

Pounding. A constant pounding. Even as the shadows slithered down the walls, creeping slowly to lap at her feet, there was still that pounding. Every breath brought and icy sting to her lungs. She shivered violently, her body trembling with exhaustion. Cold sweat poured from her body, the thick darkness was almost upon her, she made to push herself back but her body seemed to be frozen in place. Panic made her breaths faster, the stinging air made her lungs ragged as it shredded them to ribbons. Sweat dripped off the tip of her nose, she steeled herself for what she knew was coming. Closing her eyes she sought escape, the darkness was unyielding. But at least there was that pounding.


The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Lizibel was fuming. She had spent the whole night tossing and turning, catching minutes of sleep in exchange for hours of wakefulness. She could hardly keep her eyes open anymore, but every time her eyes shut, a strange darkness flitted beneath her eyelids. She couldn’t lay down without having a strange uneasiness seep through her body causing every nerve to stand on high alert. She sighed heavily, “What are you doing to yourself?” Her voice was a whisper in her room, overshadowed by the noise from the outside world. Lizibel pushed the covers away gingerly; even so a sharp pang struck her ribs as she moved. No matter how careful she was they always hurt nowadays. Clenching her teeth she sat up quickly, the pain tore at her bringing tears to her eyes. Exhaling sharply she turned, setting her feet on the lush blue carpet. Sunlight streamed through the windows, past the curtains casting a soft glow on the room. Lizibel stretched carefully as she slowly made her way across the room to her closet. The heavy wood rattled as she slid the doors open, mindlessly she grabbed some jeans and a worn shirt. Returning she set her clothes down on the bed. Sighing she sat at the edge of the bed, reaching over she scanned her cluttered bedside table for the bottle of painkillers that had become a permanent fixture on the table. Finally spotting it; she snatched it up quickly, her hands shaking slightly as she twisted the lid open. Lizibel placed two small pills and swallowed them dry, tossing the bottle back on the table. From somewhere on her bed her phone buzzed catching her attention.

Standing she patted the bed and lifted the covers finally finding it at the end of the bed. 6 missed calls, 17 text messages. The phone buzzed again, 18 text messages. Lizibel frowned, “5 calls from Kate, 2 from Todd. 12 messages from Kate, 3 from Sarah, and 2 from Kim.” Lizibel chuckled slightly as a small smile stretched across her lips, “I bet Kate got dumped again.”

Leaving the phone on the bed she left the room and went to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth quickly then picked up a brush and began to run it through her tangled hair. Her eyes flicked up to look at herself in the mirror, pitch black hair framed an elegant face, it contrasted nicely with her pale white skin. Her eyes were a deep midnight blue, over a small pointed nose, high cheekbones, and shapely lips. Her hair hung to her waist sweeping over her delicate frame. She continued examining herself, noting the bags under her eyes and hollowed cheeks. Suddenly her eyes froze in their examination. She pulled the neck of her shirt off her left shoulder. There where her collarbone and shoulder met, a dark purple bruise stained her skin. She rose her right hand touching it gently, as soon as her hand made contact she pulled it back repulsed. Breathing deeply she released her shirt, pulling it back into place. The bruise had been about the size of her fist, it wasn’t in the least bit painful but Lizibel’s breathing became harsh. Squeezing her eyes shut she tried to recall when she might have bruised herself, her head shook gently not finding an answer. She walked quickly out of the bathroom as her hands trembled.

Going into her room she picked up her phone and checked the time. 8:23 am. “Shit I’m late”, she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag. “Mom?” no answer came. “Must have already left for work.” Lizibel’s hand rose to touch her bruise again. “Later”, she said exhaling through her nose, “Just get to school.” She grabbed the keys off the kitchen table and ran out the door shutting the door tightly behind her. Her spine tingled as she walked away. Turning she looked back at her house, she shivered feeling that uneasiness reach her again. Turning she grudgingly began to run towards school, bruise momentarily forgotten.


“Well?” her voice rung through the chamber echoing softly against the marble walls. Those echoes traveled through his body leaving him chilled. Even so he raised his head to meet her dark, empty eyes. “Yes my lady, it is almost done.” She rose then, towering over him as she stood on her shadowy pedestal. “Don’t try my patience darling.” Her steps were long, and languid as she slowly came to stand in front of him. She stroked his cheek gently, his flesh burned beneath her touch. His breaths were ragged, he bit his tongue to keep from screaming out. Slowly her lips brushed against his temple, leaving and imprint in burnt flesh. “Hurry my child”, she whispered as she brought her mouth to his ear, “this must soon be finished.”



