
Why him?? Out of all the people in the world, my heart chose him. I don’t even know him, I see him once and I think I’m in love. The first time I saw him was at a school fair thing and I had no idea he even went to this school. I barely even noticed him dragging his girlfriend along with him, but I did notice that very sexy tongue piercing of his. I saw him a couple days later sitting at the benches outside the locker room. With his girlfriend. This time I got a little jealous of them because it hit me that they were together. Suddenly I’ve been seeing lots of this guy and I don’t even know his name. On Friday I had a field trip with my biology class to the beach to study things in the ocean. Guess who was there? Him of course. For now we are just calling him “Him” since we don’t know his name. He isn’t in my period be we have the same teacher so we all have the field trip together. I noticed his black hair, naturally wavy but flattened out by his Monster Energy Drink hat. He’s wearing a black shirt and some low jeans. Not low enough that its below his ass like a bunch of other guys but low enough for it to be sexy. He has a checkered belt and his black and lime green shoes. My friend Jasmine notices me staring and nudges me. I turn to look at her and she’s got a smirk on her face as she says, “Maverick Hudson. He’s a boarder from San Diego, freshman and he’s already got a girl.” I blush a little, embarrassed that she noticed me starring at him. “Maverick Hudson….does a name get any hotter than that??” She laughs as we pull our shirts off, revealing our bikinis and tanned skin. I look over and watch as Maverick pulls his shirt over his head revealing solid abs and pecs. He’s on the thinner side but the muscles on his body give him a masculine look. Jasmine practically has to hold me back from running over to him and feeling his beautiful body.
Next day at school in PE we have to run a mile and a half for our final grade. It’s almost the end of the year and I have to do good on this run because I kinda flunked the others. At my school you have a choice to do running for the entire year or swimming. But for this run, all the runners and swimmers run together. I freaked out when I saw Maverick and a few of his buddies walk over to the track in our PE uniforms. Now I have motivation to do even better on this grade to try and impress him if he even notices me. I ran it pretty fast, determined to get a good grade and to get Maverick’s attention and I finish the run in just over 12 minutes. Not bad but Maverick never noticed. He finished a few seconds after me, I’m pretty impressed with that. Not bad for a swimmer.
After school I walk downstairs from the second floor to outside where all the buses are. This is where everyone hangs out after school is over. I accidentally ran right into Maverick. I quickly apologize not even realizing it was him until he stands up after picking up my books, for the first time ever I hear his deep voice, “Sorry, that was all on me.” Then as quickly as we ran into each other, he continued up the steps, probably to go and meet up with his girlfriend. I found out earlier that morning that she was a Junior so she’s up at the upper campus of the high school. Maverick and I were freshmen so we were at the lower campus. My friend Whitney noticed that I was acting a little bit different. “You okay?” She asked me with a slightly worried expression on her face but I could see the hint of amusement behind those eyes. I look down at my green converse and back up at her and give her a nod. After a little more of her silently interrogating me her eyes widen and she gawks at me. I start to laugh and nod as I know what she just realized. She squeals at me and jumps up and down in excitement. “Who???!!” I hit her arm lightly. “Shush a little bit, people are starring. And it’s Maverick Hudson.” She gives me this look like she has no idea who he is but then she blurts, “He’s in my homeroom and he’s taken.” I hate how him being taken is the first thing that people tell me about him. Honestly, I don’t care if he’s taken or not, I’m still in love with the dude. I roll my eyes at her and say annoyed, “I know he’s taken but she’s a Junior and they probably won’t last forever…” She hold up her hand to stop me and she gives me this look like she just remembered something so important. “I overheard him talking to Carter that he doesn’t actually like the chic. He just wants the title of “boyfriend”. His girlfriend isn’t even that pretty, I’ll introduce you guys tomorrow or something.” I’m astonished by all of this. He doesn’t even like her?? And if he just wants the title of boyfriend, he can definitely be mine. I’m not trying to be cocky or anything because I don’t think I’m beautiful or anything but I know I’m not ugly and I can tell by the way some guys look at me or how strangers ask me out just by my looks. There’s only one thing on my mind for the rest of the day, or one person I should say because Maverick is most definitely not just a thing.
