
New School

My name is Alice Brynn Jones, I’m sixteen, and I’m a fox; you know like werewolves just that I’m a fox, weird right, but no one knows. At my old school everybody said I was weird, stupid, and gothy because I had short black hair, which was natural, that covered my eyes, and I wore black only because it was my favorite color and I didn’t always wear it; anyways a girl came to punch me because apparently she’s the boss, but I grabbed her wrist and made her punch herself. Lots of people laughed but her friends went over to help her and started yelling at me, then I got kicked out of school, and that’s how I ended up her in Annut a small town in Missouri. My brother and I used to live in Jefferson City, but now our fund is low so we went to move in with his buddies, by the way my brother doesn’t know I’m a fox either he thinks I’m a wolf like him.

“Hey dude welcome home.” Cole shook Mark’s hand (my brother) then looked at me and smirked, “Still hiding your eyes, eh?” He went to pull my hair back, but I walked away ignoring him heading in the house.

I walked in and seen Adam munching on the honey bun, he’s the newbie in the pack so I heard anyway. I walk over to him and tap him, “Where’s my room.” I said coldly, but I guess that’s how my voice always sounds like. He looked at me and held up his index finger telling me to wait so he could put his honey bun wrapper up.

He went downstairs to the basement and told me it was my room. I opened the door to a mess of papers, dust, boxes, and probably even rats, and my bed was old and dusty, “Enjoy.” He said sarcastically walking over and bounced on the bed getting the dust off, “I’ll wash the sheets if you want.” Taking the sheets off, I guess he didn’t need my answer.

“Ok thanks.” I set my bag by the end of the bed, then sitting on a broken chair. I went over to a box that had tools in it. Soon I got all the supplies I needed and went to work.

This was the first time I have ever met Alice, and she isn’t much of what the guys told me. They said “she’s a slut, to weird, nosy, selfish, picky, bitchy, and that just sounded like every other girl except weird. Alice was a little weird, but she didn’t look sluty, selfish, picky, or nosy, but maybe bitchy her voice was cold.

I walked in the laundry room and turned the washer on. “Did you hear the slut is here. Oh we’re going to have some fun.” I heard Christopher or Chris talking to Luke from the kitchen. I sighed and put the sheets in along with some other clothes. I walked in and got two glasses out for me and Alice and poured Sunny D, I hope she likes this stuff. “Mhm I’m gunna buy some condoms, be back soon.” Chris sneered, fist pounding Luke. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs seeing Alice fixing up a chair.

“So you can fix stuff?” I smiled and set the glasses down on the table, she however continued working, “Hm she must have not heard me.” I whispered to myself and went over and taped her shoulder. She stopped and looked up slowly, but not all the way, only where she would have to roll her eyes to the top of her head to see me. “So you don’t like showing your eyes?” I grinned stupidly and she slightly nodded her head, “Well I made Sunny D if you like.” I nervously pointed to the glasses; she looked like the type of girl you wouldn’t want to piss off. She stopped working and headed for her glass taking a sip.

“Thanks.” She said even more coldly than last time, I gulped as she set down her glass and then heading for work again.

“Do you always sound this cold?” I asked hoping that I didn’t sound mean. She nodded her head finishing the chair, and then picked up one the paint buckets and painted it black. “So you like black?” She nodded her head again. “You don’t like talking much do you?” She shook her head, man she’s hopeless. “So why’d you move here?” She then looked at me stepping in front of me her head inches from my chest, I wonder if I annoyed her.

She lifted her head up just a little bit, “A girl,” she started, “almost punched me, but lucky she was dumb and slow.” She lifted her hand demonstrating the girl’s swing, “I took her wrist forcing her hand to punch herself, repeatedly.” She took my wrist making my hand go toward my face but made sure it didn’t touch my face, thank god. “I told the principal that I was one defending myself but he told me that it was uncalled for, and so for that he kicked me out of school.” She said quickly but slowly at the same time; yeah don’t ask me how it’s possible. “My brother said I needed school and since we were low on fund we moved here, the end.” She said more calmly and then closing her hand like she just read a book.

I did an unsteady chuckle, grabbed by glass, and ran upstairs; yep she is scary.


