
Sample Preview - Five chapters only!

Book 2 of the Jim Richards Murder novels

What people are saying about the Murder Novels by Bob Moats

"Every now and again you stumble upon something wonderful on the internet. Bob Moats' “Classmate Murders” is an excellent blend of Elmore Leonard and Philip Marlowe sensibilities, with an unexpected hero well into his sixties, downsized from his job and forced into an early retirement he can't afford. The character is easy to relate to, the story itself a wonderful suspenseful ride with a cast of interesting characters, and damn if it isn't some great detective writing. If you like your crime novels gritty, with a touch of biker sensibility and a side of arthritis, you'll love Bob Moat's work."
M. Jones, author “314 CRESCENT MANOR”

"I went online this morning and read your book. I thought at first that I would only read a few pages, but got sucked into it and read all 11 chapters. You are a very good writer! I read quite a bit and often pick up "Airport" paperback mysteries to read on a plane. Most of them are dreadful, with obvious plots. Classmate Murders is a much better story than most."
Ray Zink, Entrepreneur, Minn.

"I got up to chapter ten of the Classmate Murders and decided then to buy the next two books." ... "Just finished your third book, the Dominatrix Murders. I thought it was the best one of the three, didn't want to put it down till I finished it. I looked forward to see how Penny would greet (Jim) every day after her show. Keep the books coming can't wait for the next one."
A. Norris, retired Naval Corpsman

"If you like mysteries and action then don't miss reading this book..."
Jan Schneider, avid mystery/crime reader

"I finished the book last night, and really enjoyed it. I can only read a book that fast when it keeps my interest, so that should tell you a lot. I would recommend this book to others. I look forward to reading the next installment of the book."
M. K., retired Chrysler Admin.

"I haven’t finished the book yet, when I enjoy a book, I take my time, but I want to buy the other two books. I compare your writing to a Mickey Spillane novel, and I like your style, very narrative. I’m amazed you don’t have a publisher yet."
Michael Rasah, Professor of History

“Your books have been a joy to read. They keep me interested until the last page is turned. Keep up the good Work!
Bev Scharmann, Rochester Hills, Michigan

"I've had the pleasure of meeting Bob Moats, he is the author of several "murder novels" with the first in the series being "The Classmate Murders". He gave me the opportunity to read "The Classmate Murders" which I found to be totally enjoyable. I must say the author weaves a wicked story plus his humor is a hoot! I shall not go into the plot because I don't want to ruin the read, but the novel will catch your interest within the first few pages. I recommend reading "The Classmate Murders"!

Bob, my brother, Bill, sent seven of your Jim Richard's novels for me to read. I loved them. They were interesting and fast moving. You did good and I hope you write some more of them. I gave the books to my daughter and now she says she is hooked! I enjoy your books and I want to see more of them. You have a talent for writing novels the way I think they should be written. Regards,"
Fred Scharmann, Avon, OH

Murder novels aren't my usual fare but this sweet, suspenseful and often humorous series draws you in and keeps you guessing to the end. I've read all eight (some of them twice) and hope to see more coming soon. I recommend following Jim Richards adventures but take care, murder seems to follow him!
Tia L Brink, Binghamton, New York


This is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Vegas Showgirl Murders by Bob Moats

Copyright © 2009-2010 by Bob Moats.
Cover design by Bob Moats

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

For information and address:
Magic 1 Productions
P.O. Box 524,
Fraser MI 48026-0524

A Magic 1 Productions Book / published by arrangement with the author


Dedicated to any person who loves good crime novels and characters, especially those characters like Spenser, Jesse Stone, Sunny Randall, Women's Crime Club, Travis McGee, Alex Cross, Harry Dresden, Eve Dallas, The Camel Club, Harry Bosch, etc...

My Thanks to...

• George “Buck” Carver, for being the inspiration for the character of Buck, and for his generous support.

• Jan Kimball, for editing all my punctuation and grammar errors.

• Ray Zink, for his motivating me.

• Anyone else who read and endured my early drafts of the book


"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia"
E.L. Doctorow

"It's never too late to take a chance, it's never too late to change your life."
Last Chance Harvey

"Fiction is the combination of I remember and let's pretend."
Berlie Doherty

So, let's pretend. Thanks, Bob Moats.


Vegas Showgirl Murders
by Bob Moats

Chapter One

It took about a month for Penny to finally get past the terror of the classmate murders, she hurt deeply. The evil half-siblings, Waters and Morgan, were both dead and gone, along with Alice Stone. I stayed by Penny everyday, nursing her back to normalcy. Buck would visit us at her home a couple times a week, to see how she was doing, talking to her about everything else, distracting from the original subject. Deacon wanted to come by, but was still recovering from numerous surgeries to replace his hip and joints, and would be in therapy for a while. Penny and I did visit Deacon as often as his schedule allowed, since Penny owed her life to him as much as the rest of us. After we would visit Deacon, Penny would get a little depressed, seeing Deacon in such a way. I would remind her he was a cop, they can get hurt in any number of ways and they accept it. It helped a little, but she needed to heal.

I finally convinced Penny to go back to the studio and do her show again. It was time for her to get back into the good life she had before the bad. It would also help to take her mind off of things best let go.

The first day we rolled into the studio she was nervous, but her groupies were there to make her beautiful, the crew welcomed her back with a big cake and the audience love was there. Her faithful viewers wrote in supporting letters, after hearing of her ordeal, and her biker fan club came to her first show and cheered her on. Luther gave her a big bouquet of flowers from the gang; Penny broke down on camera and cried. She was going to be all right.

When the story broke about the murders to the news wires and networks, we had received contact from a few production companies, who felt it might make a good cable movie. Buck wanted Hulk Hogan to play him. Penny just thought we were all nuts, but added she'd like to see Jaclyn Smith play her part. I wanted to play myself, everyone just laughed.

My mother was reading the story I was starting to write, about the murders. I decided to make a book out of it, so I sat down and started banging it out on my laptop, while it was fresh. She was glad I didn't tell her about the killers when it was happening. My brother had agreed to take over my duties at our parent's house, and I sort of moved in with Penny. Sort of, meaning it wasn't a permanent move, yet, because Penny and I wanted to take it slow. I was there to take care of her at first, and then it just felt comfortable.

Newly promoted from homicide Sergeant to Lieutenant, Trapper also helped me to enroll in a course at the local community college towards getting a P.I. license. I just had to do it. He gave me his blessing, and also helped get me a CCW permit. He and I spent a good number of days in the shooting range, at his precinct, and he had to admit I was a good shooter. I couldn't carry a gun yet, till I had finished the course, which were his conditions. Penny thought I was living out some adolescent fantasy, a hero worship for Magnum, P.I. sort of thing. I just wanted this before I died of old age. Which I felt I was getting closer to everyday.

One afternoon Penny came home all excited. She told me that there was interest in putting her show into syndication nation wide. Her studio had been working towards it, since she was now known across the country for the ordeal we went through, and they had reserved a booth at the big NABP convention in Las Vegas. I had lived in Las Vegas for about sixteen months back in 2003, and I knew a bit about the NABP, National Association of Broadcast Programming, conventions. Stations across the country go to promote their shows to the networks, and the networks try to promote their shows, and to sign up stations to become affiliates. That was a simplification, because it is more than just broadcasting, the NABP Show is attended by leading media, entertainment and communications professionals to share an interest for the next generation of video and audio, from television, radios and computers to phones, the big screen and beyond. A real potpourri of what we see and hear in our daily lives, and the effect on us.

Penny said they were sending her, and me, out to Vegas, all expenses paid to work and promote her show. She said I was going along to protect her from harm. She laughed, I was offended. We had about four months to get her ready for the big event, and it would give me time to finish my course. She said that she would start to get more important guests on her show now, to add some flair to promote it. In the past she would occasionally book big name stars when they came into Detroit, but now the stars wanted to get on her show to meet Penny. I hoped all the hoopla over the classmate murders didn't die out before we went to Vegas, stories come and go, and are soon forgotten.

Buck was now starting to bring Deacon with him on his weekly visits to Penny and me. Deacon was finally released from the hospital, but still doing therapy for his hip, and had a cane to walk with for now. He bought a heavy, black cane with a serpent's head on the top, it suited him. What he didn't tell anyone, but me, it was a sword cane, twist and pull the handle and out came a long, thin pointy blade.

