

The Land of Falador, Chapter XX


"We're in the middle of a war with the Pearl Isles," Scourge, the young king of Falador, said. "And I have some important news." The knights sat at the grand dining hall, staring at the young king in disappointment.


"I'm leaving Falador." Said Scourge. "I know a way to end this war, ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Launa, Scourge's best friend, gasped. "You can't leave Falador behind!" Minty declared, slamming her fist onto the table. "But I have to," Scourge replied. "It's the only way I can save this place."


Lancelot grunted, "Alas, sire," he said, shaking his head. "You mustn't leave Falador territory. You may have the power of royalty, but you do not have the strength to leave alone."


The other knights nod in agreement. "We must stand by your side, my liege." Said Sir Galahad shyly. "We do not want you to end up like your father - "


Scourge didn't hear the rest of Galahad's sentence. The only thing he thought of was his father. The man who abused his son at an early age. The man who killed his wife. The man who tried to kill Scourge. The man. . . Scourge killed with his own hands.


"ENOUGH!" Yelled Scourge. He stood up and points at Galahad. "Don't you EVER talk about my father again! You understand?!" He roared. Galahad widened his eyes. "I apologize, s-sire. . ." He muttered.


Scourge turned around. "I must go get ready to leave. Launa, Lancelot, you're coming with me. I'm putting Galahad in charge of Falador during my absence." Launa gulped, "S-Scourge. . . Where are we heading to?" She asked. Scourge smirked, but it was unnoticed by the rest of the knights. "We are heading to the Pearl Isles."



ღ♂01 : Sтяαиge Bøøκღ♂


'And so, the brave Prince and the beautiful maiden set sail for the Enchanted Island, the three faeries soared in the sky, following their ship out to sea. And they all lived happily ever af - '




"Same old, same old!" Sonic the Hedgehog sighed and looked through hundreds of books. He was at the library, and he was looking for a fairy tale read. He read almost every fairy tale known to mankind, but he wanted to look for something new.


He was tired of princesses and talking animals and happily ever afters. He wanted more than that. He wanted more excitement. He scanned the old, dusty bookshelves of the local library carefully, reading each book title as his eyes moved. 'Cinderella,' one book said. 'Alice in Wonderland,' said another. 'Aladdin.' Sonic shook his head. He read all of those books! He sighed. "No, no, no." He continued browsing the shelf.


That's when he suddenly found an old, black book with a yellow eye symbol on the cover. "The Land of Falador?" Sonic whispered to himself. He picked the book up. It was a very dusty book, indeed. It looked ancient, like it was buried in the ground for decades, no, CENTURIES. Sonic shrugged. He picked the book up and walked to the librarian. "Excuse me, miss?" He whispered. The librarian was an old, grey cat. She was typing away on her computer.


"Ma'am?" Sonic spoke louder. The librarian turned around. "May I help you?" She asked, her voice sweet and gentle. "I'm ready to check out." Sonic said, placing the old book on the counter. The librarian examined the book and pushed it back to Sonic. "No." She said.


"Why not?" Sonic frowned, pushing the book back to the old cat. She sighed, "That book is no longer available." She answered quickly. "But I found it in the fairy tale section." Sonic pointed out. "It was right next to the book Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland and Aladdin!" The librarian shushed Sonic, her voice colder than ice. "Listen, young man," the wise old cat whispered. "Nobody has checked that book out for as long as I've been here."


Sonic raised a brow, "Why's that?" He asked. "The reason is because the last person who checked that book out was somehow transported into the book," the librarian explained, "So let me say this again, loud and clear : DO NOT check that book out!"


Sonic frowned and crossed his arms. "May I at least read it?" He asked. The librarian nods, "Just be careful. If you see the words pop out, make sure to call for help." Sonic tilts his head to the side. 'Is this lady on something?' He thought as he walked to an empty table. He looked at the book cover. 'A librarian who won't let me check a simple book out is defiantly NOT a good librarian.'


The yellow eye looked like it was staring obliquely at Sonic. Sonic shrugged and opened the book. He began reading. . .

ღ♂ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ღ♂

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom known as Falador. Falador was a somewhat normal kingdom. Men worked hard, women kept the house stocked with goods and children learned and played. Unfortunately, though, the kingdom was under the rule of a very mean king, known as Scourge.


