
Part 1: Dedication



To my Family

Thank you for being my support system from the day I set my foot here on earth until now and forever. I owe you all everything for you all never fail to be there with me regardless of the predicaments that we all have been through. You all have driven me to keep moving forward and the reason why I stand up every single time I fail. 

To God

I am grateful to you for you have never forsaken me. You are my map that keeps leading me to the cross which is my salvation as well as my redemption every time I am lost or commit a mistake. Should you have gone somewhere else, I couldn’t have written this book without you by my side for all these pearls of wisdom actually came from you. To God be the glory.


You are my inspiration, role model, the characters and or roles in my novel. I am thankful for I have met all of you otherwise this book is nothing without you all, who have been a part of me. Somehow, somewhere, I hope that this book will reach you and inspire you too. I have written this book on August 12, 2008, therefore, no one is exempted and if I meant friend, that includes YOU.





An era of her existence…

Memoir of one’s being…


Life in a more profound way is really an internal conflict between ourselves. This is the era of one’s life wherein there are always two doors to choose from or perhaps crossroads for others. Two mysterious doors that if you chose the wrong one, you will surely receive the savage aftermath of life hence consequences of one’s wrongful act.


It is like a lurking, voracious beast which will tear your flesh and devour your soul. However, no one is ever certain about which one is the right one or the wrong one until you explore it yourself. You ought to take the risk upon choosing which door to open. How will you be able to know the right one? Is there really a right path? Know the secret of this girl and  how she became a “WOMAN WHO IS SEARCHING FOR NOTHING.”


“Hope exists in everyone. When you lose it then you’re in trouble. For the meantime, try to remember that today is a new day and you can still do something about it."



A realm of her own and a world she dwells by herself, disclosing every phase of existence and touches every page of her memory. Twenty-one lovely, unscathed tulips in hand, her diary and the exquisite little entity parallel to her heart lived to be her boon companion during her journey outside the fence.


She sought vengeance and intended to inflict pain against the people who have slaughtered her body and caused her sufferings, those who have destroyed her wit and led her dreams astray.


One ruthless felony shall unfold the insidious culprit but the eyes of light will reveal the stigma of an unchained sanctuary. The sacrifice of a woman who shall then turn the withered leaf into its mellow dancing of ebullience, leading the people of their land to an eternal cruise of a huge and unsinkable craft.


Her search for nothing…

Perceived beyond everything…

Chapter 1: The range of rainwater

Chapter 1

The range of rainwater in the forest is reflected in this rich symphony of night sounds. Choruses of insects and frogs fill the air with their song as condensing mist drips a rhythmic beat. Dozens of seeds and bulbs sprinkled and distributed on the fertile soil, waiting for the sun to brighten them in their next springtide.


A baby was born and a child grew somewhere in no particular abode. Life began meander existence with abyss happiness. For a child that has no worries, she’d always play along with other kids in town, pretended to be a princess, played as a doctor, cooked as a mother and did whatever her heart’s desires then she grew taller and was sent to school.


Here she saw how life must have taken place. From a youngster who possessed nothing but innocence have gained loads of query as she moved on to a new phase of her life. Some rude girls threw ruthless words against her, bullied her but she had no chance to ask why. A space in the heart began to wonder why the awareness for such emotions she’d never felt before. Feeling sorry for herself, she kept in silence for she knew that it was the best thing. Perhaps life is supposed to be that way. She never shed a tear, nor did she cry in silence for she knew that perhaps she deserved those things. Maybe it was her fault so she never fought back, besides she was so helpless. 

The girl manages the cycle...

This girl manages the cycle of the physical world during junior high, faced whatever difficulties came in her way and met new beings. During this phase of life, she senses some fondness on some particular individual. A desire to be caressed by which her heart has its place, a sensation grew intensely she was aware of. When she’s being persecuted and intimidated by someone else, he was there to protect and defend her. It was somewhat beyond her belief for she did not anticipate such an event in her life. 



“(laughing impishly)…what did you say loser?” A chorus of mischief was heard inside the classroom. They were having an activity when some of the girls picked her to tease.


“Leave her alone,” a tough voice came out from the back, giving a stern look at the girl who was mean to her. 

“Sit beside me, you’ll be safe here,” Enos directs her, as he guides her to sit beside him. They both ignored the mean girl who walked away from them, causing everyone to stay silent.

She sits beside him...

She sits beside him as being told, safely and in peace. A subtle smile suddenly appears on her innocent face because there is a real protector she never expected to come along. A real story of a knight in shining armour as they always say. For her, he is the most seamless guy she’d ever met. Tall, dark and handsome…those hands she wishes to hold, straight and fine hair that she adores, tidy shoes and his fine penmanship she habitually gazes upon. 