"Vegas, Baby!" Buck yelled out when he heard our news.

I grinned and said, "Don't get too excited, you weren't invited," Buck looked crushed.

Penny came in as I was saying that, and offered, "Well, Buck, we're being flown out on the corporate jet, so if you wanted to go, it would be a free ride. But you'd have to find a place to stay out there; I'm not sharing my luxury room at the MGM Grand with anyone but Jim."

Deacon, who was sitting on Penny's couch, spoke up, "Well, if I can get the same offer for the flight out, Buck and I could stay at my sister's house, she lives in Las Vegas. I'd like to visit her." Buck's eyes went wide, and sat there with that walrus smile of his.

Penny smiled, "Deacon, the plane has a weight limit," she giggled.

"You know, I'm getting a little tired of all the big guy jokes. Besides, I'm not big, you're just all puny."

"OK, Deacon, you've earned our respect. We will no longer make jokes at your expense. OK, King Kong?" I joked.

He grabbed a book off the couch and threw it at me, it missed and came crashing down next to the sleeping cat, startling it out of its dreams. The cat snarled and ran off.

"Oh good, I'm not the only one who annoys cats now," I laughed.

Penny stepped in before we started fighting, "Deacon, I'll check with the studio and see, but I'm sure you and Buck could hitch a ride."

Buck whooped, and said, "Sin City, here we come!" he paused, "Deacon, what's your sister look like?"

"Just stay away from her. Besides she's an amazon and a showgirl," Deacon warned.

"Showgirl? Does she do the nude shows?" Buck's mouth was hanging open.

"No, and I'd strangle her if she did," he growled.

"Murder doesn't become you, Deacon," I said, and then whispered something to Penny. She nodded.

"Buck, can you help me get some luggage out of my garage and let the kids sit here and fight?" she asked.

"I'd be glad to." He got up and followed Penny out.

I moved over, next to Deacon on the couch. I sat for a minute, not really knowing what to say, I wasn't a very open person. I finally said, "Deacon, I asked Penny to get Buck out of here for a while, since I wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to say I really appreciate what you did for Penny, jumping in front of that bullet. I honestly know I would have lost it, if I had lost her. You saved me, as well as Penny. I just wanted to say a big thank you."

Deacon was quiet for a bit, and then he just said, "My pleasure. I would have missed both of you." Then he smiled.

Changing the subject, "So, your sister lives in Vegas?" I asked.

"Yep, about ten years now. She works at the Tropicana, in one of the shows."

"Deacon, I lived in Vegas for about a year and a half, the Tropicana showgirls do go topless," I confessed.

Deacon smiled and said, "I know, I just didn't want Buck to know. He'd hound me for details until we got there."

We both laughed. I continued, "I really miss being out there. I came back due to a bit of homesickness and my Dad's health. I really wished I had stayed though."

"What took you out there?" Deacon wondered.

"I was offered a job, for one of the shows. I lasted about six months, got fed up with the guy I worked for and quit. I'll tell you more about it sometime. I have a low threshold for arrogance, couldn't stand the guy after I got to know him. Then I worked there for one of the chain magic shops until I moved back here."

"Magic shops? You did magic?" he inquired.

"Yeah, I've been doing shows for local parties and such, for over forty years, I stopped after getting back here," I said wistfully.

"I love magic; you'll have to teach me a few tricks," Deacon stated, like a small child.

"You got it, big guy."

Penny and Buck came back in the living room carrying six suitcases. They plopped them in the middle of the room, I looked at them and said, "Just how long are we going to be out there?"

"A woman needs many changes of clothing, just in case," she remarked.

"Don't forget to pack warm clothing," I joked, remembering the daily 100 plus degrees it got in Vegas. I just didn't want to say that in April, when the convention was, it was sometimes cool.

"Smart ass," she retorted, knowing how hot it gets there. "I'm filling one suitcase with tank tops and short shorts." Then she stuck her tongue out at me.

Deacon said, "Hey, Buck, did you know Jimmy was a magician?"

Buck smiled, "Yeah, he told me all about it when we used to work together."

Penny stopped, looking like her brain was actively engaged, and finally said, "That's right, you did magic shows back in classes in school. I remember seeing a couple now, and I was impressed. Can you do something right now?"

I smirked, "I can make your bra disappear."

She grinned, "I don't have a bra on."

"See it worked," I chuckled.

"Still a smart ass," she tsked, and went off towards the bed room carrying two suitcases.

"She holds up nice for not wearing a bra, eh?" I admired.

Buck looked towards Deacon and said, "I want to know more about your sister, got a picture of her in your wallet?"

"Yes, I do, but I'm not letting you drool all over it," he answered.

I asked, "Can I see it?"

Deacon took his wallet out and after opening it, showed it to me. Buck ran around the back of the couch and looked over my shoulder. It was of a very attractive woman in one of those fancy feathered showgirl outfits.

"Wow, she's a looker!" Buck was just about drooling.

Penny came back in the room and I said to come look at Deacon's sister. She studied the picture for a couple seconds.

"Hmm... I better not find you chasing after her now," she threatened.

"Baby, I only have eyes for you," I grinned.

"It's not your eyes I'm concerned about," she snapped, then smiled, "You can look all you want, just keep other body parts away."

Deacon said not to worry, he'd watch out for his sister while we're there.

After a while, Buck and Deacon left, Penny and I just sat on the couch and relaxed. I put my arm around her and she tucked into me.

"Did you have your talk with Deacon?" she asked.

"I did, I told him I was really thankful he saved your life. I wouldn't have been able to live if you were killed." I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, sure, you'd be snuggling up to Deacon's sister about now," she chuckled.

"Not really, I'm allergic to feathers. Besides I think Buck may have a crush on her, the way he kept bugging Deacon for more info. I think Deacon may regret telling him about her." I decided to change the subject, "I haven't told you much about when I lived in Vegas. You Interested?"

She said she was.

"Well, back in 2003, I got an email from a girl I knew from my first marriage. Her brother was a teen when I first met him; he was attempting to become a stand-up comic, more of a prop comic, kind of like Carrot top. He would occasionally help me when I did shows and needed extra performers. He eventually toured around the country, going to comedy clubs and polishing his act. Then he finally started working in Vegas, and got a contract to work one of the big casinos. His production manager was leaving to go to Chicago, and he needed help, his sister mentioned me, so he wrote and asked if I was interested. I said I was, and went out to look it over, and took the job. It was good at first, but I found out too many things about him I didn't like. I didn't expect a saint, but I didn't expect the crap he did. He was abusive to the people who worked for him and I finally had enough when he exploded over something I had no control over, and I quit." I was quiet for a minute thinking about the memory.

"Did you come back to Michigan then?" Penny asked.

"No, I stayed. My son was living with me at the time; he had a job, so we had some income. I finally found an ad in the classifieds for a magician to work at a chain of magic stores located in various casino shopping centers. So, I stood out in front of the store doing my magic to attract people to come in. I was a pitch man, as they call it. It was fun, but it was work. Unfortunately, my son's job went bust, so trying to struggle on my little income and the fact we both were a little homesick, we decided to come back. Plus, every Sunday when I called my Mom, she would tell me how poorly Dad was doing, I didn't want to be 2000 miles away if something happened to him. So, we came back."

Penny detected a bit of sadness in my voice, "You'd rather be back there?"

"Oh, I miss it. Yes, I'd like to be back there. Maybe when I retire," I smiled.

"Retire? You're starting a new career as a private investigator, which I think is silly but I support you, and you're a year and a half away from social security. You better move fast before retiring to Las Vegas," she grinned. "What is it about Vegas that would make you go back?"

"After I moved back to Michigan and had the chance to compare between the two places, I found that in Vegas I loved the sunshine; the heat; walking down the Strip and seeing happy people; being in a Disneyland for adults; the sounds of the casinos; driving up the Strip amazed at all the lights; walking around Fremont Street and watching the two block long video playing over head; having just about any kind of store available for anything you could ever want from all over the world; the diversity of people both living there and visiting; the place is always changing, something new everyday, something new to see; and a dream fulfilled, I got to perform magic in Las Vegas, about a 1000 plus shows... well, I could go on but we have so little time."

