
My name is Sage. I am sixteen years old. I have straight, long, black hair, clear blue eyes, pale skin, and I am really strong because I work out a lot almost every day. I love to dance and sneak around.
I was hanging out with my best friend May and Lizzy. I was waiting for my ride at school. It was the weekend so my bro is supposed to pick me up. I saw my car come into the parking lot. My bro, Damon, got out of the driver’s seat and tossed my the keys. May, Lizzy, and Damon got into the back while I went to the driver’s seat since it is my car.
I noticed this guy in the passenger seat but I didn’t get a good look at him cause I floored it and we sped out of the parking lot and went to my house.
‘Sage slow down.’ my bro complained.
‘Stop complaining.’ I said then made a sharp turn into out dirt driveway. You could say I was rich because of where I live but I don’t like to gloat.
I parked on the grass and got out. I went to the trunk and opened it. I took out my duffel bag. I always keep my fighting clothes in it. That’s what nobody knows about, that I can fight. My brother can fight but he thinks I can’t.
I went into the house. During the whole weekend my parents are usually off at work and don’t come back till Monday because their work is out of town. I put my duffel into the closet and went into the kitchen. May and Lizzy followed me while Damon and his friend went up to his room. I tossed a bottle of water to each of them. I got one for myself too and drank it all in one sip.
Without even talking we automatically went into the living room and turned on the tv to a movie. We watched tv until we all heard a crash coming from upstairs. We ran upstairs to my brother’s room where the crash came from. I opened the door to see Damon and his friend on the floor groaning.
‘What the hell are you two doing up here?’
‘We were testing out a move and found out that this room is too small.’ Damon groaned out. They got up and stumbled over to the bed where they collapsed.
‘Try stretching out your limbs. I do it when I get hurt after doing a complicated dance move. It really helps but it can be painful depending on what you hurt.’
‘Thanks.’ Damon’s friend said.
‘Who the hell are you?’ I said. I finally noticed him. He has a dangerous edge to him and he was extremely hot.
‘I’m Gabriel, your bro’s friend. I’m a new kid at his school.’
‘I’m guessing you’re in fighting too.’
‘Oh yea.’ he said stretching.
‘You’re hot.’ I said not feeling self concious. May elbowed me in the ribs and Lizzy stomped onto my foot.
‘What I’m just telling the truth.’ I told them.
I heard Gabriel laughing.
‘You are the first girl who has said that to me straight to my face.’ he said
‘Well I’m not afraid to speak my mind.’ I said.
‘You’re not like most girls are you?’ he asked.
‘Last time I checked I’m Sage Night and I don’t know anybody else with that name so yea I guess I’m not like other girls.’
‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Damon said.
‘I’m talking to Gabriel dumbass.’ I said to him.
‘Sage come on we gotta go.’ Lizzy said. I noticed that the clock in Damon’s room says 4 pm. May, Lizzy, and I always work out at this time.
‘Bye fellas.’ I said then we all ran to the second smallest building out back.
That building is the ultimate training area. We can train for dancing, gymnastics, fighting, and anything else we set our minds to. We changed in the locker room. I was the first one done so I went out and went to the basketball court and shoot some hoops. When May and Lizzy finally came out we all worked on our gymnastics. We worked on them for like two hours then for the third hour we practiced on the punching bag.
When we got done with our three hour workout we went back into the house and got some water. I heard some music coming from my bro’s room so I guessed they stopped fighting. I went into the living room and turned on the tv. May and Lizzy left so I was all by myself. I got bored of watching tv so I turned the tv off and went up to my room and listened to music. I danced a little to relax a little. I was doing a flip when I hit my bed and hurt my leg. I fell onto the ground. I clenched my teeth as I moved my leg which hurt painfully. I used my bed to help me up. I heard the door open and running feet come into my room.
‘Oh god Sage are you okay?’ Damon asked.
‘Yep just hurt my leg.’ I sat down and got a chair and propped my leg up. I rolled up my pants leg to see a big nasty bruise. ‘Yikes.’ I said.
‘Well what the hell were you doing?’
‘Dancing.’ I said putting my leg down onto the ground carefully.
