

*I run, far far away, from everything; from the screams, blood, fear, and darkness. I stop and look back. Darkness is all I see; trees are still, crickets and frogs don't make any sound. I hate it; in matter of fact I hate everything; my mom, dad, brother, boys, girls, happiness, and love; especially love. Love isn't real it's just a saying to get in your pants. Hell on everyone. I think to myself. Then I suddenly think back to what my father said to me, "You're no human or angel you're a demon, a rotten little demon and you need to be punished." he yelled at me. I shiver at the thought of it maybe I am a demon. No, no I'm not he is and damn him for thinking it.
I hear the bushes shuffling and leaves rattling, getting closer to me. I start to run "Stop, love, please!" It's my mother, and her voice sounds terrified. I never heard her this way. My mom is the happiest person I know, and I hated it, but never knew why; but I do know one reason why I hate her, she blamed me for my father's behavior. I look around, but found nothing. Well, I thought, where is she?
"Gotcha!" A strong firm hand cups my mouth so hard I couldn't make a peep. The scary man turned me around and slammed me against the ground. "I just wanted to show you something before you left." He smiled wickedly. I sat in fear as he took my mom out. She had blood all over her even in her mouth. He took her and tied her arms and kicked her to the ground putting a foot on her back, some of the blood painted my face. "Ready?" He moved his hand up, and in a spick second she was torn into tiny, many of pieces. He laughed, I cried, she was silent.*
"Noo!" I woke up screaming. I look around, blankets cover me, room cold, my room is a big mess like always. "Ugh." I get up and take my pills. When will my nightmares stop? I wondered I walk over to my bed, Ouch, stupid toys. God I hate kids.
"Shut up," I was Lenia, she banged on the door, "Go to a psychologist or something, your nightmares are out of control!" I know that already. I walk over to my door and pick up my letters. Bills, bills, bills, mhm interesting 'Important must read instantly!' I rip it open, Xavier? The guy that works for my father I bet it's another threat letter like come find us or your brother dies.
Dear Kitty,
I suppose you already know this is another warning note about your brother. Look I just want you to meet me so I can get this shit straightened out. I have no idea what is the problem is between you and your father, but I know it's big. Your brother will be with me, and if you want you can talk to him. All I ask is for you to come, I'll be waiting.
Ps. it’s at Maple, Old building, 265.
"You ready for breakfast yet?" Lenia sighs. She sways her hips to the jazz music. The food smells amazing, the sizzling crispy bacon, and the sausage smells spicy, god it smells so delicious.
"No thanks. I'll pass." She looked at me suspiciously, shrugged, and then continued cooking. God why did I pass over such an amaz-, beep beep. My watch went off. Oh shit I teach to today, I grab my bags and head out the door.
"Guess who." A man with a deep voice came up and cupped his hands over my eyes. Then he slipped his hands to cup my breasts, rubbing them. I moaned to sound like I liked it. I mean I did, but hated it at the same time. I grabbed his hand and made them go around my waist instead.
"Who." I grinned, turned around, opened my eyes ever so slightly, and kissed him. I bit his lip and he growled, dancing his tongue in my mouth. He slipped his hands lower, dipping them in my pants.
"Excuse me; I hope I'm not interrupting?" Mrs. Tangerine came up to me and put her hands on her hips. Yes you are thank you. Jake tapped me on the butt, winked, then left. "You should be grading papers Ms. Black, not tonguing men. You might just get fired you know." She walks away laughing. Yah I bet you would like that wouldn't you. Grr she makes me so angry.
Ok let’s see what we have first. I hurried down to my class, looking back and forth to each door I pass. Finally, Science guess it couldn't be that bad. Lots of my students ditch science. What's wrong with science? When I walked in all the boys whistled, and I could hear the whispers. "Wow I'm so glad I didn't ditch. I'm gunna tell the guys what they’re missing." Oh god more boys in this class.
"Ok class where did your teacher leave off at?" I asked putting my name on the chalkboard, then went to rummage through papers. So many papers, but where's the one where it tells you what to teach. Darn. I look up and see a hand.
"Yes, but first tell me your name." I stare at his green eyes, red hair, and his baby fat. Aw he is almost cute. Just lose the red hair and he'll be adorable!
"Ethan and we are on how you are so sexy." he growled. Everyone laughed. Oh this boy is going to get it, I thought. Look at him grinning like a fool who does he thinks he is.
"You all think that's funny?" I ask quietly, lots of them nodded their heads, and some just stared. "Well if you think it's so funny you can just get an F." Everybody then shook their head, but one raised his hand. He looked nerdy, big glasses, blue eyes, and blue hair? Who dies their hair blue? He was still handsome though. "Yes, and your name please."
"Logan, and you can’t give us F's unless we don't do work, and if you make us get F's we can just report you to the principal." He didn't smile, frown, or anything, like he had no emotion. "And how old are you? You look like you could be a student." Now his face is confused, thank god for a second I thought he was a robot; hehe reminds me of that episode, SpongeBob.