We both were quiet for a bit, then I said, "I think what really got to my soul, one night, I was standing at the parking lot edge of an office complex, just off from the desert. I was looking out at the miles of flat land, tumble weed and cactus, seeing the Vegas strip in the distance. All the casinos brightly lit like a carnival. I watched the light beam from the Luxor pyramid blasting up to the heavens, and feeling the warm, dry air and the total stillness surrounding me. It was an experience I can't shake. I felt one with heaven."

"Maybe I could do my show from Vegas," she said quietly.

"Well, that's all down the road. We need to get you ready for your big week. I just know your show will go nationwide," I said and got up, nearly tripping over the luggage still in the middle of the floor. "Are these things going to be here for the next few months?"

"No, I think we can put them in the spare room for now, I can take my time packing them." We stood and started to pick them up.

"Yeah, don't forget the warm clothes," I kidded. She whacked me with a small suitcase.

Chapter Two

Penny was wearing a sexy, short cocktail dress and I was in a new suit that Penny bought me as a graduation gift. We were all ready to head out to my big event; I was graduating from P.I. school, as I called it. Buck and Deacon were going to meet us at the community college meeting hall where the small ceremony would be held. It was not a big thing, but the college liked to make their student feel like they were doing something important. We drove there and luckily found a parking space close to the front. Buck and Deacon were standing out front of the building with Trapper. I said my hellos to everyone and we went in. The ceremony was brief but nice; Penny was snapping pictures with my Fujifilm digital camera. After it was over, we all stood together as my instructor took a couple of pictures for me. Trapper pulled me aside.

"Jim, you have a way of growing on people and I got to like you. Plus, the good words you put in with the chief of police helped me get my promotion. That's why I helped you out with all this. I think you have a good head for this business, and you're snoopy," he laughed, and held out the small package he was carrying, "This is for you, you earned it."

I opened up the box and found a .40 caliber Glock handgun. I was overwhelmed. "Can I shoot someone with it, to try it out?"

Trapper looked over to Buck and said, "Yeah, I know someone you can start with." We both laughed. Trapper said the gun needed registering in my name, so I had to come down to the precinct to take care of it.

We went back to the gang and I showed Buck and Deacon the Glock, they both just ogled it. Penny said that I'd probably just shoot myself with it, and kissed me. Trapper said we now had to get me registered and he would help me with the P.I. licensing process on Monday.

We all went to the Cloverleaf restaurant to get some pizza and beers, and enjoy the evening. Buck had his usual Diet sprite and was having a good conversation with Trapper about their escapades. Penny held my hand tightly as if I would run away, which I wouldn't with her by my side. We all talked about going to Vegas next month, and all the sights I'd take them to. Buck just wanted to go to a Vegas strip club, the best sights he would see. I told Buck he'd better have a good amount of cash to afford those sights. We had our fill and said our good nights; Penny was my designated driver as she knew I'd be celebrating. We got home and Penny brought out a bottle of champagne she had hidden, and we toasted to my night. Then we headed towards the bedroom, she said in my ear, "I've always dreamed of hitting the sheets with a private dick." I just looked at her and said, "Well, this private eye is going to become a private dick just for you." In all, it was a great night.

One month later, we were scurrying around getting things ready for the trip next week. Time flies when you have to be ready for anything. I was all licensed as a P.I. and Penny bought me a box of engraved business cards saying I was open for business. I figured I would work on starting my business after we got back from Vegas; I wanted to take time to really make a go of it. Penny took me to the couch and we sat. She handed me an envelope and told me to open it. I found a check for a large amount of money from her station.

"What's this for?"

"I told the station that I was a big investment now and I needed protection, so I said I hired a P.I. to be my bodyguard and they agreed. That's the advanced fee I told them you were worth," she glowed.

I kissed her cheek and said we'd have to copy this check and frame it, my first paying job.

At the last minute, we were still trying to get ready. Penny had five of the suitcases filled with her stuff, I got the last one. I travel light. Trapper came by to instruct me on getting my gun through airport security and what to do when I got to Vegas, to let the police know I had it, and that I was a P.I. and a bodyguard for Penny. It was always a good gesture to inform the local police as to my intentions, and not be a surprise to them. Besides, Vegas had their share of armed bodyguards, so they tend to be tolerant of it.

Trapper told me, "You have any problems out there, call me. I have connections."

"How'd you manage that?" I asked.

"I was born in Henderson, just below Vegas, well, you already know that. My Dad was a cop. My parents moved to North Las Vegas when I was in my teens, I went to Bishop Gorman High, and was a rookie for Metro police for about two years, I was a bicycle cop on the strip. I still have friends. I'll give you a list of people to contact once you're out there."

I was amazed, "Trapper, you never mentioned this before, why now?"

"Wanted to keep it on a low level till you were ready to go. Otherwise you would probably bug me about it," he smiled.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. How'd you end up here in Michigan?"

"My Dad died when I was in Police Academy, my Mom remarried to a guy from Mt. Clemens and they moved here. After a while I had enough of the nut jobs on the strip so found a position with the Clinton Township police. Mom still lives here, with husband number two."

"Wow, great, I'll have to throw your name around when I'm out there," I grinned.

"Yeah, just use my list to throw my name; some cops out there weren't my best of friends. If you know what I mean."

"I think I do." Since I knew how friendly Trapper could be.

Penny came up and asked if Buck was still going to bring his van for our trip to Detroit City Airport. I said that was the plan. Trapper gave Penny a friendly hug and said he had to go back to work.

He looked at me and said, "Crime won't be the same around here without you, it'll probably be less," he smiled then departed without saying good-bye. He did that a lot.

"OK, I have a list of what we have to do." She handed me the list and said, "Take care of it," she smiled and went back into the house.

The next morning was beautiful, an unusual occurrence for Michigan. Buck pulled in promptly at 7 a.m. and had Deacon with him. We loaded the luggage into the van, headed out to I-94 for our trip to City Airport where the station kept its corporate jet. Once there, we were greeted by the pilot and the flight attendant and instructed on how to be good passengers. All our baggage was loaded and Buck commented to the flight attendant about whether our baggage would end up in Vegas with us. She smiled and said as long as the plane stays together, everything should land together in Vegas. Buck laughed and said, “What stays together, lands together in Vegas, baby!" She was mildly amused.

I had taken numerous commercial flights back and forth to Vegas; this was the smallest plane I ever took. We all had window seats and buckled in for the take off. Deacon looked pale; I asked if he was all right. He smiled and said he wasn't a good flyer. I said just think of me and a room full of cats. He laughed out loud and put his head back with that image. The plane moved out to the runway, must have been given clearance as we were zipping out and away into the wild blue yonder. My stomach settled and I looked to Deacon and he was just smiling. "Did the cats kill me yet?" I asked. He looked over and nodded.

We flew over the United States at a leisurely pace. About midway, I started to see the mysterious dark circles on the ground that I had seen in the past flights. I figured they were some alien signage to show where to land their saucers. Penny said they were probably agriculture crop circles, but did say they looked pretty from the air. Miles and miles of them, some full circle, some three quarter and some half all spelling out "Land here". Then we got to the mountains, it was amazing seeing cities nestled below thousand foot cliffs, roads zigzagging across the landscape, seemingly going nowhere. I could see microscopic vehicles moving like ticks on the surface. I loved to fly, I loved looking at the miniature setting below. Then we entered into the cotton candy. Our pilot took us above the clouds and it was like there was no earth below, just white, fluffy clouds. My camera was busy recording everything; I felt like a tourist, but what the hell, I wanted proof.

After about three hours, the pilot announced we would be making our decent into McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas in about a half hour. He hoped we enjoyed our flight and said he'd be back in a week for our return flight. I mumbled, if I return.

We landed without too much of a bump and Deacon was just muttering meow under his breath. I felt threatened. Our jet taxied onto the tarmac, by the hangers, and they lowered the steps for our departing the plane. Our baggage was loaded on a cart, and we were told it would meet us by the car rental station at D gate. They put us on an oversized golf cart and transported us to D gate. We all walked through to the terminal, heading in the direction of the car rental stand, we were told to go to. Deacon and Buck were amazed by the concourse, with all the slot machines, and into the baggage pickup for the commercial flight passengers. Looking overhead, the giant video screens blasted out ads featuring everything from Blue Man Group to Barry Manilow.