One day, much to her most utter surprise, a dreadful hearsay about the guy which rattles her as if she’d turned into ice and became speechless. She thought that they had the connection going on but all of it was just an assumption on her part. Her bones suddenly weakened and she leaned on the table for support otherwise she might lose her balance. Everything seems static and she couldn’t even feel her body. A voice wants to remind her that she had turned into red because of flushed cheeks. She wishes to hide such emotion but nothing really matters more than her first heartbreak with the man who used to be her first love.


Tears of the heart remain inside her which made her want to be embraced by the dimness of so-called nowhere. 

Before long, she met lovely

Before long, she met lovely people. “MY LOVES,” was their terms of endearment. These five damsels let their playful minds comfort them and they remain as calm as the sand still on the shore. One of them had given her a gift, a diary where she could preserve her memoirs. There she manages to touch those pages and discloses every chapter of her life. She dreamt to own a flower shop so she planned to travel wherever she wanted. 

However, before this dream could have happened, a particular guy happens to confess his emotion towards her. He is from another school and they have met from a restaurant wherein these five damsels used to eat. He intends to give her a necklace which has the letter “L” on its pendant. 


It was a sunny day and the man paid her a visit. The house was empty so she invited him inside and chatted for a while. It was an old house, scarcely any furniture but the wind was chilly and the ambience was cozy. It was neither romantic nor dispassionate for they still both barely know each other. Nevertheless, the man is serious and he likes to woo her.

I want you to have this present

“I want you to have this one as a simple present,” the man stood beside her and handed her the gift.

“Let me guess, L stands for your surname, isn’t it?” she asked him while holding the necklace.

“Perhaps. But it could be for LOVE either, he replied.”


Sadly, she did not accept the proposal to be his inamorata for he was then too good for someone like her. “Too good to be true.”


Nonetheless, the guy is so kind that he accepted her refusal and he left to another state afterwards. Months had passed and her precious diary she wrote her yearning for him, whispers from the heart only the wind could hear her silent care. She had never heard of him since then.

Life turned the pages

Life turned the pages, she and her four friends finished junior high and started planning for the next segment of their lives. They’re quite unhappy for the path they will take could be in separate ways, but life is like that. Things may come and go. “Change is the only stable in this world.” So they set off and started their long journey.


As she walks through her life in the next stage and in an utterly sadistic word of mortal, she has become a girl who subsists in the lap of foolishness, an impious girl who dances in deceit and in confusion. Unwittingly, her innocence turned into immense falsity and turpitude. Eventually, she was brought home and given a time-out by her loved ones. Amidst of these massive predicaments, she had found a creature of which she carries in her hands. A subtle, exquisite little entity she's fond of, therefore she keeps it parallel to her heart. Thus, whenever, whatever or wherever she may be, they are always bound to stir as one.


Consequently, she breathes life into and summons her dreams again. From that day forward, wherever she goes, she always carries with her 21 lovely, unscathed tulips.

Chapter 2: The unveiling of this girl

Chapter 2

The unveiling of this girl… 


A frisky young little girl blossomed into a real, luminous lady. After getting her feet back unto the ground, she carefully touches her new realm with enthusiasm, letting the breeze sway her silky-smooth sundress, stride the green grass of her home, breathe unreservedly and hum the lyrics of her heart. This young lady who carries 21 lovely, unscathed tulips began her venturesome journey.


Flight KIS II-003, arrival at exactly 7:18 pm.

PERIDOT means Married happiness


She feels uneasy, anxious and unable to move caused by nervousness in her first time of travel. The captain of that aircraft seems to be hostile, shown by his stare and distantly unapproachable gestures. A  sound of broken glass caught the Capitán’s attention. 

That's alright Senorita...

“That’s alright Señorita. It happens sometimes, said the Captain as he helps her clean the broken glass on the floor.”

“I’m so sorry but thank you, Capitán, as she looks into his eyes.”

“Just call me Jan George,” they both stood up and gaze at each other. The time stops for a moment and a smile suddenly lights up their faces.


During the duration of such voyage, she happened to know him a bit closer but didn’t expect to be her acquaintance. First impressions do not always last.  A shadowless emotion seems to grow in a given instance, a sensation they never thought would come along and rouse their consciousness. She seems to be intoxicated by some undefined spirits and obliviously, she had given him her 18 lovely, unscathed tulips as the sign of their newly found relationship.

Reach Destination

“After we have reached our destination, try to take this route and rent this place,” he told her. 

“Hence, you will be my landlord?” she asked.

“We’ll see each other again, won’t we?” the Captain replied.