It’s almost the end of the school year and I’m pretty bummed out that I won’t even be able to see Maverick’s face for the entire freaking summer. I’m not all too excited about summer either because I’ve got summer school and stuff. When I got to class this morning we had a sub so we just had a study period. I had nothing to do since it’s the end of the year and we don’t have any homework so I decided to Google random things. First I Googled myself…awkward things I hope nobody will ever see. Then I thought of something kinda weird a stalkerish but what’s the harm if nobody knows right? I typed in his name, Maverick Hudson. There were quite a few things but I wasn’t sure which was related to the Maverick Hudson that I was looking for so I clicked on all the links. The first was an article of him giving an award speech for people in the military. That was pretty boring. Then I found an essay that he wrote in January. God I feel like such an obsessive freak. I downloaded the essay and read it. It helped me learn a lot about him, like he loves dubstep and alternative music. Which is fantastic because I love both of those as well. Anyways, I think I’m done stalking him, I feel disgusted by myself now.
You know how your friends make you all weird while your around your crush? My friends are just like that. In PE today, Maverick was in my class. I hadn’t noticed until all my friends were acting all weird and then I realized why. After we did some warm ups, we left the room and my friends saw Maverick walking towards the door right next to us. They shoved me right into him and he smirked. Yea, the bastard smirked at me and then I realized that he must know. He must know right? Why else would he smirk at me like that. What a snarky little bastard. Why do I like him??
During my free period I have no homework or anything to do so I just go to one of the benches on campus and stare at Facebook for a while and listen to Dubstep on Youtube. That’s how lame my life is, it just sucks because none of my friends are in this period. Carter comes and stars humping me from behind and singing “Milkshake” by Kelis. I turn around to look at him and he’s got his shirt above his stomach with his collar flipped up (we wear a uniform at my school. Polo shirts and Bermuda shorts) and he’s still humping me. “What the fuck are you doing Carter??” he sits down on the bench next to me and pulls me close by sliding his arm around my waist. He kisses my cheek while I just sit there, stunned, no idea what is happening. “Carter you still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing?!” I practically yell at him. “Be my girl Mia, you know I’ve loved you since 7th grade. Please, I’ll treat you right, I’ll never cheat or look at any other girl the way I look at you. Please baby, go out with me.” I stare at him in confusion when I see Maverick walk by, he’s starring at us. Probably because Carter is his best friend and all. I think to myself, if they’re best friends and I’m dating Carter I’d be around him a lot more often and maybe it might make Maverick jealous. Sure I’d feel bad about using Carter like that, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind as long as he won’t ever know. I look back at Carter and tell him, “Sure, I guess it won’t hurt to try this out.” I looks at my wide-eyed, “Seriously??” I laugh a little at his reaction, “Yupp”. He pulls me even closer to him and leans his head down towards mine. I know Maverick is still standing there, starring at us so I slide my hands up to Carter’s neck and pull him in for the kiss. He kisses me slowly and sweetly, right hand on my face and is left on my waist. I feel his tongue tracing my bottom lip and I open my mouth for him and his tongue slips into my mouth. Our tongues dancing together and he pulls away after a little while, breathing heavy. I give him a quick kiss on the lips and sit back on the bench. “How’s that for our first kiss?” He says with a wink. I just laugh and grab my bag and go to my last class of the day, math.
In the hallway someone stops me. That someone is Maverick. “So you’re going out with Carter now huh?” Well this isn’t exactly how I intended our first discussion to be like. “Uhmm yea. So?” He gives me this frustrated look that still looks so cute on him. “Why? I know he’s my best friend and all but you shouldn’t. He’s a douche, even you know that. He probably gave you the whole “I’ll never cheat on you” and shit speech right?” I blush a little that he would now that, “Yea, but it won’t hurt to date him and see what it’s like. Now if you don’t mind, I have a class to get to.” He folds his arms across his chest in defeat and says, “I’m Maverick by the way.” Then he walks off, leaving me in the empty hallway, wondering why Maverick would care if I’m dating Carter or not.