We approached the car rental booth and announced our arrival. We were given the VIP treatment and our baggage was waiting in the lot along with the SUV that was ordered for us. We piled in the luggage, and then piled ourselves into the beast, I took command of the driver's seat and we headed out. I maneuvered us over to Russell Road, and then to Maryland Parkway, my favorite road. I headed north and got to Flamingo Road and turned right. I was pointing out all the landmarks, the "99 Cent Only" store that I practically lived in, and the library. Over to the left, was the shopping center that I would buy my groceries at, Albertsons, and paid my car insurance to the Allstate people there. I drove down to Spencer Street and turned right, at the Rite-Aid drug store, where I would buy my beer, and then announcing that we would be going by the apartment buildings that I lived with my son. Turning on to Rochelle Street, I pulled into the parking lot and pointed out the building I lived in. Leaving there, I headed back out to Flamingo and got to the strip, Las Vegas Boulevard, and turned north. I pointed out the Flamingo Hotel/Casino were I worked for five months and then up past Hurrahs, the Venetian, Mirage, Riviera and up to the Stratosphere and beyond. Buck was yelling out the names of strip clubs as we passed.

I drove everyone up past Charleston Avenue, then up to just off Fremont Street. I circled around and found a parking space by the Golden Nugget, and piled everyone out. I took Penny's hand and we went around to Fremont Street. We wandered the enclosed street as I gave the guided tour of old town Vegas. We saw the Golden Nugget, where Sinatra performed, Deacon smiled as he was named for Sinatra. We stood and watched the street artists, painting on spinning canvas, and stopping at booths selling everything from license plates and t-shirts to "I love Las Vegas" buttons.

I didn't want to wear out my little troops on the first day, so I got the address of Deacon's sister's house, found it on my Palm TX map program and headed there. She lived in North Las Vegas, not far from where we were. Deacon got out and headed up to the house, banging on the door, yelling "Open up, it's the police." Not a funny thing to say in this neighborhood.

I asked Deacon if he had let her know we were coming, he said he called her last week. I suddenly realized Deacon never told us her name, I asked and he was embarrassed that he hadn't told us, he said her name was Maria. Finally the door opened and a very tired looking female stared out. Then she screamed "Frankie!" and flung open the door and jumped on him. I swear she was a head taller then Deacon, but maybe not. Deacon introduced her to us, she apologized, saying she worked last night and was still in bed. It was now 3 p.m. and I remembered my days working here, when I wouldn't get out of bed till almost the same time. Many people here were night people. She pulled Deacon in and invited us to follow. It was a pleasant house and well lived in. Deacon introduced Buck to Maria and he just went speechless. He looked a deer in headlights, I said to Penny. She agreed. Maria kept calling Deacon by the name Frankie, I figured since Deacon's real name was Francis Albert DeAngelo, she would call him Frankie. I just assumed everyone called him Deacon.

Maria stood about as tall as Buck and was about as muscular. She looked like she worked out, besides doing her nightly shows. She was quite attractive, and had her shoulder length, jet-black hair pulled back so tight it made her face look like she underwent a face lift. She probably would kill Buck in the sack. Maria had a face of Italian decent, like Deacon, but her nose looked like it may have had a bit of touch up along with the eyes. She seemed like a bouncy, happy person, quite the opposite of Deacon, the controlled storm that made up his character.

"My god, Frankie, you look so pale, and skinny!" she laughed.

"I had an accident on the job. I didn't tell you when I called last week, I was in the hospital for about a month and I had major surgery on my hip."

She looked shocked and said, "You OK now?"

"Yeah, sis, I'll be all right with a little more therapy," he replied. "It's so good to see you again, baby girl!"

She pulled his head down and nuggied it. Then she said to Buck, "You gonna stay here with us?"

Buck looked terrified, hoping she didn't nuggie his head, but said sure. She grabbed hold of him and just about lifted him off the ground with a bear hug.

She backed off and apologized, "I forget my own strength some times. You have to be athletic to be a showgirl, so many nights, so many kicks and numbers. We get a bit strong after a while. I promise I won't kill you."

Now he looked more than terrified. It was cute, I thought.

I told Deacon, Buck and Maria that Penny and I should go check into our room at the MGM Grand. I said if they need us to call my cell phone and we'd come running. But not till tomorrow. I grinned.

We said our good-byes, Buck looked like he was being sentenced to a week at hell house, and we took off.


Chapter Three

Penny and I arrived at the MGM Grand and I let the valets unload the SUV. They gave me the ticket for the vehicle, drove it off and pushed the luggage into the lobby. We went to the check in, gave our names and signed in. Penny's station was going whole hog with the accommodations, and we were whisked up to the next to the top floor. Our Porter opened the door to our suite and moved the luggage into the room. He stood with a smile on his face, I knew he was hoping for a tip, I slipped him a five; he thanked me and headed out. Penny was standing at the window, amazed by the view. I came up behind her and just about lost my breath. I didn't like heights, unless they were protected by rail or windows, but it still made me nervous. I wrapped my arms around Penny and kissed her ear. She said she loved this, the city, being here with me. I was also amazed at the sight we had from our window, as long as I didn't look down. We could see past the Stratosphere, the tallest structure west of the Mississippi, to the beautiful mountain range that circled Las Vegas. I loved the mountains. The sight of Las Vegas Boulevard snaking it's way North passed all the casinos that have stood for years, some new, some old, some waiting to be imploded to make way for a shiny new building. The dreams of many people wanting a taste of the pie. I was content with the woman in front of me, my treasure.

We had most our clothing unpacked; I was feeling quite hungry, and said so. Penny agreed and we dressed casually to go eat. We got to the lobby and out onto Vegas Boulevard. I pointed to the New York, New York Hotel building across the street and told Penny about working there for the magic shop. We wandered up the street and stopped into a Subway shop to get subs to eat. I took Penny around the side of the building, where I used to sit to eat my subs, for what seemed years ago. We finished and walked further up the street, taking in the sights. We got to the Flamingo Hotel and went in, through the casino, up to the show room entrance, where I used to stand at the end of each show, selling souvenirs of the show. Back out, we manage to get up to the Mirage and since it was now getting a bit dark, the volcano out front was starting to erupt. We went to the other side of the boulevard and walked back down towards our hotel. We got to the Bellagio Hotel and leaned against the stone railing and watched the fountains and blasts of water up to the sky doing its ballet. The air was warm and dry, breathing was easy, and the spray of the water felt good to our skins.

We got back to the hotel and I took Penny out to valet parking and got our vehicle. We drove back up the strip and again parked by the Golden Nugget. It was dark now and I wanted Penny to see the video overhead on Fremont Street. It hadn't started yet; music was playing down the entire length of the street, piping out from huge overhead speakers, making the sound surround us. Suddenly the entire place went dark, all the casinos had shut off their thousands of lights, the crowd gave a happy cheer and then it began. The whole sky overhead lit up with sound and video, jet planes roared from one end down almost two blocks to the other. Then eagles screamed and flew, music swelled and the whole thing turned colors and shapes. Penny grabbed on to me every time the scenes changed. She looked like a little girl at her first fireworks. The show ended and she hugged me, whispering she could see why I loved the place.

We rode back to the MGM Grand and Penny was humming music from the show. She looked beautiful in the lights from the strip, but I had to keep my eyes on the road. We drove into valet parking and they went off with the car, as we headed into the lobby. The elevator took a slow ride to our floor. I kidded with Penny about having sex in the elevator, but they have cameras in them to watch us, pointing up to the little eye in the corner of the ceiling. She laughed and pushed me against the wall and started smooching me, then threw a kiss to the camera. This girl is dangerous, I thought.

Back in our room, I turned on the whirlpool spa and stripped down before Penny knew what I was doing. She giggled, and joined me. The whirlpool was right in front of the window, so we could look out at the city lights, all shining bright. Before we could wrinkle too badly, we got out and dried off. I would have carried her to the bed, but my back would have gone out and ruined a great vacation. I told her to pretend I was carrying her and pulled her to the oversized bed. We made love for the next hour or so, and then we both felt the exhaustion of the day tugging at us. We cuddled and slept.