-_- Adam asked lots of questions, but not as many as girls do. I looked at my ceiling that was not that far up, so I grabbed a paint roller, paint, a ladder, and painted it black making white, yellow, and red stars. I finally got done and checked my clock 8:27 and it was 5:00 when I got here, hm I did a pretty good job. Tomorrow I’ll paint the grass and make a pond in the corner and pant tiny flowers on the floor and big flowers along the wall, but first the wall with be painted red with a mixture of purple making the horizon, I know I’m weird.

I went upstairs and spotted the laundry room with Adam in it folding up clothes. He looked at me and gave me my sheets. I then head back down stairs and fix up my bed, man I sure do have a lot to do tomorrow, so I texted my brother good night, pulled out my tomorrow clothes, stripped down to bra and underwear, and went to sleep.

I woke up and seen stars, I smiled, just what I wanted to see too, man I love the basement. I get up put y peep shirt on with baggy blue jeans, sprayed body spray, coco butter yum, and head upstairs. “Well look who decided to join us, we missed you last night.” Cole raised his head and smirked. Chris, Luke, Mike, and Shawn laughed. I looked at Adam who looks like he just woke up. “Why don’t we have some fun.” Cole looked at Chris who lifted up rubbers, oh brother and speaking of brothers where is he?

“Let’s teach this slut a lesson.” Chris elbowed his buds and they all agreed, but Adam. “Adam don’t you wanna join us?” Everyone then looked at him now.

He sighed looked at me then them, me, them, me, them, “Nah, I think I’ll just sit back and enjoy watching her kick your guy’s ass, I mean she’s pretty bad ass.” He looked at me and smiled, “You will teach these boys a lesson right?”

“One they won’t forget.” I grinned showing my teeth and I admitted when I smile like that I’m pretty scary. I made sure they could see my canines and their eyes bugled.

“Psh, she can’t take us it’s five against one.” Luke said nervously. I took my head and popped it along with my wrist and shoulders. Chris pushed Mike in since his basically the buffest or strongest one.

“Let’s see what you’re made of.” I looked at Adam who seemed entertained; he’s going to be happy that he didn’t join them.

“Meat and bones, what else would I be made out of.” He growled, seems like I got him pissed. I licked my lips as he came for me. He swung at me but I dodged easily and disappeared.
“Where the hell did she go?” Everyone started looking around oh I love this move it gets everyone riled up.

“Up here.” Everyone looked at me sitting on Mike’s shoulders; I smiled wickedly as he reached for me, “tsk, tsk, tsk, no touching.” I grabbed his neck and cracked it, and don’t worry I didn’t kill him only made him unconscious, I think. I jumped from him landing in front of him, and pushed him, and he fell just like a rock. “Anyone else?” They all, but Adam of course, got up at the same time. Well this looks like it’s going to be interesting.

Chris came at me first punched for my face; I dodged swiftly and kicked him in the stomach he went back groaning. Cole and Luke decided to go at the same time, bad idea though. They both swung aiming at my face, but I slid down and in result they punched each other in the face, and both dropped. Chris got back up so I kicked him in the balls and hit him on the pressure point on his neck knocking him out.

When I was done all the boys were passed out around me, and Adam rolling on the floor laughing, “What’s so funny?” I asked curious, I just kicked his buddies’ asses and he’s laughing?
“You..kicked their butts like it was no problem.” He started coughing from laughing too much, then sat up and looked at me, “Man you’re good, who taught you?”

“Instincts, I don’t need anyone to train me.” I said a little harsh, but Adam didn’t seem to care for he was too busy poking his friends making sure they weren’t dead. “Help me carry them to their beds.” I grabbed Cole’s leg but Adam took my hand pushing me away.

“Nah let’s leave them on the floor, their jerks they don’t deserve to be carried to bed.” He go up brushing himself of so I did the same, I did get a little dirt on me. “Want some breakfast?” I nodded and he went in the kitchen getting out some bacon and eggs. He cracked an egg and broke it, so I took one, cracked it and put it in the pan, perfectly. He chuckled, “I was never good at cracking eggs.”

“Was? You’re not very good at your grammar are you?” He looked at me and laughed sarcastically making my lips curve into a little smile.

