
My Story

Hi My name is Avery. I am currently 14 years old. So, i am not youre average teen. I can see the paranormal. Think its fun? No way! Its not you have creepy demons following you and scaring you all the time. But you also have angels. The angels pretty much protect you from the demons.Ever since my little cousin Andrew died, i could see the paranormal.I am not the only one though, my younger sister Anna can too. A few weeks after Andrew died, he came me and Anna's room. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Anna and I were watching Zoey 101 in our room. We heard footsteps and thought it was our older sister Quinn so we kept on watching t.v. When we looked at the door to see what she wanted,we noticed it wasnt Quinn it was Andrew. He told us it was okay and we didnt have to be afraid. I was about 8 at the time so i didnt know what to think of it, i just went along with it. 3 years later, when i was 11 i moved from where i lived,Texas to Missouri. I actually wanted to, i didnt really like where i lived. It was so small. It was time to make a change.
When we arrived there, at out new home i was exited it was a huge house! 2 stories, gigantic rooms, a backyard with a trampoline, it was a dream house! The only bad thing, a new school.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.01.2012

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I would love to dedicate this to you Miranda.

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