
The Kingdom of Skies: Darkness

An old wizard looked up to the skies from his tower. The skies suddenly darkened and rain fell throughout the kingdom. The strong wind blew the flags of the kingdom. The symbol of the mystical kingdom, beautiful golden wings, sewn to the flag placed on the highest tower was beautifully illuminated by the flashes of lightning.
“Old friend Merlin, what is it that troubles you?” a voice said.
The old wizard turned his head slowly to the speaker. He knew who it was even without turning yet he still did. A spirit who was dressed like a king stood by his side. But in fact, he was technically floating.
“Arthur, war is coming here to these lands again. We must find the new queen and king before the darkness kill our people,” Merlin said in a sad voice.
“You still feel her?” Arthur asked.
“Sadly, yes. I know that she is near our skies again. The black magick she had dabbed in had consumed her fully but our link had not disappeared with her heart and even I do not know the reason,” Merlin said with distant eyes.
“Maybe this time someone will kill her darkness,” Arthur said wistfully.
“I truly thought sweet Astrea would be able to do it,” Merlin said with grief in his voice.
“She was like a daughter to you, isn’t she?” Arthur said.

“Last time was too much of a tragedy. I hope the new queen won’t suffer the same consequences,” Arthur answered.
“Queen Astrea refused to dwell in the power of black magick. She was too much of an angel. But sometimes you have to fight off darkness with darkness,” Merlin said bitterly.
The old wizard’s eyes travelled out to the land. Queen Astrea’s death was the most painful for him. She was like a daughter to him. His hands clenched into a fist. She had used her soul to produce the most exquisite and the most powerful white magick to fight off the darkness that threatened to destroy the Kingdom of Skies. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She was not able to go back to her own world because of her death.
“What happened to her lover?” Arthur asked.
“The young man stayed behind. He didn’t want to leave without her he said. He didn’t care about the throne either and no one’s heard of him since then,” Merlin replied.
“So have you found the new queen already?”
“No, not yet. But I feel it will be tonight. Once her power grants her strongest desire, we will know who she is”
“I wonder what kind of wish will our new queen make,” Arthur chuckled.
Merlin smiled of the memory.
“Astrea wished for wings,” he whispered as he looked at the flag being illuminated by the flashes of lightning in the darkness.