The next morning around 8 a.m., my phone rang and it was Buck saying howdy. I asked if he survived the night and he said that they had a fantastic time. Maria took both of them to her show and got them front row seats. Deacon warned him not to look when the women were bare breasted, Buck said he peeked. He whispered in the phone, Maria's got a great rack. I could see his smile through the phone. He asked if Penny and I were coming to get them. I told him I had to go to Metro police to say hi to a few names on Trapper's list, then Penny and I would be going to the convention center to get Penny registered. I said he was more than welcome to come, but he said he wanted to spend the day with Deacon and Maria. I said no problem and would call them later on.

Penny and I dressed and went down to find where the breakfast buffet was, located it and had a nice meal. We went out to the valet parking, Penny commented on it being a bit chilly out, I said April in Vegas has been known to be cold in the mornings, I said you should have packed some warm clothes. She smacked my arm. The valet brought our vehicle around and we drove out onto Tropicana Avenue and went to the address Trapper gave me for the Metro H.Q. he had worked out of. We pulled into the lot, parked, and went to the front desk. A rather large officer was manning it and politely asked the nature of our business. I asked for the first name on the list, a Captain Weber, and the officer asked what it was in regards to. I felt like telling him that was none of his business, but I cooperated, I said we were mutual friends of Will Trapper. The officer just stared, I felt uncomfortable, and then he smiled and asked what the dumb shit was up to these days. Thankfully, he knew Trapper and was a friend. I told him that he just made homicide Lieutenant and help me to get my P.I. license. I had my Glock in a box and showed it to him, saying I was doing bodyguard work and Trapper told me to check in, before I carried it. He picked up the phone and called Weber directly. He smiled and said he had two friends of a scumbag that claims to have worked here a few years back. He paused and just said, Trapper. I could hear him howl through the phone, then a door to our right flew open and a balding, overweight man came storming out.

"I hope to hell, Trapper's not planning on coming back here!" he grinned, coming up to me.

"No, Captain, he's quite happy back in Michigan," I introduced myself and then Penny.

We all shook hands, and then he studied Penny for a couple of seconds, "You that TV show woman that was stalked by the psychos back in Michigan?"

She blushed and said she was, then he looked at me. "You the guy who stopped them?"

I said I was one of them. "It was a group effort, Trapper was involved and save my life by shooting the ring leader of the killers."

"Damn, Trapper must have straightened out his act. He was a real pain in the ass when he was a rookie. He used to smuggle in hookers to the precinct and have little orgies in the back cells," he grinned wide.

"I'll have to call him on that when we get back."

"Come on into my office, and we'll talk." He led the way. We had a good talk about everything Trapper had done in his reckless youth. I had some great stories now for Buck. I explained my being there to let them know of my intentions to carry a weapon and be a bodyguard for Penny. He handed me a couple of his cards and said if I had any problems to show this and have them call him. He did have me write down the serial number of the gun, just for the record, I did. I put the gun in the holster I had on under my jacket, and relaxed. We talked a bit more about the classmate murders and Penny was really talking up a storm about it, I guess she was over it now. The Captain was enjoying our talk, and asked us to stop back and visit again. He had business to attend to and we had to get Penny to the convention center, so we all shook hands and went out. An officer in bicycle uniform stopped us, and said when we saw Trapper to tell him Marko says hey. Word spread fast.

We drove out and I swung around back to Tropicana Avenue, and headed over to Paradise Road, to where the Las Vegas Convention Center was located. On the way over I pulled out my cell phone and hit speed dial for Trapper.

He answered, "Richards, you in trouble already?"

"No, I just wanted to know if you have any hookers in your jail cells."

He was quiet for a moment, "They just had to mention that, eh?"

I said, "Weber told me a whole lot about you. I have a new respect for you now, and a whole lot to tell Buck."

"Oh, you do that and I'll never speak to you again."

"Well, I have to share something with him. Just to balance the scales. He feels less than you for the stuff he did. I'll go easy, just enough to make him happy. Oh, someone named Marko said hey," I chuckled.

"That jerk, was just that, a jerk. I pretended to like him. Did you get things settled with Weber, with your gun, I mean," he asked.

"Yeah, we're square; he seems like a decent guy."

He agreed, "Weber was a tight ass, but fair. I trusted him, you should too."

"Ok, Penny and I are going to get her checked in at the convention center, so I'll keep in touch."

He said do that and hung up.

We got to the convention center and Penny located her booth. It was a nice set-up, big picture of Penny, looking beautiful, and signs touting her accomplishments and guests on the show. There were banks of televisions all running clips from her various shows, giving a selection of different styles. I noticed a stack of pamphlets that featured the classmate murders incident and Penny's involvement, complete with forensic pictures of the killers. Must have gotten the photos from someone in the police department, Trapper may be interested in seeing one of these. Her producer saw us and came over, hugging Penny and shaking my hand.

"Penny, we have good vibes from two networks interested in your show, nothing definite yet, but good, and the convention hasn't even started yet. Lots of done deals go on even before the show, so keep your head up." He waved to someone down the aisle, excused himself and went to schmooze.

We sat down on a couple of chairs at her booth and relaxed a bit. I looked at all the decorations and props and asked her what she thought of it all. She was impressed with the work they put into it. I asked how she felt about going nationwide with her show. She said it would be a big responsibility having to entertain people across the country, trying to please everyone from small towns in Maine, to big cities like this one. She wondered if she could pull it of. I said I had every faith in her abilities to pull it off. I was at most of her shows since she returned to work and I could see the usefulness of the information and discussions from her guests and the entertainment of it all. She was a great host, had personality and humor. She was easy going with the big stars that appeared on her show and asked well thought out questions; she would do well just in Metro Detroit or across the country. Her Producer came back by and said the CW network had just approached him about the show; they wanted to see the stats and numbers on the ratings in our market. He was really happy and scooted off.

I smiled at my girl and said things were looking up. The convention officially started at noon, so we had time to go back to get Penny dressed appropriately and back to play star. We had a quick brunch before heading back to the center; I called Buck and Deacon to see if they were playing nice. They were exploring Neonopolis up in the Fremont Street Experience, with Maria leading the charge. I said I hoped they wouldn't break anything and told them I'd call them later when the convention ended for the day. When I told Penny what our little family was up to, she smiled.

The show started and I sat off to one side where I could watch Penny doing her thing. She smiled and shook hands and signed autographs for just about everyone who came by. Around 5 p.m. I was getting hungry and asked Penny if she needed food. She said a hot dog or something simple would be nice, didn't want to overstuff herself during the show. I ambled off and found the food court and got us a couple of hotdogs and Pepsi's then back. She ate when she could, her booth was popular.

While I sat there watching Penny, around 7 p.m., my cell phone rang, from the caller ID, it was Buck.

I answered, Buck sounded distressed. "Jimmy, got a problem. Maria took the night off to be with us, and just now got called back. It seems the girl who took her place for tonight's show was found murdered. Deacon is having fits thinking it could have been her."


Chapter Four

I told Penny about Buck's call; she said she knew my becoming a P.I. would attract murder. I had to smile even though the situation was grim. Penny told me to go see if Deacon is all right, she would get a cab back to the hotel. I said I didn't want to leave her, but she insisted I go help our friends. She said she would be all right. I kissed her cheek and went to the car. I called Buck and asked where they were, he said at Maria's house for now, but just getting ready to go to the Tropicana Hotel. I asked where the murder happened and he said in the backstage dressing room. Maria's substitute was there, along with a friend, getting Maria's costumes ready for her to wear tonight. There was an energy drink can in Maria's locker and the sub decided she was going to drink it. The can was tampered with and poisoned. That's why Deacon thinks it was aimed at Maria. I told Buck I'd meet them there and hung up.