"Now I can just tell the principal that you were making sexual harassment to a teacher and you can get kick out of class and get an F; and I am 27." I started to get angry, slamming my hand on the desk, god I hate people especially boys. He shrugged and we got on with class. Well first hour didn't go so bad. I huffed.
End of school now and I am worn out. How can kids be so tiring? Ugh I whine as I get my heavy bag on and get ready to walk home.
"Hey you, you're Mrs. Black right?" A light voice comes up from behind me I turn and a tall, handsome boy, he looked around my age. He had black hair, green eyes, and really shiny teeth.
"Um it's actually Ms. Black I'm not married.” I corrected him and grinned, but my voice was like a whisper. I was too busy yelling at kids I didn't realize I became hoarse. He still stood there smiling waiting for who knows what. "Well did you want to ask me something, or you just trying to waste my time?" My voice roared.
He started to "pout" using his puppy eyes. Does he think if you "pout" girls would like it...well its working little jerk. "I'm sorry, I just, just really wanted to talk to you about something and I just got too nervous to say it." He dropped down his hands on his eyes rubbing them. He stared back up at me with his puppy pout and "tears" in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry I was just really worked out today, and I'm so tired. I don't know what I’m doing." I get down and wipe his "tear" away, man his guy good. "Please forgive me." When did I start caring about boys? Why does this guy want to talk to me? Why is this guy so handsome!?
He gets up all perched and happy like nothing happened. "It's ok," he looks at the clock on the wall, "and we should get going home, it's after tree." he smiles delightfully taking my hand and going out the door. He stops immediately, and I bump into him. What is with this dude? "Which way is home again?" He asked politely.
"Um it's my home and I don't think I should take you with me it's called kidnapping yah know." I put my hands on my hips, and tapped his cute little nose.
"Well it's not kidnapping when you don't have a family, and you would be perfect for a roomie." He mocked me and tapped my nose. "And I know your little secret "27" year old teacher." He used hand motions. Then he took my head, brings me up, and kissed me, on the lips! What stranger does this. Then he lifted up and whispered in my ear. "You are 15, and when we get home I'll tell you everything." Then he kissed me again but longer. "Well where is it then?" He took my hand.
I was in shock, but I pointed toward home anyways. "Well here we are." I stopped in front of my house and dug out my keys. I looked over at him and his mouth almost hit the ground. "What?" I looked back at my house then back at him.
"It's old as shit!" He complained. I went over and covered his mouth pointing at the little kids across the street.
"Language young man and I know it is. It was the only thing I could afford."
He rubbed his mouth then looked at me hatefully. "I always talk like this kids don’t care, and you're beautiful! Didn't someone at least lower the prices for you?" He walked into my house and yelped at the bugs on the ground. "And there's bugs and dust everywhere! Yuck!" He squished a bug and wiped it along the wall.
"Well it wouldn't be so dirty if you didn’t wipe bug guts across the wall, and I'm working on it. It will look amazing after I'm done with it ok." I sighed and wiped the bug guts off. "How old are you anyway, and why did you kiss me?" I put my fingers to my lips, waiting for a response.
He kicked his shoes off huffed at the dust on the shoebox. He turned slowly and ruffled through his hair. His eyes sparkled; lips puckered, and then licked them. "I'm 16, and I sorta kind of got dared to." He joined his fingers together. "They said I had to kiss you three times, then spend the night with you in your bed, but don't worry I wasn't supposed to have sex with you or anything." He said quickly then blushed and grinned nervously. Then he rose up at me and lifted his eyebrows up and down flirtatiously. I blurted out laughing, tears streaming down my face. "See I'm not that bad." He started laughing too. When he hit the ground I swear I saw horns pop out of his head. So I stopped laughing, and headed toward him to get a closer look. "Ah!" He popped up laughing, while I hit the floor almost dead, Damn him! How did he catch me off guard? He looked over me and I looked up at his head, hm no horns. Maybe I was just imagining things. "You ok I hope I didn't scare you that bad." he offered his hand, but I refused and slapped it.
"Don't ever and I mean ever do that to me again, or I'll kick you out!" I huffed and crossed my arms, "Now, what do you want to eat?" I get up, kicked my shoes off, and headed for the kitchen. I really need to go grocery shopping. "I see-", Damn I forgot to ask his name, what is wrong with me.
"Um carrots will do, and if you were wondering my name is Zak." He took the bag of carrots and munched on them. It's as if he read my mind, him ok just to be sure. I wish Zak would have sex with me tonight, and take a look at his big cock. I looked over at him and he was choking, I went over and did the Heimlich, and his carrot went flying. He stared at the floor then looked at me and blushed. I knew it! He can read my mind that little squirt, or did he? "I think maybe you should go grocery shopping." He stammered still nervous.
"Tell me, how did you know I needed to go grocery shopping?" I put my hands on my hip tapping my fingers, "and why are you stammering and blushing when you looked at me." I said satisfied that I got him. now way he can make an excuse without stammering or thinking. I gave a sly smile.
He sighed and rolled up his bag of carrots, then put them on the broken table. He gave a disgusted look then wiped the dust off before he put the bag down. "Well first of your entire refrigerator is basically empty, and um this is embarrassing but um," Oh I got him now; "you have a booger sticking out of your nose." He didn’t stammer at all. Is he serious? I stood there stupidly, then like a minute later my mind snapped at me, he's fucking serious!