By Tiffania Hart: Sitting Above the Skies

I could not take it anymore. They were fighting once again. I bit my lips and focused on blocking them out. My room could not keep me ignorant from the ugliness going on in our house. I pulled the covers over my head and hugged my pillow tightly. Lou. I needed him. But my cell phone was in Ma’s bag and if I get caught texting I would be in great trouble. So much drama. If only I could go to Lou. Lou Dellfy was my boyfriend. No, he disliked that term. Lou was my lover.
I closed my eyes. I wondered why they even got together if they would be fighting always. My parents fought for the most trivial things. I heard Ma screaming. Glasses being shattered. I smiled ironically. What would be morning like tomorrow? I laughed as tears streamed down my cheeks. I knew I was not the only one with a family like this. It was worse for others but still it hurt to experience it over and over again. I hoped someday I would get used to it.
I remembered my shared fantasy with Lou. If only I could turn into a magical cat and slip into his room during night time. I was always fond of cats and yes, I think it would be nice if I could fall asleep in his arms right now. I needed him. I hugged myself as I heard the fight getting worse outside the confines of my room. I smiled sadly. My wish was only a far-off fantasy.
“Not true at all, child,”
I opened my eyes. I was above the cities. Very high above the cities. I screamed. I screamed “no” in Japanese which sounded like “Eeeeeeeyaaaaaahhhhhh!!!” I heard laughter beside me.
“This is a first. All the previous queens loved the view here. Astrea would have laughed her head off if she had seen you, child. But don’t worry you won’t fall off so easily here just as long you don’t lose your head again,” an old man beside me explained between fits of laughter.
I was sitting on a thin chair floating above the cities. I caught a glimpse of an airplane nearby. Oh god. I could never handle heights. Especially ones like these where my seat didn’t even have a seat belt. There was a floating table in front of me and the old man who was sitting on a floating chair too.
“I can’t do this. Please do something,” I begged close to tears.
My eyes widened as a tea set suddenly materialized on the floating table. Hell. I never liked the adventures of Alice in Wonderland. I was still wearing my pyjamas and I had no intention at all to have tea with an old Mad Hatter above the skies.
“Then where would you like to talk, child?” the old man asked.
“Land,” I pleaded in a whisper.
“Yes, my queen,” he smiled.
Brilliant blue lights surrounded us. Was I going to fall? I closed my eyes and prepared myself.
“You can open them now”
I opened my eyes. I felt soft grass beneath my feet. We were in the woods. Then I noticed the clothes of the old man. He looked like he came from an era centuries ago. He even looked like a wizard. No, an alchemist.
“Is this…a dream?” I asked.
“To be honest, this is all quite true, child,” he answered.
“What is?” I asked carefully.
He raised his hand and golden butterflies suddenly came out. Their glow brightened the darkness of the woods. It was still night, after all.
“Arthur, bring your friends with you,” he called out to someone in the shadows.
A faint blue light came closer and closer to us. Then I saw them. Hundreds and thousands of spirits were being led by a male spirit who was dressed like a king. My mouth opened in awe. They were beautiful to look at.
“You do not fear them, my queen?” the old man asked.
I smiled wistfully at the army of spirits in front of me and shook my head. I turned to him.
“No, I do not fear them. But I want to have answers. Why have you brought me here? Why do you keep calling me your queen?” I asked.
I had even left out the part about floating above the skies and the glowing butterflies.
“Child, you are the queen of our kingdom. The Kingdom of Skies is yours and tomorrow night you will be seated on the throne rightfully yours,” he explained.
Then blue mist surrounded me once again. I tried to struggle.
“Wait! Who are you?” I screamed.
The old man’s crinkly eyes smiled sadly.
“Merlin, child. My name is Merlin and these spirits can be your army if you wish,” he said.
My army? Was there going to be a war? Then my consciousness left me and I felt myself disappear with the darkness.