Scourge, being only 21, was the new king of Falador. Everybody feared him, but they obeyed him. He enjoyed life as a king, although it was sometimes boring. He didn't care about his kingdom's needs, such as food and water. He only cared about himself.


One day, Scourge was laying on his throne, reading a book when suddenly one of his brave knights burst into the room. "Your grace!" Said the brave knight. Scourge groaned and threw his book on the table. "What is it now, Lancelot?!" The young king demanded.


"We're lacking food and water badly," said Lancelot. "And it's YOUR responsibility to supply our people with their necessities! Didn't your father teach you - "


"Don't you DARE bring my father into your stupid little problems!" Yelled Scourge in anger. "He's no longer alive, so what's the point of dragging HIM into YOUR little situation?!"


"My lord," Lancelot sighed. "You are indeed very irresponsible. Ruling a kingdom is a hard job, you know." He said. Scourge sighed, too, "I know that."


Lancelot sighed, "I apologize, my liege." He mumbled. "Apoogy not accepted. But whatever." Replied Scourge.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ღ


"Some king this guy is," Sonic muttered. "Who wrote this book anyways?" He asked himself. He flipped the pages, scanning each one by one. "Wow, there's lots of blood." He murmured. "No wonder the librarian won't let me check this book out." He shrugged. When the librarian wasn't looking, Sonic stood up, picked the book up and made his way over tot he exit.


The librarian turned around quickly, "Have a great day!" She chirped. "You too!" Replied the cobalt blue hedgehog quickly. He ran out the door and all the way home, the book tucked in between his arms. When he got home, Sonic sighed and walked upstairs quickly. "You're home already?" His little brother, Manic, said. "Wow! You usually come home after supper!"


Sonia, Sonic's sister, smirked, "Maybe that old librarian Miss Jeanne kicked him out for staying after curfew!" Sonic rolled his eyes and continued up the stairs. "If you say so, sis!" He taunted. He walked to his room and closed the door. He looked around. Hundreds and hundreds of fantasy books lay either on the shelves, his desk or even under the bed.


Sonic walked to his study desk and placed the book down. He continued reading. "What a strange book so far," he muttered. He continued reading, until suddenly his eyes felt heavy. He yawned and laid his head on the desk, falling into a deep sleep.

ღ♂~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ღ♂

ღ♂02 : Sтяαиge Dαчღ♂


"Sir? Sir, wake up!" Sonic groaned. He opened his eyes and looked around. He noticed that three strange people were staring down at him. "W-Where am I? Where's Sonia and Manic?" He asked. A pink little hedgegirl holding a machete, wearing a white robe, a purple bow and a white beret stared at Sonic. She giggled, "What a strange outsider you are, Mister!"


A cream coloured bunny laughed as well. "And besides! What's a 'Manic?'" She asked. "My brother," replied Sonic, perplexed. The bunny girl tilts her head to the side. "I see." The purple cat crossed her arms. "We mustn't talk to an outsider."


"Come on, Blaze!" The first girl pouted. "He fell here, and we should at least make sure he's okay! Right, Cream?" The pink girl turned to her bunny friend. She nods, "Right!" The lavender cat frowned, "Amelia, we - "

"Just tell me where I am and how I get home!" Sonic demanded, causing the small group of girls to jump back in shock. "Yikes!" The bunny exclaimed. "W-Well," the girl spoke, "Welcome to Pixiana!" She chirped, grinning. "Wait, what?" Asked Sonic.


The girl giggled. "Welcome to Pixiana, neighbouring kingdom of Falador!" She repeated. "Kingdom. . . Pixiana. . . FALADOR?! So the librarian was right! I somehow transported into the book!!"

ღ♂ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ღ♂


"Sonic? Sonic, wake up!" Sonic groaned. "N-No. . . It can't. . ." He murmured in his sleep. "Noooo!!" His eyes shot wide open. He looked around. "Where are the girls at? Where's Falador?" He asked. Sonia laughed, "What are you talking about?!" She shrieked, bursting into laughter.


"Ugh. . . Sonia?" He rubbed his eyes. "What. . . Happened?" He asked. Manic walked in, chuckling. "You know, dude," he began. "Ya gotta stop reading those weird books and do something else for a while." Sonia nodded in agreement. "Manic's right, Sonic," she said. "Give your mind a break." Sonic shook his head, "No way, Josè!"


