours arrived at their destination unscathed. Five minutes after they landed Grodon landed .

“Hello may I ask your name stranger?” Grodon asked as he walked over.

“Yes I am Tristin of Mora Toga travel companion with Trina of Sumematra.”

With a startled stare she said “ Gro- Grodon is that you.?”

“ Yes child its me its high time I told you what I learned about Grace's disappearance.”

He told Trina and Tristin what he learned and with horrified expressions from both them. They then sat down and created a game plan to save little Grace.

“I should of known that Gridin would sacrifice her to regain his magic.” Trina said angrily scolding herself.

Walking over to her “None of this is your fault Trina. We're in this together alright?” he said and held her hand.

Looking at him grateful for his support, “Thank you Tristin.”

“How about we go for a little walk let us all blow off a little steam.”

“Good idea.'' she replies and walks over the boundary line and back into Sumematra horses in tow.

Chapter 3

After three hard hours riding, our heroes arrived at Trina's home. As they rode up to the gates a saddle boy came over and took the reins of the horses so Trina and Tristin could dismount. Trina dismounted quickly and ran into the castle with Tristin lagging behind.

“Father I'm home! And you'll be very happy with the news I bring!”

Running downstairs the king embraced his daughter with a bear hug, “ I am so happy your home. You say there is good news upon the wind?”

“Yes. One King Tirin said all our people have to do is work with his to sustain the influx of people for us to stay there, and two I have someone I want you to meet.” she said laughing and looking over her shoulder at Tristin who had walked in silently and stooped into a bow.

Letting go of his daughter Argos walked over to Tristin and asked “what is your name son?''

“Tristin of Mora Toga sire.” he said still stooped in a bow.

“Rise and tell me of your acquaintance with my daughter...”

Tristin began to reply when Argos interrupted with a sign from his hand.

“Over lunch and after Trina tells me why I should be happy with this acquaintance. Come lunch should be ready now plus you two must be famished.” Argos said as he walked to the banquet hall.

Trina walked over to Tristin and gave him an encouraging smile. He smiled back but kept his gaze low in case some one was to catch them and then gave her a hug. To his surprise she hugged back.

“come on father will be waiting.” she said and started walking to the doors.

Tristin followed her hesitantly until he had passed between the heavy hard oak doors. He knew if he blew it there would be no escape. He saw Trina happily talking to her father when Argos looked over and he quickly lowered his gaze. Tristin then thought to himself “he has a right to be suspicious, after all I am prancing all over the continent with his only child.” He then sat down across from Trina.

“So Trina why must I be so happy meeting this young lad?” the king asked with a tone of seriousness that caused both the king and Trina to start laughing. When the king noticed that Tristin wasn't laughing he asked, “why aren't you laughing boy? You need to loosen up some.”

“I found the Hunkra Princess Trina told me that it has been missing for a long time.”

“Yes it has and you truly made my day. I now proclaim you as an official member of the Sumematrain scribe guard.” winking to his daughter “Which also means in each others presence we are equals. So you may look up now and call Trina and I by our names.”

Looking up Tristin caught the twinkle in Trina's eyes and gave a quick smile. “Thank you Argos for your kindness.”

Argos caught the smile and looked at Trina then over at Tristin and g ave a kind of wicked smile. “ I plan for there to be a ball to-night for the safe return of Trina and the Hunkra.”
Trina and Tristin looked at each other then started having a giggle fit.

“What do expect me to go in these clothes they're all I have here with me.” Tristin rasped between breaths.

“Seriously father did you think this through?” Trina asked as she restored her poise.

“Yes I have actually. Tristin after you have bathed and dressed I will meet you in the court yard.”

“But what will I change into?”

Argos and Trina glanced at each other and Trina said with a look of mixed horror and humor “my dad's old clothes.”

The three ate their lunch and went to their bed chambers. Trina led Tristin to his where a butler and maid were hustling to get everything organized for Tristin.

“I guess I will see you to-night at the ball Trina.” he said with love swelling even more in his heart and placed a hand on her cheek.

Argos had peeked around the corner just in time to see this act and smiled wickedly again. As Trina was about to start walking in the direction he was in he hid in a near by bath room. after she had past he stepped out and delivered the chest of old clothes to Tristin.