By Lou Dellfy: That Far-off wish

I turned off the computer. Tiffa would surely scold me if she knew I slept late again from playing God of War. I smiled. I missed her voice. It was Christmas vacation and I could not even visit her. If only her Dad would just let his daughter go out with her lover. I looked at my cell phone and opened my inbox.
Tiffa: Prob here in home. Mom told me to sleep now. Good night. Sweet dreams. Love you! :*
Me: It’s going to be fine. Good night. Love you too:*
There was no reply after that. I got my guitar and lay on my bed. I hoped I could dream of us again.
I sat upright. Beside me was a cat I have never seen before. Its body was pure white. There was something wrong with it besides its sudden appearance in my room. Then I noticed its eyes. They were brown. I have never seen a cat with brown eyes. I jumped and prepared to strike the cat intruder with my pillow. A ridiculous and pathetic weapon but desperate times call for desperate measures. Then the cat slowly walked towards me. Oh hell. We do have cats in our house but only my siblings liked them. Then the cat shimmered. Yeah, really shimmered. I was not seeing things. The cat had transformed to Tiffa.
“Tiffa?” I asked in a whisper.
She looked stunned as I was. She was wearing pink pyjamas and a long T-shirt. She looked dishevelled and vulnerable.
“Lou…,” she said slowly.
“I need to sleep now. Must be those games,” I mumbled.
She suddenly held my hands. She felt real. Hell, she looked real!
“I…wished to come here in the form of a cat and I thought I went to sleep. Then an old man named Merlin kidnapped me and I was floating above the skies! Then he brought me to the woods and some blue spirits emerged, Lou! I’m not kidding! Oh, Lou I don’t even knows how to tell you everything that happened!” she babbled in a whisper.
I tipped her chin and touched her lips. She looked at my eyes. Yes, we had talked about this before. But the freaky magic could wait for now. She licked her lips. We’ll talk about it later. Maybe. She hugged me and pressed her body to mine. She felt so small and soft. I hugged her back.
“I missed you,” she said.
She rubbed her head to mine like a cat. Tiffa was the only cat I liked. She bit my neck. It was a turn-on for her and also for me. Then she licked it.
“Tiffa…,” I warned.
I pulled her from my neck and looked at her. She smiled at me innocently. I smiled and hugged her again. Then carried her to my bed and fell atop her. She giggled and held my face. She caressed my cheeks.
“Meow, I want you,” she said.
She had the glazed look on her pretty face again. She always had that look when she wanted to cuddle up and do more.
“You’re not going back?” I asked.
“I don’t even know how,” she answered.
“Oh. That’s alright. You can sleep here,” I said.
She entwined her legs with mine then I felt her fingers touched the skin of my back. My impatient girl.
“That was kind of my plan,” she said playfully.
Then she pulled my head and I kissed her or maybe she kissed me. Whatever. She pushed my mouth open with her tongue. I had learned that Tiffa was a natural French kisser the first time we accidentally kissed. I opened my mouth and tried to do the same. Our tongues touched and I devoured her mouth. She moaned. I pulled back. My sweet Tiffa. I traced her lips. She pulled my finger into her mouth and sucked. She let her tongue glide my finger and sucked again. Oh hell. I felt her wet mouth in my finger. I groaned.
“Stop it,” I managed to say.
I pulled my finger out of her mouth and she pouted. I smiled and kissed her again. Bad girl. She should know there were consequences for pushing a boy’s self-restraint. My hands travelled down her body. I heard her gasp. I held a finger to her lips.
“Shush,” I told her.
She giggled softly and kissed the tip of my nose.
“We won’t do it tonight though,” she whispered seriously.
I looked at her. I really wanted to do it with her already. It was going to be a painful night for me.
“I’m going to the…bath room,” I told her.
She laughed softly and smiled at me apologetically. She knew. Of course she knew. She grabbed my head and kissed me on the mouth. We French kissed again. She pulled back.
“Sorry, Lou. But not yet,” she whispered.
“Can’t we play?” I asked.
Her eyes widened and her lips parted.
“We won’t do it. Not yet like you said. But…,” I trailed off.
She hugged me tightly and rubbed her head against mine. I took that as a yes. I wanted to make her forget just for the night. Just to feel and even forget how the hell she materialized in my room in the form of a cat.

The Kingdom of Skies: The First Queen

Fog enveloped the ship sailing on the cold, murky seas. A woman was standing alone on the deck. Her skin was pale and death-like. Her lips were red also the irises of her eyes were. Her long curly black hair made her look more beautiful than she already was.
“You shouldn’t be so full of yourself,” a voice whispered.
She whirled around angrily. It was the last queen, Queen Astrea. Even though she was no more but a spirit, power emitted from her very presence. She had long silky gold locks. She was wearing a white gown with white feathers and pearls sewn to it. Her large white wings were frightening to behold.
“Astrea, you do know that the seal on me would not work this time. You’ve consumed all of the seal’s power when you used it,” the Dark Queen said.
“The new queen is different,” Queen Astrea whispered in warning.
“How is she different from all of you?” the Dark Queen laughed.
Astrea looked towards the sea as though reminiscing a distant past. She had immersed herself in white magick and that was her grave mistake. She had forgotten that white magick will never kill. Then she turned her head again to the Dark Queen.
“She controls darkness. She will steal the darkness from you. The darkness will let itself be enslaved by her,” Queen Astrea said.
“The darkness is mine,” the Dark Queen hissed.
“No, the darkness had consumed you. They control you. But the new queen will control them. They will be their new queen,” Queen Astrea said in a smile as pure as an angel.
Then she disappeared in a form of a shimmering blue mist. The Dark Queen screamed in rage. She never wanted to be queen. They had even murdered her family. She looked up the dark skies. She will have her vengeance and they would not take away even the darkness from her. It was the only thing she had left. Then her memory suddenly cleared. Her heart suddenly ached.
“Merlin,” she whispered.
The Dark Queen bit her lips. She was not going to be weak. The seal would not work on her anymore. They had consumed its last ounce of power from trying to save their Queen Astrea from her darkness during their last battle. But they were only able to save her spirit. The Dark Queen closed her eyes. She would not kill Merlin. She was just going to destroy the Kingdom and she would do it even if it meant the two of them would be the only ones left.