Throughout all of math I can’t get my mind off of Maverick and what he said to me. “Mia! If I have to ask you again I will not hesitate to send you to the headmasters office.” Mr. Hutch said to me with frustration. I look around the classroom at all the faces of my classmates around me. Some giggling, some sleeping others smirking. “Uhmm sorry Mr. Hutch but what was it that you wanted me to do?” He grunted and asked me to show the problem on the board. The bell rang, notifying that school was over. I stuffed my books into my bag and made a beeline for the door before Mr. Hutch gave me a detention or something and I ran straight into Carter. “There you are baby.” He said with a smile. He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers into mine as we walked to the bus stop area where everyone else was. Just waiting for their bus to come. We put our bags done on the ground and immediately Carter pushed me up against the rock wall. He leaned down and whispered into my ear, “I missed you during that last class Mia.” I giggled and whispered back, ,”It was only 45 minutes long.” Quickly he responded, “45 minutes too long.” As his lips crashed down to mine. He kissed me hard and rough, pulling me closer with his hand on the back of my neck and the other slowly sliding down my back until he reached my butt. He squeezed my firm ass cheek and groaned into my mouth and I slipped my tongue into his. I felt his tongue roam the inside of my mouth and he gently nipped on my lower lip. Someone cleared their throat and Carter jumped off of me and I saw Maverick standing there with a look of disgust and…jealousy? He had his arms folded across his chest and his Monster Energy Drink hat slightly to the side and tilted up. “Mia can I talk to you?” he asked me not very politely. I looked at Carter who nodded and kissed me quick on the cheek. Maverick grabbed my hand, sending an electrifying shock throughout my entire body and led me to the back of the main building.
Maverick leaned against the building and looked at me. “What I’m about to tell you, you might not believe but I don’t want you to run away or anything. I need you to trust me, you don’t have to believe me yet because if you don’t, you’ll figure it out yourself when you turn 16.” I looked at him in confusion, I won’t turn 16 for almost a year. It’s May now and my birthday is in February. “Okayyy.” I said really slowly, dragging out the ‘y’ and saying it more like a question. “You and I are werewolves, we won’t be able to shift until we are 16 so we still have a while but we still have some powers. Werewolves have what we call mates. Like a soul-mate, your mate is someone who is like your other half. You can’t choose your mate but you know who they are when you know them because of all the signs like electrifying touches and you can read each others minds and you can’t stand to be away from them or see them with another person. You, Mia are my mate. That is why you can’t date Carter even though it’s only been a few hours, it’s killing me and I won’t let him have you.” Well I guess some of that makes sense, my parents told my when I was young that something special happens when I turn 16, they never said anything more than just that. The mate thing…some of that makes sense like the electrifying touch and all. “I guess I kinda believe you. But you have a girlfriend don’t you? How long have you known that I was your mate?” I ask him. “Well I had a feeling you were a while ago but I wasn’t sure until today when my jealousy was going crazy. And I broke up with my girlfriend.” He said with a shy smile on his face. God his face was so gorgeous. Everything about him is. “So do you accept me as your mate?” I think about it for a minute. “I don’t see why not.” He grinned and hugged me tightly, kissing the top of my head. He was probably about 4 inches taller than me. I’m 5’5”. I loved the feeling of being in his arms, I could hear his heartbeat, the rhythmic pounding of it. “I think its best for us to tell our parents about it today so we can all meet up at Olive Garden for dinner, okay?” I look up at him, I wasn’t 100% sure about all this and I did need to clarify with my parents and whatever but he seemed so sure about it and I feel like I trust him. “Good idea. 7 sound good?” He leaned down to kiss me on my cheek, sending chills down my spine. “Perfect. Oh, and Carter is also a werewolf so if you explain this to him, he’ll understand. Oh, and another thing. He’s also my beta meaning that when I can shift and when I’m mated I will be alpha of my pack. Right now it’s my dad so you’ll be the alpha female since you’re my mate. I know it’s a lot for you to take in but you can ask me any questions you need, and you can ask your parents. I gotta go but I’ll see you at dinner.” And with that he ran down to catch his bus. I walk back to the front of school where I left Carter and sure enough he was still there. “I’m Maverick’s mate.” He looked slightly disappointed and said, “That explains his weird behavior. That bites but oh well, I’ll find my own mate soon enough. Thanks for telling me, and congrats.”