‘Sometimes I think dancing is more dangerous than fighting.’ Damon muttered thinking I wouldn’t hear him but I did.
‘Why do you think I’m so into it?’ I teased him. He was stunned by my reply. I stood up. I limped downstairs to the kitchen to get a bag of ice. They both followed me.
I got the bag of ice and went into the living room. I put the ice on the bruise. They sat down on the couch next to me.
‘Is there some reason why you two are here?’ I asked annoyed.
‘Last time you hurt your leg it turned out to be broken.’
‘I’m just following your bro.’
‘Leave me alone I’m all right I now know how a broken leg feels and I wouldn’t be able to walk if it was broken.’ I said reassuringly.
‘All right.’ they left me.
I put my head back and closed my eyes. About an hour later I heard someone come into the living room. I opened my eyes to see Gabriel going into the kitchen. He noticed me.
‘Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.’
‘Nah it’s all right it’s not like I’m gonna kick your ass or anything.’
‘Yea.’ he came over and I drew my knee to my face so he can sit down.’
‘So you and your brother are pretty close.
‘Nope not really but we rely on each other since our parents are always out of town on weekends.’
‘Why’s that?’
‘That must be tough.’ he said sympathetically.
‘No not really. They usually bring us something back.’
He laughed.
‘You know you’re not like most girls.’
‘Then what am I?’
‘You’re not self concious at all, you seem brave, strong, and cute.’
I smiled.
I put my leg down. ‘Most guys would be leaning in for a kiss after saying that. I would know cause it’s happened to me before.’
‘What would happen if I did it?’
‘I don’t know.’
He leaned in for a kiss. Halfway there we heard my bro come down the stairs and Gabriel retracted so fast I didn’t even notice till Damon came into the room. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
‘Why can’t you guys just leave me alone?’ I complained. I’m a pretty convincing person.
‘Come on Gabriel you don’t want to be around when she gets mad. She turns into a demon.’
‘I heard you bro.’ I said.
‘You were supposed to.’ they left the living room. I opened my eyes and thought about the almost kiss between me and Gabriel. I never liked a guy so much and never wanted to kiss a guy so much before. What am I thinking? A guy like that could never be interested in a girl like me. I have to many secrets that can all come crashing down on me if I get vulnerable.
I stood up and went to the kitchen. I made some pasta. I was very hungry. I served myself some and soon Gabriel and Damon joined me.
‘Smells delicious.’ Damon said.
‘I cooked.’ I said.
‘Yes I know.’ they dug in. I ate my pasta without looking at anyone. My cell phone rang. Ricky was calling me. I hate Ricky. He has this huge creepy crush on me. I once caught him in my room but threw him out before anyone found out. I picked it up.
‘What do you want?’ I said harshly.
‘Hey Sage.’ he said like a five year old.
‘Why the hell are you calling me?’ I muttered as I noticed Damon and Gabriel watching me.
‘Wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight?’
‘NO I don’t like you why can’t you get that through your head dumbass.’ I whispered. I didn’t want Damon to hear.
‘Come on you know you want to and anyways you don’t want anyone to know about your secret.’
‘What are you talking about?’ I said out loud.
‘You know the secret that you can draw really good pictures.’
I turned paler than I usually do. I only keep my drawings in my room though and I never keep them anywhere else.
‘Are you in my room?’ I yelled out loud.
‘Why would you ask that?’ he asked nervously. That was a dead give away.
I turned off my phone and ran up to my room. I rushed in there and started searching my room. I looked in my closet, behind my desk, and in my bathroom. Finally I looked under my bed and sure enough Ricky was there holding some of my drawings. I grabbed his shirt and dragged him out from under the bed.
I was furious. I pushed him against a wall in my room and held him there. His feet didn’t even touch the ground.
‘What the hell are you doing in my room?’ I yelled at him furious.
‘I wanted to be with you.’
‘I don’t fuckin like you, you sick bastard.’
Damon and Gabriel came. They rushed over and got me out of his grip. Gabriel held me back but I struggled to get to Ricky and beat his fuckin little head in.
‘What the hell are you doing in my sister’s room?’ Damon asked.
‘I like her.’ he said childishly.
‘Does she like you?’
