
Chapter 1

My name is Ellen. I am sixteen years old. I have straight black hair, clear blue eyes, and pale and flawless skin. I am a very strong person. I love to sneak around, and keeping my secrets to myself. I have an older brother named Damon. I also have a twin sister named Daisy. We are complete opposites. She's good and bright while I'm dark and sinister. We even look different. Her hair is light while mine is dark. We were on our way to a new school.
“Ellen try not to get in trouble.” Damon said.
I snorted.
“We cannot afford to go to another school because of your mistakes” Daisy said.
“It's so hard because they're all the same.” I said.
“Well this is different because it's a private school”
“And I have to wear this silly uniform”
All girls have to wear a skirt and collared blouse. All guys have to wear pants and a collared shirt. No shorts were allowed. No hats or scarves.
“I think you look cute” Daisy said.
I snorted.
We finally got there. BroadStar High. Through the windows I saw the hottest guys ever and the most dangerous. Damon and Daisy got out. I didn't want to go put I finally came out when Damon threatened to kick m ass if I don' get out. I went out slowly. When I was standing out in the open I felt all eyes on me. I got my bookbag. Daisy moved next to me.
“You have to be so goody goody” I told her.
“You have to be so dark” she countered back.
“Don't mess with me sis. Just because we're twins doesn't give you any special treatment” I said then made my way to the front doors. I didn't wait I just went in. I went to the office and waited.
“You may go in” the secretary said.
We all went in. Damon and Daisy sat down while I stood standing.
“I have seen your qualifications and I am very impressed especially by you Ellen. I am very glad you all are a part of our student body and that you'll by living here as well.”
“What do you mean live here?” I said.
“It is required that all of out students attending have to live here in a dorm”
“Why didn't anyone tell me!!”
“Cause then you would have run away like before.” Damon said.
When I was 13 I ran away because I didn't wan to go to a new school. Nobody knows what happened while I ran away except me.
“Not my fault, if that one girl just kept her mouth shut I would have never ran away”
“Well you will all be assigned someone to show you around”
Two hot guys came in and a pretty girl.
“Damon this is Samantha you assigned person. Daisy you will have Ricky the on with brown hair and Ellen you will be assigned Simon the one with glasses. You may all go now”
Chapter 2
I was the first one out the door.
“Yo wait up” Simon said. I stopped.
“What's your problem?” he asked.
“Nothing” I said then started walking again.
“Well since it's the weekend I'll show you to my buds”
Simon led me over to a group of guys. They all looked like pigs. They also looked dangerous.
“Yo guys this is Ellen the new girl”
“New girl huh? Pretty hot one too” the on with black hair said.
I stayed silent. Apparently they all think I'm hot. My cell phone rang. I answered it. It was Rachel, my partner in crime.
“Yea” I said bored.
“How's the new school?”
“Stupid” I said.
“Aww come on it can't be that bad”
“Oh it is”
“Oh well I only called to say hi”
“Is she out of the hospital yet?” The reason I got expelled was because I went the head cheerleader to the hospital.
“Yea and she's pissed at you”
“Ok. Bye”
“Bye” I hung up.
“Why were you asking about a girl in the hospital?” the one with a tattoo on his arm said.
“None of you business” I snapped.
“Come on tell us” I started walking away. Simon caught up.
“So what do you want to do?” he asked.
“Leave this hellhole” I said.
“You want to make out?”
“No you idiot. I don't make out with any random guy”
“Hey I gave it a shot”
I continued walking. I was over by some trees when Daisy saw me. She was hanging with a bunch of cheerleaders. She came over to me
“Hey Ellen”
“Hey Daisy”
“So have you make any new friends?”
“No but I see you have”
“Yea and they're great. You really need friends Ellen”
“Shut up Daisy. You know I don't like these kind of people. They think they're better than everyone”
“Why can't you make one friend at least? It wouldn't kill you to try”
“Don't even say anything else on the subject did. You have no idea who you're talking about” I said in a low menacing voice.
“But I know what's best for you”
“No you don't Daisy no you don't. You have no idea who I am anymore”
“Ever since you ran away you're all mean and angry. You never used to be like this”
“Daisy I've always been like this I've just always hidden it from you”
“But why?”