Capitán, I’d love to see you again.” 


and to him, she wrote her deepest sentiment…




It is pure and immaculate

You can definitely stare but hardly touch it

Its petals are folded and it might unfasten

in response to light or heat 

There might be a precious gem inside

but let nobody touches it

Nor shall take such one gem away from it


Tulip… a sign of perseverance

It definitely survives amidst the cold season

Nobody could ever destroy it unless you intend to ruin it


Tulip… such deceitful beauty it is

Its enchanting charm deceives everyone

Dozens of tulips make your day a lucky one

The plane had disembarked

The plane had finally disembarked and she carried her luggage with enthusiasm. She searched for the said house and stayed there for the rest of her journey. The smile on her face seems to stay there forever, or will remain there until her infatuation fades away.


The next morning, she paid a visit to a shop where she glared at the flowers while humming her own lyrics with such deep affection. Her glow can be compared to the flowers to its fine, purity and radiance. She exited the flower shop and smiled all throughout the city.

The Capitán went home

 Eventually, the Capitán went home after his flight hence they reunited together and this time, they have the chance to relish their true affection for each other. She also happens to meet the woman who gave birth to him, but to saddest dismay, they never had the chance to get along for Dolores has illness and is already tired living in this domain. However, during the course of their relationship, the Capitán pursued his career but never had forgotten his devotion to the señorita. 


Meanwhile, she sways with glee and keeps wandering to the city together with her tulips that are left in hand, that is, 3 lovely but became frailed and spindly tulips. Hours, days, weeks and months had passed, the Captain hardly kept in touch and they also seemed to have drifted apart. 


A gathering is about to be held at one particular town, a ball for all elite personas. She dressed up and decided to be in harmony with those who love social gathering. Into her most utter surprise, the Capitán is also present which led her into confusion and caused uncertainties. She wonders why he never told her about his visit to such party. A query that turned into doubt, disbelief into uncertainty and suspicion into distrust. 

The pain embraces her...

“He seems to be a gentleman with no care at all, her thoughts suddenly whispered.”



 The pain embraces her as much as the cold and gloomy song fills the hall. She left the place and trudged her way home without approaching the Capitán. Sad and tired, she directly went to her room…


“Season’s Greetings.” “Where’s my gift?” Alethea asked, her truthful little friend appeared all of a sudden.

“It seems that it is no Christmas for me. A relationship with no words is close to hollowness,” certain grief in her tone.


“The time will soon tell you about your status dear, wait upon him.” Alethea tapped her shoulder in so much care.

The Captain waved goodbye

 The Capitán waved goodbye towards her side as he drove his way apart from her. She was stunned in sensationless throughout the departure of her love. She just stares at him unassumingly and harmlessly. Swiftly in seconds, she opened her eyes…"oh it was a dream". Would it be an indication that they’ll be in separate ways one of these days? She keeps faltering in the middle of the night since anxiety is consuming her. 

She planned to see him for them to begin anew, therefore, she wrote to him her yearning and the Capitán had responded in no time...


My love,

      Meet me tomorrow afternoon at the park, 14:07 sharp.


Love and care,




After reading the letter

After reading the letter, she thought she was wrong, the Capitán still cares for her and longs to be with her again. She hovers in glee, she feels like she could drift from one tree to the other and glides with so much happiness. She waited for the next day and composed herself for there are lots of notions going on in her mind. It is rather a mixed emotion which is not familiar to her.


“What am I going to say? Will he propose marriage? He’s been my fiancé for six months and…and… oh my…”

“Calm down my dear, don’t be too excited alright. You’ll be fine,” her friend came into sight.

“What do you think will happen? I am so worried.”


“I see, things happen and will happen for a reason. Look beyond the line. But for now, time to bed dear.”

“Thanks!” a faint sound of sigh upon lying down on her bed until sleep had finally stolen her consciousness.



To be continued...

The Tulip



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.05.2020

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

2 my Family: Thnk U 4 being my support system from d day I set my foot here on earth until now N 4ever. I owe y'all evrything 4 y'all never fail 2 b there w/ me regardless of d predicaments that we all have been thru. Y'all have driven me 2 keep moving 4ward en the reason why I stand up every single time I fail. 2 God: I am grateful 2 you 4 U hav nver 4saken me. U are my map that keeps leading me 2 the cross w/c is my salvation as well as my redemption every time I am lost or commit a mistake. Should U hav gone sumwhere else, I couldn’t hav written ds book without U by my side 4 ds wisdom actually came from you. To God be the glory. Friends: U are my inspiration, role model, the characters and or roles in my novel. I am thankful 4 I hav met ol of U otherwise this book is nothing without y'all, who hav been part of me. Sumhow, sumwhere, I hope that this book will reach U en inspire U too. I have written this book on 08-12-08, therefore, exempted and if I meant friend, that includes U.

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