He smiled, “Finally I got you to smile.” He got excited so I punched him not to hard though, but never leaving the bacon and eggs out of my sight, “Please don’t hurt me.” He ‘pouted’.
We finished cooking and ate, then we got ready for school, and surprisingly the boys were still out, but Adam didn’t want to wait so we left leaving a note for my brother explaining everything.
We pulled in the school driveway and it looked exactly like my old school, same sluts, boys, and teachers. I got out with Adam and all the girls gave me looks, surprise, surprise.
“Adam who’s the goth slut? I hope she’s not your girlfriend.” A girl and her ‘pets’ laughed at me and ran to Adam smothering him. She almost reminded me of April, the girl I punched, so I guessed she is the boss of the school. I walked away ignoring them, don’t lose your temper this time, do it for brother, I thought and headed for the office.

“Hi I’m a new student.” I walked up to the front desk and the lady looked at me and called to a man named Mr. Crow. A male principal oh great he’s really going to love me.

“Yes and now I need you to fill this out for me.” She said in an irritating voice and smiled handing me a file sheet. I filled it out quickly and handed it to her, “You should get you hair out of your eyes, and I bet they’re really pretty.” She reached for my hair but I grabbed her wrist startling her.

“No one ever touches my hair, understand.” I said in a dark deep tone getting up in her face and she gulped.

I pulled away letting go of her hand and brushed myself off while she handed me my class schedule the principal gave her a while ago. I walked out seeing Adam leaning against a wall; I assumed he was waiting for me. “So you just left me there with those…those monsters!” He bellowed walking up to me and shook me wildly.

“Yep.” I walked away leaving him straggling behind, I turned my head to look at him and he was slumped back slinging his arms everywhere. I shook my head and stopped to look at my schedule and read it out loud, “Art, Math, Science, lunch, Gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Study hall on the others, Reading, Language Arts, and History.”

When I finished I felt breathing on my neck, so I jumped up and went into my karate form and cracked Adam on the head.

“Ow,” he rubbed his head, “what’d you do that for?” He whined wanting to give me a hug, but I pushed him away.

“Don’t breath on my neck and maybe I won’t do that, it feels weird you know.” I got out of my karate form and crossed my arms, heading for art class.

“You’re going the wrong way; it’s this way down the hall and take a right.” He sighed and grabbed my hand and walked that way, “and good thing we have the same classes, or else you’d be lost.” I slammed my head against the wall, “Oh taking classes with me isn’t that bad, is it?” I slammed my head once more and he groaned. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to class, I looked up at his face and seen the hurt in his eyes, did I make him sad? I stopped him turning him around ramming him up against the wall, and got really close to him. I touched his face, and he flushed so I slid my hand down to his chest and felt his heart beating rapidly.

I got on my tippy toes and until my lips were to his lips, “Do you,” I cupped his face, and he started to breath quickly to where I could hear it, “like me?” I felt his heart stop.

“I-” He stated, his heart started racing again faster than before. Adam was cute with is dark brown hair and green eyes, but I don’t think I would be good for him.

“Is there a problem out here?” Mrs. Bates came out. She looked about twenty, young and beautiful. She stopped when she seen Adam, then went into flirty mode. “Oh Adam it’s you, where’s your friends not that I really care or anything.” She purred and giggled at the end. WTF!! Wait isn’t she married and why is she flirting with a boy younger than her, not that I'm jealous or anything.

He just smiled politely still looking at me, and pushed her out of the way. “Don’t you think we should be in class? Oh and this is are new student.” He put his hand on my back his fingertips nearly going up my shirt making me shiver. She nodded and smiled opening the door for Adam, but then when he walked in she gave me the cold stare and tripped me. I heard a bunch of laughter so I guessed I fell in the class room. Adam instantly helped me up, “what happened?” He asked worried I flushed while I looked in his beautiful green eyes; I just wish I could see them clearly.

Then I felt someone grabbing my shirt collar, was the teacher really threatening me? “The teacher tripped me.” I walked away and turned my head to them, and they were both pissed but at different people, “she must really like you.” I gave my wicked smile not showing my teeth though. Then I felt everyone’s tension turn on, even Adam was a little unsteady, hm my smiles are really improving, but he smiled of knowing what I was doing. I wanted everyone to know that I was the new bitch and that I will not be feared by anyone.

I took my seat and Adam took his next to mine. I looked at the teacher waiting, she was shocked and embarrassed, along with everyone else, but after a while she started class but I could still feel the tension only making my smile grow wider. Then everyone would turn their heads to me slowly so I would look up causing them to turn quickly.