Manic and Sonia looked at each other and back at their twin brother. "If you say so," mumbled Manic. "I'm gonna get ready for school," he said as he walked out of the room. Sonia shrugged, "It was just a suggestion." She said. "You don't have to, but I highly suggest you do another hobby instead of reading books over and over again."


Sonic just sneered and turned away. Sonia frowned and walked out of the room. When she closed the door, Sonic sighed. He looked at his Pokemon bookbag. It was mostly filled with fantasy books and a little folder with the Mad Hatter on it.


He picked his book up and stuffed it into his bookbag. He walked out of his room, closing the door and locking it with his key. He dashed down the stairs and out the door. He ran as fast as he could to school, praying that he wouldn't be late.


The instant Sonic stepped foot into the school hallway, the bell rang for first period. On time! He thought. Normally, his teacher came in about five minutes later. So he had enough time to continue reading The Land of Falador.

ღ♂ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ღ♂

The Land of Falador, Chapter II


Sir Lancelot looked at the castle from afar. He watched the rain pour, examining the view. 'Scourge, you are indeed a moron,' thought Lancelot. He reached into his holster and pulled his majestic sword out. He looked at it and sighed. The sword was made of steel, and it was covered in rain. It had Lancelot's reflection on it. Lancelot held the sword tight. "I must protect the king," he muttered to himself. "For Falador. . . For Jaria. . . For everyone who is against the Pearl Isles!"


He smirked and raised his sword up high. "FOR THE KING!" He yelled, his voice echoing. He slowly put his sword down and sighed. He shook his head, "Nobody would risk their life for Scourge, though," he said to himself. "But they would sacrifice themselves for his father."


"What about Scourge's father?" A voice came. Lancelot twitched his ears and raised a brow. "Who dares disrupt me?" He demands. "I did, silly!" The voice giggled. "Show yourself!" Demanded the brave knight. "Uh, I'm up here!" Lancelot looked up. A tiny fairy girl with short brunette hair, glasses and hazel eyes sat on the leaf of the tree behind Lancelot. She wore a cute tiger striped dress, and her wings were the colour of a monarch butterfly. "Hi, there! I'm Tiger!"


Lancelot scoffs, "Fairies annoy me." He muttered. Tiger giggled, "If you say so! So. . ." She flew off the tree and sat down on his shoulder. "Whatcha doing out here by yourself?" Lancelot sighed, "Just. . . Thinking, that's all." He mumbled, shaking his head. Tiger frowned, "Ah. The kingdom has gone downhill thanks to that new asshole of a king," she replied.


Lancelot glared at Tiger, "Don't talk about my king like that. His father was murdered a long time ago, so that's why Scourge's mum, before SHE somehow died, was ruler of this land. Scourge makes everyone work really hard, and it's tough. We work day and night. I work constantly."


Tiger nods, "I see. Well, I only come out at nighttime or when it rains. I'm a water fairy, so yeah." She started to mess with her short, brunette hair. She then straightened her glasses. "Well, let's head back to the castle! I'm hungry! And Scourge is probably in his room as usual, doing something with his girlfriend Launa!" She laughed hysterically, but Lancelot didn't even crack a smile. "Launa is 14. Scourge is 21. See the difference?"


Tiger stopped laughing and blinked. "Ohhh. . . I don't know my own age. Anyways, let's go!" She chirped and flew off of Lancelot's shoulder. Lancelot groaned and followed.


ღ♂ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ღ♂


The bell rang and everyone got up from their seats. Sonic looked around. "Huh?" He was perplexed. "Have a great weekend, class!" The teacher said happily. "Ma'am!" Sonic called. "Sonic? You should be heading home!" The teacher smiled. "It's Friday!"


"Yeah, I know but - "


"Toodles!" The teacher turned on her heel and walked out of the room. Sonic picked his book up, shrugged and walked out of the room as well. He walked towards his locker. He opened it and took his stuff out, sighing. 'Did this book make the day go by fast, or is it just me?' He wondered.


When he got outside, Sonic sat on a nearby bench, reading the book. He was about to open it until he noticed something odd about the book : the eye on the cover disappeared. "Eh?"