“Cause then you would all stop loving me”
“That's not true”
“Then how come it took all of you a month to figure out I ran away? HUH!! explain that!!” I yelled into her face. She was silent.
“You all never wanted me that's why it took all of you a month to figure it out. Some family you are” I said then walked away. I was feeling angry.
It was all true they never wanted me. I ran away and they didn't notice till a month later. I felt betrayed, angry, but most of all hurt. Hurt that they never wanted me. I went inside. Simon followed me in silence.
“Hey you want to go check out the fighting club?” Simon asked.
“I would rather just be left alone”
He nodded and left.
Chapter 3
I wandered the halls. Everyone watched me. I was turning a corner when someone knocked into me. I fell down. I got onto my knees.
“Oh man look at what you did” Some guy said. I looked up to see two extremely hot guys looking at me. I stood up angrily.
“Hey she's hot” the one with blond hair and red highlights said.
“Say that again I'll slap you silly” I said.
“Oh sorry” he apologized.
“You're the other new girl right?” his buddy said. He had blond hair and black highlights.
I nodded.
“You think you could hook me up with your sister?”
“No. You should know a little something. I don't hook people up” I said then walked away. I was about to go into the gymnasium when Simon caught up.
“You can't go in there. Fight club is practicing for their competition”
“Go away before I punch your head in” I said angrily then went in.
in the gymnasium a bunch of guys were practicing fighting moves that make a professional look dumb and safe. I know how to fight and I know most of the moves and more. I was making my way to the bleachers when his one guy stopped me. He was a good 6 inches taller than me and very hot and strong.
“You can't be in here” he said crossing his arms.
“So what?” I said.
“Your a distraction to others. We need full concentration if we're gonna get these moves right”
“Where are all the girls?” I asked ignoring what he just said.
“No girls. Too dangerous for them”
I laughed.
“I know a bunch of girl fighters that can kick your ass” I said.
“We're a little more hardcore” he said.
“Yea right”
“You wanna find out?” he asked like a challenge.
“Yea I do”
A guy behind him came out to confront me. He was bigger and stronger but not smarter. I put me backpack on the gym floor and took off my collared blouse. I had on a tank top. I took off my shoes.
“Don't worry I'll go easy on you” my opponent said.
I smiled and got into my stance. It was a beginner's stance and they all laughed when they saw. I made my face emotionless and got serious.
“START!!” Someone yelled and we started.
He made the first move. He punched me but I blocked it easily. I knew he was going easy but this is ridiculous.
“Come on be a big boy” I said. That ticked him off.
He got wild. He threw punches and kicks like no tomorrow. I defended most of them but I got hit a lot. I got angry when he got me on the ground the third time. I jumped up. You could see the fury in my eyes.
“You are so in trouble” I said then charged him.
I punched him in the gut. He doubled over. When he straightened up I gave him a good kick to the chest that landed him on the ground. He got up. He was angry. He grabbed my arm. I smiled deviously. I grabbed his other arm and twisted it painfully behind him.
I tripped him which sent both of us onto the ground since I wouldn't let go. I grabbed his other arm quick and held them both painfully behind his back. I leaned in a little to cause more pain.
“Give up” I snarled.
“Yes” he said defeated.
I let go and got off of him. I put my blouse and skirt back on.
“How's that for a girl?” I said then left.
Chapter 4
I went to the cafeteria since it was time for lunch.
I sat by myself at an empty table. Simon was who knows where and I saw the fight club watching me. There was one guy over there that I haven't seen before. Apparently he's famous because a lot of people give him the special treatment and they go up to him to ask for his autograph. I shook my head and ate my lunch.
I was drinking my juice when the guy I beat came over with a couple of his buddies. I chugged the rest of my juice and waited.
“What do you want?” I asked bored.
“We wanted to know if you'll join fight club?”
“I would really like to but fighting is the reason why I'm here. I put a girl in the hospital because I wasn't careful. You wanna risk that?”
“Famous guy agrees?”
“Yes” they said.
“All right then I'm in” I said.