By Tiffania Heart: Queen

I woke up with a start. Then it all came flooding back to me. I felt myself blush. It was morning already yet no one was waking me up. I opened the door and looked for them. It was Sunday. They must have gone to the marketplace. Then I looked at the mirror. I had a bite mark. I had a freaking bite mark on my neck. It was subtle but if you knew what you were looking for you would immediately see it. Omigod. It happened when I had taunted him that he never bit me. Was last night real? It wasn’t a crazy delicious dream formed by my mind? I frantically searched for my cell phone. Upon finding it, my fingers flew on the keypad.
Me: Lou!
My cell phone vibrated at once. Did he sleep holding it? I felt myself blush again. No, he was holding me.
Lou: I have something to ask
I bit my lip. I truly wished I was not the only one who had memories of last night.
Me: I was in your room
Lou: You were a cat
Me: We kissed
Lou: You were on my bed
I breathed a sigh of relief. We texted more of the events last night. But there was something we still could not understand. The mystery of how I transformed into a cat and materialize in his room remains. I shivered. What happened? I looked at the mirror. But it wasn’t only that. Merlin. There was still that thing with him. Was he real? I breathed. I could smell the woods on me. I stood up. A bath was what I needed.
“Hullo, child. Where are you? There’s a letter here for you,” someone called from the gates.
I peered at the window. It was the nice old lady living near our house. She was usually nosy with everything and usually takes morning walks around this time. I rushed outside.
“Thanks,” I smiled.
She looked at me for a long while. I blinked.
“White cat...New queen…War in the skies once again…,” she whispered with a voice I almost did not hear.
Her eyes widened as she stared at mine. She shook her head and walked away hastily. She had always seemed strange to me but her reaction towards me frightened me. I ran inside the house. The envelope contained only a red stamp that looked like a royal seal. I touched it and admired the work. My name was not in the envelope anywhere. How did she know it was for me? Was I getting paranoid? I smiled weakly. She must have guessed, I pathetically thought to myself. I tore open the envelope. An elegant-looking paper fell out.
Dear Tiffania Hart,
Your powers have manifested it to you last night. We have also ascertained that you have already chosen your king. We will pick you up at midnight, our queen.
The Kingdom of Skies
I stared at the letter. I had the strange feeling that the letter came from Merlin. Wait. Wasn’t Merlin a name of a wizard from fantasy books? I sighed and looked up at the skies. What the hell was going on?

By Lou Dellfy: King

Someone knocked on my door. I glanced up. I was going to plug my earphones to my cell phone.
“There’s a letter for you,” my sister said from the other side of the door.
I opened the door and found Joanne holding out an envelope for me.
“Where from?” I asked.
She shrugged and left.
I ripped open the envelope. Was it from Tiffa? No, I never gave my address to Tiffa no matter how much she asked for it.
Dear Lou Dellfy,
We have ascertained that you have been chosen to be our king last night. If you agree to be Lady Tiffania Hart’s queen, you will come with us. We shall pick you up at midnight.
The Kingdom of Skies
Tiffa was mentioned in the letter. Queen? King? The letter looked like it came from a role-playing game.
“Hey go to sleep. It’s late already”
I looked up from the computer. It was my favourite elder sister.
“Just a few more minutes,” I told her.
“We have a concert to go to tomorrow, right? Get some sleep. We’re going early,” she said with a smile.
“Fine,” I laughed.
I turned off the computer. She was still hanging around my door.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Good night,” she said.
I laughed and I wondered what had gotten into her.
“Night, sis,” I said with a smile.
“Be safe,” she whispered and the door closed behind her.
Did I hear her right?

The Kingdom of Skies: Voices

The darkness danced as though it was not just a form of black smoke. No, it danced as though it had spirits inside it. There were voices inside the darkness. Yet the darkness was only one…
“Is it truly her?” a shrilly female voice hissed.
“It is her!” a boy’s voice shouted back.
“Then we can throw away the fake one,” a sultry female voice said.
“Not yet,” a male voice answered back.
“Why?” a male voice boomed.
“We’ve waited for so long!” a girl’s voice whined.
“We must test her first!” a chorus of voices answered in siren-like voices.
“Before we throw away our fake queen…” a chorus of all the voices said. 