"What's wrong?" Someone asked. Manic walked over, lugging his stuff with him. "Nothing," the cobalt blue hedgehog mumbled and got up. He stuffed the book in his bookbag and walked home, Manic watching him from the distance.


When it was time to go to bed, Sonic couldn't sleep. He was wide awake, thinking about the book. He had so many questions he wanted to ask the librarian, but he remembered that he stole the book from her. He sighed, "I feel so bad." He mumbled. He reached over to his nightstand and turned the light off.


ღ♂ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ღ♂

ღ♂04 : Tħe Kıиg αиđ тħe Oυтšıđeя♂ღ


Everyone sat around the dining room table. Launa was eating strawberry waffles topped with strawberry syrup, along with strawberry 7-Up, strawberry pudding, strawberry cookies and strawberry ice cream. Sonic was just eating a simple chili dog. "Minty must love strawberries," he muttered.


Scourge nods, sipping his iced coffee. "Launa from the Ichigo Hills. Ichigo is 'strawberry' in Japanese, so no wonder." Sonic nods and eats his chili dog. "I see." He muffled. Launa smiled, "Strawberries are delicious! You can never have enough of  'em! Want some?" She asked. Sonic sweat dropped, "I'm alright, thanks."

Launa giggled, "Theres plenty more!" Sonic sighed and picked at his plate. "So, how did I get here?" He asked. Scourge shrugged, "I don't have the slightest idea. Maybe Launa's eye on the cover was sending you dreams about this place, or you're trapped in a dream."


Sonic widened his eyes, "I can't be! I have to go home!" He cried, standing up. Scourge scoffed, "That's not my problem right now. My real problem is my people are suffering."


Sonic frowned, "But can't you see?!" He yelled. "I'm sick and tired of this place! I'm sick and tired of Launa and her bubbly personality! I'm sick and tired of your ignorance! I just want to go home! Take me home right now!"


Scourge chuckled, "You're such a child, Sonic. You need to stop reading so many legends." Sonic slowly sat back down on his chair in silence. Launa looked down, not saying a word either. So the three hedgehogs ate their meal quietly. When they finished, Sonic got up and went to the restroom.


He locked the door and looked into the mirror. "I want to go home," he whispered. "I just want to go home. I miss my family so much." He felt anger inside, along with confusion and hopelessness. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door. "Make sure to wash up. We're going out." It was Scourge's voice that made Sonic's ears twitch. "I'm not going anywhere."


"I guess you want to stay here for the rest of your life? There are so many empty pages in my book that are DYING to include new characters." He smirked. Sonic shivered. He didn't understand, but didn't like the sound of that. Quickly, he unlocked the door. "I sent Launa to find some clothing for you," Scourge said. "You should change out of those strange looking clothes and wear whatever she has."


Sonic looked at his t-shirt and jeans. "What's so weird about my outfit? Since when do boys care about clothing?" Scourge rolled his eyes. "The people hate outsiders. I want you to dress like us so you won't be taken away from here."


Sonic nods, "Alright then. . ."


"So wash up, make sure you look clean and don't do anything stupid." And with that, the emerald green hedgehog walked away. Sonic closed the door and sighed, "I hate it here. It's cold, the people are creepy and I'm feeling homesick. I'd rather be taken away from this place than live with a sarcastic guy and his annoying friend."


He took his clothing off and turned the shower on. He then started to wash his quills, getting ready to go wherever Scourge leads him to. . .

ღ♂05 : Lø¢κeđ Aωαч♂ღ


When Sonic finished washing up and getting ready, he followed Scourge out of the palace. "W-Where are we going?" Sonic asked. "To Axahan River," Scourge said. "Why?"


"Because we're going to find a way to transport you home." Scourge replied. Sonic nods, "Alright." When they walked out of the palace, Scourge started to sing a strange song.


It sounded so familiar to Sonic, he listened closely. 'He's singing a song from the anime Princess Tutu,' Sonic thought.