"Ahh, you're serious!" I go to the bathroom wiping my nose raising my face off. Why did I have to be so cocky, why did I have to have a booger sticking out of my nose! A tear flowed down my cheek so warm. Don’t you dare cry, what are you a baby? I hit my hand against the glass, and then I start to bleed, really bad. I then take off my clothes and get in the bath. Then I drift in my far away paradise.
I wake up from my unconsciousness to a handsome man nurturing my hand. He took my hand and washed it very carefully. "What the fuck, are you doing in my bathroom? I'm naked you bastard!" I made the water splash everywhere on the floor and on his pants and shirt. Oh my goodness, his erection is pointing through his pants, and god he's so muscular. I wiggled once more, and he tried to calm me down saying "its ok." Then I felt a warm object on my boob, then I felt it squeeze.
We both look at each other blushing then scream "Ahhhh! I'm so sorry!" He yelled
"Yah if you were sorry then why did you squeeze it!" I try to splash bubbles on me.
"I was trying to see what is was, and if you weren't wiggling I would have never touched it!
We argued for a long time. "Well if you never shown up in the first place we would never had have his problem."
"If you never became a teacher I would have never seen your sexiness." Then we stopped embarrassed thinking about what we said.
It was a long afternoon, and I'm surprised we didn't talk at all until six-thirty that is. I was on the computer checking my email, some perv wanted to "trade pics" with me, god men are so stupid. Zak came over by me and snorted. "What is it with boys trading pics, what happened to going on dates first, damn?" Then he started eating a popsicle, my popsicle.
"Hey jerk that's mine!" I took it away from him and licked it. "Now try and take it from me." I smiled and rubbed it in his face. It was my favorite popsicle too; green and sour, the sour is the best part. I kept rubbing it in his face, and he slanted his eyes then smiled. He grabbed my arm and put his tongue all over it.
Then he kept pulling my arm till it went past him, and when his lips were on mine. "I shouldn't," he talked through kisses, " doing this," then he kissed me for a long time his lips are soft and plump. I feel his muscles flex, "but you're a really great kisser, and your lips are so delicate, I just can’t resist." He whispered drifting away in la la land, so I could barely hear him. Then it hit me, I had dropped my popsicle, but most importantly I had a boyfriend!
I push away from him, "What's wrong?" He asks still clinging to me, I pointed at the popsicle, or what was left of it. He looked down at it and made an oh out of his mouth. I went to the sink and got a wet rag, and cleaned up the mess. Aw man now my floor is sticky, ugh just one more thing to worry about, and now more ants and roaches will be living of off the stickiness, I start to scrub faster and harder.
I wiped off my hands and went in the living room. Zak was standing there watching me. "Thanks for helping'." I crossed my arms, but he still stood there sad eyes. "Ok I'll tell you the real reason I stopped." I sighed trying to get the right way to say it. "I have a boyfriend." I used a nervous smile. His mouth dropped, then it looked like he was really going to pout. Zak stood there turning white. He looked so sad, now I feel guilty. God why did I tell him. I went over to him, and put my fingers through his hair. I put my head on his chest. He was so warm and his heart was beating really fast. "I'm so sorry." I whispered and my breath was almost taken from me when he squeezed me. He put his chin on my head petting my head.
I hear the door open then shut, must be Lenia, I turned my head and looked at the clock, but it's really early for her to be home. I turned my head down the hall, and Zak put his hands in mine swinging them. I keep turning my head till it stopped with Jake in the hallway holding flowers. Suddenly I made Zak let of my hands so I could run to Jake.
"Baby, what a surprise, are those for me?" I sounded innocent and excited looking down at the roses, pink bla. Jake put the roses behind his back and stomped over to Zak. There was a furious spark between those two, and they just stood there like bumps on a log not saying a word.
Then Jake looked over at me, and I waited for my lecture. "Actually these roses are for my girlfriend." He started at me then at Zak, geez what a girl. "Now tell me who this fool is." Zak swung at him and punched him in the face. Before Jake could punch back, I got in between them and held them back. It was hard to because after all I am a girl, but after a minute they cooled down.
"Jake, this is Zak," I looked at him pointing to Zak. Then I turned my head toward Zak, "Zak, this is my boyfriend Jake." I used boldness in my words on boyfriend so that both of them could get the hint, especially Jake. "Now Jake this is my student in class, and I was just tutoring him cause he had trouble." I said more calmly.
"Yah that explains why you guys were holding hands!" He was furious and for some reason I liked it.
"I was just congratulating him because he got his work done, he was just now leaving." I said still calm. Then I showed Zak the door.
When Zak when out he turned and looked at me then used his pout face. I remembered he didn't have a home to go to so I told him to wait while I got him some blankets. Jake looked at me clueless and I gave one of those I'll explain later looks to him and he shrugged, and sat on the couch, and waited. I gave Zak his blankets and a note, with a 20 dollar bill attached to it. He looked up at me with hopeful eyes and I just shooed him away smiling, he grinned back.