Lizibel flung the door open, just as she heard the late bell ring. “Dammit!” The halls had been cleared of students, and she burst into another sprint. Every step was a loud thump in the silent halls. She reached her homeroom quickly, stopping right outside of the closed door to catch her breath. Nodding her head she cracked the door open trying to slip in quietly, a wasted effort as the whole class turned to her. “You’re late Lizibel”, she cursed mentally as she turned to the stocky teacher.
He looked to be in his late forties, thinning hair, and yellowing teeth on a round face. He walked to her stopping only a foot away. “I hope this will be the last time, otherwise I will be forced to take disciplinary measures”, his rancid breath brushed against her face. She gulped, nodding as turned to walk away. There were rumors about Mr. Lyle. Many girls had supposedly admitted to “pleasuring” him in order to receive a better grade. Others confessed he had grabbed them on more than one occasion. These were things that were quietly murmured and whispered about between classes, but no one ever spoke about it to any other teachers or parents. Rumors or not, the man was as creepy as they came.
Lizibel’s eyes roamed around the classroom, Kate was waving at her maniacally from her seat in the back. Mumbling a couple of “Excuse Me’s” she made her way to the empty seat to the left of Kate.
“Where the HEELL were you?” Kate screeched. A few other students turned back, but Kate gave them a menacing glare.
“What do you mean?” Lizibel stared dumbly at Kate, uncomprehendingly. “Oh mah God Lib are you stupid?! I mean the party last night, where the hell did you go?” Kate was giving her a wild stare.
“Kate what’s wrong with you? I went home”, Lizibel stared worriedly at Kate, the girl was either going insane or she’d had one drink too many before leaving home.
“Oh Thank God!” Kate reached over the desk to wrap an arm around her. “Lib you scared the shit out of us!” she continued, “What were you thinking!? Especially after that disappearance last week!” Now it was Lizibel’s turn to stare wildly at Kate.
“Kate what are you talking about?” Kate sighed exasperatedly, “Oh you know, that girl that disappeared by the park last week”
Lizibel rolled her eyes, “I meant the stuff about the party Kate.”
“Oh that!” Kate giggled, “Well Kim was pretty wasted so I was sitting with her, you weren’t much better though but you really wanted to dance and you know Kim is one of those pass out drunks so I was watching her and I accidentally lost you.” Lizibel was frozen as she listened to her friend, “I told Sarah to look for you and she said she saw you walk out with a couple of guys, I called and called Lib we got so worried! Todd was really mad too by the way so good luck fixing that, but you’re here now so yay!” Kate grinned happily at Lizibel, even as she gave her a blank stare.
“Lib?” Still Lizibel stared, not looking at her but through her. “Are you okay?” Kate sounded worried now, Lizibel’s gaze was dead of emotions. Suddenly Lizibel threw her arms out at Kate, grabbing the slight, blond girls shoulders she shook her roughly. “Kate what is wrong with you, I didn’t go with you guys to the party last night”, Lizibel’s voice was a hushed growl in the classroom. Kate squeaked as Lizibel continued shaking her. “Yes you did, Todd picked you up at your house, we danced together!”
Lizibel released Kate as she shook her head slowly. Kate glared at her as she slowly rubbed her shoulders. “Lib, we started drinking at like 10 you cant have forgotten everything before that!” Kate had gone back to giving her friend a worried look, at the same time Lizibel had begun to chew on her lip. “Lib are you okay, oh god did they put something in your drink!?” Kate was screeching in panic now, she tugged at Lizibel’s hand trying to get her attention. “Lib! Are you okay, what do you remember!? Did they touch you?” The students closest to them turned but they both ignored them. Lizibel shook her head slowly, she could taste blood where her lip had been cut open by her teeth. She raised her hand unconsciously to where her bruise was. She rubbed it gently over her shirt as she met Kate’s eyes. Closing her eyes she shook her head again. “No Kate, I’m fine. I guess I just had too many drinks, don’t worry about it.” Kate gave her a horrified look, “Are you crazy!? What if they did something to you?” Lizibel smiled at her, as she took her hand patting it gently. “No don’t worry about it, Im kind of starting to remember.” Kate didn’t look at all convinced but she nodded gently, if the girl didn’t want to talk about it then they wouldn’t. “Okay well, if you think you’re alri-“ the bell cut off Kate’s words. “I’ll see you at lunch okay”, Lizibel left the classroom with those parting words as she stalked off to her next class.