Well the first three classes went by well, but Adam would talk on and on about how I should be nicer and shit, so I blocked him out of my thoughts but not entirely. As I walked to lunch I seen the girls I met outside giving me death stares, “What’s her name?” I asked Adam as we took our trays.

“Nicki and the rest are Britney, Selena, Jessica, Jennifer, and Mariah.” He pointed to each one and as he did so they giggled and blushed. He sighed as he twisted his spaghetti up on his fork.

“All names of famous people.” I rolled my eyes and stabbed my spaghetti balls and he chuckled taking a big bite of his food. “Yuck how can you eat that?” I put my hand on my face studying him, and while doing so a piece of my hair fell down revealing a little of my eye. I gasped and looked down letting my hair fall in my eyes again.

“Your eyes there so…so beautiful.” He exclaimed reaching for my hair, “Let me see the rest of,” He touched my forehead sending me electrical signals through my veins, “your eyes.” He finished, I slapped his hand away making him jump. Everyone looked at us in wonder and girls in disgust, so I looked at them showing my canines making them turn away. I turned back staring at my food, “Sorry.” He whispered placing his hand on mine, and in my surprise it calmed me down a lot.

“Just don’t ever speak of this, ok?” I said icily making him whimper softly but nodding his head. I sighed and leaned against his shoulder, “Wake me when you’re done.” He put one hand around my waist and I quickly fell asleep.

Once Alice leaned into my shoulder and slept I stiffened. I looked around and the girls glared at her and some of the boys glared at me. I sighed and looked at my food, her eyes were baby blue but I only got a quick glance. Man why does she have to be so stubborn and cute.

I got done with my food so I got up and I heard a thump..oops. I turned around and looked at her drooling on the table I smiled, threw away my leftovers away, picked her up, and carried her to study hall. I know I probably should of woke her up, but she looked so peaceful, so I bent down and kissed her cheek, her soft cheek, I licked my lips and looked at hers, no I shouldn’t she would hate me forever.

I went to gym into the locker room and got dressed. “Did you see the new girl, I bet you twenty to tap that.” Derek held out twenty dollars to his new comer, Zack, “it will make you an official member of the group.” He agreed making me angry I slammed my locker and headed out, “What’s his problem?” No one touches her but me! Wait did I just say that? Man I’m really falling for her fast, but I can’t let her know. I sigh she’d probably kick my ass like she did my buddies, I gulped, so anyway she doesn’t like me I mean I can tell from the way she treats me.

I woke up to the bell and drool on my table, “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself. Adam that idiot I told him to wake me up. I heard girls laughing so I sighed and walked out of the class room to see Adam leaning against the wall, “Well speak of the devil.” I growled and Adam grinned.

“Ok, ok before you start yelling, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. I’m so sorry please don’t hit me.” He winced and hugged me to where his head rested on my breast. I tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge he felt like a boulder. “No, accept my apology first.” I growled and softly told him I’m sorry. “What was that?” He rolled his eyes up staring at me.

“I said I’m sorry!” I yelled coldly and it echoed down the halls, everyone then looked at us my face went beat red, and Adam was on the floor in shock, I heard stomping, guessed it was the teacher, so I grabbed him by the ear and ran outside to the next building. “Where’s the next class?” I asked more calmly looking at the door not daring to look at Adam. I haven’t apologized in a long time, so the reason I yelled is because it reminded me of when I was little, and as you can tell my childhood wasn’t very pleasant.

He took my hand and walked me to Mrs. Hanson’s room, “She’s not very nice so be careful, any back talking and she’ll give you a detention.” He let go of my hand slowly, then looked at me.

“Does she like you too?” I said in disgust because I saw her walking by and she was ugly. I’m surpassed she even has a husband and I almost died when I heard she had a son and daughter also. He chuckled and shook his head.

“Nope she hates everyone but her son and daughter.” Well how about her husband, I sneered he probably gave her divorce papers. We walked it and went up to the teacher, “Mrs. Hanson we have a new student Alice Jones.” He smiled and she glared at me in disgust.

“Well thank goodness for that hair so we wouldn’t have to see more of that ugly face.” She sneered and gave me my seat while Adam rolled his eyes and sat down. Man I can tell already on the last day of school, or if she keeps pissing me off sooner, I will give her a great beat down, I mean look at her and she has the guts to call me ugly. I sat in between two ugly boys and I swear I heard Adam pout, jeez he doesn’t have to sit by me in every class and anyway he was sitting right behind me.