‘Then get the hell out of my house.’ Damon yelled at him. Ricky ran out of the house and Gabriel let me go. I paced my room angrily. I was getting fustrated. I didn’t like it when I get fustrated cause then I can’t think and make stupid decisions and it makes me vulnerable.
‘Sage calm down.’ Damon said and tried to touch me but I wouldn’t let him. Even though my leg hurt I kept on pacing. I got such rage that I went over to the wall and punched it. I kept punching it and made several holes in the wall. I calmed down and got my hand out from the inside of the wall.
‘Sage…’ Damon said cautiously.
‘Surprised that I can punch through a wall you shouldn’t be. I’ve been doing it forever now. I always patch up my wall so nobody knows.’
‘But you’re too weak.’
‘I work out three hours a day and I dance what do you expect.’
‘Not this.’
I felt claustrophobic just then. I went out to the back yard and sat down on the ground. I took deep breaths and calmed myself down. I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know why but I feel like a big weight is on my shoulders.
‘Sage?’ Gabriel said behind me then sat down next to me. ‘How you feeling?’
‘I don’t know anymore.’ I said and realized it was true. I had so much emotions going on that I couldn’t focus on one.
‘Who was that guy?’
‘Ricky. He’s from my school and has this huge creepy crush on me. This isn’t the first time he’s snuck into my room. But it’s the first time with Damon here. Usually no one is in the house.’
‘How do you know how to punch like that? I’ve only seen professionals punch like that, with so much rage and strength.’
‘I let my emotions overwhelm me and that made me vulnerable. I only punch like that when I get mad. I get mad a lot. I’m surprised my room is still up.’
‘What’s so wrong with being vulnerable?’
‘For some people it’s a good thing, for me it’s complicated.’
‘So what are you gonna do about that creep?’
I stayed silent and looked at the sky.
‘I don’t know. He learned some stuff about me while he was in my room and I don’t know what I’ll do when people find out.’
‘If people are gonna find out sooner or later can you tell me what he learned.’
‘That I can draw.’ I said.
‘That’s it. You can draw.’
‘It’s what I draw that……’ I broke off as soon as I realized what I was about to say. Gabriel noticed. He looked at the ground.
‘I like you a lot you know. I don’t know why but you seem to catch my attention.’
‘I know. I feel the same way.’
We looked at each other and looked into each others eyes. We leaned into each other until we were only centimeters apart. Then Gabriel made the move and we were both kissing. We were kissing softly and soon broke off as we realized what we were doing. I smiled and looked at the sky. Gabriel got up and went back into the house. My smile disappeared as I thought about what this makes us. Are we together or was it just because we were both in the moment and was only a one time thing.
I got up and went back into the house. I went to my room. I saw the holes in the wall and started patching them up. I got the dry wall and spackle and started patching up the wall. When I got done I hid the dry wall and spackle in it’s hiding place.
I looked outside and saw that it was getting dark so I ran downstairs and got my pocketknife and bracelet. Damon and Gabriel were in the kitchen and saw that I was going out.
‘Where are you going?’
‘Out back’
‘Why do you have your pocketknife?’
‘I’m gonna go to the building that was never completed. I need the pocketknife to cut my way through.’ and with that I went outside and made my way to the building out back. The building I ‘m going to was never completed because the workers disappeared. We don’t know how bu tone minute they were here the next they were gone. My parents said this place is haunted cause they think they all died but we never found their bodies so I still come here. The reason I need the pocketknife is because I have to cut through all the plants that have grown to get to the very top. I started to make my way but I soon got lost. I always got lost but this time I didn’t now where I was. I started to make my way back. As soon as I came out I saw Damon and Gabriel there. They came over to me.
‘Hey are you okay I thought I heard a wolf barking.’
‘I’m fine. It was probably just some wolf in the woods.’
‘Hey we’re not allowed in that building remember.’
‘Oh shut up. I go in there almost every night and nothing bad has ever happened.’
‘I’m a tell mom and dad.’
‘They’re never here so why would you tell them if they can’t stop me when they’re not here.’
With that I left and went back into the house. I noticed that it was ten after. It didn’t seem that I was gone for that long.
Damon and Gabriel came into the house and hung out in the kitchen with me.