“Well then come on we gotta go train”
I threw my trash away and followed them to the gymnasium. I took off my skirt, blouse, and shoes and socks. Everyone had on shorts but all the guys didn't have shirt on. You could see the stitches in my arm.
“He how about we give our new recruit a practice drill?” Jaco said. I learned all their names on the way here.
“Yea” I heard everyone say.
“Ok Ellen you have to find a way up to the ceiling beams then you'll get further instructions once you're up there.”
I looked around the gm. I saw basketball hoops that are installed into the ceilings. I went over to the switches that makes the basketball hoops go down and saw that they go down when the key is in and when you take it out the basketball hoops go up.
This gave me an idea. I took out a bobby pin from my hair and put it in. I had to twist it around before the basketball hoop finally came down. When it was all the way down I jumped up and grabbed the rum. I look like I just dunked a basketball but I held on. The top of the backboard was still out of my reach.
I pulled myself up more until I was practically sitting on the rim. I could reach the top. I grabbed the top so now I was standing on the rim. But then my foot slipped and I fell a little but I held on to the top. My arm hurt because I hit it against the backboard. I pulled myself up so I could climb over and go onto the beams on the back of the basketball hoop.
I got my hair tie, got a charm from my bracelet and shot it at my bobby pin. The bobby pin flew away and the basketball hoop started to rise. As soon as I could reach the ceiling beams I grabbed them and hauled myself up. I made my way over to the guys.
“Ok now you have to find a way down. It has to be outrageous and dangerous”
If they want outrageous and dangerous then I'll give them outrageous and dangerous.
I sat down on the beam and looked under me. There were mats over in a corner. I got up and started making my way over to the mats. My foot slipped. I fell but I caught a beam with my right hand.
“Shit” I said.
My left arm hurt for some odd reason. I looked down at my left arm to see my stitches coming undone and blood coming out. I had to think fast. I tried to grab the beam with my left arm but I couldn't cause it hurt too much.
“Hey you okay up there?”
I swung my legs and I was able to hang upside down. I checked my arm. Blood was still coming out. I grabbed a piece of cloth from my back pocket and tied it around m stitches. I sat onto the beams. I couldn't wait to get to the mats. I have to go now. I scooted off the beam. It was a long way down. I did a tornado while on m way down and landed as if I was doing a push-up. I got up quickly. I covered my bleeding arm and went over to my backpack.
Chapter 5

The guys watched as I duped all my stuff out. I searched frantically. I was looking for my anesthetic. I had to numb my arm or at least that area. I couldn't find it.
“Where is it?” I said out loud. I found the syringe but not the anesthetic.
“Are you taking drugs?” Newt asked once he saw the syringe.
“No” I answered angrily.
“Then what's the needle for?”
“My arm” I said then finally found it. It was empty.
I checked my arm. Blood was already seeping through. I packed up all my stuff. I got my cell phone out. I called Damon.
“What do you want?” he said annoyed.
“Why is the bottle empty?” I said angrily. He knew what I was talking about.
“Cause dad used it all”
“He needed to put stitches in my arm”
“But why mine?”
“Cause he couldn't find any anywhere else in the house”
“Why didn't he refill it?”
“He didn't think you would need it. Did your stitches come out?”
“Yea oops” I hung up.
“Hey what's going on?” Gabriel, the famous fighter asked.
“I won't be able to fight for a while. Sorry but right now I have to go put stitches in my arm bye” I said then ran out after I put my clothes back on.
I went to the girls bathroom and took out my medical kit.
I unwrapped the now bloody cloth and took out the stitches. I cleaned my arm and got a needle and thread. I started doing stitches. Half an hour later I was done. My arm hurt terribly. I washed my hand and arm. I washed the needle and put the needle and thread back in the medical kit. I took some pain killers. I put the stuff back in my backpack and went out.
Pain killers don't help at all. The only took a little bit of the pain away.
I found Simon.
“Can you help me find my dorm?” I asked.
Simon helped me find my dorm 13A. I am so glad I get a dorm by myself. I found all my furniture here. I went to my room, laid down on my bed and went to sleep.