By Tiffania Hart: No way home

I awoke to the sound of noise. No, it wasn’t noise from cars or my father calling me for breakfast. I could hear noise from people cheering and celebrating. Where was I? I panicked and I realized I was sitting up and my hands were tied to the chair. A silk cloth was tied to my eyes too. I can’t scream. Not yet. I must know first where the hell I was.
“People of the skies, you have long-awaited her coming!!!” a voice boomed so loud that everyone could hear his voice.
The people cheered. I sucked in air. Was I kidnapped by a crazy cult? I felt fingers preparing to remove my blindfold.
“I present to you…” the voice said.
The blindfold was removed. I opened my eyes.
“…your queen!!!” the voice continued.
I was on a terrace of a palace. An ancient kingdom, huge stone figures as tall as skyscrapers surrounded the bridge, crystal clear waters, people cheering below, waving flags I’ve never seen before, and Merlin was beside me. I was wearing a red Victorian dress and a black cape with fur. I bit my lips. All of these were real. I was somehow kidnapped by these people because they believe I’m their queen or I was out of my mind and this is some kind of a strong hallucination.
“May they hear your name, beloved queen?” Merlin said and I knew he asked me to tell my name to the people.
Anticipation hung in the air. The people all looked at me eagerly. I breathed slowly.
“Tiffania Hart,” I said.
The people cheered. The knights in front pounded the drums I hadn’t noticed they had. The pounding had an ancient and powerful beat. It was as though it was preparing a song for battle. Then the people did begin to sing though it sounded more like the chanting of pirates. They sang slowly and if I was right, with voices full of anger and grief.
Skies, skies, skies
Never-ending wars
Let’s hope this time no one dies
All of us left with scars
The dark past continues to haunt us
Not a queen can kill her so they seal her
But the seal’s power is now dust
This is the last war
Skies, skies, skies
Give us a queen who will end this all
From the ashes she will rise
And nevermore our skies on us will fall

“If you die here, your body will die in your own world too,” Merlin whispered.
Protests threatened to spill out from my mouth. Then I looked at the people. Their stares so intense, I feared them more than the darkness they spoke of.
“Don’t I…have a choice?” I asked.
“The passage to your world will only open once your task is finished. Your body is in a comatose state in your world. If you refuse to act as queen, the kingdom will be destroyed,” Merlin said with no hint of care in his voice.
My body was in a comatose? I closed my eyes. I wanted to cry but no, I will not show them they have weakened me. My parents must be crying and wasting all their money on me now. I felt pure anger coursing through me. They had no right at all. No right at all!
“Remove these,” I said coldly.
Merlin looked at me.
“I am not your puppet. I am your queen and I command you to release me from these bindings if you want me to save your poor pitiful kingdom,” I hissed.
He looked at me surprised with my attitude. He quickly removed the bindings and I stood up. The people were still looking at me. They were waiting for me to say something.
“You don’t crown your queens here?” I asked to Merlin sweetly.
The crowd cheered. Merlin looked at me expressionless. He swept his hand and golden butterflies produced a golden crown with thin golden chains and small ruby gems hanging from it. He placed the crown on my head.
“I have no intention of dying here. Let me lead you to victory in this war. I, Tiffania Hart, will be your queen,” I announced.
I smiled to them as they rejoiced. Dark humour was the only thing helping me cling to my sanity.
“Do you accept me as your queen, people of the Skies?” I shouted to them.
The people kneeled. All of them kneeled and bowed their heads. Their reverence to me showed as they prostrated themselves to their new queen. Satisfied, I turned around and walked away from the terrace. The sun was too bright for my feelings which were the exact opposite.