‘So Gabriel how good are you at fighting?’ I asked.
‘I’m a black belt in all fighting styles.’
‘Think you can take me on.’
‘Come on you don’t know how to fight.’
‘I’m a fast learner and anyways I make up stuff in the gym when I’m using the fighting equipment so I know a thing or two.’
‘Well let’s see how good you are.’
Gabriel didn’t want to wait he automatically started. He tried to punch me but I defended myself. I punched him a couple times till I got tired and decided to end it. We’ve been doing it for an hour an I was starting to lose patience. I let Gabriel kick me in the chest and I fell onto the kitchen floor. He smiled as I laid there. Then I made my move. I spun on the ground with my leg sticking out and tripped Gabriel. Then I got up and dusted myself off. Gabriel laid on the floor stunned.
‘Now who said that I couldn’t fight.’
I went up to my room and changed into my pajamas. I went to sleep.
I woke up to a noise downstairs. I got out of bed and went downstairs to check it out.
I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I went to find Damon, Gabriel, and another guy in the kitchen waiting. I went in cautiously.
‘Finally you’re awake. Can you cook some breakfast?’ Damon asked.
‘Yea sure.’
I cooked eggs, sausages, french toast, omelets, bacon, and I made some pancakes.
All three guys didn’t wait to get they’re food. They got their plates and served themselves food. I grabbed an apple and started eating it.
‘Who the hell are you?’ I asked the one guy.
‘Simon, Damon’s friend, new kid at his training area.’
‘You train at Sinister?’
‘Sage here knows a thing or two.’ Gabriel said.
I glared at him.
‘Is that so?’
‘I don’t know how to fight I just make up some moves that I taught myself using some of the fighting equipment we have in the backyard and now if you excuse me I’m gonna go beat Gabriel till he’s senseless. I got up grabbed Gabriel by the shirt and dragged out to the backyard slamming the back door shut angrily.
‘Why the hell did you tell him?’ I yelled at him.
‘What come on. It’s clear you know how to fight.’
‘I don’t know how to fight. I have never fought in my life.’ I lied. I did know how to fight.
‘Then what was all that about.’
I let out a stressed out growl then I went back into the kitchen. Gabriel followed not letting the subject go.
‘Tell me how did you know how to do those moves and how to punch like a professional?’ he started yelling.
‘I can only punch like that when I get angry. I get strength when I get angry. And yesterday I got angry at Ricky cause he was in my room and discovered that I can draw and worst of all he knows what I draw about.’
‘It takes years to be able to make a punch like that. I would know cause my bro is a professional.’
I was furious at Gabriel. Even though everyone was watching I turned around and punched the closest thing behind me, which was the wall. I took my hand out of the wall and turned back to Gabriel.
‘Make me angry again and I swear I will punch you like I just did and maybe even harder. Don’t mess with me cause I turn into a demon. Just ask what happened when Damon decided to push me out of a tree.’ I said angrily then I went up to my room. I climbed into bed and went to sleep in an angry mood.
I woke up at noon. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I remembered everything from that morning. I went down to the kitchen to see the hole patched up poorly. I went back upstairs to my room and got the dry wall and spackle. I went back downstairs and redid the hole this time you could barely notice that I punched a hole in the wall.
When I got done I put the dry wall and spackle back up in my room and went back downstairs to eat some left over breakfast. Good thing there was a lot left cause I was really hungry. I served myself a big plate full and heated it up. I ate in peace. Well up until Damon, Gabriel, and that one guy came into the kitchen and saw me eating.
I finished got up and put my dish in the sink. I got my pocketknife from the top of the kitchen cabinet, bracelet that can shoot up to 1000 ft, and my paintball gun. It was one that required you having to blow into it to shoot the paintball out.
‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m a go train in the black building.’ I said.
‘But only I can go in there. It’s a fighting place. Only fighters are allowed in there.’
‘Stupid I’m not going into the main building I’m going into the basement. Dad had some people build me a training course.’
‘Train what?’
‘Why don’t you follow me and find out?’