I woke up with a jolt. I looked at the time. It was time for dinner but I wasn't hungry. I took two pain killers. I went to the gymnasium. I felt as if someone was following me. Nobody was in the gym so I went in. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see my boyfriend, Diego.
Diego is a senior. We've been dating for six months. I ran to him and hugged him. We kissed and hugged each other some more.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“What! I gotta visit my girlfriend at her new school”
I laughed but I sensed something is wrong.
“What's wrong?” I asked letting go.
“It's just why didn't you tell me you were living here now?” he said.
“I didn't find out till I got here”
“Yes you did. You knew. You're lying” he said angrily.
“No I'm not” I cried out.
“Yes you are. Rachel told me you already knew”
“Rachel is lying I'm telling the truth”
“I can't have a girlfriend who lies” he said.
“You want to break up?” I said my voice breaking.
He didn't look at me. Then it hit me.
“Wait. You never get mad when I lie to you” I said strongly. “This is an excuse for us to break up” I said.
He didn't look at me.
“Fine if you want to break up then lets break up”
“I just think it's for the best” he said finally.
“The best for who you or me?”
“I met someone else” he said. My heart broke. “Look I'm sorry but I'm happier with her”
Tears rolled down my cheeks.
“I hate you!” I yelled loudly at him.
Someone came into the gymnasium.
“Hey are you two done?” Gabriel said.
“Yes. Yes we are done” I said my voice breaking then I ran out. I ran to my dorm. At my dorm I slammed the door shut and I ran to my bed. I jumped on and started crying. I cried for a long time. When I finally got done it was late. I wiped away my tears and went out to the living room area.
Someone knocked on the door. It was Gabriel.
“Yes?” I asked.
“Have you been crying?” he asked.
I didn't answer.
“I'm guessing you two broke up” he said. I nodded.
“Makes you fell any better he looked like a complete jackass”
“Thanks. You really suck at cheering someone up after a break up you know”
“Yea. I was never really any good”
I smiled.
“Thanks for stopping by” I said.
“Yea well the reason I came was to get you back on the fighting team. We didn't mean to scare you off”
“You didn't scare me off. My stitches came out. I had to redo them so now I won't be able to fight for a couple of weeks. If it weren't for the stitches I would be on the team. Bye” I said.
“Bye” I closed the door. I went to sleep.
Chapter 6

I woke up to a noise outside my room. I got up and realized I was in my pj's. Hmmmm....ok. I opened the door to see the fight team, Daisy, and Damon making breakfast and having a good time.
“Hey look the demon is up” Daisy said.
I snarled at her.
“Why do they call you the demon?” Trevor asked.
“You don't want to find out” Damon said.
“Why did you all wake me up?” I said.
“We heard you broke up with Diego” Griffin said.
“I don't want to hear his name” I growled.
“Now I see why they call you the demon” Joe said.
I glared at him.
“Hey what did I do?” he asked.
I shook my head.
“Sorry. I'm cranky in the morning” I said.
“We're complete opposites so I'm cheery in the morning” Daisy said.
“Ellen how do you want your eggs?” Damon said.
“Broken” I said which meant scrambled.
“Don't you want them fixed?” he meant it as a joke.
I glared at him.
“Broken it is”
I smiled.
“Why are you so dark?” Lenny said.
“Ever since I've been born I always been angry. I used to torture my sister all the time. I would burn her barbie dolls cause I hated barbies”
“You still owe me” Daisy said.
“Who saved your butt when you almost drowned huh? And who kicked that one girls ass when she stole your boyfriend?”
“You did” she said defeated.
I nodded.
“When did you learn to fight?” Ash asked.
“When I ran away”
“Why did you run...”
“Broken eggs are ready” Damon interrupted.
Ash got the hint.
“I'll be right back. I'm a go to the bathroom”
I went to the bathroom. I checked my stitches to make sure they were still good. I took some pain killers and looked at myself in the mirror. I wanted to kill myself.
Someone knocked on the door.
“Your phone is ringing” Gabriel said.
I ran out to get it. It got cut off just as I got my phone. I checked the number. I couldn't believe it. It was Eric.