"Yonde iru koe saa me o samashite Nakigao nugutte mabushii hikari kigi no utsuyu Umareru

Dare mo shiranai himitsu no mizube de Odore inochi no Pa kitto (Pas de Deux) Kyou mo yume miteru

Sore wa yasashiku hageshii nagare ne Doko made tsuzuku rabirinsu~ Watashi wa yukou Nigirishimeru yume

Yonde iru koe watashi ga hitsuyou? Kanashii mayou no tobidatsu tori yureteru hana Sasayaku

Sayonara namida anata wa suteki yo Odore inochi no Pa kitto (Pas de Deux) Ashita o yume mite

Watashi ga yuku wa sono te ni watasou Egao hitotsu de hora ne konna ni atatakai

Dare mo shiranai himitsu no mizube yo Odore inochi no Pa Kitto (Pas de Deux) Asu o yume miteru

Sore wa yasashiku hageshii nagare ne Shiawase sagasu rabirinsu Watashi wa yuku no yo."


Sonic smiled and clapped. "You're good," he said quietly. Scourge looked down, "Nah, I'm not that great. Anyways, let's keep going. Jaria River is a few feet ahead."


Sonic nods, "Alright. So when we get there, what should we do?" He asked. "You Möbians ask so many questions," muttered Scourge. "Eh?! How did you - "


"Launa told me. Remember that she was watching you." He said, "Which is NEVER a good thing, unless you're her ally." Sonic shuddered, "She's a yandere?"


"Not necessarily a yandere, but more like creepy." Replied Scourge. "Lets just shut up and continue." He walked a bit faster, making Sonic worried. He was stuck in a weird book with weird people, weird personalities and weird foods. He didn't like it here so far.


They finally reached a beautiful river with clear water. Sonic knelt down and gazed into the water. He could only see his reflection. Scourge knelt down next to Sonic and dipped his finger into the water. The clear colour changed into black. "Woah!" Sonic exclaimed. "How did you - "


"How should I know?" Scourge scoffed, "This is Falador. Anything's possible, Blue." Sonic snickered, "Blue? What kind of a nickname is that?" Scourge rolled his eyes. "It's better than calling you a moron or dumbass, right?" Sonic nods. "True. . ."


Scourge looked up and noticed the sun was setting. Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Why's the day ending so quickly?" He asked. Scourge got up, "It only takes Jaria twelve and a half hours to rotate around Dekai." He said. "Who?"


"The Sun God of Jaria. We believe that Dekai is the reason why we have light. He is in the middle of our solar system." Sonic stayed quiet. 'Wow,' he thought. ' Scourge may be a jackass but he's pretty smart.'


"It's past curfew for upper class," Scourge said. "It's already 6 : 00." Sonic blinked, "Six o'clock already? But it's pretty dark out." Scourge sighed, "You don't understand, Blue." He looked at the river again. This time the colour changed back to clear. "So. . . Why're we here again?"


"Because I like it here." Scourge said, a smirk on his face. "I thought you said you'd help me get home!" Sonic cried. "I was joking, Blue," Scourge laughed. "Youre stuck here, Blue. Forever."




"Clean your ears out! You can never leave this book until the text says so!" Sonic stopped talking. He didn't like the sound of that. He then shivered and cleared his throat, "Scourge."


"What is it, Blue?"


"Take me back to the castle."

ღ♂06 : Møяиıиg Gяα¢e♂ღ

"Where is it? Where is it?!" Back at the castle, Sonic ran into the royale library. He frantically searched the shelves for a spell book, but so far no luck. All of the books were in another language, and hard to even READ. "Is there any book in English?!" He cried.


Scourge and Launa peeked through the doorway. "Should we help him?" Launa whispered. "No. I actually want him here." Scourge smirked. "If you say so. . ." Launa murmured.


Sonic ran around the massive room anxiously. After twenty minutes of looking at the shelves, he got exhausted. "These books look all the same," he sighed. "All in a different language!"


Launa sighed and tosses Sonic a book. It was a spell book with English text, alongwith the weird language.

Sonic raised a brow but took it anyway. He quickly flipped through the pages, desperately looking for a spell that will take him home. None of these spells could take him home. "I want to go home!!" He cried angrily. "This place is so creepy!"


Launa suddenly had a great idea. "Let's go," she whispered, dragging Scourge away from the library door. Sonic sighed and threw the book to the floor. He walked out of the library. "I'm so pissed off," he muttered.


He looks around for Launa and Scourge. "Yo! Anyone here?" He called. "In here, Sonic!" Came Launa's voice. Apparently Launa was outside. Sonic glanced at the door that lead outside the castle. He walked out and gasped.