The rest of the day was uneventful. At lunch she had received a description of the guys she had left with from Sarah. Both tall, one had shoulder length blond hair, the other had dark hair that had been cropped short. They had been wearing jeans, the blonde had a leather jacket and the other had been in a black t-shirt. Sarah had only seen their backs as they had walked away from her, but according to her it wasn’t anyone from school.
As the final bell rang Lizibel made her way out of class at a sluggish pace, she wasn’t ready to go back to an empty house. She let herself be pushed in the crowded halls by other students that were rushing to leave. She felt something strong take a hold of her wrist and she was pulled out from the sea of students. The strong thing that had pulled her out was now attempting to crush her. She gasped for air as she pounded her fists against a broad firm chest. A small chuckle brushed against her ear making her shiver. The sound of that laugh made her surrender herself to the embrace, she threw her arms around Todd, hugging tightly. After a second he pulled away. “We need to talk”, the tone in his voice made her cringe. Sighing she took stepped back to look at him. 6 feet of pure muscle, but he had the sweetest face she had ever seen, his green eyes sparkled as he returned her gaze. “Do I pass?” he grinned at her and the smile lit up his whole face. “Sorry”, she said giving him an embarrassed look. He laughed again running a hand through his short brown hair. “Sooo?” he gave her a questioning look.
“Todd, about last night, look I’m really sorry. I jus-“ Todd put his hand over her mouth, stopping her mid sentence. She frowned up at him. “Don’t apologize Bell, I know that you don’t need to be chasing guys around. And were not anything really, so why should I care who you go home with. It’s not going to change our friendship right?” Lizibel looked up at him, wide eyed. Blinking slowly she nodded, “Right, friendship.” Todd grinned, “Well, see ya round”, giving her a parting look he turned on his heel and strolled away.
Lizibel turned and walked to her locker, the halls were empty again, just as they had been in the morning. She felt the familiar buzz of her phone in her pocket. Pulling it out she read the message from Kate, ‘Talk 2 Todd?’ Lizibel chuckled, of course Kate had seen them. ‘Ya’ she replied. Opening her locker she dumped a couple of books in her bag. Her phone buzzed again, ‘And?’ she stared at the message for a little. She didn’t really want to talk about it but, Kate was her best friend. ‘Well I think, no, I kno I just got friendzoned’ she stared a minute more at the text before tapping send. Hefting her bag over her shoulder she walked out of the school. Buzz. ‘Movie, my house, @ 8’ Kate’s reply made her grin, but Lizibel didn’t feel like bumming out Kate’s night. ‘It’s ok, I have hw’, Kate replied instantly ‘K’.
Lizibel walked home slowly, the gentle breeze brushed against her face. Already it was starting to get warmer, Summer wasn’t far off. Suddenly she heard a small thump behind her. She stopped in her tracks. More uneasiness. Dropping her bag she clenched her fists, taking a deep breath she turned quickly. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The long dirt road that led from her school to her house was completely empty. She looked around slowly, not expecting to find anything. The fields surrounding the road hadn’t yet grown crops and the dirt had that look of just being turned over. She was the only person there. She could still feel it, that familiar chill she got every single time she closed her eyes. The chill traveled up her spine, shivering she whipped around. Nothing again. She shook her head trying to rid herself of the feeling. Bending down she scooped up her bag, hurriedly throwing in the books that had fallen out. She heard it, another thump, just a few feet behind her. The sound of a foot hitting the hard dirt road. Her hands shook as she gathered her things faster. Another thump, closer this time. Finally throwing her bag over her shoulder she ran. The thumps continued after her getting closer with every second. Ahead of her she could see her house. She was barely able to push herself faster, her thighs were burning, but behind her she could feel the freezing chills. Finally her feet hit her wooden porch, she smashed into her door, yanking it open. As she threw herself inside she slammed it behind her. Collapsing on her knees she listened. The thumps stopped at her door. She could feel the, the shadows. Creeping slowly beneath the door. Then she heard them again, thumps slowly getting farther and farther. The shadows receded, and she let herself take a deep breath. Her body was shaking, tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. She dragged herself up to her room, letting her overused body fall on the bed. She was helpless to stop herself as her eyes shut, and delivered her to oblivion.