Eric and I met while I ran away. He helped me out a lot. I'm surprised he still remembers me. We got to know each other so well we became best friends.
My phone rang again. I answered cause it was Eric.
“Eric?” I asked.
“Ellen” he said.
“Oh my god I can't believe you still remember me it's been three years”
“I know. I wanted to call cause I'm gonna be going to BroadStar High and I know you live close by”
“Close by I got there now. I'm in my dorm right now”
“Really!. I'm gonna be there in a few hours”
“Wow that's great”
“Can't wait to catch up”
“Is that you can think of”
“Hey it's been three years. We're best friends. You can't expect anything else”
“Hahaha of course”
“Well I better go or else I'm gonna get caught off bye”
“Bye” I hung up.
I was so happy. I went out to breakfast with a smile on my face.
“Well someone is happy”Newt said.
“That's cause today is a very special day” I said happily.
“Ok demon you're scaring me” Damon said.
“Demon?” I said.
“Well since you are always angry I might as well call you demon”
“Well today is a happy day. Someone very special is coming”
“You got back together with Diego?” Gabriel asked.
I glared at him.
“No. You're just gonna have to find out in a few hours”
“Ok” he said.
I ate my breakfast thinking about Eric.
We met while on train to the Atlantic. We traveled together on train and got to know each other really well. We stopped talking when the police found me. We promised to get together and hang out when we were together again. Now the time has come. I wonder if he looks any different. An hour later he sent me a picture of himself. He has sandy blond hair, green eyes, and a hot body.
Apparently he decided to send me a picture in his swim trunks. I smiled. I sent him a picture of me. After waiting for so long he finally came. The moving truck pulled up and out came Eric. I ran up and hugged him. It felt so good to hug him again.
“I missed you” I said.
“I missed you too”
We pulled apart but I had my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulders. While the movers moved his stuff to his room we went to the principal's office.
“Well Eric looks like you already have someone to show you around and congratulations on making the fight team” we left the office.
“Why didn't you tell me you make the fight team?” I said punching his arm. We were making our way to the gymnasium.
“I wanted it to be a surprise”
We got to the gymnasium. I could hear the guys practicing. We went in.
“Hey guys” I said.
“Hey. Principal just told us about our 2nd newest recruit”
“2nd newest?” Eric asked.
“Ellen here was on the team but since her arm has to heal she's out for a couple of weeks”
“What happened to your arm?” Eric asked turning to me.
I glared at Griffin.
“I just got some stitches. But no need to worry. I got them before I came her so yea”
“Well I better go train. We'll talk later” he told me then joined the guys. I sat against the wall and took out my journal. I draw. I am an excellent artist but my drawings are sad and make you frightened.
Chapter 7

I cleared my mind and started. It was as if my hand had a mind of its own. I couldn't see the picture clearly so my eyes were darting back and forth trying to figure it out. I don't know why but whenever I draw it's always blurry until I'm done, then I can see what it is. It's always something sad or frightening. When I finished I looked at it and my skin went paler than usual and I started taking deep breaths.
It was a picture of me. But then again it wasn't. It was a picture of a monster. I was trapped like a wild animal and I was trying to get out. I saw knives, body parts, entrails, and most frightening of all I saw my reflection in a puddle. I knew I was gone and reborn into a demon. I drew myself from when I came back from the Atlantic.
I shuddered. I ripped it our. I drew another picture. It was different but it had the same meaning. I ripped that out and after ten drawing I got scared. Why was I drawing this? What does it mean?
I grabbed all ten drawings and ripped them up into little pieces. I never wanted to see them again. I threw them in the trash and I went back and sat down. I felt terrible. Not a sick terrible but a I'm never gonna get this terrible.
“Ellen what's wrong?” I looked up to see everyone watching me.
“Nothing why?” I lied.
“You're crying”
“I am?” I asked stunned.
I reached my hand up to my cheek and felt they were all wet. That's weird when did I start crying? I got scared again.
“Why am I crying?” I asked myself outloud.
“Maybe you're still mad about Diego?” Gabriel suggested.
“Nah, I hate that son of a bitch” I said. Then I realized I was crying because of my drawings.