I arrived and parked along the side and went in. I liked the Tropicana; it still had the old Vegas feel to it. The casino still had lots of wood and gaudy wallpaper to make one feel like you were back when Bugsy Siegel still roamed Vegas. I had worked there a couple of times, doing my magic pitch for the small magic booth that sat out near the entrance. I went in and headed to the showroom, I flashed my investigator's I.D., hoping the usher didn't get a good look at it. I asked to where the dressing rooms were, he gave me directions. I went through a small maze, into the room, and there was a bit of confusion going on, performers getting ready and showgirls flying feathers around. Off to the side I saw Deacon and Buck talking to some guy in a tailored suit. I approached and listened.

"Officer DeAngelo, I understand your concern for your sister, but we will be watching her carefully now, you can relax." The strange man was saying.

Buck saw me and came over. I asked, "Who's the suit?"

Buck smiled and said, "Hotel security. You'd think with all the cameras in this place, they'd have some play back on who put the poisoned drink in Maria's locker."

"They can't have cameras in a dressing area, it's some law. Women don't want their private parts shown on YouTube," I answered.

"Dumb, these women parade their boobies around every night, but don't want them to be seen online," he smirked.

"Same law that says no cameras in restrooms too, you wouldn't want your dick on some video."

"Hey, I'm proud of my dick," he grinned.

Deacon left the man and came over to us. Deacon was still a cop even though he was now on medical leave, which is why the suit called him officer.

"These people are idiots. When the vic started to convulse from the drink, her friend called security, but she was dead by the time they got there. They called in Metro, and Metro did a cursory investigation, and then removed the body, but hotel security is being tight lipped about all of it," Deacon was fuming.

I told him I knew someone in Metro now, who may help us. I was thinking of Weber.

"I grilled Maria as to why anyone would want to harm her. She has no idea who," Deacon said.

"We'll wait till after the show and we can all sit down and do some thinking. We can go back to the suite at the MGM Grand; you've got to see this place," I grinned.

Deacon smiled a bit, and then looked worried again. I called Penny and told her what was going on and to expect guests in our room, she said that was fine with her, she needed better company anyway, and then she quickly hung up before I could protest. We went out of the dressing area, stood at the back of the showroom, just as the show started. One usher came up and asked if we had seats, Deacon pulled out his badge and said we were investigating. The usher accepted that and toddled off. Deacon grinned at me and said it's nice having a badge, I agreed.

We watched the show and after it ended, we went out to where we arranged to meet with Maria. Buck and I babbled about enjoying the chorus line of boobs, Deacon just told us to shut up. After a while Maria popped up and we departed the Tropicana. The MGM Grand was just across the road from us, so the trip didn't take long.

We all piled into the elevator and up to the floor, Penny opened the door just as we got to it. I said she shouldn't open so quickly until she knew who it was. She laughed and said she could hear Buck's distinctive voice and knew it was us. Everyone came in to the main area of the room, amazed at the beauty of it all, and the great view of the strip. Buck said he wasn't leaving when he saw the whirlpool spa. I told him to stay out of it.

I called room service and asked for a twelve pack of Milwaukee's Best beer, a couple of bottles of some decent wine and a two liter bottle of Diet Sprite. They had it up in record time. I popped open a beer as Penny joined me; we offered wine or beer for our guests. Buck took the whole bottle of Sprite and sat back. Penny said to me it was like we were having a little party. Unfortunately, it was time to talk murder.

"Maria, explain to me the dressing room set-up and procedure for the girl's getting ready for a show," I directed the question to her.

"Well, the whole place is empty during the day, anyone could slip in unnoticed. The lockers aren't locked up because management doesn't want them to be, I guess to be able to look for drugs, or something. That energy drink wasn't mine, I don't drink that crap. I make my own energy drinks from good stuff. The girl in the next locker to me drinks that brand, her name's Lori Davis," she looked to Deacon and continued, "I told the police, and Deacon, that maybe the killer put the can in the wrong locker. We all come in an hour before a show to get ready and it would be then that Lori would gulp down her drink."

"Tonight, did Lori say anything to you about the murder? Did you say anything to her?"

"Lori wasn't scheduled to work tonight; we take turns for nights off, so we don't have come in every night."

"Do you know how to reach Lori?" I asked. She said she had phone numbers of all the girls, just in case she couldn't come in. I continued, "Did you call the girl who was murdered, to fill in for you?"

"I called Lori, since she was off tonight, she said she had a date and would call someone else, I guess it was the murdered girl. I haven't talked to Lori yet."

"Why was the girl in your locker?" I asked.

"We have different shows and different costumes, she needed mine for the show tonight, and we all share as needed. I guess she saw the energy drink and figured since she was doing me a favor, she would drink it."

"I think we really need to talk to Lori now, this sounds like she may be involved," I asked Maria. "Can you call her for me?"

She said she would, and I handed her my cell phone. Maria checked her address book and dialed the number. She sat for a while and said there was no answer. She remembered Lori saying she had a date tonight and probably was still out. I said we would call on her in the morning. I told Deacon that I didn't think this was aimed at Maria, knowing she would have never drank from the energy drink can. The closeness of Lori's locker, who does drink that brand, sort of suggests someone was trying to get to her. He had to agree, but said he wasn't letting his guard down.

We just sat and relaxed for a while longer, then our guests left for the night.

Penny was totally wiped out by the long day, and greeting people. I insisted she go to bed, since she had to do it all again tomorrow. She thanked me for not wanting sex with her tonight, kissed me and went off to bed. I thought about the sex part, but just opened another beer, and sat in a chair that faced out over the strip. I loved the site of it all, flashing and flowing. I could just barely see the volcano at the Mirage, as it spewed its watery flames up, impressing all who stood by to watch.

I started to think about the trip out here and all that happened since. I couldn't believe I was back in Las Vegas, now with a wonderful woman who made my heart and a few other things work better. I really didn't know what it was about me that Penny found interesting or desirable. I had charm, granted, but my body was not in the best shape and I wasn't all that handsome. OK, I had a weird sense of humor which we shared, and I made her laugh frequently. Women, when asked, always say they want a man with a good sense of humor; no one ever says they want a serious, reserved guy. I guess we need humor in our lives to survive. I had a happy outlook on life; I tried not to let things bother me, although most bad things did bother me. I just sucked it up realizing that some things just can't be changed. But I was sure as hell going to change things I can. With my new profession as a private dick, I would go after those things that bad people don't want changed and change them for the better. I thought about the murder of an innocent girl, I had to change that for the better. I put my head back, and then I drifted off, asleep in the chair.

I was suddenly blinded by a light, realizing it was morning and I was still in the chair. The light was from the sun reflected off the glass from the Monte Carlo Hotel, across the street, hitting our window. I got up feeling a lot stiff from sitting all night and looked at my watch. It was just now 7:45 and Penny had about two hours to be at the convention center. I went into the bedroom, dropping the clothes I wore all yesterday, and snuggled into bed with my girl. She stretched and without turning towards me, said, "Good morning, Eric. You stud muffin," I whispered in her ear, "Do you have a death wish?" She turned and kissed my lips and reached down between my legs and groped me.

"Good to see these are still here." She kissed me again and then jumped up and straddled me. She was naked, which surprised me. She said she waited most of the night for me, but she guessed I decided the chair was a better place than with her. She was my breakfast in bed, and with no crumbs. We rolled around in the sheets and had most of them off the bed before we finished. Lying still, she looked me in the eyes, and said that was better than pancakes. She jumped up and ran out to the main room and I could hear the whirlpool spa turning on. I jumped up and joined her. We had breakfast again in the tub.

We were dressed and had about an hour to go; I asked if she would miss me if I went off to investigate. She said she'd enjoy the solitude. I did say I was going to ask Buck to stay with her, and guard her body, she said that idea was fine with her.

I called Buck and asked him for the favor, he said he'd be happy to guard Penny. I didn't tell him that the day was going to be really boring sitting around watching people, but I figured he'd find that out for himself.