I closed the door and sighed. Great now I have to deal with him. I sat down next to him, then put my head in his lap and looked up at him. I put my hand to his cheek and was going to say sorry, but he shushed me and lifted my face to kiss me. I brought my head back down and put my fingers on my lips thinking about Zak, he smiled.
He put his hand on my stomach, "I'm sorry for getting so angry I just don't want to see another guy touching you, not even a little boy can touch you without me being jealous." we both giggled. "What I'm trying to say is that you're so beautiful and amazing, I'm just afraid of losing you." He rubbed my hair back, his eyes shifting up and down my body.
"Yep a little boy is going to steal me away from you so you better watch out, those little monsters are everywhere." We both laughed and I got up and kissed him. I went over to put my shirt and pants in the basket. Jake came in and did the same thing. When he took his shirt off I admired his muscles, then I noticed a huge scar on his back. I wonder how he got that; I'll ask him when we get in bed.
I went in my room and turned my TV on, I can't stand the dark. Jake turned off the lights. I lay in my cold bed in my chilly room. Jake went under the covers, and put his arms around my waist digging his face in my hair. He mumbled "Your hair smells so good." He pressed his body against mine and it felt good. He kept rubbing me making me warm. I turned to face him and kissed him biting his lip. "Mhm lets finish where we left off at school, shall we?" He put his hand on my ass and pressed my pelvis against his dick.
I squeezed my pillows moaning, as he started kissing me everywhere. I held his head to my chest staring at the TV everything started slowing down around me. All I felt was a sharp pain in my stomach and my head was going crazy. My eyes turn black, and black tears stream down my face. Shit this means only one thing my father is here.

Xavier you Ass

I waited for Jake to go to sleep till I got up. I put a t-shirt and basketball shorts on. I go outside and it's a little, so I decided to get a jacket but I had to do it swiftly I didn’t know how close my father was.
It's so dark out tonight and quiet. Why does the silent scare me so much? The pain in my stomach comes back, and my eyes start tearing black. I got out the letter Xavier gave me. Ps Ps Your father knows where you live, so hurry! Xavier you're such an idiot, but I should've of read further. I run past Oak to Maple Street. I stop to catch my breath, standing in front of the building Xavier told me to go to. Two men in black guard the door, they're pretty well armed with all of their swords and knives sticking out of their belt buckle. They stared at me waiting for me to come up. Their blades they were holding raise up to let me through.
When I get inside I think the building looked almost like my house, but one room. I looked at the table with turkey, mash potatoes, deviled eggs, bread, and wine. At the end of the table two handsome men are seated staring at me. One with curious and wanting eyes let me guess Xavier, and the other with scared and hopeful. "You're late," Xavier looked at his watch, tsking, "you were supposed to arrive a hour before." He shook his head.
I put my hands on my hips. "When did I have a schedule to be here huh? And if it wasn't for my father I wouldn't be here, ya know!" I pulled out a chair, and sat by him. he offered a bread roll and I eagerly accepted, stuffing the whole roll in my face, and stared at the boy across from me. He looked hurt and seemed like he was about to cry.
"Now, now if you didn't come your brother would be so upset. He has been looking for this moment for a long time now." He cupped his face and pointed at the boy. I was so shocked, that was my brother he looks so different.
'I know I do.' What the shit, who said that..I mean thought that uh whatever. I looked at my brother and he nodded his head. 'Sorry if I startled you, but did you really not want to come?' I just stared at him. How the fuck do I think back to him, ugh this is so difficult. 'Ha you're doing it stupid, it's simple really.' Hey I never done this before so don't call me stupid, and I thought you wouldn't be here that's why. I looked down at the floor. 'Oh I understand, anyway why were you late?' You don’t want to know. "Ew you're right I didn't want to know.' Wait how do you know what I did I didn't think it? 'I searched through your memory. I'm just glad you didn't you know, fuck with him.
That moment I started laughing. Xavier looked creeped out. "What are you laughing at?" He put his knife down and stared with his beautiful green eyes.
"Oh nothing important." I say moving my hand up and down. He gave me a cold stare. "Ok, ok I'll tell you, just don’t stare anymore it's scary." He smiled triumphantly, "my brother was mind reading me, and he was just thankful that I didn't have sex with my boyfriend." I answered quickly so he wouldn't understand, but it seemed that he got every word. He laughed and took a mouthful of mash potatoes.
Xavier stared at me and continued laughing, "Now break up with him." He commanded and stopped laughing, it was kind of funny the way he said it. I shook my head, "Yes because he will not like it when I am there, and I don't want to see you lovey dobby on him."
"Aw don't get jealous Xavier, there is no way I'll go to 4th base with him, and we'll go to the other room. Plus I'll just say you," I point at Xavier then my brother, "and you are my brothers, older and youngest.
He shook his head no. "Sorry, but I'll still just get to jealous seeing you with another man." he said dramically putting he’s hand over his eyes like when a woman does when she faints cause she got dumped. Then he rolled his eyes and smiled.
"But, but I just couldn't break his heart, it would be to cruel." I mocked him and he laughed. Took my face and kissed me, geez I have enough guys kissing me for a day. In that instant my brother got up and punched him in the face.