By Lou Dellfy: My angry queen

I was shackled to a bed. I shouted for someone to free me. I was in a room full of expensive furniture. They were elegant and made me think of royalty. I was going to be hoarse if I continued to shout in vain. I had heard cheering of several people outside but they were gone now. Where the hell was I? I was wearing clothes that resembled the ones I had worn when I played Romeo for our school play.
“Why did you kidnap me? Answer me or I will scream!” a voice screamed.
It was Tiffa’s voice! She was kidnapped too!
“Keep your voice down, girl. You are screaming already,” a male voice said.
“Tiffa, open the door!” I shouted.
I heard a gasp and a sound that sounded like she pushed him hard.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve!!!” she screamed to the man she was talking to.
“I can explain,” a strangled voice said.
The door opened and Tiffa came rushing in. I have never seen her so angry before. She released me from the shackles and caressed my wrists. Then she brought her palms to my cheeks.
“Lou…,” she whispered.
She was going to break. Something big was going on here. I hugged her and pushed her head to the crook of my neck.
“Let it out,” I whispered.
She clung to me and her sharp nails dug in to my back despite the clothes I had on. The old man came in.
“You have some explaining to do, old man,” I said.
The old man dusted off his clothes. Tiffa must have really attacked him. I felt hot tears on my neck.
“Welcome to the Kingdom of Skies, young king,” he smiled.
“Why are we here?” I asked.
“Your girl is our destined queen. Since you are her lover, you are brought here also. She is a queen after all and a queen must have a king or else she is but a princess. Now, where was I? Oh yes! This kingdom is going to be destroyed by the Dark Queen. Every century, the seal on her breaks and she wages war with us. Every century, we steal a girl from your world who has magick sleeping in her. And that girl this century is Miss Tiffania Hart as you already know. The passage to your world can only open once the war is over. Also, your death here in this world means your death in your world too,” the old man explained.
“Our bodies are in a comatose in our world,” Tiffa whispered to my ear.
I glanced at my girl then to the old man. I stood up and my fist clenched. Tiffa held my hand softly.
“We have…no choice,” she said in a controlled voice.
My mind was still spinning from the new reality we had.
“What’s in it for us?” I asked him.
The old man’s lips curved to a knowing smile.
“There is compensation for the trouble we’ve caused you and your family. Do not worry we will give you both sufficient wealth you will never forget,” he said.
Tiffa glared at him. She looked like a cat ready to bare her deadly claws on him.
“Leave us,” I commanded.
“As you wish,” the old man smirked.
He turned and left. I collapsed on the bed and pulled Tiffa close to me.
“Tiffa,” I whispered.
She giggled. Her moods were either extremely dark or extremely light and fluffy. She looked like she had switched to the latter already.
“It’s fine. You’re here and we’re together,” she smiled to me.
I gave her a half-smile. She giggled again and pressed a kiss on my cheek. She whispered “I love you” to me in Japanese and I kissed her lips passionately. I would do anything to keep this girl alive.

Kingdom of Skies: Chess Piece

Transparent white butterflies flew to Merlin. One landed on his nose. The old wizard smiled.
“Child,” Merlin said in delight.
Queen Astrea walked to his side. She was transparent yet her features were still clear as a coloured crystal.
“You were harsh to the new queen,” Queen Astrea said.
The old wizard closed his eyes.
“I had to do it, my angel,” Merlin said sadly.
“We must help the girl too. She does not even know how powerful she can be,” the beautiful spirit said firmly.
“I will take her to the room where the first queen had been consumed by the darkness”
“Her lover must have a role also”
Merlin chuckled and the former queen looked at him for an explanation.
“Have you ever played chess in your world, angel?” Merlin asked.
“Yes, I have. I think I can still remember it. Why do you ask?”
“Who do you think is the most powerful when you play it?”
Queen Astrea did not answer at once. Her tutor had taught her of the game and she had never liked it.
“The bishop,” Queen Astrea said slowly.
Merlin looked at her thoughtfully.
“The bishop is powerful indeed but has limitations. I, for my part, think it is the queen,” Merlin explained.
“Oh how could have I forgotten? But what has chess got to do with the new queen’s lover?” Queen Astrea asked.
“The queen is the most powerful chess piece but once the king is killed the game is over and the dead king’s chess master loses. The king is weak but once it is eaten, even the queen’s fascinating abilities will become useless. It is checkmate, after all,” Merlin said with wise eyes.
Realization dawned on Queen Astrea. The king was a support for the queen. Even though only the queen had the abilities, the king kept her from losing her mind. The king was the queen’s strength but also her weakness.
“Does the Dark Queen know about this?” she demanded.
Merlin nodded with a grim smile on his mouth.
“She was the one who told me about it. I sense that the reason why she had never used this strategy before is because she wanted to use it as her last trump card,” Merlin said to the frowning spirit queen.
“Kill the king to end the queen’s reign. It does make sense in this world. A checkmate that would kill the Kingdom of Skies,” Queen Astrea said fiercely.