Penny and I grabbed a real bite of breakfast at the buffet, and then headed to valet. We tooled out of the MGM Grand and went to get Buck. I said to Deacon that I would be back and we could do some snooping, he said he'd be ready. I noticed he had his service pistol tucked into his belt, still worrying about the situation. I drove Penny and Buck to the convention center and dropped them off. I felt sorry for Buck; he was in for a long day. I got back to Maria's and went in the house after Deacon opened the door for me. I told Maria I thought we should go see Lori rather than call on the phone, we could get more accomplished that way. She got the address from her address book and wrote it down, and then we went down the strip again to Flamingo Road and headed over to Rancho Drive to where Lori lived. I had gotten the location of her house from my Palm and we drove into the drive. There was a car in front of us; Maria said she didn't know what kind of car Lori drove, so we assumed it was hers. The three of us went up to the front door, and I knocked. We waited a bit, and then I knocked again. No answer. I went to the front window and looked in, I stood up and turned to Deacon and said, I think we should call Metro. He came over and looked in the window; a woman was laying in the front room in a pool of blood. Maria looked in and stared to gag, but held on, she said it was Lori. She didn't look like she was alive.

I took out Weber's card and called him, reminding him who I was and he was sounding in a good mood, until I related what we had been up to from last night till this morning. I told him where we were and that we found Lori Davis dead in her living room, but didn't go in. He thanked me for calling and said he'd be there shortly. After a bit, patrol cars roared up and we were overrun with brown uniforms. Weber drove up a short time later, by that time the officers had the door open and CSI was on the scene. I asked one of the CSI if Marg Helgenberger was around, he wasn't very friendly about it. I left him be. Weber came up and wanted all the details. I introduced him to Deacon as Officer DeAngelo from Trapper's squad. Weber beamed at him and said he would like to talk to him about Trapper, sometime. He really got off on Trapper stories; I think he actually missed him. Deacon introduced his sister and Weber said he read the reports about the murder at the Tropicana, so he knew about her. We went over to the sidewalk and I told him what we deduced last night and he thanked me for the details. He ask if Deacon and I wouldn't get into too much trouble while we were here, meaning watch our steps, and asked that any info we come across be shared with him or the primary officer now on the case.

The primary officer came over, she was introduced to us by Weber, Detective Sergeant Lynn Carter, then he said he had to go stroke the wheels of justice and departed. I filled in Carter with as much info that we had. She was eyeing Deacon while I was talking to her, and Deacon was looking like a school boy being stalked by a playground flirt. Carter was a handsome woman, tight skin, bright blue eyes that pierced with a look. She was well tanned, either from working outside or a tanning freak and she stood just up to Deacon's nose, a tall woman. She could almost see directly into Deacon's eyes if she stood on her toes.

Maria was on her toes, too, and stepped between Deacon and Carter, she could almost look into Carter's eyes, saying she wanted to help catch the killer of her two friends. Carter moved around Maria and said she appreciated the offer and would keep an eye on her and her brother. Deacon said that he would be available to help with anything involving the case. He had a special interest since his sister was involved. Carter said she was sure she would need his help. I was ready to get out a garden hose to spray the two of them down, and then she turned on her heels and said she had to get back to the crime scene. She stopped, turned her head and asked Deacon if he'd like to join in to advise as an officer of the law. I could just about see him panting as he followed her to the house. Maria just stood there saying son of a bitch. I took her arm and said she should be supportive of her brother, I could hear the foot stomps of little feet in their future. She laughed and said she guessed Deacon deserved a bit of romance. She was worried for years that he was gay, since he never had a romance that she knew of. I said it looked like there might be one starting, since I could see Deacon following Carter around like a puppy in love.


Chapter Five

Penny was going great guns with chatting up visitors to the convention. She was asked a good number of questions about the classmate murders, and she would introduce Buck as one of the crime busters, who helped solve the case. Buck was a bit shy about it at first, but after a couple of hours, he got into the swing of things, and was enjoying the notoriety of it all. A number of people would stop and ask if he was Hulk Hogan and he would politely say no. Then people were getting insistent that he was, in fact, Hulk Hogan, so he would start to play the part.

A while later, Buck was leaning on the counter reading the pamphlet, saw a shadow come over him, looking up he was shocked to see Hulk Hogan standing there. Buck started sweating, and just said hi. Hogan looked at him and said he could see the resemblance, but asked Buck to stop being him. Buck agreed and told Hogan that if they ever made the classmate murders into a movie, Buck would want the Hulk to play him. Hogan looked at the pamphlet and said he'd be honored. He said he was there promoting his cable show, shook Buck's hand, and then he strode off, leaving Buck with his mouth open. Penny whacked him and he snapped out of the trance he was in.

"My God, did you see who that was!" Buck choked. He went to his chair and sat quietly smiling.

Maria and I wandered over to the side of the front lawn, to where a woman stood, watching all the confusion. She looked like a neighbor, so I introduced myself, showed her my I.D., and asked if I could talk to her. She said I could.

"Did you know Lori Davis?" I started.

"We got along well, she liked to sunbathe out back, and I would talk to her over the fence, she liked to talk," she answered.

"Did you see anything last night, any comings or goings to the house?"

"Not really, but around 1 a.m. I thought I heard a car drive up, I assumed it was her. Then about a half hour later it drove away. I didn't look out; I'm not a nosey person," she smiled. I doubted that.

"Do you know of anyone she may have been involved with, say a boyfriend, or lover?"

She stepped a little closer and talked a bit lower to me, "Well, I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but she was having an affair with one of the strip entertainers," she nodded her head as if we knew who.

I said finally, "I have no idea, who was it?"

"Nick North, of course," she smiled like she was exposing a dark secret.

I was a bit shocked when she said his name, it was the person I had come out to Vegas, years ago, to work for and quit months later.

"How do you know this?"

"She told me. She was bragging one day, after we had a good amount of wine out back, that she was banging a strip headliner and he was going to marry her, when he got rid of his present girlfriend. I, of course, knew he wouldn't, but she was so wide-eyed about it, I didn't want to rain on her parade. I'll bet he murdered her," she brightened as though she solved the case.

"Hmm… you should talk to the officer in charge about that." I saw detective Carter and Deacon standing out front, Carter dangerously close to him. I called to Carter, and she came over, followed by her lapdog. I told her, this nice neighbor lady has a theory about the crime. I left them to talk and grabbing Deacon by the arm, pulling him away.

"When's the wedding date set for?" I asked.

He looked at me blankly, then grinned, "Oh, she is something, isn't she. So strong and forceful. I have to admit, I'm taken by her."

"Yeah, I think everyone can see that. Be careful, she seems to know what she wants, and she carries a gun," I grinned widely.

"Yep, and a big gun," he replied. I kind of wondered about that statement.

I told Deacon what the neighbor had said about Nick North and how he was involved with Lori. Deacon recognized the name since I told him about my days here, while we were killing time on the plane. He had heard the name before that when Comedy Central ran a special on comics from Vegas, so he knew who North was.

"It would be so funny if Nicky was involved in this," I smirked. "He was such an annoying person, but I don't think he had homicidal tendencies. But then again, most killers all came out looking like the nice boy next door."

"If North is involved with this, we have to nail him, he could have killed my sister with that poison stunt," he gritted his teeth.

"If he did it, I'll be happy to nail him."

Carter came over to us and took Deacon by the arm and took him aside. I could hear her asking him if he knew anything about Nick North. Carter looked back to me after Deacon told her about my connection. She came back to me.

"You worked for North?" I said I had. "Did he seem like a person who would murder someone?"

"Neighbors said Jeffrey Dahmer seemed like such a nice person, so who's to say what a nasty person like North would be capable of doing," I replied.

She just nodded, was quiet for a bit then said, "I may need you and Deacon to come in and give official statements in regards to this case."

I handed her one of my new P.I. cards, and told her I could be reached at the number. She asked if Deacon had a card, he smiled and gave her one. She put my card in the folder she carried, and put Deacon's card in her shirt pocket. I could see where that was going.

Just about then, a news van from KLAS TV pulled up and out piled the circus clowns. I didn't like the media much, for the way they treat people to get the breaking news story to annoy TV viewers by interrupting their favorite shows. Carter said she had to take control of the situation, looked to Deacon saying she'd be in touch, and stormed off.

"She'll be touching you all right," I grinned, Deacon said to shut up and we headed to our vehicle. Maria was scolding Deacon for the way he acted around "that hussy". Deacon defended himself saying she was coming on to him. Maria just went silent, which I assume Deacon didn't like. He kept defending himself, I said just to give it up.