"Wow!" He cried. He looked around. There were beautiful flowers, like roses, violets and daisies. It was warm outside, and the sun shined brightly.


Sonic looked at Launa, and she was on the swingset. Her dark brown quills bounced as she swings up and down. "Do you like it?" She asked. Sonic nods. "It's the most beautiful scenery I've ever, uh . . . Seen!" He chuckled. "Where's Scourge?"


"At Heaven's Lake," replied the little hedgegirl. "Heaven's Lake? Where's that?"


Launa dragged her feet on the ground and rolled her eyes. "Behind me, Sir Asks-a-lot-of-pointless-questions!" She pointed to a beautiful lake behind her. Sonic looked that direction and smiled, "Okay, then. And nice nickname for me." He joked and ran off to the lake.

ღ♂07 : Heανeи'š Lακe♂ღ

As Sonic ran, he suddenly heard strange singing. It sounded more high pitched, calm and mellow. Sonic looked around. He was standing in the middle of a faery forest. "Ichigio Hills," he mumbled. "That's where Lancelot met Tiger in the story." He ran faster, listening to the singing.


He finally came to a stop and spotted a little faery girl with blonde hair, a four leaf clover beret in her hair and a green dress, sitting at the lake with Scourge. She giggled and started talking in another language. Sonic couldn't understand what she was saying. He wondered what was going on. He decided to walk over and ask what's up. "Hey, Green-o!" He called.


Scourge looked up, "Speak of the devil," he muttered. "What is it Blue? Where's Launa?" He asked. Sonic pointed east, "Back at the gardens. Is this Heaven Lake?" The faery girl nods, "Yup! Located in Ichigo Hills! By the way, I'm Tiger!" Tiger fluttered her tiny wings and smiled. "Are you an outsider? You don't look familiar." She muttered.


"Well, I got transported here and I'm looking for a way out," replied Sonic. Tiger nods and taps her chin with her dainty little fingers. "I see. I can try and help ya. It depends, though."


"Depends on what?"


"If you're a character in the story, you can't leave unless the text says so."


Sonic raised a brow, "But this book is at my house, in my room." Scourge rolls his eyes, "So if someone finds this book and adds more text, we're fucked up." He added. "No cursing!" Tiger snapped. Scourge smirked, "Whatever." Sonic looked down, "I'll call my sister and tell her to - "


"We don't have phones here." Tiger said. "Only royals have phones." Scourge took his iPhone out and showed it to Sonic. "I can only call those who live in Jaria." He muttered. Sonic took the phone and looked at it. "Oh. How about I send my siblings a FaceBook message or Wattpad message or - "


"It won't work," Tiger said. "We don't have Internet. The only place that has Internet here is the Pearl Isles, and we're fighting against them." Sonic nods, "Oh yeah! You're in war with them like in the story!" Tiger shrugs, "Yep. We're lacking supplies to survive, and its all Scourge's fault."


"Shut up, it's not!" Scourge pouted. "I'm still young, okay?! You're what, 200 years old? I'm only a young adult!"


"Hes got a point there, Ti," Sonic replied. "Cut him some slack." Tiger crossed her arms, "FYI, I'm 250, not 200." Sonic rolled his eyes. "Is everyone here immortal or something?" Tiger shakes her head, "Only the faeries and dragons are immortal here." She said. The three friends stayed quiet for a while, until Scourge noticed the sun setting. "Wow, it's already the ninth hour." He muttered. "Better get going."


"Ninth hour?" Sonic tilted his head to the side. "We only have 12 hours a day here," Tiger replied. "Wow, this place is pretty weird." Sonic muttered and walked out of the forest. Scourge followed, and so did Tiger.

ღ♂08: Lıgħтš Oυт ♂ღ

When everyone got back from the lake, Sonic was exhausted. He walked into the palace, stretching and yawning. Tiger fluttered over to Sonic, "Tired already?" Sonic nods, "Yea, I guess. He walks into his room and lays down, staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, only flashbacks now taking over his head.


He remembered the conversation between him and Scourge about Falador. He remembered the three girls dressed as faeries. He remembered hearing Scourge sing in a strange language. He couldn't take more of this fantasy world. He wanted to leave.