I walked through the door and headed straight up to my room. “IʻM HOME!!!!! FAMILY MEETING. LIVING ROOM. 5 MINUTES.” I hollered as I set down my bag on my desk and took off my shoes and jacket. I went downstairs and sat down on the leather couch, waiting for the rest of my family to come down. My dad came down along with my brother. Soon my sister came down and last of my mom. They all looked at my bored but I could barely sit still. “Mom, Dad remember you said that when me, Hailey and Ethan turn 16 something special will happen right? Well I found out about it and I found my mate.” My brother and sister just looked and me confused and my parents looked almost excited as me. My mom came over to me and held my hands, she was smiling and there were tears in her eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this since you were born. Before that even. So you know right?” I nodded and my dad said, “I suppose we should tell Hailey and Ethan as well then.” My brother and sister were just confused. I can understand that. My parents told them about how we are all werewolves, they had a hard time understanding and all but I guess its no big deal until they turn 16 or if they find their mates sooner like me. “We have dinner tonight at Olive Garden at 7 with Maverick and his family.” My dad looked thoughtful for a moment and he asked, “Maverick Hudson?” I nodded and he stared at me in awe. “You’re mated to the head alpha family of all the United Sates. That’s a big deal honey.” I don’t fully understand all of this yet but I figured I’d understand over time. I was mostly happy that Maverick is mine. All mine for the rest of our lives.
I put on my dark blue skinny jeans, loose, flowy, black tank top and my white Bjorn Borgs. I swiped on some black eyeliner under my eyes, some mascara and a tiny bit of sparkly cream colored eye shadow. I got in my jet black Porsche Stingray and the rest of my family went in the blue Hummer. I don’t have my license…or my permit but I know how to drive and my parents don’t mind as long as I don’t get tickets or anything. I drove the short drive to Olive Garden and waited for my parents in the parking lot as we walked in together. My father walked up to the hostess who was seating people and he asked, “Are the Hudson’s here yet?” she looked down her list on the pedestal and nodded her head, “Right this way.” I spotted Maverick and his family sitting at the table and my heart started beating faster. Breath Mia, it’s just Maverick. His parents stood up and my father walked over to his and they shook hands, “It’s an honor to meet you Mr. Hudson, I am Erik Summers, this is my wife Mandy, our youngest daughter Hailey, Ethan and Mia.” Mr. Hudson smiled kindly and said “Please call me Connor, my wife Vanessa, our younger son Bryson and Maverick.” We all took our seats on the large table, Maverick and I sat next to each other with my family on my right and his family on his left. We talked, laughed, ate and had fun. It was a great way for our families to connect. We ordered dessert, I got vanilla ice cream. Maverick got chocolate. I wasn’t paying attention anyone else. Just him. Since it was a Friday, our parents said that we could go off on our own, thank goodness I brought my own car. We said goodbye to our parents and he got into the passenger side of my Porsche. “Damn this is a sweet ride. You’re not even 16 yet, how did you get your license?” he asked me while touching everything around him. I laughed at his reaction towards my car, “I didn’t. I don’t even have a permit yet. So where do you want to go?” He rubs the back of his neck and sighs, then his eyes light up and he says, “How about the beach?” I nod and drive east towards Sandies. (Authors note: I’m from Hawaii so there’s beaches all over the place. I’m writing this as if the character is from Hawaii as well. More specifically, Oahu.) On the way there, it’s just the open rode. No signs, lights, or other cars. Just me and Maverick. I got a Porsche for a reason and I’ve got a need for speed. I step on the gas as we’re going a little over 50 mph but I have to be careful because we’re driving on a cliff with nothing but the ocean on the right and the mountains on the left. Maverick chuckled to himself, I think he was amused by my actions. Once we got to the beach, I put the car in park, took off my shoes and socks and got out. Maverick took off his shoes and socks as well and got out of the car as I locked it and walked towards the water. Maverick ran after me and took my hand as we walked along the water. (So cliché) He looked down at me and with a small smile on his face he said, “I knew you liked me from the first time you looked at me. You didn’t know we were mates though and still yet you were attracted to me.” I could feel my face getting hotter and I’m sure I was getting red, “I hadn’t realized you knew about that. I didn’t even know that you knew I existed.” He gave me a small squeeze “Oh I knew.” He tugged on my hand as he sat down in the sand and I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
I didn’t get to see Maverick over the rest of the weekend because he had to go to his cousins wedding on Kauai. I missed him like crazy but we talked on the phone every day. I’m still amazed that we’re werewolves and he is my mate.