"Fuck man, she owed me that kiss for bringing you, and now she owes me another one because you punched me in the face, nice going." He wiped himself off. My brother began to protest but Xavier cut him off, "Nope it's too late, you don’t want me giving her more kisses, do you?" He took my face again and kissed me, and to my surprise I actually kind of liked it, oops. My brother sighed when I put my arms around Xavier's neck. He put his arms around my waist, rocking me. "Ok that's been long enough." My brother crossed his arms and frowned.
"Ya I think I kissed too many guys today." Then they both stared at me with curious eyes. God I really need to keep my mouth shut. "Yah this dude Zak, yah I don't wanna talk about it." I looked down to the ground. Man I'm starting to believe I'm a slut. 'Hey don't say that about yourself it's not good.' It was my brother, when we were littler he always acted like the bigger brother trying to protect me and stuff.
"Man, you're going to break too many hearts, Kit. You know you can't date hu-" I cut him off getting him angry, he's cute like that.
"Wait so you can read my mind, right bro?" He nodded his head. "That little fibber, I didn't have a booger in my nose!" I shouted exciting with my huge goofy grin on my face, and then it turned slowly into a embarrassment face. I just realized I said that aloud; I look at the two boys, and they are on the floor rolling. I can feel my face heating up. "It's not funny; I actually thought I had a booger!" I started to use my pout face, but they laughed even harder. Well this isn't going to work think of something you don't want to be a laughing stock; what will get them to forget ah, this calls for extreme measures! I pulled off my shirt and Xavier was the first to, his mouth hit the floor. My brother noticed his mouth so he turned his head to see me, and then quickly looked away blushing. "Thank you." I sighed trying to find my shirt.
"Looking for something." Xavier waved my shirt in front of my face, and I tried to grab it but he is too tall. I kept jumping up trying to reach it, but every time I got close to it he'd move it. He started to laugh, then I realized why he was doing that. He was observing my breasts that little pervert. I tried to kick him, but he was faster and grabbed my leg pulling me toward him. My short made a big gap and I could tell he was looking through it. "Mhm strawberry panties that's nice." He used his creepy but cute smile while I screeched. He went to grab it but one of his soldiers came up.
"Sir there's a message from Jack." He saluted him then he noticed what we were doing, he blushed and tried to keep his gaze on Xavier.
"Ok, now take the boy to his room." He was stilling holding on to my leg inches away from my panties. My brother shook his head angrily as he was dragged down the hall.
"Don't you do anything bad, I'll kill you!" He promised.
He looked back at me and grinned again. "Now where were we, oh yah panties" He said cheerfully pulling me closer and closer. His green eyes drawing me in. He was as handsome as Zak their eyes were the same closer. Ugh think hateful thoughts, he took your brother and hurt him.
"No we're at the part where I kick your ass!" I kicked him in the nuts with my other leg, and we both dropped like a sack of potatoes. He rolled back and forth moaning, and I fell and hurt my butt. "Ow, see what you did, you bruised my ass, thinks a lot jerk." I cried and rubbed it. He stopped rolling, but still holding his sack.
"Really! How do you think I feel, you bitch!" He whined and rolled over to me, put his arms behind me and popped my bra. He tore it off and ripped it in half, I screamed.
"What the fuck!" My brother stood at the door way looking over and seen my bra. "You bastard, get the fuck away from her!" He went over and started beating the shit out of Xavier. "What did I fucking say huh, what did I say," he punched him in the face oh that's a bad idea don't punch guys in the face. "Im gunna kill you!"
"Brother." I went over there and tried to pull him off, but he wouldn't budge. He was so pissed, why he was my little brother I'm supposed to protect him, not him me.
"No, go get your shirt on, and I might consider not killing him." He still yelled. I hurried and got my shirt I showed him and he got up. He shook his head in satisfaction, but Xavier got up and put me in headlock.
"If your brother does another stunt like that, you'll both get yourself killed, got that." He whispered softly but angrily in my ear. I turned around and looked at all his cuts and bruises. I touched him softly and got really close and kissed him. "Now what are you doing, are you trying to get your brother pissed again?" I ignored him and continued kissing me, then he noticed all his cuts and bruises were healing. "So your kisses heal people, how pleasant." he sighed and played with his hair. "But thank you."
"Now tell me why you tore her bra off, she now has to get a new one." Kyle picked up the pieces of what is left of my bra. He looked back over at me sighing and pointing. "Great and now she's cold." He shook his head, but Xavier laughed. I screeched and put my arms over my chest, and huffed.
"Dicks." I whispered softly.
"Hey don't be that way." Xavier came up and gave me a hug rocking me from side to side. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, and my brother growled. "Hey," Xavier putting his hands up, like he's been caught by the police, then went over trying to calm him down, "It was only a peck on the cheek no reason to get excited." He joked putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder, but he shoved them off.
I stood there looking at my bra, ignoring those two idiots. I looked over and seen Xavier's shirt. Eh it's blue my favorite color a least it won’t show my nips, a little big but it'll do. I took his shirt, took off mine and put his on. It went a little passed my knees but it will do fine; I looked up at them making sure they didn't look, but they were still arguing. Xavier was calm and joking, but brother was loud and angry, ugh you're only encouraging him brother, only encouraging.