The teacher handed us a worksheet, already man this class sucks, I looked at the two boys names, Derek and Zack, hm I’ll have to memorize them they look like a couple of trouble makers if you ask me all popular boys are, but I still haven’t figured out Adam yet.

The rest of the day was boring and nothing interesting I mean I just slept through the classes especially history. I walked out of school building and seen Adam by his car so I ran up to him, “Hey can I ask you a question?” I started swaying form side to side. He slanted his eyes and nodded his head, and put his hands in his pockets. “Are Derek and Zack trouble makers?”

“Well I guess so but mostly Derek is in some girl’s pants and Zack is the new boy, a virgin, joining Derek’s group and now he has to lose his to become a complete member.” He sighed and had a disgusted look on his face and heard him mumble, “idiots if you ask me.” I see so I was correct hm what am I gunna do? “Why you ask anyway? You like guys like that?” He hit my shoulder with mine, but I was too busy planning a plot to embarrass the boys if they do anything stupid. Man I might like this school after all the other wasn’t too exciting like this one. I used my evil manically laughter and rubbed my hands together.

I could tell I was scaring Adam so I took his hand and skipped to my side of the door, “Let’s go.” I said cheery but Adam looked even frightened than ever but he agreed and opened his door, but the cat and her rats came over, oh great I was having a wonderful day until they showed up, I could tell Adam was thinking oh great too, hehe well if anything happens schools over. I gave my wicked smile but Adam shook his head and told me to wait here, man he’s such a party pooper.

When I saw Adam yelling at them it got me pumped up and wanting to get into the action, but then unexpectedly Adam started kissing her. What err! I stomped over there like a mad beast, but then I stopped seeing one of the teachers glaring at me, so then I marched over to the car, gave her my evil eye, and climbed inside slamming the door. Stupid teacher >:\

After like what seemed hours Adam climbed inside, started the engine, and then looked at me. “Hey is something wrong?” He went to touch me, so I turned my head very slowly, grinding my teeth, horns growing on the top of my head, and a pitch fork gliding into my hand.

*People outside*

“Ahhhh, help me! Please stop I’m sorry.” The male voice came from inside the white bmw car with lambo doors. The bmw shook from side to side. The yelling would stop then come back.
“What’s going on? Should we help him?” A girl asked worried, but everyone around her shrugged and mumbled, then stared back at the car.

“Someone please help me. Ah get off of me! Owww I’m sorry, please give me mercy. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, please I’m dying.” The guy’s voice died down little by little leaving everyone in suspense. Then they heard a thump, and then the car pulled out driving away.

“Did we just witness a murder... or rape?” A dude stuttered a question; still everyone shrugged then thought about what just happened.


When I saw the groupies come up I groaned I really didn’t want them here. I looked at Alice who gave me a let me kick their ass look. Hehe that would be a sight to watch, wait what am I talking about. I shook my head no and told her to wait there, she huffed but agreed. “What are you doing here?” I asked coldly, man I’m starting to sound like Alice, but when she does it it’s cute, ugh don’t think about that right now.

“What are you doing with her; you’re supposed to be dating me.” She batted her eyes using her high pitched voice sounding really annoying then she tried getting up on me, why did I date her? I know I make stupid decisions I guess I was just desperate.

“Get the fuck away from me, now!” I yelled backing up but she only got closer. She grabbed me then pressed her lips against mine quickly so I didn’t have any time to react. I kept my eyes opened, I will not close my eyes for a slut like her, I don’t even know why I’m letting her kiss me. I rolled my eyes over to the corner and seen Alice slam the door shut, did she see? I pushed her off of me, “it’s over don’t ever come near me again.” I grinded my teeth and walked away.

“That’s fine; I was screwing half you friends anyway.” She smirked along with her dolls making me stop. I rolled my fists up, walked over and slapped her leaving a red mark acrossed her face, and then I headed to my car, next will be the dudes.

I climbed in and started my engine, but before I headed out I noticed a dark aura around Alice, “Hey is something wrong?” I asked. She slowly turned her head, grinding her teeth, oh shit she’s pissed.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I’ll show you what’s wrong!” She growled grabbing my shirt, and pulling me toward her. She got on top of me grabbing my head and ramming it in the seat numerous of times. I screamed for help, but no one came. I was for sure there were people outside, so since that didn’t work I begged for mercy, but she kept doing it and she looked like the devil, not kidding. She hit my head real hard and that did the trick. I was out quicker than lighting. Well since everything went black I reassured myself I was alive because I didn’t see the light, so I just slept until I was conscious again.