“Thank you for your generosity Argos I really do appreciate it.”

“You are certainly welcome especially since you care for my daughter so.”

“You were spying on us?” he said starting to get red in the face

“No I would say that I ran into it.”

“Okay if you want to put it that way. I will see you in about twenty minutes.” Tristin said as he grabbed the chest and disappeared into his bed chamber.

As Tristin was going through the box of clothes he uncovered a small velvety box and when he opened it there was a note and a diamond engagement ring. Not even bothering to read the note he shut the box and put it aside to return it to the king. He finished going through the chest and picked out a couple outfits he liked he put aside some and kept one in his hands. As he was ready to head to the bathes he heard the swooshing of the heavy red velvet curtains that were hanging in front of his window. He silently put the cloths down, grabbed his sword unsheathed it and walked over to the window. He pulled the curtain aside and a thug lunged out at him. Parring the blows the thug tried to land on him, Tristin knocked him out cold as a metal covered arm reached around him and pulled him back.

Without looking over at the guards Tristin said “it would have been nice if you were here earlier.”

Tristin walked away, grabbed his clothes an walked to the baths. When he arrived he undressed and lowered himself in. At the same time Trina was doing it as well but she didn't have to fight a thug. After Tristin had finished he got out, dressed, and went to talk to Argos again. He almost forgot the ring ran back, grabbed it and accidentally ran into Trina in the hall.

“ I am so sorry Trina I didn't mean to.”

“ I know you didn't” noticing the little box “you found my mother's engagement ring?”

“ Uh yeah in the chest your father gave me. I'm gonna see if he accidentally put it in. By the way you look amazing.”

“Why thank you Tristin.” she said hardly repressing a giggle.

“What is so funny?”

“You have the shirt on backwards. Here let me help you.” she replied as she regained self control.

After the shirt was fixed the two said goodbye and went on their ways. Trina desperate to get her hair under control went to her personal maid Nadine.

“ You know Mistress, this is the happiest I've seen you since your mother disappeared three years ago.”

“I know Nadine. I feel as if the hole that had ravaged my heart has been filled.”

“By the boy perhaps?”

“Perhaps.” she said going into deep thought. “ I-I think I love him.”

“ I wouldn't be surprised. He is impeccably handsome.”

“ He is also kind, sweet, and tender hearted. You know we walking on the streets and we passed girls, prettier girls, and his gaze never left me.” she said twirling around the room.

Chuckling to herself Nadine said, “he has certainly won your heart milady. The question is have you won his.”

Remembering her the mother's ring, “Mother's ring! Dad wouldn't would he?”

“ He would.”

* * *

Meanwhile Tristin was led to the courtyard where he would meet up with Argos. When he arrived he saw Argos in a rather heated discussion with two guards that had the thug who broke into his room bound in chains. Shortly after the argument ended and Argos noticed that he had arrived and walked over with a smile.

“ I hear that you knocked that man out on your own.”

“Its true but I have many questions to ask you starting with why Trina's mother's ring was in the chest you gave me.”

“ Ah, I figured you'd ask. Now this way we wouldn't want anyone to overhear what I'm about to tell and ask you.” He said leading Tristin deeper into the hedge maze.

When they arrived in the center Tristin noticed a beautiful gazebo covered with white roses.

“ Oh my goodness.”

“ I know. Now to the matters at hand did you read the note in the box?”

“ No I thought it was none of my business so I left it be.”

“Well read it now.”

So Tristin took the note out and read it. He gave the box and ring to the king. As he read it a look of utter shock to over his face. He then smiled realizing what it meant. Tristin was about to say something when someone jumped through the hedge and nearly tackled him. He caught himself and pinned the stranger to the ground when he recognized the stranger's laugh.

Laughing Trina said “get off of me you big lug.”

As he was helping her up laughing he said “Nice try Trina. But you did get a good blow on my shoulder.”

“Is it bad?”

“I don't think so” he said rolling his shoulder.

Then with a sickly loud popping noise it popped and Tristin grimaced but remained steady. Trina walked behind him massaging his back and shoulder to check for any more serious injuries. When she was satisfied that Tristin was fine she walked up beside him.

“Dad did you purposely put Mom's ring in the box you gave Tristin?”

“No I didn't but he has already given it back haven't you Tristin?”