"I told you not to touch her!" He growled, grabbing a fist full of Xavier's shirt, Xavier only smiled and gave him a hug, Kyle punched him in the face, "Everything’s a joke to you isn't it, ha you're going to be just like father." At that moment Xavier pushed Kyle up against the wall and held him by the throat.
"Now listen here punk. I am not, nor ever going to be like your disgusting father!" He grinded his teeth staring deep into his eyes.
I quietly backed out of the room almost walking into the wall, ok I did run into the wall but it wasn't my fault, entirely. I walked outside along the sidewalk taking me to who knows where. I think about Jake and wonder what he was doing and if he was ok. I checked my phone and seen that Jake messaged me.
I opened my inbox, where the hell are you! *sigh* please come back I'm sorry for whatever I did, text back soon; kisses.
Oh baby I frowned and went to my calling. I put his name in and pressed the green button; it rung three times then he picked up. I heard a sigh and him moving on the bed. "Hello." He used his sexy voice, but sounded a little tired, "Sarah is that you?" He joked and I could imagine him smiling.
"Hey sorry but I can’t go home, if you want you can come fine me I'm at um," I looked over and a bar next to me. "I’m at the Satin Lady." I rubbed my and waited for any comment.
"What the fuck, isn't that a bar what are you doing there, and why can’t you come home? Ugh just explain when I get there, be there in like 20 minutes or so. Give you a chance to get rid of your man whore anyway." I heard him get up.
"What I don't have a man." but he cut me off, Jerk. I swore I heard him laugh though. I put my phone in m y pocket, and sat on the stairs. I heard the door from behind me, and I turned to look. I stared stupidly at the familiar black hair and green eyes, pink pump lips, so handsome.
"Kitty is that you?" he smiled and ran his fingers though his hair. He went over and sat next to me. "Zak is that you?" I sounded like a girl that hasn't seen her boyfriend in years. He put his hand over mine and smiled. He stared for a long time, then looked away and chuckled.
"Yah, so what are you doing here anyway; shouldn't you be in bed...with your boyfriend?" He frowned when he said that. I put my hand on his back and patted him. He took out the note I gave him and just stared it. I seen that he hasn't read it yet, why do I have to have handsome students.
"Yah he'll be here in a little bit, and I also had to meet someone." I licked my lips and he sighed. I was guessing he was sighing that Jake was going to be here. "So I told you why I was here, can you tell me why you're here?" I looked at him, or more exact his lips, hungering for a kiss.
"Well I'm homeless and you gave me a twenty so I thought I'd get myself a beer. If that's ok with you?" He looked at me and smiled, but I slapped him. He looked stunned with his big eyes.
"I gave that money to you to spend it wisely, like food or something!" I grinded my teeth. Then he held up his twenty that I gave him and put it down. I shook my head and got up. I walked over to the side of the building, and watched Jake's car pull up. I couldn't really read his emotions from here, but he looked a little pissed off when he seen Zak sitting there but then a little relieved that me and him weren't near each other.
He went over to Zak and said something that must have pissed Zak off because he snarled and slammed the door on him. After that he went over to me "Hey." He waved and lay against the wall with me, playing with my hair.
"What did you say to him?" I sounded pissed, but I didn't care because I was. He sighed and put my hair behind my ears.
"It's nothing that concerns you." His eyes looked over at the trees behind us. Then he shook his head and put his hand around my wrist, "Just forget about it Kitty and let us go home." He tried his best to smile and went to kiss me, but I shoved him away.
“Don’t tell me it’s none of my concern because it is! So you can forget about me coming home.” I walked to the door about to go in, but Jake took my arm, turned me around, and squeezed me.
“Don’t you dare go in there with him.” I could tell he was trying not to cry. “Please let’s just go back home and forget that this ever happened, ok. I love you.” He still stared at me trying to draw me into the car, but I shook my head and went inside.
The bar reeked of smoke and of course beer. Women danced on their poles half naked, men cheer and raise their money; the women eagerly took it. It was a little dim with colored lights flickering on and off. I almost bumped into this guy because I didn’t know where I was going.
I looked over at the bar and seen Zak sitting there wondering if he should get a beer. He would put his finger up then down. “If you get a beer young man, I might just have to turn you in.” I used a deep voice, and he turned and smiled. I walked in between his legs, and he put his arms around my waist. In the corner of my eye I could see Jake was trying to find me.
“Eh I figured I’d save my money for something better.” He smiled then blushed as he pulled on me making me come closer, to where my hips almost touched his groin. I bent over reaching over to the table, not noticing that my boobs were in Zak’s face. I got the bartender and ordered two bears, then got back up. Zak’s face was beet red with drool coming out of his mouth; his eyes were lost into space. I waved my hands in front of his face trying to get his attention, but it didn’t work. “Ugh.” I sighed and slapped his face. He shook his head and wiped the drool with sleeve. “Sorry.” I apologized scratching my head.