On Monday during PE, we didn’t have anything to do so we all split up and played whatever sport we wanted. Maverick dragged me with him to an empty area with a basketball hoop and we played one on one. He’s way taller than me so he had an advantage there but he played easy. He passed me the ball and I dribbled it, trying to get past him. He’s right behind me so I bounce the ball between our legs, pivot around him, catch the ball and shoot it in. His jaw dropped as he realized what just happened, “Okay I’m not going easy on you anymore.” I pass him the ball and he dribbles it, trying to get past me, when he pivots, so do I. He can’t get around me because he’s afraid of shoving me. He tries again, I still block him so I guess he ran out of options and he decided to pick me up the throw me over his shoulder. I screamed at him and tried to make him let go of me but he refused. We heard the whistle blow, letting us know we have to change and go to our next class so he puts me down on the ground. I start to run away but he caught me with his arms around my waist and he pulled me back to him. “I only let you win this time baby.” He whispered huskily behind me and kissed my neck. I turned around in his arms and gave him a quick peck on the lips but he still held me tight in his arms. “I’m not letting you get away with just that.” He smiled down at me. He leaned down and kissed my lips softly but I didn’t kiss him back. I wanted to so badly though but I didn’t just to tease him. He grunted and said “Fine, but I’ll get my kiss later.” And we went our separate ways to the locker rooms to get changed.
In biology I was just talking to my friend Makayla the entire time about Maverick. She has her own boyfriend but she’s jealous of me and Maverick. We were doing a pig dissection lab which was disgusting. It smelled so bad but it was kind of fun. I told her about our dinner at Olive Garden and how well our family got along and how Maverick and I talk on the phone for hours when he was on Kauai. After school I was hanging out with Maverick and our friends. I was in the middle of a conversation with Makayla and we were talking about the latest news about the person who dropped the stink bomb in the auditorium. Maverick was kissing my neck and nibbling on my ear and I couldn’t stop the moan that slipped out of my throat. Makayla couldn’t stop laughing and I tried to get Maverick off of me but to be honest with you, I didn’t really want him off. I turned around and pressed my body against his and he was against the wall. I took his Monster hat off and put it on my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pushed the hat up and pulled me closer and pressed his lips against mine. I felt the familiar electrifying shock throughout my entire body as I kissed him back. He kissed me with so much passion it was driving me crazy. I tugged on his hair and he groaned, I took that opportunity to slip my tongue in his mouth. His tongue massaged mine and I could feel his piercing. That piercing is such a turn on. Everything about him is. I had to pull away because Kevin was telling me that my bus was here. Maverick followed me onto my bus and I looked at him questioningly. “I’m taking you somewhere once we get to your house. And I’m driving your car.” I figured it was a surprise so I didn’t bother to ask, instead I just leaned into his body and fell asleep. “Hey…Mia…..Baby wake up” I heard Maverick’s low voice. We got up and got off the bus. We tossed our things into my bedroom at my house and he took my keys and ran downstairs. I got into the passengers side and asked him “Where are we going?” he just smiled at me and pulled out of the garage and onto the road. I continued to ask him where we were going, he never said a word. He parked the car and took my hand as we walked into a tattooing and piercing parlor. Next thing I know, Maverick is paying to get snake bites and an eyebrow piercing for him and a tongue, eyebrow and belly button piercing for me. He held my hand through all of it and the pain wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. “I knew you’d like it” He laughed as we walked out of there. “That’s because I said I wanted those done a long time ago.” I said back. Somehow we got away with having to sign the consent forms.