I led them over to a hidden door to the basement. It was a brick door on the side of the building and you can only find it by running your hand across the brick until you find really soft brick. Then you find a soft gray brick and push and a door opens. When you go in at first it’s dark but with the lights on it’s a hardcore obstacle course with dangerous obstacles like having to walk across the ceiling beam and try not to fall into the tank of water down below. Actually all the whole floor is a huge tank of water. There are only islands of floor that are dry that you go on. Other than that the rest of the floor is water. The guys stood stunned.
‘How come nobody ever told me about this?’ Damon asked.
‘You’re too weak to do this. I work out here once a week cause I usually have to recover from my injuries that I usually get. And plus you can sometimes get across to the other side of the room’
‘Oh yea lets have a race the first one across wins.’ Damon said.
‘All right but I’m warning you it’s tough and only the strong minded can do it’
‘Doesn’t this have to do with muscles?’
‘Wait until you get to the top then tell me if it take muscle.’
‘Can I at least take my clothes off so I don’t get wet.’
‘yea sure. Oh yea it’ll be a good idea to wear a bathing suit cause I have a feeling you’re gonna be in the water most of the time.’
I started to take off my clothes so I was only in my bikini. That was the first time Damon saw my eight pack.
‘Now who’s weak?’ I said.
‘Okay Ready GO!!!!’ Gabriel said.
Without waiting for Damon I jumped up and grabbed a bar. I pulled myself onto a ledge and started running across it. I didn’t slow down I just kept on running at the edge I jumped and grabbed a rope. I started to climb up. Down below I could see Damon taking the easy route and the most dumbest route. At the top of the rope I went onto the beam of the ceiling. It was very narrow so I had to be very careful, this was the part I usually get hurt on. I stopped and made a map of where I would go. The tricky part up here is that there are loose bolts so any of these could fall under my feet. I started to make my way. I was halfway through when the beam under me gave away. I wasn’t surprised so I had to act fast. I caught a bar and swung there with one hand. I felt a stinging on my stomach. I looked down to see that one of the bolts cut me while I was falling. A stream of blood was coming out but I wouldn’t let a little thing like that stop me.
‘Sage are you okay?’ Damon yelled up to me.
‘Yea.’ I pulled myself back onto the beam and kept on going. When I got to another rope I stopped. I had an idea. I sat down onto a beam and grabbed it with both hands. Then I slid off the beam so my hands were the only things preventing me from falling into the water. I started to swing my legs back and forth. The rope was a couple feet in front of me. When I had the appropriate speed I let go and I flipped toward the rope I caught it with one hand. I grabbed it with my other hand and I soon started to swing on it but then something happened. I felt that the rope was starting to get weaker and that it wouldn’t support me. I looked up and saw that the support was coming out. I had to think fast. I started to climb up. I was hoping that I would be a fat enough climber to reach a beam before the rope gave away. I was only one foot from there when the rope gave away. I jumped and tried to grab the beam but I was a couple inches short. I started to fall. this has never happened so I don’t know what to do. Then I saw why the rope don’t give away, there’s and island right below them. I had to think fast. But I wasn’t fast enough cause next thing I knew I was hitting the island hard. I felt pain in my ankle. I sat up to see that it was sprained. I got up even though my body was protesting. I stretched. Even though it hurt I stretched.
‘Sage are you okay?’ Damon yelled to me.
I nodded I started limping to the edge of the island. Damon saw.
‘Sage you’re limping.’ Damon said
‘I know.’
I got to the edge and I saw a ladder above me. I jumped up and grabbed a bar. I kept climbing with my hands but as soon as I could get my feet onto the bars I did. I didn’t put to much pressure onto my sprained ankle. I got to the beams again.
‘Sage come on let’s just call this a tie, you have to take care of your ankle.’ Damon said.
‘I train for this, I can handle it now let’s keep going.’ I said and started making my way among the beams. I felt my stomach and felt that the blood had dried up. I was starting to sway back and forth so I stopped and regained my balance but I couldn’t. then I noticed that it was the beam. Something was wrong. The beams never swayed. I knew that I was gonna fall again.
‘Damon, tie, now.’ I yelled then I fell. Beneath me was another island. I couldn’t do anything. I let myself fall. I finally hit the island. I cried out in pain. My body was all tingly.
‘SAGE!! SAGE!!’ I heard Damon yell nearby.