“Uh yeah.”

“If you want to go and finish getting ready for tonight go on.”

“Actually Dad I would like to talk to Tristin for a little while.”

Getting ready to refuse to her request he shut his mouth when he realized what she wanted to talk to Tristin about. She nodded for him to scat and he did. After all he did have a ball to plan and to get a prince's outfit tailored for Tristin.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?”

Mumbling so their conversation wouldn't be over heard she replied with the twinkle in her eye disappearing out of embarrassment “ I wanted to know if I had captured your heart for you have captured mine.”

With a loud hearty laugh Tristin exclaimed “Of course you have! When we first met my heart has been yours.”

Looking at him with the twinkle in her eyes returning and glowing even stronger than before she asked “Really?”

“Really.” he said scooping her up in his arms.

Reaching upward Trina pulled their heads close together and kissed Tristin's cheek. Putting her down he pulled her close and kissed her light and meaningfully. When the two separated the started walking back to the castle quite but content. When they arrived back it was just two hours before the ball would start. The two were carted away by different maids to get them ready. Tristin was given a sponge bath and tried on the prince's ware that Argos had depicted for him. While Trina was carted to her room to get changed into an elaborate dress her father picked out for her.

Back in the changing room Argos asked, “ How do you like it?”

“Its nice but I could go without the frill right here” he said pulling the waves up around the collar.

The tailor came by and just snipped the frill off and waited for Argos's word to leave. Argos gave a small nod and the tailor left.

“Tristin from this moment on you have my blessing to marry my daughter. If you are to perpose to her I want you to use the ring I gave you.” he said handing back the ring. “ Her mother disappeared three years ago and since you arrived here I knew that some void in her heart had been filled, by you.”

“I-I don't know what to say.”

“Thank you would be a start. Here is what you need to do, remember that gazebo in the middle of the maze?”


“Escort her there and ask for her hand, preferably tonight and if you do it tonight do it at midnight.”

“ I was planning on asking her tonight ring or no.”

“Good man.” Argos said checking the clock tower. “ A little under fifteen minutes til the ball are you ready?”

“I think so Argos.”

Meanwhile Trina had finished putting on her gown and was now getting hair and makeup done at the same time. Nadine was doing Trina's hair as usual.


“Yes mistress”

“ Tristin said he does love me. With all of his heart.”

“What did he say exactly?”

Trina quoted perfectly what Tristin said and the maids in the rooms jaws dropped.

“This young man certainly does like you” a random maid said looking at the time. “Oh we better hurry up there are only five minutes till the ball begins with supper.

Everyone agreed and finished everything on their list. Soon people were arriving at the front gates waiting to be let in. Argos went out personally and opened the gates. Before the traffic rolled in Argos ran up to the big double oak doors and opened them. Tristin and Trina didn't see each other till after dinner because of all the people crowding them, thanking them, and asking them endless questions. Then when the dinner tables were moved out of the way ballroom music was played and the royal family was escorted by the royal guard. Then two guards came to escort him up to the thrones along with Trina and Argos. When they sat down and faced the crowed everyone cheered. When Argos stood up everything quieted.

“This young man,” gesturing to Tristin. “ has brought us the two greatest gifts. The return of The Hunkra and the safe return of my daughter.”

Everyone clapped and Argos motioned for Tristin to stand up and introduce himself.

“ Hello, as few of you know I am Tristin of Mora Toga .”

Everyone cheered and clapped as he sat down and Argos took center stage again.

Then he declared “Let the dancing begin!”

As everyone started dancing Tristin asked Trina “May I have this dance miss?” he said holding his arm out.

“Why of course kind sir.” she said and took his arm

Tristin escorted her to the floor. Everyone backed off the floor as Tristin and Trina began to dance. An hour before midnight a man just a little older than our heroes strode in. Argos, Tristin, and Trina stood up spontaneously and Trina grabbed Tristin's hand.

“Tyron what are you doing here? You were banished remember?”

“Oh I remember highness. But remember the loop hole?”

Mumbling Trina said “Marriage to me.”

Getting on one knee and pulling out the ring before any one mostly Tyron, Tristin asked “ Trina, I asked from this day forth for your hand. Will you marry me?”

With tears of happiness Trina replied “yes. Yes I will!”