“Next time you should warn me when you’re about to smother your boobs in my face.” He grinned and came close trying to kiss me.
When he got really close to my lips Jake came up. “I thought you said nothing was going on!” He yelled while slamming Zak’s face against the counter and then kicked his leg almost breaking it, but I went over and pushed him. Blood dripped from Zak’s head. I gasped and pushed Jake out of the way, aiding Zak. I dragged him out to Jake’s car, and got the aid kit in the back.
I put him in the backseat and started cleaning off his head. I head no room to get beside him so I had to sit on him; it was kind of awkward. “Wow there, I was going to save this moment for after prom.” Zak smiled weakly, but still had his eyes closed. Jake came out all pissed and Zak put his hands on my hips.
“Not with her you’re not.” Jake growled and yanked Zak’s hands off of me. He picked me up and put me in the passenger’s seat. I struggled for a little bit trying to get in the back with Zak, but Jake was to strong so I gave up.
I sighed and looked at him, “You know I can’t go home.” I gave him my note from Xavier, “that’s where we did to go.” He rolled his eyes and groaned.
When we got their Xavier and Kyle were standing on the porch with their arms crossed. “Who are those creeps more of your boyfriends?” Jake asked as we pulled in the driveway. Zak lifted up to see them and huffed. Once he stopped, I got out and opened Jake’s door and pulled him out.
“You dick you have pissed me off for the last time!” I started kicking him in the stomach. Xavier ran over and pulled me off of him. “And by the way those ‘creeps’ are my brother and his fucking bodyguard!” I bit Xavier and he yelped. Jake looked up at me with sad eyes telling me he was sorry and Zak laughed.
“Don’t you hate it when karma strikes back you asshole.” He limped out of the car and kicked him too, almost falling but Xavier caught him just in time.

House full of hot guys

“Leave before I do it again.” I snarled at Jake, wrinkling my nose up. I raised my fist and headed toward him, but before I even made a step he lifted his hands up and limped away. I huffed in satisfaction and crossed my arms. I turned my head and my brother looked frightened, but Xavier and Zak looked as happy as could be.
Xavier grinned and gave me a hug, pulled by hair behind my ears and whispered, “Who’s the kid, another one of your pets?” He had a low growl, but I gave him a warning glance and he looked away. I looked at my brother and then Zak who was glancing at us confused.
“I don’t think he’s human I swear I saw horns on him.” I whispered back, then gasping because Xavier squeezed me too tight. I looked back up and I could see my brother starting to get angry again. Xavier and I rolled our eyes.
Xavier turned to Zak and let him put his arm around him. “Thanks.” He coughed and hopped to face me Xavier turning with him. “So are you guys like,” he put his hand over his mouth and coughed out, “broken up?” Then he looked up and gave me a goofy smile, and Xavier and my brother looked at me curious.
“Of course,” I paused to see everyone’s reaction; of course they all became excited, “not.” Then their smile turned slowly into a frown and Xavier and my brother both sighed. Zak lifted his finger in protest but I cut him off, “Inside now, before all of us gets a cold.” I shooed them in the building, before entering I had to make sure we were in the clear. If my father knew I was here he’d instantly chew Xavier and my bro out.
I went inside and seen everyone was inducing themselves. “Zak huh, well I’m Xavier and this here boy is Kyle.” He slapped Kyle on the head. Kyle rubbed his head and grumbled something I didn’t hear, but it made Xavier smile, then Xavier went to show Zak around and put him in the aid room. Some of Xavier’s men went in and took watch and care over him.
“So where’d you find him?” Brother came up to me; he looked tired probably from fighting with Xavier, unless he was angry.
“School, he didn’t have a place to stay, so I was going to let him stay with me; Jake got mad kicked him out, found him at a bar, and now we’re here.” I tried to make it as short as possible, I could tell he was going to pass out, so I guided him to his room, “I love you sleep well.”
After Kyle went to sleep I went outside. Well I guess I’m not going to find out how he got his scar. I whined, but hey at least I’m alive and not with my father. My father is evil and he wants to bear-
“You’re going to catch a cold.” I turned to see Xavier mocking me. I stuck my tongue out at him. “Uh how dare you hurt my feelings. My” He put his hand on his heart, falling down slowly laying his head on my lap. He rolled on his back and stared at me while I played with his hair. “Having fun?” Xavier put my little strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded my head, “well it sure does feel good.” He smiled then shut his eyes.
After a while I started to hear him snore so I put him in his bed and kissed him on the forehead,” Goodnight.” I whispered softly to him. I turned all the lights off and headed to Zak’s room to see if he was alright I smiled when I saw him sleeping like a baby. “Goodnight.” I bent down and kissed him on the cheek. I started to walk away until Zak grabbed my arm frightening me. “What the fuck.” I looked at him and slapped his hand.
“Don’t leave, please.” He pouted and I sighed and got into bed with him, and put my hand on his face. “Why don’t you break up with him, you deserve so much better.” He snuggled up next to me putting his head on my chest, and I hugged him making him huddle even more closer to me even though I don’t know how that was possible.