By Tiffania Hart: THE END?!

I jolted awake. My chest heaved heavily. I breathed slowly. Something was wrong. I was on my own bed again. I was in my room. I was in my house. I dreamed that I became queen of a kingdom called the Kingdom of Skies. But the end of the dream was all a blur. I had acquired a dragon, fought the Dark Queen and even married Lou there.
I clutched my blanket. Was it all a dream? I frantically searched for my cell phone. Lou must be awake now. I typed “good morning” and searched for his name in my contacts. It was gone. That was strange. Did my mother go through my cell phone? But his name on my cell phone was a fake one. I went through my inbox. It was empty. The sent items too. I began to worry. I looked at my calls. Lou was not registered. What the hell?
The house was empty. It was Sunday so my parents would not be coming home until noon. I typed in Lou’s number which I had memorized already and pressed the Call button. The operator answered me. Was his phone turned off? I was getting a weird feeling… I went to my jewellery box. The necklace he gave me was gone. Where did my mother put it? There was something very wrong and I still wasn’t sure what it was. I was getting nervous. My cell phone vibrated. It was my ex-boyfriend. I exclaimed in surprise. His name was registered on my phone. I was sure that he did not know my number. I was also sure that his number was not on my phone too. I opened the message. It was a “good morning” and a “love you, Tiffa!” message. I dropped my phone. I searched for the earphones Lou gave me on my last birthday. It was gone too. I looked at my computer. I was in a state of panic already. I plugged it and tapped impatiently. I typed Lou’s name on Facebook. He did not appear. I went to the group page of our section. Lou’s name was not listed as one of my classmates. What was happening? I typed in everything I knew to find him. There was no trace of him at all. Even in the pictures with his best friends or with me. I was also in a relationship with my ex-boyfriend! I chatted with one of best friends. I was crying already. She did not know who Lou was. I texted his best friend who was also his cousin and asked him Lou’s number. He did not know who I was talking about and even accused me of cheating.
It was evening already. Lou’s existence was…gone. I could not find anything that proved that he was not just a figment of my imagination. I stared blankly at the sky. Every little memory that had a connection with him was erased and changed. Tears poured down my cheeks. I knew Lou was real. But how I can be sure?
A week passed by. My classmates do not know him. Our teachers had never heard of him. His ex-girlfriend did not know him either. I was in a daze and everyone said I was out of it. I hugged my pillow. It should be our anniversary next month. Our anniversary was my birthday. I closed my eyes. Lou was real. He was real. Even though his existence was denied by everyone and the obvious facts around me I still believe that Lou existed. I still remembered his smile, his voice, his pale skin, the way he never stopped smiling until he can make me smile too, the way his arms feel around me when we hug, his lips when we kiss and the time my parents found out about our relationship, our first dance, when he whispered to me that I was the one he found for him, my first love letter to him and our last kiss. Oh hell, I was crying again. Even the stories I have typed for him had all been changed. What should I do? He existed as long as I believed he existed. If only, I could wish for him to…come back. If only, I could turn into a cat and be whisked into his room where he’s waiting for me and everything would all be back to normal the way I remembered it should be. I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep.