Dreaming, but....

Lizibel opened her eyes to feel something warm dripping on her face. The slick liquid oozed across her cheek, running over her lips to form a puddle beneath her head. “What the hell?” Lizibel lifted her hand to her face, wiping away the strange substance. The room was dimly lit, and the ground was cold and hard beneath her. Cold and hard? Lizibel ran her hand over the floor again, it was smooth beneath her fingertips, not what her rug usually felt like. “Umm where’s my bed?” Lizibel shivered, something wasn’t right. Sitting up Lizibel ran a finger through the puddle on the floor. The liquid was thick, clinging to her fingers as she raised her hand to examine it. In the dim light it appeared to be a bluish black, as she brought her hand closer to her face the smell came to her. Roses and vanilla, Lizibel inhaled deeply. The aroma was intoxicating, her eyes fluttered shut as she brought her fingers to her lips. Her mouth fell open and she brushed her index finger over her bottom lip, coating it with the thick liquid. Just as she was about to thrust her fingers in her mouth a muffled sound behind her broke her trance. A louder clang brought her back to her senses. Lizibel dropped her hand rubbing it against her jeans, turning slowly she saw nothing at first. Until she looked up.
He dangled on the wall, head hung low with thick locks of pale hair covering his face. He would have easily been taller than her, even if he wasn’t hanging above her. His arms were stretched away from his body, attached to the wall by thick metal rods. One went straight through his hand into the wall, the other appeared to pierce his elbow, the last went through his shoulder. It was the same on both arms. Another thick rod protruded from the middle of his chest. He appeared to be well muscled but it was hard for her to be sure, too much of his body was coated with that dark liquid. Lizibel’s eyes continued traveling over his body, through the middle of each thigh more rods held him to the wall. Finally she came to his feet, they were held together by a chain that pulled them tightly to the wall. Her breathing was fast and shallow. What the hell is this, she kept yelling it in her head yet she couldn’t seem to form the words.
“Lizibel”, she jumped at the sound of her name. “Lizibel”, his voice was hoarse as he repeated her name. Lizibel was shivering, but she stepped forward determinedly. “A-Are you okay?” her voice shook as she spoke. From above her she heard him chuckle hoarsely. “Lizibel”, he crooned her name softly. It broke her heart, she walked to the wall reaching her hand up to touch him. Even on tiptoes she couldn’t reach his feet, she jumped but still nothing. More of the thick liquid dripped on her, blood she realized now, that black liquid was his blood. Lizibel groaned as the sweet smell attacked her nose again.
“Lizibel!” his voice was a sharp command this time. She groaned in frustration, why wouldn’t he let her enjoy this.
“Lizibel go now!” She cocked her head in confusion. The chains were rattling above her, but she was too busy staring at the puddle of blood. “Aah”, Lizibel looked up to see him twisting in pain.
“Stop!” she yelled at him, “stop” tears stung her eyes as she watched him struggle. “Please”, she was whimpering now as she watched him struggle. He didn’t stop though, Lizibel was on the verge of crying, it almost physically hurt her to see him do that to himself. Stepping back she screamed at him, “Stop! Now!” He was still.
“Thank God!” she said wiping her eyes with the hem of her shirt. From above her she heard him hiss quietly.
“Lizibel you must never call upon him”, he growled deeply.
She blinked, confused again. He raised his head then. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed at him, he was completely breathtaking, flawlessly beautiful. He returned her gaze, his eyes roaming over her. Lizibel shivered as their eyes met, his were a shinning silver, they seemed to glow in the dark room. As she stared into his eyes she saw that his pupil was enveloped by a thin ring of artic blue, it almost blended into the silver of his eyes. Lizibel’s lungs burned, aching for oxygen. She couldn’t even bring herself to draw a breath as she looked at him. Closing his eyes he turned his face away from her, Lizibel whimpered before taking a deep breath.
“You have to go”, he whispered still not looking at her. Lizibel stared at him, willing him to meet her eyes again, he didn’t. Another chain caught her attention, wrapped tightly against his neck it pulled him to the wall. She hadn’t seen it before because his head had been hanging down.
“Let me help you”, her throat felt dry, the words came out as a whisper. Another of his hoarse chuckles.
“You cannot”, she heard him take a shuddering breath, “Not yet.”
Lizibel frowned, “When?”
“Not yet”, his breaths were coming slower now. Lizibel panicked as she saw that his chest barely rose as he inhaled.
“You can’t stay here! You’ll die!” He responded with another chuckle, “I haven’t yet, we must wait a little longer. Then I will gladly go with you”.
“How am I supposed to get here again?” Lizibel’s head was starting to ache, she rubbed her temples as her vision became blurry.
“You’ll always know how to find me. Go now! They can feel your presence”, his voice sounded panicked.
“Who?” she was having trouble keeping her balance, the pounding in her head was making it difficult for her to think.
“Run!” he yelled fiercely, she went without arguing this time.