It’s December now, Maverick and I are still doing amazing. Today is Christmas Eve and we’re going snowboarding, we’re in Nevada with both our families here. Our families have grown a lot closer, it’s almost like we’re always together. Maverick and I are inseparable and I want to keep it that way. Anyways, I put on my snow gear and I went downstairs to meet the family for breakfast. French toast and delicious hot cocoa. After waiting a while to make sure we wouldn’t throw up our food while we were out there, we headed out to the slopes. I won’t lie to you, I’m a pretty damn good snowboarder especially considering that I’m from Hawai’i. But I am half Norwegian :P
After snowboarding almost all day long, Maverick and I headed back to our room. Our parents trusted us enough to give us a room together. “I’m going to take a shower.” I say to Maverick as I walk into the bathroom. I get the hot water running and strip off my clothes. Once the water is warm enough, I step into the shower and stand under the heat as it relaxes my tired out body. I heard the bathroom door open and some shuffling sounds and suddenly, Maverick is in the shower with me. “Mav what are you doing?” I say while trying not to stare at him. As if reading my mind he says, “Stare all you want baby. I’m all yours.” He stood under the water with me. I reached up and played with his hair, adding shampoo to it and making it stick up like a Mohawk. It was actually really hot on him. I washed it out as he ran his ringers through my hair. I shampooed and conditioned my own hair as well. I soaped my body as Maverick just stared at me, “Do I have to do everything for you??” I ask him and he replies with “Uhmm yea. Duh” Like I was supposed to know that. I soaped off his body and washed it off. We both got out of the shower but there was only one towel and Maverick grabbed it first. I gasped at him and he dried off quick and handed it to me. I wrapped it around my body and walked towards the bed to get some clothes but Maverick stopped me. He kissed me slow and passionately as he began to lay down on the bed and pulled me on top of him. He tugged the towel off of me so we were both totally naked. “God Mia, you’re so beautiful.” He groaned, his eyes were full of love and lust and I tried not to laugh at him. We were both still wet, especially my hair. Since neither of us are able to shift yet, he can’t claim me or give me my mark and I also can’t get pregnant but we can still do…this. He had his fingers tangled in my long wet hair and he slid his hands lower down my back. He trailed the softest kisses down my neck and in one movement he flipped us so that he was on top now. He slid his hands back up my body and massaged my boobs in his hands. I moaned as his tongue flicked over my nipple and he sucked on it. I could feel his hardness against my thigh. He moved his right hand down to my pussy. “You’re already wet” he smirked at me as he rubbed his thumb over my clit and pushed one finger into me. I tried not to moan but I ended up squirming around and he kissed me hard on the lips. He slipped in another finger and I couldn’t hold back the moan this time. He took his fingers out and licked them clean, I couldn’t help but laugh at him. I felt the tip of his cock poking at my opening. He looked at me and said with a serious but pleading face, “Okay babe, it’s going to hurt but after a little while it won’t be so bad. You just have to get used to it okay?” I gasped as he pushed it in, very slowly. It hurt, more than I thought it would but he kept pushing it in. He reaches my cherry and he pushes through it and I feel like he’s going to rip me apart. I feel a tear run down my cheek and I bite my lip to distract myself from the pain. I think he’s completely in my now because he’s pulling out a little. The pain is slowly fading and he’s getting slightly faster as he goes in and out of me. Now the pain is totally gone and its turning into pleasure. He’s pumping in and out of me and he only makes the feeling better when he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and his lips are on mine. Now it was really hard to not make any sounds and even he was groaning. “Fuck Mia, you’re so tight.” I could feel his dick pulsing inside of me and I could feel both of us were climaxing. Just a few more thrusts and I came and soon after he came inside of me too. He pulled out and lay down next to me. “I love you Mia” Maverick said after putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. “I love you too Maverick.” And we both fell asleep.

The sun was blinding me, shining through the windows. I felt Maverick's hot breath on the back of my neck, heavy and even. He's still sleeping, I thought and I had to pee so I slipped out of his arms and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, dried off and pulled on one of Maverick's shirts that were laying on the bathroom floor. I came out of the bathroom and went towards my suitcase to put on some proper clothes but I noticed Maverick wasn't in bed. I turned around to see him behind me, down on one knee. "Mav what are you doing?" I asked him, confused. He just looked at me nervously and pulled something out of his jeans pocket and hid it in his hand. "Mia I love you so much, more than anything in the world. Even more than life. You're my mate and you're so beautiful. Everything about you, I am so in love with. I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you anyways and I know that we're young but I don't see why it can't happen and I already told our parents about it so...Mia. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He asked with a shy smile on his face, his eyes gleaming as he pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring. I think he noticed my expression and said "My parents helped me pay for it." I laughed, tears in my eyes. "Of course I'll marry you Maverick. I love you so much." He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me. His kiss was full of love and passion, I kissed him back with the same amount of love and passion so he knew how much I loved him. "Merry Christmas baby." He whispered against my lips. "I don't think my gift to you is nearly as good as this but here." I pulled out a box from my suitcase wrapped in red wrapping paper with a gold bow across it. I put on some jeans, a gray and blue long sleeved v-neck and my gray uggs as Maverick went to the bed to open his present. He tore the wrapping paper off and slid the cover off the box. He grinned up at me and put his attention back towards the box as he lifted the black hoodie up with the neon green "Monster Energy Drinks" symbol. He laughed and put it on along with his matching hat. "I love it babe. We should probably meet up with the family now and tell them the good news." He said with a wink. I quickly went to the bathroom to swipe on a bit of eyeliner and mascara, then we both headed downstairs.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart!" My mother squealed, wrapping me into a warm hug. "Merry Christmas Mom and Dad." I walked over to my father and gave him a hug as well. "Merry Christmas Pumpkin." We were in a slightly private sitting area in the ski lodge/ hotel. Everyone was sitting except for Maverick and I. He came over to me and slipped his hand into mine and gave it a tight squeeze. "Maverick and I ha-" I started but was cut off. "She said yes!!!" He yelled, causing a few stares from other guests passing by but lot's of excitement from our families. I was honestly shocked that our parents were supporting this, I guess it makes sense since we would be together forever anyways know. Yea whatever, I'm just so happy.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2012 is finally over and no, the world did not die. I started laughing hysterically. "Babe...what's so funny?" Maverick stared at me looking confused. Once I contained myself I said, "What if when we have kids, we show them the movie 2012 and tell them that we survived that. They would think we're so awesome." Then I started laughing some more but this time Maverick joined me. "Hey you just said you wanted to have kids." He said after he calmed down his laughing fit. "Of course I want kids. Especially if they're yours." I said, grinning up at him from my position with my head in his lap. "How many pups do you want?" He asked while playing with my hair. "Pups?" I asked, "We're werewolves, we don't have children we have werewolves." He said in a 'duh' voice. Now I felt stupid "OOOOh...right well...maybe 3." He looked like he was thinking for a moment and nodded his head. "Three sounds like a good number."

Maverick's birthday is coming up next week and I want to get him something really good but I'm all out of ideas. I grab my wallet and keys and head off to the mall with my sister Hailey. We went through so many stores looking through watches, hats, shirts, jeans, shoes but then I remembered that Maverick's phone broke so I went to the Apple store, took out my credit card (my parent's actually) and paid for the new iPhone 4s. We grabbed some lunch even though it was like 4 already and headed back home. There was another car parked in our driveway so I couldn't park my car in my spot in the garage. Who's car is that, I wondered. Hailey didn't know either. We went through the door and right there one the couch were Maverick and his ex-girlfriend. She was laying on top of him, their legs tangled together. His hands were on her boobs and she was kissing him hungrily. I felt like someone just tore my heart out of my chest, stomped on it and shoved it right back in me. I dropped the shopping bags and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Maverick is cheating on me...right there on my own couch in my own living room in my own house! How dare he?? How could he do this to me? Maybe I just got the wrong of course not he was even feeling her up. I imagined them on the couch together again and threw up once more. I cleaned myself up, brushed my teeth and slid the ring off my finger and tossed it into my underwear drawer.

I looked at the clock next to my bed and it read 3:47 am. I felt Maverick's arm around my waist, his body against mine and his heavy breathing on the back of my neck. Wait....what the hell is he doing in my bed?? I pushed him off and he landed on the floor. I heard him groan, "What are you doing here??" I whisper yelled at him. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "I need to tell you what happened. I wouldn't cheat on you Mia, I love you. She just threw herself on me an-" I cut him off. "I don't want to hear it Maverick. You were kissing her!" He sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me. "I would never lie to you and if I did you would know." He's right...I would be able to tell if he's lying. "Fine, tell me what really happened then." He sighed a sigh of relief and nodded his head. "After you and your sister left, I was home by myself just watching tv. She just came into the house, I asked her how she knew where we lived and why she was here. She told me she was following us for a while and she missed me and she thinks that I was miserable with you and that I missed her to but I don't. I couldn't be happier with you and you're my mate. Anyways, I told her that she had to go and she started to yell but then she pushed me down on the couch and started kissing me. I didn't kiss her back. I bit her lip but that was only to try to get her off and the only reason my hand was on her boob was to try to push her off of me. Mia I am so sorry...I would never want to hurt you." He was crying now, I looked into his eyes and they were pained. He wasn't lying to me, he meant every word he said. It made sense as well. I leaned over and gave him a hug. His crying calmed down and he asked me, "Do you forgive me?" I pulled back and looked at his face again, "Yea, I forgive you because I know that what happened wasn't your fault and it was out of your control." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I missed you so much, I thought I had lost you forever!"