I couldn’t believe that asshole, ‘oh what’s wrong’, like he didn’t know. I drive speedily down the highway, so luckily that there were no cops around, lucky me. I pulled in and saw my brother and the boys standing angrily, but I did see a little amusement in my brother’s eyes, oh I love him.

“Hey bitch.” Cole snarled, but his black eye made it hard for me to take him seriously. My brother was about to chew him off, but I interrupted.

“Yes I am a female dog, thanks for pointing it out.” I snarled violently, and they all whimpered not including my brother. And actually I don’t really know if a fox is considered in the dog family or not, so I’ll just say it is for now. “Anyways don’t mess with me I’m in a bad mood, so that means this morning I was in a happy mood, so you definitely don’t want to bother me now!” I pulled out Adam and dragged him to the door; my brother was about to say what happened, “Save it.” I gave him the hand and headed to the basement. I laid Adam down on my bed, and waited for him to get up; he had a lot of explaining to do.

After a while I got tired of waiting so I stripped and got in bed with him, I didn’t want to push him off because I had tortured I'm enough so I let him stay, also I like the warmth he gave me and I caused me to move closer to him. He looked so peaceful, handsome, and…*snore*..and loud jeez why do guys snore so noisy. I looked at his mouth and saw drool coming out, I wonder. I reached over, ew, ew what am I doing I can’t do that, anyway I don’t think that’s right if someone was feeling what I was feeling I would be pissed.

The drool was killing me, so I just tried to study his features. His brown copper flippy hair, no it’s not like Justin Bieber, his bangs were just a little over his eyes and it is cut off of at his neck. His has blue eyes that calm you down, pink plump lips, and tan skin. He was perfect, perfect tone body not to buff not to weak. I rested my hand on his face and closed my eyes, if only I could describe these feelings, “What a lovely view.” A tired husky voice brought me back to reality. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at my nakedness. *Thump* “Ow.” Though I might be feeling something else.

I turned my back to him, so I wouldn’t see him trying not to punch him again, “explain the incident, now.” I said the last word a little too harsh, but I couldn’t help it, I thought he was different. He moved around a lot, I’m guessing he was trying to get comfortable, until he wrapped his arms around me, making me extremely uncomfortable. “Well?” I’m not very patient if you couldn’t tell. He took my arms and hugged them tightly against my body, “What are you doing?” I struggled to get free, but gave up after a few seconds.

“Making sure that your hands won’t be free so you don’t kill me.” Oh no this is going to be bad; I kind of don’t wanna hear it now. He sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder, “I-I went out with her when I came here.” What!? I was shocked mixed with a little sadness, “but now it’s over, I don’t even know why I dated her. I was desperate, but that isn’t even an excuse, and when I was yelling at her she took me by surprise and kissed me, and I’m sorry for letting her I shouldn’t of, and then I found out,” I didn’t know how much more I could take of his, so I started to struggle again, but he just held me tighter, “she cheated on me with my friends, how lame is that?!” He bursted out, shaking he even let me go it was so bad. I turned around staring at his face; he was filled with pain and anger. Even though I hate the fact that he dated her, she shouldn’t have hurt him like this, only a monster. “No how lame am I?” he said calm and quiet, “that I didn’t even know she was sleeping with the friends that lived with me.” He sobbed, I just couldn’t take it. I hated it, the pain he felt, I could feel it too, and it hurt!

I couldn’t take it anymore! I grabbed his face and crashed my lips on his, then pulled away, “Don’t, just shut up, don’t talk anymore!” I grinded my teeth trying so hard not to cry, but it was too late, the tear went down and almost fell on the bed, but Adam caught it. I looked up at his and him at me. Instantly he pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. How could I be so stupid, not only was he mentally in pain, but physically too, I should’ve thought before I acted. I just wanted to take back his pain and let me have it instead. “For acting so coldly towards you, I-I want to make it up to you, so anything, anything at all just tell me and I’ll try do make it happen!” I snuggled up against him trying to get calmer.

He started, “I want...”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2012

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