“Zak, I’m too tired just get some rest and I might answer you in the morning.” He pulled my hips closer to him to where I could feel his manhood, and I think he whispered something like ok, and then seconds later snoring so I decided to drift to sleep too.
*I woke up yawning to a beautiful day. I merrily got up and put my lovely flower dress my mom made for me. I opened the door and skipped down the stairs to see my mom cooking my favorite blueberry waffle breakfast. I spotted my brother sitting at the table so I joined him, folding my napkin up and putting half in my shirt by my neck, and picked up my fork optimistically waiting for mom. I seen that she made the last waffle, and I shut my eyes right before she turned around, then opened with the biggest grin on my face. When I opened I instantly started screaming looking at my dad that was covered in mom’s blood. He laughed evilly, so I grabbed my brother’s hand and ran out the door. “Where are you going Kitty; I made your favorite breakfast!” He called out to me; taunting me.
I ran deep into the forest and then stopped catching my breath, “You think we lost him?” I asked my brother turning my head to him, but then noticing that he wasn’t there, “Brother, brother where are you?” I cried out to him.
Then my dad came up from behind me and bonded up my hands to the chair. Then he placed out a table putting two plates down. “Now we are going to enjoy this breakfast whether we like it or not.” He commanded harshly. He came up with a silver platter with a lid and set it in the middle of the table, and then sat right across from me then smiled sharply, “dig in.” He lifted up the lid and there I saw my brother’s head in the blueberry waffles.*
“Brother?” I screamed startling Zak almost knocking him out of bed, and then not very long Xavier and my brother start running in. “Brother.” I cried reaching for him; he came to me and hugged me tightly, telling me it was going to be ok. “No he got you, he got you.” I sobbed and he hushed me.
That morning was quiet my brother stayed by me at all times, Xavier made breakfast which was supposed to be me, and Zak did his homework, and sometimes he would look at me, I could tell he was worried.
We ate and then Zak and I got ready for school. “Xavier, call this number if something bad happens ok, and it has to be important not just because you wanted to see me.” I gave him the number, he winked, and I put my finger in my mouth repulsing, making him weep.
“What about me?” Zak came over and begged. I looked at my brother and he grumbled.
“You don’t even have a phone.” Zak pouted to Xavier and Xavier handed him one of his extra phones and gave it to him. “Thanks Xavier, you’re the best!” I sigh and give Zak my number even though I don’t know why, he’ll be in school with me, “I be with a friend tonight.” Oh that’s why, wait hey I forgot all about that mind reading thing oh he’s going to get it. I grabbed his ear and turned him around kicking his ass, “Ow,” he whined, “Why are you whipping me!”
“Remember yesterday you perv, I know you can read my mind.” I growled and he whimpered and chuckled at the same time. “Oh you think this is funny?” I kicked him harder making him go flying and yelping.
“You’re the one who thought it, and I didn’t do anything but choke.” He pouted so I went over and hugged him kissing his cheek. He smiled and got up dragging me to the door. I waved by to my friends and they laughed just now remembering the booger story I told them, dicks.
We head to school and Zak introduces me to his friend, and who I recognized was Logan from my science class. Logan went over to me and apologized for being rude in my class yesterday, what a gentlemen, I thought. I smiled and told him to forget about it.
The first four classes went by fast, but the fifth I got a call, “Kit your dad is here, he knew you came by, he threatened Kyle, so I told him you’re at school.” He said quickly, “Hurry and go!”
“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes and go in my class room packing up, everyone looked at me confused.
“Sorry.” Xavier said quietly and hung up, in the back ground I hear yelling and car engines, so I knew to hurry it wouldn’t be long till they got here. I told put my bag on and told everybody to do one subject as I went through my contacts. Zak perfect ‘He’s coming’ I texted, ‘k hold on.’ When I walked out I saw Zak come at me, startling me again.
“What did I tell you about that?” I cracked him in the head, but he only smiled geez he’s like Xavier in a way. “Anyway how’d you get here so fast?” I asked pulling him to the back door of the school that led to the playground.
“My class room was right next to you.” He said pointing to his room. When we got out I started cracking up almost dying.
“What’s so funny?” He folded his arms across his chest making a weird face getting me to laugh even harder.
“ have Mrs. Tangerine?!” I fell to the ground holding my side “must be bad to be you. She’s such a bitch.” I looked up at him who was grinning.
“She’s pretty nice she gives us candy every day, not to mention she’s pretty hot.” I gave him the cold stare and he started cracking up, “jealous much?” I gasped and punched him, now making him fall to the ground. I’m not jealous for I am not the jealous type. I gave a disgust look and walked away. “Wait!” I didn’t wait so he got up and ran to me. “I was just joking, she’s wrinkly and old, you’re way hotter than she is and she’s not I promise!” He babbled on so I stopped listening and wondered where to go next, “You can go to my house.” He suggested but it only made my eye twitch.
“I thought you said you were homeless.” I said clearly grinding my teeth. He turned his head slowly to mine gradually moving the corner of his lips.
He chuckled unsteadily and gulped, rubbing his head, “Did I say that?” He stammered then made a big goofy grin. I sighed and kept walking, so he took my hand leading me to his house.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2012

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