By Tiffania Hart: This should have been Lou’s

A hand caressed my head gently. My eyes opened and I saw I was in a form of a cat. I looked up and found myself staring at Lou’s sister.
“They’ve forgotten him already,” Joanne whispered.
I looked at her and I suddenly transformed to my human form. The Kingdom of Skies was real. Lou was real.
“How do I bring him back?” I looked at her intently.
She produced a photograph out of nowhere. It was the photograph of me and Lou she had captured during our JS Prom. I touched it and smiled while I tried to stop myself from crying again.
“He was never gone. Astrea’s lover saved him before the Dark Queen was able to kill him. She did erase his existence though,” Lou’s sister said.
“She was not killed in the battle,” I said slowly.
“She’s half-dead. You’re still queen of the darkness but she has somehow sealed your powers and I do not know how to bring it back exactly. The kingdom has still not won,” she explained.
I looked at her silently. She knew what happened and she even knew more than I did. Who was she?
“What about Lou?” I asked.
“Here he is,” a gruff male voice answered.
A man I did not know emerged from the shadows carrying Lou who looked as though he was sleeping. He must be Astrea’s lover.
“You can awaken him with your kiss, young queen. Some of the fairy tales they tell here are true. Kisses are magical. Now go wake him up,” the stranger urged.
He laid Lou on the grass. I caressed his cheeks and blushed.
“We should leave them alone. Come along now, Plato,” Joanne laughed.
“Wait!” I called.
“What is it, young queen?” the man asked.
“How do I remove the seal on my darkness?” I asked.
Joanne laughed again.
“My brother can do that for you. You’ll see when you kiss him. Good bye for now,” she said with a smile.
I waited for them to disappear in the shadows of the night. I looked at Lou’s sleeping face. I’ve missed him so much. I kissed his lips. Glowing, red butterflies appeared around us. They were my butterflies. I kissed him more deeply. I felt him responded. He was awake! His eyes opened. He kissed me with more need.
“Lou,” I smiled with tears forming around my eyes.
He pulled me closer to him.
“Let me remove the seal on you also, sweet,” he said.
He kissed my forehead.
“The skies…,” he started.
He kissed me on the tip of my nose. I giggled a little.
“…are meant for…,” he smiled.
He kissed me on the lips.
“…freedom,” he finished.
The shadows whirled around us and I heard a growl that I was familiar with. I turned and I saw him again. It was my dragon. I became a master of necromancy during my stay in the kingdom. My dragon was dead already and I have awakened him with dark magick so he was just a floating piece of bones. He was quite a spectacle. His wings were bones also. He was just so beautiful. My seal was removed. The skies were waiting. The battle was still not finished. My dragon bowed its beautiful skull for us to ride. I had fear of heights but my dragon was fantastic with flying and Lou always made me forget my fears. It was time for me to erase someone’s existence now. My dragon flew through the night sky with beautiful shadows and millions of glowing red butterflies trailing it.

The Kingdom of Skies: Checkmate

The Dark Queen looked at the young queen and tried to look dignified. The darkness had left her already and she was close to death’s door. They were floating above the night skies with the people of the young queen completely unaware of what was happening far above their heads. In front of her were the young queen and her dragon, Queen Astrea and her lover, the young king and his sister, Arthur and her most beloved Merlin.
“You cannot kill me, young queen,” she hissed weakly.
“I can. I do now,” Tiffania said coldly.
Tiffania looked at Merlin.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never really liked you but I do not like to do this either,” Tiffania said sincerely.
The old man nodded with understanding. The Dark Queen screamed. Tiffania blew a kiss to Merlin and shadows swirled around Merlin. Fearsome red butterflies ate the old man. The Dark Queen screamed. Her love for Merlin was the only thing keeping her alive. The Dark Queen’s skin began to crack and as suddenly as it appeared, she shattered into tiny bits like pieces of fragile glass.
It was finally over. Queen Astrea shimmered and regained her body. Pure white wings emerged from her back.
“We thank you, Tiffania and Lou,” Queen Astrea smiled.
Tiffania just nodded. She felt tired and it truly was over already so there was no need for her to stay strong anymore. Her eyes closed and she felt like she was falling from the skies.

Skies Back to Normal

It was Monday the next day. Her father mysteriously decided to talk to Lou. He approved of their relationship and when she asked him why so sudden, he said he wasn’t sure also. He only knew he had the strange idea while he was looking up at the skies and a golden butterfly landed on the top of his nose. Tiffania smiled sadly. It was payment enough for the both of them. Tiffania looked up at the skies and whispered thanks to the old man she had reunited with his queen.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2013

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To the one who always wants to see me smiling

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