Suddenly, there was a knock. "Enter," said Sonic as Scourge slowly stepped in. "Hey, Blue," he muttered, looking down. "Oh, hi." Sonic frowned. Scourge sits on Sonic's bed, "Um. . . I just have a question." Scourge mumbled, twiddling with his fingers and messing with his crown. "Make it quick," Sonic snapped.

"Do you like it here?" Scourge asked. Sonic sighs, "If I told you, you'd probably hate me."


"I already hate you, but I just want to know."


Sonic nods, "I want to go home. What if my siblings are looking for me?" Suddenly, he mentally slapped himself. "My siblings!" Scourge looked at Sonic, "Say wha - ? What about them?" Sonic stood up.


"I have to make sure Manic and Sonia are okay! God damn it!" He cursed. "It's all my fault! I'm stuck here forever, and now my siblings probably have a search party going on!" Sonic sighed, "I should've listened to the librarian at the library. I can't believe this is happening to me. . ." Scourge stayed silent for a while. "If I tell Manic and Sonia about everything that happened, they'll either laugh at me, send me to a therapist or worse!"


Sonic felt tears fall from his face. "I - I can't believe it. . . tell me this is a dream. Just tell me that this is a stupid, pointless, endless dream." Scourge sighed, "Are you always so worked up over something so stupid?" He asked. "Just calm down, Blue. We'll find a way to get you out of here. I might know someone who can help. Maybe." Sonic looked up, eyes full of hope. "Really? Do you think you can get me out of here and back to the real world - er - my world?"


"I think I can take you to them," Scourge muttered, "But it's already 9:30. You really need to lay down." Sonic nods, "Yeah. But I'm not tired." Scourge rolled his eyes. "We'll fix that," he smirked. Sonic blushed, 'Where is he going with this?' he thought.


"As a matter of fact, I'm gonna rest up a little." Sonic said quickly. Scourge shrugs, "Alright. See you later. . . Uh. . ."




"Yeah. Bye." He walks out, closing the door behind him. Sonic stares at the ceiling, deep in thought. 'Why is Scourge acting nicer to me? In the story, he was described as the mean, young king. And he's very demanding.' Sonic turned on the lamp on, and the room was no longer dark.


He suddenly heard a strange noise. It sounded like a bird flapping its wings, and it was coming from outside the room. Sonic groaned, and walked over. He opened his window, and saw three strange lights, flying around. 'They must be nymphs,' Sonic thought.


The nymphs were all giggling, and flying about. One was a small red haired girl, and her hair was tied into a braid. The other was a green haired girl, and her hair was long, possibly the length of Rapunzel's hair in the story of Rapunzel. 'How can a little girl so small have such long hair?' Wondered Sonic.


"Hey! You must be the king of Falador!" The green haired nymph called. Sonic chuckled, "No. I'm a friend of his," he replied. "Well. . . I think I am."


"Y'know," the red haired girl chimed in, "You look like Exira, the hero of the story." Sonic raised a brow, "No. . . I don't even know who that is. Look, I'm not - "


"From here?" A purple haired girl flies over. Her wings looked like pair of tiny angel wings, and her hair was short and layered. "Wait. . . You must be the hero of Falador!"


Sonic shook his head. "No. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, and I'm the hero of MÖBIUS. This isn't my home." The three nymphs stared at the azure hedgehog silently. "And besides," Sonic murmured. "I don't belong here." The first nymph, the red one, frowned. "Aww. Don't throw a pity party right now, dude!" She quickly changed her frowning face into a smile.


"Thanks. What're your names?"


"Why, I'm Bella. The red haired girl is Sararis, and the green gal is Manny." Manny and Sararis smile and wave. "Hiyas!" Sararis chirped. Sonic smiled, "Anyways. . . " Bella mumbled. "You should lay down, Sonic. You look sick, like you just got back from Heaven's Lake."


"Yeah, actually I did get back from the lake. It was beautiful, though. I might go back tomorrow, but by myself this time."


The three nymphs grin, "You do that!" Manny chirped. "We'll meetcha at the lake first thing tomorrow morning." Bella said. Sararis nods, "Goodnight!" The three nymphs hold hands and fly away.


Sonic chuckled, "At least they're friendly, and not annoying like Launa." He mumbled to himself, before heading back to bed, turning the lights off and falling asleep.