We sat in the SUV and I asked Deacon what he found out in the crime scene. He said, "The vic, Lori, was stabbed with a large pair of scissors up through the throat to the brain. Then the scissors were pulled and she was also stabbed through the heart. She died quite quickly according to the coroner. They'll need to check for fingerprints on the shears and there were a couple of glasses of wine on a table. There was no sign of a struggle and under her nails were clean, so she didn't scratch the killer. CSI is doing a sweep of the place, but in real life they won't have answers in an hour."

"Was there anything else in the room to point to North?" I wondered.

"Nothing they found, but then they weren't looking to North as the killer, yet. Not till the neighbor brought it up."

I said grimly, "I'm not crazy about personally contacting North. I think we'll just sneak around the back for a bit. I still know a few people in this town who may be able to fill us in on him."

I looked at my watch and it was now just 3:20 p.m. and I started the SUV up and drove out of the drive nearly knocking over the reporter who was heading in our direction, he was yelling if we had a word to say, since we found the body. I gave him a one finger salute and drove away.

"I guess you don't like reporters," Deacon grinned.

"Nope, can't stand them. They think they're the answer to all our ills. The world would crumble without them telling us what is exploding, burning, falling down or murdering at the very minute it happens," I spat. Maria cheered me on, said she didn't like them either, she praised.

We headed back to the strip and I turned on Koval Road going to the back way of the Flamingo Hotel. I spun around the alley between Hurrahs and Imperial Palace, then up the service road between O'Sheas casino and the Flamingo. I pulled into the opening to the parking structure and drove up a couple of stories. We got out and went across the tunnel over the road to the entrance of the back world of the Flamingo, where I used to walk every day I worked there. We got to the guard, at his little booth, and I had already told Deacon to bring out his badge as I pulled my I.D. and I said we needed to see Wally Pine, head carpenter of the backstage crew. He asked if we knew the way, and I said I did. We went down the corridor to the door leading to the dressing rooms. Donny and Marie Osmond were performing at the Flamingo in the evenings and I said to my partners in crime, we may run into them. Maria just giggled and said she loved Donnie. Deacon rolled his eyes and we went in. The hallway led to the dressing rooms, but my interest was down a long flight of stairs to the backstage area. We went down, and under the stairs was where Wally had his desk. The desk light was on and he was sitting doing his paperwork.

"The work never ends, does it?" I said in the dark of the backstage.

He looked up and tried to focus on the dark, I walked forward into the light. His eyes went big.

"James, what the hell you doing here, you old fart?" he yelled.

"I'm a big time P.I. now, hot on a case. I need to interrogate you," I grinned. Then I introduced Deacon and Maria.

"A distinct pleasure to meet you. And what are you babbling about being a private dick?" He was a little, skinny man, with thin reddish hair and a mustache that took up most of his face. He spoke with a slight Boston accent that was a bit nasal.

I showed him my I.D. and he said, "Yep, I got one of those too. Had it made up as a pussy inspector. Pardon me, ma'am," speaking to Maria.

Deacon brought out his badge and said that he didn't have one of these, with a big smile. Wally squinted at it, laughed and said no.

"Pull up some chairs and sit. I was just doing the weekly payroll. But you'd know that, working here as you pretended to do."

We all sat and I pulled my chair over to Wally's and said "Nick North."

"Damn, that's a name I didn't want to hear again. Why did you have to spoil my appetite?"

"Wally, your ear is to the pipe line of all the backstage crews, so you may have heard any scuttlebutt about good old Nicky," I inquired.

"Well, James, I may have a story or five to tell. What'cha need to know?"

"How about his love life?"

"Damn, Jim, you knew more about that than most of us, you were at his house every day to watch the women come and go."

"I did, back then, I mean now. Heard any juicy gossip?" I gave him my best P.I. look.

"Well, he is still stringing along that gal from California, the one he went out to see every other weekend. Of course, when he's in town, he's dicking a cute little blond, I think her name is Loni or something like that," he was trying to remember.

"Lori, you mean?"

"Yeah, that's the name; I think she's a showgirl at the Trop."

Maria piped in, "Was a showgirl at the Trop."

Wally looked at her and then me, "Was she fired?"

"Murdered," I said. "This morning around 1 a.m. I'm wondering if good old Nicky may have been involved."

"Damn it to hell. I wouldn't say he did, but he was a rotten person." Wally scrunched up his face. "Ok, you didn't get this from me." He pulled his chair out closer to us. "Word has it that she may have been pregnant. Not verified by any of us, but just something going around."

Maria looked a bit stunned, she said, "Lori never said anything to us girls about it." She looked at Wally's confused expression and said, "I'm a showgirl at the Trop. We had lockers next to each other."

"Ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet one of the famous Tropicana showgirls. I'm sure you would know whether she was pregnant or not, but us stage hands have a way of hearing things most others don't hear, if you know what I mean," he grinned.

"Some of my better work friends are stage hands. Do you know Mokey?" she asked.

"Hell, yeah. You must be that hot little Italian number he talks about," he grinned.

Maria was blushing so bright, that she about glowed. "I'm going to have a long talk with Mokey about that."

"Don't take it personal, ma'am, he's an admirer. Anyways, I'm glad you mentioned Mokey, he was one of the few to mention Lori's pregnancy."

"How would he know?" I asked.

"Mokey had to clean the backstage johns. He was in the process of cleaning one day when she came running up and had to use it. He said she was getting sick and apologized for messing up the toilet. She said she had a bit of morning sickness, she confided that she was prego and Nicky was the father," he related. "People talk to us like we're confessors, or bartenders."

My cell phone rang, the caller I.D. said it was Penny. I excused myself and walked off to the side of the backstage.

"Hey, everything all right?" I worried before she even said anything.

"I'm fine. Buck's a bit distressed though, he met up with his idol, Hulk Hogan and now he's just a wreck. Some people react strangely towards meeting stars," she laughed. "How is the investigation going?"

"I have a lot to tell you, but now is not the time, I'm in the middle of beating info out of a snitch," I grinned.

"I'm not going to ask. Tell me later. I just wanted to hear your voice, I miss you. Things are busy here; I hope you aren't going to sleep in the chair tonight. That's all I wanted to say, go back to your beatings and don't bruise your knuckles." I heard her laugh and she hung up before I could say anything. She was a crazy woman.

I went back to the group and apologized for the interruption.

"Deacon tells me you guys were in on that psycho killings back in Michigan, and you're now having great sex with that TV talk show host," he snickered.

"How'd you cover all that in the short time I was gone?" I wondered.

"We talked fast; Wally needed something to pass on to his buddies about you," Deacon laughed.

I asked Wally how was the gang from the crew here. He mentioned names and what they were up to, and said he would fill them all in when they come in tonight. I said I'd try to get back one night, with my TV talk show host, and say hi. Maria spoke up and asked Wally what Donnie Osmond was like. Wally gave glowing praise for the man, and said Marie wasn't bad either, easy on the eyes. I gave Wally one of my cards and said if he heard anything new on Nicky, to call. Then, I said to call anytime, I missed all the guys. We got up and shook hands; Maria gave him a big hug and said she'd tell Mokey that she had a crush on Wally now. He beamed and said he'd like that just fine.

We headed up the stairs and out. Back to the parking structure, where we finally found the SUV and sat for a bit.

"A pregnant girl friend while he's cheating on another, good cause for a crime," I supposed. "I don't really know his present situation, with the California girlfriend. Maybe she's still the one he was hooked up with, back when I was here, but that's got to be a stretch. He jumped many ships when things got touchy with his romances. He hung on to her the longest though. Probably because she was over in California, that gave him the leg room to indulge his lust here. I remember all the Viagra bottles he had around his bedroom, and he'd be in a panic when he ran out," I smiled, remembering the way he looked when he did run out. "He had one local girlfriend, Lisa, and she just hung all over him. I never talked to her about the situation, but she would just disappear when his California squeeze would come into town. So, she knew what the boundaries were. Lisa was totally into him, she even took a plane to Arizona to bring back his supply of drugs to him, when his regular mule wasn't available. I was pissed, knowing she could have been found out and end up in jail. She was a sweet girl."

Deacon spoke, "The guy sounds like a real scumsucker."

I said, "Please, don't insult scumsuckers."

We headed out and went over to the convention center to rescue Buck.


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.10.2010

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