
In the beginning

It's December 12 2011 my dad is a veteran he just had recieved his benefits

we decided to move into something better so we moved into a trailer which would be the biggest mistake of our lives,  my dad had a major drinking problem,  so with his new benefits it was nothing for him to get achohol and drugs we never knew he was a crack addict but we soon found out,  we went back to our old neighborhood to visit and there was a girl name Latrice we loved her like a sister OH and I have two sister Qua & Mini Qua is the oldest and Mimi is the youngest,  so we get there and latrice meets us outside saying she misses us she's tired of her mother's abuse and wanted to come with us,  we went through the court system got everything approved and she was our sister now. 

2 months later

We've got a customs to having latrice around & having a lil money in our pockets,  on this night something was different I knew something was going to happen,  we came home from school,  we were going to school in a different city because we were getting a house built down there,  so dad had brought alot of alcohol and mom was making dinner dad never came home until like one or two in the morning & that's when it happened,  we were all sleeping then we heard three loud bumps "boom boom boom" we run to our parents room and dad was beating up mom so we all jumped him that night I was choked my sister had a busted nose my baby sister finger was broken and latrice was unharmed we all thought that was a lil fishy but nobody said anything we moved on with our lives. 

Trouble in sisterhood

 Dad took us to his family's party,  he brought latrice and qua a bottle of pink vodka they drunk the whole bottle it was a big bottle at that so we came home from the party and I went to bed early I happened to wake up and I went into latrice and qua"s room and they were fighting I called my dad and mom so they came and broke them up latrice starts yelling and cursing out my mom my mom slapped the piss out of her and put her in a cold shower so she could sober up the next day she apologized and we went on with our lives,  two weeks later they're fighting again but they were sober they were fighting over who was moms favorite so , days go and and latice and qua continued the bickering  , lattice went to school and we received a call that lattice had gotten into some trouble by this time mom and dad had split up,  latrice was being disrespectful to her teacher and also had bad grades dad called and said he was in the hospital and we all went up there mom had dads phone and it went off when mom looked at it it was a message from latrice keep in mind latrice is not dads reall daughter so mom steps out the room and confronts her come to find out latrice had been secretly meeting up with him,  we got home that day latrice stayed in the room because she was ashamed we went to bed that day and when mom was waking us up for school latrice woke up but she was drousy and mom called the ambulance,  latrice had overdosed on my dad's medication,  after she recovered we sent her ass home to her birth mother. 

Dads home

It's now 2012 we are living in a house not the house we was getting boiled because dad didn't pay the taxes on it so we lost it,  dad came home at like 3 in the morning he pooped on hisself keep in mind when your on CRACK COCAIN you will use the bathroom on yourself,  it's now Christmas Eve dads outside with his crack head friend mom had dads phone it goes off its a message from my moms cousin stating that she was pregnant with his child mom confronted him by that time me and my sisters had come outside mom said I'm leaving you,  so he said your going to leave me I got something for you,  he runs in the house my oldest sister tried to fight him but he pushed her down,  he comes back out with a gun loaded and cocked he says I'll kill you the kids and my self idgaf....  To be continued  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2012

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