ღ♂09: Nø Oυтšıđeяš!♂ღ

Sonic could barely sleep at all last night. Those nymphs, Manny, Bella and Sararis, were the only things he could think of at the moment. He woke up at about 6:30 AM the next morning. The sun was partially up. 'Sunrises here must be pretty early,' he thought to himself. He got out of bed and changes into his normal day clothes. He quietly walks to the door, opening it.


The hallway was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop, even from the basement. It was the perfect chance for Sonic to run back to the lake, to meet with the nymphs. Sonic quietly tiptoed down the hallway, trying his best to limit how much noise his feet made.


He suddenly turned around to see Launa standing right behind Sonic, holding a butcher knife. "Ah! L - Launa?!" Sonic cried. Launa laughed, "Heya! You seriously thought I was gonna kill you?! Nonsense!" She shrieked, laughing. Sonic glare at her, "Shh! Everyone's asleep!" He whisper shouted. Launa giggled again, "No, silly! Everyone's awake at this time! You just don't notice."


Sonic sweat dropped anime style. "Ah. I see now." Launa nods, "Mhm! Anywho," Launa reached into her Jack Skellington purse and pulled out a tattered piece of paper. "Take this." She said. Sonic raised a brow and took it. "What is it - ?"


"The map of Jaria, of course!" Launa chirped. "Jaria?" Echoed Sonic. "It was actually drawn by Scourge's father, Lord Maxwell the VI." Launa explained. "Ah. Wait, I read the book, but the author never wrote anything about the previous king, besides the prologue or whatever." Launa nods, half-listening. "Mhm, okie."

Sonic sighed, "Well, I gotta go now! See us, Launa!" He said quickly as he dashed down the stairs. 'Maybe if I meet those girls at Heaven's Lake - '


"Halt." Someone snarled, interrupting Sonic's thoughts. Sonic widened his eyes. The person standing at the entrance of the castle was a tall, ebony black hedgehog. He wore armour that covered every part of his muscular body, even his eyes.


"Where do you think you're going?" It was Lancelot! Thinking fast, Sonic replied, "For a quick run around the village." Lancelot frowned, shaking his head. "You fool. We're not safe here anymore. Nobody's allowed in or out of the palace, except for King Scourge." Sonic crossed his arms, "And who are you to judge me? I'm not from here, FYI!"


Lancelot scoffed, "That is not my concern. Unless Scourge told you to leave." Sonic thought for a moment. 'I should just tell him the truth just to get pass hom. Or lie. As Sonia once told me, "The truth sets you free." So what should I do?'


"Outsider." Lancelot snapped. Sonic flinched. "Oh. . . Well, Scourge told me to, um, go and find Launa and . . . uh. . . " suddenly, a smirk formed on Lancelot's face, although Sonic couldn't tell because of Lancelot's helmet. Sonic continued to stutter. "I understand, kid. Go on. But first," he pushed Sonic against the wall. "You gotta tell me the password." He said in a seductive voice. Sonic blushed, "Uh. . . Please? Open sesame?" Lancelot smirked, "No, stupid," he took his helmet off and threw it to the floor, a loud BANG! echoing in the room. "I meant something else."


Sonic growled and pushed Lanxelot away. "Get away!" He shouted. Lancelot had a smirk on his muzzle, "You're so cute when you're scared, Outsider." He said. Sonic blushed furiously, as he dashed out of the palace.

He took one look at the map Launa had given him. 'Heaven's Lake,' he thought. 'Wasn't it this way?' He ran to the right, and headed towards a strange dark forest, just ahead of him. 'Is this it?' He wondered. He shrugs and runs deeper into the woods. He looked at the map once more. "Heaven's Lake. . ." He mumbled.


Sonic ran as fast as he could. He finally reached the end of the forest, to find himself surrounded by pink flowers, cherry blossom trees, strawberry bushes and rhododendrons. "No. . . " Sonic mumbled, looking at his map. "Damn it!" He cursed.


"Are you okay, mister?" A sweet voice called. Sonic turned to see three girls dressed as fairies. One was a sakura coloured hedgegirl, the other was a cream bunny and the last girl was a lavender cat.


'Wait,' Sonic thought. 'Those girls. . . They're from that dream I had!!'


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.07.2015

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