With that the crowd gasped and Tyron charged forward with his sword held high. Tristin leaped up and out of nowhere produced a sword. The guests scattered as Tristin and Tyron met in battle. The royal guard came and surrounded Trina and her father. It was a vicious but short sprawl. When the dust settled Tristin had both swords crossed and pressed against Tyron's neck.

“ You will marry her over my dead body. You should go back to the hole of which you crawled out of.”

“Good idea” Tyron said and fainted

By the time Argos had breached through his guards he saw that Tristin was unscathed while Tyron lay bruised on the ground. He looked at Tristin who was still in defense of the crown mode. Argos walked back to his daughter.

“ Is there something your not telling me about Tristin?”

“ Yeah. He was a part of King Tirin's guard. The commander actually.”

“ Well I say I am happy he was here today because one you can't protect yourself well in a dress and two something delayed the guards.”

“ Same here” Tristin say walking up to them “nasty little bugger tried to play it dirty.”

“I hear Tristin that you were commander of Tirin's guard.”

“True but my contract was about to expire. He really doesn't like men my age protecting him, he would preferably want us to find a wife and start a family.” he said looking over his shoulder at Tyron. “ He is gonna wake up soon you better get some of your guards to arrest him.”

“ He is right father, Tyron is all ready stirring.”

Argos had already noted the movement and motioned the guards to arrest him. Tristin went and sat down to let the adrenaline and his nerves calm down. Trina walked over and sat down next to him to support him. Argos gave a wave and the musicians started playing again. Then Trina's head fell into her hands and she started moaning. Tristin snapped out of his trance and started rubbing her back.

“ The treaty has finally been broken. Gridin is on his way here now.” she said taking a deep breath. “ Tristin with what little dragon magic I have left I name you a master DragonWarrior.”

Then in a flurry of colors and a gust of wind surrounded Tristin, he became equipped with an enchanted sword, metal breast plate, leather boots, leather gloves, metal shin guards and a metal helmet. He grew taller and his muscles became stronger. His arms and legs grew thicker and his chest became barrel like.

“ Get everyone out of here now!” he bellowed surprising everyone and himself how deep his voice was.

The crowd was clueless at first the Argos stepped up to announce the terrible news. Then the ceiling started crumbling and it con caved on everyone. Tristin leap over Trina to protect her from falling debris.

“Where is daddy?!” she said scared.

Pulling himself up and looking in the direction where he last saw Argos but all he saw was a heap of rubble. He said “ Oh no.” he ran over and started picking and throwing the rubble up off Argos's broken body.

Trina seeing what he was doing, ran over and laid a had on his shoulder. Soon all the rubble was cleared off of Argos and Trina fell on him crying.

“ Don't mourn for me Trina. Its your turn to rule our country. You'll be a fabulous queen and with Tristin at your side you will rule long and wisely.” then he took a painful breath. “ You realize Tristin that once the ceremony is preformed you will lose the title Tristin from Mora Toga right?”

Trina looked up in surprise “ The prophecy! We are the ones it was talking about!”

Looking up smiling, “That's...right......Trina.” Argos said wincing with every word

“You knew?”

Nodding Argos grabbed Tristin's and Trina's hands “by the power invested in me as king of Sumematra and as Trina's father... I pronounce you as... man and wife... also the heirs to the throne.”

Tears coming to her eyes again unknown whether of joy or sorrow “Daddy if you die all my blood family will be gone.”

“ No you still have your mother she was the first prisoner of the dragons since the treaty was signed.”

Then a malevolent voice speaks from behind them “That's right Trina and she is right here.”

Turning around Trina saw her mother chained to the terrible Gridin. Tristin held Trina back from running to her mother recognizing the trick.

“Tristin let me go!”

“No its a trick I can't let you get hurt.” he said stepping in front of her and holding up his shield as Gridin released a stream of fire.