I sat up with some difficulty. Damon got to my island. He climbed onto it. He came over to me.
‘Sage are you okay.’
‘Get me back to the house.’
‘How? We’re in the middle of it’
‘On the side of every island there is a handle. Pull the handle. I’ve used it all the time.’
Damon searched the sides of the island and finally found the handle. He pulled it and nothing happened.
‘Nothing’s happening.’ he told me when he came back to me. Someone sabotaged my training place.
‘Okay Damon stay here while I make it across to the end.’
‘What are you talking about? You can’t, well you can’t like in the state you in.’
‘I have to I’m the only one who knows the way there. I have to get there to get the lifeboat. It’s the only way to make it of the island.’
‘What are you gonna do?’ he asked.
‘make it across. I already told you. Stay here and don’t go after me. Something’s not right here and I gotta get to the bottom of things.’
‘wait what do you mean?’
‘Stay here Damon until I come back. Don’t touch the handle again, and don’t do anything stupid, you don’t know this place like I do and you can get seriously hurt just by going into the water. Stay!’ I yelled before I dived into the water. I surfaced back up about 10 ft away and started swimming to the other side. I was halfway there when my sprained ankle caught onto something. I yelled in pain and I went under. I saw that a rope was wrapped around my ankle. I surfaced took a deep breath and went under to untied my foot. I surfaced and kept on swimming. I reached the other side. I hauled myself onto the floor. I laid there breathing deeply then got up and went to the lifeboat. I climbed in and started it.
I got in and started making my way back to Damon. When I got there he jumped in. I spun the boat around the island and started to make my way to Gabriel and that one guy.
We were about to get there when the boat shut down. This wasn’t sabotage it was training.
‘Damon get off the boat now while we still have a chance.’ Damon jumped off and landed next to Gabriel. I jumped off as soon as the boat started sinking. I landed next to that one guy. I grabbed my clothes and hurridly put them on. I got my pocketknife out of my pocket. I went over to a brick and slid in the tip of the pocketknife. I heard the water draining. I pushed the guys out. Outside I pushed bricks and locked the door.
‘Sage what the hell is going on?’ Damon asked.
‘Someone sabotaged it, I had to get everyone out before anybody else got hurt. The only way I knew it was sabotaged was when the rope fell, nothing happened when Damon pulled the handle, and when my ankle got caught in rope.’
‘But who sabotaged it?’
‘Oh I know who. It’s the only person I told about it.’
‘Who?’ Gabriel asked.
‘Don’t worry. When I find him I’m gonna beat him senseless.’
‘Who?’ Gabriel demanded.
‘Someone I should have beat a long time ago.’ I said then limped into the kitchen.
I grabbed my cell phone and called Anthony. Anthony is an ex-boyfriend. Nobody knew I dated him. We had a secret relationship. I broke up with him because he always seemed to get mad with me. Last time he saw me he got mad that I broke up with him.
‘Hey baby.’ he answered.
‘I am going to break your skull.’ I yelled into the phone not caring that they could hear me.
‘What’s the matter?’
‘You sabotaged my training area, is that your way of getting back at me.’
‘Hell yea, you are gonna regret breaking up with me.’
‘Listen to me carefully, do anything else and I will go over to your house and put you in the hospital.’
‘You could never do that to me.’
‘Try me.’ I said.
‘You wouldn’t want your secret to be out, you know the drawings.’
‘I don’t fuckin care about the drawings, hell I don’t even care if you tell my parents and they put me on medication, what I care about is you messing up my life.’
‘Sage calm down.’ Damon told me.
‘Who’s that?’ Anthony asked angrily.
‘My brother you bozo.’
‘Who else is there?’
‘some of his friends and that’s not the point. The point is you have got to stop all this revenge you got on me.’
‘What you’re with other guys!!!’ he yelled.
‘So what if I am what has that to do with you.’
‘I’m your boyfriend.’
‘No you’re not you’re my ex-boyfriend.’
I saw the shock on Damon’s face.
‘So what? I still love you.’
‘Well I don’t so stop it and leave me the hell alone.’ I yelled into the phone and hung up.
‘Ex-boyfriend? Since when have you had a boyfriend’ asked Damon.