“I'm gonna go” I said then started going. As soon as they couldn't see me I ran to my dorm. I went in, locked the door, and threw my backpack down. I went to my room. My phone rang. It was Eric. I answered it.
“Hey” I said.
“Hey are you okay?”
“Yea I got a little freaked out”
I hesitated. I don't know if I should tell him. He knows everything even this so why shouldn't I.
“Because of my drawings”
“What did you draw?”
“Nothing important”
“Ok. Well I better go see ya later”
“Later bye” I hung up.
Chapter 8

I went out to the living room. I watched tv. At lunch I went to the he cafeteria. It still surprises me of how huge it is. I saw Eric. I went over to him. He was sitting next to Jaco.
“Hey guys” I said.
“Hey” they greeted me.
I sat down next to Eric. Some girl from another table came over.
“You can't sit there” she told me.
“Yes I can” I said.
“This table is reserved for the fight team”
“I am part of the fight team” I told her.
“Just because you're dating one of them doesn't mean you can sit at their table” I stood up.
Eric knew where this was going and he scooted away. Also did the other guys.
“You don't want to mess with me. I am part of the fight team. I'm not dating any of them”
“Yea right. You're just a wannabe”
“I am no wannabe”
“Sure looks like it.” She took a couple steps towards me.
I grabbed her by the front of her shirt and brought her closer.
“Don't play this game with me cause you'll lose” I snarled into her face.
Damon and Daisy got me out of there. They let go of me out in the hallway.
“Ellen what the hell?” Damon exploded.
I didn't answer.
“What makes you think you can do that?” Daisy said.
I stayed silent.
“God you're just like everyone here” Damon said.
I clenched my fists and my teeth.
Just walk away now Ellen. A voice said in my head.
Who is this? I asked.
Violence doesn't solve your problems they just make them worse.
What are you some kind of Dr. Phil?
Just walk away
“Stop” I said so quietly Daisy nor Damon heard.
I cocked my head to one side trying to restrain myself.
“Demon are you okay?” Daisy asked worried.
“Just fine” I said then walked back to my dorm shaking with fury. At my dorm I watched tv.
Don't let you anger get to you. The voice said.
Get the hell out of my head. I told the voice.
It went away. There was a knock on the door. I answered it. It was Gabriel.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yea” he looked at me weirdly.
“I'm mad” I finally said.
He smiled.
“I always get the truth. One of the perks of being famous”
“Better shut your trap famous guy” I warned.
“Yep I always get what I...”
I never let him finish cause then I punch him in the nose. He went down. I could see I caused a bloody nose. He got up. Eric came.
“What happened to you?” he asked Gabriel.
“Made her mad” he said motioning to me.
I smiled sweetly. “Good thing you didn't make Demon mad. You would have a trip to the hospital”
Chapter 9

"Now Demon be nice" Eric said.
I went back inside and they followed me. Eric helped me as I helped Gabriel with his bloody nose.
“So are you two dating?” Gabriel asks.
“Jealous much” I snickered.
“No. I would just like you to know that if you two are dating Eric was making out with a girl while you left the cafeteria”
I faked a gasp.
“I'm so happy for you” I pretended to be happy.
“Wait so you two aren't dating?”
“Hell no. I date specific guys and he's not one of then”
“What kind of guys do you date? Because from I can see you date jackasses” he immediately shut his mouth. I glared at him.
“Because of that comment fight team is gonna suffer the consequences”
“How?” he said daring me.
“I'm off the fight team” I said.
“You can't do that!!!!!!”
“I just did”
“They will blame me!”
“Good. It's your fault”
“That's not fair!!”
“Don't argue with me”
“Ellen aren't you being a little over dramatic?” Eric said.
I glared at him.
“Being over dramatic is commiting suicide. Quitting the fight team is not over dramatic”
“Your just a quitter” Gabriel said.
“What did you say?” I said daring him.
“Your...Just....A....Quitter” he said pronouncing each word.
“You're right Eric I am being over dramatic” he let out a breath that he was holding in.”I don't need this crap from famous guy or my best friend. You can both go burn in hell” I said then left my dorm slamming the door behind me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.06.2011

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