He grabbed me hands and the smile slowly fell off his face. "Where's your ring?" He asked me, his voice sad again. I looked down and remembered I had taken it off and put it in my drawer when I had thought he was cheating on me. "I took it off when I thought you were cheating on me, let me go get it." I went straight to me dresser, opened my underwear drawer and felt for my ring. I grabbed it once I felt it in the corner, slipped it on and went back to my bed. Maverick slid his arm around me and whispered, "I love you Mia." I snuggled into him and whispered back, "I love you too Maverick."

The past couple of days, Mav has been freaking out and super stressed about his change. As I've mentioned before, us werewolves go through our first change on our 16th birthday. Maverick's is tomorrow. He refused to eat at dinner so I went up to our room to see if I could possibly help to calm him in any way. He was laying down on our bed with his face down, one hand on the back of his head and the other was next to his face. "Mav...I know you're stressed but you're gonna have all of us with you during your change and it won't be too painful. At least only the first change hurts right?" He groaned and rolled over, his face red with a few imprints from the sheets. "I'm worried I won't be the same after. There's going to be another mind in my head and I'm practically going to be two beings in one. I guess it could be pretty cool and all being able to change between human and wolf form but it scares me Mia and there's nothing I can do about it." I went to the bed and laid down next to him. I played with his beautiful soft hair. "I know but you aren't the only one who has or will go through it babe. I'm going to do it next month, our parents have all done it, thousands of other werewolves have too. You're going to be fine." I kissed his cheek and he finally turned to look at me. "This is one of the reasons I love you." He turned so he was on his side, holding himself up on his elbow. He brushed some hair out of my face and kissed me softly. He pulled away and looked at me for a moment then kissed me again as he slid one hand from inside my thigh all the way up into my shirt. He laid back down and pulled me on top of him while he took both hands and unhooked my bra from under my shirt. Then he took them both off. "I'm only doing this to help you relieve your stress." I whispered into his ear while he did that. He smirked at me and said "Yeah right." and kissed me again. He trailed kisses along my jaw and up to my ear. I felt a shiver go down my back as he sucked on my earlobe and licked behind it. I could feel his smirk against my neck as he kept kissing me down until he reached my breasts. He cupped one in one hand and licked and sucked the other. He still hadn't even touched my nipple yet. I'm so sure he's licked every part but my nipple and it was aching for him. Finally he opened his mouth wide and sucked in as much of my boob as he possibly could while teasing my nipple in his mouth. Goodness it felt amazing. His warm tongue dragged across one nipple to the other as I sighed in pleasure. I slid my hands up his shirt and traced my fingers over his abs. I can't believe these are all mine. He got up on his knees and lifted his shirt off, then undid his belt and let his jeans fall to the ground. I smiled when I saw his boner, then he came to lay back down with me. I unbuttoned my jeans, then he pulled them off of me. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and kissed him again. Suddenly his hand was in my panties and he was rubbing my clit fast. I gasped and his tongue was in my mouth immediately. I kissed him harder and pulled his hair. I was getting to close to cumming already so he took his hand off and licked his fingers while he grinned down at me. I pulled off his boxers and he hovered over me while he guided himself into me. He had one hand on my waist and the other on the bed, holding himself up. I bite my lip and moaned when I felt his hard, hot cock inside of me. He slowly pushed all of it in, then pulled out and started pumping himself in and out of me. I felt his balls slapping on me as he got faster, and harder. He started rubbing my clit again and that drove me wild. I was constantly moaning, sometimes his name and that turned him on more. I felt him tense up and I readied myself to feel his warm cum inside of me. Just a couple more thrusts and he blew...then I did too.
I figured I should help Maverick out with this stressful day so I quietly slipped out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I took out some milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, bread and flour to make french toast. And some bacon, Maverick really loves bacon. After that was done, I poured out some orange juice and took all the food upstairs to our bedroom. He was still sleeping when I got back. I set the tray of food on the nightstand and crawled into bed next to him and kissed his lips. I got no reaction at first but then he started kissing me back. I immediately pulled away. "I wasn't done." Maverick said as he crossed his arms. I laughed at him and handed him his food. "I made you breakfast." His eyes got huge and he started eating. "So how are you feeling?" I asked him while I stole a piece of french toast. "Really tired. You kept me up late." He smirked at me and I smacked his arm. "That was your own fault."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.05.2012

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