‘Since I’ve been in middle school. I’ve only had four since then because they all turned out the same.’
‘Who the hell told you that you can date?’
‘Wait so it’s all right for you to have a girlfriend but not me to have a boyfriend.’ I yelled.
‘I am so sick of guys right now. Don’t even think about calling a doctor I know what to do about sprained ankles.’
I limped up to my room and slammed my bedroom door shut. I went to my closet and got my medical supplies. I wrapped up my ankle and laid down onto my bed. I turned to my side and tears rolled down my cheeks. My life was so ruined. I sobbed quietly. I stopped about an hour and a half later. I didn’t know how long until someone came in. they came over and sat on my bed.
‘Hey are you okay?’ Gabriel asked
‘My life is ruined.’ I said.
‘Why do you say that?’
‘Cause it is. Everything is falling apart around me. I even know who’s to blame for all this, me. I did this to myself.’
‘You can’t go around and blame yourself for everything.’
‘Yes I can cause it was my choices that got me into this bed with a sprained ankle.’
Gabriel climbed over me so I could see him.
‘I won’t let you make bad choices ever again.’ he said.
I smiled and sat up.
‘So what does that mean?’
‘It means that we are together and I won’t let anything bad happen to you. But we can’t tell anyone cause of how your brother reacted when he found out that you had previous boyfriends.’
‘Yea.’ I said then Gabriel left.
When he went out the door I smiled and got up out of bed. I limped over to my dresser and got out my journal. I don’t know why but I always scribble in my journal. I scribble nonsense and I can’t understand it. It’s just a bunch of curly lines to me.
I drew more curly lines and then put my journal away.
I went out of my bedroom and made my way downstairs. The guys were in the black building so I was by myself. My cell phone rang. I answered it.
‘Hello?’ I asked.
‘Is this Sage Night?’
‘Sage Night how nice it is to hear your voice’ Anthony said then hung up.
I got scared then I started running to the black building.
‘DAMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ I yelled at the top of my lungs as soon as I saw someone running after me. They were catching up fast. I wish I never got a sprained ankle. I got to the black building. I started pounding on the door.
‘DAMON LET ME IN…..SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME IN!!!!!!’ I yelled. The guy chasing me was almost here. I started pounding faster. Nobody came. I started pounding and kicking the door. The guy got me. I saw that it was Anthony. He grabbed my hair and yanked me back.
‘DAAAAAAMMMMOOOOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ I yelled at the top of my lungs. Finally someone opened the door. It was Damon and once he saw me he started running to me. I had to think fast. Risk spilling my secret or get kidnapped. I chose secret.
I dug my fingernails into the ground. He slowed down a bit. I twisted around on my back and tripped him. Then I got on top of him and started beating the crap out of them. But someone got me off of him. It was another guy. I twisted harshly and got out of his grip. I was now standing on one foot and Damon, Gabriel, and his friend finally came. They started fighting with Anthony’s friends but soon Anthony got up. I pounced on him and started beating the crap out of him again. As soon as everyone saw what I was doing the got me off of him. His friends took him away and I was left to deal with my brother.
We went inside. My brother began pacing back and forth.
‘How come you never told me you could fight?’ he asked.
‘cause you’re too overprotected and I knew that if you found out you would probably kick my ass’
‘how come you even started?’
‘it’s not like anyone would ever notice. Half the time you don’t even care what I do which is why I got away with dating those guys’
‘what makes you think you could fight? It takes years to train and more to just get it perfect’
I stayed silent.
‘it’s not like you would have ever noticed. No one ever notices what I do. Not even mom and dad when they are here.’
‘are you depressed?’
‘Oh god no I’m just saying no one ever pays attention to me only my friends. That’s why I draw what I draw cause I need to express how I’m feeling sometimes.’
‘what do you draw’
I didn’t look him in the eye.
‘go up to my room under my bed is a box of drawings that I drew over the years. But don’t get mad’ Damon left and I was left alone until he came back.
Ever since then Damon and I have had a close relationship, he let me date Gabriel, and my mom and dad have started visiting more. I would say everything was good but deep down I know something will go wrong sooner or later.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.01.2011

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