Her feet slapped against the stone floor. She could hardly tell where she was going anymore, there was too much pounding. She could feel them, following closely behind her. The shadowy strands licked at her heels as she ran. She shut her eyes, not wanting to see, she had seen this end time and time again. Just as she felt her legs give away it stopped.

Her eyes flung open. Bright light stung her eyes. She blinked away tears as she looked around. Her bedroom. Her bed bounced beneath her as she got up. She sighed contentedly as she walked to the bathroom. “Just another stupid dream”, part of her was glad, yet some deeper part was upset. Disappointed that she wouldn’t be seeing that man again. Running her hands through her hair she pulled it back with a hair tie. Raising her eyes to the mirror she almost collapsed on the ground. Her jeans had deep black stains where she had wiped her hands in the dream. Her shirt was stained, as well as her hands. None of that caused her to fall to her knees. No it was her lip, her bottom lip, where she had rubbed the blood. The black liquid still clung to her there, a drop made its way down her chin to fall on her shirt. She couldn’t catch her breath, her whole body was shaking uncontrollably. She wrapped her arms around herself as she sat on the bathroom floor. Tears streamed down her cheeks, shuddering sobs escaped her lips. This wasn’t possible she thought, rocking back and forth she continued sobbing. Raising a shaking finger she ran it over her bottom lip, it came away wet, covered in blood. Shutting her eyes tightly she tangled her hands in her hair, pulling at the roots. “What the hell is wrong with me!” She screamed in frustration, no one heard. Pulling herself up she tried turning on the sink. It took her a couple attempts, she could hardly find the strength to keep from falling. Quickly she splashed cold water over her face, it dripped off her chin, staining the white sink. Black. She kept washing, tearing at her skin. When she was finished her hands and face were read from so much scrubbing. Lizibel looked up to the mirror again. It was gone, she sighed relieved. Running to her room she tore off the stained clothes, rolling it in a ball she shoved it to the bottom of her dirty laundry hamper. Changing into some shorts and a tank top she hopped back on her bed. She took measured breaths as she tried not to think about what had happened. A single tear slid down her cheek as she thought of him. He can’t really be there, she thought to herself. She buried her head in her pillow, “Oh my G-“, she caught herself, he had told her never to call on him. Just as she was drifting off to sleep she felt his breath against her neck, “Don’t leave me here”. She murmured a response softly before falling asleep again.

“Lady?” he bowed his head waiting for her reply. “Yes?” her chilling voice made him shiver, she never ceased to have that effect on him. “She has found him”, he flicked his eyes up to her, expecting her reaction. A smile stretched across her face, a smile. Something no one had seen in the last few millennium, even the old King hadn’t been graced with a smile such as that. “Where?” she commanded. “Only the girl knows my lady, it is for her to retrieve him”. Her gaze became cold, smile dissolving as she turned to him.
“Don’t preach me on what I know!” she hissed.
“My apologies, I meant no disrespect”, he was visibly shaking from fear now. Her cold laugh cut through his fear, “Don’t worry little Prince, my mood favors you”. She stared at him for a couple of minutes, “Very well, go then”, she turned away from him laughing. “Yes, Queen Mother. It shall be done as you ordered”. The Queen nodded, watching her little Prince bow and stride away from the throne room. “So much like the original”, she murmured to herself, “yet so unlike”. Bowing her head she slipped back into the shadows that were her realm.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2013

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