When Gridin stopped his fire and saw that Tristin's shield was perfectly fine he realized where the magic had gone and lunged. As he lunged all the people that were along the edge of the room ran out the front door and Gridin completely ignored them. Tristin seeing exactly as he hoped at the right time grabbed Trina and ran to the side, to late for Gridin to adjust his route he ended up crashing into the remains of a marble pillar. Removing a titanium knife he always keeps strapped to his upper arm, Tristin ran over to the queen Izebella and cut her bindings. Tristin grabbed Izebella's arm and Trina's and ran out of the ballroom up to to bed chambers and told them to hide in one while he ran back and got Argos. Before he did so Tristin slipped Izebella's old engagement ring and slid it on her finger. They kissed briefly then Tristin ran back to the ballroom. While Trina collapsed in her mother's arms and wept out of happiness and sorrow as she told her mother everything. When Tristin arrived back in the ball room he found no trace of Gridin except a note written in the tongue of the dragons. He rolled it up and put it in his pocket and picked up Argos who was just barely alive.

“Argos listen to me, hang on a little longer the queen is free and with Trina. We're almost there just a little longer.” and as he said it Argos seemed to regain strength and color.

As they got to the bed chambers and found the queen and princess talking Argos seem to regain enough strength to walk on his own with little help . But Tristin noticed that Trina had changed out of her ball gown and into her traveling clothes. Trina noticed that Tristin and her father were almost there got up and helped Tristin get her father into the room she and her mother had been resting in. Argos stumbled to the bed and instantly fell asleep. Trina went to talk to her mother some more and came back with a small medallion. Tristin decided to stoke up the fire which had grown tired and weak. once he was happy with that he leaned back against the wall and pulled out a small instrument. As he started playing Trina stepped out of the shadows with a surprised look on her face.

“You play?” she asked as she came over and sat down.

“ A little.” he said with a sigh

“ I agree with you on that note. Today was suppose to be care free and fun but it turned out to be an utter disaster. Well almost at least.” she replied to his sigh smiling and laid her head on his chest.

He looked down with a smile and wrapped his arms around her. Suddenly Trina remembered the medallion and held it up to Tristin. As soon as it reached the level f his heart the ruby gem in the middle of the medallion turned a deep red. Trina stared in utter surprise for the ruby had been clear for as long as she could remember.

“What does it mean?” he asked in curiosity

“It means that you are a true DragonWarrior. A heart full of courage and love. Someone that will fight for peace, prosperity, justice and love. Also that you are a true royal. Someone descended from the DragonWarriors themselves.”

“Does the name Elaine or Derek ring a bell?”

“Yes Derek does actually. He was the last true DragonWarrior written about. Why?”

“He is or rather was my Grandfather.”

“My god what happen to him?”

He died in an ecazema out break. The first and last casualty. I was one of the victims. I was to young to remember exactly what happened but shortly after he died everyone who was sick got better even me. My mom was said that she had lost her father but overjoyed that her only son and child had lived. She used to tell me stories about how he had escaped from Gridin's dungeon before the treaty was signed.

“Then who was your father.”

“ A man named Edward apparently. I have never met the guy.”

Falling asleep Trina said “ I'm sorry.”

“Its okay. You get some sleep now.” yawning “and so will I.”

“Good night Tristin.” and she quickly fell asleep

Softly he said “Good night Trina,” drifting off “ I love you.”

Later that night Tristin's eyes wandered endlessly under his eyelids. Soon he broke out in a sweat and woke up gasping as if he had held his breath for a long period of time. Gently wiggling his way out from underneath Trina he got up and climbed out of the window. Sitting on the roof he tried to remember what his nightmare was about. Looking out into the distance he searched for a sign, any sign, of a dragon even if it was a foe. Then he saw a nearby town welcoming a dragon, a truly magnificent beast. When their eyes met Grodon took off and Tristin started climbing down to the ground. Grodon land near the castle with a whoosh of air.

“I hear you gave my brother quite the slip.”

“I guess you can say that.”
As Gordon started eying the amulet lying on Tristin's chest it began to glow faintly.

“You realize that you have made a very powerful and influential enemy, right?”

“ Yes and I have realized its my destiny to stop Gridin.”

“Not you alone but Trina as well.” Grodon said as the amulet as grew brighter.

Noticing Grodon looking at his amulet he looked down as it started to levitate. Then with a burst of white light Tristin was showed the DragonWarrior. He was also showed his grandfather who was the last known Dragon Commander and his life as the only DragonWarrior. As suddenly as it happened the amulet turned back to normal. Tristin looked up at the stars and had an idea. Saying a hurried goodbye and ran back to Trina after looking at and reading the treaty.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.07.2011

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