1. How children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors including:
• health status
• disability
• sensory impairment
• learning difficulties
2. How children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors.
such as:
a) poverty and deprivation
b) family environment and background
c) personal choices
d) how they are looked after/care status
e) education.
3. Development theorists, an explanation of their theory and details on how this theory influences current practices.
4. Child development Chart
5. Supporting Childhood Transitions
1. Different factors can affect the child’s development.
A child’s health is important for its development and well-being. Eating healthy food and spending more time actively can influence the physical development. A child that spends more time watching TV or playing computer games will have less time to socialise and thus will not be able to develop socially. The child would feel neglected which would result in the lack of emotional well-being and self-confidence. This kind of unhealthy lifestyle can also lead to serious illness and cause obesity. One factor can lead to another. Illness would cause absences in school which would reduce the communicative and literal development.
Children with a physical disability may be discrimination at school and they could be treated differently by other children. They may be bullied which would affect their self-confidence and thereafter affect their learning capabilities and development. They would not be able to take part in all activities resulting in slower physical development. Their social skills would be less developed as well, as they would not be able to spend so much time with their peers due to their disability.
The term sensory impairment is used to refer to people with either visual or hearing impairments. A person with hearing impairment is going to develop language delays and this would cause deficiency in social interactions. Delayed social interaction could cause delays in other area of developments too. Sight impaired children might be detected too late which could affect their intellectual development.
If a child has language and communication difficulties, they may find it hard to socialise with people or join in with activities and may develop slow self-esteem. The child may have trouble being understood by others children and adults. Children with autism, a developmental disability, find it difficult to understand and try to avoid social interactions and therefore not develop socially. A child suffering from Dyslexia may become frustrated and problems could arise at home or in
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.12.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-9035-3
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